Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jul 1897, p. 4

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Advertisements. iiiâ€"ital. (For til Ricinioxi) HILL. July 1st, 1897. in: ” THE 12TH GI“ JULY AND 17TH Olt‘ MARCH.“ An editorial in the Toronto ll'orld of Friday last contains so much com- mon sense that we take the liberty of copying it in full, an unusual thing for us to do. The article reads as follows :â€"â€" " The Remedial bill, introduced into the House of Commons by the late Government, had for its object the restoration of Separate schools in Manitoba. The bill was plainly a measure granting class legislation to the Roman Catholics of that pro- vince, and as such it was inimical to the best interests of the country. The Orange Order, we take. it, was organized, and is perpetuated, for the very purpose of preventing the Roman Catholics from gaining as- cendency in the government of the country. But it Was not the Orangeâ€" nicn who prevented the enactment of remedial legislation. The Remedial bill was killed by the French-Canad ians, supported, as they were, by that large section of the community that belongs to no society, Protestant or Catholic. The Manitoba SCllOUl question was an issue upon which it would naturally be supposed that the Orangcmen would be united. But they were not. On the contrary, this question was the cause of disrup- tion in the ranks of the order, so 1: rich so that it is now in a criticai and shaky condition. The Orange 'Crder has in fact outlived its useful- ness. The rights and liberties of the Protestants are in no such danger as to call for the organization of a special society to defend- .and protect them. There was a time when Or- angeism had strong justification for existence. Today, however, no reason exists for its continuance. On _ the contrary, a blessing would be conferred on the country if the order 'ixould decide on dissolution or con- tinue as a purely benevolent organi- zation. The celebration of the 12th of July only serves to arouse and , eiiioitter religious animositics. What is especially desired in this country is a policy that will allay these feelâ€" ings instead of encouraging them. The flaunting of the Orange colors on the 12th of July is much like rais- iiw‘ the proverbial red flag before a, ball. The Oraiigeinen may safely trust themselves and their open Bible to the justisc and good sense of the electorate. It would indeed be a godsend to Canada if the people would bury the dead issues that give rise to so much squabbling and de- vote their attention to some of the practical questions of national and Imperial interest that are now before the public. The Orangemcn have it in their power to free the country of much of the religious bickering that is constantly cropping up. If the ~0rangeinen were to decide on cele- "brating the 12th of July by staying at home and attending to their every day occupations, the Irish Catholics 'Would soon follow suit and give up ’ their celebration of March 17. The dissolution of these organizations might destroy the influence of a few | politicians and bosses, but it would he a godsend to the people, Protest ants and Catholics alike. The dis~ appearance or these antagonistic so- cieties would pave the way for the disappearance of all our religious troubles and for the final amalgam- ation of the Separate and Public schools of Ontario. As long as the >12th of July and 17th of March are perpetuated just so long will such an amalgamation be impossible.” ‘ a I A N I can pay ten dollars 7 . I l weekly to a lady of mature age, refinement and tact to I spend her time in a. good