1111! Birmingham a. valvn‘bla piece of! ground is over a railway tunnel. which! will not bear the weight of a building. A.“ architect. has devised a house which proij over the tunnel on oantilevem, gumd it hold up by an apparatus like & butcher’s stee -yard. It consists of steel The carpentme in the large shipâ€" building yard at Sunderlzlnd were sud- danly culled upon to defend the most sacred prerogative of the British Work~ mgumm last “091;. The boss asked SOUP? of them to "hurry up,†and all the varpernrters went on strike at 01164:. 6‘:an continues falling in the southâ€" ern, and western di‘sil‘icis of England Many roads and railroads are Muck- ed. tsvrwwploughs are working at drifts from three to twelve [0017 (ievp, and telegraphic (:(xnwlnllmicmion i11(.0r~ rupted. The British Rnard 0f Agriculturv is taking steps to prevent the introduc- tion of JON) SWHQ into Great: Briâ€" tain;- ‘ Mr. Gladstone will shortly undergo an operation m alleviafe the pain musâ€" ed. by necrosis of the bone: of the nose. Judgment was rendered in London, England, on Tuesday in :1 gambling case iw favor of the defendant. who had issued I.O.U.’s 10 the extenfl. of £1,938. while playing at. havmrnt. 6‘:an continues falling in the southâ€" A receiver has been appointed for the estate of Sir Robert Peel. whose lia- bilities are estimated at. £100,000. Two Gover’nimt-nt cutters have been capsized in a, gale off Wells, Norfolk, drowning sixteen persons. Robert S‘tuplefO‘ny-Cotton, Viscount Udmbormnre, is dead, at, London. The Ontario Agricultural Depart- ment: have juryt issued the 23rd annual report, of the Ontario Agricultural. Col- lege and. Experimental Farm. Presiâ€" dent Mills says that the past yeah has been one of hard work and satisfactory progress. There were 275 students on the roll during the past year, 63 of Uth taking a special dairy course. Tn addition to equipping the system with extra si x ty-thousandâ€"pmmd freight cars, the Grand Trunk authorâ€" ities are making arrangmnenta to have their roadbed, locomotives. etc., he- tween Toronto and Portland, put in condition to hawl thirtyâ€"five cars to a trainâ€"load from the former to the latter city, without; having to cut, Um train. Trade returns show exports for Janu- ary inc/reamed by $4,000,000 over Januâ€" ary last year, and immorts increased $2,400,000. Imports for past seven months have baen $73,588,599, comâ€" pared with $65,568,611 ayear ago, and bXporbS $111,274,832 against $86,602,099 I. year aqgo. ) Sir George and Lady Kirkpatrick 'ere the recipients, at their home, in oronto, on Tuesday, of two handsome lilver punch bowls and an address, by a, number of gentlemen, in appreciation of the hospitalities and courtesies of, the family during their stay at Gov-i ernmem. House. Lï¬ss Kirkpatrick was rememimred. with a bracelet and watch. AL Canmore, Alberta, fire destroy- ed the Pullman and \Vaverley Hotels and anumber of other buildings. Forty lnmabps of the Pullman Hotel escaped In their night clothes,but Clara, Chris- benson. the ten-yea‘râ€"old daughter of the propriator, was burned to death. A dvpuvtaï¬m} from the northwest waited on the Government at, Ottawa, to advocate this opening up of the Edâ€" monton route to the Yukon. Sir Wilâ€" frid Laurizsr prumised that an explo- ration womld he made. An ()rderâ€"inâ€"Council has been passed giving effect to Mayor \‘(iLIsï¬h's order inner-“easing the dues to be paid for per- mits to stem liquor in mm Yukon dis« trict from 25 cents a gallon to $2 unâ€" der proof. Mrs. Jth Shaw. an insane woman of Pierson, .12 stern Assini‘oia, commitâ€" b‘ml suivinie there on