Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jan 1898, p. 7

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"Bonnie Bessie" every one call and rightly enough for of all the land lassies who gathered at th kirk Sabbath mornings not one v so pretty and winning as Bessie Squire Renfrew of the Red P: desperately in love with Bess'u sought to make her his wife in : difference in rank. The herds Red Pass were the firnest and in the neighborhood; the ban storehouses were always well fil was a. bachelor, something over was a. bachelor, something 0 score years old. And he war nie Bessie" for his wife. "If the lass'ne thi.nks she me,” he said, addressing Bassi mother, as he ; brown rafters ol wttage, a hot i shining crown o Lassie thinks she gain's made. l’m lead her to the k I. good, true hush: silver will make as happy as a qw Bessie listened, with wide, eyes, burning cheeks, and I lips. She held her peace, stan and slim., in a. sort of stunne until her gray-haired lover 1 his leave. Then she burst f1 vehement, passionate protest. The old grand-mother suffer storm until her passion was “\VelL 'tis o'er now, and y down and keep quiet, mebbe. I’ve let ya have your say, and now I’ll have mine, {We're poor folk, me and you. I found it hard to get bread when Ihad but my own mouth to feed, and since I've been burdened wl' you Live gone to bed many a. night fit to cry “‘i’ hun- ger. But I've borne it all an' done my best” an' always been willing to 51’ you a share 0' my last crust." "But dearest grandmaâ€"” “Now, lookee here, my lass," interâ€" rupted the old woman, lifting her bony finger and glowering fiercely upon Bes- “Now, lookee here, my lass," interâ€" rupted the old woman, lifting her bony [Luger and glowering fiercely upon Bes- Ile, “if ye’re fule enou' to refuse this good fort'm', that ends it ‘twixt us two. You pack out o’ my house. and ne'er cross the threshold again.” (Bessie was silent. The great world stone in crossing the little brawling stream, when suddenly she uttered a stifled cry and staggered to a. moss- gmwn boulder, sat down, and put the pitcher hastily on the ground, pressing her hand on her heart and trembling all over. “It’s his ghaist, it’; cried, "wa 0. how y-..~ V..- ___ , , (Bessie was silent. The great world beyond the Highland peaks seemed so dim and far axvaya and the old home Scenes were so familiar. 'The autumn days drifted on and ln the springtime she was going to kirk with Squire Renirew and be made his Wife. The sprimgtime came and the wedâ€" d'mg day was close at hand. when, one waning just before the gloaming. Bes- Iie went to fill her pitcher, as usual, at fWhatever she had seen, or fancied she had seen there was nothing in sight when she next looked up; noth- ing except the overhanging rocks of the glen, the brook shimmering in the evâ€" ening light, and the White birch trees swaying skustrally against the sky‘ "He has come from his grave," she cried, glancing fearfully around. "I dare na, dare na do it. 0! [orgive me, Jamie, that I ever thought 0' it.” She drew asilken cord which en- circled her throat from her bosom as she spoke and kissed the slender hoop of silver which depended from it. "I’ll never ha,’ peace if I marry the squire," she said, “and I ought no to ha.‘ it; I shall final I am a. traitor. And, 01 Jamie, shall feel I am a, traitor. And, ()1 Jamle Jamie, atber all, I love no one bun you and new er can." ‘ n," Suddenly she rose with resolution stamped on every feature. "1 must give the squire his ring back.” she said, brushing the last tears from her eye. "It is hard on him,‘ but there is no other way. Then, Jaimie, then perhaps you'll forgive me, deari” Leaving her pitcher there she tossed back her abumdant locks as she finished this acijuration. and went speeding away through the falling darkness with the light foot of a. ohamois. 