"Vm‘y well. my fine Iusrly, very \x’eU,†flm 313K] aloud. "You trezm“ me as H0 much dirt, do ymx‘! You shall smart- fou‘ this†so sum as my nu;an is George Cambium. Only ‘wmid, U211 you are in my powm, {mud yum shim learn that I was nuwur yet dvf'rml w‘htzh iummuniigu 011,, and yuu sméalil lma‘n many other 1911?ng also." (Flinn that Hm! ftixr'wm‘d Amgmla was, for :1; permit of "two months or more Inhjec-tod to am orgmdzed per utionns “1L†answwred Angola. "you mean Mr. Hmfhgihnm I 13‘. have. you to ('unâ€" sEdL whether that term is not, mum aspth‘aM-A U) the persn’n who does his best ‘(0 out 'agn: an ll:1A})I(Ii0(-'L(Ml wullme. and take advantage ozf him :LMent‘tbun M the» gan-ilemmm, against whom you 51m;er used M†and dart/ing- on him mm: gimme of supreme contempt“ thv, sun-pl, amay like am- a. 'gry queen. Leif, to hJH nmdliuththnw. George shook his fist ix’vwm‘d Who'd-re» the had \‘zunished. "11351.er my hand whine and nevur dare, to tmmh me again. This is the swond 1mm that. ymx .huvn Lriwi to in;- s’uil-t me.†“So!†answered Cmn‘gea furious with outraged pride and lmh .ed puss-Lou, "you E931; 'wp your wh’tl awdumt :minm do you ? Vury “1:15. yuu aha]: see. 1 will crush ywu to 1‘:4:Wr'.«3r. hmth. you. imdeed! Hmv nftvsln did that ynunpg Mas-lqruurd ilnsu‘l-t you? ]. warrant, he «PM more than}. mam your Fm ml." "A1]rg1_37<«1.,“ Bali (innl‘x‘e‘ Ewing and seizing 'ihl‘l‘ hand. She turmmi quite pain, and n. shudder passad over er frame. "1 do not l)§‘ill)§?\"fl (hart. this is true, or if ii, is Hum i1, i2 mzxt :L’il mm truth: but true. 011‘ unlruw 1 am. not going to discuss Mr. lléï¬iig‘lmm will) you or allow myself in be, ulflllfllln't‘ll by stories to‘I-zl bah,le his hark.†"Anglia ‘ sail (innl‘x‘e‘ r'mlng‘ and Angmu humned mjmn lLIun‘, Loo angry to Sfpu‘uk. "We-1,1,, you mcm 1101. 100k wt me like that. You sturdy nvevur cxpact L0 see him again)“ (is) yum '?" "If “wig, both. luv , J slmll certainly see him ugaim; indeed, I shah], in any case.“ "Yum will] nm‘cr an»: Mun again.†"Why mmt 'l†"Bma‘usve be: was a flirting» and} Mayan; the, foul W'Mh you. 31h! is. a x10â€" bolrp'us i'lIZn‘L, 1mm; L0 :mvy' vermin knowl» edge, has been anguged 1.0 Lwo wwmen baforre.†"Ah, imdeed, weak], he is certainly a. ham;me dog" and he sat down ausâ€" Ev‘ilaikmsly, "f\~"on~‘t. you come and' sit :nii’y’ / ,V .1 "Thadk ydu. 'I prefer ’to stall ." "Do you know wumt you look like, standing there with. yorur arms crusa- ed? lou book like an angry goddess." "If you mum that. ser.mxs‘.ry,, I don’t undemstand you. 1f ht is 84 compliment, I dtm't Ink-B campltimeuts.†"So 1 [hair that my ward has been stayieng [mere whium I “my ill.†"Yes, he was staylmng More.†"And 1 am also mm mm there was 60mm boyâ€"amulâ€"g'u‘l love affair betwcem yum. I suppos-i‘ mm hm itIIedque/d in a. flirrumtimn to whth away the i'mns.†“I am sorry. I mfrimnvzlfly.†';Ydli am nbtqvery friemddly,,†said George, whose temper was fast gettimg this better of harm“ {Angela knew that George was a vow- arrd (Lb-owl, dogs; and at. that moment, as though to cornfixrun her words Al‘eck growled slightly. "I beg your pairdom, I did not know that you wanMd to sht down. I can only offer you a dhpiae of thuse stones." "1 didn’t undersi and youu†said Aug; edit, defiantly folding her arms across her bosom and looking 115mm full in the "The dog is not. a. b‘mta, as you mount it. {But 1 should not speak 0!: hmm