Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Nov 1897, p. 1

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43"! ton-[>- “ (hit? grim [S PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY I‘dORNING ‘ AT THE LIBERAL PillfiTlh’G 8; PUBLlsmNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONI‘. T. F. McMAIION. EDITOR & Pnormnron. if? A ,._ BUSINESS CARDS. Eillsfi'ml. DR... LANGSTA’M. RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE HOURS Stain-cm: 6:08pm Bill. I. ll. (Succesmr to Dr. W. J. Wilson). RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOIIR§ E .- gm WM. ROGERS, LBS. Moved to 84 Victoria Street, Toronto. DR. W. C’ECIL TROTTER, 'Derntist, OF ‘21 BLOOR STREET. TORONTO, “'ill be in Richmond Hill cvcry VVcd- ucs day un’ril Jun. 8th, 1898. onionâ€"Next door south of public school. Hours 8.33 a. iii. to 4 p. m. glitterime *3“. T. nerirey, VETERINARY SURGEON â€"--AND'â€"- VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday rum 1 to 3 p. in. Gulls prompth attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other dorncsticut~ 9.1 animals treated by the latest and most apâ€" proved methods. PALMER HO U SE. RICHMOND HILL, Remodelled, and newly furnished throughout. One of the must convenient and comfortable hutelson Yonge Street. livery modern con- venience; Sample rooms for commerciui iguveuurs. An ldedi stopping place for ll‘illlg’, or driving punks, bicyclists. (informers going to or returning from market. Bus mccts all trains. Electric curs pass the dcor. TERMS 51.00 PER DAY. \VA L'I‘EEE HULSE, Proprietor. E9 £5,413.50ng @lbi‘z’gfl Eligég’lfiiieg 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO very accommodation to quash. Board, 31. ncrduy THE éUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. Assure; on 111 the m'uz‘mrn plans. and is one of the urn: . pl‘uflrc-ix‘H-J CUE ‘ H '3. New lifc n‘ltll ...........:?l(v,:'fifi.2m.i0 Among ‘5 ' “ 5J1!!!“ ’07. 31,...» "’17: ..i llllL'lruultlUlliLl (ind ricituulu. M A; 5-11.: dicta-let agent, F. zuciniuox, HBKRALH‘ "ion. ~t‘.CH\lul\'l) Til: c Int": .1 Tim 3. 1‘ s ,_ | 83mm. I BE. 'F‘ETEP‘Y. ,NOTARY PUBLIC, GIIMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH CG IRT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. . A G F LAWRENCE ,LAWRE "CE & OBMISTON. Bax risters, Solicitors, 80c. 'Z‘orontoofficcâ€"N3J5 TorontoStmci. Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. MONEY T0 LOAN ATEWFS'T CURRENT RATES ROBINSON, LEN NOX& MACLEOD Barristers, Solicitors, 61‘. TORONTO AND AURORA. GlRVIN & GARVIN.‘ Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance“, l\' otnries. &‘c \ Rn up 10. York Chambers. 9 'l oron- ; to 5"... Toronto. and ntx-liircfl orne Luv.'0lllces l Hull. Richmond Hill, all do} Wed- nrsdnv. and Tuesday and Sun rday afternoons. Mr. Fred. W. Garvin will be at Richmond Hill oflice every owning: and will attend ouch sitting of the Court. illliiilliii, [SHEET & SK§£NS Barristers, Solicitors, &o., 25 KING STREET WEST. TORONTO. East Toronto Office. Mr. Grant‘s residence, Woodbrirlco, every evening. Thcruhill, each Wednesday from 10 to 12. Telephone 47 Lf-‘lilACDDlj-GALL & JONES, Barristers. Solicitors, &c. ‘ Money to Loan Room 1, IlluSODN‘ Pifilding,1&Toron!oSt. Toronto. ALFRED vtcnoucALL, FREDERICK c. JONES. Solicitor to tho Treasury of Ontario. COOK 8; MACDONALD, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: ‘10. 1, Adelaide St., East.» Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. IMONEY T0 LOAN 911 First Mortgages. G. B. SMITH, Ex. M. PR, 03 Yonge St., Truders’ Bank Chambers, 8-tf Toronto. MOkEY! MONEY! A large amount of private funds to loan on improved farm property. .‘Pive per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repavunent. No comâ€" mission churgcd on loans. Apply to LAWRENCE & 01(MIS'I‘0N, . 15 Toronto St. Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on fiaturdavs. a! -< 'fi . mm. . v». .. . J. H. PnEN'ricF. - Currvillc. Eckardt a: PI entice Unionvrlle. Licensed Auctioneers for the Counties of York unturio and Pool. Goods sold on consignment LiennralsuleF 0 stock. etc, promptly attended :0 utreusuuanle rates. (1 STOKES D BLOUGH stokes &"Blough. Licensed Auctioneers (or theCounty of York ,re~ syectfully solicit your patronage and lricndly influence. sales attended on the sLurtest notice and .i rensounberatcs. I’. O.’ud(l:cus, ging .H. 'l‘. Saigeon, LiconeedAuctioneerfor the County of York >‘e..cs attended to on shortest notice and ut run.- swnablcrutes. Patronage solicited. ltegidincc Dimple J: E). ({cadman, Licensed Auctioneer for t're Founty of York. General stiles of impleme ts. iiii'nitiire.ctumlin{: timber. etc. uttcnucd on the shortest notice and at reusunuble rutuâ€"s. Patronage solicited. P. L). address Mr. ole. N. E. Smith, Liccmml Auctionou‘ for the Counties of York 'un-l Oxlt'u'm. All rules of term stock, Mn, ut- tull‘lcd to on the shortest notice and reasonable run-u. l. ..i....:.ce Ltoul’l‘xille, Ont. .. carver: Vii/RIGHT BROS, U ml sea-zukvrs as: Embalmc rs, Feaawraf: i‘!"tHSIIEI§§S Alwit,‘ as “a, ' lYâ€"Iandl ' " i lump-mm) midbciiifl sales attained to. l WINTER CREAMER Y. 1 ____ i (From (z‘ovcrnmcnt llnllotin.) | The winter crcamcry olfers many ‘udvuningi s to dairynwu, with fcw or ll any cow‘s milkingduring the winter. ’l‘hv ('llli‘f of those are u. lH-llt‘l':th'l‘Hflt‘ qualin of butter, which is suro to bring u ll._i.{ll(‘l‘ prion, and tho I-xtru ,‘yivld of truth-1' por 100 lbs. of milk which is got by using; the cream 31-sz- 1-ziior. E nhm- of these udvantugvs wrli pay illl' rust ofmanufacturing the . butter, which ought not to sucuccd g three and onv-huli ('ts.por pound whore W S ()nmxs'ron L L B .j the milk is t chvcrcd at the crcumery. 1 Again tho labor is very much less 101' i the- furmcr’s \Vlfl' where the milk is soul to the winter croumcry. In ad- (litziou, thc farmer and his wife fool much hotter whcn going to town to buy household necessaries, if thoy had five to ten dollars in a. pocket as a mâ€" , suit of 1111(- sulc of croamvry butter, I than if thoy ave twenty to fifty pounds of buttvr in a. basket. 1 The (-re-umcry may be located in a. ‘ summer cream-5:3thm-ing croumcl‘y, in u summer soparntnl‘ crcamcry, in n. . summcr chm-so factory, or in a, place where thorc are none of those. if an i average of 15,000 lbs. of milk per week can be relied upon during the winter sonsou, it. will pay to purchase winter croumory apparatus and hire a buttcr- ; maker. Thcrv is no reason why our cronm gzitlicl'in'r Cl'c‘fllllvl‘lcfi and choose factories sliould hang out this Sign about October 15th ouch ye-uiâ€" Gone out of businc:s until May the first. Patrons must make lluiI-y Butâ€" i tor and trade it at tho Conn-1- (l rocviy ‘ until we open up arr-tin. or (‘lst' mzm- . age a. “ (ii'y ” Dairy for tho winter. This ought not to be. The mom-y lost through "(bury ” butter, dry COW'S. and ignorance of the first princiâ€" ples of economic (burying, would pay the municipal taxes in every dairy township