~Wï¬mm mazwn‘mm‘mvmz‘ AS “'0 H w nu»: owtwnwd trilim‘n Mr. H. A. N4 nulls going hum dour m door, (carrying; a lurgw hzmk, 21‘ [0w days ago. we, my ï¬rst. 111011;:1111ho was in the picture m- (5111mm) business, but, when 110 milieu! (m 11H \‘.'u soon hwu'nvd he was in Him mnpluy of the ll)l]llif'iԤ)"]- fly and i2; timing: thu wm‘k of :xsssws' H. “He Will 1101 have cmzmlvtml his jub for some day») \"m‘- I‘lpworth Lauguw on £"|~i(7‘;2_f m wniiap; m: “Tiw Three \Viin K 1.101111 \'.. " ‘s m‘. Earth.“ 5â€"1.). The {31:25 ,‘t 1311» down)? Da‘pr 1.111911! have {hm-2;“ mfflw evening; and 9);? 0nd (curdizll inviiaï¬nn 110L110 '1' minds; of Hm Lnagua 15> 1w pl'nsolltnmi hear the ilddl‘i‘SS by Mr. MCCuHuuh. Bvst Bathing Z ihx‘. for 250. ; ht-avy Manitoba 'i‘\‘v‘(-,I\d 22%. pm.- ynl'd ; ï¬lm-y Prints 1W. per yard. Atkinson 3;. Switzcv. The Suhi‘mmnitfvv 0f the Ummty Union was in HORSHHI yeah-play in this Village for flu“ purlumn 0f making urmngmnvnis fm‘ tlm vaiâ€"fnnmu} Meeting. \x‘hivh “3‘1 lm 110131 in Thumâ€" 1,0 .hlnviiun, on April 11. Owing In Lhoserinus Him-s of Mr. (1:1110. $12, the President, M a. (Emu of Newâ€" markct, was mmhhx to attend; [,hv vice-prmzidon1‘, Mrs. Swifxvr, m‘mim'd. Many 2: 1113113: M‘nl‘osil mistake ‘3.er been in art‘empting tun much. Atkinâ€" son & Swityor mm do to HH' letter 0x~ actly .‘LS Hwy :ulvcriiso, (‘\'(’11 though the low prism: mm} illc‘l'i‘dihkh Hfavy 337 inr~h Finnnelmie :li. NFC. pex'yunl; wavy Furtory (‘n’rtun per yar‘ ; :3 “(151‘ qua]in Hpnols for 51 , 5 balls (‘l-uvhot (Trottonfor ~30. AL- kinsuu & Snï¬tzvr. 'impl'm'ml (Hahn, \Ynsh Boards; 1'30. oaoh; good Brooms. 90. ; hz‘iim' (H1014 15c. ; 25 lmxvs J‘L'XU'IJVS for -, Atkinw 5011 & Swilzm'. T110 22:!de 2mm! I‘m-1| \‘v’ry 1m": 111131,!) in socm‘inf; 1b.." wl'v‘m's 01' T» ' 7121ij 'Hmmpwm. Hmivr :uul <‘Eli(‘1‘1£l‘:lll‘i', and 5.122 A I ET-Hrton, iimmn'nim and drunm ix \ Yanmvh'l‘ impmumnulm‘, fur an mtvi'i:ximsu-uéu in 1w given in Vitttm'iu in!“ m1 11w m‘wning ()f’l“.1m':<~ tiny, Marv?) 171E}. ’i‘iuiwls, 25 (WINS; childrmn 15(1t‘lliS. On Th1;1'<(‘m§f night 1110 Hm‘hnrd St». Collegiate hockey (51:41;phlywl:1'i’1-iend- ly gnmv WM} 1310 local 10am on 0111" 200. The grzmm “'21:: .\‘.il‘1)f‘5t}‘('(‘l by about :L hundred 01' Llw Villagm‘s, who cheered on the boys whom they made a good play. The sidwa were evenly matchcd. In the ï¬rst half neither side scored. but in the swund half the visitors: pulled up, and at the close the score was 3 to 1 In f*";oy of’l‘oronto. On Sa-mrdu 7 afternoon the 'l‘hm-nhill hockey club played a, gmne with our second sow-n. The ganm was fast and exciting,r and at the, close the score stood two :11]. The i'nlhn‘xingz banks have been 1'0â€" (zeivvd by 111†High Hmhtm‘: hunk (Emu. as gifts to 1.210 High whom] library. “' Every Mun his own MM'huniv.