Ci‘uwdzuy. She had previously tried Loisom and a rope. Several Atlantic steamers are de~ taimw} at; 51.. Joliâ€, N.B., unable to get, their cargoes 01‘ mails on account of the railways being blocked by snow, E. 1: Jealnmgs. LL11 expert, has urnv- ed at Sault Ste. Marin from the Michii picotem gold fields. He says thaL the ore looks very promising. Magellan, in Vancouver Harbor, on Saturday {land was drowned. Thusa persons who wish (0 prospect €01“ cowl must nmv, according} to an 01‘â€" Rerâ€"inï¬ouncfl, page-ed at Ottawa, on Satul‘xiay, lay at fee of ten dollars. {171m xecretal'yâ€"trmhsuru‘ 0f the mumâ€" cipuhty of bt. Boniface, Man†is shm‘L ixn ms. (“w-cunts. and an invvsmg‘ution is being held. ‘ y ‘ tentlary ii. A reported that, Governor Yahoo, of (411a: Moutrem jail. is to be appointed \Vm. M. Ugdvie, son of the explorer, has resigned his connection with the lnbxrmr ,Lelmtmunt to go {0 the Yukon. A snaqmwn, named Adolp‘h Carlson, 101113941 0.9rhoara1 from the, lumlxershin The Cmtar'm Rolling Mills Company will (smut; (anv steel huing in llamâ€" ilum. ‘ ‘ THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting Items About Our Own Country. Great Britain, the United States. and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. The final dividend in Comnmrra‘l Ban; of Alanitoia creditors was paid am Tuesday. R'Lilwaiy trafï¬c. Ln \Vinnipeg is scri- o‘uslzy impeded by snow storms. ‘i :A', Kingston Lor-nmotwo Works has; womb/ed an order to build throe locoâ€" motw-es for L118 inlm‘coloniul imilxnay. GREAT BRITAIN. C ANA DA \ in M HUISHEIJ.. ent d»: .I aul peniâ€" Juvmpuppeâ€"Ohlguess he meant that she never thought about anvthinz ex- cept her own set. Jasperâ€"What do you think Howells meant when he spoke about one. of his characters being a. "hemmlnded" woman? Our souls, when love, lhe great prinâ€" ciple of soul life as of all, life“ is present grow upward ever stronger and greater, toward perfection. When that; great life is destroyed in the soul. its way thereafter is down, and it falls inevitably under the control of lower laws, which drag it lower, until itperâ€" ï¬shes. .Now these laws of “up and down" rearrh everywhere, and are fit symbuls not only of our Indi‘ly life, but of our soul life as well. Our bodies stand upright while they are alive, vital with the life of nature. They fall when that life is destroyed. Because here another law comes into operation. The laws of life begin here to act and SlJJOW' themselves, even in this tiny parking spear of. grass, to be far superior to the laws of matter. Tlhe grams grows, and the longer and stronger it grows the further up it r'eax'haas. The tree trunk grows larger and higher each year, and each year holds upward more and more of its burden of fruit and flowers, Only when the life is taken from thase~ when the flower is broken or the tree is ou‘LHdoos it fall back into obedience to the laws of matter. So long as its life is intact it grows up; when its life l8 destroyed it falls down. The phat grows; its leaves extend upward, its flowers stand upright. The tree grmva, its trunk, with its great burden of branches and leaves and fruit, standing there in direct oppoâ€" sition to the law by which all bodies are drawn and {all to the earth. Why doe»: izt do that? The force which men 03.11 the law of gravitation draws things downward to the earth. But: a higher law forces everything into which life enters \to extend upward and away from the earth. In the German Reichstag on Tuesâ€" day General Von Gossler, Minister ()1? War, amused Herr Babel, the Sr-onia’- ist. of appealing to .1‘ev-oluti0n,'and therefore of being a national enemy. "Slwuld these Socialists enemies,†said General Von Gossler, “Shine day pro- reed to action we «quid advance against. them with the 81111194 sang fmid as we woulld against a. foreign foe.