Until further notice Meils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MonNm31â€"Going North. soulh East 82313 West, including Thornhili, anle,Tox-onto Mmkhamï¬c. 8.30 mema :â€"Cvoing southEast and West (as above) 5.80 N. B.--Registeljed Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes omiier than the above mentioned hours for 0195mm _ A Newmarket... Aurora. . King... RICHMOND HILL 'l‘hornhill J. T. SAEGEON, 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the comng chm pauy for the farmers of York Co. TORONTO Union ‘ Connects with alltmins, leaving the PuImer House Richmond Hill. as {onnwsz Mail 6:. Express.1\arth & South... ......8.30 a. m.- Express North and Mail South. ..5.30 p. m. TORONTO Union .. I‘hornhillu. RICHMOND HILL King ..... Aurora... Newmarket . Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. Cars leave C. RR. Crossing at 7.20 a..m.. 9.40 mm '240 p.m., 5740 pm. Cars leave Richmond Hill at 8.30 4 p.m., 7 p.111. Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, PRUCTOR’b STAGE LINE. GORE, ()F GALT. The success of your Christmas Baking depends very largely on the quality of the flour you use. You will not cue to mar your Christmas dinner with dark, ._ sad, hard. unpalatable bread. Contrast that to the light, moi~t. sweet. rich-â€" flavored bread made from METROPOLITAN’TIME TABLE JOS. HALL, Agent for Richmond Hill, :2an Messrs. NAUGHTON BROS., at Elgin Mills. \V . e- Save your daughter's reputation by supplying her with A] flour for bbth bread und pastry. Her future may be at. stake. You know your Christmas guests are always critiral. especially of the stuff of Me. .We are using all old wheat; no sprouted or soft. inferior stuff of the '97 crop. and at the price asked is a. veritable Xmas box. Mar Figuring Wis BERMUDA LILIES. VHITE LILAC, LILY OF THE VALLEY, SWEET PEA. PANSY, VIOLET, Mmï¬mm CRAB APPLE BLOSSOM 4‘»??? POST OFFICE NOTICE Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUTUAL, Are ahead of anything yet offered. gmgéaï¬ @zï¬imzs AUR 0193A. OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€" ALSOâ€"â€" A First class Cash Mutual. OUR HOLIDAY LINES 0F EIAPLE . ï¬fï¬ï¬ifl Business Solicitcd. a, specialth GOING NORTH 731112 ANDâ€" .|., 10.05 8.54 ‘9 02 9.15 .924 9.31 M. r‘I‘HI-EEFY. Postmaster “fa/(dcv/éori. Qualify Accom 12.55 Mail. 640 650 703 710 11 11.11: 613 630 656 120 Yonge Street]. Toxon tc said Executors. Dated December 10th. A. D A {T '11 LV J. n: In every district on the continent to take orders [or nigh-gruue (inu- a-lian-grmvn Nursery Stock and Sei ds. Larflest and best nus-utment in the trad 2. Fast selling specialties. Superb samples furnished free; car- respondence in unv language. These positions are money makers, and torritory should be sc- cured at once for the season by all hustlers look- inv. for a good thing. Our saiui'y 0r commission offers will interest anyone not earning $1000.00 per year. (xet in communication with our ne'arâ€" est oflice. And notice is her the said dam the 52 distribute the usse1 the parties entitle‘ those claims only ( notice and that tlu liable for the asset, panï¬onA or persons “Aï¬iorpï¬ortunity to represent a wellâ€"established house. Ability more important than experience. their Christ descriptions and smteme the nature c them. ‘ International Nurseries, Chicago, 11]. Montreal, Que. Rochester. N. Y‘ O'I‘ICF. is hereby given pursuant bn Chapter 110 H. S. 0., 1887, that all persons having claims against the estate of Adam Heuricks. mm of the Township of Markham iu the County of Yonk. farmer, deceased. who died nu or about the 12th day of November A. D. 1897. Me hemlyv required to sand w Messrs. ngzgins 