VVANTED : Furmm-S’ sons or other industrious persons of fair (xducntiou to Whom $60 :L month would be an in- dncmnmlt. I (tuuld also engage a few ladies at their own hmnes. Th:- Otmm-il in commian (If the whole nudit‘vd th bx't‘usurvr’s accounts for 1897. Qllanhzwsmolo~411Mb the zuldifm-s’ l‘i‘p()1‘tf01‘1897 as ï¬nally audited, be and is homily accept/N1. Dimmuâ€"( uzmt'IALlet, the tender of Gorson & Sun for printing munici- pal accounts. votmvs’ lists and stat/câ€" nwnls for 1899 be ;x(:(-,o],>t(-(l. Council adjournod. me’uz»~~Ui1muuvaL tho wove he mnnn‘lisï¬onvr to make 5:11 isfayctm'y arrzlngmnvnts in l'vgm‘d to the tr!'(‘:ls~ lll‘t‘l"s bonds at, thb LEZU‘HPSL possible (LL10. Quanlzrï¬nimnmï¬ 111M, on order of I‘m- movor the ’Lwnsm'm- pay (mo half the amount of the follmx'ing 210001th for work porfm-mvd on Ynngv Street: VV. (711:11‘12 1'1)‘, 5 days, $5; 1). Hoyh‘, 3 days, Sr M. 00111011, 1 day. $1 ; A. )hu‘utvrly, 5 days, $5; \V. Chatterly. 5days, homo and cart, $10; \V. J. H9:11‘11(Â¥,6duys, $6; [Arm-1dr! Bum, 1 duy,h()1-m>:1nd Curt, .I‘Z; \V. Home. bl't‘nking 10050 5110110, Qauzlllt'lr#Dllllllltt»illllili the ti'unsni'm' pay the follmving nvr-unnls: Mnnici» 1‘.le \Vm‘ld, for 5 (:upivs for nwnxlwrs of (louncil, $5; ll. llvnnvtl‘, (01' throw (lays work on road in R. I). No. 31, $2; Cmns‘nn 6x3 Stun :ul. l'm' lvndurs fm' C(‘ddl', SLEST; Brown Hum, 'l'm- slzl’liunâ€" cry for use of (-nnnvil and li-uslsm'm’r: cash book, $1.51). Mr. Frishy, ()pom» ting grader 10 date, $3.25; '\\'. l“. liwtclil‘fo, ~'l 13 feet lumlwi- pm‘ order of “J. Scott, 0011)., ])(‘.1‘ \V. Frisby ; l). MA'Unlfzn'y, nvcossurivs Supplile tlw Ilmlluyfnmily during illnu» of Jnn. \‘Vostlund, $1.30 ; \V. HUI-ton, 1:5} “ls. gravel. J. ’J‘urnm', R. 0., $0.50; Mitrlizu-l (lont-lly, one day work filling welllionl, on Punmnu Howl $1. Quzl‘ntzwDimmnvthux the movm' and elm-k 1w (:(mlmissium‘rs to ruldjnsb D. No. 2, vast, and West, and N0. 1 . Eckzn‘dt Sttwk‘ that. when this council Adjourns it, stands adjourned until Saturday, the 121.11 dzly of Elm-0h next. I)i1mna~Eckzu-dtrrthut tho trous- urm- pay the following accounts: $11.30, pvrm‘nmgo added L0 taxes pnid afl1('l‘l)(Â¥c. 1411114) R. Lunm) cullvutm' forvnsL half. and $13.56, pvl'cvnmgv addvd to taxes paid :xflm‘ Dvc. l-Hh lo (‘. 1L Sliver, collector 01‘ wvsb lmlf of the township, iw now paid to 1110 Lronsurur and added to the gunman] n ipts of tho township. .lukm‘dLHStw!loft11:11, L110 trons~ uml' tender Dr. HuLchison $20 as payment in full for attendancu and lnvdicine supplied to Mrs. I'Im'por and {Tmri‘ign ‘ - ‘... m 1‘ . n i Di111maâ€"~Eckm~dL-â€"-thut the, treas- urer pay on 011101- of Hm mover $1 per week to Mrs. “9111101 and fany (indingJL) during the pleasure of the 001111011. Toronto elected four men as support.