Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1897, p. 5

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J‘s-{7:93 . whg gaatfatu ‘1} .ill‘HMUNl) Iill.l., October 11,1.»‘07. Dr. F. J. Gallanough. V. visits Richmond Hill professionally 1st \Vc. ncsday of month ll‘alI‘ Dav) from 10 to 12:2IId. 3rd and lth l‘fi-dnvsda‘vs 'Irotn 3 to :3. Authorized Inspector of Dairy Cattle. Carcnt inspections guaranteed. L (9 (7 3:33.. “5’1 lll(‘kVFl't'nt'll took first money in the open trot at Streets-ville Fair yester- day. Kitty It. took second in the 3 minute race. Ladics‘ Puritan Inalerwarc is selling Well at Atkinson & Switzcr's. As will be seen by advertisement on another page the property known as the Grand Central Hotel is for sale. This is a (lesirable property. 7 bars Trilby Soap for 25 cts., this is a firstâ€"class Soap. “ ‘lllSUn & Swit~ .‘al 201'. A meeting of the Ladies” Aid of the Methodist Church will be held in the vestry of the church this evening (Thursday) at the close of the prayer IIIeeting. Go to Atkinson tk' Switzcr‘s for lotton Gram Bags. Great value this Week. The Annual Plowing Match of the LEast York I’low‘II‘IaII‘s Association will be held on the farm of Mr. \VIII. Millâ€" iken, Hagerman‘s Corner, oIITuesday. the 9th of NoveIIIber. Drowsiness is dispelled by drinking "‘ )Ialwa." Atkinson &. Switzer‘s sptcial package pure Ceylon Tea. Mr. H. A. Lunau of Unionville. writes us, saying that he has received authority and a commission to grant ‘deer license for the present season. He will be at Richmond Hill on Tues- day next for that purpose. Hunters' excursion to Mnskoka is on Oct. 26th. Price of license is $2. Season open from Nov. 1st to 15th inclusive. Kill« {ingdeer without license is unlawful. \Vill' be at \Voodbridgc the last day of the fair. \Voodâ€"Soft and Mixed \Vood ‘28‘ liver-ed, or in yard, as you wish. Naughmn Bros, Elgin Mills. A Grand Concert will be viven under the Anspices cf Yandorf Pent. No. 252, K. 0. T. M., in the Public Library Hall. Yandorf. on Friday evening, Oct. 22nd, 1897. An excellent programme will be rendered by the following first-class talent zâ€"MI-Jiarry -Rich, Comedian; Mr. C. H. Fielding. 1 . . _ . 4 unit! Without a driver III 2.38, accord-, Elocutionist: Mindlenry Simpson,‘ Ventriloquist ; ~Mrs. Ramsay, Pianist. Admission to Concert, adults 25 cts: children under 12 yrs. 15 cts. Doors (men at 7.30: Concert. at. 8 o'clock. o": 'ith the above ex0ellcnt talcnt‘ihe Ipuhlic may expect a treat. All are welcome. . ’ No injuction was ever served on At- =»kiIIS()n & Switzer to prevent them givâ€" flgood values. .By special arrangement with the publishers we will accept subscriptions for THE LIBERAL and Toronto’s Ladies’ Journal for one year for $1.50. \Vhen we consider that the regular price of The Ladies” Journal alone is $1.00 a year, you can readily see what a splendid offer it is we are making. The Ladies’ Journal is one of the old- est and best established of the. great Canadian journals, is beautifully illus- trated, and contains thoughts of the highest order. No family should be without it. Remit $1.50 to this office and you Will receive both papers for one year. If you trip your toe on AEinson & Switzer’s doorstep you stumble into some good bargains. HALLOVVE’EN ENTERTAINMENT. The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church, Richmond Hill, intend hold- ing a Hallowe’en Entertainment on Monday evening, Nov. 1st. A good supper will be served, after which a concert will be given. Talent from Toronto has been secured, and a good time is expected. ‘You'can tell one of_ Atkinson & Switzer’s customers. They all look happy. JUNIOR LEAGUE. There was a. large number of boys .and girls at the League last Friday. Rev. Mr. McCulloch gave a. talk on “ Our Vow.“ A number responded to the text, but the. superintendentsaid ‘ there might have been more. A good attendance is expected next week, when Mrs. Grant will give a Temper- ance Talk. TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY. The VVinripeg Heater is the latest ,jnvention. ‘It saves fuel, stops r cold ‘drafts, takes cold air from the floor, retains.the. heat, produces complete noninbiistion, causes perfect circulation, keeps the feet warm and prevents the head from aching through excessive ,heat. Call and examine it at H. A. ’ Nicholls‘, agent for this district. GORMLEY. The Tunkard Love Feast.~01- Coini ,Inunion meeting, was held at their church on Saturday and Sunday last. La e Congregations were. present at all t 9 services and unusual good order .prevailed. There. were not so many .visiting ministers and _mcmbers ‘ as sometimes ; Rev. S, Doner of Stayner, was the only strang~ Iniuisterpresdnt. Altogether it was a (‘x'ilells'afldt . .md profitable series of meetings. i i'rc. ‘ ,' ‘lilltn'ill, it was «piilc interesting to ll'nlllllllul go to work. , 'Ihn g SUL'R GRAPES \VILL \Y Ul’. l.:.s‘l Hunday chninj: two or three boys entered the garden of oni- of our l'lll'l't'lIS and helped themselves \‘cry “ to the grapes. As they were war-h the effect. On Monday and Tutwday one of them was sick and The funniest that, all the ripe “Be about it is grancs were-picked on Saturday. Sill'x' your sins will find you out." I’Vy V1“, 7*rii l’IIl‘l-‘lBl IanlAN ('IIIIIH‘II. (in Friday cching. 22nd iIIst.. Rev. \YIII. Patterson, of ('ook‘s church. g Toronto. will give his admirable Lec- lure ” Ireland and the Irish," in the l’resbytci-iaII church here. coInI‘IIcIIc- ing at Sift-lock. Admission 10 cents. Thin will be the first of a. series of lec- tures \vhiilh havc been arranged by the- pastor. Rev. Mr. (irant. to be dc- iivn'cd once a month by prominent lecturers from Toronto. HEINTZMAN l’IANOS. Ilcintzman It Co. Piano is a high grade instrument. ltmakcs its way into the homes of the best people in every part of the Dominion of Canada frontfio‘va. ticotia to Vancouver. It, costs more than other Canadian Pianos but a good article is always IllI‘z'lH‘t'pBSL in the end. The people of ~Vaughan have cndnrsctl tlII-se opm- ions as there are more Ilcintzman & Co. Pianos in the Township than of any other manufacture and they are all, giving the best satisfaction. llcintzman A: (‘0. will exhibit at \Voodbridge Fair. NO MONEY TO BURN. Mr. Bat-wick of Toronto, says he saved a scuttle of coal each day by us- ing a “'innipcg Heater: and Mr. (daxton, the music dealer, says the Heater afforded much better com- bustion, a saving in fuel. and since having it in use has not suffered from cold feet or headache. It is attachable tocilher wood or coal stoves or fur- nace. H. A. Nichcils is the agent for this territory. THE TEACHERS COMING. It is hoped that trustees and citizens generally will show their interest in the Educational Association. which meets in the Lecture Room of the Meihodist church on Friday and Sat- urday of this week, by attending as many of the sessions as “possible. Pa.- peI-swilldie read on various subjects which will be interesting to all. 011 FIilay evening a. musical and literary entertainment will be given in the Masonic Hall. and an address on the. “Training of children" by \Vm. Scott, Esq., B. A.. Vice-l’resident of the Normal School. Toronto. \VELLâ€"DONE, DICK ! Among the attractions at Markham Fair was the exhibition of speed by Jackson's guideless horse, Dick French. This old favorite travelled a. ing to the judges’ report. never mak- ing ‘a mistake of any kind. John Palmer followed close with Kitty R., and came in a good second. \Vhen, the bell rang at the end of the second round, ibick imnnediately turned round and leisurely walked back to the judges‘sta‘nd as if anxioustto hearl the report of his success. _ his is a wonderful performance .when it is considered that. it was only at the last Toronto exhibition that old Dick made his debut as a guideless horse. DOMINION OiioANs. he only Organ outside the United States receiving both medals and Diplomas with the highest ‘Awards at the “'orld's Fair in Chicago in 1393 was the Dominion Organ. The only Canadian Organ that was worthy of the International Medal and Diploma. of Honor at the lentennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876 was the Dom- inion Organ. This organ needs no in- troduction in Vaughan as there. are more. Dominion Organs in the Town- shi Ithan of any other manufacture an they are all giving excellent satis- faction. The Dominion Co. will ex- hibit at Woodbridge Fair. "WATCH rot}an A few weeks ago Miss J.Lynett,who had attended a. pIcIIic at Bonds Lake, found on returning home that she had lost her watch. The young lady advertised the watch, but as she heard nothing of it for some time she con- cluded that she would not again see. her time-piece. One. day last week, however, the article was found in a. place'little suspected. A bicyclist had stopped at the lake to repair his wheel. One of the nuts which had been loos- ened dropped in a crack between two planks in front of the hotel. One of the planks was raised in order to get the nut, when to the surprise of those present Mr. Cosgrovfe found the watch. Naturally Miss Lynett was much pleased on regaining the lost treasure. I ‘ MARKHAM FAIR. ' The Markham Fair held on three days of last week was said to have been theInost successful of any fair held in that village during the forty: five yearsofthe existence of the so-; ciety. Thegatcreceipts amounted to‘ $1.760, the cmmd (All the last day being a record breaker. Seldonrhas a finer lot of horses been seen at a. county fair, the heavy draughts being es- pecially good. Onthe third day the open tmt was won by Ed. Jacksoxifs Dick French, C. “'illought’s Lisbon taking second moneyflund J. Fleming's Ben Hur thiId. In the 2.50 trot, Kenny’s Lady Thorne was gfil’St, Palmer & Jacksonfs,,Kitty R. second, ,and O’Holler's Mlalter C. tbllll‘d. Among other priZes which came this way ware first by Miss J eunie Palmer for best lady driveri .second for Mr. Geo. Clark’s besides amum eraof prim-s won by My. It‘rank.MmB_b.for Cetswold sheep. eneral purpose team ; FALL FAIRS The following is a list of fall fairs in * which people of this section are More or less interested :sâ€" “' :s‘chombcrg . . . . . . . . . . Oct ll and 1.3 l I \\'oodbridge . . . . . . . . . . Oct. it) and 20 l : Bradford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 21 and 22 “ LInIiIi siirrir ,- The libel suit instituted by J. \V. , lmsslcy of King, against J. U. Stokes RICHMOND HILL, ONT. WE DELIGHT and about. forty others, is now int [,3 progress In Toronto. The plaintith claims damages to the amount of Ari) " - ....I:I g:v1ng.... about $100,000. 'l‘lII-dcfcndants some ? time ago, when Mr. ('rossley was bail- ‘ "Z ii’f, signed a petition. praying for his ‘ renmval, alleging that. he was untruth- _, fill..{;liilty ot' fradulent practices, «You, 1“ J OUR CUSTOMERS Good Bargains and Good Value for Their Money. &c. Mr. Urossleyresigned the posit- ion of bailiff on the ground of ill-. health, but by a certificate from IIr~I spector Dickey it would seem that thcre are other reasons. The best counsel in the city are engaged on the. Case, and a large amount of money will be squandered before the un- fortunate atl'air is brought. to a close. mammal LI. moi I) nus. Some of the lcading citizens of ThornhIll held a meeting a. few cven- Ings ago. the object being to consider \Ve try to make the advisability of establishing a Public Library in that village. The 7, enterprise of the citizens is commend- able, but‘nnlcss they can keep the run- ning expenses low they will find it rather difficult in keeping up a. good library. Untila few years back the Governmentallowed a grant for the membership, but. that is now not given. For many years this village was able to sell 100 Inembcrs' tickets at 50 cents each, which amounted to $.30, and as the Government gave a spnilar amount the work of the board was tolerany easy. But when the mem- bcrship grant was cancelled it was thought. better to pay the running cx- penscs by a tax chr the whole vill- age. If the citizens of Thornhill and surrounding neighborhoods, however,’ will subscribe a small sum annually for the support of a Public Library the money will be Well spent. K M11 our Goods LEADERS 9% You cannot make a mistake on any purchase ‘8“ ém$$wei at our store AR FOR DOLLAR That is our' motto _% ? DOLL TN ews Notes. Go to Atkinson & Switzcr’s for the latest in Gent's Ties, Collars, Shirts, Hats (tr/c. Mr. \‘Vm. Shunk of Sherwood, was a judge on cattle at the Markham Fair last week. Big 125 ct. Bar of Soap for 10 cts: 23 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00 ; Oatmeal and Castile Bars Toilet Soap' 