6; Dnuglus. Nu. 1201'0326 street. Toronto, sollciturs for J. M. Heuricks and G. W. Monkmam. executors of the estate of the said deceased on 01' beIore the required to sand w Messrs. H12 Nu. 120 Yogae street. Toronto, M. Heuricks and G. W. Monkm the estate of the said deceased 15th day of January, 1898, TRADE MARKS *- DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free w nether an invention is probably pntentable. Communion- uons strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Ulgest agency'foglsecurj‘pgnpate mum. “cc. unum. v-nv -v. -V- Patents taken zï¬rouizh Munn EFCB. apecjal notice, vgï¬tllgut charge. in the 'fecelve A Handsomer illustrated weekly. Lnnzest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c ournnl. Terms. 83 a {a}: gr 111011013. $1. So d by all-pewsdlelulerg. distribution Wheat, white, per bus] Wheat, red, per bush . Wheat, goose, per bus Outs. per hush Peas, per bush . Barlev, Der bush Turkeys, per 1);) . Dressed Hogs. per cwt/ hassle, yet In ...... (thickens, per pnur Ducks.per pmr .. Butter, in pound rolls Eggs, fresh ............ Potatoes, prr bag . Appies. per bbl . Hay,clover Hay, timothy . Straw, sheath. An eight roamed house, with three closets, good cellar, and hard and 50ft water. House lately remodelled. Apply to A. L. SKEELE, 27-tf Richmond Hill. MUNN &%8036:?r°=1wa* Band in Attendance on Saturday Evemngs. Season Tickets may he had from the caretaker, J. Brownlee. SKATING RINK MOND. Mae m ï¬refléim MW Séiéiitiï¬c Emerican. é W @W’“ ‘ LEB©E % Experience CD AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. LUKE BROTHERS COMPANY, VUII" IX UU- ' IIVII Iv- Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St., Washington. D. C. AGENTS: SKATING During the skating season from 7.30 to 10 o‘clock, Will be open for skaters on the evenings of Admission 10¢ rties entitled therein: having re; :launs only of “thh they shall the and that the said executors will for the assets or any 91M: thereof or persons of whose (il'aim or has not been levceived at the time WANTED. 5am: gavmmwtnts ADAM HENRICKS WEDNESDAY. THE RICHMOND HILL "domain "iï¬larktfzi. TO LET In a professional life is every thing. The man \\ ho make: a study of a particular line i: the man to see when you “an that class of service. 11",: your teeth at:c.~'*ed :3 by z sped-chat, a: ', - ' _ v ut uf 151 1 their In the estate of HIGGINS & DOUGLAS Deceased of the sui therein» “hlch him said exec or any p1 further Execute urities AND SATURD Children 5( Solicitors 1‘ 1807‘ C'N’éw'Jurk ‘n that n m proceed ‘ensed am 0C 750 Res and ‘1' cluin) iï¬ed and held by 5 0 86 0 Ni 0 ’18 0 27 0 (6 0 35 l,‘ 10 6 50 sni mm 3 be any the 018 ‘ter $ "i THE LIBERAL and \VCekly Globe to jam. ISt, ’99, “45150. THE LI$ERAL and Weekly Sun to Jan. ISt, ’99, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and \Neekly Mail to Ian. Ist, ’99, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe I year, $4.50. THE LIBERAL and Farm- 1ng I'year, $1.75. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, I year, $52.00. THE LIBERAL and Evening Globe one year, $3.75. THE LIBERAL and The Ladies’ Journal, I year,$1.50. All other city papers at equally low rates. Send your orders to T. F. MCMAHON, " The Liberal †Ofï¬ce, THE LIBERAL and Mail I year, $34 50. THE LIBERAL and World one 3e21r,$2.75. blonday. R‘SmaooaboxJ-zmï¬'x enJma.“ x0 x, BABY’S EXPRESS. MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, . 