- ers of Mr. \Vllltney. The 111:1j0riLies, however, are much smaller than they were four years ago. At that; time the 11mjoriLies totalled over 6,000, and on Tuesday they were reduced to less that 3,000. 'l'be Markham Township 3011an 11wtut, Victoria Hall, Unionvilhu on Saturday the 19th inst. anhm's all present. Rmxve in the chair. Min- utes of last, meeting 11nd and conï¬rmâ€" (Ynnnmmimtinn 1'(‘C(‘i\'(‘(1 from Good Roads Machinery Co. ]‘(‘ crusher. A pvtitinn was prevade by ‘I‘h'. Eckzuwll/ from Jus. [Calcuwit and ’H ()Lht‘lâ€™ï¬ asking for a grant suflivionl, to gmdu :md gmvvl (he (1111 con. 11:11)“) 101/] to lot, 15 inclusive. to connect with Seal-bow) Kmmvd)‘ Road. East, West and North York on Tuesday returned supporters of the Hardy Government. In East York Mr John Richardson vas re-eleeted by a majority of 418 over Mr. Moves; in \Vest York, Mr. \V. J. llill channg Mr, St. John majority of" 53 into a minority of 48, and in the North llon. E. J. Davis defeated Col. Wayling, increasing his former majority of 279 to 475. The thrre Yorks will be well represented in the iew Parliament. Total RICHMOND HILL, Man-ch 3, )85)8 Elias ï¬ihwnle LivIaI-Kham Council. T. H. LINSOOTT, TORONTO. THE THREE YORRS. LATEST RETURNS. mt . . . . ,usscll) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . u . . . . 4 . . u . . 1 1 The High School Entranc x and Puliâ€" liu School Leaving; examination for 1893 will begin on ’l‘uvstlziy 28th of June at, 8.45 21. 111., and will be conduct» 0d under tlw suinv I-vgnlnt ions as were in form- in ISM". (ltllltlitlzlilâ€˜ï¬ who purâ€" posv writing :1teithvr ot' thvst- (‘xuinâ€" inutions should notll'y the, lnspvdm‘ or tho lwml IIIHSIOI‘ of the High Mahool before tho ï¬rst of May, but, this is not, compulsory :is all who prvsont/ them- selves for the (-xzilninution, :11'0 allowâ€" ml to writo. 1‘. for! of $1 will be chm-god for ouch of thrsu examina- tionsnti all the High Schools in the country, 1,(il’)6]l£ll(l “Liilllt‘, of writing. 'I‘lm sully"th ot' tiht- first day’s (‘lenl- imations .‘H‘i‘: English Grmnnmr Geography and Dit-tzition; for thv second (lay, Aritlnnotic, .llrawing 21m History; for the third (lay, English Lilli-nature, \Vriting, Physiology anal ll‘nmpvrnnco, Reading at. such tinws as suits tlmoxwminvrs. Aft/(Ir this ymr irl1(‘l)llljll(', Hrhool Leaving I‘lxmninw- Lions will be conducted by the new rs‘gultitlim s. AGEN'I‘S: “\Vnman†is the title (Emu-grout, new book. Discusst‘s .