gtj‘gf‘ï¬t‘m’,,i.v:7’$'.‘_7§i:[L‘T’4C'.779nf:41 anrv‘m'zm».:as'ï¬fmp 3“â€75'ï¬iglï¬iflm1wV’WFEW3m‘ r 7 I 7 7w, 7 r . , g L } , fl .1 , (MHT Cit SI‘i‘i’lCli. Rev. \V. R. Barker will preach ; ,3 ya a??? o g; a 3:. - g. 3 2f: ,,:,,,g._,.,,.,,,.:v- .;, mm,- in (-[})]‘().;i0. sermons in the )It'dlltltllï¬t. church, a} g, E, . ; ‘3 :6 g, (a {I j :1... Mn,“ (hum-11‘ lliltlt‘l'lllll‘:lllsiH-‘f‘R-(lr the \\. .\I. 5.. * \ZD ‘ ",3 1“. ppm ,H “gum-5; ()1, 1n urningano t‘\'t‘ll;ll;.{'(in Sunday, the, ' in'y Zilrd, llcv. ll. huge of 3 ‘lll 1115‘. . , v, ,_ ,. . .. d. \‘.'i 4 Ii’.‘.‘|(‘ll at lit: in. m. and - . v . ' ' lliCllbllw‘x‘ él’l/w- -’t'v|'~‘"«' f' ‘â€" l‘ “' l l l.‘ f 1 . , m. (, , ‘1 11cm) Hll black-11;", L’lh‘. Her bottle; t II the mloum; sucwla), .. i l t i 1 11 r . ..- . .,. . r. 3.9. . .11 oj»'>lcr so \‘.'ill be 1) ‘1“ "‘71 " "ml ‘1' ‘ 'l‘ l 5 ' “ 1t 1 Dr. F. .l. (lavllzznonui'x. V. {iclnnond liill prol‘ n:-sday of month (it _ to12;Zn:l.3ir<l and lib from ilto 5. Auth. ' Dairy (Kittie. (‘ur guca‘anrosd. The 'l‘o‘ro‘nto Financial t‘oipoin... n ‘ - has gone into liquidation. , : v r V“ II Now isthz- time lor i:,ir;_f...i.s. ,\.l. lainson t‘c Switzer. ‘ . . l‘ ' luml. \n at THE Luzon“. r Sixty cent I"~. i’raiSe with tum-s. shire. Pecplc who h:in tri! Al .‘lt lzin on 3: fiwitncr's l);t1j..{llil.~:c1_\' tin-more. The village council pl‘(;po:~‘c giving 1 n old time (‘arniual in the ink EH '1 Thursday evening January 27. b. ihtls will hc distributed in :1 tr days. Robertson llros 1.011 nous. (lino ‘ lates and (‘rcams for sale at A‘ l{l.i! {c Switzer's. By order of the i3] i‘sidwut, a meet in; of the curling club will be held ill ’l he ikmncil Chamber on Monday evening; next at 5.30. See the Corsets that. are sailing: lshe Concrelc for LDC. that \vere 1.11". and $1. Atkinson 8; Switmr. ,L .lt The Ontario Legislature prorogn-Ad on Monday. The (lat-e of the clcetions will probably be made known in a few days. Mr. Ed. Jackson's trot‘z ing horse. Dick French, trottcd a mile on the ice at Port Peri v on Friday in This is said to be the fastest mile t: otrt ed on ice. Dr. Ilutchison will be at the Fp- worth League lt,lâ€"l!ll);’l‘()“' (Friday) and will speak to the members on " Alco- 1101 and our body." A full attendance is requested. Parents and friends are welcome. Sec ourtfabh‘ipiltï¬ full of staple and fancy dry goods Selling at _much lrss than cost. Atkinson A»: Switzer. The Annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Branch Bible Society will be held in the school room of the Methodist church this (Thursday) evening, commencing at, 8 o‘clock. Tickets of Invitation are out an- nouncing the Annual Banquetof Kingr I Plowmen's Association to be held at Harris Hotel. Schomberg, on Friday evening, the éth of February. A meeting of the Liberals of the village will be held in the Council Chamber on Saturday evening of this week at 8 o'clock, for organization purposes. All Liberals are invited to be present. Justto hand, another shipment of Malwa Atkinson t‘: Swiixcr‘s special package ; this is pure Ceylon and par- ticularly good value at 1'5 and 20c. per package. At the Gospel Temperance, Meeting last Sunday afternoon addresses were given by Mr. Forhan and Mr. Coomhs, and the singing was furnished by Misses Annie and Ida. Glass and Mr. J. H. Sanderson. Good rich red reliable Sockeye salmon, 10c. pcr