Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1897, p. 4

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Vx’mxdbridge Fairswill be held on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Thepriwlist is an extensive one, a. Inge building will be devoted to the dog show. and e’velx department promises to be fixll. I‘usic will be m‘upplied bébh days by the Eglintcm [)1‘1138 baud. Thaspeedingfoonteslsg; in the ring Wfll‘be as follows: i'Fimbday ~Threo year oldasingler horse ‘ irn- harm- '083; single hdfse thLynevex-Ebeatfi minutes; pony. 13 4113.086 «it under, twice rmmd ’bhe sting ; «gentleman‘s driving lwx‘sein hamess to buggy of not. less them 250 lbs“ style and speéd to be considerdd; -saddle-':horse. um, l-;:; than 155 hands. Second dayâ€"â€" fiingle horse in‘harness. farmers’ prem- ium; single horse in harness that nevm‘ibeat 2.30: singie horse in harm «w,- open to :6”. It'l‘he. above trotting contests wilemflésbeawu best three In five. 7 The Liberals of North Viehtworth hive selected a strong candidate for the Ontario Begislature in thetperson of Mr. A. l“. Pirie, editor and prop rietor of the Dundas ‘Banner. The numberof newspaper men in Par» “liament is small compared with those from the professions. There are a few clever members in theâ€" Local. House, however from the fourth estate, among them being- Mr. Andrew Pettullo, of the Woodstock Sentinel Review, who was elected in North Oxford upon the retirement of Sir ‘01iver Mowat from Provincial pol- ities. Mr. Pattullo although a mem- ‘ber for/little over a year, is already one of the most active members in i'tlie House. THE LIBERAL congratulates the Fitefo‘rmers of North Wentworth upon ’the choice of their nominee, and hopes to see Brother Pirie a mem- ber of the Legislature after the next "election. Mr. Pirie is a man of excellent ability, and his wellâ€"known wit; should be sufficient to cure any fit of the blues. “The Leader and Recorder be- lieves that Canada‘s distinguished 5011, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, is one of the cleanest, noblest and best men in the public life of this or any other country. \IVA I can pay ten dul- p hrs weekly to a lady of mature ago. refinement and Liz-L to spend her time in a good cause. The Leader and Recorder, the Conservative organ for Wesc York, paid a compliment to Canada's Pre- mier last week in the following words:â€" the course of studies. The pro- gramme should be regulated 'Wit-h a View not. to separate pupils but to draw them closer together. If good religious men and women are em- gaged as; teachers in the Public Schools, they will lose no opportunity "of imparting lessons in morality, tem- perance, and all that tench to the welfare of mankind. There can be no objection to teaching religion af- ter school hours, but as long as an attempt is made to impartrreligion to a mixed schooljust so long will there be heart-burnings and enmity among the members of the "varioas denomiâ€" There appears to be a move in some quarters, principally among the Anglican clergy, to introduce religâ€" ious instruction in the Public Schools of Toronto. In a schOol where the parents or guardians of the children all belong to the same denomination, religious eXei-cises are right and proper, but in a mixed school what some people call religion may he designated by others scctarianism. This is sure to lead to trouble and bad‘ feeling, and no good results will be accomplished. Every citizen who pays taxes should receive the same consideration at the hands of the state, and the school curriculum should be arranged in such a way that every child could participate in 112W RICHMOND HILI Elm Zfiikwnl. )1". New Advertisements, RELIGION IN SCHOOLS \VOODBRIDGE FAIR. T. H. LINSCOT’I‘, October Toronto. Ont. 14. 