‘ill phases of tho subject. Contains “ The Life, and ‘Vm'k of Miss \Villam ," the most wnndorfnl woman of the Con- tln'y. Over :1, humh‘vd beautiful portraits of the grwtosb women known, with biographical sketclu-s. Snap f Mr. Jay Snudm‘snn, truvolh‘r for Sandal-sun’s proprivlnry medicines, l-uiurnod on Saturday nftm‘ a trip through \Vvstvrn Ontario. M1: \‘Vill Rmhvrfm-d of Toronto University spunk Saturday and Sunâ€" day \Vithx'.:111d Mrs. Ernest, (bombs. Hv is 1L cousin of the lnilm: (givu hm Imus-i 'mg Ulms. l’. MP. Harvey Hoover 01‘ i, min-Ping sprint a few days with his fza hm- Mr. Isaiw Hoover and rvulrm-(l this 1mm:- ing M121 T. I’wn‘s and Mr. Paton of 'I‘orrmtound Mr. Galbraith 0F (7001;5- tmvn, spent, Sunday with frivnds in Hip Vi“:1;.1‘(‘. :VIiSH Hnstmwsvr of Thiougo and Miss Brongllion Hf ’nmlford, have lunch guests of Miss Duncan for the past, Lwo vals's. Mrs. \‘Uih‘y \VZH bu :11 lu>1ne'l‘110>¢(l;1y Muwh 81h {mm 1111-00, 10 xi o'vlm‘k 10 Mrs. M. Hz‘mmingwny anmQumn’s HUM}, Unimn‘illv. 2111:] Miss Nvllin Harringt‘un :1(-t'0111p:1ni(-d by Mr. 1‘11'11951, \Vvlflwz- m" New York spent \Vcdnvsdny with Miss Lnu ' UUUJC. Mr. Armand Sn #1th 100k :1‘ pmition (In 1,110 first, of March with :t tainm-ing establlshment in Toronto. Mr. M. 130on ism-,1ng 011 Mm jury in 'l‘m‘ontn. Miss Edna Frm‘k of Barrie is Visit- ing ht‘l‘ gl'andpzn-mns M1: and Mrs. Frm‘k. A G ENTS SP†“Klondike GUM Fif‘lds†like a whirlwind. le1xwir‘ncml (ran- ‘nssm-s romping the richest: hi‘J'VUSL (If thwir lives ; nvw boginnvrb‘ dning‘ \VUH» (101‘s. Nun'ly 0v<-r_\'h(u(ly subs vibes. One young fviimv on :1 farm :11" $12 a, mnnlh is making .‘75. A lady typoâ€" wrilm' :11, $3 Jl‘ \‘H‘Ok is rimming $11. A muchunicwhn DRUNK] $1.530 :1 day in viewing $5 :1, day. “'0 want, more “grins. Canvassing outfit» 1'33 cunts wort 11 $1. BRADLEY-(1A Ill? [("1‘ COME: Y, LIMITED, 'l‘omww Svn. 211(lâ€"r EH10] Clubilw, Sadie Fislh 01'. Jnlm Mormon, Jun Janos, VVillie ()livunt. Jun. 2:1(lmGoo. Hurt, Frank Grady, Gm). ()Iivunl, Eddie Gamble, Chas. Hart, Jolm Hmu‘n. l):|l‘l/le(lr~r.l0lll] Balm, Stella (111117- ino, Alice ()livunt. Jun. 3'1'dWJohn Grady Gladys nggo Lennard GI.- ’ul-L 151,â€"»(1001'gi0 Brown, Eli Bil-10H, Eva Jones“. SM}. 3111 G00. Jvm, valn‘ry. Mzu'y Gunmm, Iâ€. Grady, on, Lizzie Heart], Alex. order of merit. 4111 01315577.]. (7. nggo, Mud†Mort- snn, J. l’. Jof'f'vrsnn, Ella szznhlt', T. B. Fishvr, EI'stL (En-son, Aggio Gamble, IInrrvawtnn, V. L. Mort,â€" son. (ion. Korswill, 'Bt-I'h'zzm Newton. Ropor-t. of S. S. No. 4 Markham :md 21 Vaughan fur the month of Feb- l'um-y. Thv 11:111108 are arranged in order of merit. 