cause. T. H. LINSUOTT Toronto, Ont. 9»â€" That Mortgage. ' '1‘.) the Editor of THE LIBERAL: , DEAR Simâ€"«In your issue of last work 1 find a communication frow Mr. I. ‘1‘ e Crosby seeking information in I‘L ci-cnce to mortgaged properties, and l asking me to explain the situation. Now, Mr. Editor, Iani not accustoni- ' cd to newspaper writing, but such ig- norance. of municipal matters as is shown in Mr. Uroshy's communication i should certainly be enlightened. l 1st. A similar by-law (Byâ€"Law No. 7 "i has been passed every year for the v I; t '3!) years in the County Council at : Its rcgular meet" rs, with the except~ vi )li cf the year 15%, when the council iicglcctcd to pass a hyâ€"law at. the J uiic scssimi. and the conscqucncc was the \Vai'dcn was foi'ccd to call a special IllPt‘llllg' on the llei of. July of the same year to i'cnict‘ly the iiiistnkc. which ll('§.§lt‘Cl cost thc count y upwards of $3o~oo Nnvs. Sir, Surely )li'. Crosby. with all his natural sugucity, not. takingr iii- to (aiiisidcintinii what he has um”!in d llii'oirrli ycni-s of cxpci'iciicc. Would not i-i-coiiii‘ncnd the council of MS)? to commit the same crror. As to tho l'))'»ll‘.“'. I am sure Mr. t‘i-nsivv could not have I'l'lltl it Very curt-fully, for I am ritll‘irlllf‘tl ll“ has Far too much cuiiinmn scnsc to consiiuc it ll) nuuti any such thing as u iinu‘tgugc. \‘v'lll‘il it is simply giving the \Yaidcii and lhc 'l‘i'cnsiii'ci' power to lmiiow fil'n'll sums as may be uccdcd bcfnrc the 1:: runs (ll‘(‘ collcc '~d iii the l" ‘1. .‘iii'. (‘i'tvsby must curtain ’kumv it is wh ll zlliiu/s cvci'y iiilini<. pilily and a great 1n.:.iy .iclimil Boards l‘ vc to do. And l'nrtln rmtii-c hu must, have St‘f'li in thr- by~l;:v' that tho sum :u' sums :in bur- I‘()\\'l1i.\'llllll lit‘l't‘Pilltllll](il‘ll(i<>l‘5' lhc Illst ti‘ llcccinbci'. ISSIT. So you sz-c. Mi: l’ulitoi'. it is in no way like even a 30 you r (lc‘nciil mic dcbl. Ziiil.‘.\s to why it is ncccssai-v for a rich in unly to borrow 111011" 'lVlH‘ connij' has in finance. not only i'ni'thc ordinary cxpciiditnrc of thc count y. but :ii- H for the judicial as well, and it would u: ccssiiatc carrying .1 vci y la: ow amount oi'moiu-yon hand for a full year. vsliicli thc couniy to do. For iiistain-c. is it not. bctwr in borrow :fillldllhl for two iimnlhs at. livc per cent. than to kccp that money out of lhc wouplc's pin-kits for tcn months in advancc of whcn it Would bc icâ€" qnii-cd? Now. thc piw sud by~luw was passcd .liiiic thh. :Ii.d it is ind likcly any (:i' the inniicy will bc bui-rmvv-d for say tun or cvcu thi-cc months, and. thcii only if l't’llllli’l‘ll. Then. Sir. as to my bcinnr so “un- cciiipi'cmising" in my oppnsil ion to such iinii-tgagcs, he must, bc wrong.‘ for I have votcd for lhcni cvcry ycoi' forthc past 11 )‘t‘nl‘a‘. and have lile to scc thcin :lll paid oil. which I sin- ccrcly il’qTf' lic will be able to say (If the lam oiic hc so willingly liclpcd in burden the village of Richmond Hill with. Tll-"l'i' is. Mr. Editor. :1 class of 111011”: n'cs I am dccidcdly npprnu'd in. PcI-li <1hal is the kind .‘lr. (‘rosby has re rein-c In. that is .‘w’il ycav inin' ~ gugcs tor the small sum or .‘niidllitl, or really 2,320”. as We have ali'czidy iii the \‘lll/lil‘i" trcasury thc sum of $.‘iiill. I lililllil.