l, : ASSures on all the modern plans, and ' is one of ,i WWI-1:. 'Lwazvgmsmxmmm ;. I. 351 per annum, in advance] VOL. man-«mm. ~. “'32in .-. “ {its gills/ml †I IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT me LlBERIlL?RlNTl.lG a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. Emrcn .t P normmon. BU SINE SS CARDS. TATE. BIGHMXOI‘TD HILL. GFSWCE HOURS 8 to 10:: m; 6Io 8 p in TIE. iâ€. ll. (Successor to Dr. W. J. Wilsom. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. oceanic nouns S to “la in; and 6 t W12: - - “van amni. iéiillllll. ,_WM. ROGERS, L.D.S. Moved to Room 11, entrance 124 Victoria street, Toronto. I I “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†.. .v.t..,-.-.~..,_. ..v.. c r. .4 .l. .7... ,...r,-r “w... - ~ ,~ 4;. ., RICE-ITIIOND HILL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, l897. Mn uu mmrfl- mm $231311. 1%.. ’EE}EP‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC, CUMMISSIONER IN TEE HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c. Issuer ofMarriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. A G l“ LAWRENCE W S ()RlleS'I‘ON L L B LAWRENCE & ORMISTON. Earristers, Solicitors, 80c. TorontcCï¬iceâ€"NOJS Toronto Street. Richmond l-lill Office open every Saturday. MONEY TU 0_-. LOAN r’lT LOWEST CURRENT RATES (LG. I lVDFliY LYON LINDSEY (HAL‘LI‘.$ J. R. BHTHUNE. LINDSEY, LINDSEY & BETHUNE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyanceâ€. Paciï¬c B ‘.Li1diug<., 9.3 Scott St.. Toronto. l‘clebhmic 2381 Mon oy to Lorin ROBINSON, EN NOX & MACIEGD Barristers, Solicitors, are. TORONTO AhD AURORA. l\h'. T. Fl (:1 bcrt Lenuox will be at Kelly’s Hotel Richmond fli’l over v Wednesday, for tho trans- action of business. SARI/TN 8. GARVIN, | Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers,Notaries, Sac Room 10. York Chambers, 9 Toronâ€" , 108‘». Toronto. and atofljceernc Law Ofllces j- Hull, Richmond Hill, all day V\'e<l- J uesdrw, and Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. Mr. Fred, W. Garvin will he at Richmond Hill othcc every eveninc and will attend euch sitting of the Court. till. I94. BEETS. TRQTTER, R. &. Den tist, OF 21 BLOOR STREET, TORONTO, . Will be in Richmond Hill every V‘Jedâ€" nesday. Otlice~\'y'. Storcy’s, next door to school. Hilli'ti it a. 11Lt0 6 p. m_ tterinarg J. T. Ellc’illroy, VETERINARY SURGEON vâ€"~A.\‘nâ€"â€"â€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, . Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each Week, Lind Concord on Friday, rum 1 to 3 p. m. Gulls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. 'i 'm RIGHT/TONI) HILL, Bemodellecl,nnrluewly furnished throughout. One of the most Convenient and comfortable hotels on Ynnge Street. Every modern conâ€" venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anitlenl stopping place for: riding or driving partiesbicyclists, u‘r fur-mars going to orretnrning Iron market. Bus meets all trams. Electric curs puss tho door. qualms 51,00 PER DAY. QVALTE Ila “ELSE, Proprietor. E. bouncy, Misï¬ts glosses, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO very accommodation to guests. Board, 61. perqu THE SUN Life Assurance Go. on. CANADA ' the most prunpert 2:3 and progressive -co.npa.nir s in"c.\:ist~ence. - New life upolieaï¬wns in 15‘" A§§ets;3l.st Dec: sisal, .- minnow Lite assurance in force. lat Jan.,'9.;., 31.618.569.74 Premiums low, policies uiwondit-ionel and ' nonforioitaib‘lo. " f Take a. policy Wm; :49, di; T. F. pmnninutr." ; l.1CLliil«..2le: . l .3 salient, E SKESENS Barristers, Solicitors, (#20,, 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. East Toronto 013cc, Mv. Grant‘s residence. \VOUGDI‘IJEP, every evening. Thornhill, each \Vcdncsday from 10 to 12. Money to Loan Telephone 47 MACDOUGALL & JONES, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Room 1, Masonic Building, 18 TorontoSt. Toronto. ALFRED nucnouatmn, FREDERICK o. JONES. Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario. COOK &' MACDONALD, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelaide St, East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of catch week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. MONEY I MONEY! ' Alaigc amount ofprivutefuuds to loan on improved iarm property. Five per cent. in- tern-st. Easy LCrlLalul' ropuvuieut. Nu cum- misswn charged on loans; Apply to LAWRENCE & OKMIRTON, 15 Toronto St . Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. SALEM ECRABDT, V I ‘ J. H. PRENTICE Unionvum. Currville. Ecluudt (x Picmice Licenseu Auctioneers for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goo-ls sold on cop§jgnment Generalsales 0 stock, one, promptly attended to atrensonaulemnes. c scronns stokes a: Blough. LicensedAuctionaci-s [or the County of York,re- Spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and .L rertsouabemtcs. D BLOUGB P. 0. address King J. '1‘. szugeon, ' Licensodiluctioneer for the County of York Stiles attended to on shortest notice and at rea- I sonsble rates. Patronage solicited. Res' cnce Maple “1 .l'. l1). Beulhnan, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. 1 General soles of implomal ts, furniturejtfliï¬ng I timber. etc.,nttentl,ed on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. . ’ Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. ‘ ,, - fine.) .1 fixture-HT. BROS, Undermii en's ctr. Embnlmcrs, _Eckardt, Fivmk Golm‘, Jag. llmwi ton, Géo. hold). George Brown; An- : Fallow!VII-it"ttlsiiings Ali-reuse“ « ' -- Mutual? - ' ' ' ',- Ezï¬ï¬ifde 'Jii} {EDMEL 2:5sz . East Militants. PREMIER HARDY AT MARKHAM. John 1% ichardssotu Efï¬e-Nonlinate (1. A HOUSING CONVENTION. At a mass mcctiug of the Liberals of East York, llt-ld at. Markham Town Hall 011 Friday lust, Mr. J. l’riclmi'dsm], M. P. l‘.. was again uominulcd us the Liberal stundui-dâ€"bcui'ci‘ in the coming elections for the Ontario Legislature. The meeting was one of the best {but has ever bccn hold in the riding. quitc 400 people having been present in thc ball during the speech deliver-ed by the Premier of Ontario. Hun. A. S. Hardy, who urrivcd by the aftcruoou train after the nomination haul bccu made. Mr. G. B. Smith, who came with the Premier, received 2! gratifying Welcome from his old constituents. llon. E. J. Davis spoke for some time, directing attention to the Iuisstzltcmonts that have been made by mcmbcl's of the Opposition, gix ing :1 final and crush- ing answer- to the churgos of extrava- gance made by Mr. Sl..lohn in relation to \Vcst York piggci-y. After llll' plain busiucss slutcmcut of the Pro- vinciul Scci'ctary it is not llI‘Olléll)lt' that any more will be board of this ridiculous campaign cry. The luci- dcnt has, however, hall the. quite un‘ intended effect of proving the cupucit y of the, Gt)\"‘l'lllll(‘llb to administer oven the smallesr details of the work entrust ed to them in a. way that would reflect credit upon any business establish- ment. inspector Nuxon‘s letter ex- plaining all the circumstances of the case will be read on this account with an interest the subject could not have been expected to warrant. The address of the Premier went far to establish his m-putation as it wise and courageous leader of the .Reform forces in the I’rovincc. It were im- possible to listen to Mr. Hardy’s ad- dress without feeling that the attacks s0 assiduously upon the party in the hope that it is immeasurably weak- ened by the loss of Sir Oliver Mowat will fail of their effect, for the nature of the attacks in all their variety was laid bare before the audience with that nnspzu‘ing kceuness of presentation and that banter-mg exposure of a weak case which has made the new Premier at once dreaded as an opponent and respected as a leader of men