flow It Feels my powar 01 UllfllniKlng um tiln’nally 'Whm, as I la. ward, my life was believed ebbimg away I became pl admms of my surrounding thought, of approaching ‘ member distinntly movimg bringing 80m one to my ' amng the Numbers for could amt speak, I thï¬nk. 1 to £113 room beklow wherg I W MLLD Avvu.» WW. , my 50m New sorrowfuu They cam to my glide, kits: made some sigma for the this room. "My daughter was mow on one MW Mild the doctor on Hub other, and I halt myself hastening to think before it was too late to say anything. I then thought, shall I semi a message to some relatives? Somethï¬mg seemed to my 'Last words are rpafnnnful.’ Thu) with minut’wrable calm I felt myself slowly passing away. And oh†how quiet it) all was. I could not decide whether I was gliding bark into an oblong dark place or if it were approaching mo. I reootguï¬zed it meanwhile as the gate of death. . . ix-..,.1.+ T no.9rï¬â€" U). umw "This was my last thought ed to melt away, amd fhen blwnk. The next day the (1‘ me that at first the belie‘ .A man who recently ‘ 1g- i-n the course of a as desoribed grapxhdz-yull apex what are likely 14 mgs in the face of flea. "The most mmarkat 5ft upon my hs The Best of Results 'l‘wo Case» In “men nur, ..w.... . . ,. and Stungâ€: Afler All (Miler Means “ad Falledâ€"M‘hm’rhey Have Done for Others They Will Do for You. From the Colborne Express. There are few if any people in Murâ€" ray township, Northumher‘and ('ounty to whom the name of Chase is not familiar. Mr. Jacob Chase, who has followed the occupation of farmerand fisherman and fishdealer, is especially well known. He has heren agreatsufâ€" ferer from rheumatism, as all his ne'ghhors know. but has fortunately succeeded in getting rid of the disease. Tlo a reporter he gave the following particulars. I had been asufferer from rheumatism for upwards of twenty years, at times being confined to the house. At one time I was laid up for sixteen weeks, and during a porâ€" tion of that time was confined to ~ ~ n Lr1_.1,._n T hurl ALWAYS FOLLOW WILLIAMS’ 1 [01‘ Dream“ "Va..." _ tion of t time was confined to bed, and perfectly helpless. I had the beneth of excellent medical treat; mentbut it was of no avail. I believe boathat Ihave tried every medi'ine advertised for the cure of rheumatism and I am sure I expended at least $200.00 and got nothing more at any time than the merest temporary relief. At last Iwas indu"ed togive Dr.\\'ilâ€" liams’ Pink Pills a trial. and fmm that time Idate my good fortune in getting rid of the disease. I continued using them for several months and daily found that the trouble that had made. my life miserable for so many years was disappearing and at last all tra/ces of pain had left me ando I was cured. I say cured, for I have not since had a recurrence of the trouble. AB proving the diversity of troubles for which Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are a. cure it may also be mentioned that they restored Mrs. Frank Chase, 3. daughter-in-law of the gentleman above referred to, to health and strength after all other means had apâ€" parently failed. Mrs. Chase says:â€" "I can scarcely tell what my trduhle was, for even doctors could not agree as to the nature of it. One said it was consu rption of the stomach, while anâ€" other was equally emphatic in declarâ€" ing that it was liver trouble. One thing I do know, and. that is for years I was a sick woman. I know that I was afflicted with neuralgia. my blool was poor, and I was subject to depressing headaches. My appetite was not good at an'y time, and the least exertion left me weak and deâ€" spondent. Alady friend. who had l‘een ’L‘enefited by this use of Dr. \Villiaims’ Pink Pill’s advised me to try them, and as they had also cured my father-in- law, I determined to do so. and I have much cause‘ for rejoicing that I did, for. you. can easily see that they have made a well woman of me. I took the pills steadily for a couple of months, and at the end of that time was enjoying the blessing of good health. It gives' me much pleasure to be able to hear public testimony to the value; of this wonderful mediâ€" cine.†Dri Williams’ finklrius cure Uy going to the root of the disease They renew andI build up the blood. and strengthen the nerves, thusdriv- ing disease from the system. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed inl a wrapping hearing this» full trade mark, Dr. Williams’ Pink Fills Ior Pale Peo- IN THE FACE OF DEATH. The snail’s mouth is one of the most extraordinary objects in nature. By \the time the snail has worn out the last of its 30.000 teeth, a new set has beam provided for it to begin all {be time the snail ha: last of its 30.000 teeth beam provided for it over agaim we Is Your Wife III-Tempered ? Examine her feet, and if she hasoorns buy her Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex- tractor. Hump, will then become an Ede-n. Much of the winery of married life is due to earns. Putnam's Extrac- 1»r is sum painless, and prompt. a most name pom my mind )wer oi tdnï¬mk 1y, 'thn. my life was I ; away I he: In Which The! '1‘1H‘E SNAIL'S MOUTH to Die Toid by l Ive king IW THE USE OF DR. .’ PINK PILLS- hey Benton-ell Health All Other Means flnd llnvc Done for Oluers tube on yum, ki$ed me and 1 them to leave I my epd. 1 but,I pointed my sister fwd me near hadside from 341116 ase, who has of farmerand 7, is especially 2n agreatsuiâ€" as all his ur all \V' doctor ieved I ly and I and be slowly actly con- rressiom sfe aiat‘mg Ines: is told jde I 1n man says a can - means 140 pounds. dealing with dres: say it weighs so mg eigh‘t pounds. A stone of wool, merchandise is ads am HOME FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Lives of 1500 Young Men and ' Women may be saved. 3. me INTERESTING STORY FROM MUSKOKH A Suggestion of the Excallent Work That Has Been Already Done by tho Gravenhuret Sanatorlum. Spirit of " New Hope." Letter from Rev. J. Pearen. DEAR SIB Ccna‘du. The Sanatorium, although it has only been opened for four months, has already proved that its work is no longer an ex- periment. Up to the present time 45 patients have been received, representing every part of thc Province, especially from the low area of western Ontario, representing all classes of society~â€"edi- tors, ministers, business men, servants, mechanics, students, clerks and others. in almost every case, it can be said, that remarkable progress has been made. A ‘ number have been discharged by the Medical Superintendent, cured, or with the disease arrested, so that work may be resumed. Great Improvement in Patients. One of the indications of improvement in the patients, which might be noted, is the encouraging fact that 4‘2 out of 45 have shown a decided increase in weight. About twenty patients have gained from [5 to 28 pounds during the short time of their stay, and one young man dis- charged a. month ago as cured, returned {0 his work in the city with an increased weight of 45 pounds. Should it not. be a. cause of gratitude to 1.118 thousmds of suffering people through- out thisacountry, as well as to their friends and the interested public, toknow :or a certainty, that consumption is now being cured in our own land, and that it is no longer necessary for the sick ones an Splrlt of New Hope. An incident occurred recently which ixsrves to express the <piri1: of "new iope †that comes to those who enter the ianatorium. One of the best known :itizens of Toronto having occasion to wing his sick daughter to the institution mid to a friend at the dinner table, “This s the ï¬rst meal I have eaten for a nonth.†During the previous weeks he ...v .-..°-_ . I) take a weag'gyV pilgrimage to Colorado r California... and thus be exiled far from Rev. J. Pearen, a wellknown Methodist ninisler. in a recent note to the Medical w‘uperintendent. says 2â€"“! am desirous Jlat all sufferers should know of the good work that the Senatorium is doing. When I sent my daughter to the Institu- tion I felt that it was our last hope so far 13 human help goes, but after spending about, three months there she returned with a. new lease of life upon her face. The beneï¬t she received seems also to be permanent, . for she has increased in weight since her return a monch ago." "v.5..- - , V But what shall we say of the pitiful empeal from the large number of young men and wanen who seek admission as patients, but cannot be received “for lack of means? If we had the necessary funds. the experience of the past; four months assures us that we could promise life to fully one-half of those who are now turned away apparently to die. We want $10,000 at once to 1161 the trustees in carrying on this work. 0 also want nuaaw' vuv any“. -..