l’u littoral. \\" y L) thnnexn l’IlI.l., September 2). 1:97. Dr. F. J. (iallanoiigh. V. 51'. visits Richmond Hill prof ionally lst \Yi-d- nesdayof month (an- l'myi from it) to 12; 2nd. 3rd and rlth \Veilnesdays from 3 to .3. AuthoriZe-d Inspector of Dairy Cattle. Careful inspections guaranteed. §4~f3€3 £11193. Concord Store and Post Office is for sale orto rent. See adv. on :U‘aillicl' page. l‘lrs.A.(‘r. .‘loules do through Tm: LnncuAL to thank the many friends of Richmond Hill for the kind» ness to her through her recent trouble and bereavement. , Grain Bags. \Ve have grain hugs at less than city prices for cash. Naught- on Bros. Elgiu Mill . The annual meetng of the \i’. ('. T. U. will be held at. the residence of Mrs. G. \Viley. on Monday evening. when interesting reports will be given. Earl) member is requested to bring one or more visitors with her. Mr. Levi Gaby‘s Expre. .‘ “'agon goes to Toronto on Monday. \Vednes- ay and Friday ofevery week. Freight and parcels delivered and collected. Coal delivered at reasoi'iahle rates on short notice. Patronage solicited. , Boots and-Elioes. Ladi s Kid laced boots, latest style. fair stitch. all sizes, $1.25. worth $2. at Naught-on Bros. Mr Geo. Ruskin. missionary, was in the. village \Vednesday afterm'ion and Thursday: while here he collected $4.50 in aid of the Algoma and Nortli~\\'ust (lolportage mission which he wishes to gratefully acknowledge through THE LIBERAL. Did you read in the paper the other day about a farmer near Kleinhug oh» taining a yield of Bi) bush. offall wheat to the acre ? Wt ll. do you know the secret? Let me whisper it in vour ear. He used Bradley's Fertilizer. which you can obtain from H. A. Nicholls. Using Rr:uile_ ‘s Fertilizer is no speculation. The good results obtain- ed are a certainty. The ï¬rm have manufactured them for the past Elli years. which should be a guarantee of their success. Try a few acres of vom- fall wheat with it: and you will (il'tlt‘l' more next season from II. A. Nicholls. LETT E l’. The OF (IONlHM'JCNCE. Epworth League on Friday evening passel a motion exprnslini: their sympathy with Mr. \Varren Hewison in the loss of his wife. Mrs. Hewison was an honored Inetnber of the League. MUSICAL EVEISING. On \Vednesday of last week Mrs. tDr.) Sislcy of Maple. gave a musical . evening to several of her friends. Among those from our villrne. who. were present were, Dr. iiuichison and Miss Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. izl'ilt'rl (bombs, Miss Scarborough and Mr. ll. Sander-Son. ‘ PASSED THE EN’lTilANf‘E. Robert H. “'ilson of Thornhill fallwd h)‘ a few marks on the recent i‘ntranne examination here. He appealed and had his papers re-read. liis appeal was sustained and an eiitranee certifâ€" v icat'e granted. He will attend the High School. HARVI‘.» 1‘ ’HOME. The congregation of St. Stephen‘s Church, Maple. purpoSe holding.r a Tea. Concert and BaLar on the cveninu~ of Thursday. September will. .\ good programme has been provided. Te". from 5 to 7: concert to commence at 1-4. Tickets :25 and 15 cents. See bills. ’ ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The Animal meeting for the election of oï¬iceis in the Epwoi-th League will be held in the school room of the church on the evening of Friday Sept. 24th. On the same evening reports of the great E. L. convention in Toronto will be given. As these reports will be short and spicy a very proï¬table time may he expected. Every one is invited. METROPOLITAN RAIL VAY. From Sept. lst to Sept. llth (inclus- ive) a special service will be given by the. Metropolitan Railway Company as follows :â€"l.eave Richmond Hill for Tot-onto it‘. P. R. Crossing; 7. 8.3!) and 11 a. m.. and 4, 7 and 9.30 p. m. Lea Ve Toronto (L‘. P. R. Crossing) for lx‘iclr mond Hill at 7.20. and 5).»tu a... 311., and 2.40, 5.40, 7.4.3 and 11.3!) p. in. Jim. W". Morris, Manager. CREDIT SALE A credit sale of household goods, the )ropcrty of Mr. \Varrcn I-Icwisim, will )0 held at his residence Richmond Hill, on Saturday, the 11th, inst., com~ mencing at. 2 p. In. There is a lot. of good funit-ure. much of it. as good as new. No reserve. A credit of t\vo months, will be given in all sums over $5. J. T. Saigcon auctioneer. FALL FAIRS The following is a list of fail fairs in which people of this section are more or less interested :â€" Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 23 and 2-1 Newmarkct . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25‘ and 2:) Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 35 and Ll) Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 6 to S Queensville . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 12 ï¬chomberg. . . . . . . . . . . Oct It and 1:3 lVoodbridge . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 19 and 20 g Bradford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. ‘21 and -2 - ; MURAL ASPECTS ll. l†Hastings, the editor :.n.'l publisher, Boston. Liam-Z. an excellent ten-cent pamphlet ion v Moral Aspects of the Higher it‘ritii ism." which deserves to have an extinsixe (‘irt'lli‘llii‘lh Mr. Hastings has issued many able works in (it fence of the lilile, and whoever has not seen some of his \\ it inns should Send 25 centr for specimen copies. \V. M. S. The annual ltl\‘(‘[iilt"‘ of the \V. M. was llt‘l‘l on 'l‘hursday. Sept. 2nd. in Methodist Ht‘liooldiooin. The Ollie 'rs rlnetcd were :rï¬il’resident. Mrs. Min ('ullonh: lst \‘icw-President. Mrs. .‘xw":cei : 2nd Viceâ€"President. Mrs. .Hm \Villiams: 14rd Viceâ€"President. Slur l‘it‘l'l‘l'lllllg Si't'ly. Mi†llh'.) il‘iiii-hison : Corresponding Sol-'y. A. \K’z-igbt: 'l'reasurer, Mrs. l. ('rosby. \lrs. l’iox-tor was elected del- «3w r to the Branch Mectiu't to be held in Hart Ec. l’lllldi \VINNERS. Among prize winners at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition we notice the t'olimvunr:~~~ l’air matched hands "Isl. Lyla property of Mr. John mond llill. Htallion lyeers and up wlst Tony '\'\ ill; >. Mr. John McBride, Newton l\\‘llt“ Q \lrs. .‘.-'i s. horses‘. under 15:. and Lynda, the Palmer. Rich- Bl'm‘k. Tony \Yilkes also \von first. prize for best, roadster stallion any age. wokâ€"imnnfleahrf A Car-den Party will he held in Thornhill. in connection with St. Luke‘s ll. C. ("hurl-h. on the church grounds. on Tuesday evening Sept. I-lth. l‘xllT. .‘i l“il'st»cl:1ss String Band. the best in the city. has been secured. and a commodious platform will be erected for dancing. Dancing to coni- menee at. 'i p. 111. Tickets to Grounds 25 cents. llefreslnm‘nts will be served on the grounds. A car will leave llirlnnond liill for Thornhill at 7 p. In. Return tickets lll cents. Cars will have C. I’. ll. crossing at 5.40 and 6.30 p. in. Return tickets 23 Cents. ('ars will leave for north and south at 10.30 p. m. sur't‘iï¬iiuan mans \TOR. The C’ieptenlher number of the Delhi- eator with its forerasi of Autumn fashions is a beautiiul inagazme. There is a page devoted to Social ()h. servanees, there are two capital short, stiil‘h‘r. and "Social life in American Cities" s devoted to an entertaining discus-:ion of San Francisco society. Mrs. A. B. Longsireet discourses upon Loyalty to Simple Standards in solving domestic problems: Mr. Vicks Flower Garden includes instructions for home- made greenhouses: and Mrs. \Vither- spoon's ’l‘eall‘able Gossip. Emma Hay- wood‘s Fancy Stitches and Embroi- deries. the recipes on “Seasouable Cookery." the notices of new books the Children‘s Page. and the illus- trated designs for Taming, Crocheting, l.:ice~Making. etc., are all of aceustom- ed lelft llcncc. BUTT t )N V I LLE lii;“"\‘est Home Anniversary Sermons will L'L‘ held in' the Methodist Church, iinttt nville. on the 12th. and 13th of Sepia; Uiibnm1 allith iiis‘... bul= no {is uizli he piuacl at 10.3%) and 7 o‘clock by i‘li'. tiri‘diti of ’l‘orohtoA’s’ht-n («devious will b.- takeu up in heliaii’of church funds. {in tin following day a good dinner will be provided by the lzuiies of Buttonviile \\ hose reputation in this line will known. Dinner fioni :3 to 7 o'clock. after which a good (‘llli‘ltiillllllt'lll will be given. Besides short addresses. there will be an ill- It'll‘>tlllg programme of Selections by l‘rof, .l. ll. Sheppard of Toronto, the popular elocutionst; and musical selec- tion by the “‘hyte Bros. of Toronto. awonipained by guitar and harp. .xiiininon for dinner and Entertainâ€" ment 2.) reins chihlrrn 1.3 cents W eddqu Dells: :l.er. is One of those pleasgnt. eVenIs which aia':.vs cause an interest. in social ciri-l..s took place in the Methodist (Inuit-h last evening. the occasion be- in,,' the marriage of ltev. A. J. Paul, B. .