VOL. X BR. Di Graduate 0 with diplm Denml am Friday of e rum 1 to 3 1 Diseases c el animals proved met VVill be in Rich) DR. W 8 to [0 a m; a VETERINARY SURGEON bruins. J: $I per annum, PALM RICH l": I In .- a n1 ‘4‘ i a i’ m < .2 met: H. F “WA L'E‘Ei 3?. vary 8. uik RICEBE @322?“ fl [,0 RICH‘MOND . E. Ecï¬lmy, 156 mm; s'mm U? the OPE"! WRIGHT BRO 0Eâ€! MER‘ HO U SE . CECIL TE Dentist 0ND )( TN ‘13? 9 i1 DEOND ERINARY DENTIS gum“. AT QEMLQ‘ md ROPRIETOR mm, P alaingsAlwa; son and . md Concord on Erma promptly amended to ï¬le and other domestieai L16 latest and moist u) '1‘ EAST. TORONTO mi 3K 21 1‘1! V07 6m 8.32m A H O N . PER D Hill ev< ST A? F SHRN lusts. Board T-TTT .1 T( lo 8 59 in OTT‘ 1dvancc.] had thl‘ ILL. 1| lm FEW farmer Ens 1.th roprielm'. AY SC}. NTO Vete 77 JEL' hout EMMA?“ 55,1 MflN MDNEY T0 LOAN AT L ROBENSDN ENE East Taranto Ofï¬ce. Mr. Grant‘s residence Woudbndge. every evening. Tbnrxihiil. each Wednesday from 1'0 lo 12. COOK" & MACDONALD, MONEY )ti AFRO ICHMOS’D HILL POST OFFICE KIN M on MDT: 0 Hi! Saturday‘ nmed Auctioneers for the County of York ,re- :Eully solicit your patronage and friendly enrze. sales attended on the sLurtest notice A reasonuberutci. P. 0. uduxess King ,1 Ecmm‘, iuuvme. ARE/IN '1. VV.( sad Auctioneer for the County of York vntteuded no on shortest motive and at rem. lemoeu. Patronage solicited. "said-nor um Adctioneers oand Peal. G01 alsales 0 Stock. Busonaolerates Barristers, Solicitors, &c TOI afternoon etc..a.tten- nable rate )k will ickardi & PI entice RICER‘JU‘ND HELL. THUR§DAY, JANUARY 6, 1898. On First Mortgages. B. SMITH, Ex. M. RR, AL Sim»st 4%; Blough. J. D. an EY TO LOAN AT ount of private funds to loan on an property. Five per cent. in- 'turu)s for repavunenc. No cumâ€" ‘ged on loans. Apply to LAWRENCE & OmMIh‘TON, 15 Toronto St , Toronto URT OF JUSTICE, &c Marriage License IRE “.T WE ST. TORONTO 11d Hill on Saturduvs liciï¬b-éd: P. (L address Mr. [116 rm J. 'E‘. Saigoon. QCE & 0R ,I.ENNOX & MACLEE tioneera for the Counter of York eel. Goods sold on cunsignment a Stock. 830., promptly attended GALL & JONES, )FI abu! Richmond Hill, all 1 av‘ and Tuesday and Trade/13’ Bank Chambers, Toronto. ï¬ville ‘ne 31' “7 In Essentials, Unit yneer Treasury of Ontario :s,Soiicitc-1s, an. N315TcrontoShe Ofï¬ce open c‘ Convevuncers,Nc Building, 16 Toronto St. AND AURORA & GARVTN, Sï¬ï¬ii‘Ilfl-I'S, air. at Maple on Thursd of each week. r for the (‘ounty of WW. lame ts, tnrniture.scan«lina don the shortest notice and Solicitors, etc. T0 LOAN Brookos. lbe at Richnmux 1g and wil‘. attend f the C Ont ‘ 1 rk Chamber rthe Cc of farm W S ()nmmrm L I East. Smith icitors, &c‘ ST CURRENT RATES a: (l mu 3:, FREDERICK 6. JUNE No. 1, Adelaide A9 County _ of an age eohcxtec Mes uttex. Tciephone 47 n't J. H. PltEN’l‘ICF Currville. nntic SKE’ENS ESTGN, 811568. 18 W ed- Saturday D BLOUGH G Hill 1’ y York THE thing. The .. Kelly High School, is m thing in the pr building is situate at the corner of cupies the front quart-er acres in 6 High School bu‘ put up in the cost in the nuig It has two stun It contains tin-v with cloak rom modions liln-ury z Thul long I ham!“ ium. Thvrv rooms in the The exterh a handsome brick, Then from; ment on th outed .nly upon the builder an ltubztlso on the architew rooms are well lighted left windows. and are left wmdows. and are u and cmnfm-taMe. The scieI being well supplied with the necessary for practical whole building is heated an ed hV two Pense furnam N Sons. The hullmng was 911Tle from the designs of Mr. J. Francis Brown, architect, Toronto, who was selected from many competitors to prepare )lzms and superintend the work. The C(gnploted building is a monument to both builders and archi- tect. While ample, provision has been made by the Board of Education for the intellectlml training of the pupils, their physical welfare 11st not, been overlooked. To the south of the build- ing 'is it fair-sized lawn forth girls. It is suitable for such games as girls like, to indulge in. It is separated from the boys‘ play ground by a row of spruce