Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1898, p. 7

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Dice)“ and Illa Sun Do Not Always Agree In Marking the "our. There are few questions more fre- quently put than "'What time is it E" " 72m you tell me the true time!" A :tivklor for exactitutle might. reply; “What kind of time do you mean? Allllill'l'nt time or mean time? Loral time or standard limo?“ There are all these kinds of Iinm. not L0 speak of others. it is only within the: last two generations. within indeed, the rmp‘n of our sovereign. Queen Victoria, that; the subject, of the differences of most of th< u, kinds of time has become of pro 11;; importance to any but theor- ist In one of the, publii- gardens of Purim at littie ‘zmuon is svl up with a burningâ€"glass uttztchod to it, in such a: manner that the sun itself firi tho t‘avnnnn‘ its it I’vurlms the meridian This of comm, lh' tho time of Paris noon,â€" flvfij'fllbt‘lll‘ noon ; but it would be ex :oedâ€" ingly unprudont of any traveler through Paris. who Wishzul, my. t0 ranch the 1 o’clock exnrm . to wt his \iutrh by tho gun. i’or , it iingijvenâ€" [hi to be in Februan he would find when he reached tho railway station lliut the station (‘lm'k \xzis faster than th gun by nmu'ly a i'u’l quartm‘ of an hour. and that his train htill gone; whilst towards; the end of October or the l‘vgriinning‘ of November, he would find himsva as: much too soon I'.itii1 mut‘hinos for acnurutr‘ly measuring :imo \«oro invented. amurvnt time-4 time, that is to say, given by the sun itself. as by 2). sun dialâ€"was the only time u‘ out which men knew or rurvrl. But: “hon reasonably {road (‘lorks :IIltl watt-hen were male. it wan very soon Seen that all different. times in tho your there mas a marked difference between the son dial time and that shoun by the clockâ€"the I'E‘flSOIl being simply that the up; are‘nt rate of motion of the sun erosa the sky was not always quite the same, whilst the I]'l()\'(‘u]l‘lll3 of the :lock “as. of course. as regular as it :ould be made. The ammqu meeting of Shareâ€" holders was held at the Company's ofâ€" fices in this. city yesterday. The Preâ€" sident, the Hun. Geo. A. Cox, occupied the chair. The fonuwi‘ng Annual Report of the Directors, \\ 1th accompanying Finanâ€" cial Stuteuwnl‘, was then read by the Secretary, and, on motion, adop‘ed, V’l? ~' Dividrnds on stock. . . .$ 100,000.00 Total assets. . . . . . . . 2,415,0RGA] Reserve fmnd . . . .. .. .l,155,134.42 Cash Capital. . . . L ,. 1,000,000.00 Subscribed capital . l. . . 1,000,000.00 Security to policyâ€"holders . The election of Hirer-tors for the 911â€" suing year was then pun-ceded with, and resulted in the unanimous reâ€"eier- (ion of the following gentlemen, viz: ~Hon. Ger). A. (‘uxg Hon. S. U. Wood, Messrs. Robt. Beaty, G. R. R. C001;â€" lnurn Geo. MoMurrh-h, Ii. N. Baird, '\\'. R. Brock, .T. K. Oshm‘xw, and J. .J. Kenny. At, :1 meeting of the Board of Direvâ€" tors held subsequvntly. Hun. (190. A. [‘(u was rewfloctml I’rerwirh‘ni, and MT. J. J. Kenny Viveâ€"Presidan, for the enâ€" minu‘ year. The Directors beg to submit henmvith astatomsm‘t ()fths: I‘CEs'uH-Snf the trans-- amman of the Company for the yeur 1897, together with the. Assets and Lizt~ bilities at Hm 3lst December last, and the Auditors! report, tnereou. A, simple. and very effektive “ay to lure children of the hall habit of hitâ€" lng their nails is 10 wet th» fingers with quassia lea and allow them {3) dry. \V‘hnn tasted it will lw :L hitter reminder to (mun-:6 the [H‘at‘tice If there are no wire places on the