Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jan 1898, p. 3

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“: 9 l . It. “'M a pail-91,1, night. The: silver mwnlighl. {lands-xi all the familiar hark scape, hauling it in mystic depths of unlalixcvmn‘nla l‘rightnrgfi and tinniliw “film: all lhings into a {airy-Jib: hmuiy. A beautiful nighl'wâ€"a. night of Mars and llwcy cloudlets, and soil awmt mints from a thousand pungent. lea ms and fragrant flamers distilled by the. fiilfin’t (Jews. Olive and Janet had gong upstairs (.0 their littla room. and. £10“! at, upon the. floor beside the low window looking out into the moowligbt. 0n surh a might sleep was (Bill: of Hm questieu for an hour at. least. andm may sat, slowly u‘mfastening their hair and gradually preparing for bed. A murmur of familiar valor»; Ga. Um little porch below soundsd in their ears and hushed them to silence. They [sailed together on the window/«sill and Matemd. The sisters knew the voices wall~the dear voices of father and mother. They had some out into Lha porch before going to bed. and were sitting on the old time~worn bench there looking at the calm, clear night. Thesisters muldimagi‘ne just. how they were sitting, though they could. not m them, the dear old mother with her Wrinklad hand on hair husband's ham andhis broadlomely hand can wing it. they had seen than}. $0 often. "Derby and Juan,” Janet called them Mincly. "Mother." they could hear the old mam say, and them was a. little tremâ€" ble in his voice, “it’s most fifty years fins» we were marriedmdo you mind! Next weak a. 'Wednesday’ll make it titty 3331's, Mlebby we'd oughter have a said-so, wedding to kind 0' celebrate wâ€"whu‘. tbiukumofher?” ""i‘fimuid be nice. father.“ they could that list amwer, “but I guess we hadn’t better think of it; ‘izwould ‘ba u: awful sight 0’ botlwr. 2111' what with Olive benchin’ R~B' Janet to do all the work with whey tlittle I could help, ’twmld mil-k6 it pretty hard. Guws W8 hadn‘t better. flatber." There was 3. Hum silence and tlwu this old man spoke min: "Hammer," said. be, "we didn't never ham 1. Weddim‘ journey nor a honey- moon. Almost Bean's if we ought to have 'em now. You know how ’twaisw We was poor an" could-x": even afford to’g‘o out to Umrbe Evan's for a little trap. but: settled right Jews; to houseâ€" kaegin" an' hnri work at: once. withauh a int 0' play spell. In all these years we ain‘t. been nowhere to speak of. Evan's if ’vauld be nice to go ’wuy sommvimm now on our wedding jqur» maywscem's if 'twonld make us feel young 'gaisi somehow." " "I‘would be rains, farther." they could bar the gentle voice murmur. “but 3 we. hadn't better think of it. Mob. y Um childma Wald think "times kind of "Mbe they would, mother." the old mar: answered quietly, and then were up.» alliance. After a. little: they wen: into this hem and the girls but rd than) look this daur and wind the. clock. and war).- wll Wu still. Sx'rmething glisten- ad. in. Olivs'a great. dark eyes. and the moonlight: washed. to crystal ulearnass swdmp upon Janet’r. fair cheek. The ogirls crept into End and lay tall:~ g in low voirea {or :3. long time lactate 3; went to aleep. For this next. few days were were tiny pmparationa in (3116 old farm mac. Mysterious doing}: wera going an all over the house. Mother was his}:le off somewhere every day to visit‘aome friend. or neighbor in the vicinity, who gladly welcommi the. dear {punt soul and i351" parpotual