reptiles, pe than any ( to India 9 Htocks begb Inner but Effective Method of (‘nplnrlmz Great Serpents. yienageries are always in need, of makes. and as lndju abounds in these reptiles, perhaps to a greater extent than any other country in the world; to India go the managers when their ntocks begin to, run low. Snake hunt- imgg in India, uniess one understands the trade is a perilous businless, for a]. larger percentage of the Indian serp- anlts are poisonous than in any other nar+ n! H19 ‘o‘lnvhe. and even‘ a Hiindoo Bug in l’nma‘, un ass one uuummuuuo the trade is a. perilous business. for q larger percentage of the Indian serp- enzts are poisonous than in any other part of the, globe, and even a Hindoo has no desire; to die of snakebite, nor within the crushing folds ofa. constricâ€" tor. Besides, however, the demands from the menageries, the Indian Gov- ernment pays a bounty on snake heads, so there is a. double incentive to in- d.ian snake hunters, and when there are sufficient orders pn hand from the ‘menageries, a hunt is organized on a. grand. scale. ti lagger which remain» J, A: emu-n.5,. . at once. Bundles of bamboo cut into proper lengths. have already Ieeu moâ€" ared, t‘hree or four men; straighten he snake and lay_ him on a. bamboo. sometimes placing three or [our smaller splints around him. and than lashing him securely dbwn with bamboo Iwithes every inuh of his length. Generall Ithe lash-3mg is found to he suffinent, and (nly when the serpenlt in very large and powerful are the, extra hnmhnos field around him for fear hvel might break the stick to which he is fastened. This operation is not carriedl on without an immune amount of protest from the snake, which hisses in the infer terrifying manner and wringles wildly in an ef- fort' to esca 9. But. hissing;r nml wrigâ€" glilng are al in cvain the Hin'lst lash him down finishing the operalix-n by fordmg his upper jaw upcm the lower and tyilng the two together to the stick in ï¬nch a. \vav that h0 ran not evrn h:l"~S. After all the l‘rsl sneeimenshave I‘M-n seleclo'l and tied the remainder l.v‘n killed, lmhnm‘el and the heads smn‘t ad info 511.113 for {ran Bomhay. where they hrs the European agents. CATCi-IING SNAKES IN INDIA offs the confi x' prir Prohihli‘tionists ï¬e Inlhm “(*I‘Vt‘t'll IM‘HHI ll 1t have been couecte-d (o 5110“ of stringent Liquor laws uh m ‘ue in Sweden and No! invty. and th- oarts for SUGGESTIVE FIGUQES ment aptiw nannf lvs iquor WW and portation disposed zed; of 1,00 these 0011 extent our world; En; ‘ their nor at v the upon [101: aunum; that of the Norwegians (o aloul. 1.75 gallons. In 1855 the tem- perance law was enacted in Sweden. nn‘d' by 1860' it had oonue pretty fully into operation. Th edeafh rate decreas- ed gradually wtih the gradual decrease of the consumption of alcohol. Between 1851 and 1860 tlhb death rate of the Swedes was 21.7 per 1000 per annum, and for that periol the consumption of alcohol in Sweden per annum per head of the inhabitants was nearly three times as much" as it is now. The decrease in the death rate in the twen- ty years on ’ 1894 was 4.2 per 1000 per annum. ‘6 reason the temper- ance law was whoth in Sweden was tlmt intempemnce was sap-ping the health and strength of the nation. Just lhary service had to be rejected as phyâ€" sically unï¬t. By this time t'hb, law had been thirty years in ope/ration the proâ€" portion rejected had been reduced to 20 per cent. . perance law was cum amfl by 1860‘ it had 00 into operation. Th ede: ed gradually wtih the 1 of the consumption of 1851 and 1860 this de‘ It Had Mlllcled lIlIn for Upwnrds 0! Ten Years and Many Remedies Were Tried In Valn -- Br. Wllllams' Pink I’llll Elected Ills Release. From 1118 Freeman. Kingston, Ont. Fifteen years