Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1898, p. 1

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Vern XX. AT ME LIBERALPRIHTINM Puauaweacu RICHMOND mm, (mix (13 E M D EVERY rkY I‘ITORNI ( n L IS PUBLISH THURS}; T . F . MGMAHON. 170 ER. LANGSE‘AFE RICHBMDND HELL. OFFICE fiO'fllr‘KSi S [,0 l0 21:“: (25 in 53 p m WM. RQGERS, LUIS. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma from the, Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visii Miwm on medtw and Fridayaf each wm‘x, and (‘mwonl 021 Friday mm 1 to T5 1). m. Gal’s m‘mnptly attended to Diseases of homes, ( tbtle and other domesticat- ed animals t-rmzimi y the latest and mom Epâ€" provod lnebhmls. ' m1}? 'ummwrmmin DR. W. CECIL 'TRUTTEB, fiffionfiifiai, ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill every VIN}- nesduy. VETERINARY SURGEON Remodelled, and newly furnished throughmlf. One of the mosh cnuveniuufi and cumfuz'mhle hotels on Yuuge Btu-cot. Every modern con. veuleuce. Emu},le rouzm for commerch traveuers. Anideul m‘mppmg place for filing ordriving panics,bicyclists, or Miners going: tour roturmngz from nun’lmt. Bus meets £1.11 trains. Electric mus puns the door. PALMER, HOUSE, Funeral Fm nnwdaings Always 0:: £332,316; Corn Heal e- 3516 per ton Gluten meal $14: per ton LEE. 1;. 1531*9011, RICHMON 1) HILL, Om). own“; wmms “7A L'I‘ E R H: ELSE, Proprfimm‘. fit} m M) a m; and 6 to S p m very accommodation to Sluustfl. Board, $1. hurduy $1 per annum, in advance. {I nderfinkcrs 6:35 B mhmmm's, 21’); 13, 1808. 2:11 .R.I Bray, Officeâ€"Next duor south of public school BUSINESS 0 'XRD ‘- _. S. Moved to 64 \7 ic’mriu. Street, Toronto OF 21]’.LOOR SE'HAQIIT. TORONTO, VETERINARY DENTIST, RIOHBJOND HILL, RICHMOND 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO (Succus‘mr to Dr. VJ. J'. VVRIGBIT BRO S, EDITOR 62 Pnnpmmon mm 830 a. m, to 4 p. m ' 943' , ’ TERMS $1.00 PER DAY‘ 19 Birch Ave., North Toront') Wm stsr’mm‘u r. 41A â€"-A!\‘Dâ€"- mum. t 3531:: RNENTJ- [Em I WWW m.mmmmm g Net Notw‘y public, Coln'eyannmg Vzdu‘ azuw ifommi winner in B. R., &c. Bm'riw 2, Solicitors, (301w LILWOI'VGS ROE}, NEON, LENNDX & MACLEOD Mr‘ Fm”. W'. vaiv x {7] he, > a 1 idfru 0111 .0 ewry ovenin; q, _.- wxi‘! Ethel-ll each Edit (-1 ‘16 Court LicensodAuctioneors for the County of York,re- spectfnlly solicit your patronage and friendly in 31101168. sales ml nded on the sLortest notice 23.1113 manonnhem as. P. 0.8.(Iuress King g.“ I"; ;.;L6:3*~?‘ to Loan. COOK & MACDONALD, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: N0. 1, Adelaide St, East. Mr. Cook will be at, Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. ALFTLED M \CDDI‘GALL, Liceyseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods 50111011 mm’iggnmont. General sales of x:tock,otc., nroml 3' attended to at reasonable rates. (i.R.(;ouMmg, Newton Brook, agent, for the above. MACDUUGALL & JONES, A lmge amount of private funds to loan on improved f‘ "In property. Five per cent. 1'11- toreab. Eu, tor;le I'm: repzwmcut. No cumâ€" ’ “ ‘ ' App! SAM-2M Em-mmw, UL: \Vluchuswr St, Toronto. 01‘ {It Richmond Hill on mumg *xmmmm Licensedfixmtionearfor the County of York a 52110:; attended to on shortest-notice and at renâ€" ; snnablerutes. Putz-omng solicited. Residence Maple 1 Liv-ennui Auctioneer for the County of York. (1‘rr-nem1m1mafimplemehts, turniturehtanding timher. etmmttenxled on the shortest notice and l'onsvm Mo rutbs. ‘szonmzu elicited. P. (L mldress Ms r210. Limm'rfl Auctionmr for the Counties of York null 011an1. All Sn1fzfiof farm stock, &(‘., at- tcmlm [0 .m bhn shortest notice and reasonable Tums. Mm-tcngo andbuilifl sales attended to. Residence, Stouffvillo, Ont. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. ()hm‘ or: moderate. Patronage sohcited. Adâ€" dress, White 1:050 P. 0. MO?€EYI MONEY! C‘ MHICSIOFER IN THE FYG‘E‘IICQURT OF JUSTICE, &c. fMarriage Licenses. I -;-‘~‘f!'rs‘ Solicitors; (Ezra, I221)” 251(1’NG STHE =,T WEST, TORONTO. East Toronto Office, Mr. Grant‘s residence \r‘thdhnfixym every evening. Thnrnhill, each Wednesday from 10 to 12. Money to L'Vfli) OFTLED M XCDDI‘GALL, FREDERICK 0. JONES Solicitor to the Treasury of Ontario. C STOKES Ripans Tabules. Ripans Ta‘nules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. iipans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Room 1, Musomv Bui‘.ding, 18 Toronto St. 'i‘urunto. {SERVIN & GARVTN Ii? Err MONEY T0 LOAN AT 5% 1'55. {TEEP‘YK {-27% PUBLIC chflifll‘dt (Q Pl‘ entice TORONTO AND AURORA. visitors. Nolic‘ilnrs, (3‘42 LOAN AT LOWEST CURREi‘i'i KATE Siicvkes as; Biough. B an istel's, Smit‘itnrs, 6m REC}! MOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1898. J. 3?. iamulnlan, EVAN” 84 smns Room 10 ank (War to Stu 'I‘ornntv. nnd' Hull. Richmmu‘ 27"”? ‘ hymn! '1 ucw. afternoons. 1 mater-s LAWRENCE & 65181139011, 3ND HILL POST OFFICE. SM’HRNHELL. S. T. Brookes, J. 'E‘. Saigeon, ri; are, Solicitors, 85c. (Leâ€"~N'8J5 Toronto Street. Hi1] Oi'fice open every NEE & ORMISTON. N. is. Smith. aw “£99331. I 12. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” ‘15 Tmpmo St, Toronto W S ()BMISTON L L B Telephone 47 J. H. leNTwF. Cnrrvillc. D BLUUGE Hill Society and Fashion Gossip from the Queen City. People who remember are saying that We have not had such an early eyeing for yours. Robins have been ileum, and :u 3' number of crows have. made their appearance, but I am afraid We, will find the end of March a. vm-itvfoln Lion as we have experienced such de" flitful weatherso fau- in the he inni This weather inspires one to indu 7 K in outdoor e}: raises, and what is more pleasant than Wheeling, when we come home with cheeks uglow from the delightful exercise. I heard a whisper that the nicest people were not, going to wheel. I wonder what it means. My own opinion is that there will be. no end of wheeling parties as soon as the roads are in afit condition for it, but the city fathers will have to bestir themâ€" selves to get the slush and dirt cleared away. I saw sweepers on Jarvis street getting in an immense amount of work and turning out quantities of dirt Whichis decidedly very much needed. :1- pretty sailor hat is by "r" stylish costume for :2. ' nun-Him nm‘: givvs war 1‘» of being bmiutifully can}. The new Toronto home of the V'ctorian Order of Nurses will be opened on Tuesday and \Vednesday afternoons of next week, the 15th and 1 (51h, when the ludivs of the Commit;~ toe and Miss McLeod will take pleasure in showing those who call through the building. Everybody will 3n), welltmne as there hi‘we been no ‘m'it‘n‘ricns isrxuvd and no doubt many "31 ’niil themselves of the Oppor- .: I . Alice McLeod arrived from ‘l l'hursday where she has given 1101- time to the of the Urder there and before . m Halifax will (:iganize the flirty ‘m have so unsoliishly offered bhcir‘smvicvs to go to the Klondike to nurse those who succumb to the hardships of the mining life. I road on article the other day on how to read clmymctvr by the hair. A. passionate(lisp iLion is Shown _ Wfluring rough hair. Rod hair trolls us to look out for squzzlls. \Vhile‘ a jealous disposition comes from one having (lzu k lml : and fine or dmd hair nlwa s i))(ll(‘;iij(‘s iL sensitive dis- position. Drab hair, a person of a weak constitution and goldon hair in this age of hlmching cannot be said to denote anything as all kinds of people may poss \‘ a, lovely golden head of hair by going through eL very easy provess about once a week. However, the furmvrs who make butter may 1w roliuvrd to know that; a short red hair in the butter indicates a little carelessâ€" nnss on the part of the cow, which no doubt will he intc westinfr. J VVhiLeduck shirts are to be worn again this 511111111911 and exceedingly pretty they are. VVm-n wit a 110211; shirt, waist, linvn 0011;: 1 and cuffs and Mr. and Mrs. \Villie Crmvther of St. George St, leave in April for a Visit in England. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jones of St. George st”, sail shortly for an European trip which will extend into months. M Is. Tom McIntyre 0f Huron street ontorLzLinr-dat luncheon on Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Mathicson of St. Mary’s. M 13. D. E. Cmneron now of New York who at one time was our leading contralto singer, is paying a visit to 1101' old home, Toronto, and many no doubt will be dolighted to meet; 1101‘ again. AGENTS: “Glimpsns of the Un- seen,” fascinating book. Swoops the entire fivld of hordm'land subjects. Everybody 0111015. Marv illusâ€" tratim ‘ Pros; 01's. BRADLEYâ€"GARRETSON COM- PANY, LIMITED, TOTONTO. Moved by Mr. Devins seconded by Mr. Kirby that the treasurer be and is livre‘ny authorized to pay the followâ€" i115;~ :u'cmnits :â€" \V. ll. Burns, Medicine and tweitnionb, J . Fr)lk;u‘d’s lim-sa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 50 J. leki-zu'd, damage to horse on (3011.3 . i _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 A. Knight, coffin and burial of Mrs. Galloway . . . . . . . . . 9 ()0 Lords Richardson, Services Board of Health, Postage and Telegram . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00, To the following persons for P01- ling Rooms at the Provincial Elec- timls. Mrs. Stump, Purpleville . . . . . . . .$ 4 00 Edward Green, Kloinburg i . . . . . 4 00 Joseph \Viggins, Pine Grove. . 4 00 The Municipal Council of the ship of Vaughan mob in the Hall on Tuesday the 8th day of at, 10 o’clt'mk a. m. TheReevo in the chair. Mombm's present Messrs. Klrby, \V:t‘ns<’>u, Boyle and Devins. The minutes of last Illeeting were read and on motion approved. Stump, Purpleville . . . . . . . . $ 4 00 (lwax'd Green, Kleinburg ‘ . . . . . 4 00 501111 \Viggins, Pine Grove. . . . 4 00 Carried Movud by Mr. Boyle seconded by Vaugha 11 Council 3,: far the most :2. hot summer * 1‘»â€" gqmmumce GLORIA. l‘nwn- Town M arch posts and guarding . . . . . . . . . . i J as. Fraser, 48 loads of gravel at If) cbs. a load ‘ . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . Thos. Glass. 4011; loads at 40 ctsA ‘Nm. Gibson, 19% “ “ T\Vm. Carson, 3 “ “ H. Wilson, 10 “ “ Wm. Glass, 2 days in pit at 75¢. per day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ji Folkard, drawing, fixing and guarding Lot 31, C. 3 . . . . . . . {Uses Feuwick, laying and sharpening picks . . . . . . . . . . . . Chas. Shaw, 39.1; lbs. spikes at 4 Mr. “Extson that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the fol- lowing road accounts :â€"~ John Deadman, putting in 30 cts. per 1b.: K . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 1 58 D.G.Longlmuse,dr;uv’g 38; at 30c 11 48 J. Duck 183T “ 5 62 VV. Burton, “ 16}1 “ 4 88 J. Troym‘, “ 30 “ 9 00 U. Huson, “ 40 “ 12 ()0 “79s. Boddy, “ 30 “ 9 ()0 VVill Buddy, “ ‘25 “ 7 50 \V. Kellam‘ “ 27% “ 8 25 R. Livingston, “ 21% “ 75 T. Duck, 11.5 days in pit at 75c. 8 63 J. Duck, 10:; “ “ 7 88 Jall)€‘§‘ljillg()n, 266 loads gravel at 10 cts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Hutchison, 76} yds. at 30 cbs., “7111. Perkins, 7912 “ “ VVes. Buddy, 4H “ “ J amos Devins, James Robb, 67; \Vln. Buddy, 38 A. Fonwick, 5L} Hy. Devius‘, 4.5 J mnes \Vatson 479‘: Jno. Evans, 59 Jno. Dovins, 35â€"13 M. Middleton 71} R. Hopper, 3 3 R. Hopper, 3â€"yds. at 30 cts. ; > 3 loads at, 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Livingston, yds. at 30 cts. \Vos. Buddy, 5 “ Ed. Dickens, 475 “ Chas. “700d. 83% “ A. \Veutherill, 96% “ G90. Cross, 80 “ \Villis Bros” J.J()hnston, 301 “ K sc u n u 412 loads at 10 cts. u \Vm. Dan'km‘, l4 dys. at 75 0135. M. 0170111101“, 14:} A. ’l‘hrrvnl)::<~l{, H Alex. Black, 11% L. Maynard, 235 .lnmus PlOl‘C‘C‘, 9’; (hr-0. Jarrett», 3“ u u H H u u H u John Snider, 2}; “ “ 1 G9 Ym. Snider, 16 “ “ 16 00 E. Dickvns, 9 “ “ 6 75 T1105. Stony, 4 “ “ 3 00 B. MuUroaty, 7 “ “ 5 2;") Goo. Cross, 1 “ “ 38 '\\.’.\Vmflwrillflh days at) $1.00 20 ()0 David Evans, 11% “ 75 CLS. 8 42 H. Keys, 1 pick and handle. . .. . 70 R. Rumble, 320 loads at 10 (:18. 32 ()0 I). Johnston, 1% days at $1.00, 10 50 M. O‘Brien, 10% “ “ ’7 87 \V. McMahon, 10$ “ “ ’7 87 Jns. Snider, 10 “ “ 7' :30 Asa Hlmuk, 27 yds. at 50 obs. 13 50 J. Camplwll, 27 “ “ 13 50 V. Ash, 53$ yarks gravel at 50c., 5 yards at, 25 cts . . . . ‘ . . . . , . . . 28 00 Fred Kefi'ol‘, 18 yards at 50 (its. 9 00 John Blough, 3 “ “ ] 50 E. Loughood, 28; “ “ 11 4. Snidvr, 2mg “ H 1+2; D. \Vatrsnn, “ T. Jackson, ’ 22.5 “ (7. Crawford, 10.1, “ E. Aixkil'lSUl'l, 27 “ T. Oliver, 2‘)’ “ J. Gardener, ‘ “ M. Badger, 4,} “ I. Scrivener, L4 “ F.\".’hit1moro. 22.13 “ Ralph Line, 9 “ Thus. Kofl’m", 13.1, “ Rube Kof‘for, 10 “ Jonas Shunk, 21 “ F. Rumble, 16.12 at 50 cts. at 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goo. Cowper, 3 n H. Gordon, 13:} “ T. ‘Mitchvll, 1% “ J. Blough, 24 “ I. “Edam, 21 “ J. \Vutson, 2273 “ M. Badger, 9 ‘ J. Onn'lphell, 4.1; ‘ R. Duify, 18 ‘ R. Line, 135 “ G. (foopa‘r, iA “ R. h-awfm-d, 9 “ J. \Villimns, 41% “ F. \Vhitlll()]'{‘,]% ‘ \V.S(¢1‘ivv1mr, 1.5 ‘ E. Atkinson, 15 " T. Kvfi'or, 16."; , ‘ J. S‘nunk, 1,1,; ‘ A. Shunk, 3 “ R. \Vatsnn, 136 loads at 10 01:5. 13 (50 1!. “7.113011, 26 ‘ st ntutv labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 60 R. \Valson, 8 days in pit, at 750. per day . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Asa Shunk, 6 days at $1.00 6 00 (1. Storey, 11.3 “ at 750., 3 63 V". Blake, 47 “ ‘ 3 00 B. A'Inb‘rromvy, ‘ § “ “ 1 88 F. Topper, R “ “ (j 00 J. Johnston, yards at 15 cts. 9 (58 J.Ello1-by, 31,793; “ “ ll 96 J. Johnston, 20310ads at 10 0138. 20 30 J. Snyder, 23 “ “ 2 30 Yongo St. : 0. Mason, lshovel. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1 00 R. Koi‘f'm; P. Mitchell, W. Batvs, R. \Vatsnn, 1!. “3113011, 13?: 4011; loads at 40 ctsA 16 20 19% “ “ 7 80 3 u 6‘ 1 10 “ “ 4 00 n t 50 cts. , and 21; $300 26 60 22 88 20 25 11 40 1 20 19 13 ] 50 14 25 25 13 28 87 24 00 4-1 20 30 10 10 50 10 88 10 13 50 13 01) 12 75 Z 12 12 00 11 25 47 50 2 25 1 G9 16 00 6 75 3 00 10 12 (J0 10 50 11 25 6 00 6 00 3 (i3 3 00 I 88 (j 00 9 68 ll 96 200 9 00 7 50 8 2;) 480 2’70 713 113 5 5 7 Fl 34 6 9 00 8 87 1 50 9 (52 25 70 Pt I! ()0 50 {$0 25 50 Carried. Moved by Mr. Devins, seconded by Mr. Kirby that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the follow. ing claims for sheep killed and damaged by dog or dogs being two- thirds the value. R. B. McNair, 7 sheep killed and wounde less amount, received for skins, $17.93.~Carried. Moved by MI-.Ki1~by seconded by Mr VVatson that the auditors’ report of the Treasurer’s accounts for the year 1897, be received and adopted by this Council and that the clerk is hereby authorized to have 200 copies of the same printed in the usual manner to be divided among the several coun- cillors for distribution.