like that, M I were ymu. (Hie is sensible as E human behng. and. might resent, it." face wilt-h fearless eyps, for her imstinct Marni-x1 her mm 5110 was in) dungen, Rind oak-30 that, \w'lmtlelx'er she might, feel, she {must not Show that she was afraid. “1 5:11am 1quer to make you do so be- ï¬om long,“ he replied, with, a. meaning gtbanca; "buff. you are not wary polite, you do not offer me a Beat“ LAngaelu tom-th1 his fingers 1‘;in her UM’IX» "My influx-tr is um Here,†she saw. "Thank ypru, my dewr cousizn, but I did mt come to see your father. of wahnim I 3m seen pdenty im the course at [my life, and 531:1.†doubtless see more; I (name to see you, of whom I can nmver see enough.†"Th/rm cad-1 that brute away, and I will silt down." "So 1 hHVS {<mhmi kou out at! last Causm Amman. '\‘\Khtzut-, are you not go ing to shake {lands wirth ma?" HE». was stilll rule and Bhrirveled fmm Hlv" effer-ts of his Silliness. but otherwise Hrttha. Chlamed, excepi that the light»- hllmv eyes glittemd “rim :1 fierve deterâ€" mimnï¬bn, :md Lhnl the features bad atâ€" taimml that fixity and strength» which sometimes come to Hmse who are bent heart and would mum an enterprise, be it good or evil» "Oh, Alevk,†she said, aloud to ihe (lug hum, was sittimg by her side with his hr‘ad upon her knee for he was now bmr rrmstan‘t connmai’nion. “I wonder where your master 1s~your masmr and Imam, Alehk. \\'(vu.1d to God that 11:8 were back here to protect me. for I am gmlwimg {drain}, 1 dam’t know of What, Aflm‘k and Hui-re are Maven long siullernt mouths to wait." ‘Azt; this Iroammt the (Mg raised his head Listenyed 2mm] sprung l‘mlnd with am am‘gry “woof.†‘Angedu rose mp with a. flash of 'hbfpaiirn her eyes.‘ turned. and faced George Cairesfoot. CHAPTER X XXVIâ€"Continued. db not, wish to be "Yim wont! not. thrn, flurmv him up wiéflymvt qnx‘sfinn ?" " mul’y Hullauuy, 1 may be VCIIy i'g'nwrâ€" am. and simplex, but I mm neitlhm‘ mud {my "I funk "What. do you suappnm that. my rizil'm wmxhl be wm‘fh to me if I hhu‘ew Arthur up? if Irmnmhnwf séanghe it, wuuflui he mu mzhimg vnid, as it is now, and if I unwrrjnud any other 1mm wmï¬iat he 51M liwedh it would hm’mne u. dajfy and shameful hmmimiatim) such as I had rather die 111mm endure." Lady Baliamy glam-cued my) {mum under h‘N‘ hanfl’yâ€"Hddwi eyes; a. til-one,"le had "S'urppuslmg thin in he. so, 310“ about 111:: Hem-reï¬ner! ydu spoke of just new? Could you hmr in Nuke your Im'm‘ hack. frme 1:] '* mm»; of mmihm‘ wumzm ?†"That womfld (-tn-ihmly (19.3mm Hpfo i’hw virrcu'umt:urwes. udl‘al upon what was just 10 U1; Other u" mun†Sf‘vl‘ry ‘m \hswwl to yam. yn'u 11y saying it; .Yu’mng‘ Mr. Hmmmm is no bet-{er HIGH 1»? Hhuuld be. 1 have made mqum‘ws will:th 1mm amrd, thzinnk thin, I ought to ball you that." "‘\\‘hzm.Â¥ dln yo’u uwmn 3" . “.1 “main that his Hm. yummy as he 1H has not bmn so omniuiavblu as “L might hiI-w Imam Mu Mm been the horn 05" omra 01' two 16mm u‘ffad 1 van “’11 yum almnt (hum it! you †"Lady Hzllluany, yuur mm A; :er lliMbâ€" ("r inm‘or untrue. If true, 1 Nhnuld 111k» my notice (If (hem. boa-zmse “my mum, haw), happened before he Loved mr; if umlrue, they woull be a, mam wast): uf breath so I think “'9 may disâ€" pense waLh 11w st.orhcs~tlmy “fluid inâ€" fluvnw um no more than l‘hu- hum of merxt swmmer’s gnu/ls." Ln-dy Hunllnmy smi'wd again. "You urn a curiitum wonmm†shes Ruin); but. supposing um Hum». “ï¬re to be a I‘vr=g;,wt..