* a... - .....-..~v~ Advertisements. Excursion to Toroutoaluo \\'. Moycs. Lourt of [tension-M. Teefy. Vaughan (‘ouncil#.l. M. Lawrence. ('lerk‘s .\'o'.ice~lno. Stephenson. \ ctcl's' Listâ€"J. Lil. Lu“ reu ‘e. Saponiqut â€"Supou;q.le M f'g Co. Ola growl. lllcllrloxl: llll.l.. August 1897. THE CROPS. Two weeks ago the reports, rela- tive to the crops, that had come to hand indicated that this province 3 never before had better prospects at the sanle time of year for a bountiful harvest. Later reports issued since , the heavy rains will, however, make considerable change in the calculat ions. Still, tlle situation llligllt have been much worse had the rain con- tinued a day or two longer. The last four or five days have been per- fect: harvest days, and the country has lunch to be thankful for. The hay crop has been heavy, but a good deal of it has been badly in- jured by the rain. The wet prevent- ed fall wheat hardening, and consid- erable of it sprouted, thereby causing much less. Corn is a good crop, and, roots generally will yield heavy. The oat crop promises well, but barley was badly knocked down by the rain and wind. Much of this grain will be . .!\‘<-4.A» .- ;v-. ~ .A unsalable except for feeding pur~ poses. Cheese producers are sure of an extra good season. The pasture has been exceedingly good ever since quite early in May, and prospects were never brighter ill many counties fora great production of cheese ill the autumn season. With favorable weather for the re- lnainder of the harvest, farmers’ pros- pects will be brighter than they have been for years, notwithstanding the in j ury from recent rain storms. A Vleronr‘ron’SIliTWILrRID. In a recent interview with a re- porter in England Sir Chas. Tupper said :â€" “I regard Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s preferential tarifl' as an absurd scheme, altogether misunderstood by the English press and people.†Evidently the English Govern- ment think they understand Sir Wilfrid Laurier, or they would not {be moving so quickly in the matter. Sir Charles Tupper has contended all along that the proposal to give Brit- .ain a preferential tariff was inoper- ative on the ground that she was al~ ready bound. in commercial treaties with Germany and Belgium. Word now comes to hand that these treaties have been denounced, and that they will cease to be operative a year hence. As these treaties have been in force for over thirty years it is certainly a great compliment to the Canadian Premier to have them de- nounced so soon after his proposition has been explained. As it is known that Britain’s trade with Germany and Belgium is greater than it can possibly be with Canada for some years to come, some surprise was manifested that the treaties should be EU soon denounced, but judging by the press the preferential idea is re- ceiving universal approval in Engâ€" land. â€"â€"â€"_â€" TEACIIEITQâ€" If you want to make $150.00 during ' duly and August. ill a good canse,, writc or wirc me quick. '1‘. H. LIN- SCOTTI‘, Toronto. -« PERSO {ALB Bliss: Haï¬'cy of “'oodstock, is hulk- mg :l \‘islt wlth her aunt, Miss Ross. Illa R. Rutherford, manager of Oak Il:-:ll. Toronto, is spending the week with Mr. \V. A. Sanderson. llt'V. Fletcher Dyer of Pennsylvania, «on of a former school teacher here, was in the villagc a few days ago. ’ ‘:I\Ir. Marshall Grant of Allanburg, WVclland ('ounty. is spending part of, his .\-"l]0()l vacation here. l .‘ir. George Johnston. of Suspension Blidge. I'. 8., was visiting his sister, .l‘lrs. \Varrcn Hewisun, this week, _porlcrs of the home team. W Bliss Edna Ifowal-ih of Hillsdale. spent a fcw days with llcr cousins at Mr. 1’. Mills and rcturllcd on 'l'llcsday. Mr. ‘V. H. Hall. publishcr of tllc‘ Markham Sun. paid a flying visit ll"l‘t‘ on Friday on his way to Aurora. Miss Grccn of Toronto. spcnt :1 WW days with her friclld Miss l'Iva \Yiicy. and rclurncd 'l‘ncsday morning. Miss Annie Glass and Miss .lcnnic I’almcr are spending :1 wcck ill 'l rollto with Mr. and Mrs. .Ias. Mc- .