†"M19 200 fishermen who were carried ‘ 193m, into the. Gulf of Finland by the break. ‘ fwd ( img douse of ice have all been saved; it is according to reports from St. Peters~ J {11,0111 bung. f draWI ‘Tille Zola trial has closed' at Paris. M. Zola was found guilty on all counts and was sentenced to one year's im- prisonment and fined 3,000 francs. ’l‘ihere are. ilt is said. 14,000 people absolutely without food and (-lothing‘ within the limits of the city of ‘M'zw tanzas. in Cuba. The British battleship Victnrimm, which was ashore for some time off Port Said, necessitating her heng ligh‘tered. has safely traversed the Suez canal. The Temple Magazine publisbe an in- terx few with Rishvm v ‘Cfl1ig‘vae of Mimne- 5mm. who says ht: onlce- {raft his thth scum; red :11me in an Inch»: 1 twain, and 2151(er the chief if they Wm‘e safe. “Yves,†Said the chief, "yorfecthy safe. Thf‘l‘e is xmt m wifmte man within a hundred miles." ‘ 1 Fire has desh‘oyel a plague 1105‘} it:- al at Bombay.'flne patients were saved. The coast, of Newfoundland (-Ont'iques' to ï¬ve blocked with; ice and shippmg is helpless. Em‘lin. Germany, is in have an un- derground railwuy. "Him f‘zarina. is suffering from w mild attack of measles. Two [has mgrvr traflns ('(yd‘li'lud in blinding snm‘w aturm (m Samu-r ' 2111 1.11“\ (‘I‘ ‘8 mg of the Ch’ixap; MiAuLuâ€" lose mull ‘ . 'l.‘a:um mud Bwrlilnlgamn roads, mar {mx'kflorm ILL, killing; Lwn trainâ€" m-p‘n 3.1M injurim‘g aboth twentyâ€"five passengers. The 011» Coal Trust has been: pe‘rfenh ed under the mume of Centraf- Coal and Coke Conmany. It, is illt'Ol‘pOI‘at-F‘il 11.11:!- 01‘ the laws of Ohl'n. and, ists headquart- rs WM he Cohmmhus. H's C:.;Ai:1ru1 stock $200.00â€. It; irs lll-IhvaTSLUOd that pvrires are to be raised. Norris V. Barmcrufu Aim Auuwrican 11.xâ€" pr SH C-rflm-pumy messem'rer. rmsrlwei a huLL-t wnumd from his cum revolver, \xnhmh 41'1‘i2tqv-rd [I‘O‘UI his poulch mud disâ€" charng at New York (m ’l‘uesuuy. He wid‘l p’nabubly {1133. erumm McLax'nhjaxL, 011mm" Queep V‘UL'Luriu's 17‘ipvz‘rs is on a. visit to ms SJsLIr, iJn Bï¬lrrqmetdte, Mix-h. “‘2 motion for a. new truth in the case, of Adolph sttgert, the Chm-ago \xn-f<-111u1‘ierer, .h‘as Lean refused and Hr sentence of ï¬feâ€"imprisonment com buns, with the howse on the 10119; ends. and a. (huge block of concrete hung at, the short ends, to balance. the building. UNITED STATES. Rev. Sum Jones is am independent cumlrlida'ta‘. for Governor of Georg'a. ‘W. M. Ragga puyhng (amber of the Ii‘iu‘si, aniinmarl Bank, of i)OV'B‘I‘, DOL, hills Men arrestel om. a. charge of embezth hing m" 1' $1M 000. J-auhn Muflligun, wrcshdwmt of hhé Conâ€" newt'cwnrt H‘irverr Ha‘ibroml "and one 0«f_1.he byst known raj-howl men of Now lung" mud, : dam! at 5yrmgt‘ield, Mass. The biurpreme Court m‘ Hm United 'Lzlims has h9an Ms vhra‘r‘ng on" (he put traffic L'un 'Ln Whinh‘ is ('(xzncnj'neat 31 m’ Lhw hi‘mi'J ' “rats of Line cmmtry. I’IHVC‘ 0d U NDOUBTEDLY. UP AND DOWN. G I VINE RAL - VINES NEAR DWELLINGS. It. is often a. diffic-uh'; task to get vines started which have been planted [n 1577 lhad between thirty and forty bushels of Anjnus, which was an average (‘TOIL The. quantity steadily increased lill 18?“, when I had over 130 husliels of. first quality Anjous. The. Anjmrs were the only trues l sysâ€" temalioally treated in this} summer pruning, and the i]1('l‘t‘315l‘. in their pruâ€" duct was very much greater than 1vth t of vzirieLies not 50 treated. There were Barlletts, (.