(io'u uI' that“: 131,! 18 stories “UPI†hr“ 'lev'vmi you “hunt Would you Ray 1mm?†Angflm louked humbled. and 1(1Lnghvt unsih E12. "‘sz ('uu’l'd newer gm far from me." sh,“ amum'orerri. “\VlmrL dn yum mamu “I†"I Inmnn i1.st J M1361 Hm Htrimggs of his "Imam". in) my h I; and I have only in lift thwm. to (11' Minn hack to meâ€" sw. Nu uflwm' Wmuuum no Iiwmg fur-’9, mun low-,1) hfnn frmu me if 1 (mouse to l) 1 him (‘01!10‘." "Sim-ya you irnmsi, so numb, uvom my that am hommt g-rr) in my pmsitiovn has 1.,h1rvee (Indim to my Shier, and not one, ‘(imyï¬ 1 must say that N. sax-rum m me “3 D’Oï¬l Fug); Lady Hgï¬lumy. I‘llrst, there is 101* (Barty m the man she im‘em for hmr “NIB greatest, dluaty of «my in the warm; next. her (hwy (,0 herself. for her happimss and Beauâ€"respect are involved iin hr-T deuisiun; and lilS‘H)’, her (hnty to .hm‘ fnamiï¬y. 1 mm; the fnnmiylry 135th- musm after an, M. is she who gets smarâ€" rip-1L nut hpr fumiiti.†Lady Beddamy ambled 2). little. "You :u‘mm wall; but Lhm‘a is one thing that you ovurlouk., though I afm. "I mien/n Lhe piminvdmmy hhut “85 before you of mtamyinug1 your (‘ousin marge, and of throwing mp @316 yuung‘ Heisgihnm.†"1 meo‘gmize m) such dutyԠ"My dear Angem, do look at Mm matâ€" ter from a sexnmble point of View; iihink What a good t‘h‘img it “'01)de be for yonr fathva‘ wml reanemmer, tom («that it would reunife lel (he praperty. If ever 1» girl bind a clear (batty to performh yum have.†"What db ygm m»me Lady Bellamy ‘ ' n yml till}; uï¬muï¬. my fluty ?’_’ "\Vel], that is your mffaj-J‘: but it is very rlsddx'vulnus of you to come Hind ask me to protect you. il‘lm 'wonmm». must inquired, he. a foul who ('umm-t protect herself." And so the Ln'tervie“ ended. Nrexi, (1213; Lady ‘ngciumy (willed ugui-n. “My du-ur «may 51m said to Angela, "You are not lonkilng we“; this business “'lfl‘l‘it‘fl you)“ no dwnht: it is the mid struggle 'lmtwezvn duty and im’linatinn L'uuL we halve must of us gone through. “ï¬ll, there is one consolaumn, nobody WJM) ever did llï¬s or 1151' dvuty, reg‘urd‘ L933 uf iumldmutiom. over rwgretvted it in ‘he end." "To marry ma, 1' mnppuï¬e." zmlmwred. AHEK‘IIM blushing to Jun eyes. " WM], Hm 1, hi a very wthlianï¬lltanl'y wish. up his part, mud I can L011 you \x'thl, 7'1 is‘ Angmiau it wally y(m_ c mld " WM], “ï¬lm 1, Ma very warmlianmutad‘y Wiflh. up his part, mud I can LOH you \x'thl, Est is‘ Angpdau ii wally you C mld gut, blunt yumng Hekgflmm out. of your handâ€, you 111' “At do a (1941‘. worse." "It is q'uxirtu useless to mm to me like “Wt.†:33 A {answered mxl‘dly. mthzvru†she salt}, lulmlly, Oink} dafy dip. as his, was siHing “‘{‘1t.I-JIE§ 111 his study,†"my cousin Cayuga: IS pens? outing am: every any. I have burl)?» LT, :15 14mg (1‘: I van, but I man may m 110 A'mlgr’r. .i have mane to {wk you 10 FTC" test, me from him. ‘} . "Whv lump)“. 1 3‘11qu have thawed“: that 5f)“ wm‘u pm‘fen'L‘xy fapuhle “i Prâ€- t/‘ctimtg ywursnLfl What 18 1'» 12¢ ecu}; i'mg' you about '?\ '\\'hat dusfl “me Mimi? I’Um‘ Amgwkl It: was hard hothi 1,0 '1 her lover umi to suffer dalfly from v perswmmns 0f 'hm‘ lurk-.le musin \Vhlfl‘ll wnsre myw 1 usheui fm‘una'd so 0})â€" mnfly and “Mix H1209); pm‘tinaa'iiy as in Hill [In 1' with vngrum alarm. 'Whnt made hear poshtiou wursa, was, Huxd she had no one whuzm to (‘1')nfiaiex. fm Mr. 'l<‘ra.ssar had not yet returned. 