251 per annum, in advanced . rel" mg»); A ._ “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- \7? ’9 77 A. . . K,“ 'v’ 153:1; IS rim I: no EV any TH‘JBSLLAY NEORNIETG lliE LIBERAL PRINTENG PUBLISHENG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. l‘ilcl‘liAtM N. Eniroa A? Pnnpnin'ton BUS.ZL5IESS e: :il in? l. I) ll... IANGS'I‘ Illâ€. RICHh 0ND BILL. OF: ICE HOURS 8 to [0 a! m: 610 S a; m Sill?" 1733.. I. ll. (Succeswr to Dr. W. J. Wilson). RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOURS 8 to lo a m; and ‘3 WM. ROGERS, L.D.S. Moved to 84 Victoria Street, Toronto. DR. W. CtCIL-TROTTER, Dentist, OF 21 HLOOR STREET. TORONTO, Will be in Richmond Hill every nesdary until Jan. 8th, 1898. Ved- Ofliceâ€"Next door south of public school. Hours 8.30 a. n1. to 4 p. m. 13 eteriuarii (F. T. his}? lroy, VETERINARY SURGEON -â€"â€"AND-â€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, With diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday tom 1 to 3 p, in. Calls promptly attended LO Disensns of horses, cattle and other domesticat- od animals treated by the lutest and most ap- proved methods. PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HTLL, Remodellell, and newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient and coinfirtahlo hotels on Y ~iige Street. Every niodeiii con» venicuoe. Sample rooms for commorcmi truvaloss. Aiiiiieulstoppiiig place for ri'linu ordrivim; partius,bicyclists. or farmers goini' to or returning from murkot. Bus meets all trains. Electric curs pass the door. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. \VA LTE R H ULSE, Proprietor. "’1. Lemmy lesser... 158 KING sTnEET EAST. TORONTO very accommodation to guests. Board, 31. perday THE SUN Life Assurance CO. OF CANADA. Assurcs on {Lil the morlcrn plums, and is one of the 11}:st mower-nus and progressive ooziipaiiios in existence. Now Iii‘o 'ip‘i'i "ill ‘lli in 1301.. . . . , . . . 9'10, 9.00,“er Assn? ‘ ' .41: Drum, 1N1! .. . 41:15,! Life A, ‘lllLIlC.’ iii 2.); e,1siJmi ,‘E’kx, 251;}38,’ l‘remiu ll . l).v, w ' ivs ‘iiimziilitionn‘ and i. «if. ole. TORp a. r 'lllc: "l"; the distrlctugm‘t. " r T. F. [~10in A. 2110333, LISEB' ' )FFICAJ, â€" R1Uii‘zilul)flliiL ,' .74 ' \ G F liiWBIvISCE £523.11. Fri. '1"~<.E}4“Y. ..?{{Ll'l‘A RY PU . ï¬LlC, ’ enmiissmnnn in ms l HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c. ‘, ‘72â€. -. ' .P' .. ' T ' ‘ issuer Gillie.» riage i. came . i RICHMOND HILL POST OFFI! E. L: ‘i' ’RENCE & GRMISTONV Barristers, Solicitors, 840. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Sheet. Richmorc‘ Hill Ofï¬ce open everyi Saturday. I _0_. tom :0 LOAii Align/EST CURRENT RATES ‘ ROB} NSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Elnrrislcrs, Solicilors, é'c. TORONTO AND AURORA. GARVIN & GARViN, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 1M turies, .i‘c Room in. York Clinnibcrs. 9 Toron- 110 St. Toronto, and uh iliu , I-m be Law Oï¬ices lluli, Richmond Hill, rill day Well- J nnsdnv, and Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. Mr. Fred. \V. Garvin will be at Richmond Hill ofï¬ce every evening’ and will attend each sitting of the Court. Uilli'lélii, WANT Ea SEEMS Barristers, Solicitors, die" I 25 KING STREr-T WEST, TORONTO. East Toronto Ofï¬ce. Mi. Grant‘s, residence. Woodbi’idoe. every eveninfl. Thornhil‘, each chnesduy frufll 101012. Money to Loan Telephone 47 MACDOUGALL & JONES, Barristers, Solicitors, d'c. Room 1, Masonic Building, 18 Toronto St. Toronto. ALFRED MACDOUGALL, FREDERICK c.Jox1~;s. Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario. C0012 li- MACDONALD, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelaide St†East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 57. MONEY 'Hj LOAN On First Mmtgagcs, G. B. SMITH, Ex. M. PB, 63 Yoiige Sh, Traders’ Bank Chambers, S-tf Toronto. MONEY! MONEY! A laige amount of private funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. in- tervst. Easy terms for repavnient. No coinâ€" iuissiou charged on loans. Apply to LAWRENCE & 01iMIsToN, 15 Toromo St , Toronto 01' at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. SALEM ECKABDT. Unionville. Cari-ville. Eckardt a: Prentice Liconeeu Auctioneers for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment Genernlmler 0 stock, etc., promptly attended to zit reusonnole rates. 0 STOKES D BLOUGH Stokes a; Blougli. LicensedAuctioneers for the County of York,re- I spoctfully solicit your patronage and friendly iniliience. sales attended on the 51 oi'tesn notice - uni a reasonabe rates. P. O.nddross King .I . ’1‘. snigeozn, [.iccnsedAuctioneer for the County of York bolus attended to on shortest uoticc unil lit reu- sonahlerates. Patronage Sullcited. Residence Maple .l'. D. min In, Licensed Auctioneer for the (“minty of York. General sales of implenie ts, iiiiiiitiii'e.i~tuiiilion timber, etc. , attended on the shortest notice and M rensonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Mr. pie. N. Smith. Licensed Auctioneer for the ('ounties of York and Ontario. All sales of farm stock, do, i-t- teiiilad to on the shortest lloliizu unil rflll“(lll&l’l€ rule‘s. Mortgage and bailiff soles attended to. Residence, Stoufl‘villo. Ont. :3. m. 3.1;. . VVRIGHT BROS, linden-takers dz. Embmmcrs. Funeral Furnishings Alwzu s on “and we Society and Fashion Gossip '(lH ii. W S (MnnsTox I. L R , ‘ , l’h(‘l1‘ from the Queen City. 'J‘lic ice-'ptinii .‘il. G()\‘(‘l‘lllll(‘lll Housc isii balm-nay uticrnoon was hzigcly nt- l(1lll!illl)' iliosc who wishcd to pay Elli-ll l't’hllt‘ClH in [.0111 :ind [lady J\l15‘1'< locuiiinc it was :iliiiost iiii~ possihlclo iiiukc oiic's way through tlic cimv'cd (lruwiiig-romii \vhci'c Lady J‘lfl‘l'lll‘vl], gowiicd vci-y hand» soiiiily iii grcy silk with black hicc cpnulcis. l‘k'l'i‘lYCd cuch cullci' with a smilc o1 wclcoinc. Lord Abci'dcci‘i ne- "cd '11 his usual plcuszint \‘l'ily. Rc~ fi'usliipciits wcrv scrvcd in tho ball- room, wlcrc those who wished purâ€" took of u dziiniy sandwich or :L \\'2li(’l‘ icc, :ii.d pnsscd out aftcri'cgistciiiig i'iuiiics with much dilliculiy. From the consci'vutory could bc board :it timus charming music from 'J’lionias' orclicsiia. Some of the costumes worn hero encocdiiigly liaiidsomc; one wnsof black velvet trimmcd on ilic lliissinii Blousc with (lrcbc, u dziiiiiy iiiuif of black Vclvct. with dcop frillsol Huck satin liiicd with cci-osc satin and cdgcd with gi‘cbc, picturi- but of black vclvct with :1 profusion of black l'cuthcrs and hii'gc stccl Oi'iiu- moms. Aiiolhcr striking costuiiic was :i largo poke boiinct of block vcl- \‘ci :iiiilpluiiics. ticd uiidcr the chin withsoft bluck tics. {ussinn blousc ofii lill‘g(' Iigui-cd pziltcrii of light col“ orcd silk and u liziiidsuiiic skii-L of black satin, which guvc the wcuicr the :ippcuriiricc of a lady in a costume of sixty years ago. 