er pay Mr. J 05. Steckley $9.75, being amount for living trees )lanted on road allowance, as certi‘ed by S. Eckardt, tree inspector. Eckzu‘dtâ€"Quantzâ€"that the treasur- Quantzâ€"Lawrieâ€"that the treasurer my the trustees of Toronto General nspital for Minnie Armstrong, board and attendance, $18.80. Eckardt~Diunna~that the treasur- er pay Mr. Jos. Stecklev $9.75 hnhm The Markham Township Council met at Victoria Hall, Unionville, on Saturday, July 17th inst. Members all present; reeve in the chair. Min- 'ubes read and conï¬rmed. Accounts were received frmn: W. A. Clark, clerk York, re. grant, of $25 to in] rove town line between York and Riarkham to meet like grant. From J. K. McDonald, Esq., t-reas., re. crown land iatent of lot 2, con. 7. From Mr. Ignowles, barrister. re. damages for horse and buggy belong- ing to Dr. Stephens, that was injured near Ringwood. Quantzâ€"Dimnmâ€"that the treasurer pay F. 0. Austin Mfg. Co. $7, for shear for road grader, less $3, amount; paid for new shear by this municipal- ity under instruction from agent of the said conipany. weekly. THE LINSGOTd‘" Gï¬ï¬i PANY, Toronto D TEACHERS and “ I other bright men for vacation or )ermanently, to solicit for “ Canada. : n Encyclopedia of the Country,†in ï¬ve royal quarto volumes. N0 delivorin . Conuuission paid weekly. TH LINSGOT’I‘ anm- ___- --‘-\va..nwvl\lu up LC uucu. W a NOW, Mr. Editor, I do not, intend to again take up any of ‘your valuable s ace. I will close by giving Mr. Crosby a. littleadvice, and it is thisâ€" always ask questions plainly and in a. fair, impartial manner, without so many insinuations, and so much thinly-veiled sarcasm. W. H. PUGSLEY. Richmond Hill, July 28th, 1897. ,,,_° _- my rum In regards to Mr. Crosby‘s ï¬gures. As Mr. Crosby does not seem to be- lieve me, I would refer him to the County Treasurer, where he can get all the information he requirgs. Yuri ‘nnr w .. reason, stated in 'my ï¬rst, tilrilatï¬l‘ not: used to writing for the press. Y“ _ _ 7 r 1 ‘ ‘ ' " ' A w...“ - “Luv ‘41 Ann vv-uu unul. ' W "o, ‘1 Now, sir, Mr. Crosby informed you that I must, imagine that the whole County Council matters are centred in -myself. Far .from it, I know I an) only one-0f the least of its members, ‘but if you remember, sir, Mr. Crosby called on me personally to respond, which I did very relnctantly for the To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: SIR,â€"Just a few lines to let Mr. ~11‘0Sl2y know that the weather has cooled considerably, and sufliciently damp to allow me to venture on his letter of the 22nd inst., wherein he is trying to say that he has not said any- tijng, and I‘quite agree with him. -toria, Her Reign and Diamond Jubi- I'Iee." Overflowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the en- dorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic History of her remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza. for ï¬xgents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. OUTFIT FREE. Duty paid. VVrite quick for outï¬t and territory. THE DOMIN- ION UOMPANY, Dept. 7 356 Dear- horn St., Chicago. 