’ 4 1mg“. “4!: J . A ‘ 1%;m‘téhm _ iv‘vy‘xit‘i :{ï¬â€˜gï¬av‘ ‘1‘.“i.&,ixwg:viéleg,gsx_sedan: st.- ._'»-7:t.1."";;\ '»;Bi-Nrr.n“‘~ci.'..’z; 014%“; *1 ‘n \ ; nâ€",°‘,.4M:-z.i4r_ ’. flu“;- *_1J.’::'.~~-'r’. « c “as: c ec-Axn‘k's‘im‘a é' * m ‘ ' ' i V l - m " . , , ..\_. x, i u .p HM], f“; 5 fa g I ,a , i: it its 25’“ 5â€. f“. t! A i. I: a... i . . l Thornhill. .21 w I u \ i. ,, .. . . ~ 4 '3 g, E - m - t L N ‘ll 1 ‘ l? ‘V l M i Qualr/ llizm : (‘91- l ll?" 1‘ “1‘ lg} cih." Ea:- §§A HA: t i v‘ ’ ‘ l I .V . .. . . , , r- lllllvl‘l‘ be t'tllllllll~‘|lll|3’l" 1“ "ill 7 I l 1 c z a B Q , \V ( uudtistand .1 (l‘lt'lll'dlvtl breach 5â€â€œ l , . - - , . _ _ ., r V ., ' .. 1‘. * " “i (3/ “fl’|“’!'!i~t'(*;ise between pal-tics mu. l W truth-W 1W I‘I‘HI‘HHI "’ H“ "“ i ( hasslabhahed lamâ€"El) . , - ., s ‘ ini.r but far oil" from 'l'liIu-nhill is likclv ‘1'â€? pull" v1 9 . ~ ' '. "W 7 ,.;.1: r ' - , ' ‘ r \‘r .‘.~'- I ‘.7 ; ..l‘ alit‘tlsu . _ , .. , U . I; , , “l I Jumwv 9†181,5 to be ventilated soon. \\ c are t‘l't .lâ€"l Q“'â€â€œ/‘i Lil-“ll. .l,l,l,l.,l.“.\ T p M't'ln'e a imagv u: the great (‘an'ida lat.- bclore lh win“ 1‘ -\l-"~ 11ml 1"“ “‘11 :lt .mnsumn 1.7.. 7 i _ _. ‘[Mymfm1mdthat m.“ hih.‘_1,_lungu,,‘l pay the inlluuing‘ .n limb-HUN “f “in-on in“... m†“my; pmms m Hm m.“ ‘1.†Nu“ in MM 7 V V» ‘ -‘l"Mâ€hâ€â€œ h" ’ Hates :‘llll Jurt ill-1' i.il'o‘i'l,i;tlln|i cheerfully Music Hath Charms. To the}: litor ofTHr. LinrziuL: A sense of lonelinessand unecrtainly has fallen over Richmond Hill and vicinitv. The familiar sound that reâ€" Verlieriited over hills and valleys lor miles around, is no longer heard. .\'o longcrcauthe surburban villages of lleadford. Patterson. Victoria Square and even (lormley regulate their clocks to pi oper time, and be daily reminded of the existence of a place called ltichâ€" mond Hill. The busy farmer who carries no watch, can no longer start his teams and horses by the mornng l‘t‘ll. How welcome to the hungry plowincn who for the last bolll‘ has felt as if his interior was composed ot vacant. lots. was its 12 o‘clock. pm]. while the pusliiiu,r grangcr l't'yllm'tl, when an hour later il abruptly ended the noonspell and calls to further labor. L'ut sweeter than all to the hired man‘s ears was its final ring at 6 p. m. \\ it h alacritv that would startle his boss under iitliei- circumstances he uubooks his team with the glad satisfaction tiat he has not worked a moment overt imc. Alas we hear its \Vclltimed tones no more, except on Sundays when its use in limited to a narrower sphere. and more sacred purposes. .\t rare intervals borne on some strong favoring breeze. We hear the sickly sound of its miserable succe sor. lnâ€" voluntarily we. shudder with disgust. at its brazen but futile efforts tolill the place of its digniï¬ed predecessor. Surely it was mistaken economy that snapped the tie that bound as to a centre the surrounding country to Richmond Hill. is the opinion of an Ot‘rsn um. , GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR BEST SET OF TEETH FOR $6. Crown and Bridge work, $4 per tooth. Silver, phosphate and aluminum ï¬ll» llugs. 50 cents. Painless extraction for plates free of charge at. the largest dental ofï¬ces in Toronto. H. A. GALLO‘VAY, L. 1). 