13-21:th imdmd“ knew more 01‘ Tess what was 51mm: on†but: She; could do nothing exâ€" cept bewnifl Arthur‘s absmwu. 8.111 tell her “12M to mind.†Tl‘thens rerun-mud her falthï¬r‘ hunt, \ sh: Mm she bar] newer been on sufficienfly intimahx terms fur ('011if5);1.>mues. Indeed“ as \Emm wewnt on, Him auspimou g:1.t.luorwl strength in 1191' 11172111 Hut in} was privy in George’s :Ld~ Van and that those advances 11ml 51mm lizngg‘ 10 do “'iIHU the lmq'sh tPrmH inmmwxd 11-me ArhhM-r mud lml‘se.].f. But. {If I , math-rs grew so bad that. havâ€" “â€%‘ Hr?) other refuge, sh‘a determmed 10 apnea! 1:0 him). Mr protectium hnrnssfmg as irt was crnefl. George way In“ shwr a ,rywth‘e, mu} {[Avime .‘u‘iuully succveried m 9111'? ring mm convm‘swion WWI} hm". mm om but 11 ()1‘('(|Si(!ll§ :she managed in esmqua from him before ‘he could ])l‘0:}>¥‘8d aru-y furthm'. 540 persistentâ€" ‘ led be hmm, her that 31', last the J {whed girl \ms drivwm to hide. huh ; away in odd (-m‘nerrs of Hm 3304s mm! \‘fiXHlS, im (:rzva' 1U kuap out of his way. 'J‘hzzm hm tank to \Vrfllimg her Ectâ€" Lm‘s. aml sending handszmne presents, all! of whirm 81):» returned. \\' “How do ynu do, George 5!†said Philip. “Hm, isn’t it ‘9Ԡ"Yes, there will be u tvmrlast snon." "Not, lzefore midnight, I think. Shall we go and walk down by [ha lake? It will be cooler there, and we shull be quite undisturhem Walls have) ears sometimes. you knuw." “Very well; but where is Angela if" "I met her on‘ I‘ae stairs just now. and she said that she was going. to had â€"lo:ot u headache, I lelieve. Shall we start V" The nigh1 was one of thmse dreadâ€" fuL‘y oppressive one; that) Bomotinws Visit? HR in the vnume of an English summer. The. any had. been 1101 and Sillfl‘y, and with the (all of tho. evening: the little Mme/,0 tum, stirred in the thanklerâ€"lmlem uir had died mvz'ty, lea-V- ing the temporu‘tu‘re at much the, same point that is to he expected inn a tmli‘“ cal valley, and rendering the heat; of the house ahnost unbearable. 80 soon as tinny were well (swam from llm‘huuse, Philip broke the ice. Curiously enough, however. he 3-1441 hf 1m». been» Hiigmally fret) {rum his sugmrsli't ions fears; inâ€" (lend, sinve the night when he hml so astonished Arthur by his outbreak nhmlt the. shadows on the wall, 110 [it 11ml Home :0 tumble him, and he {Us E(Kari/'lning lo- loo]: upon the whole than: M an evil dream. u. niglnnmré’ that he 11ml a, last lived (ill’ï¬'ll. llrut still llm nightmare might return, uul In: was not going to run Hm risk unlosn he. “'88 very we“! paid fur it. And so he determined in offer it prim so linv {or the jn'ope ’* that no mun in his senses Would n, (\pl. if and Hum wrnle .1 :miu to George asking him to come uwr on the following evening»: uflm: dinner, us he wishel to speak to him on a matter of luminaas. "'llhei‘e,†he humid m himself, "that will make an cnzl of the affair, anrl' I Will 1:61 yuung lleiglmm buck and um." am he marrir-‘l. Georg») on?) newer Hike what I mean to offer; ifflm should, the ligyption \\.ill he ï¬poxlf‘r'l indeed, and the game will he wm‘th lhe candle. Not titlir l have any 1'99- pmisilzilily about i!, however", l 4-“ luul no pJ‘Pssnre on Anng . .. . , qu'ge Came '5 ually emu» £1 (m the following «waning, VVhiL'h “‘11s that "f the (lay 02' Lady Bullzunv‘s (1011â€" \‘ersatiml with Angela‘ :1 umvermtinn “hth had 5p 113505 the lutfur um, she had uh‘endy