1When she reached the Red Pass the bright glow of the warm ingls‘side lit the rocky spring near by. She had ac- aomplished her task and liftul the Pint/Che} to her shoulder and had start- ed for the cottage, her white, shapely feet twinkling prettllly below the short petticoat as she stepped from stone to bright glow the windows eat one and resolute {am BONNIE BESSIE] “6.” WW V- _ m“, WVhen she reached the Red Pass the bright glow of the wanm inglvside lit the windows. She approached the near- est one and pressed her sad,tired,yet resolute {aoe agahnst the glass: A minute and she tapped lightly against the glass. The squire turned quickly, stared, and then started to his feet . .uvy . “\Vell, now, well, now, what‘s the. meaning 0’ this 2" he cried, rushing across the room and throwing up the window. “Bessie, my lassie, what's happened 2" , _L_..‘.‘ L..- happened 2" “Something that never should ha' happened," she answered, looking at him with a. sort of desperate defiance, and drawing the gold ring from her finger as she spoke, “I've come to give this bank to you, Squire Renirew. I was wrong ever to let you put it on." "Why, child, what do you mean ?" "Take vour ring." she said. "You’ve In Tak'e' your ring," she Le husband and some gt 1 make her happy, sh‘ Ls a queen at the Red istened, with wide, 51 11mg cheeks, and qui held her pezwe, stanmr in a. sort of. stunned : «rawâ€"haired lover had mist, it’s his ghaist.” she 0. how sair he looked at an fancy m ready and rk toâ€"morr and quivering barn and 11 filled. He Spf 5’11 id her to ng, tau simmer into taken two the Only Strong Men Made Help of One who Sufiere Twenty Vears. A SULDIE ear one time :4 stretch“ can the enemy's finémbell' 0‘! ‘1 yeams. he joi'u amd served u: the v medfir: at 3.11 BJI’ could eat but only troubled ut won 1d shattered. Tongue how much I unduly and weary years. was advised - to try Pills, and it was a. that I began their used a, few boxes pills. I could e to Work as I ago. I‘now fl if any of myo Dr. “'illiams’ Pink' An pnalysis slhows Pink Pills coiniain it afll the elements new life and richness to store shattered ner unfailing specific to elas troubles yer suppressions form of we: blood; and r heart. nervous pro: depending upon vi! blood, (such as scro Bonnie 7} matism ,ner forms of weakness. ’l‘he'y hund up the blood; am! restore the glow of health 101‘319 and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a, raddcal cure in all vases arising from mental wo'rry, overwork. 01" exceflses of whatever nature.- Grocerâ€"You butchers have a. soft snap. You Wth time bones with the mum. and charge meat prices. Bulviwrâ€"I don‘t, see as you have any call to talk. When you sell Swiss cheese, don’t you weigh the holes and charge cheese prices for them? it STATE on Omo, C'TY 0F TOLEDO, as LUCA! COUNTY, . ' FRANK J. " ELNEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of Lhe firm at F. J. CHENEY s: 00.. doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforeaald. and that Raid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED [JOL- LAILS (or each and every case or CATAHRH that, cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrlbed in my presence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. {PS A. W. GLEASON. SEAL Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lnternallv. and acts directly on the blood and mueous surface. at the system. Send for iealeoulals free. F. J. CHENEY BL 00., Toledo, 0. his 5131 Sold h Drnggistm. 