‘lapps. (‘lairgeuus Shel» dons, Duchess, ,llawrence, and Seekâ€" eLs in the orchard. They received the same rare as the Anjoux, but got very little summer-pruning; they made a satisfactory gain in product, but, it was nol nearly equal to thth of the Anjous. Not. all varieties were equalâ€" ly suited to this treatment, notably the Seokel, Lawrence. and Sheldon Some (lid not need it. as they set more pears (113.11 they could carry proper- ly, and needed to have the crap thin- ned. (fasting about for a. remedy, 1 run across an account. HE A Frenchman’s method of prunmtring Lhe growth of Noam buds and adopted it: If. consistâ€" ed. in hreaking ofI, early in .Iuly,zL‘rmuL L\'.'()-Lhil‘lfi of each newly grown shoot of all trees that were making [00 munh wood growth. The, method was very survessful. l reoulleut, Lhut two trees whivh never yielded more than 2t Lusier each of pears, uftvr three years of this twatan produced beâ€" tween six and seven lz‘ushels earth of pears of (he highest quality. war 9» ' ‘ we must try insme ot a few luurn‘, :l olten think 01‘ this, urn-.1. :lih'af' wIlV'u’it‘ H was not so inn-ll the limit th‘: “3111‘ ‘B‘U’ as we suwpmed, iut, more the want "I .iu‘iglnent. in odiniiiistm'ing. Lin Latâ€" er years,“ hen my who and myself he- gan to raine (elves, scours constant:â€" 15’ gave us trouble. Upon inquiry an old gentimnun told me coffee as an excellent remedy, anal we at, once eul- outed its nits, but not; as a drench. Of course I rater to Landâ€"id lanes, as I never had any Lroul'ie \1 hon they were ' {mowed the mother’s mi‘ik. We mix it in each df-eed of milk, redui-ingr the ainâ€" ount, of miik' to tune -amount Ui coffee added, which may ll? from a pint. to a quart of strong ref» foe, according to the of the 0531' and severity of the trouble. This has always given good results. And in one case the same reaults seemed to: follow mixing the feed of a. full glownj ‘ cow with strong coffee. We still resort} to it when neceseary. But from exâ€" perience we have learned to get at the root of the matter. We feed young calves on skim milk GI don’t think lutâ€" ,termilk fit), and when the cream is removed we have a ration that the (i()t.'~ tor would say "is not l‘a'anced,†and to lulanoe it with the best and l have ineai, or (TZLJI iii {substitute we can get, found none Letter than oil bran, or both. Skim milk afone has a tendency to constigate, and whtn’ the bowels beconu sluggish everything goes wrong, and if nature did not tome to its relief and rid the system, adead lcalf wou’d he the result. But, the orâ€" ‘ganism of a young calf is so tenderâ€" that? care must to observed, 01‘ this ridâ€" ding ol' the system will assure a Echronic nature before we are. aware, and when scours become chronic i have . no faith in a cure. Hence. the import- i ance of keeping the bowels active. And when constipation is notioed no time should be lost in regulating it. For! 1a. very young calf we have found 01‘- ‘leans mo asses good; but. better is a feed or two of whole milk from the COW. it is important to make the skim milk Jaliout. the 581m? temperature as when, : drawn from the tam-"j Too cold or: {too hot is very injurious. Since we! thave learned to give more attentioni to l‘itti'e details we have had less trou-i ble from scours among calves. Ai i safe rule [or a farmer when an animal i i do for himself under like circumstan- ces, whether dieting, a simple aid to nature, or the doctor would be best. iut witlml if we think to be successâ€" ‘ ful ever time. we are doomed