Karl’s Clover Root Tea. is 8. leasant laxative. Regulates the bowe s, purl- fies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 pants. Sold by all druggists. There is a high profit in substituâ€" tion, aided by pubch indifference. There will be no profit, at all if people. alâ€" ways and everywhere. refuse counterx feit articles. Heâ€"Mebbe I did, but I didn’t intend that you should be the boss, too, Sheâ€"I presume you have forgotten, you outrageous brute, that you once promised me I should be the queen of the household. “Kindly flll onnlosed order at: once. Dr. Agnew’a Ointmoxs has given the gramest of satisfaction here. It is one of the best sellers we evor handled-and is magical in the cure of skin diseases and piles. Your: Truly, Eureka Drug 00.. Manuel: Chunk. Pa. Orders like this accompanied bvjual: such words of grain. are the commonest occurrence at. headquarters for this grant. remedyâ€"proves the people's faith in 1: and proves its power to relieve and cure piles and all itching and torturing skin troubles. Guestâ€"What sort of a lamp is that? Boshâ€"A study lamp. _ Guestâ€"Ah! Called that because it is for the study. I presume. Hostâ€"No, called that because it takes a great deal of study to run it. .51 Order: and Word: of Praise Prove the orth of Dr. Agn ew's Ointment. ’Mr. Cavendish is only 21 years old. He has certainly had some remarkable experiences and has brought homein~ formation of value. I had to run. But the elephant soon caught me. and. going on his knees tried to pin me to the ground with his tusks. Failing in this, he caught me with his trunk and flung me round under his body with the idea, of crush- ing me to death. How I escaped I do not know. as I was in this situation for half an hour. At the end of that time the great brute got up, and kickâ€" ing a. piece of wood, which he doubtless took to be my dead body made off to his retreat. Curiously enough, I had no bones broken, but I was Covâ€" ered with blood.†Round the shores of Lake Stefanie the explorer had some excellent sport, and it was here that he wascaughthy a. wounded elephant. “My escape.â€sa.id Mr. Cavendish, "was nothing less than miraculous. The great beast. mag with rage, was charging me, when. at the gritical moment, my gun failed. and 0] flntereslln Brings Bis predecessors in this lake region I were Teleki, L‘onaldson, Smith and Bob- tego none of whom have given the world any idea of the country to the West of Lake Rudolf. It may be. how- I 3 ever, that the records of the Bottego § expedition a. part of' which were reâ€"; 1 covered alter the massacre of his party will contain iniormation akout the west side of the lake, [or it is said that Bottego visited that district. Cav- endish supplies the first information of that regiun. He ascended a. mounâ€" .tain' at the north end of Lake Rudolf. from which he had an extensive View of the country to the west. He says it is Most of the region around the two lakes, Stefanie and Rudolf, is pitted with ancient craters and Cavendish found the most remarkable crater that has yet been discovered in the district. The natives call it Sodigo V0, and it is about a. mile and a half wide and ney, which is a. remarkable record. He says he found coal both east and west of Lake Rudolf that burned well, and there was a good deal of it. If his report is accurate, this news is inter- estfng for coal has not been found hitherto in any part of tropical Africa, except for some distance along the Zambesi River. 1,300 feet deef coveries he had n only a, little over the eighty men in citing adventures who gave him so: course, the Gallas these encounters, not lose a inan du spoiled the other endish turned u; account of his East Africa. and for MATRIMONIAL DISCUSSION It NEW DISCOVERY IN AFI ONE OF THOUSANDS. l‘he A STUDY LAMIP. ounters, am 5,000 FEET HIGH rmn tin: nan during ll] "ml Mr. 1‘: aka Rudolfkc a. year, and he and his caravan had ex~ with the natives, 1e hard fights. Of got the Worst of and Cavendish did interestin Invendlsh dis Gents :â€"I was dreadfully nervous. and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys~ Lem. I was troubled with Constipa~ tion. Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor- oughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hart» ford, Conn. Sold by 8.11 druggisxts. Small Boyâ€"Yes‘m. Mother ain't back yet from the women’s every ternoon temperance meeting. and pa’s gone to Ginsliug's free lunch loan to get his sup-per. Callerâ€"I supposed I would find your parents at home this time of day. Both out, are they? Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heath gives relief in 30 minutes In menu acute oat-ed or hearb disease. 0 n5 dose is all that is needed to con- vince the moat scenblcal. Thou-ands of lives have bmn raved through Its Limely use. Its) one of the wonder! of madam med ical «dance. I know it. He killed three friends of mine. That young Dr. Pillsbury. He takes life very easily. HEART SCEPTICS ARE CONVINCED IN 80 MINUTES. Be Not Deceived. A Cough, H'oarsa» ness or Group are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Gure will save vou much trouble. Sold by all druggists. \Hewittâ€"Does your wife miss you when you are away:? Jewettâ€"She misses me when I am at home, Hewittâ€"What do you mean? JewetLâ€"She can't throw a. cup straight Cure the Cough with Shilob’s Cure. Thb best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million battles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by 8.11 druggisrta itwo boxes had been used. she began to Show signs of improvement. She has continued their use since, and is to- day a living testimony of the curative war of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills." ‘ r4 Minsh‘ull has no hesitation in sounding the praises of a remedy that has worked such a change in the health of his sister and cheerfully gave the “News†the above particulars. and when asked to do so most willingly signed the following deCIaration:â€"- Smith’s Falls, Sept. 11th, 1897. I hereby make declaration that the statements in above as to the. condition of. my sister. and the benefit she re- ceived from the use of Dr. \Villialms' Pink Pills are absolutely correct. CDhos. Minshull. There is a man in Hamilton who has such a. goud wife. that in all his marâ€" riel life he can't remember that he ever found the salt-cellars on the ta.- ble empty once. her, I consulted with my wife.uwho had great faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as she knew of several cases where they had worked wonderful cures, and I concluded it would do no harm to try them anyway, and men- tioned the fact to the doctor. The doc- tor did not oppose their use, but said he thought. they might do her good, as they were certainly a good medi- cine.. In September of last year she began to use the Pills, and before knowledged that the case was one which he could do very little for. My sister had by this time become a pit- iable object; the slightest noise would disturb her and the slightest exertion almost make her insane. It required someone to he with her at all times, and often after a. m of extreme ner- “ousness she wmld hecome uncon- scious mud remain in that 'state for Hours. \Yhen 1 went; home I had to take my [pots off at the door-step so as not to disturb her. When the doctor told me he mulzl do nothing for her, Iconsulted with my wife. who had great faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as she knew of several cases do ht she w her but liams' Pink Pills. related the follo‘ Newszâ€"“My sister age. She came to land about ten vee thness, J. Hfï¬lyssi The (true or a Young I.qu Who Buttered Severe Two Doctorsâ€"Dr. wn Have Restored Her 5 From the Smith’s Fall EXTREME NERVOUSNESS 01116 DREADFUILLY NERVOUS REFORMING THE “’ORLD‘ REQUENTLY 1e, Dr. V. ubt if the 'as In a v physician (He atten: 'i.th poor h (7 SEE IS now we of housework HER BAD AIM and pom lsteI is my hon-est conviction, been about by the use of Dr, VVil- 'ink Pills. Mr. Minshull than the following story to the A MODEL WIFE in and under fwe n I18! EVIDENCE months. snfferln ban \Vhen she arrived here ery weak state and a was called in to see led her for some time. results, and finally anâ€" Que radually gre [Ocal physivi uths. The dc faring from ars ago, minister mith‘s