†pl'vâ€" wntcd by Miss \W-imex Urydnn. “Pago’s P11)" :v] (:‘vngt'uflxgz" 1:11-- Sentml by Dr. ... Hulrhisuh. Vest ~A Bankrupt stock of Men’s 86 Boy’s esl’salnmthnlf price; 2 best make. of spools 5 0L5. A lot, of W001 Hose loss than wlmlosale price. ,leghton Bros. Elqin Mills. High! ha: Llï¬â€˜bnny Hm ’ Swi‘ Crow} v-‘o‘au’n‘xcv (bum Jupam Hiw' (iv. pp] H) H). Atkinson. frmn :3 m a. 1‘ (Mi “whoriiw and Owin Gay en has 1m» ‘I’Hxi‘i tiny. Hi) u 59mm QKI‘O “I†M 1m 84057114) 18111, :1: Huh. n The n .r in“ Uri Minuws (' C(mnoi} v." the 31>: units 11ml) :4, v»; i [‘22 (‘mnt Riv: (Danni-HM“ kmsun row is m ;. him? (M lzxrzmiwuj V‘Hzih YORK (JUL'NT ' \V. (K T. U BOOKS AFN T’J<,‘I\'VLI~‘.I )0 E? ‘L 111;: ; 1hr im- Iwix! «\w-niwgv im' (‘5111‘.;\a ‘0va1:(mi;ta!;h<L H HORNY MA'E‘U] “CS. I HM ASHESHOW ’VORTII LI 3; AA v, m†HI“ yum-i 1m 1“!' inn-kud 0:" mm \‘(Wi l‘ri'rhj,‘ Sump fol ;('. per Mun £11) 2'14 :n‘t’ll I HI mam} \x’hilv ‘ IE_;.111£ U mp. per H). : i‘zxpiovu 4?. 1w *t‘iyinrg (a? (11' \ A k Hymn-<1 m: i l V dues: m'ni' HUI Lixmm V011 (‘t‘iu‘n M‘ t EH 1d ,S Mai-ch 011! March on to ,victm'y! sings the Frenchman. March’ is upon us now and with it cm;va some brand new goods at Atkinson (c, Switxm's. An oxcvllont opportunity for 0h- taininu‘ a lif.“ insuran policy on easy Mei-ins . uniil ’le 1% of Maynoxl', oil'm'e'd » by the Royal Templam of Ton’ipoi-ancv. This nigalliiza‘tion is now a strong (mo, having not only for its ()hjvu-L l/lm shield lg 01" its lllt’nllu‘l‘s from thuevils of intoxicating thinks \vhiln Hwy M ay live, but that of pro- vuling for thmn Llw allilil'y to loaves a, lcgacy‘wthosw they leave lwhind in (21:40 of death. ’l‘ iough but a, few yvai's in existence it/ has nimlc such a rapidmlvancnthat it numbers many thousands of members, car-i ring in its insurance (lt‘pal'tlnvnb ]‘lSl(‘4 amounting to Over $10,000,000. ‘Nilh a death rate of but six to the thousand, it has promptly nth all calls on b0110ï¬<tiary uvrtifivatos, and has a, cash surplus: in iho Bank of Montreal 01' ovur $00,000. The Richmond Hill Council has twentyâ€"smnil 111(‘11’1lH’1'S. ll; CHI‘l‘lPS risks to the amount of $50,000. It, as lostby (loath three of its lllf‘lan‘l‘S, Barker ; 2nd Vico-PI-vsidnnb, Muster Fred Lillie ; 3rd Vic-er,- Prusidm’m Miss M-ty Lillie ; Recording Secretary, Bliss ‘Grert‘ie Chrui‘br; ‘ C(m pending Secrets: ‘y, Master rank 55101'03‘ ; '/ F TEN PERA NOE A NI) INSURANCE. w