51-13 , "Friendly Advice. franchises to the Metropolitan Rail- ‘Way Company. In his last letter the old gentleman takes a fling at the 'Reeye of York To’wnship, Premier “Hardy and the Local Legislature, ofï¬cers of the Metropolitan Railway Tand several others, and even insinu- ates that the members of North Tor- 'onto Council are a lot of dough-heads. Mr. St. Germain also says that an in- vestigation will be forthcoming, and. “expects that the House of Commons will restore to North Toronto the «fifteen years additional franchise given to the Railway Company last November. WANTED. Last Week’s Leader and Recorder contained the eighth letter from Mr. A. H. St. Germain, of North Toron- to, finding fault; with the York Coun- ‘ty Council for giving privileges and The ï¬rst returns relative to the general elections in Prince Edward Island last week went to show that the Government were returned only by a small majority. ' Later news, however, sho'Ws that there has been another Liberal sweep.‘ The Legis- lature will probably stand 21 Liber-1 als and 9 Conservatives. All the members of the Ministry were re‘ elected. lJarKham Council R1 (THMOND III‘L'l 53w ï¬ihsml. New Advertisements. Agents J 1113' Queen Vic- was -qu. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cluhine and Master Max Clubi-ne are spending their holidays at the reSidence of J. C. McQuarrio, Esq. Lots of cheese is being made at the factory. The amount of milk deliver- e'd here every day is very large. 311'. J. 1'. ï¬mgeon, who was a dele- §ate to the annual meeting of the Jasonic Grand Lodge, whiCh sat at, Brantnt-d last week, returned on Fri- day. Mr. S. reports a. most satisfact- ory meeting and a pleasant socile time wit-h mem_bers of the craft. for Some of the farmers in this section of countryure naturally feeling blue over the continued rains which have flattened corn, barley, oats and. nearly all kinds of grain, level with the ground. Prospects for a heavy crop and a, good yield were never better, but the heavy rain'has inflicted serious injury. Mr. J. T. Saigeon, who was a dele- gate to the annual meeting of the glasonic Grand Lodge, whieh sat at, Brantfnrd last week, returned on Fri- day. Mr. S. reports a. Innst natimfnnh Men and Womon who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily for six days a week, and .will be content with ten dullm-s Weekly. Ad- dress; NEW IDEAS (10., Medical Dun. ' A ‘ ___~ rn, A Buildinéf’l‘éroxxAtgfézlt r 7w .. -u vu\/AA AAJUJI yum. Dimmarâ€"Quantzâ€"that the reeve‘be appointed to confer with the repre- sentative from VVhitchlu-ch re. claims for damages to ‘V. C. Stephens, V. S., and report an the next meeting of the council. ' Council adjourned. 1897 - _<._ ...\‘4., u :yguALru. DinunzLâ€"Eciardtâ€"that in regard to the application of Mrs. Johnson for some assistance from this municipality towards paying 'her expenses to Eng- ‘lzlnd be not considered as MrsJohnson has not resided in this municipality for t1): past ï¬fteen months. ‘ ,, _â€".»---“AA\J vuh ulnusc \Iu bile Rouge 0n con. 10, oppositelot 17 and if deemed necessary to have the same repaired or renewed ; amount required payable on order of commissioners when the Work is complnted. Com- mi5si0ners to be empowered to obtain' seuices of Engineer, if required. nouluucl n. Quantzâ€"Eckardtâ€"-that Mr. Dimma be commissioner to confer :with the county commissioners and the com- missioners from Scarboro in regard to straightening the Rouge at its junction with town line Markham and Scarr- boro, and re ort to this council at next meeting for nrtqer action. Lawrieâ€"Quantz‘that the treasurer g‘ay the following gravel accounts :â€" ilman Reesor, 806 yards gravel. per certiï¬cates of r. 0., $80.60; \V. Colli- son, 295 yards, $29.50: A. Hoshell, 20 yards, $2; Mrs. Vanhorne, 10 yards, $1; Jno. Horsley, 37 yards, $3.70; Thos. Thompson, 109 yards, $10.90; F. Stiver, 90 yards, $9; Jos. “’alker, 12 yards, $1.20; Geo. €Henricks, 33 yards, $3.30; W. D. Reesor, 