8.. N. E. Cor. Queen and Yonge Sts.. To ron t o, l EntranCc 2.; Queen East. Lad y as‘sista nt . Society and Fashion Gossi from the Queen City. Through the kind invitation of a fricnd. Iliad the privilege of attendâ€" ing a concert on Friday evening last, at the Asylum for the Insane. Not only was the concert very enjoyable, but it was most interesting to see the poor demented creatures. \Vhile some seemed to thoroughly enjoy it, others paid no attention whatever to what was going on around them. It Certainly was a very pitiable sight tosee such numbers of people in an institu~ tion of that kind, a great many of them our own citizens, Some of when) I rec~ ognized as being at one time influ- ential business men, and who, no doubt, have gone there through busi- ness worries, possibly speeulation of a kind which in a moment of excite- ment. they had risked more than they should have, and as a consequence we see them where they are. The men, taken altogether, were a much better looking lot than the women. and their behavior on both sides was a great; surprise to me, as I had pictured to myself all sorts of breaks at any mo- ment. There were about 300 patients in the, concert hall, and nothing exâ€" traordinary occurred to show that it was an audience of lunatics, except once when all was quiet a noise was made as if a young rooster thought morning had come and it was his duty to make the usual salute. Out atten- t. on was directed to a. little old Woman with snow-white hair. who was quiet- ly led from the. hall by one of the. nurses, and who made not the slightest resistance, but hopped out just as the bird she had succeeded so well In imi- tating would do. Poor creature, how my heart ached for her. ‘XVhile in New York during the lzoli ay season I was fortunate in get- ting a glimpse of a much envied young l 113'. Miss Eva Barby, who is a great heiress said to be worth thirty millions (lel,t5')ll.lltlu) of dollars. She is a tall, slender. gracefuf girl and is consider- ed the beauty of the familyâ€"neither blonde nor brunette but of medium type. with dark eyes and hair of a. light chestnut tint. The following was clipped from an American paper and sent to rueâ€"it: was interesting to me and may be to some othersâ€"headed “ \Vomeu and tb‘ii‘ ways," _A girl dosen’t love every man she is willing to go to a dollar-and a half show with. After a women marries a man she stops looking wistâ€" fully at him and says what. she means. The aver-ave. girl may not. be able to name the Post-master-gencral but she can ("ll what kind of marriage service i4 being us-d before the minister has read halt a dozen lilies. The enjoy- ment with which a Woman listens to a younsr man readingr out loud is recalled to him painfully after nnirriage when she lwgins to ï¬nd fault. with his pro- nuuciatiiou. A r‘ Sell “KLoNDlKE GoLD l J. . FIELDs " like a whirl- wind. Prospectus 25 cents, worth $1 llisr pay. {l'zpital unnecessary. BRADZI‘TY - GARRETSON (70., Limited. 'l‘orouto. GLORIA. «o-oâ€"w , plaintiff and defendant. ad\erlisiu~_( V “ (it‘ll? .‘imi'isc'ii en lots 17> and l‘l‘ll'lutl lintli ll‘\' l‘lllrnl'ls Will . orators have been council one year be made to have the t 'ouit sit at the ‘ l’lԠin?