gmm {or her I‘OOHL not, knowing: anything, of hm cousin‘s pruâ€" Inmod visit, [muse for llm‘well’. A 2 I‘m to had, quite fee-ling: us Lhmm dune» a virluuus :u‘tmn. "QTY 1WW sum- iann‘need. [But would [him-1 ('Uus'ln 1m willing to 5mm ,>‘L such a‘ sum 2 mm“! “'98 Hm PM), am] that {401), was “"111†must be made (dear wiltil'nnt :my furth'kr “Play. H8 ‘had my wish to See AWENN put tn nmzrlzloss suffering, Huf~ t-j'nr' “’ih‘ifll' “Tlu'T‘d not bring an equâ€" "VY‘L 't ‘Wlimh, it? and w} ' 11 Knight, on um mm‘tr‘fly‘ 911111.311! consequences upâ€" â€? mimfl‘ll'f that. he snuxidered to think affailr was excessixvely repungmmt in him; ifndf’ied Iva regarded the pruspevt of its sucwass win). littla lens thym» 1m» r011. mllly 1 s 9:19.941 owr-rmastm‘ed luis fm‘r. ' 1'9)!me one pofiut hr. was very (4931‘; irt shzolufld not sucoped except upon “18 W’J‘Y best of terms for hs’lmse‘f. \hï¬cs dwugmvn should not be sacrum-ed un185§5 U1}! pmire 11am for the viz-Um was £1051- ffN'flAI/y pa‘imcvly. numb guilt was not to mu imrurrred {.152}: haguteï¬vle. If George married Angï¬ln the Jslowwn‘bh] 95h“.qu must pass hark mm his hands for a s". _ Angwkfs appeal mar prote‘ntinn I ’hffltip thinkmg‘. "She is a. f‘irne oruimue both 111 n'im:r 2mm Indy,†reflected Lady ,ReUa‘my, as shx‘ Mapped into her carriage. “Rpany, thnrugh» I try to hat» her. I can} fimd lit in my heart to be sorry for DIST. .111â€" (Wed, T am not sure that I do no-L like hem; (Aertaimlly I reapen-i. her. Bent she has cwme in my myth :m-xl must be ('I‘HHh- ellâ€"my mvn safety dmnmnds itt'. At "Yah‘t, she is worth. oruHhEmg, and. the gaunt: is fair, for perhaps she, wiH crush me. 1 shoqu not he sunprised; there ‘3 a judgmenut Ln 1.1mm gnu) eyes uf hv-Is»Q,ui vivrzL verra. Hmn-e. WU» nm." For LhP [ï¬rst time Angeflu’s courage really gave way as 5119 beard those dreadful words. She remembered how 51w herself I); 'aJ‘ed Lady lhlihumy 11 smhmliment 0f the "Spirit of PUW- 91‘,†Mud now Edhfl fem LILML'L the ('mupm‘i- wan. was just. TM: wmnn‘n was power im;,*:Lr11:le;| and her words, which from anylwziy else she would have laughed at. 99.1)»! a‘ cold whill LIV-rough her. “Sumo month»; Leek. 1 thud a efumlr» , with him yo‘n will to your hrhed. It. is written: in your fave. (2(n'iâ€"byl‘.†“J reflex-L" answered. Lady Bailmmsy, with mu ominous smihg, "that Gvurge Czu‘esfoot has made up» his mind to murâ€" ry yu'u. :«md Hull. I hams made up mine to hMp him 10 do Em and Hum, your will at rung; as irt (‘urtwï¬nlry is, is as cumpared WJML urur uniï¬ed wii'ls, what a straw is in a gale. The straw can-11m) trawel against the wind, it must go with it, mu»! you must ma;er George Caresfoot. You. will as (‘M'thhml-y come to the altar ovzuixmlfly siruck her, but $1143 did not express it. "\‘xhui 11:61le you say snob hm‘rhlufe (harms? "Than I am to tell yu’ur cousim Gmrge that you will h;sz ahï¬olutely nothimg t4) db with}; him?" “Yea, fund bog 51mg mo; 11, is; (1111 no Arthur anti 3 word, I would u inst, hum-I (“mun (r351, him." "It is :mmaimfg , . , Â¥ ‘ ,. b-n Mrs. George. Czu‘osfoui, whmm mm: mmn‘h "Ne-w'vi’,†zumwnmd Angeha, pm; .I'm- zltnlv slam-1)ng Lh-s‘r (wot upon Urn: ffonr. "H is :mmaimfg m huzlm‘ you tank so. ‘md 10 1b‘mk (hm; yqu ’wjï¬ (“mainly CHAPTER XXX VII Ref “'hen smne {hirt'y serunds had pussw ml in silence, the nttentinn of, the pair wag attracted. by ï¬lm cracking 0f (lead leaves that