linger tip‘l a very little uolucynth pm: ', whii-h i‘w‘ intensely l;iltl‘1‘,I]llL_\' he (lush 9d over thmn‘ Wth h’i‘VGVOl‘, dipping the finger ends. in some lllltei' tincture fails as if, smnetimes will, onmh finger end ought to he imwwd in a stall un- til the propensity is eradicated. I‘luly‘r‘ is an exceedingly quickâ€"wit- ted chap. SO 3 Yes. [701' instnnve, first, night, at Jammer’s party, he unfortunately stepâ€" ped on Miss. Quhi'kfim’s (11‘9‘48 and rip- ped in Hw neighborhood of three miles uf ruffle off it. I see. He ixmnediulely moHifit’d her by some excmdiruzly \xiAHy apology. Wegtarn fiswrama COMPANY. Two half-yearly dividends, at the rate, of ten per (39111.. per annum. have been declared out. uf the year’s euru~ in‘gs, and $68,226.21, added to the Hun serve Fund. The balance at the credit of Revenue Account is $149,845.05, and there has been a gain of $18,381.16 in the value of securities, as compared with their market price It year ago. Tota1 cash im-ome. . . . . Total pxpenditure, includâ€" ing appropriation for lossâ€" es under adjustment. The amhun‘t of the estimated liabil- ity ume risks now on the Company's books is 775,661.51, and a net, surplus is shbwn over capital and all liabiliâ€" ties 0i $379,472.91. Dividrnds on stock. . Total assets. . Reserve fmnd . . .. .. Cash vapital. . . . \. Subscribed capital . l. . Security to policyâ€"holders 7 Not, much! ‘lle immediate-U d‘iéap- peared. t Balance . . . . . . Appreciation in value of securities. . . . . . . . :SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL Profit for the year. GEO. A. COX. President Toronto, 18th February, 1898. u‘E'lX'I'H ANNi'AL IIIH’OIR'I 0 ll '1' Y i HIP} PR U DHN'I.‘ COURSE WHAT’S THE TIME ‘P BITDIG TH [3 NA ILS STATEN EN I $2,283,632 .48 $ 149,845,05 2,133,787.43 168,226.21 18,381.16 March April May Are the months In which to purify Your blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The system is now In need of such A medicine and Is most susceptible To the benefits THE POPE‘S SEAL. The seal “0le by the Pope, and usvd by him on official documents {,0 which his signatureis attached, liaison it the omg'rwving of a. fish with the cipher of Lhe \i'earer. Sini'e the ihil'lnenth ven- tury every Pope. has worn a ring of this ('hzlx‘acter. and it is shuttered with n. hammer when the wearer dies, to prewmt its use on a forged dovunmnt. As a spring medicine Because it is Unequalled for Making pure, Rich, red blood. T o be derived From it. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is Superior to all Other prepurapions Flvs Doctors and a Specialls! Said She Has! Rheumatism â€"- They Gould Not Help Her W Her Trouble Was Kidney DIseaseâ€"Cur- at By Dodd’a Kidney Pllls. Morley. O'n’ty. 2â€"1n1erest in film “'U’Jld- erf‘u} recovery 04f Mrs. ’L‘. Hughes is still ‘u'uabarmd here, and {We (use is the pri'ncipul topic at cmwru‘suaion. Mrs. Hughes Mas. receined a: lblmlr from The holds MediL-J‘m}, (70., ’l'oronio, asking! “‘hélt ‘nanm'e hfiar Iduflo‘rs gave her (1J5- w-nse. Rel)1yi‘1lg1, Mrs. Hug‘xms writes thus: "1‘n 1%pr to young of 1.11.5 7th} inst“. woube say that Uhle- doctors said I. had RquvmatIsm. 'Fl‘nley sminl. than my :1g,@,. 48 years wenrt ag‘aimwt my I‘ex‘m‘ery. that I would be. better when I gust over tibia changk of liife. and: Uhm math-mg but time wouM cure me». l "I believe I had k'uzl'nugy and bladder disease. I grew worse and wOu‘Se (lalllly; could eat nothing bub mrnstara‘ht or soup, until 1 lieigraiu‘ to use Datld's [{id- tire/y Pills. “Uhen I was ill I weighed 147 pmnrivls; new 1' wmigxh 112 poundsâ€"- my normal weight. I beg to slim/9 avgin ‘t‘hafl‘. Dmld's Kidney P‘i-lli-i sawed my life. “Anyone wishing further informisz Lion may write to me, and I'll gladly [ give it. “ Mrs. 