---...° ____ orium with its cheerful surroundings, ud with the wonderful improvement hat he found in so many of the patients, x0 felt that a new hope had come to him- ‘elf ome and been gntéhizg with a. troubled heart ,is child, weak and suffering from the isoase, but aft/err entierjng the §_ana- to builewf'oirr new cottages during this} coming season. These would make beau- tiful memorial gifts. 3,000 Dlo Each Year In Ontario. The report of Dr. Bryce. Secretary of Provincial Board of Health. shows over 8,000 died last, year in Ontario from this cause alone. Were the necessary funds given, and with the disease detected in earlier stages, there is no reason why the lives of over half of them cannot be saved. May we not have your aid in this good work )Your dollar will help to save the life 0’! some young man. Yours eth, Toronto. Jan. 4, 1898. XV. J. GAGE. DIAMONDS IN BABYLON. Over 400 diamonds are known 130 have been recovered from the ruins of Babylon. Many are uncut but most are polished on one or two sides. y live W! 't of 112 p stones of THE ENGI the ogly instihï¬iï¬n of the kind 3.1 111 L pounds each. If a. Weighs 10 stone he , if. however, he is sad carcass. he will many stone, meanâ€" it being dead meat. , potatow. or other so 141’ pounds. ueni 1y caused the mean meat ,ently 'ONI a sold by aonsists of 901d 4 11' is The last stone of on t but 1011 The 1f at gmwsnom. IN Do.cEYL0 TRY a half pound package of It you suffer from its agoni-es, and failbo getaremedy,we want you to try Nervi‘lima. H's action) on nerve pain is simply marvellous. Nerviline is the m pleasant and powerful remedy in the market. Try it. Padlocks are being manufactured with an auxiliary chamber which car- ries an explosive to be fired by 9.11am- mer inrcide the lock and give an alarm when the look is tamper-ed with. STATE 0! Omo, Cz'ry or TOLEDO. as Luna COUNTY, ' FRANK J. ' HE HEY makes oath that he la the senior partner 0! she ï¬rm of F. J. CHENEY & 00.. doing business in the. City of Toledo, County and State aforemld. and that. said ï¬rm win pmy the sum of ONE HUNDRED l)0L~ bAIh‘ for each and every case of CATA RH that, caning]. be cured by the use or HALL'H Guzman; CURE UA'I'Aflnn Vun u. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and eubscnbed in my preeence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. A A. W. GLEASON. - { Eff, Notary Public. Hall's Cetarrh Cure is taken internallv. and acts directly on the blood and mucous nun-race- ct the system. Sand for imbimouials free. F. J. CHENEY 5c 00.. Toledo, 0. 1t Mrs. SIimdietâ€"So you have p]a"ed yourself under the care of a physician who reduces superfluous flesh! Did he Iecommend any Special diet? [Newuerderâ€"No, madam. He sim- Dlv recommended your boardingâ€" Only one? Wt We differ on ply W Mills, Mills & Hales, . Burri‘ters. cm..romovcd to Wesley Bldzs., Rich mond St. W.. Toronto Sold by Druggists. 750. lilll‘s Family Pills are the bath. _ HAVE YOU â€" A PIG WITH TWO TAILS? William St" OW“%WMO 3.1. N. ANDERSON, M.D., No.6 College-st. a TORONTOâ€":2“): 9_ THROAT :1 3 ml ï¬EYE, rJ‘“! "V"- SPECIALIST 9 awn/www‘wmwwa 'nxio ng an to flu Kootenay Coped with Eczema and Overthrew It. James A. Wilson, 0? Fable, Ont..deâ€" lighted with his Daughter-‘5 Guns. All along the line Kootenay is march- ing to victory. Wherever there is a stand up ï¬ght between Kootenay and disease, Kootenay always comes out Victor. The “ New Ingredient " gets in its home thrusts that make disease yield the battle. Nowhere is this better exem liï¬ed than in the case of any stubborn 5 in disease. The use of Kootenay means certnin cure. It was so in the case of Miss Wilson, whose sufferings for 18 months from the cruel tortures of Eczema were such as to make her thankful for any remedy that afforded a chance of relief. Her father, Mrl James A. Wilson. writing under dates of April 29th and May 8th states :â€"“ in regard to the health of my daughter, I am happy to intorm you that she is cured of Eczema and has this Monday gone to \Vvioï¬ii in the Woollen Mills Her}: after being out nearly 18 months, and I give your Kootenay credig for curing herZ ' “You may use the contents of my letters as recommendations, for we in- Iieve that every person who has Eczema should know the beneï¬ts of Kootemy. There are lots of witnesses here to testify to the contents ofmy letters, people who saw her when she was very bad and 10-day." ELXPLOSIVE According to previous information rex ceived from this same gentleman, we learn that Miss Wilson had the diseass for 11 months before beginning to take Kootenay Cure, and was under the doctor’s care for about 8 months. H: said the case was a very obstinate on: and she did not get any better. SI": began using Kootenay 'on the recon» mandation of the Rev. Mr. Brown and Rev. Canon Richardson, of London, and is now well. Here you have a complete history of a case from beginning to end and can see that when used with perseverance and conscientiously,- how l‘horoughly Kool‘ enay Cure gets at the source ofalldis- usarmsordered Bloodâ€"puriï¬es it, enriches it, cleanses all impurities from it 8119 festpres gerl‘ect health. nu,nn “goia'UgstEï¬'H-Hégiï¬Ã©ror The S. S. Ryekman Medicine 00., (Limited), Ham- ilton, Om. ‘Chart book free on application. RMYHER WGTGRY. w. a. HARRIS! Have You Neuralgia ? A RECOMMENDATION M'ISMJAI'HED Motherâ€"And nd have a gm EAR, 8‘ laughterâ€"1N eps. us nagg fighting fr )therâ€"boo ] What is it? B. HARRIS, 333%.“ 5c. - - - TORONT0,0nt. I‘on CURE. ._ n: so, Wmm â€"- Signed, JAMES A. WILSON. religion PADLOCKS gg’mg and from one hoo. boo! No‘ W P C 902 so you and at many difâ€" nly one and quar ne week’ IIIII N TEA, The Dawson Commlssion 00., tier. of West Market and coIborne 8L, - TORONTO, Apples, Poultry, Eggs “cadre tnmming} imon‘ In n we will mm you L 91d 2»! 2n “(Hind m the mode 30‘ .1“ CHEMICAL 0-. IT’S A STICKER for quality, “! ONTARIO BUSINESS wmuu FAMJUS Most widely Attended in America. For l'Huntmted Catalogue (30th year). ADDRESSâ€" Raiémibié JOHNSON, F.O.A., BELLEVILLE. - - - ONT. «WE WANT Y 0 u QUICK.†Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sup- plied wlth genteel and very PROFITABLW} em lo ment. Industry is theementhl NEO- ES A Y to sucure GOOD REMUNERA TIOV. Can give 'he address of repraaentaUVo who has iuib cleared 8113 In 2.1 DJXS, 35 can EION. Can give ' who has juat. clen- bo made righb‘ A]: onionâ€"company's Buildings, To DEPOSITS receiven M cnrrm est, paid or compounded half DEBENTUREE 19~ued in Cun with intereat coupons atinc (‘anad ior In Enziand. Exm (eel are anchoriz d by law Drbentureg of this Compapny Drbenturea m um, nunwwq. I 11 Real Estate secunty MONEY ADVANCED o _ I at current rates and on favorable condmoua as mvepaymonh , n.._:..am.l Debentures nur- V Mdrtizages chased. A It. could not afford to otherwise. 40. 50 and 60c. LEADING GROOERS. IN LEAD Purim-Es. EANADA PERMANENT Suhsorlhod oanltnl Pam-up Oapuml.... Patents lund .. .. Total Asset: .. We have all kinds Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 THE TORONTO ELECTRIC/3L WORKS C0.,Limitea, This Miniature Ele‘ Loan and Savings Company. Amber Are the pride and glory of lovely woman. Amberine cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harsh- ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beauti- ful as in youth. GROWS A NEW CROP OF. HAIR.~ BWOBN EVIDENCE = DOMINION OF CANADA. IN THE MATTER of the “Amberins Hair Producer.‘ Provinca of Ontario,T W“ manufactured bi Messrs. Job Cook and Company. 58 Wel- o : County of Mlddleaex. lington Street. ondon. Canada. 1. Henry Arno: Plastow, or the City of London, in the County of Middlosox. Water Work! pun.-. . . v . . _ V Province of Oahu-10, County or Mlddlesex. To WW: 1, Henry Amos Plutow, of th Inppeotg u- :--I--.. “‘30 1 h: County or Middlesex. To Win} lingtori swoon. uonuou. Uuuuuu. InI, Hetnry Amos Plasmw, of the City of Landau, 1n the County of Middloecx,- Water Works spec or : Do Iolemnlé declare that. I have used the “Amherine Hair Producer," manufactured by Messrs. Job 00k and Com any. of No. 58 Wellin ton Street, in the City of London. Canada. since the 15th dey of Apr 1897. It, hos steppe the itching of the scalp, ntoppcd the hall from falling out. removed the dandruff. and has brought: cm; a thick crop of hair where my hand was entirely.' bald before I commenced using their preparation. And I make this Iolemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it Is of the l une force and eflect as it made under oath and by virtue of “ The Canada Evidence Act. 1893." Dacia-ed before me at. the City London in the County of Mlddlesex. this 11th day of October, AD. 1897. all which I certify r" ‘ ‘ “*7 nomrlal seal E. A. PL “"1" I. '1‘. new“. a Notary Public in and for the Province u. ._ "" " Girlsâ€"who use SAWLW M9: . SAPOLIO is one of the best known city luxuries unu eecn 01411:: a cake is used an hour is saved. 