trees. The boys have enough room in the rear and all the north side of the school to cultivate robust bodies in such games as football, running, jumping, etc. There is also on the lot a Well of excellent water. The exercises on the afternoon of December 30th were such as befitted ing 'is 2L fair-Sized It, is suitable for am like Us indulge lIL from the boys‘ play of spruce trees. T114 room in the rear aw The exe‘ December the oponin ing. The aft/110 f0 Naughth (c secretary-tn M. D., A. N1 Manil Clubint and F. 1y all 1 1y all present at thc p. 11)., when the no' the ï¬rst time thrown timx. M. Naughton, of the Board of Educ-n assemblage to Urdu Around the chair v Tec'fy (1mstn)astor), Lawwnce, Dr. \ViIS( :md McCulloch, and bombs, M. A., B. I was ï¬lled to its utmos 1y two hundred bt‘il auditorium. le Swilzer. Mr. Hal-visor 156111 to 1 nd \\' ilt A Memorable Day 1m m N 011â€" ll] two reuse turnaces. about it is perfectly mode mason work was done by and the wood work by L as. The building was the designs of Ml: J. 1 )1) S with g .u'e two int 211) MCU( pm I] ( 11f . o chair wele sawed Mr. Dstmzlstor), Mr. A. G. F. 5, Dr. Wilson, Revs. Grant ullocl), and Principal A. E. Sunk 08 , Decemva membvrod ior of this instituti ward of Edlu-utvi llowiug rent] hilil'llliill). . A‘ mum-er), J. N. ,awtnn, \V. T. Joyle, I). -' Lym McDonald, W mngrlly. Thest rd, ‘in all llildillf". provmce [ted on .f Mill 5 o‘f thev building presents Ippearanco. It is red my stone foundation. main entrances at the, .‘1- entrance to the base- H is slut chaste a lild of tlu ‘ulfillnlent a friends ’aed. The room Ccapzwity, nearâ€" ig seated in the chuirnmn, Mr. 1, Dr. Hutchisun, ri-vnce, Dr. “HI- and McCulloch, rational subjects, efm-vncc will be pleasing feature presenta- <-t~ ._. 50th d by 1 '9, com science i'flfl'l'! 1d til) ll OI] woi-I 1nd V‘ penm Wthl' utvion (:0 ntlemeu ftemmon of as heï¬ttod ion of lmru~ xion consists 0n I‘hé 1897 897, will ichnmnd b of the ll( St iberty ; nt Mr. J. Innes 4%, ft any 11e\' m nte m K 0118 I] IS Ltus The M 1 beautiful school building. Our High School has been doing good work in the past. I have noticed with great )lcusurc the progress it has made; we been well pleased with examina- tions and other results. I have been closely connected with the school ever since I have been a citizen of this vilv Inge, twenty-ï¬ve years ago the ï¬rst (if ()ctobvr last, ï¬rst as principal of the Public School for three years. Two or threoyemis after resigning the prin- cipalship of the Public School to en- gage in the business that I am still )iosecuting. I was appointed a. mem- iwr of the Board of Education; a posi- tion I still have the honor to hold. About two months after the appoint- ment to the Board I was made secre- tary of the Board, and I havebeen doing the work of that ofï¬ce and that m1 Toronto, I to the folh A. W. G1 He also p1 surccssf’ul IIIâ€"F. M. again presided and made a, chairman. as he did in the aft He regretted very much 1 to tell his audience that I \V. Ross was unable to be pI‘i previously announced, but had wm-thv substitute in the persm ‘y‘fm. Houston. LeLters of reg also been received from Rev. Teefy, Rev. Father McMahO‘ \V. \V. Bates, Judge Falconbri Dr. Coultelz During the ever neresting speeches were made i G. I‘lcUulloch, Rev. J. A. Gr; Dr. Huston Sisley. Each spez {erred lathe excellent, record Richnumd Hill High school, a! expresavd conï¬dence in its fut! CPSS. The address of Mr'. 1 was listened 'to with attentii contained much that; was inst ml... ,..-,..l..1~,.h “7A..