knitting Work. Father arid “the boys," stalwart men «almth Qtyâ€"{Iva and thirty. were: busyin field and (mallard doing up me [all work. 32mm worked axivziy happily all day. and Wham. at four ti’clock Olive name“ home from the 1mm rad-paintâ€" azl district schoolhouse, she damned a. big apmu. put. on liver thiml‘wie and Walt maulutoly to work in her awn room; uwtairs. Evidenily something was it; the. air. . W'minesday worming- dawned bright] in the hall partial. “Vial. mother saw 1H she emerml her (lziiigiliier’s rmimxi'aa .3. Mining. .«ilvery nix-<5 of swimming! lying rm. Hm neat. whit?- lwzl, a soft and ~-i1l§y pila of matwixl wlzivh gradually avail; farm :iml Alwyn) until she mw :i. .u-aulil'ul gnaw n. Wlmw, «lalimsw lure»; in rm k um skews munlrinwl With Hm .«ufr. gm}- liwt. made it. 100k ’ni'itlelike iiiâ€" (lewd. “Dix, girls!" was all film mmlii my, as J21 mat put. lwr into n. «simir and kegrm lu Luke (lGW’fl; hm” lillls coil of wliiln mul‘. "Dmasing the. bride." tx‘vupiwl, {wrâ€" x‘wum, an. hour. unzl when at lmsl (lw Mimi. was anmiimmrl complerm, Hm filliaéi blue eyes; lmi‘iinzi l.le goldâ€"bowed gtmsm saw in the large oldâ€"fashime mirrhr a sweet. zim’l dainty piwluramu :nmulilubiafim old lady will: (lalivahx lieiiulruim nestling among the lrimzs at flgr throat, and. a tiny spray in her hair. A faint, pink fillfil) of evilfimant had rum tn the witheer weeks. which made Hie old film amt/eel, histm‘y uf what it haul bean in im yimthfulprime. liva and Jami kissad her triumphâ€" anvtly. "Mother, you don’t. malize how aweal, and young you leak! you have worn ble so 103g!" anvl, "Oh. mother. we‘re going to have awedding in this house to-day. and you are to he the bridal" "fifty years ago today,” the old bride softly murmured. looking down at the thin circles of gold that she haul warn. 5010113, and in bar heart 3. sudâ€" den. longing 39mm; up. newly kindled. a quirk and stumg desire for him Wlw had lmn her husband All these years. Sh» looked wmtfully toward the rigor and look a faltering step tewanis it. but just then it opensd. and John and David entered waning between them proudly the hero of the day aliired in a. fine new suit. of broadclnih, will) a festive little my in. his buitunhole and a. {we beaming with renewed youth and glatlnesa. The children were forgotten in the quirk imyuifiive embrare that milowed. and the lung kiss of love and 1201102“ and. fidelity that had crowned that. 12.:fo t-antury of wedded life. That was a day never to be {M‘ng ban in all the 00:312er round. Ever)“ body was them. Not only (be old who had grown old with the happy bride and groom. but this middleaged and Ktmnig. A great table had been spraml amt. of doors undar the drooping elm that had been slander tree-lei»; on that wedding day fifty years ago. The; minismr who had married them was long aims doml, but his son, B mill- tile-aged dominia, had been premixed for the occasion and performed the mariagre minivan-x will: dignily. Oliva and John «filed as bridesmaid and gmmsman. lacking very happy at this mmpiete success of their innocent wnspincy. Congratulatiom ans. gm were many. The bridegrocvm merd Soari'l‘ljf to need the supp it of hi3 handsomaly en» gram geldwhzmdad came. lie felt so wrung. despite his sevantyâ€"lwo years. and stepped blithely and briskly aluqu among his guwts with his slim lilile Wife upon his arm, smiling and happy. When um dinner was at. last over. Duid pmsaed amnetbimg into his