Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1898, p. 3

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Sex 01‘le officers of the Que'em's ()wu Riflen' of ’l‘orunt-O, waited on the .\1in~ [3181‘ of Miiitizx at Ottawa on Saturday amd asked for a bill awthorizing [he {ormutinm of: a volunteer reserve hroughout Canada. such as now exists _ Mr. .i. ll. lnullu‘ln. wln‘v lx‘ m‘mnuling Union Stork Yards for 'Inmnlo. is umri ing‘ the Found! ln like immudlulv :19~ tlon :m lm‘ ('luinr: the (wily will lw 11w ‘ ainm' of .. 1).}9011‘ )flmr {mm wary mm‘ ndum‘ll‘v Wl‘iclx sprin-m up in mmnm» tion \xilh [lime yards. The Ontario Government, are :lllunt to £9110 over lhe imluslrizlll Sl-lwnls of the province 'l‘hv Mimicn Sclmnl will lw Home away with. The boys lhnl‘e \\'ill be lelvml in 1110 provim'izll J‘efurumtm‘y, wh clx is soon 10 he removed from Pehmlnnguis ene 10 Oxford County. Private George Slowzm. of 111(- Highhmdera who gainer! lhu Mt; ohunuyionship of the world in (A Must June has been appointed Lu Toronto (,‘uxtums House stuff A. Fifgiuno, who was sent to Kings» ton Penitentiary from Humian to serve a three ycars sentem-e for emâ€" bezzlin-g from the Grand Trunk. has been pardoned with a six weeks reâ€" prieve. The. London $11110! Huilux 21y (‘omg‘um have. paid Mix, Kale Pill N‘Ifiim and :i]' costs In S(-Il.|<-.ment of lwr (“Him 1'9, suliing‘ from Hm (Math n!‘ hi-r broth» er, \Vm. Spin“, in a trofhgv :Lz'cidenL News comes to Quebec 01' the disua‘tru ous resulls of (he I'm-em snu‘nslm'ms do the wild animals. A farmer near L'Tslet [011ml {Montyâ€"night m 1‘iTmu and door stuck in fhe snmv and cut their throats. The Montreal Strvet Iluiiwuy (70mâ€" any 11st revoived am onlm‘ {mm the {inngmL (Mmaitzl. S1, l‘ucl Huihxuy Company to build {\uxut)‘ l‘lf‘t‘ll‘it‘ umL- or cars for use in that (My. Thu Geological Survey 01’ the limited Stulvs has ordernd a large numlwr of canoes from 1119. Polarboru' (‘unm Comâ€" pany for the 11.90 of exploring p21 l‘liE‘S In Alaska. {HE E‘éfl’éS 1N: A EUISHEH. ., ‘ “(‘mmuissionm" EVIL tooth m arâ€"r ranging; to send 21 small stuff of Sulâ€" vationisls 10 the K'lomtike from Valh cou‘ver. Vh-Lm‘ia, and Seattle. The. topper tx‘leg'raph' line “hivh thv ORR, is to erect hiemx'rwn Montroah and Vancouver is being manufactured at Lucniam. It will cost $250,000. The man: 'r-':111:2n1, of the Grand ’I'runi; has con L111: m1 \\1Lh ihc I’uliman (V3111â€" pany. (Wing-o, For 1110 umstrurtion oi twenty firstâ€"Muss I;assml;wr mznt‘lws, \V‘ C. Mkmdowald, who has already iwn u miiiinn and u hulf (lnHars 10 ‘In-«Gill University. has given another $15500 1.0 the departmvuxt 0f urchiâ€" fectu re Considerubm inik is J's-21rd in (‘i~ tawa of new indus‘rius uni 13m: revivâ€" al! of old 01109. J. R Booth is at. p-I'wesvnf erm'ting‘ what wiH [>0 111v largâ€" est grist, mill in (filmma. Tth is :1 prospect, of [he HhUIBlelf clothhws of tho Dominion forming;r :1 combination for Hm I-Ill‘lmst’ ot' mduvâ€" ing Hm Ivnglh of (‘1‘otlit,& and in olhr or ways regulating the Yusinc 5‘ The projw-L for the. runniruvlion of a chain of (3111113 from :1 poim on Lake Superior 10 MM: Rocky Mountains. m Gently dewriimd, has been brought”, ho- forv Parliament. and xvii} lo, prefixed. The: Grand Trunk Railway has derid- ed to reduce Hm freight xutvs on live Stork tor brvedflng" purpom-s in (‘unzuta by fifty per ('(‘EtlL {Lo 1'1:st math-an. of Quebw, for antic- ing and harhol‘ing young; girls. has been amt 10 the penitentiary for L\\o ywam. A rumor UmI, Hon, {when Watson was to he uppmunml Liuutenzmtnflow- armor of the Nlu'thv»\\‘est is denied at, “7mm” ' interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the Unizcd Siates. and AI”: Parts of the Giobc, Condensed and Assorted fnr Easy Reading. A rur‘lmul of thoroughbred stock \\ as whipped from Guelph 1x) the Nnrlhuost by the Dominion Breedm‘s‘ Association. Hamilton City (‘nuncil has flir’ow‘n out a (.