“ 1:" ("illll'l'l will“, (u .1 i» 97 .. . .,, .. -- .ii- MM- \1Ct(11'1:1.}lilllll| lluu'nlitll. ainl lill'gr'" I‘ll“ 1.. .v. .._..1. t. ward“ H “H‘â€" as tilt- sitting (‘alnlciU' oi that ball is. l "'1‘" 1' ll‘Nl‘ “1 l’ †’~"" ‘ ‘ ’ ' . . . .- . . ‘ - ' .' "Llll It is thought it will be wholly mad. i l‘“‘* “ll- l’l'll'l‘ 1“] “l'll'l‘ ll“'-â€.‘~ 7' (’l uatc to ‘ll't'HlilllItMluh‘ illl‘ crowd , , - l I l ’ rillstt-ln-lxvt-eliwisZHmi'lJleonâ€). who will be anxious to bear ibis loml‘ . . - .. . . '. H ~ ~ -- v 'i .. lll‘l'rill ('HSI’, the lady and i'v'spuiim-iit being ‘ " l' (' '1‘" ‘H (3,“ f.) ~_..“,).l"‘:,n_ Well known. To prevent <llx.ll‘.l’ulliil~ "l’?i1""‘l“"5l}“"' " " " "'1" 5",“, ,‘ lson, ‘lllUVt‘Illll‘q gravel on rial-a. M I. inth it is advised that parties at once, apply to the court ot’lieers tor ticket:-. of admission. Mrs. Thomas Lane is visiting: her brother Mr. John lianisdeu, clerk of county, at his residence in Toronto. The following oiliccls were elected J. luvâ€"law was i);l\-§"(l Jili.'<)lillillg .l. and \Valth' Hcott assessor. West half, \‘V. ll. ll"::\‘t|l':Isw-sstll'. east lllllf.‘ ;\ bv~law was passed :liillilllllltlf" a ‘lloaid‘ of Health as follows: 'llllll‘ l‘f‘ch. clerk. and David James 1% _\'is._ lilias Hamilton :3. yrs.. Jonal ban Nigb l \'i'. Ivin motion the council adjourned to meet on February ill. b. 0' Vaughan Council for Thornbill Lodge. No. 91. l.. (l. l.. : -~\\'. .\l.. Rev. .1. .lloi';;a:i; ll. .11.. l’_. Stephenson: (‘haplaizn l-I. l;£l(‘l)llf ll. 8., \V. Marshall: l“. H.. .l. Htcpilcu-i sou: 'l‘rcasurcl'. J. (‘. .‘i'ewlt- : la-t-tulcr. C. Hlicphard: Organist. J. l]. lUiox; Tylcr, H. Richards. Miss Minerva McDonald of 'l‘oionto is on a visit to Miss .ltla l llitlsu“. (lne of 'l‘liornhill‘s old it. irients passed away on Saturday last in llH' person of Mr. \Villiaiu Bows s ;:i llll age of b‘tl. lie was :i lifeâ€"inn); Iii-i hoâ€" dist and from his genial li‘i’lllll‘l‘ and sterling,r ('hristiau (‘lléll"ll‘l“l' uiizlmrcd himself to all with whom he came in contact. Mr. Benjamin Musselvn-In has just returned from an extended trip ll"l‘lli2 duringbis visit at seve,::l points i|(‘ had the pleasure of ll]t"lll!j_: Father The members elect of the ('ouucil of Vaughau met on Monday, the lch ol January. lHtH. I .‘vlei'nberspiesz'nt : .\. lli-yson. vet-ye: .l. H. Kirbv. 1st deputy rceve: \\ in. \\'atson. 2nd deputy rceve: J. N. lii-vlc and Isaac llcvins, councillors. Thc members ll£l\'lll;{ executed the declaration of (pialilicatiou and of ot'iiectook their seats and proceeded to business. The following petitions were pre- sented asking: grants- for gravclliugtln- highways in the townsh'p: From ('. McNeil and ten others: from I). ('. Loiuzhousc and ES) others: from 'i'. Porter and ill others: from J. it. Snider and 2-H others; from S. Shank and till others. Kivbvurllm ins-~that the treasurer be authorich to pay the following accounts: '1'.l’..\lc.\labon.printingminutes, advertising. stationery. kc $6 4 (Kl llrowu l31‘os.. cash book . . . . . . . . 3 ll) ~(‘arried. Egan. Mark llehnkey. it in v thinning all of whom stated the i1; ,ld boom bad takcu deep hold on the so cial localiâ€" tics and companies, and pwupt .‘iors were bustling in some puts near Sud» bury. gold to the extent of .‘fio per ton has been taken out. Several residents have asked Mr. ll. M. Brown a former school te‘ cher to open an evening;r class for m; on. He fears his expensive insurance business may for the present prevent his doingr so, but will consider the :li)‘:ll".£llllll.~.. i l llcviusv Briylcwt hat the treasurer Mr. Brown havingseciuwl inc M‘Y‘\ ices . be authorized to pay the lollowmg of a young); lady graduate from lit nâ€" ‘ 1V. brisbv, drawing plank .mn‘ i‘.‘;\'('l'-‘ ‘l‘l. l>*:\'isou and ll. '1‘. t‘rnsbyauditors:i inn l I] l A. furnished by NlCHOLLS, l‘th I'y l:ll:l;.;'.':‘...l.lt' polL'y tilita ï¬ght, â€" and. Hill. Also rcprt-er ntat'ivc for the Flux-nix Fire. llolni‘aioii liuiidin-‘r and Loan, and 'l‘iir- 'l'rusis and (lintrantct- (‘oinprxny o." 'l‘nrv ntc. and 'l in (let-an .‘iccident and tin-trainee ('Hi'pr i1‘.l‘.ltlll of London. antimml W‘m“_-~mnm_â€"_ï¬mm‘ln‘/ asuï¬Mn- rawâ€"M l'llCilIxithl) HILL Turns out nothng bus. l7: Florth ‘3'1‘53. zazul E llanflhln ,llgï¬lki’rwi., ‘Vé'qsul :snél Eï¬nl‘shvr re: llorsc Blankets. 'l‘zrunks A' Yaiiscs. “Chips and ot her supplies always in stock. Also inauutacturcr ol' lb:- I£csstt ll Jozatliu'w- ill? rear-(h In the market. .-; ll-iri..-~‘.~. l'izu- [Ln-at s: a specialty. lintâ€"("m 1.... t ’ _, .‘43‘32 fwn I .h F. 3’: 4.9K. ALB. Egg)“ r". Eli‘s! (‘all and see them. M41 Repairirg prcmptly attended to. a... a (i ii «2 q ». rarer MW; ALD_ TlCCC“. At less than Toronto p All the latest patterns and styles in Tables, centre and fancy, Stands in oak gough‘s School of Shot-Hun .elul road accounts: . , v . , Type-writing and a most v'ti ("lent S. McDonald. spikes- and nails ..$ 50 and Elllll'lllt'. fancy (lbairs lol' adults and children. ilndroour Sets from SlZJJl) teacher will open a Shot 1 »l|;:1|tl am] I}. Topper. 23 loads of graveh. .. 2 30 up. Pictures made all sixes and all colors. General stock ot TYlW‘Wl‘ltingclass: this will prove a .l. llevins, work on town him. _ r ‘ great boon to the young; people, of half charged to York . . . . . . 19 71 T Thornhill and vicinity. \Viu. ('hattcrley. 3 days‘ work. . 5 (it) i 3“ Missionary sermons were pr: aclr d i). Doyle, 3 days‘ work . . . . . . . . 1 00 - ““ 511mm." 1"“ l“ “milâ€: "‘l‘ “'th “N‘ -‘l- 0"â€).‘3 1 ‘1â€)"3‘ “'“I‘k ~ ~ - - ~ - - - 1 0‘) And for cash can't be undcrsold. \Ve haVe a Iavtre \i'wl; of \Vall Papers from Methodist church. in the mwrniiu,r by A. Chatterley, ."Hlirvs~ \vol'k - 5 0‘) .70., not remnants but new goods. ('all and sw- tir- patterns. Always on hand the Rev. Mr. Martin. the evening by \\'.(.‘hatterley,:') days' Work with a general stock of Paints. Oils. Varmsbcs, 'l'urpcnt ines, in fact everything in the Rev. Mr. l’igott. ('t~ilf:)'e;::ltiotis, horse and cart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 painters' lines. Our stock of ready miXed paints in all colors-â€" house and collections and subscriptions are ahead \V. J. Hcarn. 6 days' work and carriageâ€"4s complete. Brushes. all sizes. l'snal stock of theories. and can't of last; year. The ('lllli4‘ll choir whose l shovel .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 75 be undersold. reputation for sweet singing is known Lackie Bros... 1 day with horse I) G SXVA‘GF' _ _ _ RICTPJOYD HILL far and wide acquitted themselves at and cart, less 754. for shovel 1 25 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ' ‘ ' this anniversary uiost crmli‘.al;l_v. Miss M. l'loran, breaking,r stone . . . . . 5 ()0 r ~~ -- 4 Mary E. Johnston the organist with *"Cill‘l'il‘d- Vatsonâ€"Kirbyfthat. the treasurer refund the fullowingr amounts to the uudermcntioned collector: To. G. F. chge, Div. Nâ€. 1,â€" Albert McBride, no dog . . . . . . . . $ 1 00 J. E. Brooks. taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 06 ~+ larried. Bovch \Vatsonâ€" that the clerk is hi reby instructed to have the Munic- ipal \‘forld Sr'nt to each member of the «a~uncil.#(,‘arried. _ Bylaws were passed appointing J. . Saigeou and J. B. McLean, auditors; John Atkinson and Henry Creighton, assessors ; and fenceâ€"viewers and pound-keepers as follows : VENCE-Vmwsus. District No. 1.â€"\V. H. Clubine. A. S. Russell, G. F. Legge; District No. 2.â€"G. F. \Vallace, L. “'hitmore, T. Witty ; District No. 3.â€"J. Ellis, A. Diceman, J. McDouougb. POUNDâ€"KEEPERS. J. Lahmer, H. Houghton, J. Rumble, J. Agar. J. Duggan, \V. Richardson, J. Walker. By-laws regulating the salaries of officers as follows zâ€"Auditors, $3 per day ; assessors, $65 ; returning oï¬â€˜icers, $2 per day ; poll clerks, $1.50 per day ; carek taker of town hall,$12; constables $1 per day; members of the council. $2per day; also ivy-law for making appropriation for roads and bridges and for unforeseen expenses. The council adjourned until the. 8th day of February. VVANZL‘E I). Industrious Men of Character. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, TORONTO. her usual grace and skill “or all hearts. The passangers by the liiectrie t‘ars are in great glee over the :ulzli' for. of an extra. door at each end of the car platform. They say it is now a cnni- . fort to have a ride on them. thanks Mr. )loyes for this. now for the 11 mt increased car service and lozver fares. and the companies receipts will l:e doubled. give it a fair trial anyway. The following oï¬â€˜lccrs were installed in Court I'nion, No. 7772, A. O. l“., at the last meeting:#(‘r. ~l.. J. Diux'y; S. (‘. H., (LA. Langstatf. M.B. : la'ec‘y, J. E. Francis; Treas.. (lr. A. Pearson: S. “'.. Jas. Moore : J. “K. ll‘.A.James; S. B., \Vm. Pearson; J. B., A. E. H. Pearson. The band carnival on Tuesday even- ing was very successful. There was an excellent attendance. the gross reâ€" ceipts being,r in the neighborhood of $.31). The musical and dramatic entertainâ€" ment givrn in Victoria Hall last evenâ€" ing underthe auspices of the. Public Library Beard was the event of the season. '1 be large ball was well filled and the pcrforniaut'es of all those who took part \vere highly appreciated. Hon. N. t‘. \Vallace gracefully ï¬lled the chair, referred to the worthy ob. ject of the entertainmcnt, and express- ed his pleasure at. being present. Dur ing the evening short addresses were also given by Mr. J. VV. Moycs, Mr. \V. J. Hill, and Mr. St. John, M. PP. Markham Councfl. Pursuant to statute the Markham Township Council met: at Victoria Hall, Unionville, on Monday. Jan. 10th, 189*, at 11 a. m. Present Jas. Lavwrie, reeve; A. Quanta, 1st deputy; Jas. Dimma. 2nd deputy; John Eckardt, 3rd deputy, and D. S Steele, councillor. The. clerk in the 3 El HI chair. The members subscribed the Is prepared to give Lessons in Music at her residence, Jefferson, or at the homes of her pupils. WMwu.O,-am v _ . . . oath of ofï¬ce and qualification and the reeve took the chair. Duncanâ€"Steeleâ€" that the. reeve leave the chair until after the funeral of the hostess, the late Mrs. VVebber. Council resumed. ‘ Communications received from :â€" J. Hess Robertson asking grant for Hospital for sick children; H. J. Binns re printing; P. H. Bryce, Sec. Provincial Board of Health rc change in law 1895. Applications were received from \V. l). Recsor for asSessorship, east half: and from J. F. Gohn and \V. Scott. for asseswrship. west half. Quantzâ€"Nteele-â€"~thal§ the treasurer pay Capt. 1V. Rolph for 90 yards of gravel $9.04); “7. D. (lrosby, R. O. I)immaâ€"Steelr-â€"-tl1at the treasurer subscribe for 6 copies of the Municipal World and procure the new revised statutes for the use of the council. 4 x raga» :rn'l/ N» c y. 5’6 owe.) ow throat, et't. Steeleâ€"Diuuuaâ€"that Mr. Eckardt Ksrzm'. \‘i-a'rscw e. so long... m... be a commissoner to advertise for ., Morin.“ L. g tenders for and buy a car load of 9c“ um... wâ€" x . â€"- - cedar to he delivered at. the Unionvillc station. to consist. one third 18 feet long 8 inches at small end : one half 19 feet long from 8 to 10 inches at. small t nd; and the balance from 20 to Ripans Tabules "ms dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules cur-o torpld liver. Ripans 'l‘abules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence, if 7'4? , "T cred}, {3,0 Tiles. E. K)? l _â€"~_..__.__ is 21.}: month in order to “Fe are prepared to offer special inducements to have i“. i.‘_v 1.x, reduce stock as much as possible belon- Best quality Barb \Vire..... ............... 2 cents per lb. Cross-Cut Saws ................. . .............. 35 cents per foot. Axes and Axe handles at all prices. Water White Canadian Oil, 5 gall. lots ....16 cents. Water White American Oil, 5 gall. lots....19 'cents. Good strong wood covered 5 gall. cans....5o cents. Galvanized Iron. with tap, 5 gall. cans....70 cents. Manure Forks, 4 prong..... ............ . ........... 45 cents. BLACKSMITHS’ $UPPLEES. A full stock oi Bar Iron, Sleigh Shoe Steel, Ilorse Shoes, Horse Rasps, etc. THOS. MEREDITH & (30., 156 King St. East, Toronto. next door Clyde Hotel. rs and stews. FALL STOCK WA T__ ROBT. SIVERS’. g the lines :wLadies’ Fine Boots and Shoes, button The followingr are anion Misses" Fine Boots and Skat- and lace; Ladies†Skating Bills, black and tan : ing Bals. ; Children‘s Boots and Shoes, all colors: (‘rents' Fine Boots, black, tan and ox blood; Gents‘ Heavy Boots: Men‘s Fancy Slippers; Men’s four buckle Felt Boots: Men‘s Telescope Boots. good felt : Men's Pure Gum Rub- bers and Stockings; Boys’ Pure Gum Rubbers and Stockings; Ladies’ per- fection Croquet Rubbers; Ladies‘ Boots and Ovcrshoes: Men's and Boys Sandal Rubbers; Men’s and Boys‘ Overshoes Snow Excluders. ' q..â€" â€".....__ Repairing neatly and promptly done. Prices right. ROBERT SIVERS.