Remodeued, and newly turn One of the most convenient hotels on Yonge Screen. E venience. Sample rooms travellers. An ideal snoppim ondriviug parties, biL’yCllStS, to or returning from mm‘ke trains. Eteccric cars pass the U :14! m'taker s as Embalmers, Fame '2†Fin: :amlaiugs Aiu'ayson 55am] 19 Birch Crossing Winds Graduate of with diplom Danna! Schm‘ Friday 0! ea. rum 1 to 3 p. Diseasas of ed animals. n proved met‘u Jan'y 13 m WR 53.x“ 1G Wrésafl ‘i‘ï¬â€˜ï¬‚k‘wii, n ‘ . ..'-'. H. 3303 3. T. Ed'th VETERKNARY SURGEON WM. PALMER HU U QVA LTL‘ R H ELSE, XVill be in wwlmwmth-urrm very accommodation DR. W I Will pn undred h Magma-mm: '3 to :6 a m: and 6 slam gimme, $1 per annum, in advance.] Ofï¬ceâ€"Next RICHMOND VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO 8 [n OFF-ici- W1“ WWW ï¬g éwwm REOND . CHHL 'IHO Deatisst, LOO 1255? Pan; tat; “3 icMAHON. han Dorda TiNG SA PUBLISHING HOUSE twining 1t mum. the U 5? utl latest EEORNING S. L.D.S. 2 BBESAR ‘Fl’TT.T 11m] th rouulmut Proprietor. DAY Tt {JL, 0111: farmers going Bus meet-5 all i0 8 p m ï¬ï¬ï¬"! lroy, onl on Friday attended to nor domesticut and most ap- nary college 0 Ve t win my wery VVed 1898. 3 pm M‘ Board, 51 (:4 >mfurmblo Jodern con- commercial fur ri'iiug Into all LicensedAuctioneers for the County at York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLurteat notice an") a reasonabemtes. P. 0. address King Licensed Auc Charges mm dress, White Licqnseu Auctioneers for Untnno and Peel. Goods Geuaralsales o ntock. at to at. reasonable rates. Licensed Auctionear for the Counties of York and Ontario. All sales of farm stock. &c. M- tendcd to on the shortest notice and reasonable mmq. Mortgage and bnvih'fl‘ sales attended to. Residence. Stuuï¬villo, Ont. Limher. etr‘..,uttendéd on the shortest Hot at reasonable rates. Patronage aoliciceï¬. P. 0. address Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York sales attended to on shortest native and at ma.- srumblemtes. Patronage sulicited. Residvncr Maple Or at Richm ALFRED MACDOUC TORONTO OFFK . sn, COOK MACDOUGALL & JONES. Mr. Cook w MONEY I Jicensed Aucti *enem) sales 0‘ imher. etr‘..,utt x112 Fr; East Toronto Ofï¬ce, Mr. Grant’s residence “'00|1l:r1d;«e, ever“; awning. Thoruhill, each Wednesday from 10 to 12. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. 25 KING STRE A la) ge amount xproved farm 1. LEM ECKARDT, Uniouville. Janey to STOKES HEY BINan. GARVIN 8n Eckardl dz PI “Him! )NEY TO LOAN AT 5°C iarristers, 1f prmmm¢~wm Barrisears Stokes a: “laugh TOI J. D. H on (I ma :1 Barristers, Soh’ RICHM LOAN :hioneer for the County of York aerate. Patronage solxcited. Ad- Rose P. 0. J. 'l‘. Saigoon, a! E‘SEO Lbs r111] ilH AWL ‘1 Hill new for in) pleu‘ '1‘. Brooke-s, i1] :‘TE""F§I w R 35“? R1755 LEN N OX & MACHUD rs. ï¬obirimrs. (“a 44V†0 ANI “In Esseutials, U >8 snry m' vatE ‘erty. ‘ t0 14051.11. 1t M 15 Toronto St . Toronto ‘11 Stimulus. ‘wut & GARVIN .1; Toronto St Ofï¬ce open Smith MACDONALDJ WE ST, '1 ORONTO Vatefnnds to loan on ‘y. Five per rent. in- repuvment. No emuâ€" 5. Apply to 3 & OHMIRTUN, \Iuple on Thursday each week. icitors, etc. the Countnes of York sold on consignment :., promptly attended o Lst. ‘cil N0. 1, Adelaide MONEY! f Ontario. REDERICK 0. JC County of York. 1urnitnre.r~,tanding shortest, notice and mares! rs, rs. &c., 18 Toronto 5:. R ORA T OFFIFE J. H. Pnax'z‘xcz Carrvxlie. Telephone 47 TIC NSTUN D BLUUGE BESGS. ‘tun‘ \V ed H i er) my general education. [ts ( obedience to the ruler age to the Emperor. “'(‘l'e absolutely enftm of disobedience was (1 play of original thong the result, is that the c of Man himself had ‘nowhere to lay His head ’.