(‘oll:lglly. w «y Mr. and Mrs. Fl-cd (‘olcs of Toronto. spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellstml. purcnts of the latter. Mr. A. .l. Ilumc stultcd “'cdncsday morning for Ingcrsol wllcrc he will spend the baluncc of thc wot-k with relatives. Miss \Villiumson and Miss \lason of Toronto. spout two or three drlvs with Mrs. “‘m. Mason, and rcturncd Mollâ€" da y cvcning. ‘lr. and Mrs. John A. Garvin and cllild of Ottawa. and Illl‘ Miss: s (éarvin of Brooklyn. N. Y.. visited at Mr. F. “3 Garvin’s this \Vt‘t‘k. Mr. and Mrs. A, G. F. I.a\vrcll:-cmnl tbrcccllildrcn of 'I‘orcnto. arc spcntl- ing a few \vceks‘ holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawrence. Mrs. Macmillan of Toronto. and Miss Lloyd of Aurora. were ill the village on Tllt‘sdny :lnd callcd on lbcil' l'cl- ativcs, Mr. and Mrs. .lllo. Hutchinson. Mr. .T. Brackin, principal of North (‘hatllam Public School. who arrived hcrc on Thursday to altv-nd his mothch funcral. rcturllcd home on Monday. Mr. Geo. Glover for Markham. and Mr. Grant (‘oopcr fol-Sloull'villc. form- er members of the Richmond Hill lacrosse club. \vcrl- slur pluycl's' :It flu- Markhaantouil’villc match pluycd on Saturday. “'0 are glad to see that. Mr. .lohn (‘oultcr is able to walk around again by the aid of a crutch. Our cstccmcd citi'zed fractured some of the bones in his foot on the 2nd of July. and until this week has been colllincd to his room. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie of Toronto, spent. Friday night at the Dominion House. Mr. Guthrie. whose familiar form may be Seen chry day as a policeman at the corner of Yongo and Queen 81s.. was just finishing a few wccks‘ holidays. Mr. C‘. C. Billings. manager of the Toronto Financial Corporation here, has been sent to Pickering Village to relieve the manager there for a couple of weeks. Mr. Miles of Toronto. is in the meantime managing the business ill this place. Mrs. (Dr.) Elliott Langsiafi‘ of Blank; lyn. N. Y.. and Miss L. Langstai’f of Mclnphis, Tcnn., called on friends in the village a few days ago. The above, with Mrs. Langstaff‘s family, and Miss Caddington of Brooklyn, N. Y., are making a visit at the Mineral Springs, the residence of Mr. John Langstaff, Thornhill. Monday was Toronto's Civic l’Ioliâ€" day. Among Torontonians who spent the day with relatives and friends here were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell. Mrs. 0. Savage, Mr. G. Moodic, Mr. C. McLean. Mr. A. S. Savage, Miss Stclla Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. A. Suddaby, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. M. Love, Mr. \Vm. Lawrence. â€"â€"990- WA Agents for I “ Queen Vic- toria, Her Reign and Diamond Jubi- lcc." Overflowng with latcst and richest pictures. Contains the en- dorsed biography of Her-Majesty, with - authentic History of llt‘i' remarkable rcigll, and full account o'i'thc Diamond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book. 'I‘rcmendous demand. Bonanza for- agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit gchn. Freight paid. OUTFIT FREE. Duty paid. ‘Writc quick for outfit and territory. THE ION COMPANY, Dept. 7, 356 Dour- born St., Chicago. 51-13 STOUFFVILLE “'INS FROM MARKHAM. Quite a number of our townspeople, drove over to Sttlllif\'ille on Saturday to witness the lacrosse match betwvcn the Stoufl‘ville and Markham teams. A drive of 15 miles seems a long way to go to see a, lacrosse match, but lovers of the national game were well paid for their trip on Saturday. As Markham had defcatcd Stoufl'ville by 8 to 1 about two weeks before, some people expected rather one-sided play, but such was not the case. From the time the ball was faced until the whistle blew at the finish, the play was fast and furious, thus giving the large crowd of spectators all interest- ing and exciting time. Time and again was the rubber passed from player to player on the some side, from one end of the field to the other, (Ind seldom would it touch the ground un- til a shot was made on gong; Pl‘csi- (IcntJ. J. Craig refereed the match, and although his position was u trying one hc sllowcd himsr-lf to be a man of backbone, and kept the play tolcrably frcc from rorumllcss. to the fencc, notwithstanding protests and cutâ€"calls from enthusiastic supâ€" At the close of the match the score was 4 to 2. the Stouil‘ville men winning on their ill-rits. Mr. J. to. acted as umpires, and gave no crluse for complaint. District. The deciding match will probably be played at Roscdalc in the , ncar future. DOMlV-l i ‘ 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming ocul- During the last , game he sent two of Stouffvil‘ic‘s men ’ , Vance, Secretary of, the C. L. A., and Mr. Baker of Toron- Murkllam andl Stoufivillc now stand a tie ill the York , lithe ll l it till. natal ï¬ï¬‚sushlisshed 1 tattlaltllll (J ()ll'por'nl ion 1- EEE 8â€"17 ) A (}0€}§} ENV"ES'E1§HESF€TP. 'OVEB 4 PER Actual result. ill the Canada Lift- on Policy No. 70173 on the life of David Seroggie, Guelph, Ont. _._+_.. Capital Authorised, ’ anltu‘. blibscllllcli, I‘râ€"u CENT. CO MPOUND INTERESL'. 'ead Office, 86 King St. E., TORON re. 3 Endowment of $‘31llill. payable at :Wc 0'0. by 10 prclrliullls of $1134.00 ' Issued liltll .‘ l‘ril. lh‘ti‘il. Maturcd August. I" "‘3. t ; Total I Ago ...). cndownu-lll. $3.000: :llllount oi. profits, $913: Tth 5,4,5)“ prcmiul‘ns paid, $1,130; 1‘l‘llli'llt)Vt’l‘ cost, 35l.l:;.). , .,- l g ) nlnlccrona \“mm‘td ILJ Innis, M. I) '17., l’l’cs.; \‘lt .; Robert Slc(1|lllll, .Tllo. lx'ir-llulllw-zl, .\l.l'.l’ Daniel 'hpry. Edward t‘rmlyn. â€"""'““"'Q-C' "I‘lvisshoWsan investment .sovnni men CENT. COMPOUND lNTE'urzsr on all premiums puid. in addition to carrying the risk of $2,1lllllovcr 2'7 years. tiecrgc Dunstan, (‘uvnerul Manade‘ FHl' rates, 9L6», apply to i 11. A. TNE‘CE EKEEJEAEN. Algorit- Richmond. Hill Bras ch. - Deposits received l irtcrcst album»' at curron RICHMOND HILL rams ill the Savmgs llcpiutmcnt. F Q Sl'ecioi attention civon to the e( llpctloll of sale and Jhllt'l‘ notes. : â€" las for sale all kinds of éHardware, Tinware, Mill: Pails, Pans, Creamers (all sizes and prices). Nails, Hinges,Looks, Fencing and Barbed. Wire at lowest prices. Furnaces of the Best Makes. Stoves, Eavetroughing, and everything in the Tin and Hard- , W, ware line at small proï¬ts and quick returns. Fruit & Ornamental Trees 10 lbs. 3-inch or larger Wire or Cat 700 ACRES - Nafls for 25 cents. slnwns. “05135. vnuss AND Repairing promptly done. C. MASON, - RICHMOND HILL have the largest assortment and employ R I C H M O N D I‘l'onoy 10 140:1“ l C. C. B! LIA Nï¬ï¬. Shanna/er this and telling TO RENT. Store and Dwelling to rent in the Village o Richmond Ilill. 1- or ] lu‘ticlllals apply to QT-tl' 19-) \C CROQBY . TE the very latest und mus’, improved methods forprl'vpagzutinp. All stock carefully packed under our personal supervision and all new Varieties testedut our trial farms befcl'e being catalogued. These are tilt: only testing olcllm‘di connected with any Nursery in the Dominion. (ISENTS WllillE T0 BEPRESENI US. Special attention given to Park. Cemetery and Bouluvard orders. Estimates furnished for sup- plying entire crchurds. Why buy of foreign concerns or of middlemen when you can purchase as cheaply from us and aet better value. Our stock is Canadian crown and acclimated. Catalogue (English or French) free on appli- cation. ~ STONE 82 WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. Harness Shop Is the place to go for ï¬rstâ€"class Harness of all grades, Buggy Dusters, Fly Nels, Wool and Rubber Knee Rugs, Whips, , And all Horse and Stable Supplies. Also in stock a full line of Trunks and Valises. HILL Everything at prices as low as can be bought anywhere else. Call and see me FONTHILL NEIRSERIES. . The Leading Canadian Tree Men. “3 Repalnpg promptly attended to‘ 1â€"1-97-4m a C1" ID O. 5101) (TN A141). J. T. smoaou, SGllFEDl-lelllflll lllE disgfldlllï¬ll. . During the 10 years ending Dec. 31st, 1896, Death Claims accrued ' . _ to the amount of $1,505,858.00. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Conwamts viz . DIVIDENBSrâ€"Sinee organizatiml the Association has paid and declared to . , .. Policyholdels by way of Dividends over $1,042,000.00'd Manchester, of London. Eng, BRITISH AMERICA, 0F TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€" ALSOâ€" GORE, or GALT. A First-dass Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, It saves money and pays it back again with interest at a time when it is most- needed. To Policyholders for balance declared proï¬ts in 1896, $96,533.86. 01' for every dollar received the Association returns $3.37. EXTENDED INSURANCEâ€"The unconditional accumulative policies issued by the Confederation Life Association guarantee extended insurance after two years for an amount which is definitely stated in the policy. It is not neces- sary to apply to the Association for this beneï¬tâ€"it works autonlatit'ully. Paidâ€"up policies and cash values also guarzmteud. Full information wdl be sent on application to 1’. G}. SAV’AGE, - District Ikgent, Iiiclnnond Hill. Also Agent for “'estern Fire Insurance Co., York Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. ondon Guarantee and Accident Co. ; also appralser for Canada. pany for the farmers of York Co. Permanent Loan and Saving 00. Business Solicltcd. Who can think or some simple cmngtopmentz Protect gour- tdeas; thug may bring you wealth. Write J KN WEDDEBB RN & CO. Patent Attor- neys. Washington, D. C., for their slew prize offer and List of two hundred tuventtons wanted. ARilIEas m Houseman. New Shoes, the very best, only 250., and removes, 10c. ; Steel Shoes at the same price for common light horses. Interfering stopped at once. Corns, Thrush and Contraction cured without extra charge. THE PERF‘ICT TEA -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"_L.â€"_ You can have your Buggy Iiinuned Nexv all around with XXX material for $4.00, and new 5-10 stecl tires for $4.00. Democrat and Heavy VVa gens rilmncd and tired at same reduction. Tires set all awnd, leibe or light, for $1.65 a set, or 500. for single tire. Plough Coulters Jade same as new with iron for 40th, steel 500. Neckyokes, coin- plete, $1.25. Set of Doublctrees, extra, $3.01). \Vheelbarrolv, extra. large, with wrought iron wheel, $4.50. \Vaggoll Racks, or anything in wood or iron work made to order on shortest notice at reduced prices. Ten per cent. off for cash. I keep a full stock of Shoes and Nails at all times. I have had fifteen years experi- ence in blacksmith and woodwork husincsss, therefore I guaran- tee satisfaction or no pay. TH: szs‘r TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA P'ANT TO THE TEA CUP ‘_... â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"._..___._.. IN ITS NATiVE PURITÂ¥.. †Mt s. . " ‘- " packcd under the supervision ofthc T: gm ver 3 :ldvcrtiscd and sold b6 them as :1 sample-u" the best quahticsof Indian and eylon Tens. For tl'u‘. reason they sat that none but b'cx: vtry l'rcsl: Ital 93 go into Monsoon packages. That is w nv “ lions-win; the perfect Tea, can be sold at the same price as inicriol‘ tea. It is pill on in sealpd caddies of}415., x lb and I 5 ll): . .1 solo in tl‘rce llat ours at 4.3:†r and ovc. \ an 5. .u -‘ ‘-. lull Lu‘p it lcil himto “rile h S FIN. llA‘I'X 5.: (0.. u and 13 Front St. E¢>L Tort alto A £11111 ts 'VV‘alrfed To take orders for reliable Canadian Growth Nursery Stock. Experiencu not necessary. '{lil pa} salary and expenses or liberal cem- min“ ll. Good territory to canvass. Address BROWN BROS. (30.. â€"_...____. B S. SNIDER, MW“)! “07 loans ulbOIltbP.0.,Out A- 3‘“ ,V _, THE CELEBRATED HORSESHOER AND WOODlVORKER, Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tahules cure billousness. FIRST DOOR EAST “F H O P H i L L \ ll Ripaus Tahules cure torpid liver. ' GA LIA-ANOUG ""9 STORE