â€"â€"Czu'ried. \VANTED : Farmers’ sons 01' other industrious persons of fair (-ducatyhm to whom $00 a month would be an i1:â€" ducoment. I could also engage a few ladies at; their own hmnvs. W. Ness, 5 toise stone . . . . . . . . . . $35 00 BerVVIck \Veldrick, 3 toise stone 19 50 J. Klinck, 2 toise stone . . . . . . . . . 11 00 H.VVilson,2 “ . . . l . . . . . . 10 00 Lackey Bros, 2 toise stone . . . . . 10 {)0 Charles Neill, 2 “ . . . . . 10 0” VV. Michael 4 (lagw :15 $1.00 4 ()0 VV. Chatterleyfi “ 8 Q0 The Council adjourned untilr Tues~ day April 101,11 to meet at 10 a. 111. Our village. has been overshadowed with sorrow and regret at the sudden death of one of our most respected and promising young men in the person of Mr. John Henrielcs. Less than tWo weeks previous to his death he was apparently as well as usual. He had arranged with a. friend to go to Thornâ€" hill on Sunday. Feb’y 27th. Though he was not feeling well when his friend called for him, he concluded to go. But he grew Worse after leaving home and on his return called at the doctor’s. 0n coming home he. was confined to bed until death ended his sufferings on \Vednesdny morning the 9th inst, that dread ailment, appemlicitis, hav- ing; developed in ils most malig mnt hum. . r ‘ John was just beginning hfe in earnest. lnly last fall his father-died, leaving him as the head of the. family, and support of his mother and younger brothers and sisters, of whom there. are, eight surviving him. He assumed the great responsibility thus devolving upon hill) in a manly and hopeful spirit, and had already begun to lay his life‘s plans in a. way that promised well to make him a prominent memw bur )f: the conmmnity here. \Ve hesitate to offm" words of sym- pathy to Lhosv who miss him in their family vim-10. knowing how inadequat a mere words ow to express thedovp fwlings of sympathy which we 1309-1 for those who mourn the loss of a be- loved son and brother. VVo know as companions we sorrow at our loss and wondor why he should be taken from us while yet, so young. We hope that, tho sorrow-stricken family may find much comfort and consolation in a trusting confidence in a snprmnely kind and never crying: Providence. The funeral took plar'o on Friday, whvn .‘L large number of his friends andacquaintances came to pay their inst ruspecbs to him, for Whom we sorrow. The Sabbath School of which he had boon 2m nfiicor for some til) 9,, ln‘oughb :1 bvautiful bouquet of white roses and cm‘nations, as a loving tI'lbllt/G. The people of this npighbm-hood are ph‘ii‘ifld to welcome Mr. Vim. Nell home again, accompanied by his young bride. The boys a few nights ago gave. the newly married couple an (dd-time scrvnadv. The bride and groul’n will take up residence in the (mungu along the side-road on the muth farm. Our post-master is going); to move to the city and Mr. Ed. Lngge of Bond‘s Lake will take his position. Quilting bees are all the go town Mr. George Dibb has lost; his wellâ€" bl‘od goat. . 12', John I,;<=5_jg_-;(\ will be moving to Bond’s Lnku in a week or so. Thumanlwmuf St. John’s church intvm‘l putting a, stone foundation under their church. AGI‘IN CS: " ‘."(ni\:u1”is the title ofmu‘gi'mtrmwv book. Discussos all phases of 1120 subject. (,‘onmins “ The Life and \‘V'ork of Miss \Villard,” the must Vondmvi'ul woman of the cen- tury. Ovu- :L hundred beautiful pox-Hairs of the greatest women known, with biographical sketches. Sp” " r. . vaVSEI.‘ “ Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the High of (loath, There surely is some blessed clime, \‘v‘hero lifv is nab a, breath ;‘ Nor life’s aifoctions, transcient fire, \thse sparks fly upwards and ex- , pin!" LIANSCOTT COMPANY, TORONTO. T. H. LINSUOTT, TORONTO. [Single copies, 3 cts. Headford Jefferson in 0111‘

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