'Ilicir liXCUllellclOS liuvc ai-i-ungcd to give scvci-ad diiiiici-s leld‘illlllL‘l‘S (luring thcir st;y in tlic city, and wiiidup with a fancy drcss hull on llcc. L’o’ib, in which all Hucicty pcoplc are looking forward HS tlic cvciit of ilic scnsmi. lleits this wiiilci will bc liirgc, with fcw cxccptioiis, some siiizill toiliics will be \\'()111, but. pokc bonucls for those who Cull wear them will be quite the thing, tiimmcd heavily with plumes .‘111(l stccl or jet oriiumciits, Small iiiuifs in round shape made of soul, with a bend or schl iii the front, and three or four tails hanging fi-oiii'it. will show ()11(‘ style: \iliilc fuiicy styles will he gioatly uscd, usu- ally mudc of vclvct, \ViLll a dccp, fuil frillof sil' zit (‘éiCll cnd, cdgcd with fur of any suitabic trtiiiiuing, it bow of suLiii or ii licuvy full of pretty laicc in the flout, mal‘cs it stylish muff, to be worn with a. costume for culling or afternoon tca. Coats this winter are longer, which are not as becoming and smart as the shorter ones, and has a. tendency to make a short lady appcair more so. Skirts are made normwwr~zis small as three yards round. A very hand- some skirt was sceii on the street of black Henrietta, trimmed in decp scollops of silk fringe, the top of the scollops L0 i-cucli half way up the skirt, and heads-(l with three rows of narrow bhick braid, the last row bcing put on in twisted loops. ’l'lic great Horse Show in New York has become :in annual autumn society evciit for the northern purl of this continent. Wi- notice that Toronto is furnishing its quote. as Wcll as the Aiiicricuii ciiics. Quite a liuiiibci- of our socicty pcople will grace the occas- ion with iliclr prcsciice. We hope that Toronto hidics will look as well with less cxpciisc for gowns, as we lcni-ii from 1111 American paper that Mrs. Juck Ash» is cxpectcd to exhibit tivelvc gowns during the six days Of the show. One of blue- (tloili cost $200 in Viciiiia. She. will also eippczir in u brown and whith (:licck suit, Li'iiiiiiicd with braid, zi \‘iulci cluili sublc trim- mcd suit, cull'cc L’Ulol‘t’d suit, illlll 2i bliick szitii), liiicd wiili (:crisc sutiii 2i.in licnvcly trimmed with chinchilla. Mrs. \Villiniii C. “'liitiicy will lizivc gowns, and Oilici' New York hidics will uppczir iii gowns most clcgiiiib. Ll't us hope that our Toronto ludics will look st wcll with flowers and less cxpciisivc gowns. At :1, such-Ly \Vcdding last week wlicre tlic bridc was 11 toll gi'uccful girl and thc bi ltll‘gl'ulllll iiiiicli :lmricr Lhc qiicsiioii ziskcd by many and which l hcai'd :iiiswcrcd by oiic was, “ “'liy is it (but liil'lc im-ii so often marry hiigc woiiicii P †1 don’t know, unless it is iliul the litilc follows :iic afraid to buck out of tlic ciigzigcmciili. A sii'cot cur iiicidciit the other duy aili-nctcd my attention. A lady l)(l:u'(il‘ll ii Bolt Liiic cur wlicrc imiiiy ol'tlicswclls of tho City Iiuycl. As slic ciilcrcd ilic cur czicli wcll drcsscd iiiziii zippcnrcd to he dccply iiitcrcstcd in his cvciiiiig Iiilpl‘l', but. :1 work» iiigiiinn (who, by the wuy wiis I‘L‘illlllifo: his pupcrzit tlic liiiic) in patchâ€" cd cioihcs hands and fzicc siiiczircd \\'iihiiioi-lcr, iiiiiiicdiuicly urosc 21nd (lilti‘l‘l’dllls scat to llic hulyl?) which islic did not cvi-ii zickiiowlcdgc- with u. how or siiiilc, but took ihc sczit us though i‘. wcic ll. compliiiiciit i'oi- lli‘l‘ [0in iii {hi-suit Ilizil 21 1111111 of lllill siylc bud vacuicd. Now i iiiiiik tho: it i‘ilciiniii wc must cull him would hm“ ..ivi:c lliwt Woman :1. ltlllilllf‘bs iii ihc “'31:, (r1(inchingiici'iiiz'Hui-i-siflic Viimi Sillllii" llid l liczii- you say iliziiik yin! i“ W .