Elm gdvtttiemmits. r The Rcyal Templars of Temperance W 4th 'l‘uesilny of can-h month. Assessment system. Payable moutl‘ly. N. RAE. TIME TABLE. Ecclezruz .- ,1 l ‘ 7 7 $300 ‘si.ouo‘ei,scols«2,oml GOING NORTH. Cliissi Age ‘ ‘ $3.000 TORONTO. 111.111r Accorrri. , _ K 1 ‘ . wwmiv A Uni?†~ 3"" 12:†A 1610-15 25c l rm 1 75c «51 (:os1 m ‘ “““ 'u 1 AT“ £?c°,§"hl,}},-~H,L ' “L: 11 25:11:10 21.10 " l “Lie 1 1H 1 '1’: . “0 I“ (.1 so to :13 ‘ Zinc .11.; 1 ‘1“ 1 80 f v King ,,,,, tiff, D :15 com: :iiu i (11 i :15, 2 to ,1 EK()]1(1‘5} ~ Ann’m" E :19 1311-} :Iso . 1 1:11 1 so 2 2:3 ‘ F 12 to -;‘ 12m ‘ 1 1 70 2 1»; 7‘ M A, G i 45 m ii Soc .3 I so} 2 on 3 to VWTO: «In PM(~8§V . 51.3,; H is u m (i l i so: 2 m. 3 75 Lewmnrket (13†___ V # r h if, ,7 ,7 _m 7 " "#7 g’ " .. . ' w 0 , Auroriim' ..... 7m; J. 11.5 DERSON J.A.E.SWII?.I<.11. “Bud 14 151(183 _ ‘ RICHMOND HILL .. ...... Select (‘t‘unvillï¬lï¬ Finiiiicml Serz'v I Tho 1‘11 .............. 9.3 ...... u â€" A. 7.7- n x 71.7. H 1 . y . Toriihilro _,__ v 1‘ reight .‘llltl l’Hl'l'l‘lri delivered and Union... ....10.05 425 NJ N i E ‘ n I ('t)ll(‘t,‘lt'tl. ! , ‘ b Griiin (lliopping eVei-y day of the # .__. Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as followa: _ Mail 11' Express.l\drtl1 6: South... ......9.‘30 a m. Exprees North and Mail South ........... 5.30 p. in. METROPOLITANâ€"TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. cents :1 bag. Rtl-tf. W. MAGER. iarmerslilussuu Still Betterâ€"than Ever. Cars lcuve C. RR. Crossing at 7.20 5.111.. 9.10 11113., ' 2.4011.1n.. 5 401nm. Cars leave Richmond Hill at 8.30 u.n2.. 1111411., 4 p.111, 7 11.111. POST OEEIEE NOTICE Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MonNINerâ€"Gning North,sou|h East and 8e. ('2lSll. stick and Wear as lung or longer tlnin any other make. Light steel shoes at some priee. sound horses shod here will get their yes? .Ilgfiï¬gin‘ilmgï¬gghgl‘ 830 cripples 11nd interfering horses shod at e. . y I. . V. J V A: n l . ‘ Evnume:â€"Goi1i)g south East. and West (as Vi lllmllt t kt! .1 (11.11 g1 . shovel 5.30 All other Work done at equally as N.B.--Registereri Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above ‘ ~ 1 . ' . mentioned hours Km 0 (iiiIIlIgEEFY. Postmaster. low prices. Rigs of all kinds repainted. Satisfaction guaranteed with every job or no pay. 8. S N l D E R . The (‘elehraited I'iorse-‘Slioer, \Vooil. worker and General Jobber, Dr. Reid’s old ofï¬ce, Colliorne St., THORNHELL #Auction Sale 0F VALE ABLE FARM PROPERTY A+._ Under and by Virtue of the power of sale canâ€" tiiined in It morthan which will be produced at the time of sale. tlirie Will be offered ier sale by public auction, unless sooner r1 deemed, ut the Queen’s, llotcl, in the town of AUlEOIï¬A, BvJ. T. Suigeon, Auctioneer,on Thursday, Feb’y 3rd, 1898, At 11 o'clock in the foreuoou, IT. 8 lGEON, BIAPLE . Agent for the following stool: Fire Insurance Companies, v1z.: Manchester, of Londonflng, BRITISH AMERICA, 0F TORONTO, CANADA. â€"-â€" ALSOâ€" GORE, ()F GALT. A First-class Cash. Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Oi Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- ‘ pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Solicited. A Talking Machine that Talks. USE SANDERSON‘S E PURE . CREAM TARTAR . E BAKING POWDER All and singular that ceitmn parcel or truct of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Whitcliumli in the County of York and Provnice of Outuiio Containini,I one hundred acres be the some more or lose being composed of the west half of lot number cichteeu in the ï¬fth concession of the aforesaid Tounship of \Vhitchurch. (.n the pronerty is soil to be situu to a. frame dwelling with cellar. :1. good bunk burn about 30 ft. x 50 ft, and tli‘stmloss (yell, 3‘50 11 S}ll“ll‘5 crack at the rear of the )"Ttij-el’tV. There are about sc ven acres of full wheat, 9nd eight acres rye now sown. There are twenty-ï¬ve acres of the land under cultivation, the balance is well wooded With birch, hemlock, and the fences are in good repair. The property will be sold sub- ject to a. leserve bid. TERMS OF SALE :â€"Ten per cent. of the purs chase money to be paid to the vendor’s solicitors at the time of sale, the balance with the ex- ception of Stith within thirty lays thereafter. Six hundred dollars of the purchase money to be secured by a. ï¬rst mortgage, or the whole may be paid in cash. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made knonn on the duy of sale or upon apâ€" plication to. LA WRENCE & ORMIS’I‘ON, 28-4 15 Toronto Street. Toronto, Vendor’s solicitors. mu... ' .‘....‘ in and hear the GRAMOPHONE. I HAVE IT TO HIRE FOR PRIV- ATE, PARLOR AND PUBLIC Toronto, 3rd January, 1898. SKATING THE RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK ENTERTAINMENTS. I _ ‘Vill be open for skaters on the W. A. Sanderson, ,, DRUGGIST, MONDAY, Richmond Hill . WEDNESDAY, ~ ' AND SATURDAY During the. skating season from 7.30 to 10 o’clock, AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Band BlillElFltlllillE lilills OUR Amara elle Flor Is mode from 1211131896 crop of whcat by an im- prOVed process of milling, whereby we su ya for the broad-enter all the natural and original qualities of the wheat. It will produce a. light- er. brighter and richer flavored bread, which will keep muistlonger than any other flour on the market. By improvements in milling methods, which we llzLVe recently adopted. We have lessened the cost of manufacture, hence we are enabled to offer 11 highâ€"class flour at 11 price you pay for much inferior stuï¬. 'l‘ry it. It is economy to use it owing to its superior bread prouucing qualities. in Attendance Evenings. Admission 10c. ; Children 5c. Season Tickets may be had from the caretaker, J. Browulee. on Saturday 9 00 099994904 S 2' 999€ 9909¢~<ï¬z ' 9 The only food 3 the that will build up a. weak cons- titution gradu- ally but surely is Martin’s Cardinal Food 3. simple, Scientiï¬c and highly nutritive preparation for infants, gdt‘licstc children and invalids. O KERRV WATSON G. 60.. PHOPFHE‘I’ORI. e. MONTREAL. 9-" ‘ ‘ “N9‘66i'90-66QOO64V!‘ Qâ€: JOE. HALL, Agent for Richmond Hill, and VMessrs. NAUGHTON ROS, at Elgin Mills. \Ve make at specialty of Farmers" Ex- change Work. BE. 8. Alfllllll, UROIEA FLOURING MILLS. l 96960699999999 99600909 9 0 <96 9099990099999WO 999996 ’6 Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabulei: gentle cathartic. Rip-ans Tabules assist digestion. Meet in the Temperance Hall on the 2nd and Lani; Week at Boyle‘s Mill, :it four and ï¬ve Nt'wslioes. 2th. cash, and removes Every slioi- guaranteed to l a" I f U21ll_\"$l‘i)l§ll‘l‘.\.\‘ ions to TORONTO “Eel Truss l5 E ' i 4? 1.5 At. 11-11 )llCllll.‘ 1-.1‘1 is on shortest notice l‘aiiroimge Solicitetl. LEW (MSW , Customers who get. their .__ 131111111111? tales. TIIE LIBERAL and \Vcckly lGlobc to jam. Ist, ’99, 2151.50. THE LIBERAL and \Vceltly Sun to Jun. Ist, ’99, $1.25. TIIE Llllljl-IAL ziml \Veckly Mail to];1n. 1st, ’99, $1.50. THE 1-1131511.ny and Daily Globe I year, $54 50. THE LIBERAL and Mail I year, $54 50. 13211;. THE LIBERAL and Daily VVOild one your, $2.75. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, I yczirï¬ $2 00. TIIE LIBERAL and Evenmg‘ Globe one year, $33.75. THE LIBERAL and Farm- in;r I year, :51 75. THE LIBERAL and The .adies’ Journal, I y'ear,$1.50. All other (ity equally low rates. papers at Send your orders to T. F. MCMAHON, "The Liberal †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS s DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &.c. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably putentuble. Communion- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn 61 Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the E Scientiï¬c Emerita“. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest. cir- culation of any scientiï¬c ournul. Terms. $3 a your; four months. $1. 80 d by all newsdealers. MUNN & Commie» New York, Branch Office. 625 14‘ St. Washington. D. C. autumn “marten. mucus AT FARMERS’ WAGGUNS. VVlieat,wbite,per bush... 0 77 3088 Wheat, red, per hush . 0 38 (l M) Wheat, goose, por bush 0 ’17 0 78 Outs, per bush .. 0 28 0 30 Peas, per bush 0 55 0 56 Burlev, oer bus 0 34 0 Turkeys. per lb 0 08 " ()5) Dressed Hogs. per cw .. 6 10 6 30 lease, per ll) .. 0 05 0 0t} (thickens, per pair . 0 30 U 50 Ducks.per pair .. (J 50 0 75 Butter, in pound mile 0 15 (l 16 Eggs. fresh .............. 0 10 0 ~20 Potutms. p r bug O 65 0 '71) Apples, per bbl 0 00 0 0t) fluy,clover 00 0 00 Hay, timothy . '1 (l0 9 00 Straw. shenf ...... 6 50 7 50 BilTTEIi, EGGS & PGULTRY OUR. SPECIALTIES. Highest. Prices "Manned. Relurns I’romplly Made. References our shippers everywhere. pondence invited. Cori-es- PARK. BLACIIH‘VEIL 00.. Ltd. TORONTO. MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. Elliilitii. ti; IVE Alli“. l'ili.\.i‘»<il'.\ RTERS FUR . ,..l. r .. . T IN .. 1' “3st $72313. / 91 a. 1' r r N "a ,v ‘ 1 Y . v v. w g7); )1.)€{)Eg I) i is} 3-33}: I £)A.334§gl4 £24 111' .Is' "7'... “r .. «,7... 79-..... M. ,. .7, 131.153 1 ea. liens Lay 1. 1.3.? c. we 6 t . . , . “. _ . 