15c. Hall's Emily Bills are the bell). er ated by motor at .ven ty Suf VIHE BUTCIIER’S RETOR’I n. H battle): etc the Cha ' of Wk ,vhlo has you >st Ar am 'eteI 'erings oi a1 _g a: eves Au upwa duri They : ‘evulfax )umh BID ‘W as “UMP VOUS T'on VII 1118 trout )II Lt prostration, a! 1 viliated huml scrotum, chron I are also aSp ar 10 females‘ irregularities, ness. Tne'y bui tired durrin 1m .vay es my pajama had (1e,- xs cc-n='iderab1y better. L continued use of the . sleep {Ln-d felt as able ml dlozne twenty years well and strong and comrades see this and ould urge them to try ink‘ Pills." uws that Dr. Williams‘ 11 in acondvensed form necessary to give new 1t at 3-D part in this 11’s Run, F About am thx palpitation of the ration, all diseases Med humors in the 113., chronic erysipâ€" also aspecific for I females. such‘ as Jlarrities, and all the blood ves. The) r such diseases a rtial paralysis, St L. neuralgia, rheu ttl ] Realize my Life- ran l‘i‘ ft/an fee] :11 times to me. .egreath ed comp Eter beinga. m for three la - The Story (I [fight for At Afier I had. us had de- me. My eatly and :omp'letely chely tell those long maybe, at, mm romia rn to and re are a: vent rlng :reat ' Bin] '01‘ m that after 15 the 1n the an ONSON lNDO-CEYL ONCE TRY is an re diam trade. This '_ reputation by pars the highest quality giving the consmm tage of experience put up in sealed 1e: Iicious flavor is wh worth‘ money ‘tayi‘ng on shore in your Arge It is a long time to look back over twenty years of life, but when the mile posts have been marked by the pains and aches of Lumbago, it renders the retro- spect far from being a pleasant one. Such was the experience of Mr. James Muir. Night Baggage Master, G.T.R., residence 243 Emerald Street, Hamilton, Ont. YET KBUIENHY WEE BQRQUERS. He made a sworn declaration to the effect that for over 20 years he was afflicted with Lumbago, and at times was so 3 verer afflicted he Could not walk. l or about ten years he could not stand straight for a. longer period than about fifteen minutes, when he would be com- pelled to stoop forward in order to relieve himself.”He took nine bottles of Root- enav Cure and they have cured him to Klondike enay stay c that I wéu as the time him withom as the time him withou declaratiox one of the back or k LAW SLEEPING BAGS. STORM Hoops. Mosqcn'o NETS. Snowsuoms.‘ BEDS. Boo'rsL MoupAsms, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. Senator lxloudlkelisb. one of the greatest 5 back or kidney trL mankind, and wish generally known, as different medical me could do nothing fox Chart book free ‘ ThEWightman Sporting Goong WENT? 17k Little Girlâ€"Papa, Dick found a horse- L06, and I fouan a four-leaved\010vâ€" . \Vbich at us is the luckiest. Practical Paâ€"-Dick is. Horseshoes are ‘0]! 00.. 403 s}. Pun. Sn. MONTREAL, QUE. “ A Thing of Toronto Cutting School. )UNG MEN. Learn to (‘un or profession. Write for 1 112 Yor rvilin Alf Grace :ured. told Mr Ill (onI O in one me. It JE( Lead E IION! ‘r of a are ll! after [test and best remedies for ry troubles ever used by wish my case to become vn, as I doctured with five :al men, and was told they mg for me." free on application to the n Medical Co., (Limited), V II I I I I I I lNDO-CEYLON TEA, in U ons Beauty Is 8 Joy. r just been im ating‘ that one ‘ Q r takir him a steady cuatomer. Invk and Mixed. kew only. ' 5 this ation 1 BLI 1d [1 Olly 11y Mllls, Bum also. No re it. Neuralgi: ieve-d almn ‘nte Supplies. . . a week I come to give this sw r Kootenay C best remedies shi METHOD if I felt no pains )g his medicine, ‘estimonial, and week I come to 0 give this sworn retained W P46 904 particul m“ ngo sn. To mfo 1n Mllls 519)} Bl St. W. the scienti ent grow! s, sbme for th, that per- lla. the well Ia, would: tumultuâ€" I’lf ith 0W€ tel: Lmd. \illne