-";., B. it, to Annie Scarborough, the only daughter of Mr. Charles Mason (Scarborough). The church was beautifully decorated by the ladies of tl_e congregation with the choicest flowers and plants, the pulpit and platform being banked with ferns. golden rod. sweet peasc, fuchsias, and many other varieties. Although the Llltlllt‘rl'llllll and the gallery of the clunch were crowded. the ushers, Messrs. Geo. Drum and Geo. Scar- borough of Toronto, succeeded admir- ably in making both guests and spec- tatons cmni'ortablc, and did their parts to perfection. The interesting cere- mony was performed by ltev. (1‘. Mc- (‘ulloelo the pastor, assisted by Rev. Mr. . tcwart. of Maple. Shortly after 7 o‘clock, as the wcddiin,r march was' being exquisitely played by Mis. A. J. llume. the groom, accompanied by his groollisnlilll. Mr. ll. ti-raham of Brad ford, entered at the side door and took his place, before the altar. Litilei‘ilissllancl Switzer, as maid of Honor, was sweetly pretty in a dainty dress of cream Japan silk and Valenciennes lace. carrying in her hand a wand of lovely flowers, which made her look like a fairy in a mid- summer night‘: dream. All ey _ were fastened admirably upon the bridesmanl, Miss Ethel Switzer. as with graceful, measured step she w:.Lked slowly up the aisle, looking superbly lovely in pink silk gauze, intenvovcn with silver Cords which fell like sunset clouds over a dress of pink silk. She carried a shower bouquet oI exquisite pink roses l I tied with immense streamers of pink Iuoire ribbon. inc brine with stately step moved V the arm of her father. anti-infidel ' . slowly down um: aisle suppuucd by _ .sm:zme5mtmnmw;m ' She was ele- gantly attired in ivory silk . which swept the ground in the bodice of which “"1 a bewildering mazeot'puffs and shit-rs in silk and mouselin. de soire with pearl trim- mings and soft white lace falling,r from her neck and arms. She made an en- chanting picture with her sweet face half concealed behind the filmy folds of her bridal veil which was fastened to her fair hair by a charmng cluster of white roses. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and ferns. -‘ifterthe ceremony the guests re- paired to the home of the bride's parents. where the newly-iharried couple were the recipients of hearty Ctnun-atitlations. The dining room where a sumptuous repast was served was artistically arranged, a floral hell being suspended directly over the bride's seat at the table. After the repast. the following toasts were hap- pily proposed and responded to. Mr. T. F. Mc.Mahon, acting as chairman:-â€" “The Bride". Mr. J. E. Switzer. re- sponded to by thegroom: "The Bridesâ€" maidâ€, Ilr. llutchison. respoiuled to by Ihegi‘oomsman; "Host and llostess†liev. (i. McCollocli. responded to by Mr. C. Mason; “The Clergy". by Mr. A. E. t‘oombs. responded to by Rev. J. \\'. Stewart and ltev. Herbert l.ee. The high esteem in which the bride is held by her numerous friends was evidenced by the. large number of l'reautiful and costly presents of which she was»: the recipient. The happy couple. amidst. warmest congratulations of relatives and friends. left. by cab for Toronto shorts ly after 10 o'clock. They purpr tak- ing a week's trip previous to settling in their new and comfortably furnishâ€" ed parsonage in \Varminster. The following is a list. of the presents: Opal brooch front the groom : gold watch and chain from her father: dessert spoons, Mr. and Mrs.l.(.'rosby : jardncrc and stand, Dr. and Mrs llutchison and Mrs and Miss Rogers ; salad bowl, Mr. and Mrs. .J.ll. Sander- son ; jardiniere. Mrs. Sivers, sr. ; silver ladi-l. Mr. and Mrs. “"111. Cook ; plau~ ished brass crumb tray, Mr. and Mrs. Pollard : bread and butter plates. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sivers: marble clock, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ora/m and family: berry set. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hume; jardin~ iere. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Elliott : ehiua tray. Mrs. A. \V. “'right ; silver ladel. M r. and Mrs. Evans : china plates. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. (loombs; silver bu: icr knife and sugar spoon, Mr. and . .rs. Edgar: Oxford Bible from her grand- parents ; berry set. Mr. \Vm. Mason ; photo frame. Miss Vera Paul ; call hell, Mr. “I “’right; china cups and saucers Mrs. \\'m. Mason: Turkish rug. Mr. T. 5. Graham ; piano lamp, Mr. E. Mason ; chocolate set, Mis. and Miss Morris ; biscuit jar, Rev. and Mrs. McCulioeh; jewel case, ltcv. and Mrs. J. \V. Stewart; celery dish, Miss Moodie; silk drape, Mr. and Mrs. A. 15. Kennedy ; hon hon spoon. Mr. F. H. Kirkpatrick; silver spoons, Mr. and Mis. McMahon; breakfast cruet, Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Sanderson ; table napkin rings, Miss Heise; card re- ceiver, Mr. and Mrs. R. Scarborough ; live o‘clock tea table, Mr. and Mrs. Savage ; ï¬sh set, Mr. and Mrs. Switzer- and the Misses Switzer; silver crumb tray, Mr. I'I.D.Graham; whisk holder, Mrs. J. H. Driï¬ill; set of doilies, Miss Pearl Escot ; silver server. Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan ; dinner set? from her mother; rocking chair, Mr. and Mrs. \V Paul; rocking,r chair. Miss 1. Paul. The following were the invited guests: Rev. and Mrs. Fallis, Dundalk: Mr. and Mrs. T. .8. Graham, Mr. H. l). Gra- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Bradford; Mr. and Mrs. “'m. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. I“. Edgar, Miss Paul; (z‘alcsbury, Ill; Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. “'right. Galt; Rev. and Mrs. Steward, Maple; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kenâ€" nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scarbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Oram, The. " Oram, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Ma- cc} . .\ iss A. Mason, Mr. \\'. Sutton. Mr. George Scarborough, Mr. George Oram, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. P. Pat- terson, Patterson; Mr. and Mrs. “'111. Cook, Carrville; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Pollard, i\\'innipeg; Miss Silverwood, Oakwood; Miss Pearl Escot.t. London; Miss L. Mason, VVoodbridge; Rev. and Mrs. McCulloch, Rev. A. ll. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Switzerand the Misses Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ur. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. J. W'. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. “i. A. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Mason, Mr. E. Mason. Mr. F. ll. Kirk- patrick, Dr. and Mrs. Hutchison, Miss . (tigers, Miss Moodie. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon, Mr..and Mrs. I. Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Uoombs, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hume, Mr. and Mr. Robt. Sivers, Mrs. Sivers, 5811., Mr \lorris, Miss Morris. . “,7 ANTEDâ€"Farmers1 Sons and other industrious persons of fair edu- cation to whom $60 a month Would be an inducement. I could also engage a few Ladies at. their own homes. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Out. .9- Sherwood Mrs. J. Nixon, Purpleville, and Mrs. F. Carver, Teston, spent Monday with friends here. A cow belonging to Mr. John Young was killed at the (LT. ll. crossing here by the 9.30 mail train Friday morn- mg. Dr. Albert Nixon of Nebraska U. S. visited his uncle Mr. T. Rupert Sunâ€" day. Mr. Joe Gardner spent Sunday here. Mr. Colin Campbell is ill with pleur- isv. Mrs. M. Robinson of Toronto visited friends here last week. Miss Lerch of Penn. U. S. arrived last week. She will spend some time with her father and mother Rev. and Mrs. Lerch. Mr. Campbell of Toronto, spent Sun- day at Mr. .1. 1r; KLclti"b\ . graceful fold s, . OF o u.........-..--.-.-....................--......--... Atkinson 8i. Switzer c»....-...-..... ....y.-.‘...-. ............‘...-... Is Keepin’ The Ball a. Rollin’ ......u..--..«.... r..--...-.......--....-....-......--......-. They Deal in' the est Gaels . . - ..»....... .....u.-......--o. ....-.......... We. want your trade ...........-..-.u.....-......o.. and. are offering amusements to sis QUIGKEST THING Knows And only preparation of the kind in America. (CONTAINING N0 ACIDS) That. will clean all kinds of Clothing. Jewelry, Tinware and highly polished Furniture, without injury. is ‘6 SAPGNTQEE ’9 THE CHEMICAL DISCOVERY. This great Grease, Oil and Paint Extractor does what you can’t do with any other preparation known. It remm'es Paint, Grease. and Oil that’s been on for years, without injury. The SA PONIQUE renews the lustre of the cloth and makes it new again. You can wear clothing so much longer if cleatle with SAPONIQUE. It has no equal for cleaning Patent Leather, Celluloid Cuffs and Collars, and removing Stains from Linen. Shirt Fronts, Cuffs and Collars. The SAPONIQI‘E cleans your house from top to bottom. Try it on your mirrors and windows. It works like a, charm. Beware of Imitations. It extracts dirt immediately, and leaves no unpleasant smell on the hands or article cleaned. , REMEMBER OUR OFFER :vâ€"lf the SAPONIQUE don't give entire satis- faction, return the bottle and money will be refunded. Ask The Saponique is put up in (3 oz. and Pint Bottles, 25c. and 506:. your Dealer for the Saponiquc. Ki? FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS AND AGENTS'EQ SAPONIQUE MANUFACTURING C0,, THURNHILL Copyright Applied for United States and Canada. New spring Good,“ NO\V ARRIVING AT THE NEE PBQOF GROCERY STOCK COMPLETE GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY A Large Assortment. ISAAC CROSBY.,