,3 gritoal. rtisements. in RTc‘aiioihTHILL, December 30, 1397. With the Liberal this week is en- closed the Financial statement and budget speech of the Hon. R. Harâ€" court, Provincial Treasurer, showing Ontario‘s splendid position. We trust that our subscribers will read this statement from beginning to end, and if they do so they will have reason to think that they live in a province having great possibilities. This speach should not only be read carefully but critically. ___.___â€"â€"- The Patrons of Industry in the Ontario Legislature are moving to have a bill introduced looking to the ‘ reduction of Municipal ofï¬cers. It is proposed that County Councils be composed of the reeves of municipal~ ities, and that township and village councils consist of a recve and two councillors, instead of a rceve and four councillors as at present. We believe that the reeves municipalities should be more touch with county councils than they are at present. And although this method would slightly increase the number of county councillors it might be a move in the right direction. But if this were done it would be only fair that the reeve should carry as many votes as those formerly carried by the rcevc and deputy reeves com- bined. It would not be fair for the vote of a small municipality to count for as much as a municipality with - four times as large a populatior. Relative to the Patrons idea of re- ducing township and village councils to three members we think this would be a mistake. Municipal councillors are paid little or no salary, and ï¬ve men should do the workâ€"which is often responsibleâ€"better than three. of in King City There was an unusual stir among the brethren of Rol'icrt.s0u Lodge, ’No. 292, A. F. & A. BL, last evening. The newlyâ€"elected oflicers were installed. :and after the work had been complet- cd in the lodge room, the members and a. large number of visiting brethren from surrounding districts with a fe\v , other prominent citizens of the place, were invited to partake of an excellent banquet by J. “I. Urossley, the \Vorâ€" .siiipful Master installed, which was served in Hogan‘s hall. The in- stallation ceremonies were conducted by D. A. Radcliffe, a Past Master of Rising Sun Lodge, Aurora, and he was ably assisted by R. XV. Bro. Brunton of Newmarket, and R. \V. Bro. VVayling of Sharon. Leaving the lodge. room at about 10 o’clock all repaired to the banqnctting hall where about seventy-five sat around the tables. The spread was said to be the best ever given in King City, and this is saying volumes when the reputation of Mr. and Mrs. Hogan .is so well known as host and linsti-ss. The usual toasts were honored, and many eloquent and witty speeches were made by those present during the evening. \V. Bro. Radcliife was highly complimented on the able manner in which he had perfornwd his duties, many expressions of thanks ‘were conveyed to \V. Bro. Crossley for the. hospitality extended, and Robertson Lodge was warmly conâ€" gratulated on the ahlestaif of ofï¬cers who had just been installed. A very interesting programme was further enlivened by a. number of songs by Mr. T. Brodie of Aurora, ac- companied by mandolin. The happy gathering separated about 1 o'clock. _‘O NE\V POSTAL NOTE. The. Dominion Government has dc- cided to adopt the. postal note system in vogue in the Unit-ed Kingdom, on July 1st, 189-8. Paper notes about the size of a bank bill will be printed on thin linen paper of the following dcâ€" nominations: Twenty. 25. 