H) hold lwnoï¬u-u'y (5(1 ‘iï¬cntos for nearly $6,000, which was promptly paid on notice 01' death. As the Royal ’l‘omplai 'S are among; tho very. few in- 5111‘2Llli‘1‘ organizations and tho only one in this villang that admits ludivs to thepl'ivilogo of insurance, a good opportunity is now given to secuzo a, life poiicy that will enable them to lnave something to those they love ssmuld tlw-y be removed by the hand ofdmith. At the last somio’n of the Richmond Hill Council it was resolved. to dwp, until the above date, the custnnmi'y entrance fen 01: $6 for gon- tlomon and $3 for ladies and admit all applicants who can pass a {satis- factory lnr‘dicul oxaminwtinn on the szynmnt of $2 to cover themvdicnl and policy foes. Elsewhere in THE LIBERAL will be found a list of rates, which Will Show amount to be paid monthly according to age and the sum that would be secured. “Honesty is the best policy,†but the safest policy is an insurance policy in the Royal Teinplars. Tl't’ii-J-‘UIT‘I‘, _ G 1M. Muster {mun Fi'ncml'; m(mi ~t, MN; 1.71:1 Glass. T0»H)<)1'1'12\V aflzlrnmm Mix's “Why will midwss thv Luaguu on the Evil of the (7~ ' Ire‘btu. ("u-“21w Fri-1v 'Nm'vfnn ; . lion followed. ’E'Ew hump hzul kiwlmln ï¬re and was making himâ€" SDH'HS cnmfuz‘én‘nlu :15: pnmilzle whvn thv ('nllst‘ablu disturbvd him. He had ontorvd byn winth’n‘v. “v spmlb the ra-st of 1,320 right, in {ho lock-up. The snmv nighi zlnothvr trump was ludp‘vd by Mr. Hulsz‘, of L110. I’zllnwl' Homo. A ludg‘m' in L110 noxi room claims that in the. morning he was minus eighty- iivvvonis, L1H! mmmniw 0f clmngv in his pockets tho night; hoi'm'v. J UNIOR LEAG UE, Th? following; ofï¬cers or the Junior Epwurih Loaguo 1121\‘(1 bum vloctml for the ('m'n‘nt half yvm‘ :ir Supm'intendvnt, Mrs. Atkinson ; President, Mn {or Berna} Proctor; Boots and Shoesâ€"Our stock is ,com- plotc, including Men’s and Boy’s heavy Footwear, Ladies’ and children’s medium and ï¬ne shoes. It will pay you to come and see us. We sell for cash. “Naughi on Bros†Elgin Mills. (En ï¬hmdny night szr 0111' village mike and Chief Mm 011 had 11‘- !ira (L Sumo (mo discnvvrml that :1 trump laud hikvn up hifl lodging: in tho ‘l"ll’:}i1<fH(fh()l)l. The I'JEI'HI‘HHEHUH was mnwvyml 10311“, Brnwnlrw and :m in- Thz‘ (mh' flaw in g:u1~“3‘;;‘:1i.1>; i“, r. this Him-o, ’1 mt mh‘m‘ti‘ms for your (mdv. Prices wvw nan-1' ism-Her ‘tmnpmwd 1,0 :1‘ slondvr purse than now. Alkinsnn 4C f'?\s‘iL;c<'I'.E TEZAMP 1N THE SUHUOL HOUSE. At. tho ’i"vmprr-: afternoon 1} e ,ih'l inspz‘g'txhr 33111 pail our Hu'mmi :m ofï¬ci I \‘iSib 031 Thursday last. His 1'0an [PM not, mm (:mm‘ 1.0 h‘lh.’3 1:11, 1w uxpn wwi hium‘lf as ‘WK‘U p1: ‘(i WM) Hw Err-.3113,ng and the nvni’. His ('zvixi, 1 uf the , as was 11411, in :my vuy sm‘m'e and Wu are look 1: for a favorable WMan repuri in va (lays. H V , 12; was “mi, and Wu are 1001 WMan regmz': in .1 Swim ‘ PIERRE OE I‘J EETING. summit-S of ï¬ns» Twevï¬s, . , (Jhoviots. Mack and blue s. “Rn-519‘ (km, :zL Atkinson & (1 (#51110 1mm! (inspol Tamperâ€" :H- 'iing' in H10 'E‘vnmwrnncu Hull ‘ . } umiï¬ Mi»: F’hvlps of St. ‘ .ii givv an .‘uhh'vss in tho M, Church at hr’vin !' U V ice-1’11" k. ' iNGH SCHOOL“ R’EL‘Uuils :d ï¬sh-H.414 ‘t U10 (‘ ‘ 11:] M‘mml a .mitv :L number Threw, IUPPtngYS “rust, and will pro: thing plebl- hr!“ Hall on Summy ling was given *1" and an 011- : was (h-iivel-ml by ‘ "' ‘ s‘ sang? \.2 n. A: (I‘M. A Ccmnnodious Dwelling and Store with Lawn m .IE Garden. Terms easy for purulmsm‘, and out low to good tenant. The dwelling and land can be rented apart from the store. For terms,&‘c., a‘ h ~I‘RICES AT FARMERS’ WAGGONS. Wheat, white, per bush ........ Wheat, red, per bush . Wham, goose, per bush. Outs, per lgvsh .‘ P093, per bush .. Barlev, nor bush . Turkeys, per 1b ..... Dressed Hogs. per cw Geese, per 11) ..... Uliickens. pm- p( ' Duckaper pan“ = hitter, in pound r014 Ems, fresh Potatoes, pvrbag Apples, per bbl H:Ly,clover Hay, timothy Straw, vgheaf. O 82 0 £13 0 86 U 36 0 557 0 3;) 0 10 6 00 0 (:6 0 40 0 60 0 ‘18 0 14 0 65 O ()0 00 8 00 6 0,) By the Board of Education. Richmond Hill, tu mylm'e the library lost in the ï¬re of we mm H! 361100]. COOMBSJVI.‘A.,_ The undersigned has for 3.119 at “vchmnnd Hih Statinu, Emmi Buy, Whole Corn and Grain of all kinds, su-cf r J. R. CAMPBELL Smmdnrd Works of all kinds are rospbctfullv sum fed from a libcrithuhhc and “ill be gratut‘ullj,‘ acknowlede by the comzuittoe‘ Reuse forward to Fm: exchange, a. good set, of servicorflfle single huuoss fur fum- (sorrls of hard wood, either green or dry. A 1‘: to Richmond Hill, J FEED “1°01†ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ J. H. SANDERSON MISSL, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SGIJECITED. i-At his lam T May. the 4th of M. 1m: 70le yeztr. Interment at Mount, Pleasant cemetery on M an ' 7th Inst. HENRI JCS-At Hemlfnr Milton Henrick Henrickb, aged Zn } (I'H‘S. anm‘aLFnumy at ‘2 o‘clock, tn Umtonvi‘xle Lutheran cemew 'rinnr‘n, Thornhm, on (:11. Thus. Parker, 111 on March 9th, John A of the late Adam curs, 5 mnnths, and 4 Meet in the’f‘empc‘nnoe Hall on the 2nd and éth 'l‘uesday (\f vzurh month. Asspsmncnt system. J Vm‘uie luontlly. Lady 01‘ gznmiemnu. Chas