N. R. R. T'qu TABLE. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail Aecom. Ex Union .. 8.45 1255 6'25 I‘hornhill........ .931 605 arcamono HILL 9.39 6‘3 King ...... 630 Aurora... ,. 650 Newmurket ............ 10.15 6-18 GOING SOUTH. Ex. Accom. Newmarket... .. ....... 8.54 3.10 Aurora... ....9 02 318 King....... 9.15 . Brannonn HILL.. .924 Thornhill ............... $.31 ...... TORONTO fr Union...............10.05 425 ‘7.» PROCTOR’S’S’TTGE LINE.“ Connects with ulltmins,‘ leaving the Palmer House. Richmond Hill. as follevm : Msil & Express,l\orth & South... ...8.30 a m. Express North and Mail South... ..5.30 p. m. METROPOLITAâ€"Ii TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. Cuts leave 0. RR. Crossing at 7.20 8.111.. 9.40 u..m., 2.40 p.m., 5.40 pm. Cars leave Richmond Hill at 8.30 s.m.. 1'1 a.m.. 4 p.m., '7 pm. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MORNING râ€"Going North.soulh East and West. including 'l‘hornhill, Meple,Toronto lilurkhsm,&c. EmmG:â€"Going south East and West (as above) 5.30 N. B.â€"â€"Registered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours Ior clogging. I. f. SAIGEON, EIAPLE. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€"ALSO-â€"-â€" GORE, ()F GALT. A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, 0E Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com. pauy for the farmers of York Co. 8.30 Business Solicited. [BABY’S EXPRESS. Gaby’s Express runs to TORONTO â€"â€"EVERYâ€" Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. Baal Belinrel At reasonable rates on shortest notice »Patronagc Solicited. TEEFY, Postmaster. I 3 ' ' '6in ' ginseng ' 'Q PURE Z CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER Everybody come 532w @dvtrtiaemmta. l .MVLWVWNM- A"... Loco v... cw... , l NOTICE. i every day of the at four and ï¬ve! W. MAGER. ’9 Grain Chopping Week at Boyle’s Mill, cents a bag. 30-tf. . , From all imperfect- ions is what all well dressed men like. This is what is guaranteed by A.J.Hllm3. Tailor. -,,-:~ Agent for THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA Assures on all the modern plans, and is one of the most prosperous and progressive companies in exrsteuce. New life apnlicetions in ism ............ 910.200 0‘ .l Assets, Zilstllec..ll5'.ll . .. .. . 46 ' ' Life assurancu in force. lst .lnn., ’95. 3111.5, it». .14 Premiums low, llOllI'lIAS unconditional mu nonforfeimhle. Take a policy with the district agent, T. F. MGMAHON‘, LIBERAL OFFICE, RICH UOND IllLiIl ‘ me? LiEEI.E£L, 3’ sign iii Aéil’lliifll-i. A NrF In every district on the continent to take orders for nigh-grade (‘uu- radian-grown Nursery Stock and Seeds. Lorcut and best assoxtuieu: in the trade. Inst selling specialties. Superb suluples furnished free; cor» respondence in any language. l‘hose positions are money Inakershnd territory should be se- cured at once for the season by : l l-usilers look- inv. for a good thing. Our salary or commission offers will interest anyone not earning 511100.00 per year. bet in communication with our near- est oiï¬ce. An opportunity to represent dwell-established house. Ability more important than experience. LUKE BROTHERS COMPANY, International Nurseries, Chicngo, 11]. Montreal, Que. Rochester, N. Y. "Miss c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. i BURN Ir INTO .r,‘ *‘ i M T. -_l LE. 1". ‘ urnâ€... o “ Ruhr»? ‘ MM: admin. as. ., u. L Tint there is a fondly anvw me to which me a“; means so muchâ€" tzn cents means so muchâ€"that it can afford not to ex- change ten cents a month for the act, the rei'aemcnt, the pleasure, and the information that a copy of Munscv’s "I" A ‘llullerihuins tilts . of flour. j flour you procure (lepen ' sider the better grudes will produce many times ‘ your wife. AUR()ERA RII‘. Fal'ï¬llel†: Now is the time to lay in your summer supply And you should he Very careful to pin“ l Upon the quality of your comforts duringthe hm-d spring and summer work. Your brand is half your living. You huy common Imd inferior ilour because it is a. few cents per lmrrel chenpor. But you never cow cure the best obtainable. do very largely the difference in piico more bread. And just consider the amount of labor you will save Poor soft running flour is hard to handle and Will no: Produce Good Bread. Contrast that to 142170771 B we, Which balms ousilv, and produces a. nice licht flul‘ey ion! of lucid which does not dry out We can give you flour from wheat of the Lao , crop, \vlnvh is fur brighter and stronger and will muko more hcrilihyund nutritious bread than the soft or sprouted stutf of 1597 crop. JOS. Hill, I'lA LL, Agent for Richmond and Messrs. NAUGHTON BROS†at Elgin Mills. tit. S. ï¬llflillll, AU l {.0}? A FLO CIl ING MILLS. THE LIBERAL and \Vcekly Globe to Jan. Ist, ’99, €51.