“lll, Sir. that. it is :I disgrace to our village thar we are put iil’lllui posilicn . havetopny within :t frucâ€" tioii o" H.000 to borrow $3,!llid, only a. inun on the verge of bankruptcy is forced to that. I know, Sir. I have bccn accused of I opposing the High School. And why 3’ Simply because I have opposed un- Iicccssa‘ ' expcuSc. Home of those geiitlcincn know that l have always fought the battle for the High School ltn‘vh at home and abroad. when men then were elected for that purposc should have done so. And when they are moving around amongst their neighbors and using such means as they have been using to injure many good citizens. they forge-t tiic ninth commandment, or it. was not. prop; ly taught them when young. I am sorry, Mr. Editor, to have taken up so much of your valuable space. Hoping you will forgive me, I re- ninin, perhaps as good a friend and wcll-‘vishcr of Richmond Hill and neighborhood as any other citizen. \V. H. PUGSLEY. Jnnc 29th, 1897. I). 5§.â€"A copy of the by-law which has disturbed Mr. Crosby’s rest has been lcft at THE LIBERAL office, and may be seen by any person interested. \V. H. P. W 5i NTED f9 1‘ 1. I V - l “ Queen Vic- to ,II’chcign and Diamond Jubi- lec. Overl‘lmving with latest; and richest pictures. Contains the en- dorscd biography of Her Majesty, with authentic History of her 1~ciiiarkublc reign, and full account. of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.51), Big book. Trcnu-mlhus dci'nand. Bonanza. for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. OUTFIT Fit-16E. Duty paid. \Vrilc quick for outfit and territory. ION COMPANY, Dept. ’7, 356 Dear- horn St. , Chicago. 51-13 o TESTON. The Festival in connection with the Methodist Church Festival on \Vcd- nesday, the 231d of June, proved to be an ciijoyablc affair. The only disapâ€" pointinan was in the nonâ€"arrival of tlicstrawberries which had been 01-- dered in good time. Ice cream, how- ever, was substituted, and everybody seemed satisfied upon hearing the ex- planation of the committee. The pro- graiiune Was well carried out, and consisted of addI-csscs by Revs. Messrs. Stilu ell and (lhatman, vocal selections by Mrs. G. Cook and Mr. J. Blough, and songs, recitations and dialogues by the children of the school. The children did remarkably welL and the praise was unstintcd for those who had the festival in charge. o A NOTABLE WORK. “Pebbles from the Path of a. Pil- grim” is the title of the life story of Mrs. H. L. Hastings. Her sufferings in carlylifc under a. guardian who lcruelly used her. her later life a‘ missionary in the south and many other incidents make the hook ex- ‘cecdingly interesting. .It is a work of much value, and every home should have a copy. Price 50 cents, nicely i1- ilii'stI-ated, and well bound in paper covers. Address H. L. Hastings” 47 lornliill. Boston, Mass. Copies of many of Mr. Hastings’ publications may be seen at THE LIBERAL Office. has no right ‘ Tl IE DOMIN- ~ PEESORAL'CS. Bliss M. Kyle of Toronto, is visiting lie-r aunt, Mrs. G. “'ilcy. ‘ Miss .‘Illlllit‘ Moore of Orilliii. spent S Lllll‘lllly \‘. lth the N sscs 'Ieciy. Mr. and 311s Haywood of Orilliu. Ill'ter- through our villagc on Saturday they called on IN" and Ellis. inst: 'iwry. Mr. A. ll. )VIiIL'l.‘i‘-Il, oi' the \Villiams- I town High School, is spcuding a few (lz‘ys with his l'athcr-in-luw, Mr. B. lit-l'lonald. Fir. Jacob Atkinson of Challiam. spent .‘i day or two with his nit-cc. 313's. \V. ll. l’riusicy, and Iciui-ind on 'l‘ucrday. Ila-v. .l. Vit'kci‘" and Master Staiihy Vickcr‘q (il' Hcai-hnro‘, fox-iiicily (in this ('li'l nit. spcnt 'l‘liui’sdny night and Friday with lriciids lici-c. Andrew Ncwion and Mastcr Lll‘it" Ncwiuii spcni. Saturday and Sunday at lhc honic (if Mr. U. Newton in Aida-ii, New York State. . IN. Mr. ‘Cultcr )chn-an. tcaclicr in thc Iliuiiiluii'd ll]:~lllllit' for lhc Blind. is spcnding’ part ol,‘ his holidays with his Slsil‘i‘, Eli‘s. \V. Marsh. Rcv. ill“. 'l‘ccfy lcfi Toronto on Mon- day lliHl'iii lg cn route for Chicago. Huh l-‘inn co and thc l’uciiic coast in r-lll‘lbl his licli'inys and recruit his health. "\‘Ccnrc plcnscd to iiritit~elli:1t. Mr. R. H. lbncs. cldcsl. son oi the rector ci'thispm-isb. has just gi-atlualcd in Arts at Bishop‘s (lolligc. taking thc highest marks of any man in the same year. i‘drs. “Talker. .liss Bridglund, .‘Ir. Oscar \Vciibm'nc, soloist St. .lumcs‘ (“zilhcdi'zih Air. H. Aslidmvii. Mr. H. llllllu’ll'. barrister: and Mr. \V. Allen, liabl'iN'lit‘l‘, son of Archdeacon Allen, \icicuiicstsol Mrs. .Ichll Thursday :tiid l"riday of last week. -â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"fiOO-â€"â€" “'AN'l‘iil). .\lcn and \Vomcn who can work hard talking: and \viitiiig six hours daily for six days a chk, and will be coiiir-nt \vilh tcn dollars \Vcckly. Ad- di-css. VEYK IDFAS (0., Brautford, Ont, lailttl Sicilian In the matter of MICHAEL OSTE 3, 'Lite of the Township of Vaughan in the Counâ€" ty of York, Farmer, Decens‘ed. Pursuant to It. S. 0. Chapter 110, notice is here'iy given ,tliiit all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Michael Ostcr, who died on or about the 25rd day of April, A. D. 1897, are required to send on or before the . 25th Day of July, 1897, Byfpost prepaid to James ()stor, Concord P. 0., or Daniel Smith. Uninuvule, executors of the LELBLC of the said deceased, their names and :nfrlrcsscs with full particulars of their clamis an i the lletulH oi the security, if any. held by 11 em. Ntiflt e 1:: Iurtizcr given that after July ..\. D. L‘S'l,the excl-nuns will proceed to .tiillu‘tc tiic sets of the said estate anion; t ,vuxtics entitled thereto, having reaanl only 1.0 tho cm isof which they shall have then re- ccived notice, and the executors will not be noble for the said assets or any purl. thereof to any person or pcrr-ons of whose claim notice - notli we been received at the time of ll . intion. Dated at the Township of Vaughan the 12th day o1 Juno, A. 1). 1:07. COt‘li 6.: MACDONALD, No. 1 Adelaide St., East, Toronto. Executors' Solicitors. this all realist: TO RENT. Store and Dwelling to rout in the Village 0 Richmond llill. For particulars apply to 27' Li ISAAC GROQBY Who can think '0! some simple lilaiiietiâ€"lia Idea .,.....,....... Protect our ideas; theE may bring you wealth Write J HN W'EDDEHD RN & 00.. Patent Attor- neys Washington, 1). t‘..tor their 8!,800 prise one: and hat or two hundred inventions wanted. some sites Farmers and otheis should not tl eir work done at the Repair Shop, m1: 0. mi.e west of RICHMOND ‘HlLL, Known as Boyle's Mill. The undersigned will be pleased to go to the field when necessary to repair Knottem, Binders, Mowers, 4&0” and having had 15 years’ experience can guarun~ tee good woxk. Set of Guards for Mowers ground for $1, and all other prices right. Mowin‘; Machine Knives of all kinds repaired and Sections kept for sale. Mist-class PLOW POINTS, Sole Plates and all kinds of Malleables cou- stuntly on hand at the shop. Castings of all kinds and GilliTEfi FGR EllilihES Made at this piacr: at low prices and on shortest notice. W. MAGER. Richmond Hill, June 17th, 189']. Wantedâ€"An idea “’“° °"“‘“‘“ 0! some slmpée thing to pateu 7 Protect Write J (your ideas: the may bring you wealth. EN WEDDERB RN & CO. Patent Attor- neys Washington. D. C.. for their “.800 prize ode: and list or two hundred inventions wanted. Ripans Tabuies; Ripaas Tabules: gentle cathartic. .Ripans Tabulcs: one gives relief. an... . . I - _ w , V.“ . magi g3»; v..~_-,'-m25.11,u‘mw‘ledflqugflEh‘mxwmw .7 m9???» ‘Qli’lllfil lllli (Estahlishefl 1834'?) FE. A GQFQ)E) INW'EEFEWZPR‘EECT‘JIF. OVER 4 PER CENT. COl‘d‘BOUND IN”BREST. Actual result in the Canada Lil'c. on Policy No. 7063 on the life of David Scroggic, (i‘viielpli, Ont. Endowment of $2000. payable at new [24‘ l-\' ll! pi‘cini. Issued 13th April 1 l. A gc T“ turn-l ' Amountcrf cndnvvincnt. 32.1%” ; llll‘Olilll. oi" pi oiits, silliii: premiums paid, $1,181): rciuin ()V-‘l’ cost. 3 . This shows an iiiveslinciil (if OVER. ~l l’l‘ill (‘iCT-IT. (‘l 'Mlli ll'Nll INTEREST on all pi'i-iiiiiniis paid. in midi: inn to carry iiig the risk of $52,030 over 2? }t=.:,l: . - For rates, etc., apply to IE. A. Fixâ€"Ki’jlli “315,419; 4%. Animosity. muttâ€"an.” ‘1“‘W,m.m_â€"u- ..H..-.- mm meanest HILL aianyviar 0"“an O as for sale all kinds oi Hardware, Tinware, Mill: Fails, Pans, Creamers rail. Sizes and prices). N ails, eslioeks, Fencing and or div/Wire ~ ’33. Mini 03 at lowest prices. 1,. Furnaces of the as... , Stoves, Eavetrc'iugliing, and everything in the Tin and Hard- ware line at small profits and quick returns. it) lbs. 3-inch or larger Wire or flat; Nails for 25. cents. Repaiiing promptly done. â€" nun:- o. MASON, - RICHMOND HILL ~â€"-â€"_~ Shop RICH MON’D ' r"? , _ $33.1 Is the place to go for first-class HILL Harness of all grades, Buggy Dusters, Fly Nets, \Nool and Rubber Knee Rugs, \Vliips, And all Horse and Stable suppisues. Also in stock a full line of Trunks and Valiscs. p .___â€"-._..â€".__~__â€"_~_M Everything at prices as low as can be bought anywhere else. Call and see me :3? Repairing promptly attended to. 9-“? «cf/*2 (£18 Q. hicDOFS ALIJDG m W ttlliiltlllfilllili till. During the 10 years ending Dec. 31st, 139-“). Death Claims accrued to the amount of $1,565,858.00. DIVIDENDS.â€"Since organization the Association has paid and declared to Policyholders by way of Dividends over $1,042,000.0Crt‘. It saves money and pays it back again with interest at a time when it is most needed. To Policyholders for balance declared profits in 1896, $38,533.86. Or for every dollar received the Association returns $3.37. EXTENDED INSURANCEâ€"The unconditional accumulative policies issued by the Confederation Life Association guarantee extended insurairce after two years for an amount whirlr is definitely stated in the policy. It Is not neces- sary to apply to the Association for this boiielitâ€"-it works autoniatipally. Paid-up policies and cash values also guaranteed. Full Information Will be sent on application to I). G}. SA‘VAG'E , Richmond 1'} ill. Also Agent for Western Fire Insurance CO., York Mutual Fire Insurance'Co.. District Agents, London Guarantee and Accident Co. ; also apgiraiscr for Canada. Permanent Loan‘and Saying I . TO KNOW THE NEWEST anti EESI You must see our samples of littit lilies it C orp Ol'ati on _.__._ Capital Authorized, $2,500,000. capital Subscribed. 5627300. New Raymond 3. Head Ofice, 86 King St. E., TORONTO. Sewing Machine DIRECTORS E. J. Davis, M. FIR, Pres; 'Viceâ€"Pres; Robert MoCluin. JI)O.‘RIC}JDF(]~SUD;M.P.P .Dauiel Spry, Edward Cronyu. While speaking with a. sewing machine agent who had handled several differ- ent kinds of machines (he is now out of the business) he said the New Ray- mond is the host. machine made in J. K. Kerr. Q. C. Canada. George Dunstan. General Manager Don’t. fail to Inspefit tgcmtagyilil if prices â€" a” not " t, on’ . a ,. y ” “g y Embraced; Eill Eranch. W. T a , Deposits received and interest allowed at curren I rates in the bnvmga Department. AGENT, D Special attentiogusfivftrli‘: fggéfiection 01 sale Subscribe for â€" m . , 7 Money to Loan The LIBERAL. _ . ‘. 31- u. ' ‘ Ripans Tabules cure nausea. C L L, IN 63' 5 'ijans Tabuleei my sour stomach. Manager I

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