to disap- i pomtment. lis sick is to inquire what: he would‘i: Some years ago I came into possesâ€" sion of a [wear orchard of about five- eights of an acre, says a Writer. .It had been badly neglected, and I Look it in hand to make it produz'e an in- come. My knowledge of the subject was gained from hooks, and I made some blunders. Among other things, I pruned the ireeu heavily and manv ured them. “not Wisely. but (no wail." As a. Consequence. they were thrown strong-1y info wood growth. Severn} Anâ€" jou trees about nine inches in diame- (er took on atemendous wood growâ€" th, bu! yielded very few pears, hardâ€" ly a fraction nf a bushel each. SUBTMER PRUNING OF THE PEAR ing, Yui, Um trouble (-(‘miinumL Mn“ mornng it rduivbad to take if; fr-ed of mm“ and lonkmi Sink. The (Lib-WHO“ 0f the older mum‘- x‘% of the. fami'j: " 01113911 to it. The differ-mt au-nwli’W ies kept, in t: SHE'S a Writer, and what Eil'l‘lnï¬d to ‘w lamuv more (wxnrxuii “W E'I‘OUEI‘ I‘ematiy was 1311‘»: urml um! diminish I'm}. Qt Izari Hm. (10:;irmi Of [0â€! 3W5- Hmru: it, 1101, on " moppm’ “3'†SVUUR$ hut aha: (E): x‘ha‘h of WW calf inside, of a few Inurn‘, :I oflxen ULin Of this, :1Â¥\;a.\‘r \‘3II\"\1â€H‘ H Pretty soon it took Munrs, and ‘I put wheat flour in its mil“: and anythin'; else that wax thoughi‘ 1,0 no (1015115 ab SCUURS IN ‘T‘ALVES. In my boyhood it was my duty to attend and [fled the cah’es. At one time we had a «'lef that. was thought to be a. va‘ua‘n‘e one, and my instruw Lions were to feed it well, 1t was kept, in its stall flay al'tar day, while I tried to Carry out; twig bit of inutruction, AG RHQULTU RAL ' mmzmmmm-M “But that letter .shows 1.11m: His-y are mistaken. He says he’s in the pink of condition. I can remember when my brothers had to be conditioned before Hwy could {wan ontur‘ college. He's a full back, and I nntiioed in the paper the other day thai Mrs. Sniilm"s son was only :1 quarter hawk. ’I‘hm-v‘s not a young man in the. institul inn thal can stand before Robby with the gloves on. Just, think what he wuuld. be if he handled them without gloves. He must have a kind heart. He helped to haze the freshmen. Just like him. My owu. opinion is that if hazng had to be done the faculty should amend to it. Robby shall have every cent of my fortune. He says he is to be rusti< cat/ed. I velnlture to say that, there is not another boy in the country that, has: the same prospects. I will increase his allowance and I will send alittla additional so that he can do his share in that poker club. He says that a. full band would have saved him a gmat den-1 the other night. He shall have it." - ' “1V6 ofto'n, heard," she said, "that the wildest. colts make the best horses. \Vhen, I tank Robby an orphan, and my mvzn m-‘Maew, he was {LS Wild. us a March ham. That buy way: never still a minute» while he was awake. and he used to thrush around a good deal in HQ sleep, for that matter. I many (impaired of getting; him traime down to the requirements 01' civilizzuiun But look at him In)“. That ledtm‘S‘ at reâ€" _veiuti(m, to me. I feel like telling my frivmls, hut Isuppuw: it's wiser L0 wait, and Hot them set) for lhemselves. Soma of fhem xhowml pretty plniuiy lny their manner that. thuy Hmug‘ht he would nuvnr make it >u('('es< {It unl- leg‘v. The Good 0M llmly Was an.an by ller Noplu-w'n l’rogr: us. Aftm‘ th-A gtmd old lady had laid aside her glagï¬os, wiped the mist from her eye“ and carefully folded the letter she had. been. reading. she followed the hubâ€" it of many old people and talked lo herself, FOR SPEAKING PEACH TREES. Profi Stedman recommends l'nc folâ€" lowing mixture: Four 02 ax‘smxite of soda, 1]. oz metal-6 oi lead. lgal of glucose, thoroughly mixwl and added to 100 gals of water. 