18$ . ‘ “Manufactured. Gram: qund on Monday, \Védnexiday ‘anid‘Sat-urday. " Cider made on Tuesdays and Fridays. Kept for sale at the following low prices: Points to fit; No. 2, 3 and 14. Patter- son, 20 cents each ; Nu. 12 and 13, Pat- terson. 20 cents each. or $2 a dozen; No. 7, W., at 20 cenes each; No. 3, I. X. L., “7.. 20 cents each, “1‘ $2 a doz. .- Nu. ‘ 21, 'E, 20 cent-s ezwh ; Tinklm- Z) cé‘mts eabh,*'or.$2 £2 ’60sz 71 have péiixts "fora-11 thelfn'incipé'; plow at above: prices. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of Agean Sell “Klondike Gold Fields” Likva. Whirlwind. Experienced can- vassfirs reaping thv richest harvest of their lives: new beginners doing won- ders. Nearly everybody subscribes. One young follow on a farm at $12.00 a month is making $75.00. A lady type-writer at 3.00 a. week is cloarin r $11.00. A mechanic who had earne $1.50 a. day is clearing $33.00 a day. We want more agents. Canvassing outfit 25 cts., worth $1.00. THE BRADLEY-GARRETSON 00.,Litnibod, Toronto, Ont. The Richmond Hill hand had one of tho pleasantvst outings of the season last evening. Aocmnpmiivd by a fvw of the citizens thvy lvft tho village shortly after 7 o‘clock. by spt‘r'ial cm; and after an exljnyabln hip, spent the evening at the residence of Mr. Noyes, manager of the Metropolitan Railway. Deer Park. Among thhsu who accom- panisd the band Wei-e Reeve Savage, County Councillor Pugsloy, Mossxs. F. McConaghy. J. Palmer, J. Brownlce, and T. F. McMahon, and the party were nwt on the way by (ix-\Vai-den Slater and Mr. J. MoDougall, 001mth engineer. They were met at the powerâ€"house by Mr. A‘l.l)_VK‘S and escort~ ed to his home. whore a fmv most 9n- joyuble hours were spent. The band played a number of their choicest selections outside, and in Mr. Moyes‘ drawing-room a most interesting pm~ gramme was rendered. Lively climus~ es were given. and solos sung by Mr. A. 5. Savage and Mr. E. Mason, Mr. H. L. Brown presiding at tbs piano. Refreshments WPl‘e served by Mrs. Moyes, which woro thorougth Pnjoy~ ed. Before Separating Mr. Moyos thanked the musicians for the enter- tainment provided. and Mr. E. Mason, on behalf of the band, 915 n-essvd his appreciation of the huspitagity extend- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Moyes. Aftera. few more songs and choruses the party left about 11 o’clock, reaching home shortly after midnight. REPAIR SHOP. In a Wul‘kmanlike manner at, the old BUYLEisj'MILL Plow Points MA GER RICHMOND HILL la‘t‘e residence on Tuesday afternoon to Show thoir last tribute of I'PSpl-‘Pt to the departed and to the aged wife who survives him. The funeral was (fun- ducted by the Masonic fraternity, of which order deceased had been a mom- lwr for thirty-Six years. He was made a Mason in King, but affiliated with Vaughan Lodge. No. 54. in 1868. Service was Ctmductod at the house hy Rev. C. A. Campbell, after which a, [JI‘OCctSSiOll was furde headed by the Richmond Hill band. A largemnn- hm‘ of Masons WPI'C present from Richmond, Blackwnod and other lodges. The Masonic ceremony was road'hy Bro. J. T. Saigvnu. \V. M.” as- sisted by Bro. Past Muster. Dr. Sislvy. At, the lodge room after tlw burial a short sketch of the life of departed was given by Bros. Richardson and Smelsor. Ripans Tabulea. Ripans Tabulea cure billousnesa. Ripans Tabules cure ’iver- troubles. T‘Ripans Tabulesmleaaant laxative. Withasevere accident near Maple (m Thursday evening. He and Mrs. Cmnpbéll were driving to Brampton and on the Way caHPd at the residence of County Councillor G. \‘\'. High. V-Vhile driving down the lane :1- (-0w collided with ‘a shaft of the buggy, which fright‘einéd the horse, causing it to rear and kick. The dortur was kicka in the leg which was fractured in t\vo_ places. M ‘ Cznngbeu also I-oCeived 'r‘l sprained ankle. The duct”!