laâ€" ther’a hamwtwo liokets {or the west era city in which his married son lived. “Your trunk is packsd and Heady and the train beam; at; {our o'elm‘k. father," ha said with characteristic straightforw weirdness. "All you’vn get to do mw is is sz6 Your Wedding journey and etiij a six- Week's hamsymoon at; Sam’s." Th6 other Children; gathered areuna’ and. laughed gleefully in, this bewildb smé. joy of the newly-wedded pair. “lt‘a what I'm wanted. to do ever slime Sam want West..." the old. man .s‘ald quaveringly. and the tears stood in his was. The mother only turned umdleaned herhead upon (ha shoulder of her tall Olivwanfi Olive l:in her. There Were misty ayss all roumi and fimi‘ling faces as the: earrings drove offll amid 8. WW shower of rice and am : viii shoe thrown by some one for gmd luck. Ami as the guests dispersed ab Ler gsxumimng be) their curiosity‘s (50n- bemt the army of aul'miiiuiial gifts. the young folks at we farm housemngrm mum! themselves Mid elm-l1 other upon the wamderlul ant-case; of their scheme. Ami as tlm tniin sped westward over the shining mils, the» littla old bride fifth in quitst hnypinms at. her husband's aide «mi looked at. the flying ltmrb There was ti mama: peazx: on the (198 r. wrinkled face, and a light; at newâ€" ar. deeper tenderness in Hie lilue eyes behind the glusms. 3 THE FARMERS GARDEN, \Vlm alumld. wEm-lv have .1 can: my 1:?»n, 51‘, ml. the farmer and his lunsily. mil yen, £1. {5 inc il'tl'- Luéll. un Lei hm. inumy farm‘s. my»! a. wrilar, lili‘l'l‘ w fimrmzly u mewms- 0f nnw l Miiwwsvi i llzeert- um hm Wlm ‘20 an {ill in 1. NW, i ‘. (wells. such as lflillh'v. humus. ('lll’liili“ ilwt‘fi and Win], in)! (Jena {new 1w ismlly nogleuiei and :1 <11»; 01' \‘.5“"il5: {is 3.3201” {he only ri‘rulf 'l‘lu-rs- is no c-xvuso for 11125;, for n s‘vr", aimll is: 4‘0. ml. ground will gunnlucn aimigh m” all ‘gflrdrn liPlif‘al'iBS In \w-li Mipr (m0. family. in Manhng u garden nu lim. Strip should he swim-LN and pvt-ml lung admit of horse cullivation. Elohim Hilâ€"i tivatora van be arranged in a uwmenln to cultivata wide or narrow obtained from. a. very $913.3 lmy m’ rowE of lettuce. on ground tlsm‘.x-i;,.lv will“ filled. Indeed, this applw.» ‘ . . --s'y-‘ thing nut in tin? garslnn. “e “ill My; 9068 His garden mrip in he eight (0-1!in Ring. 0212* raw in beam will supply unyi ordinary family, but unmlmlf elmulxl be! sewn early for summer use and :lie! other later {or “tater. limits and turd mm for winter aw. mm muvh halter? if not 8mm until the grmmd is Him“? «Highly “arm. ’l’hrn they grow quirlcly . and will he. army and free from “Timely ‘ fiber. A row of blark and unions :url a row of $333,"! should. be sawn an early HS Lila cmvlilion of the wit ulli wrmilt. and ollmrs nuw’n at Hilarle in nxlnnrl the season. if varmts or iarsziim 2116 dwired a row or part of mm fif mle will he sullirimt, ‘l‘amamm and rib" numb-eta require swmm and no usually; Slant in hill-4,. giving room: in gm all around llzem. A row or two of svs 43m vurn, {ilanlad early. “ml at; many more a “it!!! liner. mil furth llw Mule during most of this mama. and iii-Juli farmers will have mum Named in tlml field that can be used until from mmeéil Clue or two rows of bums will furnish; a supply 01 picklesu. Mu, and gu far; tmmrda furnishing slwllwl twins fm‘ “in!” use. Swill thing as alrawlmrw I‘ll"? fit ruxsplnerries are far Ufa rare in the farmer's garden. but this ahnuld 1101 be. A few giants of blank} “his