‘url‘mv litill bylaw. h'itisli Columbia, salmon runners haw, formed a (:(m'ibiuw. The number o'i patents issued at 0t~ ta“ :1 [amt ye,er was 4,033. Natural gas has lmnn su‘uck on Fen- Lou's l‘zu‘m, 114‘111‘ }IiLLl)llLHH, Out. A lkwlg of buildings l1) vast $120000, are, lwmg ure-st’ml in \Vinnip'vg. Sum; UliAHHL iaj'ilnii-ns prapnrie to build Ll m-w mu: Lall in Hull City. lem is aliig rush of selllm's from Ontnm l0 Maniilolia 2111(ll lie Northâ€" \Vesrt this spring. The smvn liaisons. who were injured In the uxulunt'hu “L Lewis, on lr‘ebru- My 22, (“'0 now vonvalmmnlt. 'l‘lw, (-i‘uizens of Vancouver have deâ€" Cldt’ll by lopiilui' vote against :1, proposâ€" Ltion Lu open a. music hall. The Toronto (‘iily Counvil on Monday vol/wi down a. proposition lu (leprivu thonmelves of their annual allmxunve The Toronto (‘Ny Counvil on Monday VOl/wi down a. proposition Lu (ieprivu themselves 0! their annual allmxunve of $300. I). lk‘ Monrtigny, of Mnnil'uzll, who “as arrested at Yam-ouva‘z' [or 111w LII-g an ill'i‘it still in his jUSSctsSiUIl, “as fimwl "200. h‘lrip building for, Klondike traffic is: very autxive in Vancouver just. now, no less than“ six boats are being built. 11, is $111M Hal 3 plar'wi in Hl-E‘ Fem-HI stringing of a 11-541; Strait“. of 10110, Isle 'I‘J'w upon of 311‘. .‘rarlu (‘ummm )vr i'va, ‘1;sz Elm“ do: \‘m'vd of 'l'rmh- nml (‘mnmer {HE LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Hm a large sum “ill 1:9. Fem-1711 omimutws {or the a {i‘jré‘gl‘illih line {to the (‘AN ADA wwu't. of 1m- 48th ‘F lined lhu Layune‘l ‘; world in Lundon Huilw 21y (‘onu‘um Pill 41,5‘szmd n] of lwr (“Him 1'9, 1H} n!‘ hi-r broth E, H. Sheppard, 10 :Muih Amer- m thv Mininier HM At: Constantinople the Bulgarian :14;an has askad the Turkish Governâ€" ment fm‘ explunafinn regarding the alâ€" loged movements of Turkish troops L0~ wards Hm Bulgarian frontier "UonemL” Booth states he has just. (‘umplutmi urmngmncnm with the \Vest. Australian Governnmnt In take up 19,004) acres of land for :1 Salvation Army Colony. fix-Acre (earthquake sharks wen» va‘ (:11 Friday at. Antigua, St, .lx'iits, (111mb; l-lU-mm and l‘wlonmerrut‘, 0f the lmmuu'd I Island. Mut-h damage was dunu at! Anliguu. I l‘Imporm‘ \‘CiHium 1s {,0 visit, Valesâ€"E Linn in October maxi, his object being; to dulm'miuv for himself 1,119. exam 511,95; u-f (Inlgotth, Lhu Temple of Jerusalem,“ and the plan? of the (,‘ruvil'ixinn uniuy (1d. .ldnre.¢,ii‘l., on 'l‘uesduy night by a Luriglarx The jury in the mass of Sheriff Murâ€" Iin and i‘i< deputies for shooting, strikâ€" r‘rs. a! I’llHiJLli'rl' “1., 0n St‘puuuhm‘ 10‘, returned z» verIlz-t of not, guilty. A 'ngg-u rwaJriaIiun movonmnl, is L;A.\i11g Mar-e among-1: L‘I‘onuhâ€"(‘unudith in No“ ,linfgklnal. and many :1‘1‘9 experiâ€" ml to Jim-turn Ln Canada, 1121s fining: Sadie Sinner. aged sixtemi, is in gzlol 11L Huntsville, .Xi‘k” Lugetihei‘ '\\iih 2‘1' S\\~ei§meu'1 and nmLht-I: r'hamz‘r! “1111 (he murder of her father. The girl stul her felljmr. and; was aided and aimlmi by the nlher t.\\u‘ M1“. Mourns, of the, firm of SLQZLI‘HS Hum, Brooklyn. hm; red-rived the (1rdâ€" (‘1‘ for inuviinm‘y ordered by the Quaâ€" iluv Bi‘idg‘m’ (,‘oiliLuJIX, 10 mwlm l'vuuiw ed soundings through 1119 iw 1’01“ 1,8.