41,11 (:1 7.1. (7. [1051950. Mud†Mort- ()n 'J‘uvsduy, Mr. I’. M('(7:u-ty of (7:11'1'ville, lvft his horse lit-<1 at the slow. It hvcume frightonml at u anS- ing slvigh and brvnking 10050 brokv the hal'livss :md cutter. It/wns taught" (‘1, short distance north of hurt» A mimhm' of (:‘lmn‘gos have taken place in mn- villngu recunliy. Mr. \Vylie has move-d m )Izllvm-u. Scur- lmrri’ township ; Mr. l’liilips oi" the 7th (fl/IL. has mow-d haw and will curry on the blilI'kSlllii‘il trade; Mr. Mcâ€" Bride and family moved to Eldm-s Mills, whom Hwy will (umducl, the post ()ï¬â€˜it'v; Miller Bros. mm†i-vsidv in 1110 house Vacatml by Mr. McBride. MI'. Sidney Nicholls has gum' to Toâ€" ronto to reside. 7 Am‘lmbm- from ilt‘H“ altm‘idvd tilw carniVul at Richmond Hill lust \vvvk. Misv Mary Gnrdinm‘ of \Vimiipvg, is Visiting friends how :11; prmmu‘, Mr. Jon (bu-diner, wlm luu Down in Algnmn for some tillit‘, has immi‘iiwl. V LI'NSUO'N‘ COMPANY, TORONTO Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans 'I‘abules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. PERSON ALS. frivmlc. :m uppm'i unity of her (laughturninilu‘n‘, Mrs \‘x'ilvy. H. J. SAIGEON, 'l‘mchvr. Jefferson Sh' rwood waxing:- mg “and H} the Boardol Education. Richmond Hill, (0 re plan-(e the library lust in the ï¬re of the lnta H» :1: School. Saunmml works of all kinds are respvctiullv Solic' cd from n, liberal public and will be grr niuily acknowledged by the committee. .l H use 'orwm‘d to “ 2‘91; E ’ $31.00 IN ADVAHBE. MISS c, HARRISON, DFTESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. A11 (mpurtunity to represent, a \mll~estnblished house. Ability more immortaut, than uxpcx 1031100. the continent to Luke orders for lumpy,de (inn. adizurgrmvn Nursery Stock (1nd SCt'llS. Lul‘uest and bust ausmtment in the mud a. FMb selling specialties. Supurb munples furnished fret): cor- respondence in any lnnhuugm. Those positions are umuey nmlwrs, and tnrricru'y should be so- cured at once for the 5025:qu by all hustlers 1001;â€" in:: fur a good thing. ()ur salary or commission (all'e s will interest anyone not Gill‘IlillLI $1000.00 1Ԡyenr. (get in communication with our neurâ€" est 012n- lutematiounl Nurseries, Chicago, 11]. Montreal, (3119. Rochester, N. Y‘ 1‘. It}, the l‘]‘U])UH_\' or M: 1‘». Jnhusmn. Snlcub l U’Lz‘wuk Terms; [or r:hnt1eis,six mu H's; fur Inf, WNW (1’le down. hnhun‘u made known nu Hm' of Sillc‘ Eclizu'dt A" l’rumire,aluminum ‘ F;‘B‘1"L1'tie:; mme thmr hills; printed at Lln's Olliue will x'w‘etvu u untive similar to the above FREE (7F ('HANGI'I J. H. SAND ‘JISON, ,ct (Juum-imn‘ Class Muetin the'l nunrunre Hull rm 11m 2nd and M11 'l'nwmlny of (ant-h mumf ASECHLJI‘CHL system. l’.x)'uh‘a munbl‘ly. Lady 01' ganW-nmn. "Alr- 1\' u . , l'lokm‘d }:: ut‘fï¬â€˜. “midi; sleu .in <u 1m s huï¬xiing Mus" mu». 