Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1898, p. 5

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This week, 8 Inn‘s 'Jrilby Soup for 250. : 000d elm-111011currzmis 90. WP 11). . h r . Atkmsun 6;: Swnzt-r. The. March Nuumber of The Delin- eutor is called the Early Spring Num- ber, and is an important one, as it) contains the first announcement of Spring Fashions and is admirable in its literary features. The. 'apid growth of tho Audubon Societies, and the interest taken in the presor i'aition of song birds, make, extremely oppor- tune the article on “The Audubon Societies and. their work,” by Frank M. Chapmam Assistant Curator in the American Museum (.f Natural History. Lady Currie, the wife of the. British Ambassador to Turkey, Contributes a sprightly paper on Country House Life in England. As necessarily only a. few of the subjocts :an be touched on here, we reconnnend a. careful study of the contents of the magazine, The East, York l’lmvmvn’s Assnâ€" iabim) lu-ld their annual mvvting at, Mul'kluu'u a few (lays ago. 'l‘lw Secret“ryâ€"'l‘x-(\:1mu'r‘1' 1‘('£l(l {he rupnrt for the past. your, showng the soviviy tobu in :1 pI-nspm-ous condition and having a goml surplus on hand. ’l‘lw following officers were olvctod for the ensung y<-a1-:â€"â€" Prvsidvnt, Jnlm [law- l‘ie; Vit'(\.»l’:'(‘s., \Vm. Millikon; Sve‘y- Twas, Thus Hood; Dil't'utm's, J. Little, S. llmmir‘, A. \Yivn J. Morgan, R. Stivm‘, \V. McDonald, (7}. (u‘rormlvy, R, Pelch. A. Doughgu-t/y. Dun’t miss it. 'l‘lw last, (lzlx'nivnl of the St'zumn will he lull in tln‘ szllingz; Rink, 'l‘llm'nhill (m tylm uw-ning of 'l‘uestluy. March 81h. 'l‘lmz'nhill hand in uttvntlzmce. Priva will lw given for l):st (lwni’s m- l'loy’s l‘r'pl-vsvnl:1Livv custxnnoJEost lmd y's 01' Girl’s ("MaLlllllO, 0me 1mm, Boy‘s mm) 15 yrs .‘lllll umlvr, Rink npvn :11. 7.} luv ]‘K‘S(‘1‘V(‘(l I'm- lnasqul‘rmlmx until 3.30. Admission. Skaters 15(‘ts., Rpm-tutors and childâ€" 1‘011 10 ($8., Mnsqnm-mlm-s frvv. b‘pm'iul ml' lvnvvs U. l’. R. Crossing at 7.15. Roi/urn fare including admission to rink 30 (it/5., York Mills 25 «is. He- turn fare from Rivlnnontl Hill 10. Mr. R. Eiliott who fi‘llcd'the ])0Sit/i(l7l of (111in Rzmgvr in Court Richmond N0. 7046, A. O. R, during 1897, was on Friday uvening last pz-vwmod by his brethren with :1, Past, Chit-f R:mgm"s Certificate neatly frmm‘d in oak. Brother (h‘yuncillm‘ VVI‘ig‘nL mudv the presentation on behalf nl' 1h” mum, in eLnezLi, 51110001], and (he, 1-o(-,ipi:'-111 1‘0~ plied in appropriate 1.01pm. Bi'utlwl' EllioLL now fins the position of P. C. R. Splvndid (Toffee, ground frvsh while you wait. 25v. 1301‘ “1.; fun (mum (lheesv, 12c. pm‘ lb. Atkinson & Swibzor. Mr. stmc DOHvx-y who a, short time ago purchased the Munshnw farm twr) lots south of this Villngv. has: new bought the brick house and 10 :H‘H‘S of land from the Smllos nstuw, known as the Mill Property. Thu price paid is $525. Upon the maum' of quality in Dry Goods, Atkh’lson A: Switzol‘ are inâ€" dubitubly smmd. A llnt‘kvy mnhth will 1m playod ‘rhis (Thursday) (wvning hoiwvvn thu homo Mann, and :l‘l‘filll'l from Um Hal-howl Mlll‘giuiv hlsLitutw‘, Toronto. Play will commence at, 7.30. Admission from Mr. Ed Jan} ‘ml‘s trotting hm'so, Dick 17‘011011... has