ago Mr. Alexander O’Brien, the popular Princess street baibor. was one of the most athletic youmgmen in Kingston, bothasa foot racer and oliheruï¬se. Eleven years ago he commenced business and shortllxy afterwards wasstrix'ken wit‘h rheuma- tism, which (named him much pain, loss of rest, and. neglect of business. His states that he tried many doctors and many medirines, will to no avail. Over a year agoafric‘nd advised him to try Dr. \Yillliams’ Pink Pills, and though he had but little confidence in them, or advertised medicine of may description. at, the urgent request of TELLS OF HIS RELEASE FROM THE PAINS 0F RHEUMATISM. ivi'nig in awe :n'd. thfe ram ,000 pe rannu 01101 by the '5 .unbed to flu his friend he deiided to give the piitlsa. trial, and according "Lo Mr. O'Brien it was a. lucky venture. After the first box had. been taken. customersnotioed the change, and when three boxes had been finisth the result, was marvel- ibus. His strength ‘11an returned. impoverished blood renewed. mus-ales developed, rheumatism almost diSF' appeared, barring a. slight} stiff- ness in knee joints. which is gradual! going, and in the last, six months 2 has done more work in his tailoring establishment, than he hadaccomplllshed in the previous four years. A Freelman representative no- ticing the change in Mr. O'Brien’s conâ€" di'tion, asked him to what} he attribut- ed his apparent good healith after. suclh a long suilgle of illness. With- out headlatlom he replied, "Well. I have taken no med'iyclne in t'h‘e past year other than Dir. \Villllalms' Pink Pills, therefore I attribute my present conâ€" dition 50le to their use. They had Such a goo effect in driving rheulmazâ€" tailsnn out of my system and building up my shattered comstibutlon, that my wife whose heallth was not any too good also tried the pills. A few hoxvs remedied her illness and she, too, is as: hand in her praise of them as I am. Many of my onwbomers a (1 friends who witnessed the effect 0 the pillls on my constitution commenced tomse them, and they re‘lkrte the same story as I have told you. I am as well now as ever I was iln my l‘ife._ Dir. Williams’ Flnk Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood. and Strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imitaâ€" tio’ns lryinsisting thatevery box you, purchase is enclosed. in a wrapping bearing the fqul trade mark, Dr. WiixliamS' Pink Pills for Pale People. iEvnamored '3 the hand of 1 live without 1 01d Gr'umps L‘n amn erâ€"pleas A KlNGSTflN MERCHANT. man Higestiox kidneys ma my (1 dies vme and is 21 gr be able angev C OU NKTLI the twenty years be age death rate per l by the Swedes in th ed to the eqqulvaJlen-t ish gallons of proof 3; aunum; that, uf thz A FATHER'S MEAN Nitnh annum. The consumpt am 1t 1 b0 ttle Attributable to a Disordered Systemyâ€"Dï¬spelled i‘n aHurry Great South Ameriwn Nerâ€" et, \Vell and Keep VVefll Wi'th bothe I‘OODI at \Vell \Vright psâ€"Glad to hear Lt. I can’t er. "Name, the day, young we it soon. Youth“ banking offâ€"Unnâ€" ive me time to» reflect. remen P8001} Youthâ€"I beg your daughL .s entire 's: “For a number of great sufferer from in- dvspepsï¬a. My liver and ‘ed he. I treated with =m'w used mamy remeâ€" BODILY in those of spirit Dairyman 1&1 S 8V6! fore 1894 the 1000 persons A'ILM’ENTS about you“ sir, for r. ‘1 cannot TRICK nnum head star heiglibor Shfloh's Cure, the great Cough and Group Cure. is in great demand. Pock- et size contains twentyâ€"ï¬ve. Only 250. Children love it. For sale by Pharm- acy Ball. ’ Pusher is furious. '\Vha.t's the matter? .He was arrested on suspicion of be: ing a scqrcher. \V ears Years of Painâ€"But South American Rheumatic Cure Wedded the Link Which lBï¬Lnds Hli_m {be Good Health Again. This is what J. H. Gadboisv. Black- smith» of Arnprim', Ont... says: "Iwas a great sufferer from acute rheumaâ€" tism. I used many remedies without relief. I was induced to try South American Rheumatic Cure. The first dose helped me. and before I had used half the bottle I was grealtly bene- fitted; It has cured me, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers from rheumatism.