Interesting Items Great Britain niai ls» {it the D‘ foundl tier. 1* Mr. \V. \V. [or five hand Hospital, in thousand do] trail hospital Owing to t district on likely that 1 now the at pond that Wm. Moran-anti Charles Swenkie, all of Passaic. Banks in‘ Bomlltuy, and Renp: have incrrased the rate of disco 6 10 7 )‘er cent. There h'as been a. re‘newa! of conflicts between Mussulma’ns and Christians on the Tsiland of Crete. Princess Hohenlohe man ImreriaJ (‘hanhc was 91x1 y~eight year Counft E the "real has been ( marï¬al. sex inlg the lar proflssionals. France claims that her African expe- dition has been an entire success that aha has captured Damzilber and Mesh- )f Racial aniw tended to t be?!) many sult of Kazsers red at striker many Gevmral Pando reports that the offer of autonomy to Cuba. is rejecth by the lmBm’g‘entS. and that the only way to finish the war is by war. At Regla. a, suburb of Havana. there was a. sensational bull fight. in which girl bull fighters from Spain entered the ring and killed the bulls like reguâ€" Par] iambnt ivezf, and. who g; with int- I‘he deinh Tk {.sv. \Vm. y of Montr ay in rem Tm} his 1105; The Bar Serious st nsm in mama n )f the fire-dam} rstuh‘l II. pH at Government were ort 1111111 for judï¬cia island would lik the 0 this n the t the ion i‘t tl' 0V6 for Girls sterhuzy, who is said to be traitor,†and not Dreyfus. :ommitted for trial by court ably ndard. ri-ke disorders have occur- Iso. Snaï¬n. where a. hand of acked the non‘strilmrs and mos't’e: in Aus! r'a. have ex. ‘er umly, and there have serious fig‘hILs in the bar- M l‘S‘OniS were wou-n mme n ted GENERAL in! 3,1. rolls are cu rren orant) Im'ilnl -tl Briti Ni 9D 11's 04? at In‘wo ill e killed as a. re- explosion' in the Wortmund. Prus- Winni; arri 1m thr [e of thei Gerâ€" '. is dead. She Comm?) ‘rnmer Governm intentiom padde an wit Ln-ne xe the BALD all 111 ill ‘qui tt 1.1, India, mlt from zim 11 Mi! Royal nit 011‘ yen :11 has worth of Ls made up 0 SDI Norld 00mg you want to: then you've "God bless that he summw out the George may and they know a] think. The world other possess th‘ ried need a gmat deal you some good adv rug bag. you walkli concrete suburban ‘ible image everyth sanseszrnd robs the and newsssz om huge wad disenrahc turbingA that Cl: and necessary opunmmsm lO( huge aund disenrahunting ug turbing that cheerful {ui truth of Pope’s dictum, \V is right, so indispensable to poise of the human. soul, go your dirty faw. _ Sheâ€" ,W h Itfé pretty hard. for son stinguiéfll between what xev know and what they Nom Say, ‘m‘i M My PRACTIC AL PH [LANTHROPIST sprinkled with channél friend, I will give you what you a. gmat deal worse. I will give )me good adv'ioe. You animated Lg. you walking garbage, box. y'bu ate suburban dump. in whose vis- nage everythimg that offends the ,zrnd robs themï¬nd ofits normal mister, won't you cents to buy some friend, I will give I), gmat deal wor-su )me E0011 advice. aid for aii‘. \Vill you pleas! cents to buy a. cake 0 Eliot Atter iam mark kill hat )tl l is full or men thn no sion than experience, who ad to sell it for less than r it. great men may run in the l but somehow the channel to become overcrowded. think you oughtn't‘, then when you know you (-an‘t, got to; you," is the old-fashioned of sincera affection. with- (s'm'u‘k of stupid civility.â€" hat t I1- Lt his rank or position r of books is the richest the children of mans- fu‘l hemï¬nd otits normal ‘P'L‘idflhfll looms up in hunting ugliness, disâ€" chearful faith in the dictum, \Vhat/ever is splensa'bl-e to the equi- )1‘ some people You I) )mebl Ad 3.1.1 :onsi‘der his PJ‘His claim thin 111' a pmple to they think know they at 15' 3.!) with In give me soap ? at and give me 0 eat? Ih ‘old m I why ther a. G silnme the dry puLah ._'.c E( photography. is 11131: at first Mr. Deville. himself almost struct the traide surveyor so that he could substitute a camera for his plane- lublle, and at once secure excellent re- sults. A drawing which with any oLher means would. require hours tc secure, even. in outline, may be trans- ï¬erred to the lgelatme plate, as every- body knows, in a fraction of a second Having secured mseries of such sur m1 vurds, {1mm (fixed amsl recorded points of observation. the photographe] as but to take his negatives home rint enlarged pictures from them. an( grocered to hills renl surveying in hi: THE CAUSES Ol arm the part of mmny the method and (Lisa-an two. One of these is 2 Ledge of deScr'ipLive ge spec/Live. which are ( plotting of photogra but which have, of (:01 est for the general re; Lm order to be of use, must be taken with the camera in precisely the hori- zontal position. tilting never a hair's bneadth in, one direction or another; the lens he uses must be an anustig'mat, and. absolutely rectilinear, that the image may w>t be in the least. distort- ed; and the plate must be of a