'l’wi-lx growers have found this valuable. and it. may he used much stronger than the alrove with no harmful rlvsults. line one great udvaynallge over Paris Green is that this poison remains suspended in the water with very little motion. CARE OF THE DATRY HEIFER. The youngr dairy lmlft‘J‘ ought l0 in as well fed and cared for as the milk vow, because her future usefulness ile- pends on Iwr condition prior to hex. first pregnancy. She (1008 not need food either {or milk production nor for fat, but ought 1.0 he kept in strong growing condition by food. that makes lone and muscuiar tissue and gives Vlgor 0f consLitution. '1‘]er heifer should have a more active life than the vow kept for milk. but requires just} as much cam in feeding and just. as suf- fli‘i‘EIllJ shelter from inaicment weather. timer (iOTlL-iHOHS are favorable for rap-- id evaporation. ’l‘he trees themselves. should be dry when the ken m- it anpiied. Any (14> 11‘ture from these suggestions may prove. injurious. Al hmsent there irs no perfect sprayer 0r atomizer on the xnurkvt. If this is serured the kerosene (an be upyliml without much danger of had result-s. 2L large \ariaty of other trees for 1<ill~ i111: the San Jose scale. He shows that. pear tress were sprayed in February and no sales “3:! a v ble until the N11- louing Sewemher. ’l‘hese probably "-31an from neighboring trees. The eswntiai point. and Hm one that, must be observed rareiully, is the us!) of the finest spray pmsiMe that wiH apply :1 yfary thin c-oatin ;‘ at a. time when \x'eaâ€" PURE KFIROSENE FOR SPRAYING. Prof. Smith on.le aLL‘nntion ('0 the fault that, if properly usswl pure keroâ€" Ss‘ne may he applied to apples, pears; .uinrems, mums, Cherries, peavhes and {L large \ariaty of other trees for 1<ill~ i111: the San Jose scale. He shows that. TURNED OUT WELL. "9,135 were spr- yud in February S<‘&I‘SS were vi ,ible until 1318 ‘01- Sepiemher. 'l‘hese probably ‘ Electricity Takes [he l'lure ofllm linsll nml Sourching lion. Scii‘nce has come to aid the lion Laymâ€" er in subduing tha- \\ild hi'asi. a ‘I’reiguie. Bohemia, correspondrnt. The rnd 1101. from will in 1.111111%, he mat. inside as unnecexï¬ury, and uui ()i'<1.'it.e. Live “ii'es, sunduu‘geal with Mrciriâ€" cin lel. harfflvp the. lion’s Harm‘s! in- snults, and hum and muim him had y, have (uken the, puma of (hp inf-:11 and smrrhing iron. A Hun iiUIlt' of Au» h'ia. Louis Kai-mm-ouivh, haw lm-n ih-i‘ first. to mil in the zlï¬ikisln‘ur'v. of Lima llighlniug‘ i0 subdue “lid mush: i i t i i l, i Komnmwliu‘n has invonleul “hut he (:aHS the olmdrix-ul Huhjugratm'. 'l'hi< is a, shiMd of electriv “irns‘ than. f'asi‘tan on the hack of the lion tzmwr uml 21m nonnwmd with a. dynamo by a, \Vli'i’ on“ Of sufficient length to .1me Kenm- nvuh-h ('0 mow- zununxl (he, (mgr. {In his ham] h? will r-zu‘ry a ('huyg‘dd metal la.†(m an inwlulwl hundhu Lu he USPd as the 1w! hul Imn mu m former day Thus fa 1' mgic. “'11le MW helm, springs Jlis‘ p1),\\'SI‘Qn18 in ('ox’Jialrf, with the» electriv 5111916., and he reveives a, shark or 1500 volts; from the dynamo, The operator [‘th‘ if necmsary, [nâ€" m‘ease the voltage HO M to show}; ihe animal (0 (loath. iths far the devive has worked Ram The dynamo is. 0mmth by :m asâ€" sistami outside Hm (ago. Should a, iiml slum :1 (lispux‘i‘inn in leap 0n Kupunuvnivh. hc- invilvw zqu-k by dolihvruiely lurning.r his Lurk In the lion and am'awntH onmuraging an onshtught. The queen's power of disposing of Ler- 1“itv0ry in Lime ()1? peace