‘.iz¢r"."i‘. Ru J: 5 ll young mun in scâ€" .T cict,y,ono of the handsomest gcntlcmnn in thi- city and particularly fascinating both in uniniwi's and appearance, with lovcly brown cycs which whcn he spooks sziys “ I‘m H. flirt." had just loft his ï¬unci-e who :ulorcs him and who i'llillks his Invc is roturiicd, and board- cd :i. Bclt Linc car at “1.30 p. m. Tcn minutcs later an intimate Indy frich of his ilevotcd swcctliciu-t entered the cor, whcn he made several nttcmpts to attract licr attention, which he ï¬- imllysucceodcd in doing, and politcly oih'rcd his scat to tho fuir one with glasses. In :L monith a Seat was yucotcd beside Miss 13., and Mr. A. took posscssion of it, when the follow- ing conversation took place : “ Aren‘t you glad that you have a. seat P †“ Yos. it is not. every day one has the opportunity of sitting beside a. charmâ€" ing young hidy; I wish it. would come cvci'y day.†“ Oh, don’t you think the novelty would wear Off I" " “Not at all; it would grow more enchant- ing every tinic." llis ï¬ancee hoard of it. tho ncxt (hiy from hcr friend, and now thr- Pngllgolllé‘lll is brokcn. Oh, licklc man I/ ’Twus over thus 1 Good :ulvico says, don't flzittcr every girl you sec. GLORIA. â€"_‘o.â€"â€"â€" “[ANTICI) a“? can employ thirty v' iiicii .iiid womcn upon salary or cmiiiiiission zis zigi'ccd tr) i-cpi-osent us lll'iillnil honic. THE BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE. Bruiitfoi'd. _c‘. .â€"â€"â€".o Our Ottawa Letter. OTTAWA, Nov. 22.â€"The anticipaated cabiiii-t change, the ï¬rst since the gov- ornmi-nt took office some ï¬fteen month ago. has taken place. Sir Olchr Mowet retires from the arena of active lilo, after 2i quarter of a cent- ury of iiiiiiiLci-i uptcd power as First ivlinisicr of tlic premier province of the l".ominion, and after u. brief serv- ice in ilic ncw chcral Administration. How \Vcll and honorably he has serv- od his province and country, and how high ho is held in the cstcciii and con- ï¬dence of the people, and how brilliant the triumphs he has achieved, the past history of political events reveals, and the graceful acknowledgements of his oppoiicnts fully attest. His record is before the people, and from which the severest criticisms can detract noth- ing. The elevation of Sir Oliver Mow- at. to the gubernatorial chair of the province, whose affairs he had so long and so ably administered, will not ini- pair his usefulness, and his long ex- perience and matured knowledge pe- culiarly ï¬t him for his new and exaltâ€" cd sphere, where his labors will still be exercised for the Welfare of the country. One of his late colleagues in the cabinet said that Sir Oliver leaves Ottawa. a different man, physicially, from what he Ilizis in Toronto of late yours. The more active life which he was called upon to live as Minister of Justice, stirred up his energy of younger years. His depai'tiiiental work was iicver behind a single day. He toiled diligently and llitl‘d since the day he cuter-ed the Dominion Cab- inet, conceivingit to be his duty to ilLl’A‘lld todetziiis which the majority of other men would have passed by uiilicedcd, One of the chief acts of Sir Oliver’s administration of his de- partment was the thorough purging of the penitentiary system from the abuses and weaknesses which had grown up within it under the long rule of his Conservative