Wm @112 Epidural HILL, January 27. 1898 RICHMOND The “'orld of Saturday, (without. mentioning any particular cases,) in- sinuatcs that certain civil servants are interfering in local politics. The World gives those alleged servants a gentle hint to be cautious in the fol- lowing words :â€"â€"-“ These ofï¬cials had better beware, in case the Oppoâ€" sition wins, instant dismissal must for them follow." We believe the World Should the Opposition win the heads of civil servants would fall by the dozen, although we are not person- ally aware of any cases where otiic~ .ials have been meddling in politics. By a recent act the Ontario Legis laturc have condcnuned the inter~ fercncc of civil servants in politics and it is to be hoped that the will of the house will be complicda-with. is right. .‘sell “KLONDIKE GOLD FIELns †like a whirl- wind. Prospctitus 25 cents. worth $1 Big: pay. Capital unnecessary. p BRADLEY - GARRETSON 00.. Limited, Toronto. â€"-â€"â€"~ooo~â€"â€"â€"ï¬ The San Jose Scale. \Vith the threatened destruction by the terrible San Jose Scale of the pleasant prospect of Ontario fruit- apples, peaches. pears, plums and grapesâ€"gaining a market in the Brit- ish isles and other European countries, and even rivalling the value of the cheese product of the Province, the prompt and vigorous measures to fight this insect invader taken by the Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, are other evidences. if that were need- cd, of the wisdom which marked the selection by Sir Oliver Mowat when Premier of the Government, to which he is now llcr Majesty‘s representative. of a practical farmer as the. responsible head of a department having to do with the greatest industry in the country. Under authority conferred by the Legislature the Minister of Agriculture already has inspectors at work in the nurseries and orchards of the district s where the Scale has got. a start. and it is being thoroughly stamped out. How serious a. matter dealing with this dangerous microsciqncal pest may be understood when it is learned that not only all kinds of fruit trees, shrubs and bushes are subject to destruction by the Scale. but all hardwood growth in our forests as well may be ruined. The enormous loss suffered in the seventeen states of the neighboring republic, where the Scale is ravaging, is but a measure of what this Province will escape by the Government’s ad- mirable action. Quite. appropriate in this connection is the following extract from an inter- view with Mr. Albert Pa y, proprietor of the Prospect Hill Fruit Farm, near St. Catharines, Ontario, in the Buï¬'alo Express of Jan‘y 8th instant ze‘w‘dy politics are opposed to the Govern- ment, of Ontario,†said Mr. Pay, “ but I must say that in Mr. Dryden the present administration has a most competent man. \Vhen he asked me to come to Toronto to look over his bill, Iand those with me expected to find that. we. w'ere nece5sary to the perfection of the bill. But, we were not. The bill had been drafted and was submitted to us for our approval. \Ve found the. ground fully covered, and instead of ,teaehing the Minister how to preserve the fruit, We found ourselves listening to Mr. Dryden’s plans. It would be impossible to find a more capable Minister of Agriculture in the Province. \Ve are delighted with him.