{S E“ THURS '1‘ . F . ï¬cM [3H0 71 5-3; a £1}: a F" ) rm ~ » U21. LATE: if»?! a L‘ RICH M03313 HELL. (53735853 MiMIEES Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma {mm the, Unmrm ‘Joterjnm-y Dental School, will visit Maple ml Monday 21.1113 Friday of each weak, and Duncan! on Friday rom 1 to 5‘ p. n). CANS prom)»th amended 1., Diseases of lmrses‘ cullilr; zmxl mlmr (lowest-105mâ€" all animals went/ed by the Jamaal) and mum ap- proved memoir». Eï¬enflii :a'as't, OF 21 BLOOR Si‘RE:j'l.', TORONTO, TViII be in Rirlmnmcl Hill vvm-y \Vod- hambuy. E. ' IPAâ€"e:- rah; g “Lâ€: :1“ a 1' L5. E“. .é;@i€3;;h€}y,_ VETERINARY SURGEON Remodellui, and newly furnis, .d throughout. One of 511:» un-m‘ cunv'mjgzs‘v <1 cumfnrmhlu hotelsou Yongc harem. Every modern con» venience. Sample rooms for CHIHUIUMHH t‘rwuv'ullm's. Au Men“ snapping phwe fur 11' ling; ordrivimzpunks,bicyclist»7 or farmers gmnu tom‘retln‘nim: from lxxarket. Mus 310655 1:11 trains. Elem-rig Ulii‘b pushing do 1‘, DR. W. CECIL TRDTTE a ‘ C: $3; \ Aka/‘K‘«a < /»â€"â€" \‘\//ǤXr/. « (“ant 'al qui'eaauhingzs Ahvau'sau “and Corn Meal Gluten Meal R I C H. ï¬VA LTE R H U LS) ii, Proprioun‘. "53 [,9 10 :1 Hi: and 6 m 8 is an very accommodation to guests. Board, 151. max-day $1 per EHHUHI, in auvance. ~__‘-_l 6‘ U Ilelerhukei' g «E E :XEIHIIIIICE’S, p'y 13,1593 Ofï¬COAl‘JeL’LL dnor south 0f public school B U 8 ENE S CARD 8. {a w m : VETERINARY DENTKST, RICH'MOND HILL, Moved to 8-1 Victoria Street, Toront» 156 KING smut 11251“ TURONTU 1 Meal - :per ton ten Meal $14; 1381‘ £011 a H. 14. T43 PGC‘E’B .. Ta! '13â€? £531 1% VVRI‘C 031W 1}?) Kai/1&5 ALFIK H 0 kn £257; Eman & Pym-m A V0. , Nuth Toronto ‘MO D Z'cil 311131) 1“ ‘L u‘ A or m Dr. W. J. Wilma} *‘Ystt‘riamg -â€"--ANI)â€"â€"â€"â€" imam. 1.00 PER DAY 1.0L 1). m BROS, at) " :11 IZIEJG-g’i‘RE ‘ 31~Wn 5T. TORONTO.“ 3". a v. ‘ '3‘ ~ U ' muer of £13.; mge Licenses. RECHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Ti» H . "Q : ‘ E31533 E~"‘Y . N {3% TA RV PU 8 LI {,7 3.0m “v Public, (70nvvymcwm, Valu- zLLUI‘, Cmnmissimwr in B. 11., 6:0. .i G F LAWP. hammers, Sczicitars, Sac. ' orochflECCmNn {5 Toronto Strest. RicmLm-Q Hi1] Ofï¬ce open. cvery Saturday. LAWREJCE A “H 5.11icitors. Conveyancers,Notaries. é'cc \ Rnum Wfl‘m‘k Chambers ’) 'I‘nrmxâ€" ) tn RU. Toronto. and utnfln ‘Jxm'pe IALWOJ‘I‘ICBH \r Hal], Ria‘lmmsfl Hi1], n1} day “'6 - ) nrsdny, and Tuesday and Saturday uftc no ' GLEV LOAN/1T LCMSTGURRENTRATES {3473KNSUI‘LLEK‘ENOX81MACHï¬U 53:: s'risrim's, 36!)!ic‘iiun's, ï¬n". ‘ '1' CRON TO AND AURORA. Shir, Fro/L \V. Garvin win he at Richmnnd Hill (:(I'me every evenixu mul will attend each sittmg; ul’ the Court East Toronto Ofï¬ce. Ml. Grant’s residence, \Voodbrxdno. evory evening. Thoruhill, each Wednesday from 10 to 12. LiccnaedAUL-tiotmers for theCounty of York,re- spec,â€qu solicit. your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice and A reugouuhe rater; P. 0. address King ALFRED MACDOUGALL, FREDERICK C. JONE Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario. Gif’ifl‘é? 3; mm Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: N0. 