†From these premises shall we argue thatnatnre‘s plummet slipped when man was placed on earth amid such conditions. Not at all; rather we argue. the opposite. For while man was the most dependent of mortals at the start he was endowed with poten- tial powers which are capable of development in such a degree as no othc - animal possesses. As then these undeveloped powers at birth lie dor- mant in, man it naturally follows that unless they are dr; wn out by‘ educa- tion and training he, must always remain in darkness and doubt. It is seen at once then, what the province of education is. It is to draw out man’s inmate powers. It is to elevate him in the scale of intelligence so that he may make and enforce law without vaste or friction. It is to develop that personality which will make him king m’e - all the kingdoms of nature. This is the Work of education and to advance this work we are dedicating this building to-day. The children of this age are “heirs of all the ages.†The. record of man’s experience will Wonderfully aid in developingr the child. The steps by which civilization has reached this nineteenth century perfection will afford invaluable education to the young. These things a1 e our inherit- ance and the Work of education is to distribute this inheritance without par- tiality ‘orseltishness. Education has flowed down to us by a very winding,r stream. Look at the educational condi- The children of this of all the ages.†The. experience will wqu developing the child which civilization 1): nineteenth century afford invaluable ed young. Thesethinus mt. All aninmls except man wen: (‘ll(l(l\VCd at birth with natural instincts :Ls perfectly adapted to their neccessities that tht-y were so correctly guided in the preparation of food and homes that nothing was left to be desired for their well living. Man at his birth had no such instincts, no ready-11121110 law for the govern- ment of his daily life and like the Son ()I most helpless of all the {uninile kingâ€" dom. So far aswve know, no uLhel' animal at birth is so pom-1y equipped furthv life tluust upon him. Other animals have, frqu the cradle of their being, bodily protection Without need of artiï¬cial coverinp‘ . Man alune has {111, {or a .chuul consider fu means that of human 1 earthly 01)} which anV 11H, 1mm TH [11 IUl madam Kit-ills. ' And why educate ? B9 mal on earth seems to haw pen-ed for him natural envi 11 mun. From Lhe vex-y 1 his existence here he 1 hl e sue ould 11y h 'UHL‘S< A Memor nu why educate? Because 1m 1 on earth seems to have been 105 s red for 11in natural envirmnmalus nun. From 'Lhe vex-y beginning existence here he has cmu~ d life the most dependent and [1K THUI .> promisvs shall we plmmnvt slipped L'wl on earth amid Not at a“; ruflu f1 lg 5119 01' this n alum VII! mmunit number enough. but at, this 111mm ult for the In perfection will lucation to the ; a1 0 our inherit- educatiml is to auce without par- Educzttion has n vm-y winding ‘dllCiltriflllfll condi- 1' hack in the cen- Hmneutenfm-ced iv of :ed and the price with. Any dis- ht was fatal and Ildcst and most :m he 1 (Ii-110115! mmeute hiof purl religim These m leI rials. Li In Ih( pptrur'tunit amid such ruflu-r we whlle man he highs Oils hon) [1| ,. V011 buiih lines of 11$. oblt fUI I]()\V airs in by this ful it Hï¬UARY ‘27, 1898. under the can pinkey effect I wish Vto speak one word, ton. against the tendency to cry down such subjects as Algvhm on the H. S. curriculum. This subject as well as others that come in fora good share of blame are invaluable as instrni’n'ents for teaching I~oas<,)ni11g. There is every reason for keeping them as thPy are. One other thought and I am done. Many parentsare anxious that their children be hurried through the school. This is a serious mistake as one. of the most important factors in Education is Time. The speakert‘heu on behalf of “19 pupils prcsented a. handsome flag to the Board. Lt) our educated young men to seek employment as farmers and mechanâ€" ics. Much has already been done fur that. One of the ministers of the local cabinet is a practical farm- er. The premier of our prairie prov- ince. follows the plow. There is: a party of farmers in our local parlia- mvnt which at present almost hnld the balance of power. Also Agricultural colleges and agriculture classes in high schools are ('loz'ng much to put things as they ought to be. Reign," has captured the Britis pipe. Extraordinary tescin from the great men; send 11 from Marquis of Lox-ma says, best, pnpulzu- Life of the Quwn seen." Her Majk‘sty Sends :1 letter of appreciation. Sellil thousands lecbiun. qualiï¬vd t0 1 hr' says that education In mz-chanic be this, we 5 ing that seek edu \Vou l d Home their ll] ‘21 bur IS qui lS henlthly \ )lll mt vary ociety and Fashion Gossip from the Queen City. ha On Wednesday ensure of heng 9 pvdrn mutinm wertuiu a. ladv f *hnol educatiz 19 results. S heated. T1): at educated m subsumcet 921th recently ' education 1' AR A 11d *asmg pone nr is tual $40 Queen in all things, Charity. Wantedâ€"Canvassers. the an t (109 JAJ wwkiy. RETSON 00.. in 0111 l edut-a those \Vf px'oq il]( t1) shun L-rntly renwrke Lion in Ontax the large nm to take DOSit/if They (TO BE COXTIN tht IN d ‘3 16k hitetvu which we an o ughly. The table decm exquisitely arranged. gum-e piece of drawn wo Ou rs sta m1 :9 are r Dlzle‘sLy sends u kmd ppreciutinn. Selling hy gives enthusiastic satis- mvussm-s make from $15 vkly. THE BRADLEYâ€" )N (30., Limited, Toronto. likt 1' day must get a, public itinn, and sr) much faith n-ld in education under our it is hard to ï¬nd a parent )t most earnestly Wish that mghtel' may have a High llD ictoria: He aptul'od the wrdinm-y jut, men; 54 PXpPI‘lé’lF‘P t4 kes the farm my workman 1- Illeans of nmnism >y I'oligzit 'dll( :o teaches that manual [5 honorable and at least mental labor. my mind thn solution is lnnt‘ think of suggest- r ()f our young people 11 but should, on the our hvst to encourage [ young men to $99k sfurmers and mechmr has already been 0119 of the ministers winet is a practical fax-m- "St )1) pmo say we 2111 at’s not so, we a enough. I quut 01’ what H. S. In: ' remarked «m the ll] nmvle an i 111 me th i1 pmg mm unids. T (mal life" a ancient sed to he SlI( ‘d at ' each ruin. Show 1mg more 1 18h a system It India we thin toil. the centre found '9 of which was candelabrum ï¬llc ;. A large doub with Ill time will 5 intellectu‘ mthing b1 who 1-: mtentment tth numbr Hie 10 than ‘ an that mummy and its Tth all show one word, to cry down (In the H [OHS )l'IH DE n how And \vh I‘he the 111:2 tinn mu sysu .