†"Halve you any special rule of conduct in your office? Yes; when a. mam comes in and says he wants to talk to me only three min- utes. I see to it that he doesn’t get 9. chance to sit down. . THE VILLAGE BLAC‘KSMTH‘S SONG I watched my husrblnd playing golf yesterday. M7011, what did. you think of him? I thought if he had to take that much exercise at home for me or the children what a row he would make. Be Not Deceived.â€"A Cough, anrse- ness or Croulp, are not to he triflod with. A dose in time of Shiloh’a Cure will save_you much trouble. Sold by all drugglsts. Gentsâ€"I was dreadfully nervous. and for relief tool; your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my . nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon changed my system so thor- oughly that ra idly regained health and strength. rs. S. A. Sweet, Hart- ford, Conn. Sold by all druggists. Theophile Gadbois, writes, "My daughter w ferer from kidney dis: men did their best for tried all the remedies and not until South Au Cure was tried did she fit. Three doses bromg lief, Tiwo or three hot. cured henâ€"nut a sign : tress of any kind left. wonder worker." “Mat ’6. you think that fellow Slump- kins just called me the biggest bloat of the century. that would you do to sag satist‘aptionl? 1 ,,.L1_,¢ o Oh. notï¬fhg‘f he “century doesn't last much longer anyhow! Important "Ofl'or’ For The Oanadlan Peopl. That, celebrated and wonderful Kldney R m- 06y known as Dr. Allison's Kidney " Bu A." no highly and just] estimated in the homes of ï¬ll Engllgh [189019 _n Eggï¬nd and L‘b‘rou‘ghouu Independent Citizenâ€"The party bosses have thwarted) the will of the people again. Just think of it. The very ones we support do not allow us to call our souls our ownL ‘Does it; not make your blood boll? ‘ urope. for all kinds of kidney trouble is now ofl’erod to the l[)Maoplo of Canada. A {uh box {as asample will 9 sent to any person postvmd for ten cents in stamps. If you take them you dare not condemn them. They are good. Only a limieed quantity at this low price. Order now. Address ALLISON MED. CO-. ‘Brookfllla. Ont. hub-Eliflary Citizenâ€"Oh. no; I'm used to Ttrhat I‘m married. I‘t Th Attacked by That Most Insidious of Maraudersâ€"Kidney Disease â€" Gets Good Health Back by Using South g a searcher. Wellâ€"isn’t he No; that’s a First Doctorâ€"Say, there's an ensed physician in town curing right apd_lef_t. §econd Doctorâ€"Curing Gracious! We must have The readers of this paper will be plea-ad to learn that there in at least one dreaded dlseau that. solenqe‘pag peg}: able to run: in all Its _;A...‘L nun- uuuw may--- __ stages and that is Catarrb. Ball's Catarrh Cure is the only positlva cure now known to the medical fraternity. Camrrh being a com summon} djgegge,flreqmres 9. constitutional , _I_ n-..“ I“ Dnlrnn In- may tle ‘0f Shi! summons: uiuauuv, sou-unaâ€" .- .............. treaiment. Hall's Cetarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, eating directly upon the blood and mucous sun-tacos of the system. thefeby de- stroying the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doln It! work. The proprietors have so much fal h in its curative powers. that they offer One Bun- dred Dollars for any ome that it fails to cure. Send for ill!) of Testimonials, Address. F. J. CHENEY a“. 00.. Toledo,0. Bold b DruggIRts. 