†“ It is the Government’s intention,†continued Mr. Pay, “ to destroy, or cause to be destroyed, every fruit tree that is known to be, effected with the San Jose Scale. It is believed that the pest was brought in to Canada from the United States nursuries, and it has become so fatal to the fruit trees that extreme measures are necessary. The bill provides for compensation to an amount which will enable, the grower to replace. the trees without. expense to himself, and the penalty for neglect~ ing to destroy infected trees is such as to induce every owner of an orchard to see that the law' is carried out. \Vhen the infected trees are. destroyed we can then start, over again under a. new law providing for the rigid inâ€" spection of all imported nursery stock and the exclusion of trees etl'ected by the Scale." 1 King Township Council King Council met at Kettle-by June 10th 1898. The following bills were paid. E. Braund, hardware, $1.15; A. Hamble- ton, repair to fountain, $3.50; 0. Pat- terson, Registering births, £539.60: L. J. Jackson, blanks, 5t) cts.; H. Clift, blacksmith bill, 30 cts. ; Joe. Billings, $20: '1‘. H. Legge, to pay for stone on Yonge St., $32.00: Brown Bros. cash book. $3.40; S. \Vatson, repair to Kettleby bridge, $1.00; Mrs. Shrop- shire, charity. $10. Dog tax refunded B. Dennis $1 : WV. E. Fox, $1 ; 1). McGill, $1 ; G. Pottage $1.00 The following grants were made for grave-Hing to be expended under the councillors :â€"â€"Under Mr. Hamthâ€"$75 on 9th con. north from bownline to lot 10, .Tas leilloy, Mr. Hill. commissioners; 5.8.... on sideline , lbeiween lots ll) and 11 in Til) con. .las. 1 (‘1'ossli-y, and Geo. l i ireland commissioner ; $35 on SJLli (-on. Opposite lot H. \Vm Harman eonnuis-i sioner. I'uder Mr. Mel'utr-heom on north tmvnline 91b (-on. provided} Tecumsctb a like amount ('alt-b Brown , ('(nnmissioner: $7.“) on Bill (-ou. soul [1 from Lloydtown lload. \V. liiiiott mull J. Bakes eonnnissioners: $7M on i Lloydtown road on 5th and tub con. 1 A. Hambleton and S. l’oliug“ commis-r Sinner: $70011 Slth con. opposite lots 18 and lil. R. Gallington and \Vm. g Stewart commissioners; $25 on ltbl ('on. ohbosite lot 23, Thus. Davis cone missioin-r. Under Mr. Lee-gr. $323.3 on ; 5th (ton. north from lot lb. Jim. Mc- (3abe and Ed. Sullivan (-1nnmissimu-is: $50 on south townline in is! provided Vaughan gives a. like amount. ‘Cm. Hart and ii. Thomas eonnnissioneis: $201) on sideline l)t‘l.\\'(‘t'!l lots :21) and 21 , of lst and eastâ€"hall oi'Ilnrl eon†\‘C, H. (lonory r-omniissionrr: 3:35 on .‘b-Il 430']. from lot 20. A. .l. Hull and Vin. Edwards connnissioners ’ on lth ' con. opposite lot 13, it. and A. Mitchell eoiiunissiont-rs: will) on townline between lots?) and IS in \\'~ halfofltheon. Jno. Hurt-('5 commisu sinners. Under Mr. Armitnn'e“$75011 Lloydtown lload east from Krillr'by L. “Hilton and (1". Voltage («nmnis sinners: $100 on north tmvnliuv Jib con. 5t l1 con.. John (look and “'allr-r Bogart commissioners $221†on l.loy(l« town Road in 8th eon. \Yâ€"half Thos. Cooper and Arthur Leonard commis- sinners. Under-Mr. (‘hcrryrbjlilk’l on townline between lots .3 and (i in {lib and 10 con., Alli-ml lions and John i i l “'ilkee commissioners: $3†on lilih con.sonthf1-om lot 1?, VJ. J. Fuller conunissioners. John \V:iltoii was appointvd nsscssâ€" or for the Southern division and Zeuas Black for the North. llavid lilouqb and [)ligald McGill \ve‘re appointed auditors. Next meeting; of (‘ :uneil will be held Feb. Zli, lsos. .‘ll ll "nus l'lott‘l. C. I‘A'i'rnnsox. .i.\;< t‘rmanv. Clerk. h‘evve. "if A N ’1‘ .51} E) . .stricus Men of Cl THE LINSl.‘OTT (‘03 l’Al'Y. T 9--»7-4 â€"» Thornhill. ,A. it- I‘d. I‘. .,. an", {Hz-Cr†i\ . In eonswluenee of yw going tol press so soon after the H u Library concert on the 19th inst. \vx- u‘r'ie unâ€" able to give the iinaneizl results. It is with great pleasure that we can now state the Library fund will in- benzn ï¬tted to the extent oi" $.10. The comâ€" mittee of management have all arâ€" rangementsmade to givu what must prove another most I‘ll-<27 i and uniqueenter-tainmeut in the Victoria Hallon “’ednesday. iiie il-ih Peb‘y. full particulars of which \vizl soon ap- pear on posters. On “’ednesday. the :End February. the Edger Council of (‘iiesi n Friends will give a grand concert. “:3 v have secured the services of a numbrr of ï¬I‘S‘twciuss talent, .‘unow ‘ will lit) but whom be found that famous elm-utionist. hith “Vinnifred Lane. who won the innirisi , (if the large assemblage at. the Menu concert held in this villa, . 11. large number of Friends from here will atâ€" tend the entertainment. Mr. John Langstaï¬' (who, like Lord Nelson, knows no defeat) will, it is rumored, soon commence to re-build his dam, and his intentions are to stock the same with fish. Mr. \Vm. Fisher, ofthe 2nd 0011.. a man of whom any community might feel proud of for honesty and upright. dealing, is asking for tenders for the erection of a brick dwelling on his estate. Duncan, Grant A: Skeans, barristers, Toronto, and Mr. J. \V. St. John, M. PR, contributed $5 each on con- cert day towards the funds of the Pub- lic Library. The treasurer will now be pleased to hear from others who can assist. in this noble work. Soon We hope to publish a list. of Subscribers and those who have given donations to the Library. Mr. W. G. H. Bates, having taken a course of instruction at the Royal School of Infantry, Toronto, has been granted a certificate. Out of a possible seventy marks he obtained sixty-four and a fraction. fl» Carrville The wood bee at Mr. Ed. Prentice’s bush on Friday last was Well attended by the younbr men of our neighbor- hood. It must be said' they did their work wellâ€"table, included. The. young ladies busied themselves sewing a quilt in the afternoon, and finishing early the rest of the evening was spent in music and singing. About 5 p. in. they all sat down to a. dainty Slipper served in the. spacious (lining room, where full justice was done to all the good things in general. Two young ladies noticed among the merry mak- ers in the evening were Miss Jennie Beascy and Miss J. Byers of Toronto, arrivingjustin time to heartin join in the “ light fantastic,†gaily tripped to the excellent music supplied by Mr. John Prentice. our old time violinist. Mr. Albert Snider and Miss Snider of Edgvly, passed through our town‘ on Sunday afternoon. Miss Jennie Mowat of Toronto. and Mrs. Jas. Baker paid a visit to Mrs.l Jno. Dcadman on Sunday last. Though the attendance at evening service on Sunday was very small, owing to the bad roads and strong winds, the excellent discourse deliver- 1 ed by Rev. J. W. Stewart was mosti attentively listened to by all present. Dame Rumor tells us there is going . Jim mmmm_ 542.11. {crux axing/2:52 31?; time many friends. Th1 skating; on llu- pond at time ol' writingr is N. (1.. but it way l)l' 1't'!'li‘ tied bv a ii: i h- at tent Ton \vlu n the next thaw occurs.- â€"â€"-â€"¢o¢~~r~â€"~â€"~â€"« Dollar The Sunday School .‘anuivwisai-y held on ltilh and lTib was a (bridal success. The \veatib r Jl'lhg‘ so luvurâ€" y ablelnrgre crowds \v<-:e int-soul bolu | , L... , (lays; ‘ oԠv Proceedsunpainted in ov: . Mr. F. Van Horn has been spending. :1iewweeksnudwrlist-parentalroof. Ul‘d' village carpenter has been \ :' i'y busy lately putting up slows.