medy L and 3L in- ‘emov lS( t1“ ‘nto‘ Tell us what. We can serge always 1a sore 51:0 painless in' ‘Ambcm THE MW Remcvee Dandruff in a few days. Stops hair from falling out in a few weeks. Will start a new growth of hair in almost every case. Our average is 90 out of every 100, in which hair is grown. “1% JOB ($00K MHNUPHGIURING (10.. Proof furnished of the above facts on applica‘ bion. Prlce $1 per Bottle, mailed to any address I ASK YOUR DEALER FOR G.DUTHIE & soNs Slate. Sheet-ML ml Tue GtGrsvo! Roofers Sheet Metal Ceilings. Terra Oohba 'l‘ile. Pad, Black and Green Roofing Slam, Men l 005 nloes. Felt. Tar. Roofing Pitch. Em. utters. Oownpipes. 810., supplied the trade. Telephone 1938 Adelaide & Wldmer Sta“ TORONTO. RWmmWWo go. n. ANDERSON. M.I)., No. 5 college-st. O TORONTO. Ont. ‘ & THROAT Q W â€"-n IIflQF «mm Most widely [Hustmted Cacnl‘ J|Iu=\nuv«_ V" ROBINSON 81 JOHNSON, F. BELLEVILLE. - - - ONT. DR. GOODE'S 1 1 7 - are a. true boon to every lady who mflers in the perform- mice of nature's e-fiort. They a. once one the vain and restore nnturaland health Mtlon of the ovarlxm ves‘ rem. For young and dove oping womanhood they excel nny remedy whxch can be used. They m» compounded solely from the active prlnolplsa of vegetable substances, Ind Ire perfect]; sale and raliablc. Ask your druxxist [or them, and he does not kaep them in stock he can rocure them for our Price 81.00 per Bottle. or 6hr .00. Wholesale gents: The Toronto Pharmaoal 00.. lelzed. Toronto. 3EVE, EAR! "0°: “spEClALIST 3 owwwwwo A Spepifiq for fglggliOomplaints, __. 1.. n“. -nun-m. uuuuu... ,.. . WILSON éoo'.”'c’o., Limited. 73 Adelaide St. w.. Toronto PAINLESS PENNYIEOYAL PILLS 1115 nude lt._ Adventur‘e, hagdsh‘ilpknfnlg Interest ll Intense. You should be informed as to the get country. One map shows all the routes to Klondike. a Klondlke is bound to be one of the great topics of conver: only this winter but the coming Sprin . when the xclte) caused bf the stampede of thousands or the Gold lelds‘ not to be love. Get osted. be up to date. know what you AND ALL ABOU IT is worth its weight in gold to all for n reliable guide to the Klondike and_ Goldfields. 0t I. It n s on thk It reli sn’L. l-ie fool em ONTARIO BUSINESS 0 HIS H A Rare Chance ldely Attended in America. For Eatnlogue (30th year). ADDRESS- LONDON, ONT. on.â€"â€"Bingha.m â€"- "Bonner itingly self-possessed." 3. He could wear a check- »t a. wedding and carry ough the groom was a, 1am fle [ash and 15 1: es promptly l I I w I i ‘ _ By a Practical Mlnlng Engineer ONTAINING truthful information of Alaska and its l'oardeo < : Treasures, How to get to the Klondike. Outfit, Clothes. Fond. Expenses. How the Gold (lot There, How to Get the Gold, Siberian Methods 0! Mining. Laws 01 Canada and the United States. and Colored Maps of Alaska. making in all a complete compendium of necessary instruction for those who are gomg to Klondike. and valuable information for those at. home. This book will. teach {0}: to ro- , W, a cat. and how to locate a Mlmng C mm. on \( srould study and become acquainted with the â€" . . .. nnua- ..A ‘1‘“ “Mom! )wn ,opeful spirit lies [’5 Painless Corn ‘ails. It makes no and is therefore . 40.30 and 600. P. ECKART 86 7 nluuulnc uuu VVI“ . . v . u . _ _ _ . _ _ V 7 strongly bound. Price only 360., postpald. L11va all uumv- JI‘AH vvvâ€" n.._ .V",, s ect. and how to locate 3 Mining Claim. You 3 ould study and become acquainted with .the Mining Laws of both Canada and the United States. Further. you can study the different methods of Mining. and how to at the gold out of the gravel. You should stu y the rnethods they use in Siberia. where they have mined for years in frozen round. Articles on all these subjects are wr tten by experienced Minln Engineers. KLOND KE AND ALL ABOQTI contains evorvthin nown. both geolfimphically and geologically. 