- was carried tnthe home of Mr. Geo. Refit-rand Dr. Sisioey sent fur. The patient was made as cumfortuhlu as pmsiblp, and Dr. Sisle.’ acumngumiod him to his home in Newmarket the fol- lowing moruiug, b’y ‘Nortlmru rai‘i- Sprain Grinders THE BAND ENTERTA IN} REPAIRING Campbell of MASON IO FUNERA I LEG FB‘ACTURED t‘ “’11) il'ké‘t, met “ID. And ruu‘ Monday I and Tuesday ~01 each week ‘ untimhe fish of November. «We will buy- npplas, bus keep the sweet and pour ‘ vanes separate. } "Conditions for making cidar'. Jelly and hailed 1 cider and' apple butter :LFor maklng raw cidar, «to. par gut; tor makiugnnd boiling it. 2c. per guljior mkklng cider and mining yin. jell. W. per gut. ;' in! making 'oimar and putting ‘ «it in v apple bum; 25¢. per gar. (31450951; and upwards; under 50 gal.. Bic. per gm. Thankinc the general vitblict for when- liberal patronage in the unemwe solid: 11 continu- Ince o! the same-h: the tutura. Owing to the scarcity of apulas we will start to "mu our mmmn Jul? 25M]. 1897. Idaely. Supt mm, 194.} Men to sell {or the Fonbhill Humanistâ€"(Iver 700 acres of Canadian Glowu Stuckâ€"«We impon no Stock Iron: the States. Farmers. turmers' sous, implement. agents. students. teachers, retired ministers. energetic clerks who what to nuke advancement. find the work n! aelhng our Hardy Grown Nursery Stock pleasant as well us Qwfitabio. _.. _».,... tun. annnnu an fly-n y‘vnuwflw Ilv v”... .. r _V_~“ We want more sucfivmeu this season as the demand for our goods 15 lucramiuk owing to the fact tbubwe mamutae allum~stock free {tom Sun Jose Sea a. We make contracts with whole or part time men. Employmentthe your xound. We pay both Smithy and commisaion. Write us for terms. Outfit. tree. STONE 3 WEmINGTUN.Tm-onco Containing about, nine acres or first-cums land nn which is erected a. flue large residence. hnck from: beautiful lawn; good outbuildings; [urge crawl-mimic Xur several years has averaged 52:00 a year. 1| you wish to secure 0. comfort.- able home. on! fine summer residence. don't miss tuia chance ’l'nrue unuutes‘ walk tu electuc curs; clip 11 silligh and'l’l‘lblif Siboors. onyx.” \ u. . Ur if prawn-ell I will sell me whole of the lot coucuiumg about. 40 acres. Tins property is well wmnhy the attention of any intending purchas- er. Possession any any you name. For particulars apply w the owner on the premisms. 1 D l)an Sept. 10.33: Bidaréan‘iijjeily Mifi APPLES “WANTED. .EEDGELY RICHMOND HILL Every Thursday, Aherlmon null Evening, Round Trip Tickets, 25 cats. câ€"u JNO. w. MOYE 3. Manager. fiEY’S EXPRESS. G? Will l‘m‘ S'Iond At reasonable rates EXCURSiON *Oo‘t. 4th, 91:89.57, Dufl'orin (i rove, Anyone sending a sketchmnd description may quickly weenaln. free. whether an invention is probably pauentable. Communicatlrms strictly confidential. Oldest. agency to: securing patents in America. We have 9. Washington office. Patents taken through Mum a; C0. receive special notice in the SGIENTIFIG AMERRGQM beautifully illustrated. largest circulation of an menace ournal.wc€k\y.tems$3‘ma em; 1. six man he. Specimen copies andlIAx 00K 08 PATENTS autiree. Address Valuable property in the Village of METROPULH'AN RY. LEVI GABY. ‘I-cight and Part Snai eiivarefl FOR SALE WANTED TORONTO ‘V’eduosd 