†:n+n-.nnn..m ll] moved a sun mu I'ElIlOniQS pr: halt ot the to all prese manner of was list contaim The spee \1] catwnzu 111M Mr. Swim scmbly as fr men, I am v day's prom fact that a. difference 1 He. pointed present, pm lighted to see so many present 21L the opening ceremonies of (‘ High School. Your presence diczltiun that you are interes’tc ucatiun and school matters, 9: in the succes‘ and prosperity the past )leusure awe bee tions um closely (n since I h 13 any )I'HI m of tthnvnt schoo Hu JL M. N tlll tI-i( id I 110018 way S 116 ihg the W1 treasure-1 su 1 Su( witzeI of pin kno a1 e sqpa nth) 1nd seconde d Switzer 's of the eve Lughton, I his pleasm it} such an ch and E. Powers. '. lso referred to the death Ham-is, which occurred 1 She had Written on xmninntion, but before were published :mnounc gs, diphtheria). had can rpuiblic n_19ï¬i1;g held l conï¬dence in its future suc- e address of Mr} Houston nod 'to with attention, and :1 much that Was instructive. :he-s were interspersed with the Board, and l have been 1e work of that ofï¬ce and that surer to the present time. I was proud of (mi-village, her and other institutions. I have been so. but never more so the present) time. “79 have aschool building here which mvledged to be ï¬rst-class in articular. The. lighting, heat- ntiiation, acoustics, etc, are rut perfect], and I an] sure there the e 1 Hill I haw the pl-ug 11 well pit t other 11 mnected Ive been 'nty-ï¬ve ; last, ï¬rst Ill smuhlance of dispute had apparently djsapp< d out the harmony th zevailed among all who y connected with the 1f nt lll sful GUS er the )1 lows din 1g pupils and J. \V t nt NOON Father Jud g9 Dul-i ngz lches W( iVe( v11 form 1â€" V. A. Annie Bnyï¬, el-xflLLDunlopi A. MLNE‘“, N. 1‘ In addition the d matriculation H sure at be an event, '(1 extended He spoke i) 'vents leudi future 's :sztdies and gentle much pleased and de- mzmy present to-da) eremonies of mu- nev. {our presence is an in ‘u are interested in ed ludm ‘I'E )V A. \V. G1 IIâ€"F. l ant, kson from E1 by was ning Lté leading 111d elppha inte‘ Mrs ADDR} .llW fm HIS l, but the p aving diplomas ; :â€"-â€"F.M.Brown, \V. McDonald. rtiï¬cates to the follows: Form \Tichol W ch alconbl he eve 111 that Hon. G be present a mi: had sent: a person of Mr ; of regret ha( 1 Rev. Fathe e evenmg In- made by Rev. A. Grant, and Chaim} being H M M. Brown Harrison am sure I store .for was don McDonald £1101) E. M 1D . with later lig ‘d impl ‘1' mn- e( impro md u} In thanks ll lght 110W tahd 1T last the the sing ried Thk )n H 1d M the ach . Ivn have th 111d _nd Illy tllc Ill [11‘ Ol'é the mm' well well educated population, suc educational system Will produ give it a chance. “ This country- wantrs men, 13.1 ed, manly men, Men who will join its chorus long The psalm of labor and the guardians to 3ated by teen he most in ‘tvruction, am Pct if they The To be Thy f It If If th( While thou s}. with kit Rich in the je' And in mt hy feet at 1 floors ; by heart at and he _ MISS [2. BAR DRESS - M Wants fres it thine thou indee should thou wilt » help thy‘ stm , if 1 ‘1: 1x211 thl YOU- h fil 1an ï¬u‘i'rsc th the 5 nts fre ;hrivell4 1D 83V zpa e 1!; [Single copies, 3 cts. ggle in th‘ 11 the In million to to have their 0 teachers who are improved met 1nd they are. gu ants m ALL )have their children edu- .chers who are well up in .nproved methods of i1:- [(1 they are guilty of, neg- are not taking full ad- ur educational privileges. Canada of ours we have nada of ours we hue I'C‘St; and best; countries Every Canadian oilght his country, a country Iimabe and .magniï¬cent Vhab We want most; is on, a sob( 1', industrious, population, such as our stem will produce if We wants men above foolish prejudice Lssing for a good book. >b my proposition. The will cost nothing. I dreds of men in the way moy ; Some of whom zu‘s can do good things 1‘01 are honorable and will 'e Energetic and Strong, T , AOLD I )111 {in 1h LEN-SCOTT, Toronto )W )uls my 0 a Ioftier seat ; of oppression out rsal freedom in. ilt with myriad I shall HARRISON, ind the psalm 1-0, and Wilt? md exalt thy 11 stand on heroes who SC} just ; the a H n, we are all 111' education a who are w inst as much s déts rythir msomed what .11 kit {11 t} educatim :ess of p11 11 kindne: 111ks ( error th princ centr not ] brother Dezlkers will thing hold Why it im wand like rth Hugs and )0d, whic} erminedh ng that i: n to think the mind ace all 0p do this s< )(‘IY 01’ 3.1] for f truth bv the that ‘ sun; In and Strl‘TV self, hou ISDG 11001 pro pro , ant ving th III'G 1n ma 1nd 1nd the 111 1d