more 5 than th CLIN S ITS VICTIM I‘O INSANITY. fly in inmm’ Falls ly-leen Up By lllnnm' Pink Pills onlun. sea, and that' . The minist then wrote 1 erable I asked He re[ ter had 5115, but we startling or hat of Miss resides with ‘egides Mmshl in Frt .1th, and] 3.115, in the uncon- state for I had to xd beep phySI- do any :0 and change 1, been got par 1‘1 1m Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be Eup- .plicd with genQeel and very PROF‘l’I‘ABLE em 10;; our. industry (a [heelsenfixl N 4L1- ES A to secure GOOD REMUNERA- (HON. Can give the address "frnnreaeuta the who has just cleared $113 in 21 DAYS. $5 can be made right AT your own HUME. J. L. NICHOLS & 00.. 33 Richmond West. Toronto; PATENT§ £99.31)! Aging-p 0mm Heâ€"Oh. my dear. if they had ladies’ faces on them we never \quId be able to pass them! “WE WANT ¥fl§j (1116K? Day by day is winning the good will of all kidney sufferers. Haveg u a. pain in the Back; Bladder, or Kidney troll e,_1ust,try them once. ,\ on will] ove them. They’re ï¬nd, 2 full boxes, goat paid to anf address for 250.. in shamps. ‘hey are a high y prized En liuh Remedy. en- dorsed by thousands. ALL SON MED. 00'“, Brookvme. Ont. How did your French go in Paris, Mrs. Purvenu? Beautiful! They were really tickled. with it. DR. ALLISON’S Kidney “Buds†New Ministerâ€"What would you sugâ€"v gest, then? Old Ministerâ€"Umâ€"s’pose you 'hold him up, merely! This is the seeding time for that dread malndyâ€"oatarrh. A simple cold in the head, induced by sudden change in the weather. may mean to you years of torment if neglect:- ed. Dr. A new's Camrrbnl Powder will re iieve a col in the head in ten minutes. It will allay all inflammation like magic and pre- yent the seating of disgusting catarrh. If {cu are so unfortunate as to have contracted t. no matter how many years have passed, there i4 a. certain cure in this tested remedy. New Ministerâ€"I propose to hold 01d Lquebfags up to scorn. Old M‘Lhistér-â€"Don't go too far boy. Will be Bountiful it the Simple Gold In the Head is Neglected Now ~ Dr. Agnew's‘Catarr-hal Powder is Nature’s Reliever Becansé he hasn’t a. [Bax-title of busi- ness about him and I can't afford to give him employment in my office. Why are you trying to get your friend a. qulig clerkship? HalT's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the ayaLem. Testimonials sent free. Price 16¢. per bottle. Sold by a.†Druggiats. Hall's thily Pills are the beat. We oï¬â€˜or One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case 9f Caéarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh uro. F. J. CHENEY 8t 00.. Toledo 0. We. the underalgncd. have known 1?â€. J. Cheney tor the last 16 years. and believe him perfectly he arable ln all businew tranaactio IS and ï¬nanolu ly ble to carry out any Obligations made by their rm. WEsTe‘c’l‘nvAx. Wholesale Drugglsra.'l‘oledo.0. WALDING,ME1_NԤIA§ 8r. MARVIN. Wholesale nâ€".._~.‘-L. Dru; ms: we'd; Hal '8 Catarrh ( Mr. Jimpson. severelyâ€"ï¬cmmy, nevâ€" er let me hear you use the word sling again. Always say throw. Tommy Jimpsonâ€"Yes, paw. And did David really put a stone in his throw and kill Goliar? them at once. and, of con want testimonials only from t have given the Pills a fair t The Pills are a sovereign rs all blood impurities and one ho to any dollar bottle of Sarsa] Remit direct to KUB‘. Schille pany, Toronto. Ontario. the ten longer shorter Schille fit 1r Five Hundred l Inoumln by u ‘ I :‘V I (in mid 1377613 oun- L_._§. "who mm m Paton! Lemma). Omndn Lite Bldg. Totonm Write {or {no book on patch". eta. metrhing just uld make four iller M T00 ATTRACTIVE THE GOLDEN MEAN 1 will a at 1 iir 1011 CATARBH’S HAR VEST HIS ONLY HOPE nlu by we Prom-it parllln l'llls. 'our testimonial in, you will get am; if ten othe lars will be git Testimonials than fifty we: the better. r &A Company a mpt in .aJs will unti AM USE D THEM I‘ER INFORMATION Pills and tr lem good, wr 1‘ will reu next. A NOVEL IDE A. How‘s This ‘r in drug Schiller arson to the pills 1n fin them : in the and West, Toronto; an and American is plan of getting :1, of course, they nly from those who Is a fair trial. )vereisrn remedy for ynoongD In Qua- W P C 894 Olfored/ for 1’9in 9 Pill Intil ‘ay th timon _ on; w lmes 1 ffering 3m. and, if vhiller your m possible. the best of untry .e given a :medy for x is equal rarilla‘ in (lru deman my ED In. It: anon-MIon I Irul Wm l I nonunion t unscraan yum“? Ll) Canadian Postage Stan; prices paid. Dr. Mason. 