again brnkvn thv ivo room-d. At Barrio ll fvw days ago he trotted. :1‘ milv in 2.21,}, said to be the fastest, mile over framed on ice. Try (NW 250. Japan Tm. and :1 pack- :lco of Mnlwa 11111-0 (Tl‘ylnn Torn :11; 15C. Atkinson & Switzvr. Tho M7. (3. T. U. will meet at tho homv of Mrs. P. G. Suvngu, 'l‘uwsday evening next at, eight, o’clock. A full attendance is I‘vquvstod. Du F. .3. Gwllzumugh. V. \‘Mis‘ Richmond Hill professionally i:-;1:'\'\‘s\da nasdzly of month (Fair Dav] from 10 to 12:2m1, 3rd and 4th \Vvdnvsdnlvs from 3 tn Authorizod Inspm'tm‘ of Dairy bxvtytyh‘. Careful inspnvtimxs guaranteed. The vote anvd in this \‘mngn on Tuesday was 156. Of this numhvr Mr. Muyog got 8-5, Mr. Iiivhmdson 70, and them was 1 spoiled ballot. Tnâ€"mm'rnw, Friday, at Hm Junim- Epwm-1 11 Lvuguv Mrs. MvUnHm-h will givo :1. talk on Sunshinv :md Shudu‘s'. A In“ :Lb‘wndnncu is requested. Thu first of all issnws is firmm-r‘s. mmva yours by dvulihg 211, A t‘kinsou & Swu/zvr‘s. TheMnh'opr‘uiiinn 2111‘ again giving thvh- regular SCI-Vim». A; ‘21114 (‘avh way (eryduy. For hours of service See time table on anothvr Imgu. RICHMOND “I‘LL; Vaughan Council will movt 110le Tuesday, the 8th 0:" l‘IHl‘Cll. Morning sorviou next Sunday: in 1130 English (-lnn‘vh at 10.30. The Rev. Mr. Locke, will preach. Tho country is safe! and you indiâ€" vidually will ho if you make yum' purâ€" husvs how. Atkinson No Switzor. 3A ST YOR K I’L()\VM E; T. HJ(>¢C‘ ikllm‘a. PR ESENTATI ON. DELINEATUR. ’l‘I [ORNI l ILL. M arch from ,:1 point a,» during . lowing T. Huhmls Rev. J. Morgan Jno.Muz' {:m, sk.23 The return match between Rich- mond Hill and Thornhill curlers was played on Monday afternoon in the rink of the latt‘vr club, when the home team were victorious by five shots. After the match the visitors were banquni’H-l by their conquerors :Lt Hughm ,tel. After supper (-ompli- mvnts «re exchuugcd betwmn the two c'tw .:, and the hope. as (*xprnssud theme r‘ali'll club had won a match from {:19 other by an equal number of point huh another match be played durin' .ho present season. The fol- : Are the scores ; lowin- l ;, )rnhill Richmond Hill «x w» H. “7. Harper J. WHH’II R. (71:11} Dr. GA Imough, The March Ladies Home Journal contains: the literary production of the, lute Alice \Vellingion lx’ollins. H, is a humorous character Skelohw“ llow l’hilippzils‘ Husband Made Her Smile.” The soc'zil life and cnslmns of New Yorkers of :1 century ago are mirrored by Mrs. Burton ,llurrison. who writes of “ \'\"henF;1shion Gmred the Bow- ery.” Lilian Bell relates the an‘nlsing experiences of her yachting Voyage on the English Channel, and :l “ Cabinet Member’s \Vii‘o ” gets Close ' and closer in \szshingion society. “ ln Fashion- ;xlilc Siberia,” Thomas G. Allen Jr. presents the bright interesting; side of life in that, boundless Asiwbie province, nprooling;~ many erroneous ideas conâ€" erning‘r it). HOCKEY MATCHES. The llichnmnd Hill Ilockvy team are meeting with good success. Lust; 'l‘hnrsdny evvning they defeated the, Thm'nhill hocknyisls in Gzlllunough’s rink, and on the, sainv (waning they played a draw with North Toronto. The return match was played hvro, Saturday afternoon with North Toâ€" ronto when after :L sharp contest the teams