750. EAH'I amiiy Pills on the best. . A SYI'AYEfl FROlVI “American Kidnny (‘anâ€" Specific as, two kinds. hat are they Little Clarenceâ€"The Emperor of Bus- 1 is the 028.12 isn’t he, Pa? Mr. Callipersâ€"Yes. Little (“lurenceâ€"Then what is the atter with his children being Czar- ,nes. THE "SBIITHY’S" DAUGHTER OPPOSIITE EXPRESSIONS. 'e is a prosperity facé. I under- UREA DF ULL Y NERVOUS {A WIFElL-Y OPINION FE\V INIDEPENDEN'DS AMBIGUDUS ADVICE DOMESTIC CU RVE& 'DHIE LAIW HINIVOKED that $100 REWARD, $100. the : as it wear when we have pros- : face we wear when our Cough \V‘HY NOT 2 baby»buggy stoop he 1gb! lake mumption um» m‘lV s .rrb. BS1179 "Catarrh : cure now known to Camrrh being a‘con: VVAYBACK rof Arnprior, was a great sufâ€" sease. Medical ‘1' her and we ; at command, xne‘riczm Kidney 9, get any beneâ€" ght great re- Ltles completely of pain or _dis- people? Gooc him arrested warm ngr 1n unlic- 1g people truly 011 1' Kidney DOCTOR“: RECOMMEND Ceylon Tea :ï¬ï¬lï¬â€™aï¬" looâ€"acre mortgaged farms in the counting o Middlemx, Essex. Kent and Lambton for sale very cheap; small amount. down, balancq uh a. low rate of interest. For list. agply to WILLIAM F. BULLEN. Manager nmrlo Loan 5: Debenture Cominndon. ATEN nnnnnnnnnnnn T y. Calm. B13? 6.“ Yquraolt It you gal mung“!1 b o f o r a pure as :13 n cup of “ Lighten Dsrfl YOU plqge loxggl science by B ‘JLJVnï¬â€™ories, ‘VI . . D. If you are married you an ~ely necd a copy. Agents wanted at once in every county; M to 10 a day guaranteed. Send for circular; ans 0 mi aner and addrens 10 0L! 8 00.. 83 Blohmond St. W.I Won-'onho. Ont“ Canada BI w "nun. mm..." .._, . Blue. Sheet-Metal Tile tax-ave! Roofers an»; Maul Ceilings, Terra. Uohba. Tile, Red. Black and teen Rooï¬ng Slam Metal Oar- niceu, Felt. at, Rooï¬ng Pinon. the. Gamers, Downplpes. &c., supplied the tr ado. Telephone 1930 Adelaide a: Wldmer 8:1, TORONTO. “SIGNS OF OHARADTER,†best book on phrannlngy by Dr Mason. 13] Mucuahzrhy Toronto. Mniler125c G. DUTHIE & SONS ‘A’skinsâ€"That fellow, Dubby, isn't of much importance. is, he? Gershawâ€"Mucb importance? \Vhy he wovuldn’t even. cut any ice in Klon- dike in the winter time] , k Day by day in winning the good will of Ill kidney sufferers. Have {on a pain in the Bach Bladder, or Kidney trpu lo, jusx try them once. you wil‘l ove them. They're good, 2 full boxes. *0“. paid no any address for 25c. in stamps. hey are 3 highly prized Eng‘hh Remedy. on- dongdï¬by‘ ghouaandu. ALLISON III). 00'“, Kidney “Buds†EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 50 AND By virtue of the unprecedented pun-chug T' O I In ulngle order. of one hundred thwuun (100.000)‘co lea of thls acknowledged mantel-won- of the Century we ue now enubled to offer it. to the public at Mr leu lhan the nublisheri’ prices! Thousands of persons, who heretoï¬ore hue not felt Able to urchuo it. wxll eagerly welcome thl, Opponmflty to secure at reduced price “ The Greatest Ach evemenl of Modern Times. Ev ‘ i it} Hiléiï¬Ã©Ã©i Vrioi if ihe Standard Dloflonury. bound 111111010195 1- 8 8._ We vlvmnm! “pal; the com- L,,,,;._ mfliï¬luwuau aslu. "-yuu up" puma-J u“. “2...â€" Wm‘" . £°£L1>3§‘:':11§2#3‘3:;ï¬m2’: at: «The Complete Work '4’ l 41'" will!»qu In who 0 811 that Thumb Index. 75 mm: m Ordar {mm your book-cut at tn. WARD a: cow (amgaba'qs‘zh???) NEW YORK; WWIIMMmFImNWWm A I I a dn ï¬nd iigfi a 0mm. m cries by 0. IOHEB. Patenc Attorney, Canada Life Bldg, Toronto. Write [or free book on patents. etc. THE WNEY MA‘KEH ~.,@; RIBBENG Dem-u to ole-n {Illa teeth. Surge“:- w pomb (hair fulï¬lmth Confectioners ta Icuur their plus. Xechnnlca IO brighwn their well. Cook: to clean the kitchen link. his:ch to clean 06‘ lurfncn. [a polish knives. To clean dishes. To clean iombstones. {5553 FOR DR. ALLISON’S \A‘ SMALL POTATO EVERY ONE WNDS A NEW U Mills, Mills 8: Halo.. Barristers,etc.. removod to Wesley Bldg’r‘.