0n floors, tables and painted workifv 945 like a charm. For scouring yuts, pans and metals it. has :11 equal. If your store-keeper does not keep it y0u should insist‘upon his doing so, as it always gives satisfaction and Its immense sale all over the United States makes it an almost necessary article to any well supplied store. Everything- ahines after its use, and even the warez: delight in using‘ it in their attempts to help around the how) son‘, GLOSSY, PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, 'NTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE HERBERT MASON. h coiwnMLiuf-W i'Xi‘EBJFAiH inâ€; L. NICHOLS Sc 00.. 33 Richmond West. Toronto. INCORPORATED 1855‘ hand Munlcipal e wlll give one half-round Rlng, 18k Rolled Gold plme awar- runted. to any one who will sell I doz. Indestructible Lam Wick. amon trloudn.r.10cts.eac .erto you t. eWIckl. You sell them ac and we wlll mail you the Ring. 1 0.. 30:578. Cenwxbrook. Conn. mm fllHï¬SFREgI-II Electri; Railroad is complete with track and battery. [S of electric supplies. Get our prices. M cut-rant rafei ded halfâ€"yearly 1 in Currency 0 ns attached. D 5.000.000 2.900 000 .. 1.459,ooo .. . 12,000.00!) Toronto St, Toronto. rent rates of inter- Managing Director. 42 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. enoy or Starling, \ed. pay! ble in utors and True- to invest in the Debentures Pm†, 203d ’ (lamina. llmltod QUICKLY WERE? HAIR PRODUCER. Ire n tr Incc of restore new. .-w ,uuu mu. umvw.“ my remedy whxch can ba used. Th5] u- compound“ Iok-ly from the active principleso! vegetable subshn ï¬nd are pen-teen; safe and reliable. Ask your dru [or them. and i he does not. keep them in nook he can rocuro them for you. Price 81.00 per Home. ore to: .00. Wholasale Agents: The 'I’oronto Pharmaoal 00.. Limited. Toronto. yoga“, {and t“ gs“. ‘ ï¬ï¬kdui’wim your U Indiana uni-re. New Tubular ‘ Biler HEATER Sturtevant Fan Wilson Puhiishmg (20., limited I‘AIVLESS PETIMIIOYM; PILLS Speciï¬c for femaleï¬qmplaints, , , .4‘__, 7 3 Adelaide 5 me boon to every 1' ly who mflers In ch:- perform- nncure'a effort. They A once one the pain and naturalnud health ution of the ovarinn var 3r ‘yuu‘ug ï¬nd dgve O1)ng lnmnnhood ch city luxuries and each time a '5, tables and painted workif, , pans and metals it. bars 111 eep it you should insist‘upon stion and Its immense sale all most necessary article to any Best. watch on earth. 01.25; our ulcbntefl mu. century watch; American movemennf wurnncod ï¬ve years , Equal u ‘imekeoper‘ to any S‘Z5_.00 numb;n ngolel one; {Eula ._:_|._ W In: v-rv . â€"r in r . Wind. pend . ï¬nely ï¬nished dial sunk lecund hnnd; received highest [olé mpdal Mazda at. Amerionn and European International Expomtinn; patented the: world over: Just. a watch which tell. Any-I when! r 84 to 85: Menu mun big moncyl by ullin it: our: sum 901d 22 in a tingle! day: In! lend um le to In: ï¬ddl’us on "grim of priu: 6 or $1. 12 {or 312. C or more mm C. 0. D‘ i! 31 in lent with ordu; (or $2 I win send "bah Ind hundnom roll-d pinto chain unnamed to war flvq I†money will be returned If you at not. 11 your barnin. Fred M. Mann. box 123.‘ mro. New York om. TRUTH OFFIGE, Toronto. This little Motor In complet- wlï¬h battery and chemicals. It II a boy's delight. 1 ml CHEAP FOR CASH. TRUTH OFFICE, Toronto. ERY CHEAP FOR CASH. DR. GOODE’S FOR SALE CHEAP. for 75 h.p. Boiler The following ladies ha ve kind- ly permitted us to refer to them. They have used Am- berine, they know its worthl and they recommend it high- ly :â€" CEYLON TEA. Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs. le St. W., Toronto. Canada. Au- .u. . .... V W iii“ St.', London. Miss I. V. Ryckman, Hughson St. 5., Hamilton. Miss Eva Dickenson. Young St., Hamilton. LADIES PRAISE AMBERINE. s1 00 conPLETE. Jennie Tibbs, Nelson St., London. J. Manson, Young St., Han ilton. E. Patterson, Hess St. N., Hamilton. Alfred J ordan, _ Slightly Used.