again played it draw. The following urn the pluyo ‘ North TorontovGoeil, H. Pabturson Cover Point, (3}. Bulilingtun ; Point, F. Moore; Forwards, \V. Marks, A. Moorv, J. Ramsay, L. Durand. Richmond Hillmfiiole, E. Joyce; Cover Point, \V. Hall; Point, H. Sundm-Hon; Forwards, R. Mnudiv, A. Suvagv, \V. Trench, U. Ellston. Referee, G. Burt. Sunlight, Soap, 50. p01“ bnr ; Lifolmny Soap, Super bar ; 6 bm-S’Stnr Laundry Sump 1'01‘250.v Atkinson & Switzvl'. Mr. John Savage huvppvnod with em amidme on Satin-day evening. VVhon driving into the Villag‘o and when about oplmsite \Vrigln/s shop he was run into by a couple of follows who wm-o returning from Toronto with hayâ€"racks 0n thh' sloighs, ()no of the racks mine into (-ollissim] with Mr. Sn 'z:g0’s cuttm-damaging it, badly. The offender was brought, back to the hotel, and after promising to make nmtimx righb by paying expense of ropniring ho. \vusnllowvd to go. Om‘ of tlw (lrivm-s intm-fom-d with the constableLosmzh an extent as to lay himself open for severe punishment. Cmnmnncvmeut Exe‘rcisvs in con- nwrtion with the Pulilic S(Jl1()()l,l311t- tonvillo, Vill be held on the evening of Friday, Mun-11 4th. The ' entertain- ment will consist of Chorusvs, Rmfiil Lotions, Dialogues, and Fancy Drills by the pupils of the school ; also solos by Miss Eva, Kirk, of Unionvillo. The (iramoplioim, operated by Mr. Ed. Iiuimu, will give a variety of select- ions. Doors open at 7.30 : chair taken at 8 o’clock by [)1'. J. N. Hutcliisou of Richmond Hill, who will also present ()ul'l‘ifimtos and Diplmnns obtained at the I)(‘(‘(‘llll)(‘l‘ Examinations. Ad- Uliss‘lnll, Adults, 15 cents; cliildl-vn, 10 cvnt/s. Proceeds for School Fund. 3mm. Blirwuti, (‘ll’nn-lvs Lewis Shaw, Fergus Hume uml \Viimifrvd Graham contribute slmrt star '14 to the March (lmmlinn Magazine. Thomas liodgins Q, (L, wriu x must) important at 'cle on “ Vlix-i'hh and Alnmsifi-nfzi [ 'n-buify .Al‘é'mui: , (huh-flu," telling the story of hnw (‘nnmla lost the territory now («minim-(l in tlw States of Michigan, Ohio. Indiana, Illinois and \Vlsconsin, :\ll Hf whit-l) might have been rotnhwd lull/fur diplomatic stupidity. Dr. J. (‘1‘. Emirinm, mmtrilmlms a valuable lll'llf‘lfl (m the founding of Nova Sentin- mzd Tlms. '1. (Jlmmpiun gives the first of \Ulu-uo artivlvs (m “The Anglican ()lmn'll in Canada." Pim'm Murat writvs of “ Dreyfus, Zola mud Fume.” The isqu is wvll illush'atvd. Tlmw boxos good Matches for 250. ; Lw<> J-ll). bins Um (mute House Baking indvr for 2.50. Atkinsnn 8; Switzer. THE \VINNERS. Mr. Mntthmv Buyiv and his assoâ€" ciates 21w rvcviving the congratula- tinn of their friends for having provvn tlwmsvlvvs thu champion curlers in tho Richmond Hill Curling (Huh. Thny have. Won the Ur. B. Smith muan :Ll'wl- A hot, contest in :L series 0f XIIHII'iN‘S. First they won from J. [’:Iinw1-’s rink by a sttm'v of 19 to 10; in NW Sf‘lili»iil]£lls {hr-y dd'ontvd F. Sims’ rink by a sum-e of 23 to 9; and in the finals Hwy doh-zttvd W. H. Pngsloy’s rink by 20 to 12, thus gaining the Li'uphy. The winnm-s of tho px-iyze are H. Hopper, E. A. A undie, M. Boyle, skip. 37 Majoli y for Thornhill, 5. 