0 Alaska. and t e orth-Wesi Territories. If you went to be up-Ko-date. be wel informed and well read. You should know the general facts concerning one of the greatest indus- tries of both ancient 3nd modern times. Get osted on what thousands who are rushing to 'londike will have to undergo. Read the thrill- ing account of the trip overland. from Dyes through the Chllkoot Pass to Klondike, b one Who ship and aufl’erings are so graphically described t at one‘s )llld be informed as to the geography end geology of the Yukon Ill the routes to_ Klondike. and location of the mining camps. of the grent topics of conversation and of mutual interest. not in: Sprin .when the xcitement is bound to no unparallelled liousnnds or the Gold ields. Learn what to believe and what be up to date. know what you are talking about. KLONDIKE worth its weight‘ ingg‘ldtp all“. and is issued to meet the demand mL- |_n..l. nnmfir:una 1“ THIS IS FDR VOUâ€" KNITTING CREELMAN BROS, Georgetown, Ont. and it blag}; or_m GILEG}! F.G.Au Clothe your family from hand to foot with our int "’ MONEY MAKER Prlces only $I5, $20 $30. The Dawson Oommlssion 00., cor. or West Market and coIborno 81., - TORONTO. Apples, Poultry, Eggs? - HAVE YOU â€"- A PIG WITH TWO TAILS? FDR TVPEWRITERS WRI‘IE us. Best wamn on earth. 8115; our celebnuo a ~ _ 20th century watch; Amnnonn movement; wmanted five yearn; Equal as tlmekeeper to any 815.00 war/ch; nickel as Item‘- wind. pendant. m. finely finial: din ‘ sunk uwnd band; received highs" zol medal award] at American And Eumpean International Exposition; pntenbod thy; 4 world over: 11m 3 watch whlch sell: 31174 ,J when hr 84 to $5; wentamake big moneyl by nellln lt: one Agent sold 22 In a pinch! day- wil lend mm lo to an! Iaddren on ‘ receipt of prlce: 0 .or .7. 13 for $12. 8 on , more sent 0. 04 D. I! 81 in lent with ordu I (or 8') I will send watch Ind handaom . ‘ rolled plate chain wsmmled to wear in: yarn. and I“ money will be rammed if you no 110.; Ian-nu: with your bar gin“ Fred M. Muon, box 12‘ Human nuns. Blow ork cm. William St“ #4 lead an Lbs (Mon’e and we wln mail you the Ring. ‘ 1A8 cannon. 0. Bum.Cent.el-brook. Conn. We w lglve one hall-round R'n -' 183 Round Gold platetwa ranted. to any one who will tell 1 doz. Indentructlble ang chh Rood otrlmmlng amongfflendanzwctamnc . an II n '0 willmal you L o Wickl. You tell them .lqnelgnq‘we 1111111311 y_ou “gaging. «WE WANT Y 0 U QUICK." Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be mu. plied with genteel and very PROFITABLB em onment. Inluau-y is the omenthl NEG- Es. ARY to Monte GOOD REMUNERA TION. Can give "he address nfrapreaentatlvo who hasjuab elem-ed ‘113 in 21 D \YS‘ 35 can be made right AT vom‘ own HUME. . L. NICHOLS 8: 00.. 33 Richmond West. Toronw. BURNING OIL The Best CANADIAN OIL. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TORONTO, ONT. In sending 3. DE)!"3 03111 HEATER. apply fl Sturtevemt Fan Wilsnn Pub‘iishing (30., limited [ubular Boéier MACHHNES. 78 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Canada. w. c. HARRIS, AND ALL ASSET '5" Royal Safety xod ,cknges. V“ ' “V‘ ronto, Wholesale Agents Sim 515 6! Royal Bil Ba. VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Sn. - . - 'i‘ORONT0.0nt. FOR CURE. â€"â€" I! 80. WHITE â€" TAUTH OFFICE, Toronto. ‘1“ CHEAP FOR CASH. TRUTH OFFIGE, Toronto. 21:3'5731135031;@giimrises 1M -â€"FOR SALE CHEAP. OLD AND RELIABLE for '75 h.p. Boiler {sum HIHGSFREEI CEY LON TEA. Established 1812 METAL “sacrum”. Addreés. Slightly Used. Umltell

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