1, Adelaide St, East. . ALch ECKARDT, us Wmcheswr St. Toronto License»: Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods 50111013 consignment. General sales of ::ï¬(ml~i,eti!., promptly nttnnded to n.t reasonable rates. (i. R. Goulximg, Newton Brook, agent. for L119. abow. MACBUUGALL & JONES, COOK & MACDONALD, Mr. Cook w ill be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. A In) {49 amount. of private funds to loan on imlmwed I‘nrm property. Five per cunt. in- LG' “my LLL‘IDS for repuvmexm K0 vomâ€" ,iun char;va on loans. Apply to LAWRENCE & 0BMISTUN, 15 TorunLu St , Toronto Licenscdmmï¬oneor for the County of York Sales uttoudetl £0011 shortest notice and (Lt rea- smmhierahab. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auntimwer for the County of York. General salos of innulllme'ts, tnrniturexmnding timber, 05-7. .umcmied on the shortest notice and IN ruzmnuzmle rntt . Paulina" ‘oliï¬bcd. P. 0. address Maple. Or at Rmhmoud Hill on ébtlli‘zlivé‘ LicensedAuctimmzrfor the Countips of York and Onim‘m. All HUUS of farm stock, 610., at» t m 1m Ln on £11! shortest notice and reasonable ‘. Mortgaf; m1 bailiff sales attended to. Remdenve, Stout 1119, Out. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Charges nmdemte. Patronage sohcited. ACâ€" dress, White Rose P. 0. MUFQEY! MONEY! HI‘ m' BIODC)’ to Loan 1‘0 KB 3 Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tahules: one gives relief. Ripans Ta I. u (cs cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Roma: 1, Museum Building,18 Toronto Sh Tammie. MONEY TO L A)? AT 5%. SARVIN & GARE/TN, EB «TA RE .171 5‘33 . Eckm'dt & Plclnice Barristers, Solicitors, &c., saokes é; Blougll. B m‘ristex‘s. Solicitnrs, 610‘ RECEâ€"EMOE‘ID HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1898 J. E}. Rea dman, {3%} RT :93}; 120 Loan. 'E‘ ï¬'ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬l‘h. S. T. Brookes, J. 'i‘. Saigeen, N. E. Smith, ISSIUNER IN WEI-Z: 523mm I! & DRMISTON. I Essmtz'als, Unify; £72 Non-Essentials, Libgrty ; in all things, Charity.†OF jUSTICE, ate. W S UBMISTON L L B Telephone 47 H. PREN'I‘ICE Cm‘rvme. I) BLOUGH Society and Fashion Gosa from the @1192 U City. The liéiVS are now hc-i'e Whmi the lndivs inh tn think of what kind of .1 mil in 'ï¬â€˜i‘nl‘ to prolovt the, false fuml lhws‘v mam, implvaszmt Mari-h ‘nds and as the}; are. all desirous of DH‘SPL‘V- h 2! ilzvii' compleximisl, I will give them ‘9. hiniv :m in tho best mmms of protoc- (ion for the eyes as well. as the (:02);â€" pivxion. \un- a hruwu grenadine \‘vil. It is certainly quite hideous if \‘mrn (n'm' a liglit-colm'ud hat, but for the $210311}: (if illjll‘Cll \ mm- :ls {L substiâ€" Lm‘v z: hub (\f brown, in order that you may Wear the "oil wiizlzmlt appearing tu louk wry ridiculous, :Lnd ynu Will ï¬nd that these pct fret-1.10 which have app ‘zqu in former yours will 1w much more. scame, and your eyes will not, few] the glare of the sun as they did when you wore a \‘oil that was be» coming. [must confess that, Veils if properly selected in purchasing and lwcnmingly arrmigod upon the hat and over the face are gr rat little heuiiliï¬vi's. The- Princess Theatre hut W001; was mrvkml tn the Gums at? (--Vv1'y pm-fnrm- :ane of tho, “ The Twu Orphans †given by the Uluumings "tuck Company which have bvvu gwa y strongihvmlf by the addition (If M" ‘ {Jreightom Mr. ‘72:? 1:11er ,..«- n~‘\,.'.l_‘he . caste numbered twenty-Hire “and gave a go‘ud pvrfm'mnnl-e. 'r Mr. and Mrs. T. VV. Bu}! of B‘mor twvt west will lvm‘v in a few weeks for \‘y'ashington. Richmond, (Virginia) and ()Id Point C(uni'ul't, whvm flu-y will xppnd sumo 11ian and so <:â€":<rle:e the very unplmseu‘lt Mzu'ch w ‘EIUH‘X‘. GIANNA. AGENTS: “Glimpses 0? Min Un- seen,†fascinating buok. Swwps the entire ï¬eld of hm-dorland subjmtw. Everybody (n'derr‘. B'Iarvohms iilnsâ€" trnt‘imw Pm‘ m-msf‘ ‘4") can ‘nssâ€" $3211 at) the Armurkis, ‘A'ln‘n those who had nut the pi‘ivih’g‘o Di: hearing him 011 the former occasion shunld not miss 4ilw grand ()pportill\it}' as his singing is Ci‘l‘izlinly 5 mm‘ching; never to be, furâ€" gutï¬â€˜n. ()11 Tuesday evening of I» t \V(‘(‘I‘the Misses 00108 gave :1 most onï¬ï¬zalbhv pmgrmï¬ive pedro penny in hmmr 0f MES Shook :1 very charming young iadyfmm Detroit who is visiting in the city. After two hnurs pleasantly spvnlv at cards, duin‘iy rufi-vsl'nnonts were 5-4"; 79d and (hmcia {2: was indulged in until adioux wvre send in the early '0)“ng 110111“ Mons P01 ,l’laumm the gmmlvst of all bussos whose singing at n ‘s‘sey Hall 21 couple. of xxmks ago so thoroughly :nptivuto-l the ammxcinv tirv nudivnce, is to .‘iy‘L-vm‘ i1) ’i‘mwniu again, m1 Hatunlay waning, Mzu-Ch 01's. BRADLEYâ€"G A RRE', ‘HUN (JUM- PANY, LIMITED, TOTONTO. Markham Village. , . .105 East Toronto . . . . . . . . 82 Stontfville . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Richmond Hill . . . . . . . 70 MARKHAM TOVVNSIIIP. The following are. the ofï¬cial 10â€" turns for East, York, furnished by Returning Ofï¬cer Mussio :â€" Richardson. Moyes. Markham Village. . . Markham) Township Svurhmro Township. York'j‘ownship . . . . . East Toronto . . i . . . . Stouflvillo . . . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill . . . . . . Maj. for Richardson 423 Division No. ‘RViSiOH No. East York Returns. 401 1119 RECA I’ITULA’J'ION. Richardson. Moyos. 555 YORK TOWNSHIP. (36 96 121 90 {38 4'39 (30 110 2091 1668 106 778 555 «13 63 1 13 4m 93 42 37 96 r 00 57 $3113 1668 879 419 135 79 111 99 56 u 6., 90 81 36 4G 43 l) 49 51 43 or '9 Complete Returns from \Vost York givu Mr. \V. J“ Hill a majority of 37 over Mr. J. \V. St. John. The returns are as inflows : ----- Toronto Junction 1‘}t()hic0ke . . . . . . . "Veston . . . . x . ‘ . North Toronto . . York .. . . . . . . . . .. ‘Vk‘mdbridge . . . . ‘ Divlsion N0. WANTED : Farmer sons orother industrious persons of fair education to Whmu $60 a month would be an in- duvwnent. I could also engage a few ladies at their own lmmos. My. \Vi‘il \‘s'akvly, who has; served his amm-xlbicmhip with Mr. E. R. (Inklwvli, left last, week for his homo at ()ukwrmd. Mn will be much missed among Hm young people. C. (Tznnphvll and Miss (Jeunpboll last Fl‘ldny (womng‘. A most enjoy- ;L'nlu tinw was spout by all present. This roads mm in a. very bad condi- ' but business is quite brisk in (Mr T119 vxciémiwnt 7 (WW the election ha ‘ quieted down souwwhnt, but them are still some heated discussions. The, young people of the crulgroga- tiamsof St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s Chulwiws wow (mt/(‘1'Lmuod 11y Rug ‘Nexlnegret 131' state that. Mr. F rank McPherson is at present Very low, and little hope is entertained of his re~ on very. Mtsma. ankzmd