'mm (JANâ€"9.11Msz MAGAZINE. Iu‘LDII‘X" HOME JOURNAI LL CA RELESS DRIVING. RETURN MATCH. skif). .14 BUTTONVILLE. Richmond Hill T. F. McMahon A. Moodio. W. H. Pugsley Dr. Sandcrsun, skip, .19 P. G. Savage F. McConaghy \V. A. Sanderson Jno. Palmer, sk.13 A. ()odmbs, R. WHITEâ€"In Toronto, on Friday, Feb'y 25th, Hem-y White, aged 70 yems. Interment: at, Buttonville Methodist cemetery Du Holiday, at 1p. m. Good looks mm more closely con- nected with good Groceries than mzmy pvoplu are aware of. You cannot; be good looking unless you are healthy, and you cannot, be healthy if you live Quadulterated fond. That’s why we should be able to interest you in our Grocery Department. Atkinson & Switzer. COMESâ€"~11) Toronto, on Saturday, the 26th of February, the \yia'u of 1“. W. 00165 of a. daughter, GOWIE~Ou Monday‘ 23m February. at Dollar P. 0.. the wife of Geo. Cowie of a son. The G and Trunk passenger train from Hamilton for anonLo with savor-3.1 Toronto people on bmu-d ran into a. freight near Burlington. Engineer Hutchinson and fireman Clark of Hmnilmn were terribly s bald- ed, but the passengers escaped with a sovvre shaking. It’s hope that brightens this life, and its Soap thth brightens labor. Trilhy Soup, 8 for a, quarter. Atkin- son & Switzer. The annual report of the Canadian Pacific Railway, just, issuvd, states that the rapid increase of traffic on the line between Montreal and Toron~ to makes it necessary to talul stops to doubleâ€"truck that section. Tho busi- ness of the company in all its departâ€" ments was profitable last year. T119 Executive, Cmmuibtvu will‘meet 0.1 \Vudnesday, the 16611 of March. Mr. Green of Pine Orchard was driving into Newmzu'kot with iL land of wood when a. Lruin struck his slvigh. The load was scattered, but; the driver ‘Hld his horses escaped without injury. S00 the spring samples of Uheviots, Vicumls, Clay, \Vnrsteds, Fancy Twecds and I’zmtings at; Atkinson & Switzer’s. Returning Officer Robillard has is- sued his proclamation for the election in the Ummtyot’ Russell. Nomination is fixed for Friday, March 11, and polling the 18th. New Prints, nmv Table Oilclnths, new Shirtlings, new Ginghums, new Linings, gents” Fvlt Huts this week at Atkinson 8; Switzer’s. A letter was read relative to an ex- cursion to be run to Huntsville and around Muskoka Lakes in the month of J uno. All present; were impressed with the idea that) the trip would be a dviightful 0110, but before deciding it was: suggest/Pd that inquiries be made during the next few days, of L‘m‘ proh- ahle number that, would be likviy to go. The, starting places will lw Thorn- ilill, Richmond Hill, King undAiu'nm, and the fare for the round trip includ- ing boat will be $2. children l1;Llfpl‘lC<‘.. A Concert C(nnmit/teo was also munod to make arrangements for the annual concert to be held on the even- ing of the 24th of May, after the fair. The Executive Committee selected from the above as follows : I). Lynett, J. ’l‘. McElmy, J. Palmer, G. Leek, T. F. McMahon, J. H. Sundt‘l'son, XV. )ym‘, I. Crosby, H. F. Hopper, with the oificors added. The annual meeting of the Richâ€" mond Hill Kt Yongo St. Agricultural Society was held in tho Lorne Hall yesterday afternoon with Mr. Thos. Lloyd in the chair. The auditors’ re- port of the treasurer’s accounts showed a good balance on hand. The follow- ing officers and