30, 40, 50, til). '70, 80, and 90 cents. $1, $1.50. $2, ‘ $2.5“, $3, $4, $5. The cost of obtain~ ing these notes will be one cent each up to 40 cents. two cents'betyveen that figure and $2.50, and three cents each for all above that. These postal notes will replace the post. oflice money order for tihetransmission of all small sums through the post. The preSent money order system will be continued, however, with some improvements, for the transmission of sums up to $100. Tluseaostal notes will serve a great public convenience, doing away with the payment of accounts in post~ age stamps, the postal notes being payable at any order ofï¬ce without the identiï¬cation of the payee or any condition other than the presentation i of the note. It is expected that the .rates, low as they are ï¬xed, will give ~: small profit. ‘The system is wary 3pc.pulnl' in England. . crisp letters from European capitals: . faithful scrv : Lord Elgin Camp, S. of 8., met in their ("amp room, Masonic Hall, on Dcccmbchan. After initiation the following ofï¬cers were elected for the ensuing year :-~ ‘ Chief, T. Thomson : Past Chief, \V. Inncs : Chieftain, G. (lowic: Chaplain. Rev. J. A. Grant; Physician, Dr. Langstafl'; Secretary. P. G. Savage: Financial Sccretary, T. Newton ; Treasurer, J. Inncs; Marshal, G. Sims; Standard Bearer. R. McI eod; Senior Guard. “C Ruml le: Junior Guard, G. A. Mcl'aguc. The Camp closed at 10 o'clock. after which a programme was rcndercd by songs from Bros. Newton, (lowie, Mc- Kenzic and McLeod in good Scottish style. Bro. I). B. Birrcll then gave one of Burns†favorites in such a way as none but u Scotchmuu can give. David is a. good recitcr, and if you would like to hear him send in your application for membership in one of the cheapest friendly insurance so- cieties in existence. as well as being a society which furnishes instinctive and entertaining programmes. THE LA Iiins711().\1 EJBURNAL To make The Ladies‘ Home Journal foi'leS “the best of the years: the most cheerful and helpful magazine that a. woman can possibly have in her home," is the purpose of its editors. Its literary featurrs will be strcugllr encd, and pictorially it. will bi- more attractive and artistic than cvcr. A notable feature, “Tllc Inner Experi- ences of a. (‘abinet Member‘s \Vife," will. it is said. reveal some startling and graphic pen pictures of \Vashiug- ton social and official life. The biog- raphics of President )icKiulcy. Mis. Cleveland Mark Twain. Thomas A. Edison and Joseph Jefferson will be presented; Edward \V. link will have a special page for young men: Rcv. John \Vatsou. DJ). (“ iau Maclur'c'n "). will contribute a series of articles: Lilian Bell will contribute hcr bright. Mrs. Burton Harrison will describe soâ€" ciciy at the beginning of the century, and cx-I’resident Harrison is to wri:c on “The Flag in the Home." Two fiction issues, in all o'\'cr lbirtydwo short stories. are promised during the year. “Inside of a Hundred Iii-Ines" will be continued. and special articles for childrcnwyoung and middle grown *on needlework, fashions. home en- tcriaimnenis, church Wonk. etc.. are all promised. XMAS TREE ENRICRTAINM ENT. The Christmas Tree entertainment in connection with the Methodist Sabbath school on (‘hrislmas night. passed elf very nicely. The tree was laden with presents, which Santa (‘laus distributed to the children, the teachers and others. with a liberal hand. The school scholars sanpr a. number of appropriate choruses, Miss Verna Hutchison gave a very pretty recitation, and about thirly of the younger boys and girls. with Maslcr Frank Storey as teacher, gave a dia- i, loguc bearing on bible history. which r had been written by their superintend- 1 cut, Mr. \Vm. Harrison. Shorl audi spiriicd addrescs were given by Iicv. George )icUulloch. Rev. IV. R. Barker, and Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence. Each speaker praised the young reciters. and complimented the author on the very suitable dia- logue composed with so much care. A pleasant part of the evening‘s pro- | gramme was the presentation of a. well-ï¬lled purse by thechoirand Trust Board to Mr. A. J. Hume for long and . ' ' as leader of the choir, as well as for his willingness to aid in all kinds of church wm'k. Although‘ taken completer by surprise, Mr. Hume made a. suitable reply, and thanked thedoners in well-expressed \vords. At the close of the entertain- mcnt each xpupil 'of the school received a bag of candies. ... HOLTDAY Nl'IMBER. The following list of the contents of this issue of The Delinoator will give some idea of the wealth of matter contained in the tavelve copies