6 2% The most il‘t'tlllt'lli cniise oi liens not z:l_\’lll’.: H illi' :Ilrsi‘iu-e III the loud K: of (‘nrbuiiiu- 111' i. As I :" x ,, .- i: a ‘4! ll†(Truï¬hv-{l ‘1}Vssimr‘ f-T heiress: €3- . , ., . .- 1- . . :7 Q; Is pruetn'ully pure ( .‘ll‘lltllll'u‘ el Lime. It supp-it‘s. when l< .l i(>]mlllll‘y tlieiiiosi ('1‘;{('llllilll’lt‘llll‘lll illiil gruitlynhls 121llll‘i‘hl‘llllllltili‘ of eggs. .1 E; .\l)\'.\_TJ'l‘A lies {airman 1‘; ' '1‘111: 11%: or†H‘ g;7 u ~1 v 1 I. V ‘7 1 "ï¬t It nets es {-111 :mxl prevents (‘nolt-m. '~' ilw l‘oiuir)‘ healthy. GE}: 1:» ll. Illillit‘S lit '11:: lay on egg- prr tlii‘»'. . the ~ ' strong 67“ enough to carry i‘i'iilioi ln v-n'†l1 i-->1:’..=Ii!.s 11: r t ssriziizil it? t‘tillll‘lllltlliï¬lilillt‘l'g'. an†2-73 1)) 1' . ] i 2:“ 3 llt. \l . . d: ‘ is? 3:11. J 'l’ '31 ‘C. '1 iii: L. 2-" '~ 6 i g , l\n. ‘ 1111. mew-1‘ CL? A_ the against all (ll.\'":'.:<t-H lll . it"; ; 5’ 7) ll». 3.;‘I'l;:.114'. 14.3.3 Sm .. .. ., , 11 “1.7 g; liars-:‘Arsiias Eu“ ‘9; o: , v v ' c , l’roinilily no siiin'le enemy Is 2-11 l.;~"e. The (Pie) «.7, Loiisi- Kim-i- is positiy lv 1;. A y ‘ :‘;:1;.«...etimi. 913 .f‘ PM.“ in i-iIII. .: e: ’ lg, FREE From all imperfect- ions is what all well dressed men like. This is what is guaranteed by A, l. liqu. l‘ailor. IZ‘I.‘V Agent for PARKER‘S DYE WORKS. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA Assures on all the modern plans. and is one of the most prosperous and progressn’e companies in existence. New life applications in 1804 ............ 510.290.204.10 Assets, 31.51; Dec.,1894 . 4,615,419.63 Life ussuionc: in force. lst Jun, ’95. 31.628.569.74 Premiums low, policies unconditional and nonforfeitublo. Take a policy with the district agent, T. F. McMAHON. ‘ mg EIEEEEE. * _ $1.01) 111 1.1111162. CHOEEINE DAILY l Maple Saw mull I At low prices. Smisfuction guaranteed. 3.1;: HENRY MARSH GlTl-IECX LONE i‘l"l‘l'llilt-‘. (\- :3 (1115-111 (lltl’l‘. tilt-\.?§l'l..‘1 .11 1., ~ fez â€=‘ m. 3-1 one at“ E STEQLE’ b53§ï¬Â§luk§ 1:20 .11in 1:2 Irixu sir. a .anï¬s‘ig‘A-r... ,‘1. 1,5263 it 5 f A: 1r: 1.1,; LIBEthL " .Xins-rir-nn liml-LI‘. ‘1' 1;‘.>:\'1~:. li’i‘l‘. ruuiir‘ 1 Hit: 311.. 1111113111, EAST. 'i‘alilt‘IN'lU. J ' £371.11; 2;?1‘1331235 .3' .T‘: mnw ‘.' Z'TJ_3':"?".‘.‘.' Luvzmmim DONE AT OFFlOE. SMNVJ. . dend \ . I Mr. W. B. Grain huvmg gone out of the busines in Maple, I uni again {repaired to supply customers on shortest notice. Pottul notes promptly attended W. H. JACKSON, MAPLE e <11pPrVi¢i0n 1. sold lay" them .n and Ceylon none but the gcs. .c: "1:3. can be r 74 ll). 1 lb and ')C. and 60c. '7“. it ‘51- i 1" .1111 ..t lee sa~ It is out lbs . ézidsoi '. {'1 ~ p it.t ii;i.n in 1‘ r": i i; am. i; Fi‘:‘~:it St. TO_I_..ET An eight roomed house, with three closets, good cellar, and hard and soft \Vittt'l'. House luter remodelled. Apply to A. L. SKJ‘IELI‘J, ZT-tf Richmond Hill. We tail. 11111111. Parties dosn-iug to borrow money at four per cent, send names, addresses, amount of 13qu required, and tire stamps for l‘t‘;vl\'ln" to Lox 41.3, Post Ouiuc, llicniuon-I {1111. '