Elm: @ilimtisciiimtr’. NOILGE. l Grain Chopping chI-y (lily of tho: “'PPk at Boych Mill, zit four and tivc ; cents {I ling. l 30-“. IV. - 7...... NillL-R. Tim: TABLE. GOING NORTH. _ MAG ER. Tonosro. Mull Accam. Ex (Aid-Wh-mxsix 7» l ~ . rr r-.r , I m...§’..‘l.‘.“.‘l.;:t “"†BUTTER, EGGS & PilllLTElY ; 51R . $3.2m†HXLL' ï¬nd n: l OUR SPECIALTIES. Aurora . . .4 .r _ _ Newmnrket..,.10.15 2.10 ms Highest Pl‘ll‘Ps (ibianicd. , GOING SOUTH. ' Ev“ “com. Mm]; Returns Prompt†Made. Newmnrket,.. R.5~i 3.10 No Aurorflw ~90} 3‘8 “52’ References cur shippers everywhere. For on- King. 9.15 .. 7nd I thhqwe “Wmâ€. RICHMOND ’HXLL. .24 i i I 'I‘lmriihill.......,....... 9.31 ...... L l; “LAC “WEB’L «0‘ n“ TORONTO P“ n ‘ ’ . Union 425 .1 ORONTO‘ liï¬iieiélllinomeii Still Betterâ€"than Ever. Newshocs. 200. cash. and I‘PIIIUVOS 8c. cash. Every shoc guzu-iii‘itcml to stick and Wczir us longr or loiigci‘ than any other make. Light slccl sliocs at Sainic pricc. (‘llSlnllH'l'S who got. tlicii' sound liorsos shod licrc will gct their Ci‘ipple‘s and iiitcrfcriiig liorscs shod Without. cxtru churgc. Allollwrwork doiio at. (Iqually as low priccs. Rigs of all kinds rcpiiinlcd. PROCTOR’b STAGE LINE. Conneotswith alltrnins. leaving the Palmer Housc Richmond Hill. as folloWs: Mail .% Expressflxorth & South. .... 8.30 a to. Express North and Mail Soulh......... ..5.80 p. m. METROPOLITAN ’TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. Cure leave C. RR. Crossing at 7.20 s.m.. 0.40 i3..m., 2.40 I).m., 5.40 phi Cars leave Richmond Hill at 8.30 4 p.m., 7 pm. ' a..m., ll 3.11)., POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:- Monu1No:â€"â€"Going Northsoulh East and West, including 'l‘liornhill, Satisfaction giuimiitccd with cvci-y Maple/Toronto Mcrkhmnï¬c. 8.30 fob (,1. “0 pa V_ EVENmez-Going south East and West (as ‘ ~ __ above) 5 30 â€"* N. B.-~Re;:istered Letters must. be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. J. T. SAIGEON; RIAPLE . Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, vizs. Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORON TO, CANADA. â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"~ GORE, ()F GALT. A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. 8. SNIDER. The Cclclirulcd Horso-‘s‘lioor, \Vood- worch :inLl Gone-rid Jobber, Ili'. Rciil‘s old ofï¬ci‘. (lolhoi'ni‘ St, 'I‘Iâ€"IOI? NIIIIJIJ Torrens.- l A Pair of Curling Statics. whoop. 29â€"2 .l. M. liA‘VIll‘li'C/E. Buckwhialllliiiliil. I will pay the big] est mnrliel price for n few hundred lluslieh of Llllflil lluvliwlimt, also all kinds of Feeding (il‘nlll,(lt‘.|l\'(‘l€(l at my store, 19 Much Avrnue. ï¬rst strr‘cl noith of C. 1’. R. Crossing, Yonce St. Toronto. Windsor Salt, $1.151iei‘ barrel. H. L. l'illEE‘I, Toronto. l Jau'y 13. IREIR. 2m Fir Salem 'liieiil Six Acrcs of Land, House. Stable and Burn. on Richmond Htrcct, in the Village of Richmond Hill. A Talking Machine that Talks. . USE SANDERSONS \ PURE CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER Everybody oofne in and hear the GRAMOPHONE. I HAVE IT TO HIRE FOR PRIV- ATE, PARLOR AND PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS. W. A. Saâ€"nderson, DRUGGIST. Riclinlond flill -AUROIRA. liflllï¬lllï¬llllllï¬ llllls Address. MRS. ROBT. STOCKDA LE. 29-6 Richmond Hill. Auction Sale (JF VALUA ISLE FARM [QWERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- tiiincd in u mortgage “hicli \\‘lil be produced iii. the tune of sale, there Will [)8 oï¬ere-l lcr sale by public auction, unless sooner i‘ivilecmed, ut the Queen’s, Hotel. in the town of AUI€()12A, BvJ. T. Suigeon. Alicbioneerfln Thursday, Feb’y 3rd, 1898, At 1] o'clock in the ioreuoon, All and singular that ceilsin parcel or tiocl. of lurid and promises situate lying and being in the Township of “liilcliuich in the County of York Iii d PI'oVince of ()Iitniio coulaiiiiiig one hundred Bl'l‘E‘S be the SlLlIle more or 1055 being composed of the west hulf of lot iiunilwr ciglitceu in the fith concession of the aforesaid ’l‘onnship of Whitcliurcli. I n the proiwrty is call! to he situate a, frame d‘Vt‘lllufl wish cellar, u uooil lniiik bin-ii about 301m: 50 it†and misc-clues well. also u spring cred; at the rear oi the ii'opertv. There are about so -'en acres of full wheat. mm eight acres rye now sown. There are twentv-l‘ive acres of the land under cultivation, the halziiico is well wooded With birch, hemlock, and the fences are in good repair. The property will be sold sub- ject to a. leserve bid. TERMS OF SALE :â€"~Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid to the vendor’s eniicitors a.» the time of sale, the linluucs with the ex- ception 0f $000 within thirty 'luys thcicufter. - Six humer dollars of the pui'cluise money to be secured by a first mortgage, or the whole may be paid in cash. Further particulars and conditions of sale will ho mmle kiiunu ou the (lay of sale or upon up- plicution to. LA WEEVCR &: ()RMISTON. 28-4 15 'l omnto Street, Toronto, Vuudol's iiolicitors. Toronto, 3rd Military, 1598. OUR Aiiiia Belle lliiiii Is mnrle from the 1896 crop or Wheat by on im- proveu process of milling. whereby we save for the lii'eitil~eiitei' all the natural and original THE RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK \Vill be open for skaters on the evenings of qualities of the wheat. It will produce a. light- . I Bargains-rand] richer flavored brand, which :MOBDAY’ WI eep moist onger than any other flour on v . the mullet. By iinproveuicntn iu milling “ EDNESD‘AYI methods, which we hove recently adopted, We have lixsscnml the cost of ninnuhnmre, hence weui'e enabled to offer a hlLtlJ~Cluhï¬ ï¬‚our at a. prim: you pay for much inferior stuff. '1‘in it. In is e"0ll<)l]l)' to use it owing to its superior bread producing qualicies. AND SATURDAY During the skating season from 7.30 to 10 o‘clock, AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. on Saturday JOS. HALL. Agent for Richmond Band in Att'olldallce Hill. and Messrs. NAUGHTON hV"“â€â€˜gS- BROS.. at Elgiii Mills. VVc make ii specialty of Farmers’ E change \Vork. SE0. 8. 'BALBWIN, AURORA FLOUR ING MILLS. Admission 10c. ; Children 50. be had from the x' . Season Tickets may caretaker, J. Brownlee. I t m l -‘I.€ Subscribe for LIBE EAL. ‘3.) I ., Al ~ . r nah)“.- mini-5:.- m... {U TOE ON T 0 .‘w EVICIIY~~ RIO“ day. WVeduosdny and Hfl‘i'irlsiy. Fi'ciglit :iiid Purccls dclivcri-d :iiid L'olloctod. ï¬lial illiciel All l‘l’dn‘llll‘lllli' ml"; 1);) Sl)()l'l,rl‘St Iliiiico Patronagc Solicitcd. LEVI£@,Y:,,- Illihlilig Rails. THE LIBERAL and \Vcekly Globe to jan. Isl, ’99, 351.50. THE LIBERAL and \Vcckly Sun to jun. Ist, '99, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and \Vcekly Mail to jam. ist, ’99, 51331.50. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe I year, $4.50 THE LIBERAL and Mail I year, $4 50. Dal ly TIIE LIBERAL 21nd \VOild one )ezir, $2.75. Daily THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, I ycar, $2.00. THE LIBERAL and Evening Globe one year, $375. THE LIBERAL and Farm mg I year, $1.73. THE LIBERAL and The Ladies’ Journal, I yearï¬i 50. All other city papers at equally low rates. Send your orders to T. F. MCMAHON, "The Liberal †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MAï¬Ks DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &.c. Anyone sending a sketch and descrlgï¬on may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patenmble, Comniunlca- tlons strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents cam. free. Oldest auency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive apectal notice, without: charge, in the Scientific Hmcrican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c ournnl. Terms. $3 a year; four months, 31. So (1 by all newsdeiilers. MUNN 8. 00.36'Bmdwav- Newlgik Branch 021106. 625 F St..Wuh|ngton. . . Wood “Ionized For exchunue, a good set of serviceable single him-nose for four cords of hul'tl wood, either green or dry. Apply to WM. HARRISON, Harness-Mal: er Richmond Hill, Jun’v «11,1595. 3......“ also... PRICES AT FARMERS’ wmoous. AI’S EAFEEAA. * Limar.‘ .ern (M 35-: an. rm» my 2 v w. .mxâ€"svsumnu-m ‘ J' ' 9.4 "3.; .‘fl' -7 .‘ LC. ". "»..,â€â€™) l' " g ' .~ A!" 3"}:be 2‘s 2:; r. 1.. r. .- if} u'rig‘xuï¬ Life am: . lo 1 , f, A... , :2. WE Alli? lil-I.\:»;;:Zl:i'EiCilH FUR 5:; 1 la _. -": '3 rr'v r n“ 3‘;' ,-.."" r5 )5 ,‘i '.< ll: II. (his-.. I ma .2..>...Iiix.sa. g1 . i»; ltiL'AF". -- w. n -- . C 39/ ‘5" 5 a"; r" ,w ‘ . N H q 33 an», . 1 g ’ .h’Lwâ€"‘Lu X wLLr AlEILS a“ L L) ‘4va 9. “AU. ii: is. x.- :I,‘ 5’ ‘l H . . . . . . ,. ‘1‘} l a}. llic liiowl ti-rqrioiil ciiilsc of lll'll‘< iml lui'iiw is llll‘ :iliF lli'i‘ iii llh' ll‘illl \l of (';irlu.iiiii- in†Linux .\.\i i1 . N; . 7 _ .3: (jR'IHF-‘TPA‘EE '3 Ivor-divs" Winnie.“ m , ‘ ‘ .' I I, V . _ .r 3 ï¬n is pinchinwlly pliro (Sil-lvuiiflc of Limp, l. ».Ilii}.iil».~, n'iioii li‘tl i:|:.7:i1iil')’ y. o i lliv must. (-ssciil izil l'l('lll-"lll and LI;le l‘c :iiils lll illa‘ l‘oriiintion in†i>-_{s;‘.~‘. H . . . .. r . > V V . . v ‘ yV l V .'\ . y r! l l f 37'? .\l2‘. .\‘.\'l AGES (l.\.l.\ lull I} llIl‘l Irwl‘. lzl‘ ll L’s“: l I1 :mls :‘s (ii it and ]ll'(‘\'(‘lll\' ('lioli-iu‘i. ll kl'viu‘ thr- l‘nuliiy hulllli)‘. ll. ;" l 1; lt. llliilxlN lii-iis lay ."ll vqu iii-r tiny. [I iiiiiix‘i s lilU : :‘lll‘ll s: hing ' gig‘ (‘lliill'_"ll lo ('ill‘l \' \I'illioizt lip‘l'.‘3l\ll.‘_:'. it l‘lilllilllW ll!" l-y' ins- “lllllll lfn .. I - , '. . I. J ‘ é: l‘llllllllilll'lll‘~ t-l llll‘ i-gis. ll lllrl g iiI-..\’ii :. {,3- l cpl: T'l'lt'c‘i NH. 1. l'wri'so ('i-ihlnd. _ .51. 3.? No. :3. leium ('l’ll\i!~"‘l‘ -< 3:7 {ID No. 3;. Fini- ('i'iisliid. 1Ԡf; ' A No, l. I‘lill‘ l‘igliiiizs, ’U '_. ,A, i DR. Ii??? 1‘ i†‘-,‘.'-.\-('lu‘r.\ iii.~. . ~l "l. Jj" a 3 ll\'l‘.‘l_illll,\l llll(ll.sl*lisa‘.\‘lll l’oiilli'y. '] (7‘; iii :) ll). iim'l. 5;â€, .‘R'u' km" A. w. r a 2 1, El ,3- Ilia’ntllinfl Bunions uninviâ€. (.1, 0 ll . . . . I? 1 ‘ l’l'olmlvl)‘ no siiiglc viii-iii): is so lllll\ lllt‘ ,3 (i? lAilisi‘ l‘lllli‘l‘ is [iiisiilhily gum“ hi i ¢‘§ l)l'l"(‘lll‘l'l‘ll. Lo ~ Gill'th ill «NF. (‘l 'Tl‘l‘lllï¬. (1mm ,1 ‘Lif ., (‘l.“..\llGRIT.(lll.\1Ԥl'l..\’l':.l; inn. i; M ’7 F2! 4 "a. " GET . 1"†avg n 43mm ~53 M lei-2'. u EELIL, war lit . Liza} , 2.; i=1: . , . v , 47‘ . .m r {if lilll AND HZ I\I.\(i S1. l.._\f-»l. ' h c: . 1,1. ‘4 [3 K n 41 ' 42 your. 3'" .3 ‘ I: "4321, '1 mi; . col. .2 .. .. . .I.I.....-m as Jiff'vz‘hmmmz'- *‘J'P'fclzr Am“ «Imf'. A - {TKXt'AzI'ZI'fI'ng NEAT (( L.â€" ' Clothes , FREE From all imperfeco ions is what all well dressed men like. This is what is guaranteed by A. l. lliime. ’l‘ailor. Agent for PARKER‘S DYE WORKS. "$3.51" EXCURSION _T0_ T0 R O N T0 Every Thursday, Afternoon and Evening, the METROPOLITAN RY. Will run Excursion Furs lrum Richmond Hill to Toronto at Mind 7 p. m. Returning, lost. our leaves Toronto at 10 p.1ii. Wheat. white, per lluSlJ...............$ (l Bll S 0 87 Wheat, red, per bush . . . 0 ‘03 O F!) Wlieiin. goose, per bush 0 77 U 78 Until, per bush (I ‘27 0 28 Peas, per bush .. 0 52 U 5; Harley. Der bush 0 3L 0 3i Turkeys, per lb U 08 "01] Dressed Hugs, per cwt. . 6 ll) 6 30 (lease, per lo 0 05 0 06 ('hickeus. per piur . . 0 30 (1 5U l)llckH.]l61‘pnll‘ .. .. 0 50 0 75 Butter. in pound rolls 0 15 0 w Eggs, fresh .............. n )9 0 20 Potatoes, p r bag O 65 O 70 Apples, per bbl 0 00 0 00 Hay, clover . 00 0 00 Hay, timothy 7 (l0 9 00 Straw, shout. . 6 7 50 FEED The undersigned has for mile at Richmond Hill Sliicinn. Bnlotl Hay, Whole Corn and Grain of all kinds. 30-“ J. R. CAMPBELL Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabulcâ€"s cure constipation. Round Trip Tickets, 25 cts. GM JNO. \V. MOYES, Manager. THOPPING DAILY Nï¬ll Maple Saxv At low prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. HENRY MA isll l C-tf AND A. \YKTrIT‘V-NT{’) ‘.1 ’ '5‘». X TAN ‘i 13.1 LIBERJ’AL “ gau- ?_ (a V 0 Fl E. SMNVJ. Sdeld Mr. W, I3. (il'th having gone out of the busiues in Allâ€) v.1 uni uuuiu lupinâ€"ed to cupply customers on shortest. notice. I‘oi.tiil notes proniplly attended W. H. JACKSON, IMAPLE " NJnsocn Id: r (it? supervision . Irl‘i.‘ Toi growers. flllu i . A l\ lillhl sold by them .i :.’I‘ p‘cof {he bus: ( i ‘ iiiiian and Ceylon ‘i ‘1» l. ' ' t more. but the 'i I' ii; \ Les. T. "-1 Tea. mnlie is} flf ii 3.41!) 1 lb. and JC. and (1.x. 'J'csi .:ii l( is put up iii sol .~_.;icc o | .initn \~r"t- 'l , ii and )3 Front bi. -- ;_-r A.‘|"i ‘s 72.0. 1 cp ii. tcl L‘ ‘l l, ll.\\"l'l_ I. †TOWLET †An (light rooiiicd lioiisc, with threi1 closcts. good CPllRl', and hard and Soft water. House lutcly i'ciiiodcllcd. Apply to A. L. SKEELE. 27-tf Richmond Hill. Faities desiring to borrow money zit. loin ivei' ceiit.,sui.il names, addresses, amount of luau required. iiiul two stumps for my gun; to In 41:5, l’os; Ulizce, Richmond Hill. ma}