Illrllnlng noscur or a It 5‘ Building During the burning of a 1 Baltimore a few days ago performed an act of daring cue of a boy from the flu stamped him a hero of the I sort man from the building an alarm box the flame ï¬erce sway. ‘A crowd magic. n A;L "wra.-. Then it was that the linperillvd boy appeared. He discovered all esvupe by the stairway to be cut off, and rushâ€" ed to the front windows. By that time a. whirlwind of e-ulphurous-loo‘qâ€" ing smoke was lielching from all the windows of the front of the topmost story. while there was a. succession of crashes of broken glass as the flames and smoke broke through all barriers and were blown hither and yon. Out from this mass of combustion came the little boy in shirt sleeves and kninkeb Lockers. He was greeted with A HORRIFI ED SHOUT by the spectators, and his face lookâ€" ed down upon them. with extreme ter- ror written on it. The building is taller than those surrounding it, and the boy was held a prisoner on the cornice, as not. only were the roofs U] Luv uklvvvu-wv. 7, ed down upon them, with extreme ter- ror written on it. The building is taller than those surrounding it, and the boy was held a prisoner on the cornice, as not only were the roofs of the other buildings far below him but they were at such an angle that an attempt to jump to them would prola‘ bly have precipitated him to the street below. The boy's position on the corâ€" nice in the center of the building was untenable. the volumes of smoke threaâ€" tening every minute to smother him. With admirable presence of mind he began to crawl along the narrow ledge to its westward ending. 'Do the crowd below it. seemed an age before he reached the end of the cornice, and then it seemed that he could hold on but little longer, as the flames were increasing at an amazing rate. After what seemed an age to the keyedâ€"up spectators. the boy reacth the end of the cornice, and then, hanging (,n with his right hand, swung his Lody around the corner to the wall of the building where the smoke and flame could not strike his body. There he hung, half suspended, while the crowd sent up wild cries of encouragement. Neigh- bors fetl-hed a ladder and planted it on the roof of the building over which the boy hung half suspended. This lad- der was many feet ta) short, and hence useless. Up and down the streetmen 7"» 1A.. A 1nd- rushed, looking frantically Ior aiau- der and ban ling impiecations against the imagined slowness of the fire de< partment. Many 'women after seeâ€" ing the boy hanging in the fare of awful death, ran away, hiding their faces. W‘..ile it seemed an eternity before the department arrived, it was really but a few minutes. A hose carriage was the first on the scene, but had no ladder long enough to reach by half. The firemen shuutâ€" ed words of encouragement to the trembling boy and were busily engagâ€" ed in stretching a blanket in the hope of breaking the hoy's fall. should THE GREAT HEAT whither his right hand and compel. him to lose his hold. Thisrvyasr the THE GREAT HEAT whither his right hand and compel. him to lose his hold. This was the si.tuat'on when Hook and Ladder Com~ pany o. 2 arrived. The celerity and discipline with which the firemen act- ed were Wonderful. Without the loss of a second they yanked a big ladâ€" der ofi the carriage and had it plantâ€" ed to the roof. oi the house to the west. Before this ladder was Well placed a stream of firemen ran nimhly up it. The second man carried a lighter ladâ€" der. which he planted on the roof of the smaller building, leaning up A1- it.†hulk], hue an...†‘. against the blank wall of the buildâ€" ing in which the fire raged. By this time the position of the boy was well-nigh unendurahle. ff. seemed but a few seeonds beture he must let go. .