Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jan 1898, p. 4

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One of the grandest events ever known to Toronto society people was the Victorian Era Ball given by their Excellencies, Lord and Lady Al)er-' dean on Tuesday evening of last wka when the Armories was transformed intoaveritable palace. It is now a thing of the past but will long be re- membered by those who had the honor of being invited. The gowns worn by some of the ladies present had been Worn by their great grandmothers and Very quaint and pretty they were. It would be useless to attempt a (les- cription of the elegant costumes as space will not permit. The entrance of the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen into the Ball-room representing royal- ty wasa very interesting and novel spectacle for Canadians. The Court train of many yards in length and carried by pages was something which has not been seen before by many To- iicontorians, and the various dances in Costume representing all periods. Also the various conditions of science, art, literature and music during the Victorian Era were. conducted with 'such correctness and skill as to in- dicate numerous and laborious rehear- sals by the five hundred young ladies and ‘entlemen of Toronto, Hamilton and ondon, who took part and made Society and Fashion Gossip from the Queen City. Elm Efiiksml {1c and x 'us worn Dy 0 :ladies in the room. “Queen Victoria; Her Life 1 Reign,” has captured the Britififi I ire. Extraordinary tesLiuion rom the great men; send for u ,free. Marquis of Lorne says, “'. best popular Life of the Queen I h seen.” Her Majesty sends a k L-letter of appreciation. Selling thousands; gives enthusiastic sa Jetter t-houszu facth m faction. Cunvassm-s In 470 $40 weekly. THE GARRETSON 00., Limi The Christmas Tree and Entertain- axientof Christmas Eve was a great success, both financially and from a social standpoint. Rev. Mr. McCrullocli occupied the chair. The drills of the boys and girls were remarkably well executed, and a dialogue by five boys was particularly interesting. But the great attraction for the visitors, es- pecially the younger boys and girls, was the time-honored Santa Claus. As a rule this \Vt’lCULn? personage makes his appearance through the chimney, but on the above occasion he came down a rope' through the ceiling of the church, and as usual was Well laden with toys and presents of all kinds, which he scattered with a lavish hand. The tree looked beautiful, and everybody went home well .pleased that they had witnessed such a. pleas- ant sight. Wlf‘lléoljllle club of this place met for t-lwir sumi-nmnthly shoot on New Year’s Day, with scores as follows : 100. 200. Total NV. Mustard Thos. Reid‘ . ltolgt‘. :Agar Ruhr. Agar . . . . . . . . . . 45 30 75 L. G. 'Stoutenhurgh. . . 44 29 ’73. W. R. 'Oapell . . . . . . . . . . 42 29 71 The church anniversary was also‘ most satisfactmry. and fully came up (0 the most sanguine expectations. Large congregations greeted our old mid respected pastor. Rev. W. R. Barker, at.le Sunday sermons. and all enjoyed his instructive and effect- i's'e'discuurses. On Monday last the Dinner and cntertuimnent (-vlipsed all previous efforts. The-roast fowl and delicacies wereso much enjoyed that Roht‘. Agar . . . . . . . .L. G. 'Stouteuhurgh ngpvll‘. . . . . . .