Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1898, p. 8

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TORONTO. Union .. l‘hm‘nhill.“ ‘ amummn HILL King M Aurora Newmurket. Newmmket. Aurora... King...,. Rmflmmn HILL Thornhill ........... TORONTO Union Connects with all trains, leaving, Emma Richmond Hill. as follows: Mail & Expressmorth & Smith.” Express North and Mail South PRUCTURFETAGE LINE. gum further noticglluils will be closed at me Blchmnud Hill Post Office as folloWsz~ Monxma râ€"Going North. south East and West, inchldinu 'l'hm'uhin, Maple. ’I‘m-(mto Mnrklmm,&c. 8.30 EVENING:-â€"Going south East and West (as above) 5.30 N. finâ€"Registered Letters must be handed in It least Fxfteeu Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. METROPOLIVTAN' TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. Cars leave 0. RR. Crossing at. 720 [111119.40 a .m.: 2.40 and 5 40 p‘ In. Cars leave Richmond Hi‘l at MS and 11 n. 112.; 4 and 7 1mm. Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, 0f Toronto, Canaduwthe coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. GORE, (>19 GALT. BABY’S Monday . Wednesday AL reasonable vibes on shortest notice A Talking Machine that Talks. Everybady come in am} hear the GRAMQPHONE. I HAVE IT TO H IRE FOR PRIVâ€" ATE, PAHLOH AND PUBLIC ENTERTA lNMENTS. POST OFFICE NOTICE .T. SAIGEON, Freight and Parcels dclivc collected. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUT UAL, LEV! GABY. DRUGGIST, Richnloud Ilill Coal elivered OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€" ALSOâ€"â€" A First-class Cash Mutual. TORONTO . A. gandersan, Gaby’s Express runs to 1‘1 AIJIJBJ . USE SANDER-SONS Patronage Solicitod. CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER Business Sulicited. GOING NORTH Mail 1: ........ 8.40 9.18 EV ERYâ€"â€"â€" an d B‘riday. 10.30 PFRE PM: E): 1.20 2.37 km Ex 045 Mail. 6-15 (3‘34 ’I|‘7 716 mrml and the Filmer 8.30 n m. 5.30 p. m. baturdav, March 12, 1898, The next mortng of the Council of theTownship of Murkham will be held at Uniouville on Vaughan Council. The next, meeting of le'Cnnnrxil Q! the Munich pulity of Vaughan will be held in (.110 Town Hall Vellore, on TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1898, mun olhco‘ A gold Bracelet with six small stonefi was lost in the rink at £210 Thornmll skating Carnival lust Thursday «gaging. . «. ,~ ‘IA‘Am«~<YV1| The finder of a Fur Gauntlet which was lost between the residence of Dr. Langsmfi, Rll!}"~ lllhlhl Mill, and Lhe31'rl mm. of Murkllum, will 9blige the gfyvxler by leaving the same at. I'm-2 LIBERAL ufljcu Late of the Village of ’l‘hornhill. in the Cnunby of York, Yenumu, deserved. Nobice is hemhy given pursuant to R. H. 0. 18910. 1‘29. that all pomous having any claim against the (amateur the said William Bowes, deceased, are required to send by post preyuirl or ntlim‘wine drliver the amine to Aubhmiy ll. Buwes,Esquim,nt Concord, in the Countv of Yukmuo 01 the executors of the Raid leceusuil. Logether with full pm'biculum thereof verified by titlidnvit, stating the nature of the mummy, it any, held by them on or bolero the After which date the executors of the esLnte of the Said tlomrused will piucued to uinbrilmw tho proceeds of the said estate among those on- t‘itled thereto mourning Tn luw,muunl being hull only to the claims (it which notice Bllull then have bee 1] given to the executors. Dated le ind day of Marcln 1898. CLARKE, HOWES & SWABEY. 36-4 108 liny St, Toronto, Solicitors for tlm EXGK‘HLUI‘B of the Buixl late Willile Bowos, deveuse i. Notice in Creditors zuansflansw . ‘wshu.§nk.§ma: . .52».th . . Sake.“ «u:§,,w<§ 25:34 ‘Suksszz sszuvus zavwfiwawam‘. mummy“ V' ‘ m?!" ‘DL .1 uulnuutg um“... . ’I‘ho finder will oblige by leaving it at THE Ln; MONDAY, SKATING RINK Band in Ath-ndancu on Satluday Evenings. Admission 100. ; (Jhihh‘vn Smson 'l‘irkt-ts may 1w hm] from the wn'vleka‘, J. Hmwnhw, Six Amws of Land, Housv, Stnhlv and Hum. 011 Hichnmnd Street, in 1110 Villzlgv m' Hivhnmnd Hill. Axddl‘t‘ss‘ Far $353 0r to Rent A Thoroughbred 'F211n\\'()rt11 Boar (Si w1111mke1vt fur service on the promiqu 15L (mu. Mzu'hhum. Clerk’s Notice, 5th day of April, 1898, AN 1) TI {URS l ) A Y A F'J‘ERNOON. Jeuns, $1, at time of 50 WILLIAM BO WES SKATING During Hm skating season from 7.30 m 10 o’clock, 312w gavrttiaemmts. “’11) be upon for skutvrs (m the (evenings of 3&6 ' gum". ROBT. STUUKDALE. 29-6 liirhlmmd Hill In the matter of the astute o! \VEI)N1<ZSDAY, THE RICHMOND HILL For Service. From all imperfect- ions is what all well dressed 111011 like. This is wh: guaranteed by A. J. Hum. Cl‘ailor. Agent for PARKER’S DYE WORKS. At 10 o’clock u. m JOHN STEPHEN SON Clexk Lost liost at 10 a. m‘ J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk A. MARSH & SON. Richmond Hill. AND SATURDA Y at 5:} will l‘hilip} lot 4!, 3511-. ‘ld‘arnlor : Nuw is me time to lm‘ in your Bummm mmplv 1y! flour. And vuu slmulnl he Very oureful m mm mm) the best nhmlnnille. ; ml) the quality of flour you pun-urea depunds very largely your comfortsnlnrmgthe hm‘d 51mm; and numnur \vm‘k. Yuur brand is hmf Your hving. You buy common uml inl’oriur flour because in is u fuw centsper bnrrel cheupm: But ynu never (tow sider the, bomber grades will nrnduco many times the dilfurmmo in mime, mnre hreml. And just smash!” the nmmmt of lulu): yotlv will save your wife. Poor sofirunning flour is mm M) bundle xuld ALKTI‘R ()llji Raéiarmrinq Mills \Vill not Produce Good Bread. W'hich lmkm: nnnily, and produces IL mce light fluM-y 10le of Immd which does not dry mu. Warm) L‘iw: \‘(xu fimtr frum wheat; of mm 1‘ ‘ (-mp, whirh if: Tm‘ {nthmr um] stronger and \\ f-H mnku mun: hmth zmd nutrihuus bread mun the soft or sprouted stuff of 18:)? crop. JOH. HALL, Agent, fur Rivhmmld Hill, and 314-5513. NAUGHTUN BROS” at, Elgin Mills. Am/om Belle, SEQ. S. BALDWIN. For exchange, n, [2,006 set, (I! hm-nms for four cords of green ur dry, Apply to “v” n |1\T)YC Richmond Hill. Juu’v och, 16518. mucus AT FARMERS' wAGGmm. Wheat, white. per hush , . . . . . . . . ..$ (1 8'3 Whuat. red, per hush . . 0 2-13 Wheat, 110050, per bu. 0 86 Outs. per hush ‘ .. 0 34 Pens‘, pur bush . O 59 Harlan nur bush 0 40 'I‘urkuys, per ll) . ,. 0 l0 Dressed Hugs, percwt 6 l0 Geese, per ll) . . . , . . . D 06 "hiclmns, pm‘pmr , , 0 40 Ducks. per pmr . 0 60 Hunter, in pound r0113 0 15 Mus, trash .............. . 0 19 I’M-um 1v r bug . 0 ($5 Applu. . per hbl . 0 00 Hay. (-lnvm‘ 00 Hay, mummy . 3 00 Straw, about. 6 00 NI :1. p10, S a“? BI ill TRADE MARKs DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS to. Anyone sending a sketch and desch non may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an invennon is probably patentablo, Communion- tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. ()ldem agency for securing patents. l’ntems taken through Mum) a; C0. receive spegial (notice, wimout charge. in the A-4- urn U.“!-‘.A A handsomely mustrated weekiy. culation of any scientific our-n91. \_1r inogths. 61. So (1 by allI yimr: (our montuu. on. gum u, .... . v _ & 80.381Broadwny, m_‘ m: n cu wn-Mnmnn. . (3.11 Grain Chopping every day of the week. at Boyle’s Mill, at four and five cents a bag. 3041'. W. MAGER. Wmm’xx'u.‘w x. 03» ‘ TH! "" szsrTzn I IN THE WORLD FROM TH m.ANf£ro THE TEA cur- “ Monsoon " Tn‘a is packed under the supervision ofthc 'l"«~;1growcr.«:. and iverIiSL-d and sold by them as a samph‘, nf {he hcst quah . = of Indian and Ceylon Teas, For that rcasmn fury St‘r) that none but the very fresh lezwcs go into Monsoon packages. That is why " Mnnsopnf the perfect Tea. can be sold at the same price as mfcrinr tua. H is mt up in sealed ledics of 1/; lb.‘ I H). and 5 lbs ,andrsold in [hrer flavours ext/1,043., 505. and 60c. If \ ur grl‘rrr‘rdncs not #09}; it. “'11 hx'm to write tn 5'! , . II. Y'X 1! S: k0 , xx and :3 Front St. East, Toronto CHOPPING DAILY “§“‘c’-i"eiifii’i€”fifii§*“9"= AV] {ORA FLO UIHNG MILLS. VX3333}: (fink: Wood Wanted x gifidif‘ii‘éii SW chitis, Sore v throat, etc. KERRY, WATSON & (30,. P lllllllllll 2 MONT HHHHH g gmmmmmm 33 IN ITS ‘ATH/E PU" 3mm Eifinrktta‘. NOTICE. At In\(1n"ro<. Sutisfuunua guuml $531.3; Kimxsrm, Harness-Maker Contrast that to l- I-vu . v 625 F St. Washington. I). C. SUt of serviceable single ls of hard “‘oud,cichcr ;d weekiy. Lament, cir- lc our-n31. Terms. :3 a 80 d by all_ powsdfiulerg. in: N RY MARSH $ ,3 r B5 915 87 34 Kill 44 “ 11 30000 U 07 U 5" 0 80 U 16 U 22 0 70 O U!) 0 (m 9 50 'I ()0 mfg r N . . ‘ BOO IE) (31: SHQEJS. IS absolutely free from :11] Candime from date of issue, and guarantees EX’I‘I‘INDIGI) INSURANCE for the fail :nnmmt of Lhe pwlicy, 01‘ 2). PAID-U1) POLICY, after twn yvm‘s, 01‘ :1 CASH VALUE :xflm‘ live yourf. P. G. SA V AGE, District Agent. - Richmond Hill YEW Hardware, Tinware,‘ Stoves, Eave- troughing, Raafing, HARDWARE - STORE v The LIBERA L THE LIBERAL and Weekly Globe to jam. Ist, ’99, $31.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun to jam. ISt, ’99, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and \Veekly Mail to jam. ISt, ’99, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe I year, $34 50. THE LIBERAL and Man] I year, $4 50. THE LIBERAL and World one year, $52.75. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, I year, $22.00. THE LIBERAL and Evenmg Globe one year, $73.75. THE LIBERAL and Farm- ing I year, $31.73. THE LIBERAL and TIL: Ladies’ Journal, I yearfi'fétz' 5t) All other city papers at equally low rates. Send your orders to Clubbing And everything Iload ()flioo. MASON, - RICHMOND HILL Subscribe for Repairing Promptly Done “'0 are giving; purtécuinl' mimka in 0111' Winter Grades 01' MIL am] Mani» tohgz lifIMmi's mu] Lndiw‘ Naming: Bouts. “"5 also 'm'v‘y :1 full zl-axm‘t- mvnt «If Mvn's. Ludiw‘ and (Thiklwn'w L(*:-1L11m'(}(>u(‘.s in Mn 3k and (Town/1; made by Hw Mist mnnnfnmm'ms Mi» Eng; HIH‘S a! clch prk "m 1’9, M111 whd son mmds, for we lmw ,â€" «mixing: that; will inmrmt you. Repairing Ncmfy and T. F. MCMAHON, ‘ The Liberal ” Offica Richmond Hi 1. The Unconditional Accumulative Pclicy ~»»~«01«‘ Tm: We fiim to Eleagg ASSOCIATION, Iliolunond lilill in the Tin, Stove and Hardware lines at lowest prices. Sells all kinds of W133 » LnHUuu 1‘1 ,U. .11 In M I) ;,n < Daily Daily Farmerswammen All nthm‘ work, (10110 at, equally as low pricos. Rigs Hf all kinds 1'(‘]’)£1l)ll.l‘(l. thishvtinn guurzlutcod with every job or no pay. Tho (Jvh-bmtod Hm-svShm‘r, VVUMIâ€" \Vm-kvl' :md (u‘rmwrzil Johbvr, Dr. Reid’s old (film: (‘Ume-nu St” mafia Pam Works Mr. W, B.(h-mnlmv1ng gone out of the husinea in Mayo, I mu ugrzu'u )‘X'epnrou to :supply onstnmm‘s‘ on BIL 'toxbnoticc. Pom-LL] mm promptly attended W. E. JACKSON, BEAPLE '1‘ E H ( )Efif‘f {£11414 Still Better than. Ever. S. SNIDER. I5 (Tormentog

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