oi the Province. The building should be mndc as warm as possible with paper and dczub air spaces. and should. where practic- able, be llt‘éllt'll with “live ” slit-um or i with “exhaust” steam from the en- gine. A room 20 x 30 to 150 x 30 is reâ€" quircd for making the butter, also an oflicc, boiler and engine room, a. refri- gcrzttor and an ico-linuscâ€"â€"sexy 000 square feet of ground space to the lat- ter. The cost of the building will bv f1‘( in $1,000 to $1,200. ’llle machine-1y to hzmdlc 15.000 to 25,000 lbs. of milk wvckly will cost about $1,000. cht to tho soparutor, the most im- portant part of the machinery is the boiler and engine. The boiler should have a. cupucity of from twelve to twenty horse-power: and the engine. , hum six to eighth. A “hulf trunk-1k ” ‘ churn made, of whitcwood or pine is convenient. A narrow cream vat with plt-nty of space at the sides and cnds for ice is nor-(led to cool the cream rapidly whore 2t cullcr is not used. \Vherc thc crwun vut is not adapted to rapid cooling, one of the various (boleâ€"1's on the market may be used, or a coil of galvanized iron pipe huvinbr cold water running through it may be placed in the cream and be Worked by the engine. This will cool the cream rapidly. . Athbcock tester for dividing pro- ceeds among patrons and for dctccting losses of butter fat in skim-milk and buttermilk, is an essential part of the machiucry in every crczuncry. A complete list of all machinery , needed, togvthcr with their prices, ma y be ubmincd from any of the Dairy Supply firms. Aim to have about half of the cows . fresh for thc winter crezmicry. Feed tlu 1n liberally. Givethc cows plenty of snlt and wutcr. Uni-u for them regularly, trout thcm kindly, keep them cluuu and you will have your rc- w: rd. \Vc find thth corn ensilugc,mun- golds, clovcr huy, bruu, pcus, outs and some nibcukc, if it can bugut for $230 per ton or loss, give us good results in the milk llow. Swede turnips or rape should not be fcd to cows giving milk for buttcr or ('llUt‘Se-lllzlklllg. Do not allow the milk to freeze, or bc 9x [mle to :my bad Udl‘l‘. Three times per wcck is'oftmi enough to do- livcr the milk at the winter crezimcry. Make :iriangvmcnts with one or more of your neighbors to “ take turns " hauling the milk and bringing buck the skimâ€"milk. This will lesson the 1le or. if the skim-milk is properly fed to cath’H and young pigs, it will pay for the hauling: ol' the milk to, and the skim milk fiom the crczuucry. Our lului-v dairy cows dvpvud lul'gcly upon tho judicious 1150 (if skim-milk. Finally, hvlp the buttcismukcr by supplying him with first-clams milk and you have your reward. Be on your guard against stable, tur- nip, potato. bruwms‘ grainy-01' other flavor which taint milk and lnjurc the quality of butlvr. if the milk is froz- (-n or Hwy told. you will have did' 'l~ ty ii: dclwting 1‘li"*\t' flavors, and it ill be .2. hr ior ybu to hcu 2L small poitiou of sin-h milk septu'utcly. where you Sll‘lll ct Email iluuvi'. Vth-z‘ it cam 'z'l: ire o". tho lop, I“ slum the wwphir‘g and sampling , or it. lumic sampiitg vs frozen part. containing an undue pro- portion of water. will not allow you to ‘ take a fair snmplc. To prosorvc tho milk for testing use in each composite bottlcubout what will lie on .1 tonâ€"cont piece, :L mixture of seven parts bi~chromate of potash and one pm t; corrosi'fi? sublinmtc. Once a month is often enough to do tho testing. Tost very carefully and oxm-tly so as to l‘f‘lldPI‘ to each patron his just I't‘VVfll'tl for labor done in car- ing for his cows and milk. ((‘ontinucd next issuo) â€"-â€"â€"‘OH_ Want edâ€"Agents. “Quoon Victor-in” is booming. Eight thousand copies sold. 