'lK Hugliesf’ ‘ In the fave, of the emphatic evidence li‘mt. is coming“ to light daily, no man tun say that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills “on‘t cure Bright’s Disease, Diabetes. Rheuâ€"x MRS. HUGHES’ CASE. ZOLA 'S MOT” [0. Over Zo‘la‘s study is the motto, “No day Without something; accomplished." which rule he has followed all his life. HO does not believe in the work that, is dashed off. but his mvthod of composiâ€" tion is painstaking in the extreme, \Vhon he has to desvrihe a place he aiâ€" \xays visits it first Anxious questioners ask, "Is there no sure cure for (-ornsl” We are. glad to be able to tell these suffvrers that Putnam's. Painkss Cum Extracâ€" tor will relieve them in a. day, and ex- tract, cows without pain. It never fall Dodd’s Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists at fifty cents a box, six boxes 332,50, or will he; Sent. on receipt of price, by The Dodds Medicine (10., Limited, Toronto, Ont. mutism, Lumhago, Diseases of Women, and all other Kidney Diseu 3'6 3! 390 l‘he [My Writes Another Letter to The Dodds Medicine 00. Try a package, and satisfy yourself. 25. 40. 60 and 600. In It Tells Its Own Story Built in One Grade Onlyw And that the BEST. ‘ 355$ Tl SINGLE 0“ DOUBLE TUBES. Not expensive because they are the BEST. Send for “ T ” camlng'ue, it will interest you. Dealers quoted. AMERICAN TIRE 00., Limited, 164 and 166 King st. W., -TORONTO. Gmdrich Res- Flax are constructed of the finest materials and skilled work-fi munship, and are free fromég); faults. g, The BEST is the one that is (URREL‘T in cvury point. A Query Answered. In Lead Packaged. l i Hall‘s Catarrh Cure in Lakon internally. and : acts directly on the ‘nload and muuous surface: of the system. Sand for Leshmonials free. F‘ J. CHENEY SC 00.. Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggista. 750. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. CARNATIONS. This woman who loves. flowers but Whose income is such that she can not, always gratify her taste will be glad to know that mutations are high in favor. They are the most satisfying flower in existence and are inexpensive enough to {be bought frvquently. The flaming I‘le carnations are just the things to brightvn a. dull room. The pink are charming: to wear with an evening: gown. The shaded Carnation is a. delight to the eye, and the pure White are cool], restful and refreshing: with their Bpii'y (ulm‘. is it any work dm‘ the carnation is {ushinuable when 0110 adds to its other (ahzu‘ms its lastâ€" ing quality? S‘fiell'd. 1L evidently went muvh againâ€" st, 131w, grain for hm‘ tu make horseif rvsyonsihle for even so small a white 119, but she promised to do so, and, “i111 rm‘iaiu modifivzuions, she kept her word. ls i‘vl 1‘s. Blur ‘ 2L1, homolquarâ€" i-vs the caller. For “Us wan Loima. Mrs. Smitlwvs, she, ain’t! said the maid: hut, Hivin help her if yez ashk me again! I‘ll not Ioi l'woive for armyâ€" Lady livin’, upon mu sowl! AN [FNGILA'J‘EFUL PATIENT. The Medical Recurd [GHS of a‘ man who was crulrved of I’lli‘anLIlP/SS by a surg- wyn remarkable for his unprepossessâ€" iqu appearance. “Then vision was full.- 1y restorml, the {radiant looked flat [his immfzu-tm' and said: “Lucky for you, ynumg mum. 1. did not we you before you oyvruLem or I would never have given my consent." A Cons<~i9n1inus Wonum.