prelcccssurs. Sir Charles Tupper has recently lllililc u couple of his clinriictcristlc bold HSSCI‘ULHS. Among the many wonderful things he cliinicd for his party and Iiiiiisclfâ€"the nitici- particu- lurlyâ€"â€"wus that Callildia l pi-ogi-css had been brought about. by tho action of Conservatives, and thth his party had taken the initiative. in b.1r'. movement oi"pi'ol'ci-cntiiil trade. within the Em- pii‘c which policy was peculiarly a. coiiSci-vutivcoiic, and would ultimat- cly ti-ium} li. This is an ussci‘tiou, the fiiililiiiciit of which is not yet, in sight, illlLl 110\'(‘1' will be. It. is a day-(liczun of the tiny leader in which he may be pci'iiiiltcd to indulge without; fcnr of its cvcr taking iiintci-iul slinpc. Libâ€" oi-uls, on ilic ochcr lllllld, li;i\'c not iii- dulgcd iii idlc drcums or wczilth of Words 111 i'cspcct in tllc‘ll‘ policy of irzidc pi-ci'criiiciit with (i1‘('ilt Britain, but how si-izcd the first opporturiiily and uctcd upon it 111 cxiciiiliiig pic- fcrciiliul Li'czitiiiciit to British trade wliilc Il()ti(l(‘ll.\illldlllg n. siiiiihii' favor in rctui-ii, us do ilii- (foiisci-vzitlvos, bc- cziusc this: would mcziii nothing more llUl' icss lllilll ii. rcqiivsi. loi- li'i-i‘iziiii iz-kc 2i i'iidlczii dcpni‘tui'c from the ï¬fty ycui's' zidlici'ciicc iu licl' sctilccl and pi L‘lllillll‘llL policy of fl’l‘C ll'ilflt‘, it slip which England would not for il mo- mciit dl'L‘lllll of taking. Should (limit Britain cxtciid a. pl‘t‘ll‘l'vllCL‘ in Cumi- diuii cxporls in l'!‘llll‘ll, it would lilt‘illl the beginning of ii prolccihc (‘HL in thc inotlici- country. Any tzii-ili' conâ€" dilinii short of absolute frcc Ll‘litli' will iii)! lic iiilci'uicd )ll l‘liighiiid, uiiil it, is Said ilizttthc Colonial Scci-ctni'y pi’w poscd. lost :tiiiiiiimi Mll’ll i‘. umdliioii ii. ihc l'ill‘llllll’ wzio icjcclcd it. it could not: Well bi; 2LCL"[Jil‘(l ill the stage of our coiiiiii-y’s proyrcss “lll‘ll :i rev- t‘lllli’ will} is indis},=cr‘subic not only 1.0 ‘ for the proper :idiiiiiiistrution of its affairs, but is :ilso iicccssziry for the support of tliosc industries which havc gl'i Wu up and tho tor-y sysi'ciii of Irotection, until such time when-u. griliiul approach towards a Free ii-udc tariff may be safely uudcrtukcn, and the aim of the liberal party ï¬nal- lyconsniimiutcd. That the sudden adoption of froc trado, such as propos- ed by Mr. Chmnbci-lin would be. disastrous to Canadian ï¬nance and iiizinufucturos, cannot. be denied and direct taxation Would inevitably result. Thctory press is making as ‘much capital as possible out of Sir \Vilfi-id’s rcfusol to accept a proposal which would do away with tariff walls within the Empire, and so destroy, to a large extent. the customs duties which are at present cssentiul to the ï¬nancial and industrial life of the Dominion, as those duties ere now levied and collected. ' Sir Charles proclaims the desire of his party for an inter-imperial customs union, the essence of which would be discrimination against the products of forciin countries, in favor of similar cmimiodities produced by the com- ponent parts of the Empire. It would, no doubt, be popularly received by this country us the Tories particularly desire discrimination in the English markets against the United States. \Vcre it possible to sustain such a. cus- toms union thc Tory party might not be found so vigorously landing it, but) because of its uttcr infeasibility, they are making use of it for all it is worth for a. convenient and, perhaps, catch- ing †cry.