will won furnish tips so We limoâ€"é l‘K‘I' mu be increased to any diifilrfi'll amman and with guud mm they "Will? llrl‘wida plenty of berries altar alruwl lierries are gone. Many seam tollimk strawberries can only b3 sucmaflully grim“ by am expert gardener. Pb" lam ix tligy may he hurl in any garden as e445in as 1110*“. of the cum~ mun vegelahles. Our system 0i cul» ture may not be Scientific, but it til“:â€" (:e’edB in' giving any amount of hernen. so we lime them on the ‘Jlllfi *lzree times a day [or about three waeks. Ars‘ 300“ in Swing as. new runners gel, W811i mused we set out three new rawa. in; i318 firs! Mace, liia plane intendad tori “b” M" iiian ia 1.12Mngth manurod' " m r ix‘v'lhrutl‘md mmura, and evv (“I {mi “598 ii: is: gone over with the 'hmsa culiivator. This serveS tu thor- ‘mghly incur-petal». the manum with; me Boil, m-‘ikea it fiaa and mellow, anll W812? time it. is guns: over numberlessx Wand seeds sign-0M. and am killed by :lm next cultivation so that at plant» mg him it is commrativsly free from “Beads. The plants are carefully taken up. a (suitable hole maria lo receive lvhfithlien there is M hand a pail n! mixture of half COW manure and half 500,- atirwd to a thin; {39.06. Th»: roots mi each plant are dipped in this méx~ hire and immediately set in thn ground and the soil well firmed around it. This cmliug On this rants furnishes a Gf'rtain amount of moisture and of ferâ€" tilizer which the. plant needs 3% 1mm in start the new growlh. in a few days We sun-L the cultivator between Ilia. rows and lamp them alwiiluwly lrl’f‘ from weeds (he firsl sensual Treated thus they will ha mimwirmively {me from weeds Llle following salmon. ll“ “HOWM 10' farm fl’il‘i!‘ rows liul little can he dune the set'on-i year bui 1M” “3.? Weeds that umy Marl hy hand. i should have Sui-Ti we plant the fOVVH l‘nur r y l y 1390135 noticed how 30vat~like warelfml 31m“ MN St" Wan” Wm“ 9383’“ Old lady by his sick. and some even wondered if this were not pnsailzly the happy ending of lame ’Iifa~lnng m- mgnre. But. no one heard him ms the “fidegnmm leaned and said. in a luw As 30437) as the ground is frozen hard, the row» should he r-ovm'eil “with sumv roams manure. l likn beat to take dry fur- P-Sl léflvmi and bed the horses with than. (lien {aim them will) Hie hora!» manure and “wet the rows will. When i 4511' i) ii)» . . s'i‘lmw shmzlcl La [10‘ mnrr‘ Win. farm “litre land m l'lvfl‘N» 8“ ""l’-’“3’.g..- b and clear. with that indwribuhle crisp." “mi” "It’s been 5' ‘mmd 'my‘ H‘mmlh mass and sparkle, in the air that. masz “'4‘ day full 0‘ all‘kin-la o‘ Illf'u Hurâ€" lb? 11151111“ Shirl in wring rake. tlm warn than :30 ‘ry RH iveli Tim Iimcmnf. mum lint-1201i i-ll'uj’i‘ly mu 1m: lwcl“ My ax to «lizrzilié‘, ou- \R'lmrls rim win ‘ tszrs. are mama) d'lll: lne furl»: mum; 3r xnnw'a emf NM! l“; 'n (lei-1.; m’ u; in ; Mm; uni :iwrv rt-mix ilum “uni/l i .1". mmy «will; cumlmmz. i" i i l "‘l «‘ WWI ynr Mi. 1i.“ Him). 'l'lw :u(7_».‘.n,4 lumw flu...» xix-evil {Elli llt‘ lawn. and Iriilv'rnl 52.1mm um he 'lai'm‘ .1.» llll‘ he'll-T ul' iln‘ {D‘Alr m zsulrl ‘ “girls in v.‘\"'rll\rllli/9)li it {it’ll ills! :7 in giu- tlw l< .. l» 4m; 35» [Elusiv- lt'lt‘P {MM nu usury). 'l'h'»; rmnn Em: ‘filyHJLi llQ‘ rum: ir-lvi}; [usriiliuni-ai vl‘l‘ l.<> .il. .f at m4 1'. i my will». wf llw 12mm 13; liglii. nrx. i'iu'. in 3M5 rnnvm’ llmn llm‘f‘HM’Jf? to give. building, 'mi hill/l“ lhuruu...‘ lim-msril‘y wm.‘ jmsll: m]! liglzi in :il‘nrc ll? fuwls in put in rcws suflimienily lar Illfizl"! (045»: m gut up on {hair run-mm, ‘h‘ltil'r this wry ummrl’mt. :uxll Will!!! “'0. rm} ‘ymi use bu: (mu. mom fur both day land night, wliirli uf mars-lily mus-r? his A “1’5"; largss. you lose {his gyms mlmulige lim'ful amount of dainty 1': fan may lav. of warm quarters at uiglil, and at Lilr‘ lime mom, needed. The munching; room or day lmusw. whit-h is far :l'm purpuw ml vnnfmimx xln» 13.xle in laid wmllu-J'. Should also .le .t gimrl liglzl mom. and not. a. shed With Hm soul}! Milli: (men, as we V917 l<sf~rvn rmui of; mar}; gm one is lmllvr than lime, mil it. «lon‘iu'l. my in 190% um! Sula open, when wa ham gnna (hill {-tx‘ Will; it‘. ‘l‘lm mull: aide Sl’lfl’lll‘i lw‘ 'W"ll Pimplizui with aria-m. an! if RNTU‘ 3” Effik'ifi «0 lltllt‘ll the hmwr This; r'm’l «‘Slmllld Mung,“ lm furnisiml with atraw sew-ml Iuvh . Amp. so thal wiwn mum is W‘Ltl?rall in; it. the lawn; will 1»? kept bunny summing for it. which Swim them waxt’rrim‘. necessary for ngg . (H‘m’rue-l inn. l‘llfl'l‘l§{!T[()T\' FROM ul'RDHNG. “(l llwm is; little danger from Hmir “95m? fiflrdlm’i by Inll‘e er mhhitsif lln- lgr‘ulnli is {rm from unacls or traul» of my 5mm. Hm aruund ma wlges M “W "Wham. £1133 .v whim“, tlmru in ofâ€" .MP danger of Lhe 50-515 vowing in {firm Hm gumm,‘ and an”); lhpér “4er. 7114‘ grwfest damagr‘ is likely; in W‘- "UF 5!! “Tr‘harrh (hm slim! in wall 01' in “mac mm woodland. OM H‘qu Sfiltlfim fir» 21.1;{z‘koxL hut young 'mP‘, should Iiil\fl)‘-i receive same izrmflviinn Wher nothing bu? mire are im’imd llw simples? and easiest prali‘l‘tiufl is a bank of part): héfilfifll up around lhi‘ has! (bf H13? in“; to Hm height- uf 3 fum. if this has heen neglevted a solid lmmping of the snow armml‘l m“ iruuks will turn the. mire away. Mez'lianitw means (If prmecrion arr- tlm surest when: there is tmublv from rabbits, ssvoedchupm, sheep my hogs Wire (‘iOtiL such as is used for ilnor amid Mndi screams, is chomp. eli‘emiw anl ElUiCkly applied. Cut in strips eighteen “when long and: six “imamâ€"longer if tn llruteiri against. sheep and hogsâ€"an? Wind :1 around Lilli! (rm, letting it a.» lend into the earth an inch or mu. \fl’llt‘h will alsn k061i mm the. borers. like. il. Mussel; with a (yawn mring. and ti‘ will last. {or two or three years. .‘i few 11th {fled aruun~l the Ln-e will anâ€" SWBI‘ the purpos». or a band ol’ .llt‘a'ljf my)”, iarrad wipe;- preferred. “Rushes have no allvnmaga aver the macbanlcal daviras mentioned exv‘fil‘l that they are mom quickly put on. Tim; are not generally as laating and Hum)» are more or lean harmful. Fresh blood is as harmless as anything. {mi quite affective. Axle grease has been rflfiommendmi, also wool. a common flour pmle and asafuetida :3. mixture of three galleria of limawasii, one pint of sulphur. and a gmund of copperas and dozen? of ollmr things. Field mice have hem) wry minimum! this fall. and l have new-r seen 50 many ram aruumi lhe fields. \leilu they ii iii mic-l1 many where will more. esvwv. land unless the 5's":qu trees are xxromvtnd. there will! be many broken rmm in we Orchard. liefnre anolixer year l'blid’ ruuusl. Wm FIRST ORGAN GRINDER. _..... Hr th‘nmr Innuean “‘m‘lihy and l’m-~ «hum-d zl “mu. “When barn-l organs uni-e the usual :u-wmpanimemi of tlm magic lantern. came into use. a. name of. the Province of 'l'emlc was one ni llw first who travâ€" vlml nlwul Ruer will: this iristrunr (mi. in his gpero-grismliona he» mllm‘led WNW: fruit H‘me are kiwi. cullivulw (Ember a. royal mnirth. , , . . mung-1m vd '~..-i- min: Olive had tasked the trustee for the. re“ Mt“ r than to km” Limit Line; “H. Hubs in; ‘03.! agrilumrmighoiildmhjx 11:9,“; day and he had gnawed it. willingly;l Janet'looking liim an apple lilssmm inl bier pink milieu» guwn uxui snowy whim apron. flitting about rim hnum on {light foot. steaming to his m‘erywlteie at 0mm. JC’llfL Mid navid Wow $511351]an iwcb l blmir Sunday Mimics :inrl pol’mlsingi their books to film var} liiglwst possiblel shims. I "the old folks lumkad on \vifilfully, hut; silently, wondering whnl all file cumâ€"i mating was about. Out. in the womiwlied faiher mnfided‘ to muthar this grieve of news: “Guessi the vizildmn n‘mat. he guin‘ over to Milâ€"I lm‘villi' to ill: t‘uunly lair, lut; il’ slossa’ prim‘l. but filmy :t-lu'l. nmhing make: in" we ain‘t. in!) old fur the childmn.“ And, line bride made wit reapomm "That's so. futimr." Then. there was 21- lung Mid llifiifiit‘l‘i Milan.» am they journeygd (m (ogamerllmiler the garland your. A man bed or “in that mew world. which ix the Millirml'“ mum he l’u’l "lit Every .VPMV l llla world for 1mm. , W.. W...“ KlNG AND HAYMAKRR. tlrorge ill. was une day visiting u small (our: in ills» south of England. and being; auxiuus in set) somathing of um. country. “Mk .1 “mm”, “ka “WINTER QUARTEle you P()ijI/lxflYllc;lllSC than m lw remale fillouid imp, was...“ Mr Om friend. i-lw mum to a liuyfield in whivb lherel mulch lienan Hie rnws (us-(l the fruit, money tmonig‘u to nimble him i0 pur- .. 7':th wmwzmafiwmzmmmmm i REEVES: W {hm Hun} “1"”!5‘!“ flaw Wi‘. Tun Sou or 91w 1’ l'Iilrfigmm Sl‘l"l?il>l~i lama rwvonlly if»)?! \fl’lgf';l1'Â¥ll in a x.:iv;'ii~w~inn l‘f‘::;lrd-» in“' the [llr’illnrlm by 2'. hi. h {be .»vzir~::iiu{i Ml (win is P<Ifl\"‘\“‘!~ii ti) lll‘? iq‘fiin 901136: A" (3mm llfl‘h". Mill Hill ibpm 'lI‘P liwfi \‘Ka' of zu~1".'ags. one u? “inia'l; vzmvays willful ariwiiians :il'i‘i the» (film: Una At-curding lo this boy bumps; his head. 1;.xin:~l; {.lm gruuml in? rm‘r’ii’as moha- t‘l‘w-‘Munu m" Llwl 0mm- Una la merer 3 Sim RUNS"? (if ‘Lulll'ij, u’izilu like “that ra~ v'r’xrals film pain It mm blow. it; not hard. rinuzmh to hurl lllr Mt'onil ml ufnervea vln n01, Mi. "v nwit inn (.5 tnuch 24-21;. Wl‘wu ' “25% View is rrmxmitwl by M. sl‘lzillipe ’liswix‘ in an lifilt‘les in the liwwun ~Sx-i4‘antifiquv. Ho. holds that l‘lxert‘. is but mm Hal. of nervvs, but limb mere i3 21“pain r't-ntre" in the brain whirl) $54 afflicted wily 51y exces- sive mnsntinn. IL is Well known Hui a. bmmr when [in training, in: inatuuilslfi to pain from :i growvrl‘ui l330\’l’. M 'i'ivriu explainaliow he arrivvem at. this degree. of registanm as follows: ‘ f’l‘lm mer aurusmms liimsoylf‘ to re~ l nth progrefiaivs-ly mom and mom pan er‘ul blows. And at ills same tima. 1»! ll". must. liimswlf llhai lalriws. he hab- itualss his mm fiat in pain. He luixm viguinsl. bags, and little by Hills. :15 his fists hammer accustomed in soil Surfams, he strikes harder «mas. “1.7mm ht" I"‘:l.l‘-ll the degree of in- mnsihiliiy lvy mlumlirm of a Shel. of spacial rxvrvefi ml" min? Wis think not. “’3 rallmr imit‘l Him. he rmnbas it by 9. gimr'ews ni’ psyv’nir: eduralion. For E him 'min‘ should be only a ward. baa {muse lii< iminimr r’nnssists not so z much in the develmiment of his warming as in the 3llflp1‘053llin of pain. which‘ Would interfere with him and prevent 1 him from Siriking’ out #0 the best mt vanvtxigm. ; “Vow. mental training has milling llri :ln “ill: sgsmini nvrvaa of pain. {This mnslnry m‘or min canmst exist witlmul IL series" of mental acts haw it“; relation will: ilw divers», painful I N‘nfizltlous of .1 him»; of the fist." Bum A MAD COUJTHSS. Nut many Max‘s ago there lived in i Holstein, in the». nor-Ll:1 [and of Europa. a young girl of :iristwratic family,wb0. W‘nme an intimate friend of the prinâ€" maws of Datimzirk. 0m: (11‘ these prin igwes bemma Empress 0i Ruasia; an» 3 uklmr L‘s Um Prime.“ (if \Vales. i This court at Denmark baa. helm ra- tmarlmbln for its Simplicity and gleam- immrm. and, our friend. Lhe Count» logs Suhimmelmaun, was stimulated in i :1. nnlzle life by the lovely daughlem at {$213 Dung}; king. As She grew older ’ film (lat/armth when she would ('01110 3 int!) her inheritance in x‘iwnmcz‘nta her» {waif in tin: servi:~e (if the. needy. V; After having been maid uf honor w l lhe Emper Augusta of Garmmxy. elm raising her pmitiun anti went hack {:9 her own Baltic shares. 31.»: in all ma; axial. casualties. them on the Baltiotha fishermen were pant. Parhape; no oth’ er aim»; of man undergo greamr dun» gram and hardships for loss return than do the towers of the sen, 'l‘u that» fishm‘man of the cum unrthern shares ' llna couuteas determined to devote hat liie. Sim beggar: i0 [Jamil lhe stormy wast: flf tha Baltic im her yacht. and soon sin; came to krum ahnmet every Halter- inan‘s family for many miles along two nozwt. 21ml whenwar aha found them in 39941 oi food aha fed them. if salt or mats were wanting. aim aha supâ€" pliad. She. harried medirims where no dortor muld ever via-sit. She found- lad Sailor’s Homes and tampersnce lmlgms. and whenever a. brutal mm was the terrm‘ of his village or com- munity, aha [almm‘l with him in make him a. re~».pectable citizen. in. this way she Mleemed many a. will and saved many a. home frum dea- iiiuliwn and deralruvtinn. Never in all her exmriem‘es «if, court lilo had Hue: yv-tuig tounlesa Men 50 happy as Wile carrying rel-lei tn the 55ml: in batty or in soul in film Death of it gale at sea. But one day aha waa arrmted and illll'lifsd. (.0 a madhoufis. The Charm: brought; by he»: ralativevx was that she was using up bier privam fortune on 9001'. unlemrving wreh‘lmrz, uml lic~ When lmd him OM mafia atmnmnns to an Hub} wan im-llea apart in the. row. isurortd year. Uily geopla vim buy gab Eat flavor \villi those taken imn'u-xlizile~ ly frnm im- garden. 3 01mm- trmn the King ni Sardinia like ii'zm‘t‘JP-q 1“” "09ml dul’ws'. f ,“2.6 M Cumt of mm wuntry wk” «a Schunmalmmnn harm guilty a limp . ‘ Tr . I ... .‘ _. . _. 3.x. of! with a scythe £141.11] alny wwfiis “fit he WM Immafm. whwu mohamyk m ézgc):;§:2§3;illgg:raggnufzxilfit may raw gI‘OH’fl 1m m up. y ins a Mme of we“. he (m: not w" “bow .’ i r ‘ . A, .. I . lt’lUtl g'us‘neaus “With the r-i‘aniai'nder oi mm “as Imyns‘mlid-m in») angina! {at ibis mmwy llt‘I {mrt‘hwmd an {state suit “mm hm?” a“; it vi“; “ili‘gn‘my ’6' . r - K’ , ‘ “wail twat 81' I? en mix was a. m3~ labia to his rank. and nestled himsrll végityl giveuf’wdy for W" At last. the initial-plums discovered gall-1}!“ 11:1:eiixzti‘lfil11352‘33n ,f ha? i“ mug that the cmmtuss‘s estate was living ‘ I i. i '11! .L' .t'i‘ W. I -"‘l.' ': dean Hulls and wgolahlars but tlmy rim 1 . ‘ ,‘ ’ _ .: imamarmgml, .ln innashgiuim ’xms not immune in infirm...” and Lieu...“ lbfi flung Fm h“; mug“ 53mm“ “M m" mails. the wrvnlgetl woman “81}- " ‘ ' "’ ‘ ‘ Y E’FSEKU lavmil'fm {‘00P “WWW “1‘33?” l'll‘fill. dmlm‘s prunounwd lzer mile. and 3 mike presemwl till “my lm’Mdfiw‘l ‘0 ‘sll'c wax speedily rvswrml to her estate slillfiii zuul lie (wanted lry his Will liml “M f() (m. w“rm_ Not; 1011;;- ag-u 3133 {any mm of his; liifimmzlmxm who almnhl “whet kgnghmdl um; um Prim-gas of A loruughl atm- fimt his inhu'iimwe. {mli his paM‘rimony (“mm “5 on Hm. lhmisli illilyifi enemieél (l'ewvrl‘. it: this next ham or. in failure 1er by gLimg her a fluâ€"mm rerapliuu, the. awaits the. first rows will bear even 55' will he found lei»; irouble than to z' i L unlvrlake lo Eiglil. Tim Wider i) h” weeds after the. x ’l‘v provide xs'inlsr quarters for poul‘ wen). kind 0’ vurimis they tlun‘t speak) “"3 Um) woman 3“ “iorkv (“"3 king 335“ “‘3’ if its ntwi'ssnry tn have ller ML 2 wind had blurs”; Hm «funk out. frum ml' gfl‘eflli‘sl. that ran be grmimvl in about it." ‘4 "That's an," mat-her had made revi sgmimsg, "but muhby they think we're? g-ultin.‘ too old. tn b6 tool: into their‘ affairs.“ MM. who sighed a iiule lwmu- law; sigh that told. plulnaer then wank; the. sadness that Sllfl fell, Almmt simultameamly ()live‘s clean-l agmiralio and John's dag-«p bins man ringing down (his stairs. "Motslmr, ply/we mane lip here a. few minutes!" and "Hem. father, I want you umlairs a. little while." Wandering a tittla. but never {mass-é llag. they went upfitairs together, and; ed where all the resl wem and wusi told that; they haul all gone into (mm? lo 899 the king. “ Why didn't. you go :00 .7" uska he. " Pauli!” aim. auswewd, “I wouldn‘t go three yards lo see him 5 Reside/a. filmy i l 'vv lost a day‘s work. aavi l‘m mo {marl to (in that. with fire children in foam"; Hi3 majesty Slippgd a 50\,~efejgn gm“) her hand, and mid: f ” When We rust. mum hawk, tell them 4 Hull while, they were guns to 59.6 the! king the king; rams: m see you and} left you his mrlmjl in gold to remmn-§ her him by." g to maurmmnmwja sucoexsnr. to llw lxnsmuil 0f ’l‘vzmllx .01.“ impimnur and a palm“ (magma. [A‘I'Pfll apartments A building of any-ioniy 3‘ (0w Wars “55" m“ “rail” “m3 1mm uf llm munieis and lwr nulala mi» (lock uf. fmxls. » ill» v‘ 'll » 11' - v5. ;Z:t1tl‘«~x'n wow still to he saw carefully Wu“; ; w; l A par 1 mn dwu mg Lila mm“,va what, u r'mmnw‘ what a firm” WI.“ x'imlmg a; arlmrml frum the day house :1 life parlrzlysl The court, flee {i-xh‘ 0r svmlching shed, and a gum! tsizsd ermrin‘s huh llm nari‘uw roll. gash w v. . . . .' . :‘awl 3h; surf in Hue form'iliuu u! 2i i'dm Vii,“ {tinker “I”! pom”) “My TOWN \Vi’miulf}: “0630!”. ram! liunliful charm-lei". that lil')‘ mg’ “10 Size or the mm“ dependa A. plane fur pliysirimm to Marx-“A. came a lulmx‘ing in the World. u’prm thin number of {owls kept. {willt ‘X m Ut My h“ ‘ a E} ‘5‘ ' The “mmmrmn WM,“ fin“ {Mynw‘ altar: fur whal purpose. Laying hens? A" m .3 l y .“ him? ’ 3.0“ .1 .0" 1‘ Wm ‘33 ‘3?“ 3‘ “f 3“”"fi‘3m3‘3 “mi “’5‘.” die-maul more. room Slum others antlili‘ppn' qh‘mlw "L calih.“”a “0‘09” “mm” Will?“ (‘ml‘ll’ll‘fi 5”” “WWW”; *‘V‘N‘l' m" l u . 1 i ‘ .iftwum 51mm“; “le ‘1‘39’7‘535 0‘ “If” “3’ti it handle», is am truly 19. "(living msuL ‘3 “i‘ommm “1 “Wired 139'” {15m liartmulzir 9.131. nurnpsmt. them-:13 not new" “ml the best my! {finest at an would not, think oi (mm; less fluoxju mingle physmilw In the viiy. “3ng well covet My! fiifll”) for it. 6 WA. W H... .

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