‘heir stem as this s mysteriou ‘ as teacher: teaches tha ner and tlu n beside in enqument that manna P and at 10:le 1- Life and British Em- testimonials xnd fort-«my LII ‘Vh are over- are not lute here Inspector )dumncé unsatis chiklfon *. They hri only 1 111( priests try was p90p1¢j 1t ‘ The have han- been state ad- are hers and Bub 1P6 in d of cunswt» ( dresses, by the 11 addl-esm The funeral of the late Frank Burk- holder of Toronto was held at the. Lutheran cemetery Monday afternoon. The remains of the late Mrs. John Ellis (If the 8th concession were intenz ed at the Lutheran cemetery Tuesday forenuon. Mr. W. “'ylie ((201; :1 business trip to Mztlvern, Scarboro. on Fridav. some Ml St Wm against cam" write and g information have put hut 0t makin now rich you, if 1 work hau difl‘e styl‘ The Y. P. S. C. E. ( chm-ch 4th com, V (-nnmwnmrating Ch! Day, by a special sen evening Fub. lst. T Vill will have t Miss Nettï¬ part this w Small cm If M 111:1(l( of w] draw front that made to 1 brimming u the Human The mos Cummings the the and hun was ('01 anmseme Dl'unnen Six A( M 1'. a nd 1t )ll M 211.1 n h- dresses by Rev. C. A‘ qfle and Rev. J. E. 1-vices to commence, collection will be tukc Ad ii I 929‘ stum {do of t) white 5: awn thI 12 C( ldPl'é the mom isti he most recent addition to th innings Stock Company playing a Princess Theatre (and which, b: way. is a very fashimmblelplace 0 18811191117 just now), is Mr. Fran] IUIIPI‘JVhO is a splendid acquisition )1] his ï¬rst appearance. three week . he at once became nnhnlnr an: lSlOD you are Energetlc and Strong, fair to captivate the fa Drummr possesses a very pl powerful voice, with I-eflm :tic methods, also a ï¬ne PIICE‘, and has proved him: n actor of great ability. W much pleased to see Mr. ,v back again last, week, el'ed his part remarkath are all delighted to know tl have the pleasure again of Nettie Marshall, Who wil . W. “'ylie tool; a business tri} tlvem, SCiLI'bUI‘U, on Friday. . McBride who has been ill f0. time is able to be around again. . S. Ireland is quite- ill at present . Colin Campbell is still conï¬net ()I'€ him bmc with n§1ish fit} It from 1:1 highly amused the 0th hile calling upon a. lady 1-9 very highly polished, 1‘ pet pug dog, who ans [-37 sweet sounding n †was roaming arou 111 l are above thE f Singing, 1-4 Ippmpriutc [Single ume for lIl Ill( 20 t1‘ inly resemble .Ise only I stripe. Lu‘. It s with uvkle. lu mm’s veiling 2m with white satin ion. A gored ski ' to the knee and ï¬ :k hung in fan plui of the blouse off chiffonette stock ; in ribbonâ€"the ~ c x. rwood >. lst. The service Iging, recitations and L'oprizlte t0 the 00-21: wrs 0f the societv : at my proposition. will cost, nothing dreds of men in th can- do good thing are honorable and of SSH) LINSCOTT, Toronto .’ Land ‘ichmm mond ] ppeiu'ance. thr‘e became popu Iptivat-e the f: one at" 1 lis winter jetted lace over white “'01'11 with a picture 91; and plumes, and u. atin skirt, is a. stun- ' teas and receptions. edi 13g] v 0 prev novel idea. ,Which is st-rikin e prevalent New Y 19d In a dainty toile s veiling and whit white satin rith A gored skirt ï¬tto : knee and flared b< copies, 3 cts. 1'11 with this and is straw, and for :1. band of ribbon in also a. ï¬ne st proved himself ;abilitv. ‘Ve'w foolish pljejpdiice of th Ill; th 3111 the I glmn,» izm I: Lerch society _ Cmppl the skirt thy, pret 0n Tuesd mrvxce w f whom :11 purpose 1e floor :ts for other after- Idy, Whose led, to find nmx handsou ter saxh MI mum und th an Alth 'zm intend » m ‘ndt hat seem ll tak 110nm Stablt' in the kl . m. is :‘l‘ViCé‘. ossion occu- J 011‘ 1nd I) 1sion, also all of aster. v). m. 15mg and rank tlon. Way Lif [h tlle fr‘r :1] H