ihas hem disput- ed. 111 a. time of war her majesty could hand over London to France to brinig‘ tho. war to’ an 0nd, but it see-ma clear that in firm) of peace her majesty canth subject: any purl; of the empire to the sway of :1, foreign power. The queen 1‘: the only person who cannot arrest a suspected. felon. No action can be taken against her for hrunking the law, and therefore, she is precluded from making an armst, as, supprmim’: the prismner wereinnocent, no action forwa imprisonment could be. taken againfl: her majesty. The law, indeed, assumes that the queen cam do no wrong. which Seems about as :thurd as Hw- logul assumption that the queen cavnnmy ha under age, and cannot die. Thu queen cannot exciuxle a member from parliament after be him been duly elected, nor can She delegate the. duty of “ r-m" laws to anyone. private. as opposggi to Publigflvpvr‘EIâ€"IEL Her majesty could not set up courts such as the star chamber, the: child of Hmu‘y VlI.’.~; misguided genius, nor could, bhe invest, a Spiritual court with temporal powvn Though her decis- ion is. absolute. after a prisoner has been sentenced, she could not inleriere with the, course of justice before the sentence has imcn passed, nor could she exert may influence over her judges. Neirthm‘ could. she interfere Ainjgcase of Though no act of parliament is 00m- plote until it. has been signed by the queen, 1101' majesty subject to the laws that she signs, and cannut issue a proclamation contrary to law. If, for instanm, it were the law of England that no train should travel at a rate exceeding fifty miles an huur. the queen could. not issue a proclamation exs‘mpting (I, certain train from the uprvrutiU-n of the law. Nor can her Innjvsty issue a proclamation which would injune the ('mmnunity, such as, for examplo, a prw-iumznion exemptâ€" ing a whole town or neighborhood from SERVING ON A J'U RY. Though the queen could rer‘ull. (my subject from abroad. She minnot com- pel asubjnct to leave this country. This disability dues not cease to oper- ata even in time of war. and, though ZLL such :1, tima- the quv-on could call upon every able mum in Luke up arms, >3!va cauld not force a Single civilian to leave the country, even Lo carry on a. necessary wzu‘. A curinus curtailmnmt of the royal proragaytim ix‘ effected by an act of parliament passed in the reign of? George III. Tlhris ant deals with Sab- bath breaking, and in it is distinctly stated that the .rmmarch cannot pardon offenders who have been convicted of a. Certain form of Sabbath breaking. Yet her majesty could pardon. 99 per emit of all the prisoners in tha land. The queen cnuid $10“ or give :iway the royal navy or declare war with Russia; hut. she could not spend a single farthing' ()1: public money with- out, the uonwnt of parliament. The queen hm n» power over taxation, and could not. CirmLu any new office with fees attached {)0 it. Neither could she 3.1mm: new fees to old Offices. She muld not incremze the wages of one of her footxnun, unless she did. it: out of her private funds or without exceeding the allowanczs made to her by parlia- ms'xmt. Cnmw‘iderable as are the powers of (he nun-em t'mw are not unlimited. says London TidBiLs. There are 591116 Very curious restrictions on the royal pre- rogative. The queen *anuut, for inâ€" tamte, cummnnirmtu with hm“ subjects a-s can the must 11111111] of her servants; mn' can ,xfhu receive presents from her people save through officers of state VICTORIA IS LIMITED IfxY PG'WEB lu‘ Ii un Arum-rat. but There Are Man! ’! lungs ï¬lm Cannot Do. fl‘imuis pm‘SrJ).Llly known to ‘her ma- TAMES THE LION.