-Nomh had lk’vll told in say at, the front door that her mistress was not at, home. when certain callers appeared upon the The apphicutiun of Nernlineâ€"nerveâ€" pain oure~whiuh pmsessr‘s such murâ€" velluus [)(mer over all nvrvu pain, has proved a remarkable sucoeSs in rheu- muiiun and nom‘ulg'x. Nel‘viline acts 011 Mm norvex. soothes them, drives pain out and so gives relief. Try it, and be (‘MflV’iIle‘AL Dr. Henry Icwal‘x Quebec, writes:- “One of my children sprained her ankle/g which became much swollen and (liwCOlOIlI‘Oll. Some “Quickcure” was spread on linen, and applied; the pain (maxed atonce, the swelling was gone the next day, and on the fourth dzly she walked to SK'l)l)0l as usuaL" We willglve one hall-mung;- 1 8k Boned Gold plate a. wane . ranted, to any one who will sell I doz. IndenrucmbleLam chh and otnmmfn {amongnxenmumcmeac .Wrm “xi: '0 mums you! .aWIckI. You Iell than a I a us the mom: and we will mailyou the Ring. CHEMICAL 0.. Box as. Centerbrook. Com Agents wanted to introduce our M I Catalogue and mrmu. V’Vn wiii mail prepaid “Hot Time in Old Town " with music, for 5 coma‘ amps. POPULAR MUSIC DEPOT, 29 Alexis at. Montreal HUSH SHIPBVILDERS. Irish shipbuilders have been benefitâ€" ed by the; English engineering strike, \\'hl;’li‘ the Clyde output showed a failing off laxt your nf 80,000 tons, one lfiilrfasit firm turned out 84,000 tons or more than any other individual firm hn the. three. kingdoms. STATE OF OHIO. 011's! 0]" TOLEDO, ha LUCAS COUNTY FRANK J. CHEN] I nmkes oath that ha imho Ienior partner of Lhe firm of F. J‘ CHERRY 8c 00.. doing businees in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, «de that said firm will pm‘ the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CA'I‘ARRH lhut‘cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S UA’I‘ARRII CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. It is said that a good Chinese luunâ€" drymaun can clear $25 u “ask, although he pays from $11 1.0 $25 a. month rent, and sometinws as high as $540, and hires two or three men mt wages ranging from $6 to $10 :1 “99k. \Vhen their very et'onumit-al habits of living are (‘011‘3th51‘8‘l it. is prohahtle that they save a. huge share of theiu‘ ea rnings. Have You Seen it I I! Can You Do It! I H The New 0. K. Puzzle”!!! Thn most, fascinating puzzle nt’tlie day, now To REAUII KLGNDYKE Sold evcrywlmze. Aizents wanted. Send 200. for sample. 1'_ anNE’ 103 Comxms ioners 5L, - Montreal, Que. Sworn to before'me nnflrtrubsdribed in my presence, this: 6th dayof D camber A. U. 1986. Av W. GLEA SON. « A Notary Public Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer. Pm: and to Liverpool in winter. Large and fast I win svrew amamshipa ‘Labradnr,’ ‘Van couvur.’ ‘Dominion,’ ‘Scotsmnn,’ ‘Yorkahiro.’ Superior accommodation 101‘ Final; Cabin, Sec- ond Cabin at d S! aemgn Dawengera. Rates 01 passageâ€"First; Cabin, $50; Second Cabin, $34: Sneeraae 822 50 (md npwm (15 According to steamer and berth. For all infUi‘ixmtion apply to Local Agents, or imvm TURHANCE & (70.. Gen‘] Agents.” :4t.Sm:ra1nenLSlz.. Momrou‘. QOmEniqn LinerSteamships. Skin Sores GELERY KIN 5%“35309 And never fails to heal and cure skin dlseases~ Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a large package. WOODWARD MEDICINE 00.. TORONTO. CANADA Cure Yourself of Rheumatism. CH I N ES [*1 LAUNDRY .VIE N From Leading grocers. mgsgmga CEYLON TEA. W PC9I0 Montreal, Que. A] m ha w" zvldl In ouylug new UluuUUfi‘llllli INDO-CEYLON TEA. 19 recommended as the best. .25, 30, 4o, 50 and 606. per pound. 