sounded quite. start- ling in the intense stillness of ihe night, and next semn'l a. full figure in while glided up to the water's: edge. and stood still within halt a dozen paces of them. "Give me :1 minute to think." and George hid his face in his hand, and Philip, 1001(ng at him. with hatred ifk‘flming in his dark. eyes, xmutel'ed between his teeth: ‘ "I believe that my turn has mum at ,Jln anvodunturl'ly P015111)! gk‘ipgmd his cousin‘s arxm but nait’h’ r of them moved. The sky had J‘api 1y (:loudetl up, and the faint light that struggled from the moon only" served to show that the figure apzmared tu be lifting. "You ask me $11 sacrifice half' my PNH'I‘P/HLY." gnmmed George. “My DTODBI'Ly, you mean; ihut you stole. But I don't ask yow in do fl-flyhh'ing one way on Hm other. I am In understand that you will“! my offer?" lasi U “r. 'umstur‘nus." i tell yum 34:» 5:1‘0';Â¥)Siu.""*119 "1‘ ' I \‘n‘iil nut; g‘ lu‘mnd them, “all Nomi, lesze‘rhom .Junn, zmd 1"†p1“ ::.*5e][ in communication with young: H'eig‘ham f,u~nl(l.]‘,l‘()‘\\', MM 1951 Mm that he can come and merry “‘3 glrl a»: 5mm (Ls he, likea_ [7hr] my WIN. I an“ \‘nry glad to have the. business ‘clflvdf’ "1 “fr†one huï¬dm] Umnsund, and am willing to (mule 1,111â€); “mus; lid alsulutely on the girl 5mm†Sh‘e marry 3'0“, and i,“ randy thousand Hume on my death Thai: is my offerdtï¬he 31; or leave it†"Talk sense, n; 2 yu-uï¬r‘: ierms are "Do you. think that 'I : I), fowl, that ykm (tome t0 J a ridiculous offer? VV‘h'y. \‘uluafinlu was two hunrh and that was very 10W." C33 "'I‘Jim mum wiil Home (mi pn'esently,†he said, whm) Gauge had fullnwvd his (:xamlfla. "She 1111.: mm) l;clli1)(l that thumlerâ€"cinud. "Ah !" as a Might flush of lightning pnsael from heaven tn earth, "I Umugzht that, we should get: a sl'm‘m; it will be here in half an hour." A11 this Philip saitl- to gain timea; ha hzlï¬ not quite made up his mind what prit-e to offer. , They had taken a path that ran down through the shrubbnries to the Eide 0f the lake, and then turned up toward} (‘ar‘csftxut’s Staff. lief-ore answering: George’s remark. Philip 1.:1'01msed that} they shuuld sit down, and, suiting the action to the word. placed him; ‘lf upon the trunk ocf n, fallen tree (had; lay hy the “ater‘s eilgu, just. out<ide the spread of the ln‘anzthel of the grant oak, and tommzmding a View of the area ltenent‘h them. “Very ~geol; Milt mow about the prjfge. That is the real point.†"I will tell you; het'ause t'mz rights of pv'nperty shirt)qu take prer'edence of the in‘rerests M a single indi izluul. Be- cause my father and you tetwean you cozeneré me out of: my lawful own, and this is the only way Uth I see of cum' by it again." "N0, George, it will mm: if ever thn [slewm‘th estates come into my bands, they shall not pass again to any Child of ymm‘s.†th “What mmnld ynu do with (them than 3" l “Which means. I summse, that you { inland to svrcw down the. Drive 1’" i "ltn tnnm/lgilvzg to Imime IAnge‘m" ‘ went, on Philip, "you must renemlier that yun fly high. She is a very loxe- ly wornam and, What. is more, will sunny day 01‘ other he exveudingly well off whilst you~you musl, excuse my ‘eing mndkh but this is a, mere 11ml er of business. and J: am only talking: of lyrm in Hue light; of a pl)ï¬Sii)i6 sonâ€"inâ€" ‘lmxuâ€"ynu are (L l])id(i1(§~uy§2‘ed man, not. pl‘vgmb.‘ using in appearance, broken in hmalih‘ and, hmvever well you may have kept up your reputation in these Dari-q- as will and I “all know,l willzhut a singla shred of character 19ft: HMO- gelllmr not a man to whom a father “’01th marry his daughter of his own free will or one with whum w young girl is likely to find hmwinessl†afinr your death the l£Ln(Iï¬v\:i]lï¬J tarfk {nNAngela and her children.“ Satio’n with“ Lady Bellamy on the sub- 3jeot of a proposal that you made to Yme thTuugh her for Ange'a‘s hand‘ ‘ It is about that I wish to speak to 5'911 E nmv. J“i,1's‘t. I must ask you i'1ynu stxll ‘ wish to go on with the business 5’†“You draw a flattering. pir‘tm‘o Of ma 1 mqu my." “Not at all only a (true. one." "Well, if I up] all you say, how is it that you are I‘x‘epurel‘ tn all-0w your daughter to marry mm at all ?" I like very mukvhl; and I can assure you that it “ill require the very s’lh‘hrlv‘frth. immv-mrmnts to wake me. even allow Ruth :1 thing. In any ""6» I will have nothing to?!) with. influâ€"I enuing Angela; she is a. rerfm Hy free agent.†BVE’I‘.†“Well. am I intimated i7.» Lady Pell- fimï¬'u 7 do nof {It all approve of your B'uit. Angela is already, suinjer‘l; to mfv’ vonsent, very suï¬tnhly engaged to your law war l, a young; fellu'w Whom. :x'h'llever you may think; alxmt him, ,unuh “J u. uguvxu. "What, (1083 matter? In gmy oasa t‘ey'iuirn-ly; I wish it more two hum tired thimsa nd‘ than H9. proposvs to put a mnmll quaniily of smuxl inside the tire, where il will be free m move :ilimii. He will {LlStl pill. a liquid. pmfemluly \Hl'li‘l‘, limidu the tire. \thn u piim'lui'v (N‘Cul'fw‘ llw l]“.l.il!)(i 0f clawing will 1,1: to turn llu ; a .30 than. the prim-inn» is ill the i bottom. Tim samri and main will llms. 1le brought iniiu lilI‘GCl (“unlule with ‘ an })IIJll’lllâ€i'. Whvn lvlm tire is inllul» ‘ ml, there will he a uui‘rviiL of aii‘yuss» 431:; through 1119 puncture This all will mmiisw parliva (lf Nihll'l tn onlmr the, hole. Particles lhal. .‘nw too slixali‘ will [ram through the Imln. l‘ul whcni a particle the right 5173?, i9? found l‘mi hall-a \Vl†be filled, mull the Hiram of g the, air will 0021.30. l i l 1 l l i i l l Servantâ€"You know the Mg 311m)? down the road ‘Well, the shop walker looked at me the day Let‘ore yesterday†and yesterday he smiled, and today he Enid Good mprning, and I guess to- morrow he’ll propose, and, yow sea, ma’am, I want to be ready. M 1'. Moum; ~ Sllppli»'3;i with e. m pui- on the nix-col, .. - ‘ ‘ Trouble wiH ?'-‘ Imam-.2 lures wili he Huitï¬kly 21;“: ally Mugged. “ms! Hunt Mistress-“WU, who is ihe happy man? he. 1L0, mi. in: \VAN'I‘.I<)D 'J‘l) BE READY. Serva.nt~~]’ve came 10 give muffin); ma’am,’ as .1 am going to get, married. Mistressâ€"Jmmed, Mary! How long have you been engaged? Servantâ€"«I Hin’t engaged at atâ€; ma’am. sum] I'm 1..) Novel line by an Injzc-nioun :nul l'rm‘lit‘al llilm Dildo-r. A simple. metth] 0! nmking pneum: - tic tires faultlwaling when punctured has been I‘litrf‘lll.v’<‘ll by Joseph G‘ M00â€" my, of Erie, Pa. The scheme. simple. nnzl tho inwntor claims. Hun it is efâ€" fw‘tive. “That was in lucky swim 0f Angela's tomight†he thought..“l?i1‘tv thous- and poiunds for the est‘lte, He i: right ; he must he “with; maul†nut wd'l he get hm‘ t'x marry him l wonulel‘, If? be away I shall (:ry «mils with him; indeed.