3‘ :n‘lmrn (\il 21;:0, uf M411) 1‘. H), but; l‘]‘U])UH_\' or Mm Sula :LL 1 n’u‘. wk Terms" h mu H's; fur Inf, WNW (mun Mommy, March 77- Credit sale of farm stock, implmnvnts, (Von, on lot 2, 2nd COLL East York (nczu‘ thtle York). vlm property of Charles lFuxlur. SILIE’ M l o'clot-k. Tennis 9 Inuntlm. J‘Iclmrdt & Pmnm-e, numti/momsl TUEsDAH'. )1fl1381h»(‘redlt sale of turn) stuck, implements, s‘i'cnox) lot, 4. POIL 5, Vnughun (Edgele the plopurby hf Aaron VVllinnom. Sale at 1 o'clock. a) monnlm' audit, Eckm'dt &I’1’e’llci(5e, uuvhmlvel'.‘ Wmmamm‘i, Mun-h 5) 4116‘, it Flllu offurm stock, illm’i'm: nts. grain, mo ,9, (ha, on lot 2‘3 (:01). l‘lflbt York, Lllu 10‘0ch of limszunin Brunnll. Sn , at, 1'1 o'ch “Forms nine months. I‘lukm'dt rt l‘rcntu ,mu-ti(n\ecr:. Tuqksluy, Mun-l 1Llï¬(.‘z'(edit, {ï¬le of (arm stock. Implcmnlt‘s, &c.. on lot 17, 7111M n. ‘(uugllzlm tln: m'opmby of lhvhzml Jurrmb. 10 m l rl’clmzln TOFJHSBIHUIILMS, .l. ’1‘. Suigeon, auctioneer. TUEUMY, March 151117 Irelit mm of Farm shack,Implements, ((12, on mst hqu of lot 35, 4th (ion. Vaughan, the property of (Elms. Mulloy. Sula ut IL'O’CHWK. 'J‘m'mssmont‘h». Stokes & Blnugh, auctioneer ‘vVEnNEsnAY, Mzmall 16/ Wadi: {1‘0 of farm stock,implements,&(:.,on lot 22, 3rd non. Vaughan, the property of Mika Badger. Salcutlo‘clock. ’l‘orms 8 months, J. T. S.1igen11,ul honour. NONIMY, Mm‘. -IhL.-~C)'cdlt sale of Farm stock lnlyscmcntys and Furniture 11% 'l‘lzomlnll the property of F. P. \iultloon. Salo ul lo’clock. b‘ lnonths‘ credit. l‘lokan'tlt & Prontivc, aux-Honours. 'J‘ulvzsnAY,1\lm‘. 22ndâ€" Crew“ sale of farm stock huplouwnts, (i1|5..()ll loL: , lstv (:on. Vaughan Hour Thurnln‘ll, the pruperzy of ’J‘lms. Lune 51:10 at 01m o’clock. 8 Ironlhs’ cl'edlb. ll] lizmlc & l’ren‘icc. auctioneers. my erull ‘23--Umdib su’e of farm htouh, implements ((13,, at, Richmond }l1ll, the IH‘Ulli‘l'ij ‘2’ John Palmer. Soeut. 1 o'clock. “l‘m-nmSnmnbllS. J. ‘. Suigcon. (mutiouce Tucnqmy, M ll 9!" Credit sale of farm stark, illllllulllt*llt‘~,l ' mots.&r‘..on lot, 4P, rmu' 15L von. Vuunlznn, the property of \\m. limtty. l\'o u-mve. Slllt‘: M 1 o'(w(~l:. ’l'm‘ms 8 IanLhSl lï¬vkm‘dt & l’r ' l) )<)OMBS. M. A., Principal LUKE P {OTHERS COMPANY, AGENTS: Books Wanted. WANTED. said it w. :4 no use va‘unu for 11w 1mm hwa mer of (‘mz h by i1. and rm ~n olhrwx win: hm] hos-n t'm-nl‘iilwl l7" . inn 'm'w ,; in mum us] lvhnn tu ' If; 1M mv ngW “'2 m-m'hv aide in VJE‘ ’k “Ni mu! Km?!