8%”? WEB Pfifififlfifi. Butter, Eggs. Apples. Fruit. &c., to THE DAWSON DOMMISSION 60., Limited, Cor. of Wut Market and Golhorna 319.. TGRONTO) Florida of the NorthwRest from snow and the Cold North. M W§92§5§ The TRAYMORE is one of the longest established beach frOnt hotels in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pat- ronage of a quiet and rc fined class of visitors. Write for all information. Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. Croun & Whine Eng Cough. Prie§?5& 50 qt}. Bold by ruggists and. Dchlers. Contains Honey Hops, Skunk Cabbage Root. Lobeliu. Tom 8!“; other most effective ingredi- ents. VPlemant'. to the taste, it is readily mkon by Chlldl'en,nud is magically efi’ective in Bronchial anti fillâ€"uhg Affections. The most sueaensful and raliabie prescription of A distinguished physician for GOEGHS.COLES emswmrwwr Beet, Eclipsv. round Beet, Egyptian, um, round kahhmgr, \V mlingstadt Uubbuge, Hmior's Brunswick 0mm. hnlf long. scarlet Carrot. Gueramla scarlet chumher. (Yhicagu Pickling Cucumber, Lung Gwen Celery, Golden Selkalanuhing Herbs, Sngh . Herbs, Savory Herbs, Marjomm . Leanne. Nunpumil (Cuhbsgo) . Imtmce. Denver Market (curled) ‘ Musk M elon, extra surly, liucnwg We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at these prices where the packets are NOT selected from the above "st. HZVarictics % HMaE Traymme, Modal-n Address all orders to Providing this Coupon is CUT OUT and sent. to us with an order for 12 packets, we will irlcllx-le l packab New Gi' 1H“ ‘17 mg fialpigln 'is ' 620 Ht"<i13;li~'g§”T0 SUBSCRIBMKH 0F TH 1s PAPER. FREE W M. RENNIE, TORONTO. HARTFUKD and VEM Tlrss are perfection and stand for comfort, safety, durability and longevity. \Ve re- pair every pair ofour road tiles; FREE OF CHARGE. \Vrite for Catalogues. Mont/real. Vv’indsor How} Bleak. }TORONTO TIRE 00., Vl'i‘nninpg, Vinnipeg Ruhber C0. Lle'EDr Halifax, Office opens last April. 9 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO Wholesale Furrler 494 St. Paul St. Bees' Wax, (Mme 13, etc. Consignments wanted, Ex- presspaid. Klondike Moose Moccasins. Fur Coma, Rob" and Snow Shoes 3 upwialty. RAW runs and sums. Highest Market Value HARTFORD and VEM Tires D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner 6: Proprietor and. Complete in very Detail. Atlantic City, N. J. For the average person, riding the average dis- tance, over the average roads, H. JOHNSON, W INTER REISORT- WITH EVERY ORDER PAID FOR Montreal, Que. 1y 25. 2t”). 27. 28. 29‘ 31. Ashen, mixed Mignonette, sweet Pansy. mixed Fa unia, mixed NthuMillnm, t‘LH mixed. Sweat Pens, Fine mixed Wild Mower, Garden mixed FLOWERS IHE PHGE WIRE PENGE GOMPHNY, Mullâ€"Steal. (‘o'w-Inind. Rollel and B.“ Bearing, Iron Pumps. Ep‘x‘ayovs. and rain Grinders. unulfi Shapioy . Marv 0m. Limited, Erantford, Ballade. P. S. See our "ad" in the next issue. lef us send you some or our iliusm'uted arlvex‘1ising matter (mntuining engrav- ings made direct from photographs of Page fence on Canadian farms. You will not. regret it. If there is a. Page dealer near you, apply to him. If not apply to us. If you don’t know, but: wiah to 533 how Page fence looks in actual use, and get some good pictures o.’ fence, ATLAHTIO CITY, N. J. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. FINEST} HOTEL ()N THE (TOAST. Sun parlor 300 feet: long overlooking ocean and beach eslylanade. Vacuum steam heating system. Elevator to street level. Hot and cold. fresh and 33.11, water in all baths. Rooms en suite, baths attached. JAMES B. REILLY, Owner and Prop. Photegraphs of Fanees. 31'. QHARLES, Limited. WALKERVILLE, ONT. WINTER RESORT.

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