J. T. SAIGEON, 03 Toronto, Canadnwtha coming com pany {or the farmers of York Co. Fly Nets and Screen.» Very low. Halters Leather, web, rope and ties. Snaps Chamuion, Bristal and German. Lap Duistuta, Wamr'Proof Knee Rugs and Blunketa in great. variety. Harness Oil. Dressing. LSmpa Polmh, sad Bick‘ mom‘s Gal: Cum. Housings, Fronts. ï¬osettes. The Daisy, DAL-Chin‘s and other Sweat lads very cheap. Bias of an kinds, and other suppliea. Trunks, Valiaes, shgwgswups, and Hunting ex 34 Having mm in a large stuck of the above, and believing in mm}! proï¬zs and quick returns, whats of your optimum is respecziuny solicited by WM. HARRISON Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, WM. HARRISON’S HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT If so coma and select from the following: A large maumaantwwhale-hone. raw-hide, and Java. (mm m can†each up w M. GORE, ()F GALT. V 913093) . N. B.»Ragistared Letters musthe handed in st tenet Fxftqean Mgnuï¬gs garner than mm above Until turthm- mï¬ca Mam win he closeï¬ My the Richmond Hm Post 0mm; as to!!owa:~â€" Moanmg:~â€"Going Format:th East and West. inckndmg Thomhin, Maplefloronto Markham,&c. 8.30 EVENING hiking south East. mud WeaHas run W'ITGH HAZEL Sexthdieé ï¬Ã©iiï¬s icir ciggixgg Newmarket.“ Aurora ....... .. .. . mommy» I!an rhornbm Gouneccs with an 5&5; heaving me Palmer flouse Richmond Hill. an («Iowa : g 30 a m Mai! & Express.2\orth 5: South... Exnresa Next}: and Mail South. 5.30 B 93- ‘rdï¬oRTo Union . Magic Bough Syrup Expresgï¬'csrth and iii-ah Shut); Batwaen Toronto and Eichmomi Bin. Cars leave (3.153.. Crossing at 7.20 a.m.. 9.10 are†2.40 turn, 5 40 p.117. Care leave Richmond Hi?! at 8.30 3.211.. 21 3.11).. 4 p.m.. 7 pm. TORONTO. Unim rhornhil}.,. .. mcxmmp BILL King ........ Aurora.“ Newmarket COD LIVER OIL PROCTDRSETAGE LINE. METRGPULITAWWME TABLE IS YOUR HAIR COMING OUT? MUSE†Do You Want To 31137 ? CURRY COMES & CARBS Agant for the followimz stock Fire Imumnce Companies, v12; FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND THAT TIRED FEELING. POST OFFICE NOTICE WILLIAMS’ EMULSION 0F RICHMOND HILL YORK MUTUAL, . A. Sanderson. A First-class Cash Mutual. Flair Tonic 0F TORONTO, CANADA. --â€"ALSO-~â€"- CURES LIKE MAGIC. RICHMOND HILL DIAI’LE . Batman! Ssblimngï¬. DRUG STORE. In great. variety. GO‘IN G ï¬ORTH M4515 & “10.15 GOING ï¬OUTB \V HIPS 10.05 10.05 Ex 85% .9 {12 9.1.5 .924 9.31 ii: V'vaEFY . Postmaster. Xecom. 'Accom‘ Ma“. 3.10 64‘? 318 539 , V V , . 793 no 722 425' 8'38 605 618 The LIBERAL. BUTTER. EGGS & POULTRY Round. Trip Tickets, 25 cts. References our shipper; everywhere. lones- pondence muted. A {I 3‘) AV 1. D: In every district on the comment to tnke orders for mgh-arw'e Can: adianâ€"xzmwu Nursery Stock and ï¬nds. Lamas: and ham asamtmam in the Mazda. Fan 59mm; amenities. Superb sump!» furnished ï¬res; cor respondence in am; Magus“, These positions are money makers. and ts mth ehmfld be se- cured M once [or the season by :m hustler): incis- im’. {or a good thing. Our salary or cflmfl‘ihbifln of.me will Mares! anyone any earning “0000) p5)“ your. Lush s»- comm unicacwu with our new:- asc 035%. i 3 MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, Pauli. BLACILWELL 00.. [Ada um TORONTO. HUN}? 3‘ come the Srrnm‘xmc Axmlcanh‘com “due to no! “Sundays for i’ncgma. (human -ruï¬n Marks. (50 flights RN the Unuu) States. Canma Enmand. ‘mm‘e. Germany. etc. Hand Bonk ennui f T h'Lyâ€"seven yï¬aryuxpcflqme: Every Thursday, wm ma Excursion Cars tram Richmond mu bu Tomuw at 4mm ’4' p. m. Returning 16,36 mu- )euvea Toronto at 10 p. tn. Is prepared to give Lessons in Music an her residence. Jefferson. or at the homes of her pupils. OUR SPECIALTms. I! ighcsl Prices Obtained. Returns Promme Made. Pulenmabtmned thrumzh MUNN’ a (10. an- nodded mute Scxmnnc AMUUS‘AN. the Ian-gust. best. and most which drummed wmntmc paper. $3.2M. year Weekly. Splendid engravings and mkqnyatmg in. ommunn. SMXman copy ofthe Nchéuuhc Amer- }! sent (roe. Address MUNN & 30., SQIKNR‘KFIO “mixch mm». m Broadway. New York. ~.. "An opï¬ommicy to museums awn-established house. Abihty more Important. than experience. Internationa.) Ruraeriea. Chicago. :2). Maureen. Qua. Rochester. S. Y. RICHMOND HILL. A- CALL â€" SOLICITED. lG-tf Sign: bed on the sauth‘westcnmerc! Klimt-{Mb and Uenbm Scrum West, in ï¬lm vinage of limb mom} Hill. Aymy to 18¢: a. E. LAW. l‘IaplQ BE amv Blill The xxmieraigued begs Cu wank his customers ‘3‘ for former ran'unnge, and Wm continue to keep 4 on handuiul! Msnrï¬ment 01 fresh and salt. means. as; well as ponm-y m season. and Wm nos be undersold, H. F. HOPPER, BUTCHER 5’ EXCURSION éï¬ggké moderate. P dress, White Rose P. 0 Licensed Auqï¬oneer f9- flm Conny? Wednesday, Dec. 15. 1897, strayed from the pvemisea uf Mrs. Padgety, lot. 14, 3111 con. Markham, on Friday, November 26th, as. Red and “’hibe Heifer, 2 years 02d. A1 Vaughan; Council. The next meeting of tle Coqncii n! the Munici- pniiw or Vaughan mu he mm} in $519 Town Hall Venom, rm FRlDAY, DEC. 10, 1897, l‘hs next meeting of ihe Cuunci} at the Township of Markham will be mm M, Unionvine on “f MISS E. H. LEGGE CHOPPING DAILY LUKE BROTHERS COMPANY, Gâ€"c! METROPGUTAN RY. A GENTS: Sub-ascribe tor Clerk’s Notice. Hausa to Rent. WANTED. {arm gï¬nmimmmw. STRAYED Mtembon and Evening, the NOTECE RICHMOND HILL. At [ow prices. Suï¬sm“an guamggggg TORONTO S. T. Broflkvs M m o'chmk a. m JOHN STEPHENSON Clexk JNO. W. MQYES. gauï¬ager. M 108, m #TQA. Jr BL LAWREN CE. Clerk ’ux- ms County of York. gutrnnage solicited. Adâ€" Emmi" MARSH 29.1635 117‘ FABm-ssa' wwem‘zs. Wham. white', per bush Wheat. rm}. per bush .. Wheas, goose. par bush. Data. per bush Pea9,per bush Bariav, “er bush . Turkeys, ar 1b , Dressed eggs. per cwtn . .. ., Beam, per 10 {thickenen per pm: Ducks. my: pan- . . . . Butter. in pound rolls. Eggs. fresh Patntws, rut bag Appims, pm‘ bbl . guy. down: .. 6: race 35% G¢aOOO¢QD¢DD 555525532832’338? THE LIBERAL and Weekly Globe to }an. 13:, ’99, 2:51.50. THE LIBERAL and Globe i year, $4.50. my, timothy Strum: sheal‘. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun to jan. mi, ’99, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and Mail I year, $4.50. THE LIBERAL and Daily Work! one year, $52.73 THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evemng Star, 1 year, $52.23. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Maii to jam. lst, '99, $x.50. THE LIBERAL and Evenmg Globe one year, $3.75. THE LIBERAL and The Ladies’ journal, I year,$x.5o, All other city papers at equain low rates. Send your orders to T. F. MCMAHON, I’Vatwr- gun unwed at no my... First-ems apparatus and furnishings. Call on TUBULAR WELLS. Pan‘tim dashing Wefls must know that a. Tuhnhu‘ \Vz-ll wflh Galvanizt‘sd Piping, is the nest and (:hvapest. RICHMOND HILL PW? - was. « . . fin“ $5bflï¬manfl a Blubhmg Bates. E. J. CABEE, E. J. CABLE 2nd. 1m. PUMP MAN’FG, ETC. flotsam mummy. The Liberal " Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill This is what is guaranteed by From 211 imperfect. ions is what. all well dressed men iike. Agent for PARKER‘S DYE WORKS. A. J. flame. Cl? ailor. A Suit Clothes FREE Is pre'pared to sink And get price: mmwm one†Daily Dain .4.) 3.. 2 End. Ru 0“ ilsnu “031.000 2 0S7 006 Mr. W. 8. 0mm havmg gons out at *he buaines in Maple, 1 am ugam Hammad to supply customers an shortest. uotice. Pasta} notes prompvfly attended The undwsipmed has for sale at Richmond Hill Stash-m Balm! Hay, “(11016le and Grain of all kinds. 304.! J. R, CAMPBELL W. H. JACKSON, MflLE FEED for SALE Manufacturer}. Grain Ground 011 Monday, \Yednvsclay and Saturday. Cider made on Tuesdays and Fridays. Points to ï¬t No.2. 3 and 14, Patter- sun, 20 cams oaoh ; N0. 12‘3an 13, Pat- terson, 20cen£s each, or $2 a dozen; Nu. 7. “7., ah 20 cents 921011: No. 3. L X. L., VV.. 20 units each, or $2 a flux, : No. 21, R, 20 cvnts vac}; ; Tinkler 20 Cents each, or $2 a dnzvn. I have: points fm- all the principa} plows at above pas-ices, Maple Puma Works TM: FINEST Tu in THE Wanna FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE_TEA CUP " Ransom " Tm isyarked under the supervision of the Tea growers. and LS adv'enisvd my! sad by them ax a sampmof the best quaiinesof Indmn and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they See that (1038 but {ht} vary fresh leave:- go into Monsoon packages. That is why “ Mansmcvq.‘ the perfeat Tea, caan said at the same price as hlkrl'iur tea. It £5 u: up in sealed caddies of 345}: . x 21:. and 5 km. , at: mid m three flavours at «p2,. 56:. and 60;. grAcc-r dncs not keep it. {at} him“: write Sl:\‘£TE12 8: CO.. H and x3 Frank St, Euét. Toronm‘ REPAER SHOP. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds uf In a workmanlike manner at the old stand, Steel Game Hay Baiaix'2g ‘ Th0 S. 8‘3;- 156 King St. East, Toronto, W. ï¬ll/1 GER RICHMOND HILL Etabie Browns, extm large, 380. each. Grain Grinders IN ITS NAT‘VE PURH’Y BflYLE’3 WU... Plow Poinï¬s “re Kept, for sale at. the following A 1(ng grit-:93 : REPASRENG. THOS. MERQDWM 65. (30., Ptï¬FECT TEA 4‘: «Y a Regularly 5mm zit $4 to $5 17?!‘ 112-in Knives, 5321 E2 Genuine Dog éikin Ga‘mzï¬ets, oï¬t‘er you special value in Stable Brahms this “*9in a, big stock at I-rdnc-(‘el m‘icvss'. We haVe a snap in Driving Gauntiets. a t >zzve]h-x“s mixxples 2, 3 and 14, Putter- No. 129Lan 13‘ Pat- h, or $2 a dozen; ltsmch: No. 3. I. each, 01* $2 a flux, : nts Pitch: Tinklez‘ .‘m 2:18, my; kinds, £§xas 6’5 Eandlea Remain Financial Robert Memnin Denosiï¬s received and ipterest snowed at omen races in the Snvzugs Department. Special attention given to the cclleczian 0! sale and other notes. Brick {tongs adjoining; the F319 Proof Sic. For parmcuhxrs “315' no Heaa Oï¬ce, 86 King St. 3., TORONTO. BABY’S EXFRESS. ï¬louday“ Ab reasonable rates on shortest notice beautlyalg Eanmrsted. largest circumtibu of {m sman no ournal.weekly.aerms$3.c0a ear; *3: £94391: 39mm» mniestsnd v Anyone sending a. sketch and (Seam-1mm: may qmcfly Mcenain, frea, whether anjuveation is probably pgtentatsze. Communinatmna strictly gonfldenual. Oldest agency tut secunmz patent.» mflAmï¬cg. _ We 1mm ‘3 ymhiqun rsmcg, "PEQéflié'ElxkeE 'mEhlzh’ £63576?de réééiée meow) notice in the SGIEKTIFW AMERIBAN, Boom on miinrs was {met 'A'édféisï¬ Bichmmi gm Eganeh. l‘Ioney to Loan Freight and Parcels delivered and cuilccwd. whéle Hwy House to Rent. LEW GABY. Baal flelivsred Corporation 861 Broadway. New York. TORONTO Capital Anhhormed. $2,500,000. Capital Hubsen'bed. $52173“). ‘Vedn esday mama. Jim. Richardson. MR? Danie! Spry, Edward Cxunyn. Gaby’s Exp-ears mm; to next door Chde Hotel. Patron:ng Sulicited. EUR†.2 “CO A George Dunstan. Generaizï¬mmr WEVERYW J. K. Kart, Q. C Preï¬i; and Iï¬ï¬‚riday. DXBECI‘ORS Ming honght ISAAC CROEBY 3,031,