- HMOND HILI New Advertisementsa Wantedâ€"Canvassers. Victoria, Square u- «.r w) " ‘ "*WL-Mvflrbfiflcfifiwmu (-nh.nnn n after the has attend 39d some ve 11'13' in Velv January ‘operly made., also 11 and is very to those who very becom- hemselvos out transformed It is now a. Lch V ‘ dai vith the BRADLEY- Toronto 39 y may 5 part- green )ld lace :etrtiest )RIA their pretty “'11 id] mateâ€" 1808 11nd Em- Ul'own and budge- Wm'K, an pot u Silver, phosphate and aluminum ings, 50 cents. Painless extmcbim plates free of charge at; the 1le dental offices in Toronto. “very little wns left for the usual social which was therefore disponsed with “'ith the exCeption of Miss Donald son â€"â€"who missed the carâ€"all the per formers as formerly announz‘vd wen present, and gave an excellent pro gramme. Rev. Herbert Lee 0' Aurora, who was down for :m :deross by request gave two recitame in stead. which Were thol‘ouglltiy app“: but part of Mr. H of Mt): H. M. Fletcher. and the male mum-Lott pglpils of Mr. I'Zlfjfichel'.‘ E‘d Tbhm'e were 500p001flv p‘ pibceeds amounted to $131 Lady assistant 1130‘ 1 i“ find home Though the sleighing in this is thin, considerable teaming done. VVith pleasure we wish the and the many readers of THE L: a happy and prosperous new “'9. will do our lmst to record a ing events, and hope THE L‘ find its way into a, numb The new Year dzm'l but did not prevvnt tho: spend the day with friends from taking in of who wa: warrant; servant v car she vs lady’s h( baggage, found. Complaints are frequent and loud by passengers on .the electric cars at this season of the want of proper heat in the Puhnan cars plying to and from the C. P. R. crossing. Mr. R. H. Bates, B. A., has been appointed to a Mustership in the Ash- bury House School, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. F. \V. L. Shle of Frauds. ~ Rev. Thus. Edwards, a. former he- lovcd pastor of Thoruhill Mt-Lhndist Ohm-ch, came in from Allvndalo to at- tend and conduct the fnm-rul of thv late Mr. Geo. Routclifi'e of Newton Brook. The remains of the late G90. A. “'hiting, the Rosedule suicide, have been deposited in the ThOI-nhill vault to await instructions from relatives in England. Mr. kt. H. b: appointed to a M bury House Sum M1: and Mrs. Based-ale, have mfiibiicSchno] t1 ustees, Messrs. Lane. VVelch and J 01m Dean, were re-elect- ed by ucclmnation. To tbeEditnr of THE LIBERAL: Simâ€"Since the church bell has ceas- ed to ring we are. at a loss to know when we who live north of Centre St. should Wake up each morning in time for breakfast. The music of the new town bell seldom penetrates the still- ness'of our northern latitude, and its tones are rarely ever heard by the denizens of this locality. Listening to the widening peals from the church's lofty tower that have so long reverber- ated over hill and valley for seven miles around us, our sense of hearing has perhaps been somewhat blunted to the softer clang of-its more dimin- utive successor. If, limvever, instead of a few gentle pulls. a five minutes herculean effort .to extract from this new acquisition to our village im- provements its loudest capabilities, it may be that out of the series of melo- dious sounds thatlfloat in air around its centre, some wandering note may strike upon :the ear of some discon- solute lutepasyer who has invested in its institution. and elicit an ejaculation of gratitude. . ‘v,,, h._____ .tte ,,_ O‘HW, ,, ' A NORTH ENDER. Richmond Hill, Jan’y 4th, 1898. Mr. and Mrs. \Vilé ent New Year’s Day ‘ Miss Celia