‘ Rich- mond St. W.. Toronto. PROCURED WPC 890 EVERYBODY USES IT. To renew oil-cloth. To scrub floors. To whiten marble. THIS 18 FOR YOU- KNITTING CKEELMAN BROS, Georgetown, (m Engineers m elem pans of machines. Boulennldl to urub m‘rblo noon lhnisters to renovate old chlpell. Chlmisls to remove some am“. Sexton: to clean me mmbsmnem Cmerl lo Ihnrpcn their knives. Ibsuers on brasses 1nd while hon-I. shrewd one: no mu: oxd unw hug. '5; out I “0. in 01mm in: to clean I] eclmn) to clean bicycl‘ OF T HE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, R h Incom anny tho greatest. 5.9 It 13 positive] the latest; most comp ale. md most. authontatwe. new ctlonuy in mama. It I: nowhere an. amdud. ‘ d ENTIRE†NEW ‘ ‘ .r .x- 1319 not? rowing. "huh. gr v one m o arvvor u mom com 10 mm mmmmlmm It one, ï¬ve years of over twelve “or. o! the not! em neat and authoritative Icholuru and melalhu ln lhe world. Nearly 100 of the leading universities colleges, and scientiï¬c mum» of the world were represented on the odiwrlal nufl ' 20 Unit Slau- Gamma-at experts were ulso on the editorial “at Over $960,000 were “ï¬nally ox nded la la reduction befon a llngle complete co 1 wu may ortha muke Never was my dlcuonuryvvelcom wimmcb rout enwuaiamthoworld over-f Al the St. Jamar: Budget, Lon on. doelnren: “It I: an BC!an don o! mmry En lmd. . . . It nhauld be the 8:th of uncut Ann-lea." Thehlg eat prune has come from 3 tbsp“! Aman- lun and Brich news ape" rcvlevn. unlvunltlu, and colleges,’ as well u 511 chaos o lanelllgent men ud wcxnun "mum-u. Clothe your family from hand to toot with our ԠMONEY MAKER Prices only $35, $262)! 830. We have It or mm- of tho anon ham hold Article; Wrxte (or particulars. ROBINSON a PARSONS. 34 Yonze Sta-en. TorouLa. AUSAcE BASINus.â€"New lmportationu. fluem En liah sheep and American hug casings. Reliab e goods at right prices. Park, Blackwell & 00., Llrnltod, Toronto. w. G. EARRES, They Rastore Health, Maintain Streigth, and Insure Boauty. These remarkable pills are designed to pro- more comfort and eaie, and to our? the nmny painful and dangerous dimmers to which the female conflifuti-m is liable. They are abso- lutely anaemia} to those who suffer from ex- cessive pain at the commencement of each periodicalefl‘usion. as they at once dimln‘nh the pain and mature namml and hexlchy aoiiou of the ovmian we .19. They regulate the bowel“, impart. strength and vitality be weakened merino organ; slrpngmon the action of the heazt. purifv the b'oml,.ren(ortn Dale completion to u heaith m1 hue. give vim‘ to he bra n and nerve centres. xorIlly tho youthful female {or me tnx'unon her (nergi' and in every period of life thron hout mat? nvty and the hryinr change whiaE follows ta cessation, they act as n remecflal can withou compare. Ask your druggiat for Mum and if he does not, keep thmvn in stack ï¬e can nrocuro them for you. Prion 9m per bottle or c (or $5 00. W’holesllo Agonts, Manufacturers REFERENCE :â€"IMP Truth Building, 73 EEEEEIEE ST. WEST. THE FUNK 87: WAGNALLS The Toronto Pharmaoal 00., Limited, Toronto. To renovnm pgin’i. To wash out sinks. To remove rust. FUR TVPEWRITERS WRITE ll!- FHECGOK’S B I’AHLESS PENMIKOYAL EELS Speciï¬c for Female 09mplqints- FOB TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. LARGEST Coming to Toronto will ï¬nd flats of any size, with power, heat, elevator, and all conveniences. Our Great Offer of The complete Worku$ I MAGHINESu William Street. Toronto, BUYS isiim‘m E ENGLISH WGUAGE OLD AND RELIABLE DR. GOODE‘S Soldier: m brighten Renovawrs to ole-n COPPER, BRA§S. MPERIAL BANE! lstabllohed 1812 To brighten notably To scour bath-th To scour lam TFRIEND their guns. carpet: