Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jan 1898, p. 7

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M, Pain Past Enduranee. T. W. COON HOPELESSLY CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM. Could Not Briler l-lehcr Ilaml or Foot and lint] In be Fed and Dressedâ€"Thi- lloc- lors 'l‘olll lhlm a Cure “an lmpo-slblo, Yet. lle Attends lo Ills Business 'l'o-Dau. From the Millirook RL‘lOl‘iel‘. Rheumatism has claimed many \it'â€" tiins anal has probably i-ausel more pain lian any otlci‘ ill affecting nianâ€" kind. Among those who have. been its victims few have suffered more than Mr. G. \V. Coon. now iroprietor of a flourishing bakery in Hampton. , but for a number of y ars a resident of P01113100], when his severe illness occurred. To a reporter who interâ€" viewed him. Mr. @0011 gave the followâ€" ing particulars of his great suffering and ultimate cure: “Some seven or eight years ago," said Mr. Colin. “I felt a touch of rlu-uinatism. At first I did not pay much attention to it.lvut as it was steadily growing worse I began to doctor for it, but to no effect. The trouble “an from bad to worse, until three years after the first. symp- toms had manifested themselves I became utterly helpless, and could do no more for myself than a young child. I could not life my hands from my side, and my lvife was obliged to cut my food and feed me when I felt like eating. which was not often cdnsiidering the torture I was under- going. My hands “ereswollen outof shape, and for weeks were tightly bandaged. My legs and feet. were also swollen,» and I could not lift my foot two inrhies from the floor. I could not change myc'lmhes andmy wife had to dress and wash I grew so thin that I. looked more like askeleton than anything else. The pain I suffered was almost past endurance end I got [no rest either day or night. 1 doctored with many doctors, but they did me no good. and somle of them told me it wasnotpossible for me .to get. better. [believe I took besides almost every- thing that was recommended for rheumatism, but instead of getting better Iwas constantly getting worse. and I wished many atime that death would _end my sufferings. One day Mr. Perrim storekeeper at Pontypool gave meta. box of Dr. Williams Pink Pillsand urged me to try them. Idii so somewhat reluctantly, as Idid not think any ~merticine could help me. BoweverJ used the pills, then I got another box and before they were gone I felt a trifling) relief. Before a third box wastinished there was no longer any doubt of' the improvement they ' were making in my condition, and by the time 1 had used. three boxes more I began tot feel,in view of my former condition, that I was growing quite stron§,ond the pain was rapidly sub- siding. From that out, there was a steady improvement, and for the first time in long- weary years, I was free from painandonce more able to take my place among the world’s workers. [have not now the slightest pain and [feel letter than Ifelt for seven years revious to taking the pills. I thank -od that Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills came in my way,“ Ibelieve they saved my life, and there is no doubt whatever that they rascued me from years of torture. Dr. \Villiaims’ Pink Pills strike at the root of the dis-casei driving it from the system and.restoring the patient to health. and strength. ‘tIn cases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipeâ€" las, scrofulous troubles, etc., these pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a specilfic for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden and speedin restore the rich glow of health to pale and) sal- low cheeks. Menu broken down by overwork, worry or excesso , will find [in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid, 600. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Sche- nectady, N.Y. ‘Byware of imitations AN EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. rim-e Ownr 04’ swvcien is 4; ring to Africa In Try mu! q‘mn'ev-v “vault-n. The average Prin‘w' is u~11:i‘.‘._v a guy youn: |,l‘, but Prince Oscar of Suedâ€" '0: is )l Fill” nu yuiwn. :\l:l only has. he dci'wmi the greater part of his life to I?.?ll’l-_:“.l‘i -:\I work. iliut. it i< ll‘i\\' an~ 'llOill'll‘CI that, acquitpatiiesl by hi min ll' iy litus \iiie, has \iiil inialle the jump:â€" of Africa :i'nl spread tle Gospel amvnnrg the lieiiiglite'l heathen. Priu e ()rczi 1‘. albinougih the uncut son (if the King and Quan of Sui-den. is) II],')I. a Prim-e (if all. He sacrifice-ll hiis tithe when in 1&8, he [llill'lil‘ll \li»: Ebba Mimi-k. Ii-blxi. ilIllan. birth. was chosen ‘n’miii of h-i'mr to the. Crown Princess, and, although llllxe years older than Oscar, their meeting, was zumost. a vase of love at first sight. She married to Count. Valdemar vo‘n Kirsten. army officer, \VllllO was not. altogether in.- sympathy with her religious \iews. She consequently released the Count. and Prince. (Jo-an a mantle giant, stuntiâ€" ital; six feet Iln‘l six inc-liven in his stockâ€" 'iin'g feet. began ll,» pay .her asxitlumr. court. The King” and. Queen wvrc strongly (Ijip0:u9ni to the untitch. and Miss Mu‘nik left the royal hou-ehold. becoming a nurse in the Queen's I'ILKS- pita‘l. Despite all opponitiotn, the marriage took place, the rpm e according to law, i‘onou‘nr‘ing all Iill3 pomp which was his. by right of birth. b‘inne then 05(‘111‘ amid his wife have inever been seen in royal circles. ‘li'itlnini the last year they have asâ€" sov_-'iate.l tillfdnl\9er€S “ith the Salvation Army. anil have Llicen conducting open air mien-lungs in the streets of b‘tockâ€" holm. . And. now, accordingr to remnt cable desiiatches. this strange pair of relig- ious enthusiasts purpose to go as mis- ShOflIll‘Ie-S to Africa. ‘ 't.‘ i. a, who is (If palriviun was engaged to be a young. _._â€"â€"-.â€"â€" ‘Promotion of General Happlnessi 15 secured by Nervilineâ€"the great. nerveâ€"pain cure. The highly iene- trating propertifi of Nerviline make it never Ialing in all (8:05 of rhi-uma- tism, neuralgia, cramps, pains in the hawk and side, lumbago, etc. We heartâ€" ily commend it. ...__ HIGHEST COST OF A CABLEGRAM. Sixteen thousand dollars is the recâ€" ord price paid for a. cablegram. that price having been paid for a message sent by Mr. Henniker Heaton to Aus- tralia in relialf of the British parlia- ment. Renter‘s account of the murâ€" derer Deeming-‘s trial. 4,000 words, cost: $8,000. An 1,800-word disyatch from London to Argentina cost $7,500. The most expensive private message so far is that sent by the King of Italy to the duke of Abruzzi at Rio Ja‘neiro, inâ€" forming him of the deathi of his father. 5%; late Duke of Aosta, which cost $2,- SOCIAL FAUX PASS. Next time I‘m going out to Bever- ly’s ‘I’m. going to take a. campstool with me. \Vhat. for? “Last. time I went. I sat down on a little thing that turned out to he a tea table. STATE or Omo, C-rr or Toumo, Lucas Cocnrv, i... FRANK J. ( u: HEY makes oath that he is the Full Weight Is Guaranteed In Every Packet ofâ€"â€" MONSOON lnolo Ceylon Tea. 25, 30, 40. 50 and 60 cents per pound, Black and Mixed. Ali Grocers. “‘tWE‘ WANT V8 is IlIllIlK." Intnlliznnt Eadie: and cowl-3m .. win ho mp. plied with K" ,llP“l mid V"'I'Y 'z’l'lUI-‘I'I‘AII .IC employment, Inluvlry I' then <“Ililtl NICO- Egs‘ARv m qu'lll‘r‘. G'lOIl ltiCHrINICIiA TIOV’ (‘an give he address oft wrmenlative whohasitwi' cleirezl sill in :31 I) \YS 35 can be made right A'I‘ r01" owl] II IVIIC. J. L. NII‘HOIA‘ 3L t‘t)., 33 Richmond West, ’i‘oronpo. Best watch on earth, SI 25; our celebrated 20th century watch; AHIPI’ICHD mow-menu; warranted five years, Equal as film-keeper to any $2500 watch. nickel muse, shin Wlnll, pendant set, liner finuhed dial sunk lecniivl hand; recrived highest gold ,medil words at Amnmmn and Fumpeu. luternutionul Iiiposihm; pnented the ‘ world over; just. a wutrh which sells anvr . win-ml iv 84 to 35; ugentsinake big money ‘wy selling it: one agent- sold ‘22 in a Ring.) day. Will fiend sample to any 1fltidrcss on , rect-ipt of price: 6 for $7, 12 for 812, 6 or I more sent. 0. O. D. if 31 is sent thh order; ‘ for $2 I will send watch And handsome ~ rolled plate chain warranted to wear flvo yaara. and all money Will he returned if you are not anti-find with your burg-in. Fred M. Manon, box HS, Medium square, New York city. bun Fraulein ’’’’’ LOAN & SAVINGS caumv Subsorlbed Oapltal. . . . . . .. . . . . £5,900.00!) PaId-up flapltal . . . . . . . 2.600.000 Assets . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000,000 HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO STE, TORONTO. Branch Officer» WnNH'Eo, ISIAN., AND VANcoum Ii. C. â€"â€"â€"~l The ample resources of this Company enable Its llirecto a to make advances on Real Es cats, without. delay. at low rates of interest. and on the moat, favorable terms of repayment Loans granted on lvvvprove't FHI‘DH and on Productive Towu and (thy I‘ropcriieq, More. pages and Mnnlc‘pal Debentures Purâ€" chained. Applications will be received at the offices of the Company. J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto 75 H.P, Tubular oiler IIEII‘ER 2.333..“ Sturtevant Fan Slightly Used, All Very Cheap for Cash. Wilson Publishing unlimited 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Canada. .â€"â€"â€"-.._._. __ __ ,_.,,_ . . FOB. rwnurr-snquâ€"rmns. DUNN? BAKIN POWDER THECDOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST sets In CANADA. senior partner or the firm of F. J. CHENEY 8: 00., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesu'll. and that. said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case or CATA'RE that cannot. be cured by the use or BALL's CATARRH Cum. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in to presence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 1883. { A A. w. GLEASON. Kootenay’s New Ingredient. SEAL v Notary Public. Old Chronic isease KOOTENAY WILL DRIVE IT OUT ’ Toronto Cutting achool. YOUNG MEN. Learn or profession. Wr r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CEY LON TEA Lead paokugoa 15. 40, 60 8: 000. Lcadlnz grocer. w nu try It. Then you will (bank as. This little Motor is complete wi‘ii battery and chemicals. It is d boy's delight. ," I. Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 This. Miniature Electric R..ilroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. 4 $1 on COMPLETE. THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO.,Limltea. 42 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. I ”’§R6DUCER' 803:7, cLGSC ! a LADIES ‘ U PLIANT ems: murmur. SILKEN anssrs, The following ladies have kind- ly permitted us to refer to them. They have used 11m- berine, they know its worth, and they recommend it high- Iy :â€" Miss Jennie Tibbs, Nelson St., London. Mrs. Manson, Young St., Han ilton. Miss Patterson, Hess St. N., Hamilton. Mrs. Alfred Jordan, Hill St., London. Miss I. V. Ryckman, Hughson St. 5., Hamilton. Miss Eva Dickenson, Are the pride and glory of leelywoman. Amberine cleanses the scalp,removes dandruff, itchiness, harsh. ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beauti- ‘ ful as in youth. Young St., Hamilton. GROWS A EW‘CROP OF HAIR. SWOBN ELVIDEIIOE = DOMINION OF CANADA. IN THE MATTER of the “A b ‘ H ' " Province of Ontario, manu‘acturedb M m "me n” Praline", Couiilty of lilddleanx. To Wit Iingio-i street. ongghfsb‘ii‘iizg:°k and company' 58 W“. [gépecetgil-‘y: mos Plastow, of the City of London. in the County of Mlddlesex. Water Warkl Do solemnly declare that I have Used the “Amber-Ina Hair Producer,“ manufactured by .., Messrs. Job Cook and Company of No 58 Wellin ton Street in the CL f since the 15th day of April. [897. II. he: stopped the itching of the toil: Igotgp 0: Signli‘m from falling out. removed the dindru‘i and h'li! bI‘OI hr. 0 l hezddwlnli elli‘tlriilly balld bf’flél'd ll commenced using thei‘i prcélgrztignfik crop or ha I Where m, n me. e is no omn ec amnion conscientiously bel evinz it to be true and knowin that. it Is of the nine force and effect; as 'f' “ g £fldencgfich 1893.“ i made under oath and by virtue of The Canada eolare oforc me at the City London In the Count of Mlddleae h‘ 11th day of Omaha. ALI). 1897, all which I certify uhder my notaifikltatsal E. T. Emmy, a Nam, y pump, in and for the “whims of Ontario. } H. A. Pnanow. l â€" HAVE YOU â€" A PIG WITH TWO TAILS? â€"- Ir So, WRITE â€"â€" W. G. HARRI , "m" MEROhANT,- William St, TORONTO, Ont. EOE CURE.‘ to Put. No better trad. ite for particular-I. 113 Vonggb I‘oronton If There in Any Lurking in Your System, The way that Kootenay takes hold of old chronic cases of Rheumatism, and rids the system of the lurking poison upon which the disease exists, the eudorsation by well-known clergymen. physicians and hospital executives of its cures, leads past all doubt as to its power to cure this disease. _ The New Ingredient, that works so marvel- lously in searching out stubborn and chronic rheumatism, is just as efl’ectual with most any other chronic disease. Hopeless cases of Bright‘s Disease yield to its influence, Eczema, in extreme forms Where eruptions have existed from head to and substitutes alleged to be "just as fl hoods” ' ______.â€"â€"â€"â€"- CROWDING THE MOURNERS. Mr. Konseetâ€"Don’t you think husâ€" bands are terribly aggravating at times? Mrs. Konseetâ€"Oh, very; especially when they ask whom you think you would have married if you hadn’t mar- ried them. Hall’s Catu'rh Cure is taken internallv. and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface. of the system. Sand for testimonials free. F. .I. CHENEY as 00., Toledo, 0. Sold 1:: Druggists, 75c. Hull's on:in Pills are the belt). MEANS FOR PUNISHMENT. Willieâ€"That Bobby Brown is a reck- less teller. Tommyâ€"What’s he done? Willieâ€"Gave his mother a pair of Makes Startling His THEORY. 0 First Footpadâ€"This is a. dandy watch: of mine. Did yer notice me mony- gram ? 'Second Footpadâ€"Yes. Did you an’ the teller that used to ownfi the watch have the same initials? “A Man's a Man for a’ That." Even if he has corns on both feet. But he is a. stronger. happier and wiser man if he uses Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor and gets rid of the unsightâ€" ly corms, painlessly and at once. NOT WHAT HE SEEMED TO BE. My poor man, I have nothing for you. slippers for Christmas. " w 90' Guns. Mills, Mills & Hales Barristers, elc.,removod to \Vesley mags, Rich niond St. W.. Toronto. Aidâ€"cs, Poultry. Ensure. The Dawson Oommlsalon 00.,l'm'm nor. of West Market and colbornp an, - TORONTO, Bright’s and Kidney Disease. liIlLIJ IIIIIIiSFIiEEI We will give one half-round Ring, 18k Rolled Gold plate unvar- ranted, to any one who wlll soil 1 doz. Indestructible Lam \Vlcka ainougfrlcnds LWi-Ite ‘\. (need notrlmmlng) loot arcain its records of cures. Pale, haggard and emaciated people, whose frames are all angles and curves,unrefreshed by sleep,iroubled by indigestion and nervousness, round up in health through the use of Kootenay Cure. North, in the City of Hamilton, do solemnly de- clare that I have been afflicted with rheumatism for seven the hospitals both in Hamilton and Toronto. Was discharged from the Hamilton hospital after eleven months' treatment, and on the 15th of January last I was told that they could do nothing for me. When leaving there I was scarcely able to walk. I tried a. number of so-called cures; had my feet covered with fly plasters under directions of a. physician, but; got gradually worse. 0n the 13th I, WM. H. War, residing at: 47 Hughson Street years, and at different times confined to . \th don’t youâ€"â€" usaud wewillniailyolitherckm. Ymisellthvm d ' ‘ - ' ‘ ‘ V V I v H d d ' l / l m n V ) H UR, " ay of this month, alto) taking two and one-half P901 _ \m‘“ filmy! l .‘he .1; glotk dfollalbt :0 Elixi“ciliah‘ic‘ii§’° ‘35‘335‘7’3, Orgiiwi'liiimli. Ciiiih. bottles of Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure, I threw away fifiihdéig infiljlgmiglltforrggl si: _A_____'______________ my stick which I had been compelled to use for ‘ .t , . y I ‘ _ h I #THE Y . I support, and am now a. healthy man, free from all t81- Are )0“ the “WI legged httle , anous pain, after seven years’ suffering. On TUeSdaylnst I was on my feet for eighteen hours steadily with- out any bad results. I am now able to attend to my work regularly, which frequently necessitates my hands being in water for hours. I consider “'h‘i‘l‘er'sal'l’” She mama“ Most widely Attended in America. For i | l Illustrated Catalogue (80th year), ADDRESSâ€" | l ROBINSON & JOHNSON, F.C.Aa, THAT NEEDS AN EXPLANA'I‘ION. - ONT. BELLEVILLE. - - Trivvetâ€"I believe in giving the devill| -__,4,,, #__i_y_ . Kootmn the m . . . . fl“ â€" ost wonderf il bl 0d medicme and _ h1§)i:.:u:_;lgut Why do You make him al I ‘ ‘DR.‘GOODE'S Sciafilfia, Rheumatic Cure ever knowii. 0Will. H. WHY. 31' cured preferred cre'litoi‘? ‘ lllls Inflammatory Declared before Notary J. W. Nesbit. f __ l A Specific for Female Complaints, July 17'1896- a ‘ M i ‘ . _ . “'ELL SUPPLIED. :iiec:Siliixlii’ilgs‘géifiwlizi§iitlziig§gigltlige1:330;er If not obtainable of your dealer, will be forwarded, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $ per battle. by addressing S. S. RYOKWJAM MEDIFINÂ¥Z "-0.. Limited, Hamilton. Send for Chart Book free. restore natural and healthy action of the OV‘JJITLH vea- wzs. For young and developmg womanhood they excel any remedy which can be used. They are compounded solely from the active pi'inclplesof vegetable substances, Touristâ€"Are there any distinguish- ed citizens here? Residentâ€"â€"1)istinguishezl ? Stranger, and are perfectly safe and reliable. Ask your druggish wave got, the two “Hump-10D checker i Iozéllilimihzgld fiofrhe does not keep theinln stock he can , . on. Price $1.00 per Bottle, or 6 for players of Beeswax County right here . £5.00. \Vholemle Xflt‘lltsi The Toronto Pharmaoal 00.. lelted, Toronto. in this town.’ i

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