Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jan 1898, p. 8

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Newmarkeg. Aurorm King... .. RICHMOND HILL 'l‘hornhill TORONTO Union .. I'hornhill.” RICHMOND HIL King ..... uroro... ewmarket . TORONTO Union. Connects with all trains, leaving the Palmer fiouse Richmond Hill‘ as follows : Main 6.: Express,l\orth & South. ExpreSS North and Mail South” Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MOBNLNG :â€"Going North. soulh East and ' West, including Thomhill, Maple,’1‘oronto Markbsmflc. 8.30 EVENING :â€"Going.south East and West (as 5 30 above) N.B.-â€"RegisteredLetters mustbe handed in 3 east Fxfteen Minutes om-liex' than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Cars leavevc. P.R‘ Crossing at 7.20 am 2.40 p.m., 5.40 p.11]. Cars leave Richmond Bid at 8.30 an 4 p.m., 7 p.11). PRUCTURKâ€"STAGE LINE. Of Everybmiy come ‘ in and heax the GRAMQPHGKE. Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, A Talking Machine that Talks. GORE, ()F GALT. METROPOLlâ€"Tâ€"Aâ€"Nâ€"Tâ€"IME TABLE WI A. Sandersa I HAVE IT; TO HIRE FOR PRIV- ATE, PARLOR AND PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS. 1:. made from the 1895 crop OfWtht by an unâ€" pruveu process of mxlling, whereby we save for the bread-outer all the natural and original qualities of the wheat. In win produce a lighbv enbr must and richer flavored bread, which mu keep umisclonger than any othur flour on the. market. By improvemeutfi in milling metuuds. which we have recently adopted, we Wq an: E ruse 3:0 was!" Fifiaariaiqfifiéi (3 Ulk Russia @3559 Hm}! ~ 'l‘ry'iz. 'It'is supenor bread POST OFFICE NOTICE Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: Turoutb, Canadaâ€"the coming pay for the farmers'nf York 00 Business Solicitcd. Hi1 Between Toronto and Richmo DRUGGIST, Riclnnond 11 ill 15: YORK MUTUAL, OF TORON ’1'0, CANADA. AU1%@K?LA H USE SANDERSON’S 1‘1 AI’LE . BAKING PO‘VDER «utter all the natural Jf the wheat. In win 1m n'nud richer flavored moist longer than any m set. By improvements which we have recently aucd the cost of umuut allied to oil-2r n highâ€"cm: pay for much Interior s: It. is eroudmy to use it new! pruducmg qualinie enter all >f the whe r and ric nuisclong at. By which we uul the c CREE ‘irst-class Cash Mutual â€"â€"- ALSOâ€"â€" ........ 10405 ........ 10.15 GOIN Gr SOU TH ch:m Mesgrs )S., at 13 3AM TARTAR 10.05 PURE 9 02 9.15 9.31 using at 7.20 a..m.. 9.40 mm ‘eut fol W :5 I in Accom "Accom. Mail 3.10 64“ 315 65w ifac 2,01 425 0nd Bill UGHTON thqr flour ‘on 4 m milling _a.-lopteq, we u‘me l‘S' ill Richmm 1d E8011 LILLS‘ 11 mm com to its 618 650 658 710 755 cent. send names}, required. and two 413, Post 011109, Rh chase money to be paid no t at. the time of sale, the 133' ceptwn of $600 within thil Slx hundred dollars of the . be secured by a first murth be paid in cash. Further particulars and c he made known on the day pllcatiou to; . mnnlvnfi A. Her Gent. Kinney. Richmond Hill Toronto, 3rd January, 1898‘ There will be sold at the Palmer House, moud H111, on Tuesday, January 11th. 1598 Upright Plano Case Organ, Lem-Xy new. at one o'clock. Terms cusp. _ harue green Under and by virtue of the flower of sale c mined in a. mortgage which will be produced the tuna of sale, [here will be offered 101‘ sale public augtion, unlgss sooner redeemed, at; ‘. 1.1 .u. Ann thm“ A! Thursday, Feb’y 3rd, All and singular that ceimiu parcel or tract 1 land and premises situate lying and being in t1 Township of Whitclnn ch in the County of Y0) and Provmce of Ontario containing one hundre acres be the same more or less being cumpose of the west. half of lot number eighteen in M fifth concession of the aforesaid Township ( (In the p dwelling w 30 to. x 5 creek at; about se 28-4 of the was fifth cnnc White-hut MONDAY SKATEEG BEN Band in Attendance Evenings An eight roamed house. with three closets, good collar, and hard and soft water. House lutva remodelled. Apply to A. L. SKEELE, Z7-tf_ Richmond Hill. the comment to take adiamgrown Nursery and Many, specialti Chicago, 111 An‘t house THE Parties desiring to borrow money at. log! Der 7 Pa! cuts specjal not ?ARM PROPERTY Anyone sending a. sketch and descrifitinn may quickly ascertain our opinion fiee w ether an invention is probably patentable. Communica‘ Lions strictly confidentlnL _Handbook on Patgnts A handsomely ill culabion of any 5 AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON SKATING massing Emerécan 15011 Tickets maybe had from the caretaker, J. Brownlee. During» the skating s 7.30 to 10 o’clt VVill AGENTS: Bailiff's Sale Flood Wanted 31m: fldvcttistmmts. Admission 10( AIII{OI{A9 \VEDNESDAY WANTED. KE BROTHERS COMPANY, THE RICHMOND HILI BvJ.'1‘. Snigeon, Auctioneermn At 11 o'clock in the forenoon Al £9 $1.00 ner Year. LA NRENCE & m1 TO LET ‘rtunity to represent a well-establisl Jiliby mow important than experieu International Nurseries, . Montreal, Que. Rochester. N fl LIBERAL ntml Supt: Apply to WM. HARRISON, Harness L. Jun’v 0th, 189$. w’m open 0F VALUABLE {mild ast m evenings ( Egg ébghéf redeemed Hotel, in the town of V l ('5: In every district on take nrders for nigh-grade (lan- sel'y Stock and Seeds. Lartzest em in [he trurla. Fast selling :11) samples furnished free; cor- uv language. These positions sand territory should be seâ€" the season by all hustlers look- nu; ()ur salary or commission it anxune not earning $1000.00 communication with our near- rated Vim-My. Larges .ennflc journal. Terms . $1. 5 ml byull ncwsde; 33 : Broad-m, fipu; ‘1' Toruut‘ AND SATURDAY t of serviceable i5; BARKEYA Bailifi ORMISTON Children 5c. andboo‘ ‘ Begum. hum a S tr ‘nditions of sale will If sale or upon upâ€" 1t'91-s on the in the on Saturday Lax-zest cjr- 15011 from ‘oxjdnto, a holicitor of the when LL 0. receive 1898 me the Maker single elbher after pur Lh’e MEWS EXPRESS. THE LIBERAL and Globe I year, $4.50. Blondayq 1 HE Sun to â€"l HE Mail to Globe one year, $3.75. THE LIBERAL and Farm. mg 1 year, $51.75. THE LIBERAL. and The Ladies’ journal, 1 year,$1.50. All other city papers at equally low hues. Send your orders to '1 HE \Vorld At 'I'HE LIBERAI Evening Star, I RE PAIR SHOP. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of In a worknmnliko manner at, the old irrai n W. M A GE R RICHMOND HILL all fiEnh Grain Grinders LEW GABY. gfi‘flE’S MILL. Plow Points 1\Izmuf.-lctured. in Ground on Monday, VVednesday and Saturday. (Wider made on Tuesdays and Fridays. REPAERING Kept for sale at the following 113\_v pyiq's : HE LIBERAL T. F. MCMAHON, " The Liberal ” Office, Richmond Hill. TORONTO VVeduosday @33 flamed ‘ht; and Parcels delivered and iraby’s Express runs to “(Tammie &’§%Ait‘htifi. LIBERfi one .3 ear .IBERAL and Weekly 111. Ist, ’99, $1.25. JBERAL and Weekly an. Ist, ’99, $1.50. and lTl-id nagn Solicited. EERAL anc , $4 50.. and Dain $2.75. and Toronto Year, $2 00. and Evean 211‘, WAGG(' CO (:0 Dailx 1'10 fly . (l 5:22am Wm.w’édkmmm ” THE LEBERfiL ” OFFHGE Every Thursday, burnout: and Evening, the Round Trip Tickets, 25 obs. W ill run Excursi Toronto at 4 I cur Jeav EXCURSEON Blank: CHOPPING DAILY DR. H ESS‘ I Probably n MET WI 2%. Suit 0f Clothes From all imperfect- ions is what all well dressed men like. rice a. J. Ema. IOB TORONTO 1011 nmoncnt s 'i‘ailor. Ac 19w prices. lactlou guam Agent for Cars 1r L7 11.111. Returning lust 'orunto at 10 1). Lu. O. W. MOYES. Manager TOâ€" AT s?th th :taed. HE NR filill DONE AT PRINTEN 1d Hi1] t 24(I' AND 111 Emma ancial Head Ofiice, 86 King St. E” TORON‘LO. Robert McClain Deposits received and interest allowed at cure: rates in the Savmgs Department. Special attent of all kmds 30-31 'I‘he undersig in Statinn. Bu l’ ichmom .‘TRACTIVE $§0ney to 3.40:“; . B. Gram havmg Map‘e. I am agai‘ customers on Postal notes pron H. JACKSON, L1 Corporation Capital Authorlzed, Unpinuj Subscribed 'cClain. Jim. Richardst Daniel Spry, Edward Cronyn George Dunstan, GeneraLManaqey B for 33% DIRECTORS ‘iven to th 1 other In K) H) H) 1‘0 gone one of the business a [repared to supply shortest notice. Jpnly attended Hm ENE 2,500,00‘ 1.7,4U0. 5:557 llection of sale )ultry 1‘1 Mill. Richmo: uud Gm M.P.P 14'!

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