can : corn starch, 5c. Ih. package ; 7 bars Trilby soap, 25c. ; 6 bars Comfort soap, 250. ; 5 bars Sur- prise soap. 25c. : 3 lbs. pure lard, 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. The roprictor of the Thornhill skat- ing rin informs us that preparations are being made for a hockey match in the Thornhill rink next \Vednesday evening between teams from North Toronto and the Meteors of Toronto. Ice reserved for hockey from 7 till 8.30. Skating from 8.30 till 10. Admission 19 cents. At the recent Sabbath school con- vention of King township Association the following were elected oflicers :â€" President. A. Hambleton; Ist Vice- Pres., E. O. Ghappelle; 2nd Vice.- Presidents, King township clergymen; Secretary, Frank Doan; Treas., Jas. Jenkins; Executive Connnittec, R. Norman, J. Hainbly, D. O’Brien, J. H. Beynon, J. N. Cooper; Alf. Lloyd, 1Wm. Priug‘le, Milton Andrews. Boots and Shoesâ€"The big Bankrupt stock is ready for business. You will ï¬nd almost everything in footwear, in- cluding Ladies‘ tine up-to-date shoes. A special line in rub Jcrs and socks. Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills. ONTARIO LICENSE ACT. Friday evening January 2131; will be Temperance nith at Epworth League. Addresses will )e given on the above subject, by Messrs. Garvin, McMahon and Dr. Hutchison. All are cordially invited. VAUGHAN COUNCIL MEETINGS. At the last meeting of Vaughan Council, the following dates were set for the meetings during the year :â€" Tuesday, February 8th at 10 a. 111. Tuesday, March 8th at 10 a. in. Tuesday, April 12th at 10 a. in. Thursday, May 26th at 10 a. in. Tuesday, June 14th at 10 a. in. Tuesday, July 12th at: 1 p. in. Tuesday, August 9th, at l p. in. Tuesday, Sept. 13th, at 1 p. in. Tuesday, Oct. 11th at. 10 a. 111. Tuesday, Nov. 8th at 10 a. m. ,Monday, Dec. 12th, at It) a. m. lunperaz llal! t'roln supper til cntcitnin- "at he :;ivcn 1n the \hurch. tln- z-nuiannuc 1‘7 consist of ‘si‘ll‘t'iiullx' by ii l†1;. (Alec (Hub: .l. U'llricn ' iii-"V. “.53. ii. i...,,.. of Maple: . . L .c :‘v’lelll of hope: aliss 'thizi i’il l‘cey oi" 'Ilcstnu: also sing:- liiu'lly the choir. .‘\(lllll‘> will be ' ".2 hr iii-rs. I‘u'e . <. tile rt,'Cock- " ( lair taken at, o’ and and snow (lo-\- n..: y Atkin-;on .‘c ‘lwil‘zu'. . ' home to [hr-ii {via and evening of \‘x'etluesday. January nurs- :oo, adults, 30 cents; Adm ‘(.', 20 cents. El’W’Ull'i‘l I l About .‘i o’clock Friday cVeuing -. ï¬fty lipwerth lr'agucrs arrived at the Methodist, s-hool-iooin for the put poscof paying a visit to the League. .‘Tr llumc very ably occupicd the ’il in and Welcomed llr‘ visitors after -.vhi:-h the lHliH\‘.'lil:[ programme was given by Newton Brook and Rich- lnonzl liiil Leagues: Newton Brook "Address. Ila-v. .‘lr. Pickett; l’aper, .‘liss Johnston: Solo. Thn Land O‘ the lwal. Miss Laird: Recitation. Miss \l‘innilretl Laue: l’:-pv-r. Miss lions- ‘z...ror:f_~ ‘ Solo, Miss Laird. Ilich- ,4: rows, ISIAH (E. iuond liill~»l"avorite Promises by Mr. A. “Tight. Miss Edith Switzcr. Mr. Harrison. Mrs. \V. I}. .Ukinson and. lair. L. Morris: Solo, Miss A. Glass: r-Ioio, Mrs. (Item) A. ll. Sanderson. i After which refreslnm-nts were served and a social time was spent with the visitors. ' A. 0. 1'. VJ. A Public installation of the oï¬icers of ivy Lodge. Mo. 1â€. A. 0. I". \V. will take place in the Masonic Hall. on the evening of Tuesday, Jan‘y 25th. The installation Ceremonies will be conducted by F. \V. Ifnitt, Grand Master \Vorkmau. assisted by M. 1).. ('arder. (ii-and Recorder ; J. B. Nixon, ' (Grand ()rganizor: F. N. Nudcll. D. I). G. M. Toronto District: \\'. P, Cole, I). I). G. M. York District: A. G. F. Lawrence. Barrister, Toronto and others. After the Installation Ccrc- monics an attractive programme, con~ sisting of Vocal and Instrumental music, will be presented by Messrs. A. J. Hunted). Mason. R. \Y. Glass, and I. ll. Sanderson. and several others from Toronto. with Miss Edith Swit- as accompanist ; interspersed with ad- dresses by the Grand Officers. The public are cordially invited to attend. Admission free. Ladies specially in- vited. Doors open at 7. 3t); proceed- to commence at 8 o'clock sharp. MARRIED. St. Mary‘s ILC. church was crowded yesterday morning when Mr. Francis Robinson was united in marriage to Miss Frances Glover. all of this village. 'lhe interesting ceremony was per- formed by Rev. P. McMahon, astor ofthcchurch. Just at 9 o'cloc the groom accompanied by his best man took his place before the altar, and “as shortly afterwards joined by the bride who entered the church ‘lcaning on the arm of her father. In '5 Maggie Glover, sister of the bride, :U'tcd as bridesmaid, while the groom was assisted by Sir. T. Doyle of New , market. cousin of the bride. The" bride, was married in her travelling dress of Russian Blue Camel's hair cloth, trimmed with shot silk. and her bridesmaid wore a very pretty green cloth dress, trimmed with pink chitfon. Leaving the church the bridal party and a few close relatives partook of a sumptuous breakfast at the home of the bride’s father. The newly-married couple shortly after- wards left. for a short. wedding trip, accompanied by the best wishes of their many friends. A NONAGENARIAN. Last, Tuesday, the 18th inst... Mr. John Hutchinson of this village, reached his 90th birthday. The event was celebrated very quietly at the res- . idence of his son-in-law, Mr. Isaac Crosby. Some relatives from a dis- tance forwarded an intimation in the morning that, it. was their intention to dine with the old gentleman that day, and made their appearance on time. to assist him in disposing of a plump turkey served up to grace the occasion. Mr. John Hutchinson is hale and hearty, though afflicted with blind- Hess, and insists on having his break- fast at7 o’clock every morning. His parean came from England about 1807. While residing in the United States, John was born at Boston in 1608. Leaving Boston in 1824 the family came to Canada, locating in township of Uxbridge (which then contained but seventeen families), where several of his family still reside. After ï¬ve years they removed to Yonge St, near Machell’s Corners, now the town of Aurora, where, as a. farmer, he passed the greater part of his life. Here he. married in 1830 the daughter of James Lloyd, Esq, one. of the ealicst settlers of that vicinity. Mrs. Hutchinson is still alive, a wife of 68 years, active and livel '. When he came to Yonge. St. he ha not $50. He bought a farm of 130 acres, Jai for it in two years, and Continued to i make money. Retiring from farming, Mr. Hutchinson came to Richmond Hill about six years ago. He hasa. very retentive memory, and an inti- mate knowledge of the history of Yonge Street, haying travelled it for more than thrt-ealuzu‘ters ofacentur . The scenes and excitement of 1836-92 are as familiar with him as though but of yesterday. He has four sons and four daughters living, sever-1110f \whom are citizens of Uncle Sam's territoryâ€"w one an (ix-Mayor of Michigan City and an «xxâ€"State Sena/tor of Indiana, and others who have played their parts in the political arena. “'8 tender to the . LIBERAL, aged couple the best wishes of TnE I t-zl'z-cl ll: try it. L HHS-UN A L15. Has-z v.ill be at :ls on the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. .1. 2.3211. , Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. \Valkcr and daughlcr. of Toronto. were guests of Mrs. \‘5. It. Proctor on \Vcdncsday. :1 . M120. II. Pollard. manager of the (‘olonial ,l’re-ss, \Vinnipcg, with his little daughter. and Mrs. Ii. Scar- borough of 'l‘oronto. spent \Vedncsday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. (7. Mason. “l HE‘S BIS. IIAMlLToN ~In i\lu..' ‘ Indian Territory, on \\ euucseny. lln . sf .lanu try, a duuglmr . to Mr. and Mrs R. V. Hamilton. i flmh'B‘HS llitxsoNvAtheriam residence, ‘2‘; Pembroke . Toronto, on Tuesday, January lltll, June Helen Henson, need 77 years. Deceased was mother of Mr. David Iicnson of tl‘is viiluee. Interniont at. Mount. Pleasant on Thursday, Jan'y Nth. ISUWES 7A2. 'l‘hmnln‘ll, Jnnum'y llmves, in lJlr’ sot); year. .‘IULHULLAND-AL his tather’s resrlencc, 197 Gladstone Ave. Toronto. .m lï¬'hjnst. Issac, 15th , Wm (llltll'lHS Mulhoilau‘l as: Al 20 yrs. and 8 Inglis. l ‘ Funeral at. IinLHlllVlIl‘I Hui this afternoon at ‘2 , I‘lt'llle- ‘ Village Gounod. Pursuant to a call by the reeve, the ‘ I I council met on January 17th. The‘ recvc in the chair. Councillors pres- ent: Messrs. llill. Hopper and lnncs. The clerk stated that. Councillor Iuncs had made and subscribed the declarations of (plaliticalion and of ofï¬ce before him. The minutes of the 10th of January were read and approved. The clerk presented the Deputy RegistrarGeneral‘s certificate of the re stration of marriages. births and the Division of Richmond Hill, County of York. which entitles him to receive the sum of seven dollars and sixty cents for the year ending 31st Decenr ber, 1897. Moved by \Ir. Innes, seconded by Mr. Hill. that the clerk be paid the amount certiï¬ed by the Deputy Registrar General, viz., $7.60.â€"Can'i- ed. )lr. Innes introduced By-Law No. 161. to appoint certain officers, and to state the amount. of their renmnera- tion. Sections 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the by~law were read a. ï¬rst, second and third time and passed. dThe following oilicers were. appoint- e : I lltlitOI‘Sâ€"ISRFIS Crosby and R. E. Law. Assessor~Hcsse A. Nichoils. Fence-Viewersâ€"M. McNair, J. WV. Elliott and James Frock. Board of Healthâ€"Henry Miller. High School ’I‘rusteeâ€"Andrew New- ton. Public Library-â€"\V. A. Sanderson. I)()1]Ilfl-}:(‘(‘_I)L‘1‘~'J£ls. Brownlce. .The following are the Standing Committees : By-Lawsâ€"Messrs. Savage, Hill and Inncs. Fire, Water and Lightsâ€"Messrs. Savage, Hopper and Hill. ' Park and Builtlingsâ€"â€"I\Iessrs. Innes, \Vright and Hopper. Streets and Sidewalksâ€"All members of the council. Messrs. Savage and Hill were ap- the .y, (baths, by M. 'l‘cefy as Registrar of v pointed a special committee to confer with certain persons desirous of form- ing a hockey club. The council adjourned. M. TEEFY. Clem k. .- Tempera ncev'ille An oyster supper and et'itcrtainment will be held in the Methodist Church on Thursday evening, the 8rd of Feb- ruary. Good performers have been secured for the entertainment, includ- ing the Edgcly Glee Club; Mr. J. Shorey, Toronto; Revs. Messrs. Dewey and Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, Toronto ; Miss McNaughton, Miss Ada Brown, Rev. J. 0. Clubine, and others. Arrangements have been made to hrin visitors from Toronto by Met- ropo itan Railway to Richmond Hill, then the balance of the way by busses. Return tickets, 45 cents. See bills. The remains of the late Mrs. ascauonc HELL, ONT. tut iéiifiém Atkinson & Switzer’s Sh V ITS GGOD. , Same Comprehensive i Oï¬â€™erings. The quotations below are close to the line. WE ADVISE EARLY ‘ ORDERING. Everything considered you can always do better at Atkinson & Switzer’s than elsewhere. } ,R‘ ‘ ~;'. ’r l‘l‘.:r:. ‘n‘ . .913“? :p A?" . - mamaâ€"1W J» . ‘ ,_ ‘ H mm Better be an Atkinson & Sw-itzer customer from now on. Heavy Dark Flannelettes 6c. per yd. Ladies’ Corsets, good quality, 25c. per pair. 6 packaqu Corn Starch tor 25c. i 7 bars 'I‘rilby or Telephone Soap for 25c. , New Orleans Molasses, good, 9c. per qt. ‘ Malwa, Pure Ceylon Tea, 15 & 200. 3. pkg; , Gems’ Heavy Tweed Pants, $t.35. Rich, Red, Reliable Salmon, Ioc. per can. Be an Atkinson & Switzer : Customer and be lsatisï¬ed. . ( Atkinson & Switzer 7a . “.4 .. x " _. RICHMOND HILL Hardware Sign. XMAS Will soon be here, and I have for sale Pocket Knives. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Table Knives and Forks $1.25 per doz. Rogers’ Carvers, $1 per set. Butcher Knives, 15 cents. Grand Rapids Carpet. Sweeper $2 75. Enterprise Meat Cutter $1.50. Skates all Sizes, and everything in the Tin. Stove and . Hardware lines at lowest prices. Repairing Promptly Done 0. MASON, â€" RICHMOND HILL Chard I were brought from the city for inter- ment on Tuesday. Deceased was a' C a a e sister of Mr. G. L. Stewart. The. Bachelor Pancake Social in the church on Monday evening was a. de- cided success. A load of young people attended the parlor social at the. residence of Mr. Mrs. C. Normal. «cogâ€"“.â€" Victoria Square «7‘-..â€" The semi~monthly shoot of the Rifle Club of this plaCe took lace on the afternoon .Uf Saturday anuary 15th with the following results. 100 yds. 200 yds, T] R. Agar . . . . . . . . . . 37 44 .81 W, 5.5th . . . ., . . . . . 41 31 72 LG. Stamtenburgh 44- 27 71 C. P. Reid . . . . . . . . 43 27 70 Geo. FQI‘C‘SLOI‘,SI‘ .. 37 .31 68 o’â€" Sale Register. WEDNE‘DAY, Feb'v 2nd ~Credit sale of horses, Vehicles, &c., on lot 24?, tIth con. Vaughan, the property of Geo. Phillips. Sula uh 1 o'clock. Terms 3 months, J. l‘. Suigeon, Auctioneer. IS‘J‘I’m'ties getting: their bills printed at this Ollie» will recwve 9. notice similar to the above game or CHARGE, Seth Smith, \Vhitchurch, on Tuesday _ _ 1 night, and report a good time. 4 ‘ Mrs. Cowan of I’urplcville, is spend ’ ing a few weeks with herdzuighter, Before taking stock there are several lines in DRY GOODS Such as Prints. Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Yarns, Blankets, etc,, etc., to be cleared regardless of cost. Full assortment of ï¬rst-class Groceries constantly on hand. ISAAC CROSBY.