†York 0011 ty Council. York County Council had a busy day at routine work on Thursday. They pusscd a by-law defining County Clerk Ramsdeii‘s hours and duties, and another fixing the remuneration of nominating clerks and deputy return- ing officerszit County Council elections respectively at $16 and $4 a. day and mileage. The Industrial Home Commissioners presented their I‘L‘pOI‘t. A new wing, known as the Porter wing, has been, added to the building at Newmarket, and electric light features installed throughout the building. The num- b<-i- of inmates has been increased and the per Cilpltll cost of maintenance decreased. The report was adopted. County Solicitor C. C. Robinson pre- sented his annual report. 'It gave the opinion that the County Council had no right to pay $2116.77 towards the cost of paving Adelaide-street as demanded by the city, and mentioned the trouble with the liolls estate over the Yo. 1; Mills bridge, in which the county hm lukon out iLll iiijuction restraining Rolls from filling in the river bed. Solicitor Robinson thought that the county would succeed in defeating the claim of tlic C. 1’. R. for mOiicy to lililllltiiill thc railway gates at. Duffâ€" criii-sirect crossing. A C(llllllllllliczllloll was received from Alderman Spence asking the Council to co-opcijaic. in the movement to pre- vent the renewed of liquor licenses and limit the hours of sale. On Thursday evening the members of the Council showed their appreciat- ion of \Vlu‘llcll Davidson’s services during the year by dining him at The Clyde Hotel, and presenting him with a. gold-hemlin cane. A huge number of ofï¬cials wcrc present, together with other prominent county citizens. Alici- tlic banquet the usual tozisis wcrc prospcrcd and res pondcd to. On Fl'ld‘d)‘i‘lle Byâ€"lziws and Logis- lntivc (Joiniiiiticc were authorized and instructed to prosoiit it private hill to the Ontario Lt‘glb‘lilblll‘r‘ with it view (If iibziiiiliuiiiig llizii portion of the Kings- ton Bond lying within the county o Ontziric. 'l‘lic closing sossioii was held Satur- day lllul'llllig‘. The County Commiw siiiiicci's, who wcre instructed to i‘ quire iiito ilic m agilaiiit that the Bic:- ropoliiaii i'ziilwny c «rs were being run at an cxcchivi- .‘ no of specd, reported o that the coiiiplziiul‘. llilil no justiï¬caâ€" tion. V ’1'lic l‘ltlll-fl'z‘illtill Committee recomâ€" iiiciidcd that :1 grth of $100 b9 maul.- lor 2L coiiliiiuiitioii class at “pod- lll‘lilgt‘ school, and that (\llli‘zlllcc‘ cun- diilzilcs piiy u fcc of M. A motion was piissci'l asking for :m niiiciidiiicnl in tlic llilllllclplll act so llmtiio towii would be :illowcd ii) breakaway from the Council except bye ('Hllilly by-lziw or by all order f1 om tho lilirllii‘llzlllt-GUVUI'HOI‘ in Council. - Iii rcply in tlic civic. (lcpuluiioii which waited on Council, Councillor Gibson iiiovi d ilizit tlic (lounly ( um- cil li-iid its usslstuiicc to any si :iiic looking inward llii‘ll‘lU'l cxlciiiic (‘l'llllt‘ll ilicii iidjoui‘ucd, to ‘ icct :igiiiii 11(‘Xl January. In tho . um- iiiiic. lwn v:ic~ «i. MW in hc ii" ‘ by clcciioiis, vi No. 3. YiSi‘k, \‘lil ' by the Lll‘ilill of Councillor ljull, ;: i’ No. H, \‘zicoiii by illr‘ i'csigiiuli'ui l . Ml'. Eiziiiisdrii, llli\\' (.‘(lllllliy {Tici-k. J" I,‘ m.r.‘:wwovn.im7mrmv~ ; ‘9‘“ lilpuns 'l‘.il>.;.es cure be“ 1211-“ R' pans. ’l'abules: for sour ston ti. lhpans Tobiilcs cure bad bro: