Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jan 1898, p. 4

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RICHMOND HILL. January 1!}, Society and Fashion Gossip from the Queen City. On New Year’s Day hosts of citizens found their way to Government House when Sir Oliver and Miss Mowat received. The Lieutenant Governor had a kind word of \velcoiiie for every Miss Mowat looked very sweet one. in a gown of pink and white satin and made a charming little hostess. Bri ht sunshine. and good sleighing mar e the. day very lively and many called who would not have done so .had the weather not. been fine. It has been said that the sets which were danced at the. Victorian Era Ball will be danced over again at the Ball Poudre if the men can be persuad- cd to do so which I doubt very much as most of them do not care to be troubled about their costumes and again many will be opposed to sitting for an hour to see them come through a second time. Numbers of our Toronto people find the sunny clinics of the. south is preferable to our cold and snow, and are as a consequence deserting us for the Winter. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan and their two daughters, Mrs. Greene and Mrs. Austin Smith have left this week for a Winter in Mexico. Mrs. P. C. Lark- ing and her daughter leave on Thurs- day for Santa Barbara, California. and will spend the. winter there. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Smith leave shortly for Los Angelos, California. to remain away until spring and will visit many places during their journey. Mrs. Robert Darling Ravensmount left this week for England. The. Misses Caity intend to spend some time in thc south for the benefit of Miss Carty’s health. Mrs. Grace Di‘yinim daughter of M r. John Dryman of \V. A. Murray (k (lo. and one of the handsomest young ladies is to be married on the 2(ith of January to Mr. \Villiam Evans of Lon- don, England. The wedding gown is a. vision of loveliness and the trousseau is altogether very dainty and pretty. \Ve are pleased to know that Mr. John Shaw of the (luminiiigs’ Stock 00., playing at the. Princess Theatre and who has been in St Michael‘s Hospital suffering from pneumonia is able to be out again. and we hope that it will not be long before we will see him again in his place on the stage. - GLORIA. â€"â€"â€"-.O.â€"-‘â€" "‘ Sell “KLorzniicE GOLD if. l‘l FIELDS like. a. whirl- wind. Prospectus 25 cents, worth $1 Big pay. Capital unnecessary: BRADLEY - G-ARRE'I‘SUN CO., Limited, Toronto. Ed'geiy Mr. J. Atkinson had the misfortune to lose a. Valuable horse last week. he. members of the Beef Ring met on \Vednesday evening to arrange matters for the coming season. The Annual meeting of the Vaughan 8. S. Association was held in Tcston on Tuesday and “’ednosday of this week. Quite a number from here attended. Mr. Art “ihitmorc is attending Business College in Toronto. At the Annual meeting of the Ladies’ Aid last week the. following ofiicers were elected :â€"â€"Pres., Mrs. Anderson ; Vice-Pres, Mrs. \V. J. Locke; Sec, Mrs. L. \Vliitniore; 'I‘reas., Mrs. Dunn. The revival meetings are still being continued in the ilethodist Church here. Mr. S. Shunk is having a wood sale on Saturday 15th inst. Don’t forget it. Miss Jennie Carmichael of Toronto visited at her home here last week. Mr. Daniel Smith of Mai-khan was in bur village last Saturday. Last Sunday the members of the Bible class in the Methodist S. School here. presented their teacher, Mr. A. Hoover, with a. handsome Oxford Bible. Mr. Hoover. reply. Ifyou are Energetic and Strong, made a 5m if you are above. foolish prejudice against canvassing for a good book, write and get my propos1tion. information will cost nothing. have put hundreds of men in the way of making money ; some of Whom are I can do good things for you, if you are honorable and will now rich. work hard. T. S. LINSCOTT. Toronto. Oak Ridge Skating has been spoiled of late by the soft weather. One of our enterprising townsmen Mr. Thos Bell, purposes keeping the ice. clear of snow so that the young people may enjoy themselves by this pleasant pastime. Mrs. Bell seems to be doing a. nice store trade. classed among the Departmental stores the residents of the neighbor- hood find it very convenient to get many staple articles so close at home. - c 1.298 The W A Christmas Tree and Entert: in‘ ment in connection with St. Stephen s iSabbath School was licld in thc Ma- : sonic Hall on Tuesday evening of last wuok. A large crowd was present. The Foresters of this placcliclil their annual oyster supper last Saturday cvcning. Short speeches “'l'lt’ glv'ui ol' -. .,,.. a ilibn A. E. ('oonibs and Mr. Nrwbcry Richmond llill. chcral comic \vcrc sung by Mr. J. T. Hliunk. Qniic a number of young people were ciilcrtaincd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kcli‘cr last Friday cre- ninganila Vcry plcasant time was spoilt. Thcrc has bccn good skating on Mr. McNeill‘s rink, and it. is visited by large crowds cvcry ovcning. A Farmers Institute ineoiint: was held in the Masonic Hall on Tuesday afternoon and cvcning. Aililrcsscs \vercdclivercd by several promincnt speakers. On Monday night several of our cilâ€" izons had thcir clothes lincs striple i, by foinc members of the light-lingered gentry. 4o Wantedâ€"Canvassers. “Qiiccn Victoria: llcr liifo and Reign,“ has captured the British l‘:lll- pire. Extraordinary testimonials from the great. men: solid for copy‘ free. Marquis of Loinc says. “'liio best popular Life of the (Elli-on I have seen." llcr Majesty scnds a kind letter of appreciation. Selling by! thousands: gives enthusiastic satisâ€" faction. (‘anvasscrs make from 55!?) to $40 weekly. 'l'lili BRADLEY- GAKKE' ‘SON (‘0.. Limited, Toronto. o yefflâ€" ‘ Thornhill. A musical and Urmnaiic entertain ; menu under the auspices: ol the Public Library will be licld in ‘Victoria Hall, Thornhill, on “"(*(ll\1‘3~‘il:!_\'. January 19th: A choice progannnc will be rendered consisting of (lialogucs, rcciâ€" ‘ talilons. songs and musical solcctions . by the following ladies and gciitlcincn : â€")liss Lillian Carman. soprano: I\ir. T. il. Litster, tenor: ers .'\iii iv Stephenson. Gold Medalist ol's; ioolot‘ Elocutioii : Miss Ann. llainsdcn. elocutionist, all of 'loi‘ou‘io. Miss \\'iiiiiifrcd Lane ('l‘liornhili). elo‘ cutionist. Thornhill tat?" Misses Flora , Lang-1:”. L..ic l. Hoiigliton. Eva \V' in, and Mr. ‘Villiam lipug. Ducts by l‘tcvs. John O. (llubinc and Hcrbcrt {iv-c. entitlcd “Rilinemcnt.” by Misses Flora Langsl'all' and Mabel Lane. and Messrs. John Drury and \Vil‘ Bates. Accompanists, Miss l< ora Langstaff, Thoriiliill, and Mr. G. " Copnin. Toronto. llou. H. by v'. F. McMean. M ardson, M. P. P. : J. \V. St. John. 31'. i). P. : J. \V. Moyes, Esq. ; and \\'. J. Hill, Esq. Doors 0pm at 7.30 p. “L; Concert to commence 3 o‘clock. Admi. ion, Adults, 15 ccnis; under 12 years, 10 cts. Sir-cal elcctric ..