TORONTO ‘ Union. I'hornhill‘.“ axcHMoxD 1 King.“ Aurora. Newmarket Newmarket, Aurora, King†BICEMO n HILL 'L‘hornlnl] TORON’l‘L Union Connects with all hm House Richmond Hill. Main & Expressflxorth Express North and Ma PROCTORK‘éï¬GE LINE. Until further notice llailgwill be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MoBNIï¬G 1â€"G0iug North.sou1h East and West, including Thornhill, ‘ Maplefloronto Markham,&c. 8.30 EVENING :Lâ€"Going southEast and West (as above) 5.30 N. B.-â€"Registered Letters must be handed in at ieast Flftoen Minutes earlier than the above Cars leqve C. Cars leave Ricbm‘ ac’iéés't Flftneu Minutes mentioned hours for c1(‘ METROPOLITAN Manchester, of London.Eng., ’ BRITISH AMERICA, YORK Of Tm‘nnto, Ca GORE, (LF GALT. A Talking Machine that T aiks . Everybady come in and. hear the GRAMGPHGNE. I HAVE IT TO glRE FOR PR' ATE, PARLOR AND PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS. POST OFF‘EE NOTICE ‘the bread- quqlizkgs. ( Between Tor will k‘ the r metn we : pric - Try 'i n supenm JOS. We make made from the DRUGGIST, Richnlond Elifl gent for the following stock Fire 1Insurance Companies, viz.: OF TORONTO, CANADA â€"â€" ALSOâ€"â€" AURORA. FL‘ )nto, Can: y for Chef AUROIRA lily B 1')‘\lll'~ no ;. TORONTO 1V ouu'y r uuuc, Vuu v \ J "a". ., Y ator, Cunnmssitmm- in B. R., &c. i R. TLI‘QE TABLE. Money ,to Loan. A l First-c121 ith all trains, leaving (mud Hill. Vas follgws : BAKING POWDER CREAM TARTAR GOING NORTH Mai] A .. 8.45 ..‘.....10.05 ...10.15 GOING scum Business Sulicited ROS 4 p.[ . Crossing at 7.20 mm 3 Whiz-491: . Sanderscn, the $96 crop ot‘Wheut by an 1m- ;of milling, whereby we says for 1' all the natural and original ewhent.‘ Itwilhprnduce a. light- d richer flnvored bread. which ‘tlougerthuu any other flour on By improvements in milling ‘11 we have recently adopted, We the rest of manufacture, hence lto utleru high-Clubs flour at. a. ‘nto aml F 10.05 SANDERSON 0 BER a rim “8.30 53 Cash Mu ma] 31 PURE MésErs MUT UAL, damâ€"the coming com .rmers of York Co. osing. M. TEEFY, Postmaster Glucin ‘luu .soth East and uding Thornhill, nto Markhamflm East and West (115 gent 13 Elgin Mills ï¬ME TABLE nth Accom féri almond mu RING MILLS. Accom 3.10 for Richmond NAUGHTON gï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬s the Palmer 'stufl. it owing to its Lies. 9.40 a. 11a Mail PR 710 {IV \Eaimgrmgisem Notary Public, Obnvoyance ator, Commissioner in B. ] New shoes, 20( 8c. cash. Ever} stick and Wear a any other make. sameprice. ()us same price. Customers “'1’ sound horses shad hex-e xvi] cripples and intm'fm-ing } Without extra charge. All other work done at low prices. Rigs of all kinds repainté Satisfaction guaranteed job or no pay. 8. sï¬i‘m Th6 I will 1: hundred Villa .Tan’y 13, 181 Six Acres of and Barn, on R he: Celebrated Horsv-Shoer, worker and General Johbe Reid’s old ofï¬ce, Unlhorm‘ All an W :“ARM PH Still Better than Ever. ï¬KATIN G REE K i safféi‘)‘: terstm, 2( Adfh MONDAY Band in Attendance Evenings hursday, Feb’y 33d, 189-8, green or Richmond Hill clps e is, E Water. * “Apply 27- tf $12 h l ing SKATI N G AN D THURSDAY AFTERNOON Auctic During tht 13011 Tickets may be hi}d from the caretaker, J. Bl-mvnleo. Will be open for evenin An 0i liI‘ of ( ‘1' an an Wood. Wanna Admission 10< AUBOBI \VEDNESDAY, THE RH At 11 TIIOBN II I Ll.