†"Very gmbd; that is your affair. Rememl'er that I have no responsiâ€" bility in the matter, and tint I am not going to pull, any preï¬sure 011‘ Angela. If ynuj' wan'l. tn marry her, you must. win her Within the next! eight months. Then that is sett'ed. I suppose that; you will pay in! the tilmlummd to mm'ro'w; The storm is naming up fast. 50 I won’t kwep yum. Good-night†anl they semamt- ed. Gem'ge to drivel hhmeâ€"«with fe- var in his hawk M11 thg thunder. storm of \V'hiinth ha hmml nltthinrg, rattling mam. himâ€"«mud Philip: to make his way to bed. with the dream ulf llf'm lifrl, avlvzmced a step nearer J'ealizznirm. "llnfmin you I" the said, “you have me at your mercy. Take the land for the money, If you like, though it u ill nearly ruin me. That woman his turn- ed my head; 1' must marry hem. or I shall go mad." I meant and mean! is fifty thlo'usani, and you to put houszmd down as Pm‘nflsl, mo‘nnywto (e forft'ited’wheth- (‘1‘ the affair comes 0“ or not." George gruund his teeth and clutch- ed at, his red hair, prm-eudings that his cousin watched with a great (ml of quiet enjoyment. \V'hen at lingth he spoka, it was in a. low, hgim‘rse voice, quth unlike his usual hard tones: “Fifty thuman ! N0, Var hundred thousandâ€"you said a hundred thous- and just now.†“You must have misunderstood me, or 1 must have made a mistake; “hat estates in the event. of your marrying my daughter, the sale to Le completed before the marriage :7ka pmce?’ George drzmkrahout u. wineghlssful neat, and seemed to .rm‘umr himself. "I ncvem your offer. for the land, Philip," he szmisl, presently. His cousin 5: 'Jkï¬d at ‘him curiously, and a lu-lllianl idea struck him. "Cold on such a‘nlght as Hus! That’s curious," said l’hil‘p, as he got the spirit: from a vuplneu‘d. "You agree, fift‘ I‘Jmusannd ynunds [01‘ the Jslewortj "{NUilhiim‘gv; Itiéthmg. J, bum 0:131! rather cold. Give me some brandy. "Is she Mire 2†asked Gmrrge. in ‘15 husky Tuicei "Hruln’t I hatter get a boat?†"She needs m: _-]w from you, 81‘9 is quite capable uw Iiwltinr u‘ftci‘ her- self, espevinlly inâ€: w ier, I can tell you," P) ilip ,vubmmii, sharply lNull‘ing more was said till they? reached the hunso, whm, on enterm the lighted study, Philip noticed thq his cousin’s face was flushed, and hm hands shaking like aspen leaves. “\V‘hy, whai is Um matter “ith you, man ‘3†he asked. “Wait till the muon memes out and we shall see what it is,†whispered Gem‘ge: and, as he spoke, th'u‘e came {mm the direution 0f the 1' igum: a rust-1 111112.†sound as of falling“ garmemts. "What can it he Wivhisperei I‘hi'i'l. U‘ihey were mm. loï¬t, long: in (innit. for at that instant: u vivid flash} fmm .the thu‘nrlm‘~cluud tul'neil the (lux‘kzmsï¬â€˜ into the most brilliant day, and .mâ€" VeuleLl a womzm standing; up to her knees in the water, with her arms, liltâ€" eLd-r ‘knoliting her long; hair. It Wfl-ï¬ Alflgela. For one mmmeni, the ï¬erce llghrt Shula upon the :ltartuly (or-In that gleamed whiter than ivoryâ€"“th as snow againm the dense background; of the brush x'oul, and, as it {)iL:S(\d, they heard her sink- intn the watxl‘ Bll‘ffly as a swan, and strikes out wth‘ Steady Strokes toward the; centre 0‘ the lake. ".It When faint. TO MENU YOUR BICYCLE TIRES. its arms. In another second that was gone too, and tune place was totalliy dark. is only Angela," said Philip? the suuml oi. the strokes grew "Pile-w! What a, start. she Gave (Tn he (.‘antinued.) ma Hunt tires, mu he, ‘ 3‘ z " “5' are * ‘- hm‘ u'