228yards, $22.80; C. P. Reid, 312 yards at 70., $21.20; J. Lapp, 90 yards, Scarlmro to be billed. $9; C. P. Reid, 356 yards, $35.60; A. Raymer, 42 yards, $3.70. Quantzâ€"Eckardtâ€"that when this. council adjourns it stands adjourned until Saturday, Aug. ‘14th. Lawrieâ€"Eckardtâ€"that the reeve. Mr. Dimma and the mover be commis- sioners to examine the bridge on the Lawrieâ€"Dinï¬naâ€"that the mover be a commissioner to examine culvert be- tween lots 20 and 21, con. 8, and if thought necessary, to have culvert en- larged. Also to have cuIVert removed on 9th 0011., lot 32. ' Amounts required payable on order of commissioner when work is com leted. Also to have roadway on 8t con., opposite lot 26, widened or railed as may be deemed best. Dimmaâ€"Lawrieâ€"that the reeve and Mr. Quantz be commissioners to ex- amine water course and ditch opposite lots 1’7 and 18, con. _â€"9. and confer with parties interested, and take such action in the matter as may be neces- ‘ sax-y; amount required payable on order of commissioners. Dilumaâ€"Quantzâ€"thnt the treasurer pay the following accounts zâ€"R. Jar- vis, drawing material and repairing guard railing opposite lot 3. con. 16, and between lots 5 and 6, con. 10, $.50; J 0s. Bennett, for right of way to gravel at Lapp’s pit, $1; Hart & Rid- del. 1 bottle ink 75c, 500 declamtions‘ of ofï¬ce $3.75 ; Adam Scott, repairing culvert on Church street east of Mark- ham Village, $2; John Ground, right of Way todgravel, $2. Lawrieâ€"Dinmia-â€"that fihe’mover be i pay the claim, amounting to $1.>5. Quantz Eckardtâ€"thut the treasur- er pay \Vm. Frisby $58.35, being amount due for operating road grader to date, and that the seal of the cor- pomtioxi be hereto attached. Eekardtâ€"Diinmaâ€"that the treasur- er pay VV. Frisby $2.50 for putting in culvert and drawing 1 load of gravel, as certified by A. Pringle, r. 0. Mr. Quantz asked leave to introduce a by-Iaw to amend by-law No, 514â€" leave given. By-law read ï¬rst and second time. Council in committe 0f the whole, Mr. Diinma in the chair. Committee rose and reported by-law amended by striking 'out the. name of Thos. Lyon as r. 0., and inserting the name of E. Brown in lieu thereof. Report adopted, by-law read a third time and passed. Eekardtâ€"Lawrieâ€"that the treasur- er ‘pay Messrs. Frisby and Row- Quantzâ€"EcKardtâ€"that in the case of damages sustained by George For- rester to his Waggon owing to a defect in roadway on the 4th con., the clerk pay the claim, amounting to $1.?5. Quzmtz~EckardLâ€"Lha,t tho frpnmnu er pay er. Morrison $5.75 for draw- ing tile and putting in culvert oppo- site lot; 18, con. 8. Also \V. Ham Hall 100 quarter-sheet bills $2, and er pay Geo. Morrison flngineer, if required. '4‘ ~kardtâ€"thatjn_ regard to 1-".- WANTED Maple FLaWrieâ€"that the treasur- Messrs. Frisby and Row- $2.-85 for repairing road For ‘the Balance of 1897, ,for 25 Cents. Special attention given to the ccllection and other notes. Devosits received and interest allowed at cun‘eu rates in the Savmgs Department. J. K. Kerr. I’ros‘ Robert McClain. THE LIBERAL Head Ofï¬ce, 86 King St. E., TORONTO. L’td, Toronto, Ont: Turun’m Financial Corporation AGENTS. Second edition of “ Queen Victoria “ exhausted. Jubilee edition on press. Best history of the Queen and Vic- torian Era. published. The only Cau- adian work accepted b Her Majesty. Sales unprecedentedâ€" mock the bot-; tom out of all records; Canvassers scooping in money. Even boys and girls sell it fast. Big commission or straight weekly salary after trial