directors were ap- pointed for the current year : Prvsident, \V. H. Clubine; lst Vice-President, T. Lloyd; 2ndVice-President, \V. ll. Pugsley; Soc’y-Trcas., H. A. Nicholls ; Directors, I. Crosby, J. H. Sandor- son, J. Palmer, P. G. Savage, Arthur Qunntz, \V. Scott, T. F. McMahon, J. T. Moldlroy, T. H. Trench, J. Slater, G00. Leek, D. 0. Steele, R. Elliott, VV. Eyor, D. Lynctt, J. Clark, P. Boynton, G. \V. High, J. N. Boylr‘, A. Cameron, G. Dibh, J. Morgan, Chas. Norman, A. Moodie, ‘V. 0rmerod, VV. “70113, H. F. Hopper, F. W. Jackes, F. J. Gullanongh. HISTORICAL SONG LECTURE 3 “rhat promises to he a. most inter- l osting cntcrtaimnont will be given in the body of the Methodist Church on Friday evening ncxt. Th0. Epworth League have arrangcd with Mr. B.‘ Ruuwnhm-g, of v irtorin University, Toronto, to giwl his popular historical song lecture on “Who Trin of the VVcaI-y Foot,” or “The Jews; Past, I’rcscntand Futurc." Mastvr Bernie Rautcnlwrg, a boy of nine Von-1's and son of the lccturcr, will alsohr present and favor thc audicnttc with songs. \Vo say favor, lwvausc it will rcally he a favor to hour this child sing. He is said to be the grmitcst musical prodigy in Canada. Tlic most of his life has hccn spent in Nova Scotia, but since 1 his first appearance in Toronto a few months ago it. is no uncommon thing for him to get $22 for singing a couple ‘1 of solos at Sunday evening’s scrvicc. Thclccture itself is a. rcvdation. Iti is true to lifc, as Mr. Rautcnhcrg is a convcrtcd Jew. who ronounccd Juda- ism and accepted christianity through the preaching of Messrs. Grosslcy and Hunter. Mr. Rautcnhcrgfis now pre-1 paring for special cvangrlistic work. He is a culturcd platform speakei, and i his eloquence and choice of words In the him a delightful entertainer. l Every one should hcar this profitable programme. Home talcnt will give two numbch of music. The price of admission has been placcd at 10 cents so that none necd stay away on that account. The Epworth League will be pleased to see a full church. For furthcr particulars and press notices scc handhills and poster. ANNUAL M EETIN G. News Notes. DEATHS BIIE'IIIS. Q Such as Prints. Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Yams, Blankets, etc,, etc., to be cleared regardless of cost. Full assortment of firstâ€"class Grocerles constantly on hand. W ’ A. A” . mwéfi Shame Seed. Gmmg THE NEE PROOF “Em” ’Qjé’éEDVVilLEK. 7; . ‘. u M. k n) E Wheat, Oats, Peas, Barley, Etc. Eighegt Priogghid 3% momma}:ng Sale RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1301' 'I‘inlothy {Sc Clover Seed Persian Cashmere for 100. per yard 8 Bars Trilby Soap, 250. The Best Pure Lard, 90.110. ATKINSON AND SWITZER. NO DULL TIMES HERE. Before taking stock there are several lines in ISAAC CROSBY. W ANTED ’I‘oronto, ()nt. Business is what we make it. We make ours brisk. We never let aday go by without offering an induce- ment that appeals to the taste and pocket book of the public. This week we offer These are really worth more, but we want you to accept the value as a sort of Christmas Gift, and it will make you feel so kind- ly toward us that you will make other purchases as you need them. WA1‘_ imited

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