and an udvocztte of great principles of govern- ment. ' Predominant in the spcech was the ring of encouragemcut to the Liberal forces in the coming contest. The Pm - miei' dwelt upon the intention of the. Conservative organization to obtain a. foothold in the Dominion again by ï¬rst seizing upon Ontario, the key- stone of the political arch, and while challenging any and every honest crit- icism by the. Opposition of the 1'6COI'tl of the Government for the past quarter . century, appealed to the Liberals of Ontario to hold fast by the advantage the present triumph of the party 211'- foi-(led, knowing as they (lid how much the fate of Canada must depend upon the continuation of such a Government of the Dominion had witnessed siucc Mr. Laurier’s assession to ofï¬ce. The. speech was it trumpet call to Liberals all over the Province, and so far as his immediate audience was concerned was recoivcd with repeated and long- contiuued marks of the most favorable. up n-eciation. thn the convention assembled the Town Hall was well ï¬lled with electors from all pans of the riding, among whom were the following :â€" East’I‘oroumâ€"VVm. Omerod, J. L, McCullough, R. Nimmo. Markham Villageâ€"Dr. Robinson, G. R. Vanzaht, H. R. UOI'SOD, H. R. \Vulcs, Hem-y Wilson, F. H. Wilson, A. ll. \Vilson, Kenneth Douglas, Jos. “’atts, H. B. Reesor, Thus. Morgan, 5. L. Boole, C. S. Billing, Geo. Road. H. Jone-(L, Gr. W. Reesor, P. P. Crosby, ,J. D. Smith, It. Pi-inglc, Geo. VVui-ren, ’u. A. Mason, J. Lunau, J. J. Lunau, \V. J. Foy. ' From Richmond Hillâ€"T. F. Mc- Mahon, D. Horner, D. Lynett, E. Red- ditt, D. C. Steele, A. Moodie, T. H. Trench, and J. A. E. Switzei'. Markham 'I‘owushipâ€"\Vz_\lter Scott, Dzlvid James, J.‘ C. Jumcs,"F.7 K. .Rees()1‘,.W’. D. Rccsor, John Sewell, A. V\N..:U1my, E. Urmy, Jonathan '- Slater-,_H. Pa Gnoshy, G. H. Stivoe, 'Quantz, John Eckurdt, Simon Miller, Salem Eckaidt,’ 'Arthur Quautz, .ln 5 tho'ny Burst er, low. l_ 1‘1 - «.“mdcr. "W l:‘. ,l'ï¬uw, ‘ 1.1+: Ilcgillnc its J... le’l'lS‘: Summerfeltlt, Jesse Noble, VV. Noble, l Jonathan Nigh, John Calvert, John ' Mill-0y, ‘V. H. Lundy, John l‘ikc, ’ Alf. Hoover. SCui-bm'o’ Townshipâ€"George Elliott, John Elliott, John lonson, J. (Lillurk, llobt. Crawford, W. Crawford, Henry I'lui'lliug, ()livci- Hauling, \V. Heron, Pchi‘ l’lt‘l‘tlll, Thus. Crawford, James Loy, Thomas; Ionson, J. McGinu, Geo. Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, S. Daugherty, “'m. Douglicrty, L. Ken- nctly, It. Ftll‘ftll'. York 'l‘owushi.-â€"Ch;u-los Harmon, Joshua. llni'uou, 'lhomas Hm‘non, \V. (iotllll‘l‘lléllll, Thmuzis Gomlci'hum, J no. Mull-bond, Goo. Fitzpatrick, Charles Fitzpatrick, Ach. Muirhcml, R. J. (illlNln, \Vm. Harrison, \V. Sylvester. t‘hui-lcs Murphy. Sh>uI‘l'villc~Jamcs O’Brien, G. Mncdonuld, A. G. Brown, H. Johnston, Goo. I’liut, jr., 0. Pinglc, J. G. Martin, F. '\\'ilst>n, Dr. Sungstcr, R. Sungslcr, \V. B. Saunders, John Saunders, L. Hoover, \V. J. Coviugton, “ï¬lter Coviuglou, A. Brown. Mr. Jame-s Loy of Scarboro’, was chairman of the convention, and with him on the platform were a. number of tho lmult-i-s of Liberalism in East York. Nominations Wore immediately called for, and the following names were quickly plutod before the convention : John Richardson, M. PR, proposed by County Councillor F. K. Recsur and L. E. Annis. It. J. Gibson, by H. J. Wilson and Alex. Muir-bend. H. l’. Crosby, ex-M. PR, by VV. D. L Recsm- and T. F. McMahon. F. K. Rocsor, by E. H. \Vilson and David James. H. R. qukland, by H. P. Crosby and A. Forster. \Valtm‘ Scott, by J. C. Clark and W. S. Crmistou. ' Gun-go Flint, by A. Johnston and John Richardson. David James, by L. E. Auuis and A. Forster. \Vm. Douglas, by F. “lilson and A. Urmy. P. it. Hoover, by “1 Scott and H. 11. FruuklumL All witlulrcw in favor of Mr. Rich- ardson, the candidates making brief <pcccln-s, cxpx-cssing