'l'hrve thousand five hundred nrdvred from Australia ; large quantity gone to South Africa ; going liko \Vli(l-fil'l‘ in Canada. Lord Lot-no, H4 r )Iujcstys son-in-lmv, says : “ The be: t popular life of the Queen I huvo soon,” and thousands endorse the stutcmont. Outfit free to canvass- vrs ; vxclusivc territory ; books on time ; c; sy to make five dollars daily ; soun- muku twice that. THE BRADâ€" Ll’lYâ€"GARRETSON 00., Limited, To- ronto. ___. ._._ Willow Vale Flnnnigun Bros., Stone Masons, in- . tend pushing their work this \V’Pek by putting on extra fin-cc. Mr. Hurmzm is anxious to have- his wall completed crc the (-old wcathvr scts in. The Frost King is around trumpiug the ground with his cold feet causing the farmers to hustle their ploughing Sonic are pretty m-zu'ly done while others have yet much ground to turn. Mr. Rcynolds has been setting out quite :1 number of fruit trees. The- Apples having be”) few uzc li-ft to bc swr. Frank and Herbert Dutclu-r were spcnding :1. low days lust week with thz-ir aunt how. The“ littlc stranger at Mr. Dutcher’s guru ercd : has come to stay and is :1 girl. Eucrc parties are the ordcr of the day. Our pnpulnt’diggm's are at present cngugvd digging for Mrs. S. Uni-son; wc hope they will succeed in securing abundance of water us Mrs. S. has been budly off for the fluid ; they re- port abundance of work for the near future. Mr. J. ‘Vlles of Maple has been dig- ging «'1, well for 1“.Smclscr on the town- line. The Turnip crop is good and most of them housed; our farmers believe in the old Adagc “ Make Hay while the sun shines.” Mr. \Vi‘ics' Foreman, A. Irwin, was home lust wee-k moviir . He has tukâ€" en up his abode near .\ aple. â€"~â€"â€"â€"o-Oâ€"-â€" ' 'ANTEDâ€"Iudustrious character. THE Lle‘UOTT GOMPAMY. Toronto. __._0. .x __. King Plowing Liatoh. 111811 0 The annual plowing match of King . Plowmcn‘s Association, which was hold on the farm of Mr. S. Jamicson, uczu' Kettleby, on Thursday last, was as usqu it grout success. There were about 2000 spectators presuut. repre- senting almost every profession and trade, and thcre was a. large number of ladies. Hundreds of carriages ’ throngcd the grounds, and there were thirtyâ€"nine plowmcn at work in the sod and stubble fields. The excellent plowing done was the subject of many favorablecomments, and the. ufiiccrs‘ and directors of the association were highly complimented on their success- ful efforts in encouraging the, rising generation to make better farmers. The judges dccidcd that the Work was well donc and the compctiton in many cases was very close. The following are the prize-winners in the vurious classes : First Glassâ€"1, \Vm. annett, Barrie; 2, James McLean, Vaughan. Sccond Glassâ€"1, J. S. Lawson. King; 2, James Cameron, Vaughan; 3, \V. H. Mulloy, Vaughan ; 4, A. Keller, Vaughan. Third Classâ€"v], O. M. Ilvzlcm'k, King; 2, u. \Vclls, King: 3. J. Atkins, King; 4, R. U. Bennett, Barrie. Fourth Glassâ€"l, R. Stivcr, Mark hum; Z, R. S. Ross, King; 3, \Villinm Sunder-son, King: 4, \V. \Vclls. King. Fifth Classâ€"1. S. Bilkt‘l', King ; 2, George \Villiums, Vaughan; 3, '1‘. J. Gould, King. Sixth Class, stubbleHl. E. Smith, King; 2,1“. Boudwuy. King; 3, \V. lloovcr. King; l, \V. Nye, King. Hcvcnt‘h U‘uss, buys uudvr l'l, stubth â€"â€"l, 1’. Flanagan ; 2, George Cooper; 3, '1‘. Jarvis; 4, P. E. Ferguson. Eighth L‘luss, stubble, buyxundcr 16, whwl plowsvl, \Vm. Sproulv, King; 2, (loo. Riddle, King. licst six crown furrows in first and second classâ€"J. S. Lawson. Bust finish in fourth cluss~R,Stivcr. Blast firm-111ml and equipped team in fluidâ€"WV. lluovcl'.