131 Gives Back Original Luster: Prevents Bre smug: “Imamâ€"Now Importnlonu. fluent English Flame and American has casings. Reliable nood- rlght prices. Fara, Blataka A 00., leltala PRODUGES NEW HAIR. GENTLEMEN,â€"-I have personally examined the heads of ten respon- sible citizens of London, Ont, who have given sworn testimony to the effect that by the use of “ Amberan Hair Producer" they have succeeded in: growing new hair where they were formerly bald, and I found their state- ments to be correct. They also speak of it in the highest terms as a cure for dandruff, itching of the scalp and falling out of the hair. Had it not been for my personal investigation, I could not believe such results Were possible. I remam’ yours truly, DEV MA D'rnu r nxxrnv EVERAL GOOD MPROVED 60 AND 1004mm mortgage farms in the counties 0 Middlesex. Essex. Kent and Lambtou for male very cheap; small amount down, balance at a low fate of interest. For list. :1 ply to WILLIAIV F. BULLEN, Manager Marlo Loan 5c Debentnre Conihondon. JOB Coox MANUFACTURING Co. JOB COOK MANOFAGTURING 60., LONDON, ONT. 1‘ ONEY 0 havlr I0 I ]elt‘ adv The Dawson Commlssion 00.,“m'ted tier. of West Market and Dolhorne 8L, - TORONTO, Apples, Poultry, Eggs, w. 743-. HARRIS, REFERENO :â€"â€"IMPERIAL BANE GENTS WANTED â€" Bo TON PERFECTION Pin RIM Co.. 180 Kmo 812, W.. Toronto, ‘ ï¬fe; Qod hodï¬gféfiivrfbï¬ï¬wwum V" a - K II. ‘ , . f. l Crazy {0 a; $33599. @323. 1:: is we‘ll sagging mama Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort Man likes comfort, and if he can’t ï¬nd it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort anal happiness? Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised at «out succesa ‘Muvnr ï¬seEWiFeM is muzzlzd’ inhar‘ ho_u§é?ï¬y%mï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©aep your house cleale grocers keep ib ONEV DAN IE DOUBLED In N EW THIN G 1 PERI-MP5 YOUR DRUGGIST DON’T KEEP IT! Preparation, with full directions, mailed on receipt of $1.00- A CLERGYMAN'S LETTER. William Street, Toronto. WY“ COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. Order direct or through uewsdealer or post- master and secure THE CHRISTMAS EDITION FREE. INCLUDINGâ€"N. The 24=page Saturday Illustrated Edition 1166731}; (5‘ ey to inveit {would ï¬nd ii to communicate w th H, 9‘} McCaul Sh. oronto. BEWARE OF lMlTATlONSn VMills, Mills & Halos (Morning Edition) sv‘v ; ut! Bid qued. Good .al at’l‘oronto yea; Thyme mberine†THE GLOBE, Toronto. Tor CURES DANBRUFF’ thONE WEEK. LONDON, ONT. , Ocz‘ober zotk, I897. The ample resources of this Comping ens†its Directors to make advances on a] tate. without delay, at low rates at int-rent: and on the most favorable terms of repaymen oans granted on Improved Farms and 6; roductivejl‘gvyn qmj Ci_ty frgpurpiss. Mgr:- Productive Town and City Propartiss. Mort: gages and Municipal Debonturu Pul- chased. Applications will be received at the otfloel o! the Company. .. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINGS OBMPANY A Speqiï¬q for Fgm‘alepomplaints, Subsorlbad Gapltal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000,000 Paid-UP Capital .. 2500.909 Assets . . . . . . . . . . . , ...............12,ooo.ooo HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO ST., TORONTO. Branch Olilces-WIXNHLEGL MAN., AND The Toronto Phirmaoal 00., umltul, Toronto. THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND PAINLESS PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. LAHGEST’S‘I [Elli CAIQKEA ï¬UNN’S REV. MARTIN LOWRY. ‘aking and Falling Out. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director, Toronto DR. GOODE’S y at. once eaae the pain an ' action of the ovarian vo wping Womanhood they eye sad. They no compoul o ples of vegouble subrnnca reliable‘ Ask your main" 3t keep them in stock he 0 l cc $1.00 per Bottle. 0rd 0! .,.