confidence in the present member- and in his ability to retain the riding for the Hardy Ad- ministration. Much iutcrest was aroused by a, vigorous address from Mr. Flint, who as an old-time Liberal, who was now to some extent out of the running, rejoicotl at, the Reform party‘s jubilee and triumph, for which those present had so long labored and so long labored in vain. Mr. H. R. Frauklzmd was accorded a. rousing reception, a well-deserved tri- bute to the vigorous fight that was made by him in the Dominion camâ€" paign. Mi‘. Fruukland said he hoped yet to represent the constituency at ULLitWi‘t, and the statement was llcill‘t- ily received. Mr. R. J. Gibson had been spoken of by one of the retiring candidates as 21. Toronto man. There were manyiu the hull who desired that he should stand for the nomination, and while he decided against doing so, Mr. Gibâ€" son stated that he had been born in York Towuship, lived there all his life, and objected to being regarded as an Olll',b'ldt'l'. He had been asked to stand for the nomination and had said that when the right time came he Would (In so. “ I will be frank enough to say that I cherish aspirations in that direction," he, continued. “I do hope to some day represent East York in the Legislature, and perhaps at the next convention of this kind if the in- vitation isrcpezitcd I shall not with- draw my mnnliiation.†He was pre- pared to support Mr. Richardson tol the lust. Mr. Moycs might hen. strong candidate or he might not, but wheth- er or 110 the Reformer-s must buckle on thcii- armor and retain the constit- uencyatuuy cost of personal eifort. M1: Richardson, to save the trouble of calling another convention, as he jokingly remarked, accepted the unan- imous nomination of the meeting. He thanked those present for the honor done him, and promised to b( gin hard work at once, not leaving off until the night of the election, whenever it might come. He complimented Mr. Lee, the Chairman, on having been chosen to reside over the afguii‘s of the Libt‘l'tl organization, and express- ed conï¬dence that the work of the election would be carried on in the most effective way. Turning to public questions, Mr. Richardson reviewedl the attacks made upon the Govern.- ment by Mr. Whitney and his lieu-j tcuts,‘:uid pointed out that nowhere had there been a single substantiated statement calling in question the hon- esty or the ecomony of the Govern- ment. Mr. \Vhitney was pleased to say there were too many High Schools, but it was a. singularly striking fact that there has never been a singlefllgh School abolished. That was answer- more than sufficient to any attziCk 'u on the Government, as the respon: -51 ill; for'cstab , . at and abolish- ted as directly as ,cu thorcople them 7 ' ids evil‘ :3. :dson ing t- 950 scht: '1 all}, V. [Single copies, 3. cts. No 11 also advertcd to the attacks of the Opposition offered to the retention of the Good Roads lnspcctordhe Agricul- tuml Collogc, and other aids to the farming community, and closed with a. reference to the triumph of Liberalism, as represented in the lesson of Sir VV'ilâ€" fred thlll‘lttl‘. The following resolutions unanimoust agreed to :â€" Movcd by Mr. Douglas, seconded by George B. McDonaldâ€"“That this con~ vention, assembled for the purpose of selecting a candidate to represent East. York in the Local Assembly, desire to extend to the Premier, the Hon. A. S. Hardy, an expression of our unbound- cd confidence in. him as our leader. This convention feels that the country cannot be in safer hands. We .theyc- fore pledge ourselves to do our utâ€" most iu i'cturning a. candidate to sup- port him in the Government of this Province, which is so (lt'ill' to us, who desire good government and prcispcr- ity in this fair Province. We have in the Hon. Premier 2. good leader, whose motto is honesty, industry and integ- rity. We pray that he may long be spared to rule in our Legislature wit h the some good judgment that he has hitherto displayed. Moved by L. E. Annls, seconded by R. J. Gibsonâ€"“That we, the Liberals of East York. in convention assemâ€" bled, hereby express our conï¬dence in light Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Prem- ier of Canada, and his Government. Vv'c congratulate the Premier, the people of Canada. and the British Empire upon the signal success of his visit to the old bind and the grand pro- gress made in the development of Lib- eral principles.