- hot rvtlrrnm 'ymn m mv )L'ngs ax ‘v-n nw 4‘) "alarm! i‘mny mun ' ..<\\iv:r~1 ‘ vfl m inn-4 )n .3 AN Pi rhum'm Lam“! Sale Register. 5 {:00 ‘1,(1'JOI$1,500 WM. HARRISON High School Tfustee A, E. S VITZER, F‘Hllllr ml 31 In evexjy district on (If hmlel-hn'nl on 1m ), Sui mt 2,00“ Ser‘y ¢ ? 3.13::ng sjv'ymmynmwwamm LLIQ'FT,’ }'.O.,Oht. w) it] lhvyood †THE LIBERf’cL †OFFIGE. BARRE WASHING MEAD Cross-Cut Saws, Axes and Axe Handles, Horse Clippers. Horse Shoes, Horse Nails and Rasps, Bar Iron, Sleigh ‘ Shoe Steel, etc. BARB WI RE WIRE NAILS I56 King St. East, Toronto, North V‘ff‘tcéll zuaï¬ Pï¬ï¬asskatchuvv 1 Bulï¬aia w ï¬ï¬n‘beai. \V'ool and EEKEE‘BED£KI‘ Kimono ï¬ï¬mg’s. Horse Blankets, Tuxme ("q V22" _ \V 1 ' an I nthor Hupplios always in GLOT “EMS Canada Life, Pimenix Em, RICHMOND “Ag-sag r1... -t«.n. Turns out nothing: huL Firstlfluss Harness. Fine Harness a specialty. Also I‘DPI‘OHPHleLth‘ for 11w “(H'lillitfll lhlihiing :mtl Luau, The Trusts and (iunmmm' (‘mnpuny 0f 'I‘m‘nnhu. Hilt‘l The ()(‘H Acmdvnb and (innrmuia-u Unvpm-Miun of London, Englnndi THOS. MEREDETH &. 00., HILL JOB PRINTING Consumption can be Cured; surely and parn-xancntly cured. Many cases are on record to prove this state- ment. Many cases that WCI’C given up as hopeless by eminent physicians have been cured By Ilia. S’l‘lit'ENS’ CANNABIS SATIVA REtinnyâ€"«natures speciï¬c for all ills of the throat and lungs. SO much faith do I place in the efï¬cacy of CANNAms SA’I‘IVA REMEDY; so positive am I that it will cure Consumption, Catarrh, Astlmla, and all diseascrs of the thrt‘ntt and lungs, that. I will send a package sufï¬cient for twa-lve days’ treatment also- lutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me an accuxlitat fitnk‘lllfllt of his 01‘ her case. I do not say that one package will effect a complete cure, but btlicvc so much heir» eï¬t will. be titl'll't‘fl from it that the treatment will lxc continued until a complete cure is 1):: night about. W A. MOVES, 829 Pawers mack, R HES V T) ,, ,- xxcpium‘g pr: rrptly L GHUBNS a Egg?! G . ' O NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE flu mg? 1% age l a 1'. f0 1' Illil NRING Tf you 1'r‘quiw Nails got, our prices, we will save you money. All sizes, (31050 prices. 30st quality, $2 per 100. 0n the market, $3.50. .xc s! .IQL;} e in: A \Vv hwvo 25 Solid \Vhiu‘ RuNu-r Roll \Vl’ingré‘rs. 1-(-g111;11'$3, fm' $1.75. 'l‘hv host, pr: rrptly attended to. (£3 <16 9. $50} )(BN'AIJI‘) DONE AT British Amariea Fire. r :m I nthor Hupplios always in stock. lrl‘..'(‘1">l†[ka‘ next door Clyde Hotel. we them. ï¬askaluhu‘s‘van grave :m and