furnish- ed on a yearly subscription, and also of its variety and general attractive- nosszâ€"Some Popular Russian Modes for Ladies ; Fashionable Skirts : House Furnishin and Decorations; Day and Evening V Ynists :Noveltics in Sleeves ; Stylish VVaistvDemu'ation; Ladies’ Fashions (Illustrations and Descrip- tion); Styles for Misses and Girls (Illustrations and Descriptions) ; Styles for little folks (Illustrations and Descripticms); Styles for boys (Illus- trations and Descriptions): The \V-orkâ€"Table: Millinery; Fashionable “'inter Textiles, ; Stylish trimmings; Seen in the Shops; Some Stylish De- signs in Horseâ€"Robes; Dawn (Story), Helen Choate. Prince; Social Obser- vances, Mrs. Uadwalader Jones; Tatting, (Illustrated): Knitting, (Illus- trated): Dressmakng at Home ; Social Life. in London, Lady Jeune; False Economy in the Household, Emma. ’Ulrurclmnm Hewitt; Blue 4 Print Photography, No. ], Shark-it M. ‘Hall; On Borad the Yacht Syrinx ';(.Cli<ve RaynarTs Adventures), Martin 'Urdez'Thc “Tea-Table, Edna \Vither- spoon ; Decorations for Church Festi- ; vals, Emma Haywoml; For the Child- ; rcn; The’Uonunon Ills of Life, No. 1, ‘(lat-chingi'iokl, Grace l’eckham M ur- ray, M. D. : I.accâ€"l\la.king (Illustrated) Crocheting (Iilustra-ted): Simple En- i tertaining: Children and their ways, I T No. 1. The Naughty Child, Mrs. Alice (Meynell; The Flower Garden. E. (.7. ‘ Vick: Netting (Illustrated): Drawn ‘ \Vork (Illustrated) : Cbildren‘t Parties. Mrs. Edward Lenox; AJHODg the Holiday Books. .l Zine Lineman, - X. L., \\'., 20 cents each, or $2 a doz. :. * an broccoli," emu is arrears. Aï¬m‘wru rm†W ;o L FEW’A‘s'sociariots (173st ablishod 18-17) Sale Register. ~tion sale of a horse and at the l‘nlmer Hull-u, FMDAY, I‘ec.31â€"â€"-\ in! n im lumen s. llzilclllnu-nll Hilbtlicpiopoity of Mrs. .lnun Dolmon, udniinisumnx of the estnte of le ‘ lateJubu l‘ol’mon. ’l'nrmn cash. Also at. the sumo time and place a number of rxittlc, the property of H. l". Hopper. “lfll'llls l nine months. Hnlent one o'clock. .. T. Samson, auctioneer. WEDNI'13DA\',JILD. l‘Jâ€"~Al1c[ioil snle of farm 53ml.- implements. me. On Lot, on, till] 1 howl, lone mile. north of ‘\H“Ilu‘:li, the Pl" partyv o. Henry ('me. Terms†nrnths. J. 1'. .871:â€" EJeon, Auctioneer l‘S'l‘urties ,L'cbllllu lz-‘ir bills printed at. this Oliii‘o \nll receive. a. Hutli‘u bilnllfll‘ to the 11L:ch FJEE UF (HANNA-Y. 1 Secure a. policy in the great Canada Life before December 31st "ml )‘ml “'5 obtain three full years‘ profits at the next. division in 152K). Every imaginable policy obtainable. Rates and further information cheerfully furnished by H. A. NICHOLLS, Agent, Richmond Hill. Also wprcscntativo for the Pbomix Fix-c, Dominion Buildine; and Loan, and The Trusts and (luaranlcc (‘ompany of Toronto. and The Ocean ' I ‘ V-» â€"'. Accolth and Gluunntee Corporation of London, Itiii‘iand l ‘VVAN ’1‘ Id H D. Industrious Merv. cf Character. THE 1.,INSCOTT COMPANY, TORONTO. a trellis TO BE N T. Store and Dwelling to rent in the Village 0 Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to iiaraesa shop Fine Harness :\ specialty. Si RICHMOND HILL Turns out nothing but Firstâ€"(dang Harness. Nort h ‘V’nst and Saskatchexvan 27"“ “MC CROW" Igllfl‘alo Ikolwess. «11’ ‘-;-“">‘ ‘~’{ < r jâ€" - §>â€Â°Â°Â°Â®f°vv' “Haw†~23 WV 00] and Rubber Ianoo aging“- V 3 The only food 8 liorsc Blankets, Tlrunks dz Valises, “'hips and other supplies always in stock. 3 the 1 t .H b .m 9 Also manufacturer of the 1141 WI Ul ., 0 ~ u r ., r . .. g up a weak Cum 3 Boat 1404111101 I31 .300 3 a titmion gradâ€. g In the market. (‘ail and see them. §Chaï¬ce alb'l)â€t5‘lr€l)'i$§ . KS.†Repairing promptly attended to. g Martin’s 2 also. aromorsaljx 9 2 o L, , " C d†i F d 3 - - g arma 00-2 :2 3:1 simple, scientiï¬c and highly: g nullitivc preparation for infants ' 3615' 9dchcate children and invalids. 