- L Â¥._A_ hm“. Ohn There was a cry 01 113111» um“ we crowd when the firemen placed the second ladder in position. It would not reai‘h the boy by several ‘feet. Then happened something for which the hero should have medals and pro- motions. Ladderman Joseph Daly, of the company, without a second’s hesiâ€" tancy ran to the topmost round of the short ladder. On one end of it there were two.ourved iron hooks, meant to catch on windowsills. Standing on the top round and holding to one of these hooks. the boy was at least 2 feet above Daly's reach, while the ladder itself we; on the extreme edge of the burn- ing structure. "Jumpl" yelled the fireman. bracng himself for the shock. With cool calculation the boy swung as wide as possible of the building and launched himself into space, Thu strong right arm of the fireman raught the boy as he started to fell. For a ~moment, fireman, boy and ladder seemâ€" ; .mâ€"n launched himself into space, Thu strong right arm of the fireman raught the boy as he started to fall. For a moment, fireman, boy and ladder seemâ€" ed to swing out over the street: tremâ€" bling in the balance. Then, by a. mighty effort Dal; recovered his equi« librium, while the crowd of firemrn at the Mae. of the ladder held hard against the strain. When the hvro and the hoy rearhed the roof in safety the street whom] with the wildest applause while the firenwn went on conquering the fire as though it was an everyâ€" .xuu inpident of their trade. A H EROIC FIREM AN. moment of their md boys. The stronger aker, and an escaped by may excepting young .(1 was imprisrrned on the the building, his escape we the crowd sent up encouragement. Neigh- a ladder and planted if; f the building over which half suspended. This lad- feet Lu.) short, and hence ind down the street men 3;: frantically [or alad- 1 cry of h'u'ror from the ‘ the ï¬remen placed the in msition. 1‘ would of during in t1 m the flames ro of the most t Without warning $51 612 the‘bundâ€" the fire raged. position 9f_ the mm a nnrnh g had rum/ed to 5 already held collected like imperillod l’f’Y 1 every xnany mronger aped by V0“ n9 which heroic me; in The Story of a Man Who suffered the Agonies of a Living Death. 5 . ma re. i( \THE GURE WAS PERMANEE MEDICAL EXPERTS PRONOUNCED HIM INCURABLE AND HE WAS PAID A LARGE DISABILITY CLAIM. Reuben Fetch, 01 Griersvme, m uxucn to ascertain from his own lips if (he reports were well foundezl that he at- trihuted his most astonishing return to health to the use of Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People. The result of the interview was published in the Mon- itor under the date of Jan. 17th. 1896‘ Mri .Petch's case was certainly one of the most extraordinary in the annals of medicine in Canadaâ€"if not in the world. He had been ill for five years and in that time he consulted no less than six of the best physicians he could find, but none could give him the least relief. His limbs and body Were puffâ€" ed and bloated to such an extent that he could not get his clothes on, and for two years he had not dressed. He had lost the use of his limbs entire- ‘ly. His flesh seemed to he dead. and l pins could be stuck into various parts of his body without being felt or creatâ€" ing the slightest sensation. He could not move about and if he attempted to get up would fall and would have to the lifted up. He was unable to open The Case Probably incurable and in at was paid $1,650.00. after his wards recovery and activity was steady and certain. The publication of the interview‘ oonlaining the {acts above noted. r‘reated unusual interest, not only in this age/Lion. but throughout Canada. That a man. whose limbs and body First Sportsman, with big load of yangâ€"You don’t appear to have bud ‘ sur-vh good luck as I had. l Second Sportsman. with empty game- lbags.â€"â€"N-o. My guide wasn‘t as good a, marksman as yours. About two years ago the Monitor Aret that your temper will improve and you will enjoy walking and skat 1mg in real earnest once Lual sum 1'0111 is removed. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor never fails. gives no pain and‘ will relieve you in twenty-four hours. Give Putnam’s Corn Extractor a trial and be happy. Cure the Cough with snuun's cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Group || promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by all drug; ista. WORLD'S DEATHS DAILY. It estimated that of the whole popuâ€" lation of the globe about 90,000 die .every day. Karl’s Clover Root Tea. is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bouels, puri- ties the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all druggista. Bumm D’VVayâ€"Dey say dere ain’t‘ goin‘ to he no free soup dis Winter. Count D'Tiesâ€"Da‘t so? Say, dere’s somet‘ing wrong wit,‘ de hull econo- mic system. It seems tot me dab d9 hardest times comes rightj when WP are havin’ wot de| papers call prosâ€" parity ness or croup are no» w no mum“ with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save vou much trouble. Sold by all druggists. 'ts were well foundezl that he at- ted his mosi astonishing return lu 11 fo the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink for Pale People. The result 0! nlerview was published in the Mon- under the date of Jan: 17th. 1896 Peteh's case was certainly one 01 3C Medical Scienceâ€"â€" UNDERSTOOD TH 1‘ :tivity to H92 HEROIC TREATMENT real earnesi once that sore corn Not Deceived; A Cough, House- or Croup am»: not to _ba__trifled the Cough with _Sh‘i.luh’s Cure The Probabilities A PARADOX enily to take solid be fed with a Spoon ioctors said hisirou- lerosis, and that he y get better. He y the Most \Vonderful in t} ceâ€"Brought from Hopeless, alth and Strength. (‘A SE were all examxnéu NY the The above are the chief statements made by Mr. Petch in‘ his latest inter- view, and the Monitor may' remark, from a long acquaintance with him, that we consider his statements abso- lutely true and reliable He" has no interest to serve other than a desire to recommend the medicine that has done so much for him, and we feel sure that if any sufferer will write Ml“ Fetch, enclosing a stamp for reply. he will endorse all the statements made altove. We may further add that Mr. Petuh’s remarkable recovery. leaves no doubt, of, the wonderful curative powers of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills, and it seems reasonable to infer that they will do for others what; they have done for himâ€"restore health and vi- persons senders K. H, the son testimo accordix This 1 lat Ma] You stores : is cre Schillel to risk "somet would 1 fit. Be [1 testim( come t bemmaé tality. pronounced incurable and on the strength 0! their report. was paid ' a large disability claim, should after- }' ards be cured by Dr. Williams’ Pink T‘ills, was looked upon as a marvel. Many were skeptical: not as to the cureâ€"for the fact that, he was active- ly going about proved thisâ€"but they did not believe it would prove perma- nent. In view of the doubts th<~n exâ€" pressed. the Monitor determined to watch the case closely. and now. near- ly two years after the cure was first published. has again interviewed Mr. Petvh. with the result that we are in r.,.......r On beingagain questionedanetx-h said:â€"'You see those handsâ€"the skin is now,natura1 and elastiv. Once they were hard and without sensation. You could pierce them with a pin and I would not feel it, and what is true of my hands is true of the rest of my body. Pnrhape you have o‘nserved that I have now even erased to use a. cane, and can get about. my business perfectly well. You may say there is alxsolutely no doubt as to my cure be- ing permanent. Indeod I am in even better health lhan when I gave you a poaitigxrlmto say most emphativally that this remarkable cure has proved permanent. . 1r n A,“ cane, and can get about. my perfectly well. You may say alxsolulely no doubt as to my inn nermanent‘ Indeod I am ing'hérhfanent. Tndeod I better health Ihan when the first inf"rview."r “T'Drnkvou still attribute your vure to the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills?" asked the Monitor. Mattieâ€"Now, Bridget, as mamma is away I will help get. breakfast in the morning if you will wake me early. Bridgetâ€"0i don‘t mule no hilp at all. .list shlnpe, an‘ don‘t yez dress an‘ cum down till yez wake up. The application of N'ervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"which possesses such marvâ€" Iellous power over all nerve palm has provezl a remarkable success in rheum- atism and neuralgia. Nerviline acts on the nerves. SmithPS them, drives pain out; and so gives relief. Try it and be» convinced. MORTAR AFFECTED BY \VEA’I‘II ER Unquestionavbly 1 do," was the, re- . “Du-(01‘s had failed, as had also numerous remedies recommended my friends. Nothing I tuok had slightest effect upon me until [he- itfie use of Dr‘ \Nilliams‘ Pink Pills. this wonderful medivine Iowe my ease from a living death; I have re rm-ommended Dr..Williams’ Pink Is to many of my friends, and the ~dict is in their favor. lshallalwzws $5 the day I was induced to take Builders say that walls built during a» rainy season are the strongest, and that when mortar dries quickly it 1:6- cnmes crumbly and possesses litne binding power. by 10:11 upplicntionn as they cannopreaoh the diseased portjon_ot the ea‘r.†@thrg 11-: only one _-_. L: h. unewuryu V“: “w. v. ...., v-.. way to cure (in. (new. and that is b eonsllm- tionulremcdiu. Deanna: 1- cause by an in- flnmed condition or the mucous lining of H19 Embichinn Tube. When this tube in inflanwd you have a rumbling sound or imperfect. hear- ing. and when it is entirely cloned. Deanna- is the "suit, and unless the inflammcatiun can be taken out nnd this hlbe restored to in pormal condition. hearing will be aestmyod l forever; nine cane-a out of ten are caused by Cntnn‘h‘ which is nothing; but :11 inflamed com dition 0!â€?th mugous 5311' cu. . 1 n_.‘,_i 1A---- uluvu u. u“, .. - v..- . _»__.4__. We winging-One Hundred Dollsu-n for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cnu not be cured by Hall’s Chum-h Cure. Send fol { lâ€"ai'x'ltiiava :7 t_re_ “'ould you work if you had a chance? Madam, it is against my! principles to have anything to do will] games of chance. Gentazâ€"I was dreadlully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root. Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea. soon cleansed my system so thor~ oughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hui- ford‘ Connl Sold by all druggists. rcumxa; uvv. F. J. CHENEY & C41. Toledo, 0. Sold b Dmggista, 750. Hall'- amil: Pills are tho boat. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Cure Yourself of Rheumatism. DREADFUlLLY NERV OUS but by me trionably BRIDGETS (‘OMMAN D A TBA MP'S EXC incurable and on the heir report. was paid ’ a ,y claim, should after- ad by Dr. Williams’ Pink dead the History of Helpless, In who had l experts DUSE men and understand perfect «we found that a. word that ad. At the to whom he Flve Hundred nonnrs 0110er rm- Testi mouials by [he ?roprielor ol’ Srhlllrr‘s Sm-snparllln PMâ€. To introdum into this country thxsl ,old and well-tried German Pill, and to ‘ Obtain Canadian and American testiâ€" rnonials which will greatly aid. them in selling this admirable tome and blood remedy here, K. H. Schiller_& Company have determined to give ï¬ve hundred dollars in cash, divided among the senders of the ten best testimonials received from those who use their Pills. They reserve the right either to give the five hundred dollars 1: one or two persons, or to divide it amongst-the senders of the ten best testimonials. K. H, Schiller & Company are to be the soJe judges of which are the best testimonials, and will award the cash accordingly. .21 LLA It This nffér will remain open until the lat March next“ . You will not find these Pills 1n drug stores at present, nor until a demand is created for them ; at all events, Schiller does not. in the meantime wlsh to risk the druggist offering. ‘3'?!) bu Alan uuu “Aubb...v ...... _c, "something just as good" ‘ on whicï¬ he would make four or five tunes the pro- fit. Be prompt in sending in. for the testimonials will be considered as they come to hand. but the award will not be made until the lst March next. The price of the Pills is fifty cents per box, but Schiller & Company re- quires each person to send for two hoxes so that the pills can be given a. fair trial. Au- h‘llll. Get the Pills and try them, and, if you find them good, write Schiller your opinion in as few words as possible, and. if your testimonial is the bestpf all sent in, you will get, the five hunâ€" dred dollars; if ten others are as good. fifty dollars will be given to each of the ten, Testimonials must not be longer than fifly words and the shorter the better. ' Schiller & Company say they have thousands of foreign testimonials, but they want Canadian and American ones, and take this plan of getting them at once, and, of course, they want testimonials only from those who have given the Pills a fair trial. The Pills are a sovereign remedy for all blood impurities and one box is equal to any dollar bottle of Sarsaparilla. V'RLEitTii'rBét‘t‘o’ kl H. Schillér & Com- pany. Toronto. Ontario. MONEY CAN BE DOUBLE!) in a year. Those having money to inx o‘t would ï¬nd it. no Lhnh‘ advantage to mmmnntcme with F'. J. MCINTOSH, 9} McCaul St.. Toronto. SAUSAGE DASINGS.â€"Ncw hnportations, ï¬nest English hhetp and American hog casings. Rehab 0 good< at right, prices. Park, Blackwell & 00., Limited, Toronto. AGENTS. I - Hymn y ,__ H, _ I 5. wt. houM .0 d 10105. Write for pmrticulm‘s. ROBIN~0N 8L PARSONS. 34. Yonge St eet. Toronto. LAW tus GENTS WANTED.»-BOSTON PERFECTION PIE ‘ Rm ()0. 130 King St. W.. Toronto. ILD Carnelian Poflmzo ramps wanted. Good vriooa paid. Dr. Mason, 131 MuLual “Toronm I‘he new stars 15 year number N EWV STA RS ARK TWAIN’S ARABIC Looking out over the many homes of this country, we see thous- ands of women wearing away their lives in household drudgery that might be materially lessened by the use of a few cakes of SAPOLlO If an hour is saved each time a cake is used, if one less wrinkle gath- ers upon the face because the toil is lightened, she must be a foolish woman who would hesitate to make the experiment, and he a churl ish husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs. lf your grocer sends you anything in place of SAPOLIO, send it back and insist upon having just what you ordered. SAPOLIO al~ ways gives satisfaction. On floors, tables, and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring pots, pans, and metals it has no equal Everything shines after it, and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. a 62m often nubauzuto cheaper goods for BAPOLIO to main 3 hot“! proï¬t. flu! but Inch Nuclei md mm on having just what you oldeted v A NOVEL IDEA A REAL LUXURY ! either c pyrami made k 6's MG; six or mqu o! “33 ï¬g; Lturday Review Says vas in Egypt: Mark my: the of the guides utte: kids he met a frien‘ known his dilemm Mysterious. Twai DISCOVERED already discovered ain open until the Mins, Mills & Hales Burriatvers. emuremoved to Wesley Bldxah Rich- mond St. \V._ Toronto. WECSQG was familiar thought, to as utter- a, friend THIS I. FOR YOU- KNITTING CREELMAN BROS, Georgetown, om. with 610th your funny Iron hand to 100' with our ’†MONEY MAKER Prlces only SIB, $20, $80. 25. 30, 40. 50 and 60 cents per pound. The Monsoon Tea 00.. 7 Wellington-st. w, Toronto- CANADA PERMARENT LOAN & SAVINGS GDMPANV The ample resources of HA: Compan’ out“. Its Directors to make advances on an El! tate. without delay. at low rates of laurel and on the most favorable terms of repaymen Loans anted on In proved Farms and on Prouzct ve Town and City Propel-tbs. Moth gages and Municipal Dab-Mute» rut: chased. Apolications will be received at the 011100! cl ch 111 . °°° 9Ҡ.7. HERBERT MASON. Managing Dirac. Toronto: are a true boon to every lady who suffers In the perform- :nco of nature‘s eflon, They at once one thu pain 3nd restore natural and hcnlthy motion of Hm ovarian vei- se 5‘ For )‘I um; and developing ermnnhood the! “to: any remedy which can be used. They are com!) ands Iolrly from the active principles of vegetable: subahnoe ‘ and are perfectly safe and reliabla Ask your drug for them. and i! he does not kerp them in steak ha 0 meme them for you. Price 31.00 per Bottle. are! 5.00. Wholesale Agents: 7 The Toronto Pharmaoal 60.. leltod. Tonmo. subscribed capxtél ' 5.090.000 Paid-up capl‘al. . . . 2,600,000 Aasom...........,............. 12,000,000 HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO ST" TORONTQ branch Ofï¬cesâ€"Wxxmxria. Mn!" AND VANCOUVER, B. C. _ WE WANT VBU auwx." Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be In: plied with genteel and very PROFITAFL emnloyment. Industry is the emémhl NE ESSARY to secure GOOD R MUNERA‘ (HOV. (‘nn give 'he address I fraprenentadvd who hasju-‘It cleared .113 in 21 DAYS. 35 an be made ught AT your own HUME. J. L. NXCHOLS a: 00.. 33 Richmond West. Toronto. Slate. Sheet-Metal Tue a Gravel Rooforl Sheet Metal Ceilings. Term 00km T113, Red, Black and Green Rooï¬ng Slate. M0011 Cor- nices. Felt. Tar, Rooï¬ng Pibah. Em. Gum“. Downpipes. ac" supplied the trad; Telephone 1m Adelaide 3 Wldmer Sta†TORONTO. The Dawson Commission 00., “mm tier. of West Market and colborne 8t. - TORONTO, Apples, Poultry, Eggs, ‘LV mnnu uuuu .m- "v . __ ,, k Ito-Acre mortgaged farms in the countian oi Middlesex. Essex, Kent and Lamwa for "do very cheap; small amount down. at a low rate of interest. For 118:, asply to WILLIAM F. BULLEN, Manner I†been a Debontnn 00.. .IflldOI. Good Men Wanted 351,3"; ‘1: Sampla $3.50_,_or sump» ‘ . .NVY‘V ,- REFERENCE:â€"IMPER1AL BANK. PAHLESSV PENNYROYAL PILLS for Female Complaints. n .m- hnnn m pvarv ladv who suffers In the-perform: MONSOON is Clean MONSOON fs Fragrant MONSOON ls Delicious MONSOON is Economical HONSOON lndo-Ceylon T IS THE BEST. . DUTHIE &. SONS f EVERAL GOOD lMPROYEQ 50 AND 7~-‘ -_ A -Aunun Tâ€"HECBBKS B_E_$_[EB_|§ND "I WPEWIl'I'III WIITI II. (3-. 3151.13.12.13, LXFTG'EEVSK E: IN CANADA. Wimmn Street. Toronto. BUYS MACHINE3. ), or stumped envelovc for puticwm '1“ MOUNCE, 10 King St. qul‘grunln‘ DR. GO ODE'S OLD AND REHABLE COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. fltnbllehol 181! township be all on! ;N. Fasten can". good