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun to jam. ISI, ’99, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail to jam. Ist, ’99, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe I year, 50. THE LIBERAL and Daily Mail I yea.r,§$ TIIE LIBERAL and Daily \Vox'ld one year, 32.75. I THE LIBERAL and Toronto | Evening Star, I year, $2.00. THE LIBERAL and Evening Globe one year, $3.75. THE LIBERAL and Farm- ing I year, $151.73. THE LIBERAL and The Ladies’ Journal, I year,$1.5o. All other city papers at equally low mics. Send your orders to T, F. MCMAHON, " The Liberal †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a. sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing atoms. Patents taken through Munn & 0. receive special notice, without 0 urge. in the Scientiï¬c Hmerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c ournul. Terms. 83 a year; four months, $1. So (1 by all newsdealers. mun s. New ,1ng Branch omce. 625 I" St.. Washington. . Wood “Wante d For exchange, a. good set of serviceable single harness for four cords of hard wood, either green or dry. Apply to WM. HARRISON. Harness-Maker Richmond Hill, Jllll'V 6th, 1895. Enmutu entries. PRICES AT FARMERS' WAGGONR. 4 50-3 I. TO THE ELECTU I†n n A Your Vote (‘5 \. (Flier 1E3; othrsn Can ya Non'iiuziiion, Tuesday, Pol)": 22nd. r .1 lection, Tuesday, March Ist. fs ’3‘ Li W? AT AN D ATT III"; lVE TOE PRINTING Do 1\' E A '1‘ , “ THE LEBERJIQIL †OFFEOE. m Kkichnrond E11111 HARDWARE - STORE Sells all kinds of Hardware, Tinvvere, Stoves, Eave- troughing, gooï¬ng, And everything in the Tin, Steve and Hardware lines at lowest prices. Repairing Promptly Done m.â€" H Still Better than Ever. New shoes, 200.. cash, and removes 80. cash. Every shoe guaranteed to stick and wear as long or longer than any other make. Light steel shoes at same price. Customers who get their sound horses shod here will get their cripples and interfering horses shod without extra charge. All other work done low prices. Rigs of all kinds repainted. Satisfaction guaranteed with every at equally as in Nissgezine xvii. bring , agentwhlite, pal;- l3;lsli..., 0 t3?) 3 0 90 job 01 no p Ly 0 -‘ ,_. a t,~ I - .- ' 09 ‘ i - I to ch‘Ad“ Wllgilt, lgioelfileiilliiish g 80 0 8? â€" Flaw-WK A- MUNSEY. 22:: :33: 33:3: 5: 3 El 82‘: N g D E R . \‘\_ l5l Flifll AWL, New York. M 'Ilim‘lie’v, ner bush 0 39 0 42 I 1 W By ï¬he year, Shom (/6) ‘ur cys,por1h 0 09 r‘ 11 . A , l) s 1H 2‘, - t.. 500 2r ‘ -; - .K . _ I HAVE IT TO HIRE FOR PRIV-' 5mm wpy"‘°e‘ ' «$31351»; Tbilisi? . o 05 30"; Th? 9.918."? “wildâ€??? mm?“ .W"i’d _ ,_ . 0 ‘fl 9‘» ‘ Chickens 1mmâ€. 0 30 U 50 worker and (1( rural Jobber, DI. Rip H‘s Tqu 1 .d l. â€" . .3 “{9}, j 1 _ ._ *9 D -1 , '- 050 r Reid’s old oi’ï¬w, C(11) 1-1)) St. . i ‘ ‘ es Cure 01‘P1 WET- ATE, PARLOR AND PUBLIC a "isgégtv/ L37 I Bï¬ï¬â€˜eifiï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬m mm†0 15 9.1: k I 0 b ’ Ripans Tahules cure nausea. ENTERTAINMENTS, 3% @261 ‘ Egiitigifiiéihié """" I g :52 g THOBN HI Le L W T 7' D ï¬pplesl, per bhl 0 33 0 00 ll _ . C H D ay, 0 over ........ 0 00 FL... .. . PPING DAILY w, A. Sanderson, T HE LIBERAL ..I:.3:I.°..Ii- ........... .- .00 233 FEED for SALE A, S r l “ ° DRUGGIST' Yea" Ripans Tabuleg; gentle catharï¬. The undersigned has for sale at Richmond Saw ' Hill Station, leoc‘. Hay, Whole Corn and Grain At low prices. Ripans Tabules assist digestion, Ripans Tabules cure Indigestion. Satisfaction guaranteed. of all kinds, HENRY Mensa. 30-“ J. R.CAMPBELL Riclnnond Hill [ Ripans Tabules cure headache. H1 Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.