special kind. and adjusted in the camera with a degree of ni‘cety of which the ordin- ary photographer has no conception. The details, as to all these things that Mr. Devllle gives, are highly interest- ing, when divested of their technical nwmenclnture, and must tend to make any ordinary photographer feel that the part at taking pictures as he fol- lows it is crudb and unscientific to the last degree, compared with what it might be. In. Mr. Deville's hands, it has became in the most technical sense, a. science. and ‘by far t1 ‘exiat‘s discip us due to th )hlutographlic iced with a1: tally. fit mig‘] tn the world :hlotographlic method, leven when pracâ€" ieed with all modem aids. Theoretiâ€" ally. it; might seem the easiest thing 11 the world, in this day of universal push the button†photography, to in- trust the trained surveyor so that he ould substitute a camera, for his plane- abhe. and at u‘nnw secure excellent re- We read. for example‘ of the exact determination of the right time for exposure for a given: negative. in which algebraicul formula and, mathematiâ€" cal charts figure in. a way that would. be quite bewilderidg to the average Hive. But in practice. Mr. Dev LS. (.115 case is quite differe varni-mg is the mom L0 be ause it comes from an arde »f the method. st", for tha vifficulty m, stsun hing it s Exp] MI .at's disciphas. explains it, due to the real difficulti‘ )tongaphligmethod, eyegn w 1m: bed. of phou ; is not stran 1t found few the old wet p at be hi ) phat ltlon mi gh t of Lh-s ample. AKI ms" 1t Lmt N followers plate photog not been In ‘11 [It U raphy 5 qunt vurvey 'lT LU] 01“ F Al I" U'RE 1y who have tried ered iLkare chiefly s a defective knowâ€" geometry and per- esscmtials of the raphiu surveying, 301111546, little inter- ANS “01 1L1 means tt photograp beptable t , professk LpS 111‘ nevar u hair's )n or another; an anastig'mat, rear, Lhut the 8 least. distort- be of a special he camera with of such sun 51 recorded photographer 1tives home. 'o-m them, and weyi‘ng‘ in his that in th1 raphy 411,. and 1115 heeded be‘ m. advocate allent reâ€" 11043 in: any With hours to to g be trans- e-‘iDC as every- N18! 21 second. man†such sun tber recorded SOKI tographer iOHS a: hnma t'U'EZ‘I the fir J'l *aphs that to the .sional or ss for the of the: implif L$uFeS icturE the 1' L'u-graphs, when h‘r comfortably soar his Snapâ€"shuts fro: with the nonâ€"diri present, it does a supplamt the camera. Small Daughterâ€"It’s 1: time and. I've mislaid my Cultured Motherâ€"Well, t the lesson is ahouit. and I‘ the answer for you to 19: Smal-l Daughterâ€"The lak Cultured Motherâ€"Umâ€"e InL Small Boy-â€". when an offi rich the peop 0V6 \Ve Ming :1. se‘ care. my fr with a. mu Lh‘at’s not Kn In the Arctic kinds of flowers. liar to the Arctk white or yellow. )E [island your geog lild, you can jms Charla )use of About one for W ‘ NO’I alo. at Jon’t here TIHE BOGS 0F IRI ANOTHER CONV s Kteumny a fri cork (115 ARCTIC REGION siol Stat TH E \VAY TO 500m :111 a. seem to be ‘. surveyor to mountains t him he can HOME H I l‘k and, said his next neighbor ‘r feeble attempt at humor the way for Cork! ‘No irrepressible sufferer, it': kill mt from th» es not seem l m3th'0d w warrant for the balloon 'i\ t 11‘ fit wt. and 1‘11 w1 you to learn. .‘â€"Tlxe lakes of :ut 11 is To pew ty ELI] nth hinese must II Moons "1116. be {0210116 fut can so much more var them and take the cloud line. But ble balloons of the rt seem feasible to 1n gions there are I of which are pe this lblllflv SUI the Jmâ€"erâ€"if you‘v :hy. you ("areles unt till you fin the topog ly in this bed met no furt LP‘ 1 most school my geography. I], tell me what of tt \Yhittaker ‘inase notiom LAND a.t )nce uld rota Boa‘ ‘ )RK 1D all the matter graphy )ff Africa. you‘ve tript te out 13mg nlsnl mfe all I‘h How a result Take Lha ‘Ol' {11 w at 8114 W ater. ‘ ‘ Don an 1t planted ( broad sn forward. ne'etoral n 011' apt )ll )nes nt di tha felt rtain (lire 1f, unhee< )me 1t at 'nen instin tumult Jings of transfer which the milk rav. there was a at ju me thx 1H iiago the \s the tr ‘ dira of the L-aptiv ferred forwar where by the :16. she was ake DI Pt into ii‘ent train Just ltit up 101') itt hi m )m the carpenter, fuur ft. long. Th at ‘h †amplin Lions, lrt the ttin » thu m aboard." crie uch an infernal , aprits‘ne-yard h 1E iy. Then the ,rk-hdok com (1 over the 1' m 5e beneaih’ as gently s gulp, and th‘ vs from' si‘ haped pie 8 mm throng hm X‘i oared the mate ; of many feet, and a tremen- through the e monster“ 5118 ‘d to the lee a‘d of a stout hoisted out of truélfy.†mut- a.n among the. as he turned 11 )n em )th livid innumerz ‘e, and as Aroun itedlv at mrt ma He {th113 h ff {1] qui \ti ll) )u M rough her pointing the wide ish' 1t at scant- point- 5 they 13 big flash. rope ‘ealed tter 1 the mess im ’n th '19 to her the u but the In mg t he rk le he IS 1n- 12‘