Rahfll and Miss Lydia Linw, gave :1‘ party to :1, large number of 11110114 most intimate friends last Friday evening. Miss JPYQDS 0f Tol'mim, visit- mg with her uncle, A 4. ’i‘. hiatheson. u i“ U N’I‘S: “\an;mâ€is the title 0f ()11)‘ BETH?) new book. Discussos all phzmws Hf the subject. (Mntwins “ The Life and \V'm-k of Miss \Villau ,†the must \x‘mu’ierl'ul Woman of the (wuâ€" tur. . (No:- 11, lnmdnsd beautiful pol-.J'nim of the gl‘t‘uh‘st womvn known, with biographical sketcher'. Snap for canvassm‘s. LE \TSCUTT (103.1]?ANY, TORONTO. The. following bills were passed :~.l. Elk-Bale, grave-15111 0011., $137,905 A. Gilllzun, gravel, $13!).L5; F. Lemma, printing, $1.50; 3. ll. lmndy, printing $7.25 ; Hart 85 Riddle. blanks, $19.86 ; Dr. Hum, attendance, on Pergerler, $7 F. Lloyd, attendance 0n i’ergerler, $2 ; J. H. Millard, burying l’ergerler and Gillen, $20: Vaughan Tn. work on townline. $36.85; ‘V.J.\Vell3, postage, $2.50; Eli Brnund, hardware, 900. Jiis. Billings, Zn'imitlis’ salary, (.230; Jno. Glancy, 1 toisc stone, 851-; Gen. \Valker. 1 loise stone, $4; I). Lam), keep 0f indigent, $5; E. \V. Love, goods supplied Ulmppelle, $6: .1. M. Vietltun. goods supplied Ulmppelle, $8; VVm. Crosslev, grnnl, Ulii (:()l1., $3l.($2; G. Hill grant 9th 0011., $30.25; Hy. Ireland, gravel, $17.67; '1. Ball, 5 41h 001)., $25; Mrs. Bur-1'0ng gfi .ntv, $9.16; \Vni. Hawnmn, repair 9111 mm. y King council 1110f, at, Hogan’s Hotel, King City, February 26th. Members all (*svnt. 26th. J AS. CHERRY, J21 ‘. Thomas, grim-1, $11.1“ ; “7111. Hart, grant, $50; Alfrvd Davis, grant, $100; Thus. Smelmon, shvop (2,;Lim, $8.66; C. Dunn, slump claim, chased from J. Godson on 10L :20 con. 8 for $200. Next Illeeting of 601111in will be held Trent’s Hotel, Nobletyon, 011 March Tho Tp. printing x ms Irb to the Banner and the Lundm‘ fer lecul'l‘ent your for thu sum (If $140. A nwmm-ieil was asscnl‘md to by the council expressing tho opinion that :1 stone Cl'llmh‘l‘ wouid be a uscfu] article to own in connection with such adjoining municipalities as Wonk] cal-c to join in such a purchase. VV. .1. “"0115 was rcliuvvd from callucting the following 1,;1xvszâ€"NV. Campde 860., Jens. Mchair, $1 ; U. S. Gumhmm, $1; Agnes Burns. $1.03; S. Jarvis, $1 ; R. J. \Valhlce, 320. ; T. Fisher, $3. THU Auditors†Report of the Townâ€" ship trl‘OilSIII'L'l‘B accounts for high year wore pl'csentml and pusmad. The sum of $10 was granted to the Ilfï¬fpitg] f9)" Siqthhildrvn, ’1‘01-01111'). Ouvâ€"half now of gl'ilr‘fl‘l “"19 pur- King Township Council West York Returns. ‘. fl. LlNSUOTT, TORONTO. Reeve. M apl e A UGH AN. CHAS. Patterson , ‘lerk. St. John. 1 [i1]. 21' L5 572 459 103 171 89 101 70 36 91. ‘0’: 26 476 4 2162 452 442 1113 .151 76 1 ()5 108 G] 57 {)1 Mrs! 0. Mason is a!) \Va‘rminstor Vislting her daughteI'JIL-s. A. J. Paul. Mr. Parker Frevk and Misses Frock of Barrie, 211-0 Vlsibing friends in town- The Misses Quirk are visiting their sister Mrs. “7:1le 1' 1111159 01' the, Palmer House. Miss Edith Switzer is spending two weeks with friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Film of Toronto, spent Saturday with Mrs. A. U. Soules. Mr. Jan'th Duncan spent Sunday 11) Bradford Visiting his uncle, Mr. Broughton. Miss Riddoll of Toronto spent, Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. A'Iason. Richâ€" mond Street Miss Gertie Allen has been engagtd as 1111111110 ' at the Concrete for the coming season. Miss Susie Trench who is now a residentnf'l‘mmnu spent, Sunday :21, her home hero. Miss Jennie Mownt of Toronto, is spending :1 few days with Mr. and M †Ai-ler Goumlxsx 1\'h'.I-{zu'1'-V Sanderson has gone to 1311111110 11) tzlku a position as traveller for the Crescent Bicyclv U0. Miss Jennie 'leimm- who has been visiting at, Tornntn and Redford Pulk returned home on Saturday evening. Miss Stella Morris returned from “Mrmiusulr 011 Monday evenmg whvl-e “he, has been visi‘Liug Mrs. A. J. Mr. '\V. J. Grant, of Grunt; Bros Lahm-nixn'y, 'J‘m'tmtos spent part 0 Monday and Tuesday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Stephenson of ’1‘01'nnLn, spent, Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. JA Szwage,of Sunny Hill Farm. Miss Rogers, Miss ernzt Hutchison, and Miss Nora, McMahon returned yes- teyday from a week’s Visit to Mrs.. E coti; in LOndon. College, Toronto, lately of France, is recruiting his health in our village. Ho, is staying with his relative, Mr. M.. Tecfy. Mrs. J. Cullen, mud Mrs. J. Long“, :u-(mmpa‘niul by her two daughters, Muggiunml Katie, all of \Voodstock. spent the fore part of this Week with their sister, Mrs. J. Set Mtge of Sunny Hill Farm. Mrs. (D12) Hutchison, accompanied by Mrs. (Du) Sisley of Maple, left yes- terday to spend 2L Week with Mrs. EacuLb, in London. Mr. m1de J. F. Craig of Sand Hill Spent Thursday and Fl-iday 1mm- us guests 0f Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coombs. For the (151; ‘4 "O or three days the editor of THE LIBERAL has been con- ï¬ned to his room with a sore throat, but he is getting along nicely and ex- pects L0 be around again in iL few days. Late of the Village of 'I‘hm-uhill, in the 0011!! (’3' 01' York, Yeoman, deccazed. Notice is hereby {:th pursuant to R. S. 0. ;8£J7,c.1:9.tl1utuil 1)., ans having any claim against the estate vi the said William Bowcs‘, deceased, are rrtqu ml to send by post preraid ur uthcrwme (h liv ‘tho mine to Anthony 11. Buwes. Esquire, at Concord, in the County (:f Ycrk,one 01 the excoumrs of the said lea: ‘ together with full palticulurs thereof 1' ruled by alilï¬lavit, stating: ï¬lm xmture of the somuity, it any, held by them on or before the After which date the oxacutors of the estate of the said (leumaed \\'lll pruCued to nisuihube thu prnmrods nt' Lhu snid estuiu among those on- LiLIcnl tlxr-ruto nuxu‘oing (u Tuwa'eumd being 12ml only to the claims of which notice shall then hm 9 been gixen to tho uxeoutura Dated the 2nd (lay of March, It ‘i. CLARKE, b'OWEC & ABBY, 36-4 106 b'ay .95., Turoufo, Solicitors for the Examltm‘s of the said late William Buwes, dwesz 1. Acros of Land, House, Stable and Bu; n, (m Hivhnmlzd Street, in the ViHAm' (>J' Richmond Hill. Address, _ MRS. RUBT. STUCKDALE, A Thoroughbred ’I‘umwmfl‘ Boar _(Sir Philip) W111 ‘uukept fur smvicc on Me pwmxses. lot 4:, 15b con. M‘n‘hhmn. Em gaéa’: M 3% Rent Terms, v51, at time of spl‘vic (313311103 Glgy Qf Michael‘s 5th flay of April, 1898, WILLIA M BO WES Service. In the matter of the estate of PERSONALS. [Single copies, 3 cts. A. MARSH & SON. Richmond Hill‘ Richmond Hill.