4 ï¬gs» Do You Wish «a Sound Teeth? RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. If so, call on us We will crown your teeth, using pure gold or porce- lain, for only 35 I toothl 'Our setts teeth are a work of art and guaranâ€" teed to last. Painless extraction {at plates, free. All worl: tint-class. rensmmbl N.E. Cor. Yongo & Queen St... Toronto LEW GARY. H. A. OALLOWAY, Dentist TORONTO VVe (1 110 54/61le Gaby’s Express runs to “EVERYâ€"«â€" 1'01“ng an d Iï¬ri (lay . elivarea rtes on ShOI‘tA Rich mon d H ill. Solicited 3&3 nian Dain Daily (K Every Thursday, Will run Excursion Cars Irom Richmond Hill to Toronto at Mind '7 p. m. Returning last car loaves Toronto at 10 p. m. Round Trip Tickets. 25 obs. EXCURSEON TORONTO CHOPPWG 6-“ METROPOLITAN RY. THE LIBERch †OFFIGE. It is impossible to promise partiCular features that will appear in the IUKIVI‘ERICAN MONTHLY†during the coming year, for it is, as the Bookman says, “ a. great monthly newspaper.†As such, it prints for its readers an illustrated account of the notable things which make the history of ~ __ the month, of the political, the I “We know of no review p'uElished. in thls “onomk, and ukan happenings I country or in Europe. which combines so success- ' i ' fully as the AMERKCAN MONTHLY the alertness. I which are of value to mentng time!iness. and tenor of journalism with the 1 men and Women. The Editor’s somdludgment. careful weirhed opinion, exact l 44 1 ,, ‘ ' knowledge, and well-chozen Ehglish of the purely Progress 0f ‘he WO’k’ this Slâ€"C‘ literary periodi:al.â€â€"771'e Outlook; cincfly an illustrated story of the 'â€" ‘ month. The “Leading Articles†give the best thought and information of the current magazines in five conti- nents; the contributed articles; furnish the character sketches- of the man of the month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious import. The result of this comps’ehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume flue information needed by intelligent people of “live†instincts is best gauged in the‘ opinions which the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY have seen {it to exprezg. These are thinking business men, clergy- men, editors, lawyers, professors, mgineers, the wide-awaits? Women d Amerim. They write that the AMERICAN NICNTHLY “ is Afternoon and Evening, the American Monthly Review of Reviews "Wc know of no review ï¬ublished. ln thls country or in Europe. which combines so success- fully as the AMERICAN MONTHLY the alertness, timeliness. and chart of journalism with the soundludgmcnl. carefu ly weighed opinlon. exac! knowledge, and wellâ€"chosen English of the purely literary perloii:al."â€"Th’e Out/ooh JOB PRINTIN- mm"- ADDRESS rambleâ€; “is simply invaImbIe": “is a generous 135mer in itselfâ€; tori.:..l cyclopcdia of the world ": “the best means of aid for a busy man xest pelicdical of the kind we have ever hadâ€: “a. triumph of editor‘ †; “the world under a fie!d-gia5s.†etc., etc. SUBSCREPTHM‘J l’RiCE, $2.50 PER YEAR‘ 3N0. W. MOYES, Manager. THE NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE I3 ASTOR PLACE. NW YO-\I{ DAILY W. H. JACKSON, M. imam Féa’aanaia! Corporation Mr. W. B. Gram hmvmg gone out. of the business in Map'e, I am main prepared to uupply customers on shortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended Mama Puma: Warks Head Ofï¬ce, 86 King St. E., TORONTO. Robert MnCIm’n Deposits recei’Ved and interest allowed at omen rates in the Savings Department. Special attention given to the ccllection of sale am} other notes. Fur" flame [WU 2 Bichmmd an: Email. p. Niamey 1.0 340311? 1m Capital Authonzed, $2,500,000. Capiml subscribed, $627,400. 'ncmin. Jim. Richardson,M.P.P Daniel Spry. Edward Cronyn. George Dunstan, Generalennaaer The current number and the two preced- ing issues. . . . . . g DIREC I‘ORS SPECEAL OFFER ‘X‘eS. ‘~ 3: RMan and (an. ll’BBUE