- Jean's it jry LA WRENCI advertismimts. s of Land, House )11 Richmond Strec Richmond Hill. TO, ROBT. STOCKD to 1%.. ‘11. BK/EE‘L or VALUAHLI 111 Dc. cash, and y shoe gummy :18 long or long Light steel 1‘9 skating ~season from 30 to 10 o’clock, Hotel Apply WM. I at my my HMO in ct u. [m led house. with ‘ three 131-, and hard and soft Stones on. the baiance is well oak. and the fences are percy will be :sold sub- ‘ & ORMISTON mm Streert. Tor} AN D SATURDAY Richmond H be situate a. frame X bunk barn about. well. also; a. spring )‘opel‘tv. There are em. and eight, ucreg 11 with evet EREEV. Tor PERT? SID HILL and removes Children 56 Elf) a. e remodelled. EIRME: "‘37 . Richmuh Hill hor'ses SON, HurhamMak ei 1tt‘1's 0n the equally ale ranteed tc nger than ‘91 shoes at 3 get) theil get thoix on Saturday ‘r the whole cheap; mt.‘ of thre‘pur 3t. Toronto, Jor’s dolicih with the :l heir )UDt)’ moon in To“ mini}; ‘vicaahle single ,rd wood, cit/her \Vond Dr. in the fanlew tm xlii fter EV ill 11 5101161337.. Tm: LIBERAL Globe one year, THE 14113121 Globe to Ian Mail to Mail I THE LIBERAL Evenan Star, I RE @AIR SEQ? l HE LIB unto Ian. In a, worknmnlike manner at; th( stand, terstm, 24 N0. 7, \V X. L.. W X. L., \V., 20 cents each, or as; in mm. ; N0. .21, F.. 20 cents each; Tinkler 20 cvuts each, 01‘ $2 a dozen. I have points for all the principal plows at above prices. Manufactured. Grain Ground on Monday, VVednesday and Saturday. Cider made on Tuesdays and Fridays. LEW h( Wh W h Barlev. Turkey Dressm W. MA GER RICHMOND HILL ï¬g All Send your orders to T. F. h’lcl‘v’lAl'ION, “ The Liberal †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. EQYLEflSfl WE,†Plow Points VVednesday HI Gaby‘s Express runs to undersign REPARNG 3rI’3iIl Grinders E LIBERAL and Dai‘g 1 one )ear, $2.75. 12 LIBERAL and Torontt I V62 white pt for sale at the lQ\_V pyiges 1nd I LIBERAL and Eurnntu aï¬larkttï¬. ‘ hush bush ‘er bush per lb ...‘ ther city papers low rates. to {it No.3, 3 and 14, Patter ‘nts ouch ; No. 12 and 13, Pat )cvnts each, 01' $2 a dozen ., at 20 cents each; No. 3, I .. 20 cents each, 01' $2 a doz. and Frhiay. T01 IBER IBI pan" mund r0115 LIBERAL and The ournal, I yearï¬l‘So. EVERY bag if per bush. 1' bush . ‘ _per bush percwt MW! ruir Ircels deliverca am llected. -d is prepared to do all kinds of {AL and Wee ISt),991$I'5 RAL and RAL GABY AL and \Vce lst, ’99, {‘51 AL and Weé st, ’99, $25 FARMEBS' WAGGONS. )licitx £1? 3-75 and bvenm and any following 1* arm 00 05 kl V 11\, COO 00E '70 mat»: Every Thursday, DI Will run Excursion (Wars Irom Richmond Hill to Torouw an Mind 7 p. m. Returning lust: car leaves Torunto at 10 p. m. Round Trip Tickets, 25 obs EXCURSBQN TGROMTO 16-“ Elaple CHOPPING DAILY METROPOLITAN RY. S-tf M E: flames From all ions is W dressed I This is what is guaranteed by ï¬g 5. mi PARKER’S DYE WORKS Afterm At low prices. Satisfaction guamu'wgl“ ’l‘ailor. all imperfect- ; what all well :d men like. Agent for JNO. W. MOYES, Manager and Evening flï¬sfll mm. rib-$11 :5 anv l‘Iill ms $5an MARSH md g1 ,he I) mm: mm ï¬nancial Head. Ofï¬ce, 86 King TORON‘E’O. Robert McClain Denosits recs Special attention mm for SALE The undersigned 1 Hill Stutinn. Balnd H of all kinds. 80-“ Richmoai Rionoy to 3405.211 B. Gram havmg gnn Maple, I am again p customers on sh( Postal notes prompt, Capital Authorize! Capital Subscribe as recejverl and interes names 111 the Savings 1 . JACKSON, EA 30rp0raï¬on 'chin. Jim. ' Daniel Spry, Edwar George Dunsta: m given to and other DIRECI‘ORS K. Kenn Q. C iflmk collection of sale General.Manaaor J. R.UAMPBEE of me bus-mes (1 t5) uupply ale at R Exam ch. lowed at cunen urtm eut. led. ml Gmin