<'1w-ting platforms. kc. Qlllit‘ a number from our village atâ€" tended the social lit‘ill Brown's (hu-nm's on Tlmraia'v, and despite the «listing cable (‘\'(‘lilllj{ report a good limo. .llr. lrett of King (‘ity attended the S. 78‘. .l’innivewary; also Miss Kirkby ol' Nt-wton Brook. imr skating llink has boon lli‘g‘ll‘t'il‘ll this last \Vé‘t‘k but rue hope when it comes eohlor llll' proprietor will vipr'n up again. ' Mr. O. Reynolds spent Sunday With friends here. Mr. A. (lohu has lei‘t our town and is learnng lilzu'ksinithing at Thornâ€" hill. Vi'e wish him sin-wr-ss. Miss E. (‘lark oi" Toronto has been Visiting,r with her aunt Mrs. \V. Ness. “'e heard there was to l)(‘ a wedding: in our (own. “1- tbiuk it. a false 1‘(-p(11‘l. mi Map l e Rev. J. “1 Rue of Toronto Junction delivered a lecture in the l)1'¢’>l>:\'tf’)'l;lll church on Monday evening on " \Yoman‘s livmispln-re. A large audience was present. Mr»: (’h'.) Hish-y sang a solo during,r the evuimg. Quite a number from here .‘xllWlel (luv oyster Sillllll'l’ili' 'lV-slon on Tues: (layevvning' :ilul (‘lljo'YHl the outing, espm-ially the drive home. The funeral of the late Frank lurk- liolderot l’orkllale took plaec [o thu- laitlieran church buryingground on Monday and that of Mr. lu‘. Peter-1min to the Presbyterian CPllit‘lt‘l')‘ on \\'ed- nesdav. Miss u. “"alton or 'l'tn'mlit) is visit- ing); her friend Miss A (ii-:iilvbwk. Miss Joan Keith. of Lindsay, who has been visiting with Mrs. till‘.) Hisley returned home on Tuesday. Quite :1 large number of young prople wore (’llll‘l'lnilll'd at the resiâ€" deneeof Mr. T. Cousins lasb Friday evening. CURLERS‘ M i‘iETiNG. In accordance with previous an-, nouncement by the president a meet in}; of curlers was held in the Council Chamber Monday evening. The new members enrolled Were KY. Innes and A. E, Cooinbs. The Secretary‘s account, $1.35, was ordered to be paid. After a motion to that effect, the members proceeded to select skips by ballot to choose teams to play for the G. B. Smith Medal. The honors fell to the following: :â€" l’. G. Savage. “K H. l‘ugsh-y. F. .‘ilc- (‘onrtglng J. Palmer, ‘3. T. Storey, 5.1. Hoyle. F. Sims. J. H. Sanderson. t was then decided that the skips meet in McUonagby’s shoe store on Saturday evening to select their rinks. Matches \vere also iii-ranged for Friday afternoon and evening of this week between the following :â€" thchelors and Men with \Vidowers. Wives. AFTERNOON. J. H. Sanderson P. G. Savage A. Moodie ’1'. F. McMahon J. Caser EVENING. W. T. Storey J. Bi'ydon J. Palmer H. A. Nicholls F. Sims D. Boyle F. McConaghy J. Elistou M. Boyle R. Maudie, C. McConaghy “7. Clifford W. R. Proctor \V. Forhan VV. H. Pugsley A motion was passed instructing the President and the Secretary to arrange a ma teh with Thornhill club. The business of the evening being concluded all those present, by the kind invitation of the popular Pres- ident, Mr. J. H. Sanderson, proceeded to Mrs. Soules’ oyster parlor, where they were treated to a tempting oyster supper with all the necessary appendages. After votes of thanks by Messrs. Pugsley and Storey for the thought- fulness of the President, and similar expressions by Messrs. Sims and Innes for the excellent supper prepared by the hostess, brief remarks by Messrs. Sanderson and McMahon, a. couple of good stories by Mr. McComtghy, and a. song, “ Annie Laurie with variations,†by Mr. Moodie, the curlers separated, all declaring that no better evening had ever been spent, even in old Scot- land, by the “ Knights of the Stanes.†we.“ Sale Register. VVEDn:c.cp.iy, Feb'v 2nd-Crcrlit sale of horses, Veaiclus, 6:0,, on lot 20, 7th con. Vaughan, the property of Goo. Philli 5. Sale at 1 o‘clock. 'l‘ermsts months. J. ’I‘. .‘aieeon. Auctioneer. TUKSE\Y,Feb’yBâ€"Cl'odit sale of farm stock. implements, 620., on lot 2. 211:! com. \‘Vesc \'ork(Forest Hill). the property of Henry DeuLy. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 9 months, Eckardt 6: Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNICRDAY Feh‘y 23â€"Crodit sale of term stack, implemnits,&e.,(u lot 2], 4th con, East York (near L‘Amurouxl, the property of Mrs. Leah Tooley. Sale at 1 Terms 9 months. auctioneers. IEs‘Parties getting their bills printed at this Olï¬ce will receive a notice similar to the above FREE 01" CHARGE. waoa ET anted He will indeed. be misle liyliisl > do look. lvlckamt & Prentice, to be a. swell party some time soon. VVe are very sorry to learn of Mr. Jno. Coombs’ departure to his new home. in Tuscarora in a. few weeks‘ For exchange. a. good set of serviceable single harness for four cords of hard wood, either green or dry. Apply to _ WM. H ARRISON, Harness-Maker Richmond Bill, Jan’v 6th, 1898. 2: maize; Lwtï¬e‘sgijdï¬rï¬daegï¬iwxst: tube '3. W“)a;n" ‘7“; ‘x 3". .0? s 0.} 5 Ir:- wâ€"t'r-V rs: - Loin. Lire. AS‘hOMe i ibis {abolished 1847) l | , "at (snail; Life before il-w'einba-r 331stâ€, and you xvii ‘llill years’ proï¬ts at the next. 4!i\ision in ifâ€). 3‘2 polu‘y obtainable. llntvs and further inl'oymuiion cheerfully furnished by is} r A T. ‘ 0 TV .1 h <37 Richmond "dill. for (lie Phwnix Fire. Doni?‘ inn Pauli fog and Loan, and nut Guarantee ('nnu.:m)' of ’lm'onio. and The Ocean anvl Guarantee corporation of iltiiulon. Englaniï¬ Eh ry i-uagijlu "’I‘ i a lid illicit Turns out nothingr but Ffrsh NEH‘lh Fine lint-muss a specialty. (‘lass li.ll'l‘.(’s‘.~t. , 1.! 'v ‘ 21211951453“ an ‘Vquni :2 “(it he ribbon" {£3100 ps and other supplies always in stock. 7 he \u'er or 1 Horse Blankets. 'illrunks 6; Valises. \‘v'hi Also mauut'ncl Ergaxrst, floatihor ligrzsï¬e In the market. Call and see them. 2'23“ Repairing pn:mptly attended to. :1"; £§‘3{>. "Eh‘ilï¬dfljkghn a, , ‘3 ' ’1‘ 1 At less than oronto prices. ables. centre and fancy. Stands in oak nd children, Hull‘er)! Sets from $12.00 (iein'inl stock of All the hith patterns and styles in T and antique. l'anr-y ('hai s for adults a up. Pictures made all 810‘s and all colors. liURNiTURE And for cash can‘t be undersold. “'e have a large stock of “Will Papers from Fe. not. remnants but new goods. ('all and see the patterns. Always on hand a general stock of Paints. Oils. Varnishes, Turpentines. in fact everything in painters’ lines. lur‘ stock of ready mixed prints in all colorsâ€"house and carriageâ€"4s complete. Brushes. all sizes. Usual stock of Groceries, and can’t be undersold. P. G. SAVAG 1" 4 u, RICHMOND liiLI. A v r w 9 ’\6 RT We are giving particular attention to ° ’ our Winter Grades of Felt and Maniâ€" toba Rubbers and Ladies’ Skating Boots. We also carry a full assort- ment of Men’s, Ladies‘ and Children’s Leather Goods in Black and Colored, made by the best manufacturers, sell- X ing lines at close prices. Be sure and - 5 ($13? see goods, for we have something that "i v :3 will interest you. 3 e Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. __~+â€" seer. sevens. lo. eredithtth STOCK-TAKING SALE. \Ve are. prepared to offer special inducements to buyers this month in order to reduce stock as much as possible before Feb’y 1st). Best quality Barb 2 cents per lb. Cross-Cut cents per foot. Axes and Axe handles at all prices. Water White Canadian Oil, 5 gall. lots ....16 cents. Water White American Oil, 5 gall. lots....19 cents. Good strong wood covered 5 gall. cans....5o cents. Galvanized Iron. with tap, 5 gall. cans....7o cents. Manure Forks, 4 prong................... cents. , BLACKSMITHS’ SUPPLIES. A full stock of Bar Iron, Sleigh Shoe Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Rasps, etc. â€"-â€"â€"â€". THQS. MEREDITH & 00., I56 King St. East, Toronto, next door Clyde Hotel.