¢ (lu Cal's lea/VIC C. I . (ll‘ilsllrillk‘r 'i‘lll‘flllif‘. . («v 4 ll:‘l‘ inâ€" at 7 p. in., for Thornhiil “lid o terineiliate points. Return Thornhill, 15 cents: York )liil intermediate points, 0 cts. Richmond Hill at p. fare 10 cents. A grand fancy dress Carnival under the auspices of the Thornhill Brass Band will be held in the large covered rink, on the evening of Tuesday, Jan- uary I‘ltli. Valuable prizes will be, given for best lady’s costume, best Gentleman‘s costume, best Girl’s cos» tunic, best boy’s costume, Open Race, best :2 in 3, 5 laps, boy's race, under 15, best comic character. Band in attend- ance. Costumes amnitted frcc. Ice reserved till 8.30. Unapproved cos- tumes not admittcd. No blackened faces allowed. Proceeds in aid band fund. Tickets Skaters, la') cts., non-skaters, ltlcts. Special arrange- ments with the llletropolitan. (‘ar to leave (7. I’. R. Crossing at 7.15 p. m. and return at close of rink. Return fare from C. P. R. Crossing, including admission to rink, 3t) cts. ; York Mills and intermediate points, 25 cts. Rich- 7. in. table mond Hill and return, exclusive of rink, 10 cts. Q.â€"â€"â€"â€"- Ca: rville “’e are sorry that the snow has dis- appeared so fast, as through the lib- erality of our council we expactcd to , get a lot of gravel on our roads. As usual, the Mayor of our town is super- intending the same. The hum of the threshing machine is still heard in our midst, but our friend with the straw hat is nmch missed at such gatherings. There has been quite a boom in the. building line lately, and in consequence thereof we. expcct to have a. large sup- ply of cheap eggs and early spring chickens for our town. Our skating rink is‘ largely patron- ized by the youth and beauty of the surrounding country. \Ve are sorry to lcarn that our ’oung butcher has met with an acci- i i cnt, having got his fingers mutilated in the. Carrville flour mills. \Ve. are Although this Caunm’ be i afraid that he will not be. able to fur- nish his usual supply at Richmond Hill on Saturday. he hcrdsman of our leading dairy outemplates going to the Klondike in Mr. Thos Legge of Larchinere West . the early Spring. “78 wonder whdt is acting as a juryman in Toronto. The auction sale of some of Mrs. Whitney’s household effects and house and lot passed off very nicely, and good prices were. realized for almost everything sold. Mrs. \Vhit- Wishes to thank the neighbors for their libe. 'al patronage at the sale and may especially the. auctioneer. Mr. S. T. Rrookcs of \Vhite Rose, who made the. i The house. l heat of everything for her. artillot was purchased by Mr; J. G. Leggc for $175. l . . Will become of our domestic. pet. @- l’a Bertâ€"liner. Parties desiring to borrow money at. (uni per cent, send names, addresses, amount of loan required. and two stamps for replying to Box 413, Post. Oifice. Richmond Hill. ‘_’:’,â€"5 l Ripans Tabules assist Bigéfiibhf“ Ripans Tabules cure constipation. . Ripana Tab tiles: at druggists. l by members of the lodge licrc :iirl Mr. , l‘l. ‘ Iii‘V. - Herbert LchXuroi-a). ciocuiionist, and _ ,~, , .. . \[ll-ll‘ti‘Lll‘, Drama 3 in ; , Claike “ “allace, M. 1)., chairman, supported ] : l.’.2 John iiich- , 'lliiidrcn i Also from ' hetui n 1 of ’ PE REON .51 Lb. i "- is visiting with Miss Will.“ .‘I ‘. in thc city. was a Captain Fraser of lluntsviilc. _ t‘uiii- glicstol' Mr. \‘i'in. Harsh ovcr day. Mr. \‘v'in. 'll'ciii-y and son of briroi ‘h, are gncsls of l\il‘. I). liiil. Miss Annie l" r of ("on ville spcnt - . v... _ Sluiziav \\:ill and Mrs. l‘il‘]('>‘ti (iiioiiilis. , Mr. Jacob ll: to ri-turncd on "l‘luu's- . do}: after a llll‘M' nionihs trip to Chicago and other parts of lillllul“. 3 Mr. Jos. ll?1.ll(‘lllil\ villrigc. and Mr. Thos. lii‘ggi- ii" Univ lilil \Vi‘lll in the city Monday iiioi-ning to act as Jiii'ynicii. Airs. ll. Miulilalord of Uri-scent lr'lm, , N. \V. 'l‘., is Visiting with licr s ‘ l‘lrs. l’. Bassingtlmaitc, and relatives. Miss Sara Mickie l'roin Vfallaci‘luirg, - also ilrs. Pcnson and family ll‘llill . Fcrndalc House. i‘lnekolm. aic Visit- with Mrs. (I‘m) I’lllU'lllSUl]. Miss Lewis has returned from Poseâ€" iiioiil \\‘llt’l‘l‘>lli‘ actcd as bridesmaid for hci‘ cousin. Miss Gilmore. who “as inairicd on the Zillh of l,)cccnibcr to Rev. S. llughcs of \Vorccstcr, liaSs. I‘S. «0-7â€"; Sale .lrtegister. SATv‘iunv, Jnn'y iSâ€"t‘iulit sale. of hard Emlt wood, on lot 8. Mil can. \'.iii;,lniii pr: pwrly of Simon Shrink. Sale at l~o'. 'l‘i run» 3i izioiitlis. .l. 'l'. 5.”!th auctioliv. [:3 l’inlies‘mtting tllt‘ll' bills printed :, Otlico it ill receive. a notiro similar to the above FREE or i HARGE. _. 4->â€"â€"â€"-â€" ‘VVAN 31‘ 15 E D . Industriws Men of Character. THE LINSCOTT (.'(.)).iPAI~lY. i l To aoN'i‘o. W_ _7 W.- 2 r r ..4 ?_7ifl!ifia.(“f'mi .5“? Gé‘éQQQ’QQV’A‘; Tc' £617"? (Avéin J5 . a 9 r g! -: rm f E v . . I» 3, a V “’ llic onlv food * the ‘ _ _ that will tiling By up a. weak cons~ g a titution gradu- allybut surely is Martin’s . Cardinal Food 33. simple, scientific and highly 2 nunitive preparation for infants, fltleliexitc children and invalids. Va 00000000069996”) 9000000609006 90 a x 9v k}: 5.2" ‘: i' 37757335)“ & CO , PROPRIETGRS. 9' c. M :w :n:.. Q‘. ~ -- i » «am/sea». Mn sewer. MI l cleaves. ' ‘_1 T41 i Till "I f\ (I 5 1 i. . In every district on \iitinciit [1‘ is} orders for l; h-grmic (lau- r(l\\ll Ni; 3‘ Etc-cl: and Set ‘ ' Lul‘i'eri and nest a. )ltl . in the bud. z. t scliii'c i sgccialtii 5. fan; rb samples ’l'ui‘iiisliml tree: C"1'- i'c ion-leiicc in any l:Lii,,\i.i; lliese 1")altliilt“ ricnioiiey iiiiLl-ze-s,anil ti ‘)I‘\' SllOlll’l m.- t » cu'ri‘i at. once for the season bv ell l.iis!‘crs lo mmm’mw _ WWYQEufiWWmmznafiu'ym.aflg . ,...7 7 77»v~. ' “'7 > "“ I 3 . r N ".20 m . {‘3' q (l, “I Q ,. 3113,32,? 5P} l in £5. ‘3, t»; i H 1 pg w 1 = {a mi. in... raaaadwr ii: i ii std; a (Eiltuiiq'iii)ila=fli‘if 1.37%?) More Derenzbci- 31st, and you v.i1 Ill! nch division in 11"“. fir-cure a policy in lll(' «rival (2“ (lili;i:ll lli!‘ ’ ’li lxy i on" i' ‘7 T A. ’i T ‘r ("i ‘5’ T a“ ‘3‘ "r: (a ‘ER, ixl if F 5mi- U l :1. . iii. inlaid/la LJLJk7 - -1. '3- 'i m" a i.- r: P'% 4 my“ .i.-.gc3£ir, -= attiolisli’flua..{ia at}. . i‘xlso i'ep'i'csciilntivc for tlio l'hwnix "‘“i'o. l'loniinion l'luililing‘ and Loan. and ’l sic Trusts till/i tin-worm o Hing-any of 'l‘orctito. and. 'l he Ocean Accident and Guarani. o Uni-pi rmiozi of London, l‘liigianvl ; 9mm"... .-. M“â€"~_m.__.~w--..._.â€"npwm~_.,,â€"...-u RICHMOND ‘ , 5‘2; , o Ltd 65'“? Raw '45- Turns out nothing inc Harness a specialty. Y Y“ .31., . is 011321 \) aanazitclievvan ops. T5. owl anal. mi" Karmic, Horse Blankets, Tt1un‘.:.s 52' V \“x'liips and other supplies always in stock. |L_ Also i.. iiifacturcr of the Ilg’évsst iii 40:: they Kirnoe . 4 in the urn k: i (‘all and sec them. Rel L iairirg lll‘f‘l’l’ll‘itl‘f attended to. :37.“ in: 1:13: 0 . Stuff}? 07:; A 1 is) , a ,4. r and -7 “lShfildS fictiti AT u- ‘oronto prices. Aim ’r i J At less than es in 'l‘chs. centre and fancy, Stands in oak ldrcii. ’)c(li'o()iii Sets from $12.00 General stock of VVc have a large stock of T\‘Yall Papers from (‘al‘l and soc the patterns. Always on hand a general stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Turpentines, in fact everything in painters” lines. Our stock of ready mixed paints in all colorsâ€"house and carriagceis complete. Brushes. all sizes. Usual stock of Groceries, and can’t be undcrsold. F. G. All the latest patterns and styl cnd am iquc. fancy Chairs for adults and chi up. Pictures made all sizes and all colors. \nd for cash can’t be undnrsold. '., not rcmiiant’s but new goods. SAV AG E, RICHMOND HILL. QT-fifiifim Mar-an c: a cross ill-misc. in : ini‘ a goodth‘ng. Our salary or co'nnii. i .n '.\lll interest aiiioizo not Gill‘tllllL’ jh‘rmrn r. (wt iii communication with, our near- Hj‘ pti' th i .. . An o} in r'fnnity to represent a well-established house. ability iiioro important. than experieuco. LUKE BROTHERS COMPANY, International Nurseries, Chicago, 11!. Montinl, Que. Rochester, N. Y. in Ti 2. L‘JOF‘lLD Fri-2M THE TEA EMA-‘4'? TO THE TFA CU? ..â€"_.._.._...._.... li'ii lTS NA‘H' 4 l ” Monsoon " Tea is parked ii-idcr ('3': supervision ofthe J 5 .idvcr’i _ lsohl by them rs .1 samp‘cot‘lh, qualiticsofir '.;ir. and Ceylon THIS. For that reason they scc to“; ll.)llC but the \’;.l')' fresh lcax 85 go into i‘n'onsoon ‘; fungus. Tint i2: \vhv "on" ‘on.' ihe pixicct. ‘lca, canbe sold In. the Salli!) pr ntgrior tea. It is put up in seal, c. kg of 55 l'v)., 5 lbs ,and sold in Llirce tlavo . , - 43.3., v .. 'our gr ’0. s not l-ccp it. tcll li-m in u rile to 5’1 GEL. HAY I Sc (0., u and i3 Front 5:. Still all liaising TO ELENT. Store :inil Dwelling to rent. in the Village’ 0 Richmond Bill. For particulars apply to 27-tf Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. 50 YEARS; EXPERIENCE . on. 1 lb. and . and (we. l l l i 7 ISAAC CROSBY TRADE MARKS z.» DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. l Anyone sending a sketch and desert tlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest a ency for securing patents. Patents taken I. much Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge. in the Scientific Hmerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. emotion of any scienuuc 'ouruaJ. Terms, $3 a year: four months. :1. 60 d by all newsuealers. mun a. Newlgrk Breach omca, 6'26 F SL. Wan tuition. Vic are prcpared to offer special iiizlir’mniciits to buyer - {,0 reduce stock as much as pcssibm before Best quality Barb ‘Nii‘c ....... ...... . 2 cents per lb. Cross-Cut Saws............ ................. ...35 cents per loot. Axes and Axe handles at all pi‘iCcs. \Vater White Canadian Oil, 5 gall. lots ....16 cents. Water White American Oil, 5 gall. lots....ig cents. Good strong wood covered 5 gall. cans....5o cents. Galvanized Iron, with tap, 5 gall. cans....7o cents. Manure Forks, 4 prong ................ , _ ............ 45 cents. {‘7 LAGKSMETHo SUSPLIES. A full stock of Bar Iron, Sleigh Shoe Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Rasps, etc. ‘ .THOS. MEREQETH 81!. CO, 156 King St. East, Toronto. next door Clyde Hotel. 3m flatmates ' FALL STOCK A Tâ€" ROBT. $IVERS’. ' The following are among the lines zâ€"Ladies’ Fine Boots and Shoes, button ‘ and lace; Ladies‘ Skating Bals, black and tan ; M sses‘ Fine Boots and Skat- \ ing Bals. : Children’s Boots and Shoes, all colors; Gents” Fine Boots, black, tan and ox blood ; Gents’ Heavy Bootst Men’s Fancy Slippers ; Men’s four buckle. Felt Boots ; Men’s Telescope. Boots, good felt ; Men’s Pure Gum Rub- bers and Stockings; Boys’ Pure Gum Rubbers and Stockings; Ladies’ per- fection Croquet Rubbers; Ladies’ Boots and Overshoes; Men‘s and Boys Sandal Rubbers ; Men‘s and Boys’ Overshoes Snow Excluders. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Prices right. ROBERT SIVERS.’

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