Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jan 1898, p. 5

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Mr. H. A. Nicholls has been a )pnint- ed agent; for Richmond Hill an vicin- ity of the British America. Fire Assurance Company. This is one of lthe landing Cali-ldhm C(mlpanios and Vwas Incorporatal in 1833 and has for .its President Hon. Geo. A. Cox, which is a uarantee of the financial strvngth of t e Institution. Having such it Company wu besperik for Mr. Nu‘huib a fair shzuo of pam'nnugtxin this neighâ€" borhood. "' The Brockville Times, The Ottawa Citizen, The Kingston News. The hes- ol-onto Tribune, The Orangeville Post and the Brampton Conservator are among the many newspapers which speak in the highest terms of the hum- orous vocalist}. Mr. J. 'l‘. Shunk, who will take part in the Band Concert on Monday night. From the remarks of the speakers at the nomination in Markham township it was evident that they were pleased with their road machine that they werq in fayur _ af p1i1:(:hasing a stone Splendid stock of Canned Goods at the Concrete Gallon Tins of Apples for 23 cts.: 3 lb. tins of Crawford peaches for 25 cts. crusher, that it would he wen to com- mute the statute labor;- and that they were satisfied with a. yearly grant to maintain Yonge street; in a good state of repair. 3theii' appreciatit their teacher, Mi: passing a resolut treasurer to mak tial Chx-istnms pr . 1;;Wawaum Pocket Uizu manacs for $3.1 store. The Band concert will he strengthen- ed on Monday evening by the addition to its peI-fomers of Mr. J. T. ‘Shunk, the popular comic singer of Maple. Mr. Shunk never fails to please an audience. The admission to this con- cert will be 25 and 15 cents. For sale, helnw coshâ€"One root cut ter, and two new Cook Stoves. 0 Mason. A Among); 131] val to he g‘h this evenin gramme. by talks, sings, muSIC &c. Libm great. excel] trial ‘ 10. ham on ‘ l'equ welc‘ Mr. ‘ horse C work. theana smootl can po kinsnn The Van; Schgul ASS“ teenth anm next Tuesdu in 111-03 0011! .11 nde hp. hold 811 ndzr)‘ RH IOU Prints, (2 Atkinson unior ear. I m1 . 30 The 3 lovely anad a In th They The 1-3 te;p:t Om. Tl previous to the holidays. sh< appreciation of the sen-vice teacher, Miss Eiiza Newton 12 a resolution authorizing 1 Oil! :11, who \' the naxm 5* being th Epw< )1'1511 1'. Hume V m at m Xvi-137 s: S Witzer the attractions at the ( given in the Thornhill ing will be mchoice by the gramophone x the 4 p prices Swmzer the gramol gives comet Lmk open f1 ll an tm‘msll Ition will In I cunvent'im and \Vedne m presen )11t nt Ill (7111 ()1) s and Canadian A1â€" 1t THE LIBERAL hook mes of prosperity ,ve you money. A ffiu 1ts an: arc tlu 1p haised hy outinue ‘ itou‘W’illt HK 'cut U1 work like clu required to 1 work done is in“ ‘t n :ue La Newton, thox'izing th 1 very subsin )Il I)‘ wit ’0111 in d ,an : vill 1i1 Sil‘nh 1'1 n Bic-11 run nt m sh <11 ill ‘il Miss Uulnmins and Miss Vincent from Australia commenced a series of meetings bearing on the temperance question, on Sunday. The first meet- ing was held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon. The chair was taken by Rev. A. R. Sund- erson who introduced the lady speak- ers after thewsual .opening exercises. Both ladies proved themselves to be interesting speakers although it was. evident that Miss Vincent was suffer- ing from a severe cold. Reference was made to the, climate of Australia, to the poisonous serpents which infest the lands-(mud latterly to the rent curseâ€"the drink trafficâ€"whi01 is blighting so nmny homes -in that “far off country. The ladies alsotold of a visit-to the gold fields of Australia, and of their kind treatment by the roughiminers. After the regular ser- vice injhe Methodist church in the evening Miss Oummins gave another address. Good meetings were held (qn Mon- day and Tuesday evenings, and last evening Miss Vincent gave the story of her life, which for many years was a sad one. She was a victim Qf stx-qng drink for Several years, and because of misery and WI-etqhedness was on the brink of committing suicide, when she was saved by the power of God. The stun-y was illustrated by stereopticnn views. Goodinusic was furnished at all the nwetihg's‘ by members of the 1V. 0. ’1‘. U. and others. Hal-old Proctor looked and acted the true ltaliavn com-tier. The band fur- nished good music. and Mr. Sander- son’s gx-nmophone caused quite a stir in the gallery. The total receipts amounted to about $57.: The prize-winners were, J. Graham, A. Savage, W. Hodgins, D. Derry, \V. AI-mitrage, J. Casoly, E. Switzer, F. Sheppard, H. Stun-L111), F. Sims, 0. Switzer. excellent Old Mother Hubbard; and the Living Tea, Service, consisting of tea-pot, cream pitcher and sugar bowl (0. McConaghy, H. Hooper and E. Gonde), were a‘cped to perfection. ‘ W. derson weie 61" unusual interest. The Old \Voman in the Shoe (Miss Olive Switzer), and 11m- tln‘ep children (Hazel Switzer, Verna. Hutchison and N011), McMahon) drawn by two white swans (D. Derry and \V. Storey), were quite a curiosity; our own John Casely made an excellent Jack the Giant Killer; Miss Ethel ’rjwibzm' madean Goode), were acted to perfection. \V. Hall and H. Sanderson made fine hobby horses, Frank Sheppard made a worthy representative of old bruiu. Earle Newton made a good-lookinr Highhx‘nder of the \Vallace Clan, an Harold Proctor looked and acted the true Italian com-tier. The band furâ€" nished good music. and Mr. Sander- son’s gl'nmophone caused quite a stir in the gallery. The total receipts amounted to about $57.: The nt TEMPERANCE MEETINGS. p0 It an ' excellent ; Miss Ethel nt 01d Moth :pl-ession to his entire 5 1th the staff of office '5 of the past year, and :0 with the constitution t the whole, and stated ; desire to retire at, the c lll BRIGA DI BE H! in“ ut I( The attractions \Vhi( red hyMr. J. H. Sa: unusual interest. T1 :1 the Shoe (Miss OliJ 3h M 1d )U ‘. A. E. Comubs ditor by the ( Aiwld their salar; fines chm-god ag :e at, meetings of [he members : d debts, ntheI-s alary to their w I) H WISE S ' tn their wives. sued the amount in a new whip as a prize at the largest, amount ll L Unombs bv the. ( by the. chief. heir salary for [1.11-ng against Laxvetings and members rush- OHS office and TIONS the close of as $1.90. A expemlitum nival Show on A peak K M. . successive This with mt makes the 1112m- an expe- Harrison 3 satisfac- ficers and selections. only lister one. of th( in the vil- Epwort h n tertzli n- exp cert VAL. 1m; m in ac- reap- that it Brov m Du he bf the 111 timst )1] “(191' flu )00 1nd fix-e thk l)( FREE OF CHARGE An account from 'Mr. John Hun-is mmmnting to $25 as services for draw- ,iug plans for High school building was laid over until next regular meeting. Store and Dwelliu ' to rent. in (.11 ’i by Richmond mm. L e ‘ ’l ’a Eor particulnrs apply to em! ' ISAAC c3038.! Store and Welling TO RENT. “'EDNEEDAY.J&D. ILLâ€"Auction sale of farm stock Implements. &c. On Lut.86. con. 1 King, (one mile north of Aurora). the property of Henry Case. Terms 11 months. J. ’1‘. Sai- geon. Auctioneer. EParties getting their bins printed at this 051% willvreceive a. notice similar to the apex» On motion of Messrs. Newton and McDonald the Secy. and the Principal of the High cchool were appointed a committee to endeavor to secure am assistant at once. On motion of Messrs. McConaghy and Newton, a resolution was passed extending the thanks of the Board to those who had kindly contributed yocaland instrumental music at the giblic meeting in connection with the . S. Opening. On motion of Messxts. Newton and On min/ion “of Messxts. Newton and Mchm thy a. year's rent for the Tem- perance igtll, $78, was ordered to he paid. A New Ye Bra-gains fur b‘ wi szl‘. The chairman explained that as Mr. R. G. Brown was not able to accept the pusit‘ion of assistant fur the High school it would be necessary for the Board to take action at unce. A number of namss were submitted to select from on the recmumendntion of Dr. McLellzm. Nobody likes :1, low man hudy likes a Ihw price. See & Switzer everybody. Mr. \Vln. Houston, M. A., who spoke at the evening nu-oting on Thursday last, made his home while here with Mr. and Mrs. El-nbst Coombs. On Friday morning he was shown through the now school and was highly pleased with everything. He spoke in'bhe highest terms of the \\'i5(101nmid enekgy of the Board in erecting so apprnpriale 2L building for High School purposes. The Board met, in the new High school building on Monday. In the absence of Mr. szghton Mr. Harrison took the chair. Other members present, Messrs. Switzer, McNair, Newton. Storey, Mc- Donald, McCunaghy, Sandmsnn. Acommunicution from the village clerk showed that, Messrs. J. N. Boyle, W. ’1‘. Storey, M. McNMr and J. H. Sanderson had been (alerted trustees by the Union school SOL-tion. Messrs. R. and B. Rumh spent their Christmas 1 Patterson and vicinity. ’1 ed home on Monday 41000 their cousins, Misses Mary Rumble. After considerable dif Board of Education have been elected a cu Etobicuke division Hill of Moonstone, i the week with his brotlu D. and J. Hill. M 1'. Lewis Marsh who Sp years in Manitoba. is makh his old home “ Lnrridge Fa Mr. N. S. Roaman of his son, Mr. \V. Reamnr were visiting relatives on New Year’s Day. inn has pent-11m HunLL â€"At Grunby, Quebec. on Jan’v lat, 1898, Mary Craig. Licar‘vv beloved wile 01 P. L. Hamill. in her 3~1rdyealz . Devemsed was n. sister of M‘s. Frank Pldget of H‘me‘tord. orator of the Toronto dropped dead Sunday aft \Vhilo conducting a flanI‘. preached in tho morning to be in his usual good 11 on New Yezfi"s Day. \V. J. Borland, one of the frightful disaster ; Monday evening, was :1. Wm. Cooper of this vill HUI Ill Fine Oranges 28 cts‘ & Switzer. M1 Landon: -Ont The floor in L whvn 23 neon ihotto fol for Mr. and Mrs. John Mot; family of VVillowdale, spv Year’s Day with Mrs. Nichol] H {IN Mr. I Miss Savage and M we returned to Fess‘ we been re-engagcd Trust, in one pound pm 25 cts.: 2 'll n 23 p( Board of h‘ ducation xcâ€"Here on Thursday, thegwm of r. the wife of Walter Huise of the flue, of a. sun. “Sf l1 Ippfiilling disgfst \V considerable difficulty f Education have secure aviland B. A. to fill the V ml by‘the illness of Mr. B rilnnd has been temporal He comes well roémmn had suceessful High sclu PERSONALS. 3901310 w 0115]}; in Sale Register. A bk ‘ tlu News Notes. Bull of Newton Brook has (1 a county councillor in : 2w'll)s. Vhe Good Lvlmm: th 11' but; the everybod rnvidm} inson &: : N 0w 3 DEATHS HE fl'i ISEa. {urns on ‘ mt? of Switzex of the x L' at Lr a. neph tftOI'In mm se- 1-to l1)( doz I“ km me .‘l LI'I lpume 111d M ml 111 (‘III’E inson Every“ 1; i nson u-on villa ims of Alma s at turn- n m {f MI {DY SOD nd C. MASON, - RICHMOND HII THE NEE PROOF Grand Repifis Carpet Sweeper $2.75. GLASSWARE ° AND CRCKERY GRGGERY STOCK 001v; Enterprise Meat Cutter $I.5o. Skates all sizes, and everything in the Tin. Stove and ' Hardware lines at lowest prices. Repairing Promptly Done Naw E‘afl GGGfiS lSAAC CROSBY; A Large Assortment. NOW ARRIVING AT Pocket Knives. 5 Table Knives and Forks $1.2 per doz. Rogel‘s’ Carvers, $1 per set. Butcher Knives, 15 cenm. um“ Will soon be here, and I have for sale ammm Stow RICHMOND HILL X 1V1 AS PLETE

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