The head of Education held its regular monthly meeting in the Hi school on Monday afternocm. The fullowing members were pI‘f‘Sé‘lltr: Messrs. Naughtom Swilzer, McNulr, Slmu‘é‘y‘. McDonald, Nowmn, Boyle, Harmson, McGnnug‘hy and Smulm-som Afterpassing some small accounts a discussion was begun as to tho best and spoediest way of imiwox'wg 21nd ('Ol'x-m'ting the cold air tinny ht. 1t vaxs dvvidod t‘u procure 21 mm ' thwn the architect m:le 1m l’vase Furnace (lmnmuny, in order that all, particulars might be dismissed and ‘1' pvrfuct ventilation smured. It, is likeâ€" ly the holes in lhf‘ ship of the chimney will he hluckwl and the top (if the? chimney opem-d. My. Unomhs wasl nppointvd a committee to purchase hunks for the lihl'zn‘y to the anmunb of ‘ $25, which I‘Oprvsonts the proceeds of the recent (mt/(‘anxnment. Arrange- ]; Hits were made fur uhv procuring of < window shadvs. The (Jonnnitiveo (ml i l . l hooks I'OPmL'tn‘d that they had several pic-Lures for beautifying the walls and would have than pu‘u in place in :1, £0» 7 l days. 1 Just, to hand, anothvr shipnwnt of 17111-0 Lard, at Atkinson & Smtzer’s, Winch IS selling at 92". per 1h. wwewew ; ~ @wowwwa we 9®®6®®®®$¢ ‘4 UIVU (9 the The only food< = †that will buildé up‘a weak cons- Baby a titution gradu- ally but surely is V 94>?) 9W 9 NEIL~CAILSCADT>EN~1D the Motim t church, ’i‘cu:pumuceville, hv Rev. Herbert Lee, on \Vollms-luyMarch 2nd. Mr. \Vm. Neil of T; on, to Ming Lillian Carsuuddeu of Yi‘uupclaueovilm. a simple, scientiï¬c and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. >689 06 J) H E‘L’irshxmon d iii“. Martin’s Cardinai Feed Books Wanted W006i Wanï¬ed The'Royal Tem'plars of TI Sciect Councxllor BOARD OF EDUCATION. 16 to '25 1‘!) to 130 30 L0 35 3 E0 39 d.) (I) 4? 42 to 15 4.") to 48 48 ft 50 '9‘! EifATSON & 00.; PROPRItTORS. MONTNEIL. @m‘nntu markriï¬. @esepéiéééé‘o¢o¢oecs 37+ IN TH 14') VI [A Principal 171A agaémans IW_SL"H wmww, Hume Mifs.’ FALCUNHRIDC , 725 Ontario S2,. (\routo ENE ATHE’? an 8, z. 34-3 35': no V (ith, ISOS. ' 1,090 WM HARRISON. Hugh Scimul Trustee :‘LAG ($0 ' . SWI'I‘ZER, G N OF Tem'oomm E) “ 0 3;) 0 10 6 00 0 (:6 0 40 0 60 0 ‘18 0 14 0 65 O ()0 $0: 070 000 0 9:5 0 87 0 36 0 60 0 44 ()0 L41 7% W (“W (3;: {£195 35 J », y : \‘rk "‘r 137 331:5“ ru “r 3i 3%» gm} ‘9 E: fï¬â€˜ ' “Emma gem Gram. W 'ANTED Wheat, Gats, Peas, Barley, Etch ' A £3 NeW'kDress Goods Prints New Flannelettes ..;N<+6W Shirtings New .Gottonades j‘i'NeW Tweeds and Suitings 860., 860., 860. THE 1898 Eï¬cag mid New Spring ‘ B‘or ifinnothy Sn: Clover Seed. :ISAAC CROSBY. 'foronto, Ont. ‘imited 1898