Shropshire eek with her aunt, Mrs. Mrs. J. Dntchor was vis‘ iv last with her sister hc lVilnmtt Rolland of 11( g, is visiting with his istyle Beauty. Xmas and New Years )1-y pleasantly. Althou; g was not as good as w mdly number of people ;‘(= of it to visit relatives 1d enjoy the usual good The Snow Ball S. S. int! oigh ride and entertainl ,’ the annual Xmas 'l‘rvv. \Yhen writing don’t for GOOD SET OF TE} BEST SET OF TEE wn and Bridge- wot-k Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. RiparnstzbulI-‘s cur? biliousness. Ripana Tamales cure indigestion. 'LI‘S 119. Rev. Herbert , who was down for :m quest gave t,wu rocita‘ which were thoroughti; . Allthe vocalists We 1rticul2u' Illentiun might He, h at the Will 0 w Va} Entranm That New Bell. ALLOVVAY Thornhfll. Queen and You we been spending New residence of Mrs. J. H. \\ “rs and in Day with the 1:11 Qm-en 11f \Vost nite It PH FOR P H FOR {gilt Miss intenllingr t6 land L: brothel il( Ht be mudz L'uhloll 111 'szSS‘ ABERAI .01) to a 1150 her was not, mun; stimn Il ltcnde ‘l'll nt 01] l sleigh- fm'. a {dumb- friends ht Pom thvl 11H Il( ]?I1( it lity On Bliss hunk 1:11 ms AGENTS $17 tm R'eva. FlPh-het applausc 9130:), Mr. Large and M1“. 1, quartotto “ A Home by four members of the choi my part of the program: 3f recitations by Miss M. mnto, Miss Bmsie Nixon, 5:1udorsonua-nd :1 short in T. \V. Kirby. The e] was brought to it. close “ God 5 we the Queen.” gmmazvoooo.on CLQJOLS 9 Is peral-ed to give Lessons in Music at her residence, Jefferson, or at the homes of her pupils. Brick House adjoining For particulars aprly bu THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. ' fissures on all the modern plans, and is one of the most prosperous and* pruuressive .oompauies in existence. New life applications in 1894,....., ...° Assebsfilsleec"lBflL........,.... .. . 4,616,419.63 Lite assuranceniu force lst Jan. ’954. 31.618.569.74 Premiums low. policies unconditional uud nonforfemble. Take a. poncy'witt‘the district agent, On LIBERAL OFFICE. - RICHMOND HI Ripans Ta’buIes oure‘heafiache. Ripans Tabulea: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabulea: at druggists. Ripans Tabuloe cure flatulence. Ripanl Tabules: gentle cathartic. mltet NmYJOO'meI For Con g1: Colds, Bro chitis7 Sm throat, etc. R0 1H l)l)i( h tilm ‘vod is 1 MISS E. H. LEGGE «mung ; :1“. tion \x House to Rent. inte «(ELM I7. Irene Line nns andei- 9W Year’s Night the Annu supper and entm-taimnent w: the Methodist church her tense cold (lid not hinder mwd from collecting and enjn Supper provided by the lnrli We prawn}; yl 1 small tnan of a which you are ‘ Vi'shing you 2L .> are lovineg ym Shnnk, Adm (3 Nréllie Campbell mm Johnston, L1)( nnihle at hm V l \) Flr ruspootus I lapital 1_ moms \ '35 present The address was Walt and the 1‘ by Lelia Shunfi. h( I‘orontu _â€"â€"â€"QoOâ€"â€"â€"' 10V€ in .9. M‘cMAIâ€"‘ION. wrn‘sc- 1nd in Edgezly 1TH? le’s “Sunday ,1. home um During rdeI'ess wa: )lX of '. 1nd \H ()I . Large sang; “ 1 both received gely Glee Club ga were heartily : very pretty trio 1 ’ was sung by Mr: ‘ge and Mr. M. Cl A Home by the S ’Lamle Mon-r "I Sore join 111 may be ~dm- to the chair was taken ewm-t who fified the able mamwr. Mrs. andorson sang two “ The Fairies” and Mzmy expressed re- ialne did not. appear prog nmme. Miss Toronto sang “ Ken- \tiun. The cyst mud and the \ 'uit \ ’ving them out. f1- t was time for my entertainment 30(‘(18 :unmmtvd unnecessary ARRETSON ‘tlon, K Stewart 11 I'vtnnwd he pleasant Afte the mvm the Fire Proof Store I not hinder a, cting and enjoy- ‘d by the ladies The oysters sang “Babura received much 0 Club gave four martily (moored )tty trio entitled up; by Mrs. Sand- \h'. M. Cook and by the Sm.” by hair. The litmu amme consisted M. Blain. of T0â€" ame senm ”' like a, whirl nt‘s, “VOI‘f/h FT COMPANY, TORONTO. exprcn ml with the love, held by happy .ONDIKE GOLD th} address by Dr. entortmmm-nt 58 by smgmg ISAAC CRQSBY‘ RICHMOND HILL the memâ€" ss Wish to ‘1' the kind- during the ho, patience 3s. Daisy illie Crad- lte High: 1d 11'( R ‘f Mrs. to Miss )ad by nta‘tiun he md fres eniu ml in home appear M iss “ Ken- " and this and your New that nefit our ~0m the tn 9n Every imzL RICHMOND film North ‘3' All the latest patterns and sty and antique, fancy Chairs for up. Pictures made all sizes a] And for cash can’t he undersold. We huv 50., not remnants but new goods. Call arm a general stock of Paints, Oils, Varmshes, painters’ lines. Our stock of ready mix carriageâ€"is complete. Brushes, all sizes. be uncTersold. 3.8 No. 5 Acme Skates . . . . . . . N0. 7 Acme Skates . . . . . . . N0. 10 Plated Acme Skates CHEESTEEAS a Carvers, Silverware, Shears, Esscissexs Table and Pockeé: Satisfy. RAESW SEEQEREBMM I56 King St. East, Toronto, EGGTS mild. "The-following are among the. lines :â€"~Ladies’ Fine Boots and Shoes. nntum and lace; Ladies’ Skating Buls‘, black and \tan ; Misses’ Fine Boots and Skat- ing Bills. ; Children’s Boots and Shoes, all colonfi; Gents’ Fine Boots. black, tan and 0X blood ; Gents’ Heavy Baots: Men‘s Fancy Slippers ; Men‘s four buckle Felt Boots; Men‘s Telescope Boots, gnndfelt; Men's Pure Gum Rub- bers and Stockings ; Boys’ Pure Gum Rubbers andStockings ; Ladies' per- fection Croquet Rubbers; Ladies’ Boots and Overshnes ; Men’s and Boys Sandal Rubbers ; ‘Men’s and Boys’ Overshoes Snow Excluders. R‘OBT, .SIVERE’. )1 ) TOP} Turns out nothin -â€" SAVA@E'@ Repairing neatly anri promptly done. Prices right. HILI B1 THUS. MEREDETH & 00., he Trusts 4 Accident P. G. SAVAGE, H11“ ROBERT SIVERS. C can only name 003 and a nubk A gyeat variety of Body and B‘ FURN} ta tiw ts, Ttl‘unk int 130.691; 544 FALL STOCK tlx( .(epair 111d ( At less than We have a great assort Efiuflkfl III 111 you} obtain you C A new shipment just re LE5“ Also ma 'ket nt 195 In 'i‘a m adults and 1d all 00101 3eW of them here, but will I 111 and inspect the stock. ; the. lines :â€"~Ladies’ Fine Boots and Shoes. bntmn L18“ black andtan; Misses’ Fine Boots and Skat- md Shoes, at] 00101.5; Gents’ Fine Boots. black, rm‘y Baotst Men‘s Fancy Slippers; Men‘s four lescnpe Boots, gnndfelt; Men's Pure Gum Rub- Pure Gum Rubbers andStockings; Ladiester- NECHOLLS, ‘nll S g g -s, “'hil mufactl m; 5O SLE§ Riflhmenfi Hockey Skates . . . . . . . . . . . . Hockey Sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Rapids Carpet Sweepe 1.] E321 T U R E the next divi ‘ and further 1 01‘: t0 OE)( ‘Iu ‘1; Strings ; Shaft, Gongs. n( éntl ire! 1' mm )f the ttende rge stock of Wall Papers from the patterns. Always on hand entitles, in fact everything in aints in all colorsâ€"house and nl stock of Groceries, and can‘t Fine .Harne ceived next door Clyde Hotel; fiEQES RIC 32H BELLS )11(1( {19111 Ed f: d to. EON ‘ 14D H M fuI mm kof x)1i( 0ND HII in 1900 Em. 1n to have n chee mds in from $ can s in stock and

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