‘ A Host ins and nut." fifth cl:-ss~(}co. , 'Williams. Bustrnin; u“ -. _.~J.L:‘~.inwsm le copies, 3 cts. Best finish in second classâ€"J. S. Lawson. Bcst finish in stiubec~P. Flanagan. Best looking plowmun in sod classes â€"J()s. \Vilson. Bust looking plowmcn in stubble classesâ€"E. Smith. Best looking plowmzm in boys under 17 years of age~S. Baker. The judges of the let 2nd 3rd and 4th classes were John Morgan, ‘Villow- dale; B. Hollingshesid. Kettlcby; \V. Jeffrey, Vaughan. Judges in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th classes, . as Fennel], Brad- ford ; Neil Malloy, Vaughan : E (Thuppollc, King. Lady judges Misses Walton. Fox and Stephenson. ANTEDâ€"An experienced can. vusscr‘ to travel and appoint agents. N0 canvassing. Salary and expense-s paid. THE BRADLEY- GARRETSON C0,, Limited, Toronto. King Township Council King Council met at McBridc’s Hot- el 01) Saturday Oct 30th. The Reeve in the chair. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid :~â€"J. McCarroll, repair north town-lino, $2.50 ; S. Pollage, 1'6- puir Con. 7, ‘ ‘ " James Cherry, plunk, $2; Neil (Jmnpbcll, repair-brid- ges on 10th 0011., $17.10; H. Fuller, re~ pair 12th c0n., $10.25; John Edwards, repair 9th con., $2.50; Thos. Ross, plank .$1.18 ; R. Culdw‘cll, plank, $2.70; Jets. \Vntson, repair 12th c011,, $9.50: Hart & Riddell, stationery, $1.38; J. J. Pearson, Reg. Bonus by-law, $2.50 ; Levi. \Vntsou, repair Kettleby brid- ges, $1.25: A. R. Fuwcett, printing, $20; Jas. Billings, 1 month’s salary, Yonge St. $25 ; Mrs. Shelson, 1 ' month‘s cure of child, $7; S. )[achelb gravel, $1.28 : \Vm. \Valkington, cedar, $13.20 ; Jas Scott, cedar, $1.50 : Daniel Casey, sheep claim, $2.06: John McCallum, sheep claim. $2: Robert Coultcr', sheep claim, $3.33; “'11). Uouplaud, sheep claim, $2.66 : A. Mitchell. sheep claim, $8; Arch‘d McUaIlum, shecp claim, $8: Jus. Robb, snecp claim, $5; Jus. )IcClui-o, $10. Amnitnfzeâ€"Leggeâ€"mthut this council grant to King Plowmun’s Association thcsum of Twenty dollars to be ex y pended in pi~izcs~Unr1-ied. Humbly~Leggeâ€"that the clerk be instructed to advertise for a. guardian for u certain foundling child now be- ing cared for by Mrs. Shelson at the cxpensc of the Townshipâ€"Carried. Arniitngcâ€"Humblyâ€"that the foll< owing)r tux be refunded A. Mitchell, dog tax. $1 ; \V. J. Thompson, 1 Bitch, $Zâ€"Carricd. ‘ Next meeting of Council will be hold at Trent’s Hotel Nobleton, Nov. 27th. CHAS. PATTERSON, JAB. CHERRY, Clerk. Reeve GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR $is. BEST SEI‘ OF TEETH FUR Crown and Bridge work, $1 per tooth. Silver, phosphate and aluminum fillâ€" lugs, 50 cents. Painless extraction for plates free of charge at the largest dental offices in Toronto. H. A. GALLOW‘AY, L. D. S., N. E. Cor. Queen and Yonge Sts., Toronto. Entrance 22% Queen East. Lad y assistant. gm Eliiitig. Gaby’s Express runs to TORONTO â€"â€"â€"EVERY figioriday. V‘Vedn esday an (1 1Fa*i(l21§n Freight and Parcels dolivercd and collected. At rcnsonziblc ruth on shorti‘st notion l’utronngo Solicited. LEVEGABY. T; l.- .?.;s; at druggists. :29 a demovcslvcsrehoz. ‘7“: v -‘

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