trip. THE BRADLEflY-GARRETSON CO... rn1 m 31011037 to Loan Mahmoud Hm aneh. \Vhile cutting grain last week Mr. Patterson met ‘with an accident by falling off the reaper. He received quite serious injuries. Last Week Messrs. Patterson and \Vatson engaged two strangers to help them through harvest. Sunday the men quietly took their departure. leaving their employers to ï¬nd help elsewhere. . Mr. P. Crooks 0f Torohgd; ‘épend: inï¬ his vacation with his aunt, Mrs. J. IcDonald. Miss Wyn; of Orangeville, is spend- ingrhexv'xvzi‘cntmn her parents here. Some cattle broke into VVm. “Tylie’s garden one night last week andrfies‘t‘royed 89128 ï¬ne; vqgeï¬ablps. Miss Brown of Toronto, at MELM. D11flfy‘s._ Mr. 'Will Boddy of Woodbx-idge‘ called on frigndg heye Tuesday. Mr. C. Riddle and Miss Riddle of Fisherville, visited at Mr. T. Rankin’s Sqq'dary: _____ r r ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Chapman spent Sun- day with friends in Scarboro’. Miss F10 Cameron of \Voodbridge, spent Sunday with Misses E. and B. Rgpert. Berry picking is the order of the day he_r§_ atllresqnt. If you want to make $150.00 during Jrin and August, in a. good cause, Write or wire me quick. T. H. LIN- SCOTT, Toronto. Miss \Vilkio Newton. of Toronto. is home for her summer vacation. Mr. J. Newton and Mr. M. meghton, accompanied IL load from Richmond Hill to Aurora, Tuesday evening, to a complimentary hztnqnet given in hon- or of Dr. Gnultor, the new Deputy- Post-Master General. “’0 are pleased to observe by the city pa wrs that two of our citizens, Miss E. ewton and Miss G. Newbery, have succeeded in getting professional certiï¬cates from the Provincial Nor- mal School. The former has ‘since been engaged as teacher for S. S. No. 1 Markham, Where She commence the last week in August. ' )lace, (lied'at tlio residence of he‘ Ir. \Vnw. Brackin, on Tuesday ing, after a lingering illness. i 72nd year of her ago. Deceased long be remembered in this secti country for her sterling qualitie: cheerful disposition. Funeral 1; Oak Ridges cemetery, to-mc (Friday) at 2 o’clock. Mr. T. Newton returned on F from Brantford Where he had: several days attending Grand Li A. F. & A. M. MrsiBmckin, E most highly-r081)? place, died at the used in the construction. Me Glover & Ulafl’ey, of Richmond did the stone work, Mr. \V. Gal J efferson, did the carpenter work, Mr. ‘V. Michael did good \vor making this bridge What it; should Capital Authorized, $2,500,000. Capital Subscribed. $627,400. Daniel. Spry. Elgarâ€"66:51:35: George Dunstan, General Manager C, C. BILLINGS. DIRECTORS kio. Newton. of Toronto, is er summer vacation. -wt.on and Mr. M. Nemghton, 2d a load from Richmond 0121, Tuesday evening, to a; tary banquet given in hon- lelter, the new Deputy- Sherwood TEACHERS Elï¬in Mills. Vic'eilï¬'s; .J‘no. Bighnrdson. M.P.P E. J. Davis,"1§1. 13:13., e carpenter work, and -1 did good work in lge What it; should be. one of the oldest and lected residents of this > residence of her son. in, on Tuesday even- gering illness, in the :' age. Deceased will red in this section of sterling qualities and ion. Funeral to the mietery, to-morrow Manager 0! sale \V. Gale, 0f ‘rida spm .odg THE CELEBRATED HORSES» FIRST 0008 EAST 0E†Plough C(‘Ealliï¬l'ï¬Ã© Hill, Buggy Rinumed l‘ie‘v Also Agent for Western Fire Insurance 00., 'York Mutual Fire Insura ondon Guarantee and Accident Co. ; also apén-aiser for Canad‘ Permanent Loan and Saving I . £441le urn) lNSU RAN CE. â€"The unconditional accumulative policies issued by the Confederation Life Association guarantee extended insurance after twu years for an amount which is deï¬nitely stated in the .policy. It is not neces- sary to‘apply-to the Association for this beneï¬tâ€"it works automatically. Paid-up policies and cash values also guaranteed. Full information will be sent on application to nt P. (fr. SA‘T To Polio} It saves money and pays it back During the 10 years ending Dec. 313b, 1896, Deatl to the amount of $1,565,858.00. DIVIDENDS.â€"Since organization the Association has Policyholders by way of Dividends over $1 GflNFEDERATEM LEE ASSDBIATIUN. .- Also in stock a full line of Trunks and Valises. Everything’attpricesas low as can he bought anywhere else. Call and see 1m 53 Re am'rrr rom t1 * attended to. p o p p 3 G‘rlL‘O. RIOD ONALD Harness of all grades, Buggy Dusters, Fly Nets, Wool and Rubber Knee Rugs, Whips, And all Horse and Stable Supplies. RICHMOND EXTENQEp msugANCE.â€"The mi; ,Av 10 lbs. 3-inch or larger Wire or Out Nails for 25 cents. Stoves, EavetrOughing, and everything in the Tin and Hard- ware line at small proï¬ts and quick returns. Hardware, Tinware, Milk Pails, Pans, Creamers (all sizes and prices), Nails, Hinges,Locks, Fencing and Barbed Wire at lowest prices. Furnaces of the Best Makes“ Endowment of $2000. payable 2 Issued 13th April, 1889. 1‘ Amount of endowment, $2,000 ; umm premiums paid, $1,18C This shows an investment of OVER 4 on all premiums paid. in h I of $2.000 ( HARDWARE STORE; SAMBA HE @333}? .MASON, - RICHMOND HIL 'or rates, etc†apply to HI LL DOOR EAS'E‘ 03’ GA? UARQETGEE’S‘ muuo.â€"-blnce organization the Association has paid and declared to Policyholders by way of Dividends over $312,980,000. money and pays it back again with interest at a. time when it is most- needed. eyholdex's for balance declared proï¬ts in 1896. $96,533.86. Or for ev dollar received the Association returns I‘V““'\ ---~--__ . ery layed same as new with iron l plete, $1.25. Set of Doublet extra. large, with Wrought iro awthing in wood or iron won at reduced prices. Ten per cc of Shoes and Nails at all time: ence in blacksmith and ‘VOOdV tee‘ satisfaction or no pay. all around with XXX material for $4.00, and new 5-16 steel tires for $4.00. Democrat and Heavy \Vaggons rimmed and tired at same reduction. Tires set all round, heavy or light. for $1.65 a set, or 50c. for single tire. Establighed 184:7) A GOO I) IIQVESTREENT R 4 PER CENT. COhIPOUND INTEREST Actual results in the Canada Life on Policy No. 7063 on the life of David Scroggio, Guelph, Ont. New Shoes, the very best, only 250., and Shoes at the same price for common light stopped at once. Corns, Thrush and Contra extra charge. You can have your ï¬NEDER, . A. IVECE-EUEJEAS RICHMOND HILL IS'E‘ a}? ’3‘“ desiï¬â€˜S'a‘ 5703:“. E VAGE, - Districi .Agent, Richnnond Elill. (Establighed Repaixing promptly done. Is the place to go for ï¬rst-class ï¬amess SE15 Has for sale all kinds of EShOER AND VVOODVVORKER TRY u for 400., steel'500. 'Neckyokes, com~ latrees, extra, $3.00. ‘Wheelbarmw, ron wheel, $4.50. Waggon Racks, or 'Ol'k made to order on shortest notice com. off for cash. I keep a fnll stock ms. I have had ï¬fteen years experi- dwork businesss, therefore I guaran- :ommon light horses. 'Intiértfé-iné $11 and Contraction cured Without ‘1 1896, Death Claims accrued OUR HARD TIMES PRICES. [or]; Mutu'al Fiï¬re I’psxmqncerCo“ “IA» 4,, to carrying 'ears. ,.a‘nd yemoV'es, lOc. ; Steel COMPOUND INTEREST premiums of $118.00 d August, 1896. 915; Total, $2,915; 915; Totaj ()St, $1,735 the ridk grout- Total