4. c) vianw WATSON a. Co , Pnocnvmvona. eâ€, ‘ usuflv-AL '. Ape/Tu“- : 2 6066/36. : of; â€"ATâ€"â€" SAVAGE’S At less than Toronto prices. All the latest. patterns and styles in Tables. centre and fancy, Stands in oak and anlique. fancy (‘hairs~ for adulls and children, Bedroom Sets from $12.01) up. I‘iciures made all sixes and all colors. General stock of FURNITURE And for cash can‘t be undcrsold. “'0 have a large stock of \Yall Papers from not remnants but new goods. ("all and see the patterns. Always on hand a general stock of Paints, ()ils, Varnishcs. Turpentines, in fact everything in paintcrs' lines. Our stock of ready mixml paints in all colorsâ€"house and carriageâ€"is complete Brushes, all sizes. Usual stock of Groceries, and can’t be undersold. P. G. SAVAGE, res? areas fies? .. A _ House to Rent. Ilrick House "dimming; the Fire Proof Store For lutrUcullll'S nprly to ISAAC CMOS Subscribe) for Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tahules cure biliousness. sac/uh sacs. l RICH)“ “YD ii ILL. "l"- '?â€"‘-'.‘. '1‘. “'0 have a grmt assortment of useful *1 .3? 3i; 1‘ Iâ€"a-l -! .l k . Rigid/Mb G Ve can only name a few of them here, but will be gaid to have you call and inspect the stock. The undersigum‘l is prepared .to do all ' kinds- of ‘ REPNRWG In a \vorkmanlike manner at the. old .1. Stand‘ No. 5 Acme Skates. . . . . . . . . . $ 50 Hockey Skates . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 " a M i No. 7 Acme Skates .- . . . . . . . . 75 Hockey Sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ‘ ' N0. 10 Plated Acme Skates. . . 1 25 Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper. 2 75 Carvers, Silverware, Shears, Scissors, Table and Pocket Cutlery. RAISIN SEEDERSW. A new shipment just received. MSLEIGH BELLS A‘grca't variety of Body and Back Strings ; Shaft Gongs. Plow Points Kept for salv- at the following low prices : Points to fit No. 2, 3 and 14, Patter- son, 20 cents each : No. 12 and 13, Pat- terson, 20 cents each, or $2 a don-u: No. 7, \V., at 20 cents each: No. 3, I. No. 21, F., 20 cents each; Tinklerv 20 cents each, or $2 a dozen. Ihavc points for all the principal plows at above prices. Grain Grinders Mamafactured. Grain Ground on Monday, \Vednesday and Saturday. (lidcr made on Tuesdays and Fridays. vy. MAGIERBOOTS massages. ICHMDND H LL ‘ THOS. MEREDITH & 00., 156 King St. East, Toronto. next door Clyde Hotel. "â€"1'7fï¬FsUN'T ?» Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA Assures onallthemodernplansmnd is one of the most prosperous and progressu'o companies in emstence. FALL STOCK RO ET S I V E R8’ . O I New life applicationsvm 1894 .. ........$d0,290,204.10 Assets. 315:; 1)ec., 189-1 ................ . $.0lï¬,119.68 Life assurance in force. 1st Jan, '95.. 31.628.569.74, Premiums low, policies unconditional and nontorfeitablo. The following are among blue lines :â€"â€"iLadies’ Fine fleets and Shoes, button . - . . and lace; Ladies" Skating ib‘als†black and tan; Misses’ Fine Boots and Skat- Tuke ‘1 pansy m“: the ammo" agent .ing Bals. -; Children's Boots and Shoes, all colors : Gonts‘ Fine Boots. black, ' ‘ . I tan and ox blood; 'Gerrts’ Heavy Boots: Men's Fancy Slippers: Men's four - F - EVIL A N 9 buckle Felt Boots; Men‘s Telescope Boots, good felt ; Men’s Pure Gum Rub- LIBERALOFFICE, RICHuOND mun hers and Stockings; Boys‘ Pure Gum Rubbers and Stockings; Ladies’ peiu "A" â€" ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ W" feet/ion Crm not Rubbers; Ladies‘ Boots and Over-shoes: Men‘s. and Boys F 3» v r , Sandal Rub crs ; Men’s and Boys’ Oyenshoes Snow Excluders. r s ~ 1' MUNN .9. 00.. o! the Scmu'riric AMERICAN con- tinue to not us Sollclmrs for l‘uh-nta. (invents Trade Maiks. Copyrights, [or the United States. Canada, England. France. (Jen-many. etc. Hand Book about Palcuts m-nt tree. Thin yâ€"aeven ycars' experience. Palcmsolmilncd throng-h MUNN N CO. are noticed Intuc Scum-r1 Fl“ A nannmx. the largest. rest. and Inim- Willely circulated sclentlflo pa er. 83.2011 year ‘Vnekly. Fnlv-ndld engravings an lntercstlng In.- V'II')U’1L|(;D. specimen co†o.’ the Sch-Mme Amen-i lam lent the .‘ darn-'5 MUNN & .30.. Sum-"ma umxoax omoe. til Broadway. New York. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Prices right. ROBERT SIVERS. ° l