†About 1 o’clock the meeting ml- joui-ned to meet Hon. Mr. Hardy on his arrival by the afternoon train. The Premier was accompanied by Hon. E. J. Davis, Mr. J. K. Kerr, Mr, G. B. Smith, Mr. T. C. Irving, Mr. V". J. Hill, and other Toronto gentlemen, who took seats on the platform, after hearty domonstrations of welcome hail been tendered the premier both outside and inside the hall. Mr. G. B. Smith, who until recently represented East York in the Legisla- ture, received an excellent, reception from his old constituents. He was pleased with the convention, and pleas- ed that it had again chosen the man who, from township councillor to member of the Legislature, had per- formed the various public duties with were . honor to himself and credit to. East. York. Mr. Smith referred to his long couucctiou with the riding, and ex- pressed his regret that he would Still be unable to participate actively in political work. He was sure the choiCe of the convention would again be the member for East York, and pledng himself to do all that lay his power to contribute to that, end. hon. E. J. Davis, Provincial Secre- tary, followed Mr. Smith, and gave a. good speech as he always. does. Then the Hon. A. S. Hardy, Ontario’s Prem- ier, whose listing was the Sigule for :3. in demonstration which lasted for several _ minutes, gave one of the ablest ad- dresses hc has ever been known to give. Speaking of the candidate, he said he was plonst‘d to learn that his old friend, Mr. Richardson, had been re-nominatctl. He has served his up- prenticeship in the county council, is well acquainted with municipal law. and as your representative he alwa; 5 takes part in all that is going on in committee on the floor of the house. A good deal is said in the papers to- daiy, notably the Conservative organs, of the great ability of Mr. \Vhitncy. Mr. \Villoughby, Mr. Miscmnpbcll and Mr. Matheson, the quartette who are stumping the Province in the interests of Opposrtion. They do not hesxtu-lc to sound their praise, 'to blow their buglcs, and wherein they fall short proclaiming then-knowledge and grout ability, the orgng throughout the country supplement what they have left unsold. Now, i do not wish to say it to (lo- tract from their fame, 01' in deprecia- tion of them. at an beyond the strictest liu‘c'of justice, but, I will s..y that Mr. Richardson has shown him- self unusually fauiiiliaiwvith the legi:~:â€" littiou, zuid you would be suprised if I were to tell youâ€"but 1 will tell youâ€"â€" that I will take the statutes commenc- ing with the year that Mr. Richardson ï¬rst entered the Local House, and, al- thouu‘h Mr. ' \Vhitncy and Mr “'ill- ough y have been them for ten years. Mr. Misczunpbell six years and Mr. St. John three years, I am bound to say that there has been more legislation placed upon those books by Mr. Rich- ardson during the brief time he has been there than by all the. four gunfir- men I have. named, combined during the time they have held seats in the House. _ - The meeting which closed with cheers for The ,Qnocn, the candidate and the Premier, was '(me of the best and mostcntlv distic ever held in the. banner constia. mcy of East York. *IEE-Eflimfli’PAFJMFr'BSâ€" Ripan “shines ClLl'e‘ ‘ ~ Ripzxns ‘l'ibulr‘. n i. 'Répans ‘l‘ubtn F' ‘s " 321:1. -