5 cts. each. Atkinson & Switzer. The Ontario Government voted on Tuesday $5000 for the relief of the. sufferers from bush tires in the east- ern counties. swans“ r \Vhen women are happy the world 1 . I , I g Atkinson &.3wnzer is one big gaxden of lovely blossoms. The new Hats at Atkinson & Switzer’s 31-" 8 .will‘ produce that statoof happiness. I: I ‘Mr. A. F. PiI-ie, publisher, of The' Banner, Dundas, has been nominated Eiti‘é‘r‘fi’és’éifififeléfiitwl¥“"m°”b, HE QUIGKEST THING KN OWN Our goods are their own ‘best argument. See our Men‘s-heavy mits for 18 cts.; Men‘s heavy Blizzard socks for 20 ~ct:s,: heavy all wool Tweed .i‘ants for $1.35. Atkinson 8: Switzer. A cable from the Hon. VV. S. Field- ing shows that the Finance Minister has placed the proposed Dominion. loan on the. London market. The loan is for £2,000,000 sterling and the rate of interest is 25 per cent. Don‘t spare our time. Time and attention we make no charge for. See‘ our 25 ct. fine Dress stuffs. our 20 ct. Amazon Twills. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Preparations are being made for a .â€"J And only preparation of the kind in America (CONTAINING NO ACIDS) That will clean all kinds of Clothing, Jewelry, Tinware and highly polished Furniture, without injury, is “ SAPONIQUE ” _ LTHE CHEMICAL DISCOVERY. This great Grease, Oil and Paint Extractor‘does what you can’t do with any other preparation known. It removes Paint, Grease and Oil that’s been on for years, without injury. The SAPONIQUE renews the lustre of the cloth great international fair in Glasgow in and makes it new again. You can wear clothing so Inuch longer if cleaned the, year 1901, The citizens avow their with SAPONIQUE. It has no equal for cleaning Patent Leather, Celluloid intention of beating Chidago‘s record. Cuffs and Collais, and removing Stains from Linen, Shirt Fronts, Cuffs and It is expected that a fund amounting Collars. The SAPONIQUE cleans your house from to to bottom. Try it on to $5,000,000 will be subscribed for the your mirrors and windows. It works like a. charm. aware of Imitations. It undertaking during the next six extracts dirt immediately, and leaves no unpleasant smell on the hands ,or months. article cleaned. . REMEMBER OUR OFFER :â€"1f the. SAPONIQUE don‘t give entire satis- PERSON AL 3' faction, return the bottle and money will be refunded. ' Ask your Dealer [or the Saponiqnc. Miss Phillips of Sharon, and Miss M The Saponique is put; up in 6 oz. and Pint Bottles, 25c.and75Qc. Playter of NewnIaI-ket, were guests of Mrs. P. G. Savage last Sunday. _ (F FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS AND AGENTSE; SAPONIQUE MANUFACTURING 130,-, THORN’H‘IL’L. Copyright .Applied for United States and Canada. . . New Fallâ€"Goods N OW A ‘R‘RI V11 N G AT Miss Maggie McConaghy went to Midland yesterday to spend afew days with her brother, Dr. Frank McCon~ aghy. Mrs. W. R. Proctor was the delegate from the \V. M. S. of this village to the Branch meeting in Barrie last week. Mrs. Williams attended the Bay of Quinte meeting in Peter-bow on the same date. Dr. Coulter. Deputy Postmaster- General, spent yesterday afternoon in the villa e. The. Dr. was sayin good- bye to hIs father previous to Tris re- moval with his wife and child from Aurora to Ottawa. The Dr. called on a number of his old friends here. On \Vednesday evening last Dr. R. .L. Langstafiand Mr. A. E. Coombs, M. A... went fig-Toronto to see an ex- periment with the X rays. A Pitts- burg company were exhibiting an im- provement on the original apparatus, .GBDCERY GK ham-am fidflfiSWARE VANDnnnuanâ€"Near Richmond Hill, gin Thurs- \ ' ' ‘ N . ggégtfi'lglgbzhc Wife .0! Much Vundnr- l V Ailmge Assortment. 2 . MARBIA'GBS KnvpanSuoswan the; lath oft-October, by El SA A C asv - - - . , y,» ,. ‘ I.” h 3‘ ~ 4 's 9. f I'. the Bev.J. Rankin. Mr. Thus. ,Kefl'er, to Ainslie» Suw.k..beth-pt Vaughan- DMEILS owxsruD-xéttmeulp. Ion <59ndav. Oct. 10th. Thou.-Tovynaend.m the, 83m year of his age. Rlpansr’l‘abulesguretdizziness." Ripans Tabulesagstsfi digestion. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripauq'PabuksgLu-e indigestion. RipansTghulescuwcyspepsla-

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