361 Iii-Voahémv. New fork. Excm’siou l‘m‘ m: M: 4mm 7 1‘ Car leaves Tor 'atmnago Solicited TORONTO MUNN & col WINGER BROS. a nd 14‘1'iday. 1y. COBOL-teak EV ERYvâ€" -11).. Hess runs to J. BROWN. Box 424. Richmond Hill ‘ TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS: COPYRIGHTS ic- on shortest notic‘t lrom Richmond Hill w m. Returning lusty uto at 1013.11). delivered and ( Harses'Shoes put on by‘the celebrated horse-shear remain there until taken off by man. lHorses shod by the celebrated homesheeztdn .not .go lanm, kneelknock or ' interfere. All homes shod by the celebrated horseâ€"sheer cured 9f earns, thrush and vocatraction without extra'charge. Th'esegtuaranteed to be set right. No dished wheels, vbmken .$pokcs, nor upcdgedtircs, but are set perfectly flat. - Plows and-allotherffiarm implements overâ€"hauled in this shgrpvgivc satis- faction, . Afllkkmés of rigs built to order. Wagon racks,r<3istern tubs, or anything in 'wood or iron mad-e or rlepaired on shortest. notice. painted both to' look \x'ell:&nd-\\'ear at very low prices. All work done . at reduced prices. «Satisfacsmmmnteddrwhere many others mill-01‘ nolxpay. During the 10 years ending Dec. 3151;, 1896, Death Claims accrued to the amount of $1,565.858.00. DIVIDENDS.â€"â€"-Since organization the Association Has paid and declared to Policyholdets by way of Dividends over $1,042,000.000. It saves money and pays it. back again with interest at a time when it is mosil needed. To Policyholdcrs for balance declared profits in 1896, $96,533.86. 01- for every dollar received the Association returns $3.37. EXTENDED INSURANCE~The unconditional accmnnlutive policies issued by the Confederation Life Association guarantee extended insurance after an) yeaxs for an amount which is definitely stated in the policy. It is not neces- sary to apply to the Association for this benefitâ€"it works automatically. Paid-up policies and cash values also guaranteed. Full information will le sent on application to Dr. Reid’s I). G}. SA‘VAGE, - District Agent, Bichnlond Ilill. Also A eat for “'estern Fire Insurance (10., York Mutual Fire ondon Guarantee and Accident Co. ; also apémtiser for Permanent Loan and Saving 0, FARMERS AND HORSEMEN. Harness of all grades, Buggy Dusters, Ely Nets, \N001 and Rubber Knee Rugs, YVhips, V \ And all Horse and Stable Supplies. Also in stock a ~lull line of Trunks and Valises. Everything at prices as low as can be bought. anywhere else. Call and see mm And everythingr in the Hardware fine in stock or g0! on short notice, at bottom prices for cash. GUNFEDERATEflfi UFE ASSESWMN. HARD W ARE, Tinware, Eavetroughing, H04: Air Furnaces, And everything in the Stove and Stove Pipe line in stocu or made to order. Also all kinds of RICHMOND STOVE-S GE” TEE BEST MAKES Shmgles, Lath, Agricultural Imp] Bradley’s Standard Fertilizer. Agent for Canada Life, Phoenix and Loan Associations, and True COR. YONGE & RICHMOND RICHMOND HILL. H. A. NEG \Ve are selling ordinary Plow P<)i_ .and Fanning Mill HARDWARE STORE Stove Bipes 5, 8 & 1013. per length, . MASON, - RICHMOND HILL The Celebrabed Horse-Sheer, Wood~Worker and General Jobber, Repairing Promptly Done The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating! 'S RICHMQND Repaxrirg promptly attended to. 55 GEICO. DICI)ONALD. 320101 Office, 'Colborne 813,, Cheaper than in the city. gamegs Shop place to go for fil~$fi< tura] Implements and Repairs. hire, Uomxmon buudm t (,Ior'poration oi Toroan ms for a short time at 20C 5 for $7.00 HILL class Insurance Co.. Canada. Building Tomato.

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