‘4‘7 ing the lwd of the river in the \‘ii'inily of Line Chaudivere. A l-oufliuuliou of Line steel ("ml manâ€" ufat-turors of the lnil’ed 5‘13va 113; Levn pruvticmly ('UHSLUIJJIIIIHHI, 'l‘lae ('()111Lilllil,iull \'.iH rpprvsvnt Mom 851),» {300,000 in invited. The nuum sold-Led {or Lme vomlinulion is "Tm- Amm‘i- r-zm Steel and Wire: (7()111_;a11y.“ G l‘lNlCHAL The Pope. LS in oxmstienL hi‘ith. Russ‘iu will Spunzl nim‘Ly millian mu: Mos for mm \Hjl'ShIps. 'l‘lw-I’rint’u HIT “'le lzli<l Hm fomldu {inn 51mm of the new pm ' (it (‘mmvxu J’m‘i‘ek Holmrisou, Hm ling!i>.l1’ :I“LUI‘, i415 must-e EL great. xucw‘ss in Harlin. Experts estimate, that u miHiun Inns uf “mm: “HI be exported from (‘znur pm‘e, India. i‘n Immen‘xion with SGV\ BIL of the Canaâ€" diam vorps. The umttnr '“i” be con- sidered. l‘he floating dam nf Synin “21% an; Im-niwl by 13,132“,ij81 reselst «iurin "('Lxuzt [Mum fishing \‘(NHW'S )zeionuing to Iowa]. Pl‘llb‘flfl, \n-ra: “usde 011 SMâ€" uniuy Sutwm fh‘hvj‘men \\(‘,1‘L‘dl'()\\'[1» 7.05 a new Louk. "Paris," IN : 'u sc-Iiing wry well in l’rnnm. ( {c in ling'und \\iH N {:u.‘ in ex {hill ()l' any of his UHWI‘ “(mks [n the famous Peabody modei teneâ€" mentsr The London Daily New! says there i: a [mp-ulation of no is»: than seven hundred and t,\\'ent_\'»l'ivv to an aura. yet, Lhe birth rate is {ivu in one t‘hmmund (U‘OV‘e the average rate, and infam .nnrtleity is txx'enty»t\\o in mm thmxsani lelow the average. At this rate Hu- pngmlntion \\ ill soon grow {asâ€" lur ihzm the profits 01' L110. t1‘l15t.\\hi<‘h “we last- year $110000. UNI'I‘ED S'J'A'I‘ICS. The Globe shipyard erike a." C‘eveâ€" lurid haw hwen Sutttml‘ The mam lost. 'Hm British (‘I‘UISOX‘ (.‘ordo'im of the North Atlantic squadron. has arrived at Key West” MIL, Hum lielize, Brit- ish Honduras. The Muslrhrstel‘, N,1[., Huurxlnf'l‘rnde hm! adopted romTurtions i‘amurhm a treaty for recip‘rouzli tmlle relations with Canada A Fileshire village has a ulsiillery managed on communistic Jprim-iplcs‘ \Vhit'h makes (1 yearly profit! of £500. \‘Viill part of these profits the villag- m‘s um equipped will) reading and recreation rooms and no“ propnses to light the village with eleutx‘il-ily and p111 alarh‘ic lights in every lmuse at half of what; it costs now. ML‘. John Wanamaker has (-nnHeand to he the candidate of the business men’s Republican Ilr‘agzue for (inver- nor of Pennsylvania. Wdl'iam qucd‘uingfi, on? of {he hast known Immufucturing jewellers in the 191191, “an snot and killed zlt Provi- ‘ '1‘1he order of {he King'v Suns and Daughters is Lu he started in [tinglnud‘ It. is mlmrtved that, Lord George Ham- iltun \\'1H he awninth Governorâ€"Genâ€" era] of Canada. A London (11‘ :snmking; firm has hum fined for ken-1, n‘g women at work ai‘xer the regujlutiun hours. A n-ulliery at Nuirkirk, Ayrshire, was flumimL Nineteen persons failed to rum-E1 the. bank and am still in the mine. rial-vinti. the noted Venetiuu glass and musuic artist, who laid the mosaâ€" ivs in St. Paul’s cathedral, munmitted sni i.‘.e- in London. 3i [2 Petersen confirms the Hilalmnent i‘uut his {inn had placed “ith Hawâ€" thorne. Leslie & C0. of Newcastleâ€"on- Tyne rm order for two of the (our, new st ‘zum‘rs required for the 111$ Atlantic m‘vim. Luluéon slx'eet _112L\\kem are now doing" Hell with a portrait 0f ..\.[1‘. Joseyli (‘llzunlxel‘laim Hanging out. oil 0110, 01;“ his lKK‘kk‘qu is LL small strip \of card. and under the picture are the words “Find Lord Falislnu‘y.”. You pull the card board strip and :1 small. sketch 01’ the Prime Minister ('(unes out of 311'. Chamberlain’s ptmket. The Must-wan Sociexy in London is 1m provide a. {mind to'erevi: a memumztl (u the sailors of the Maine. Britis‘vh. Hoard 01' Trade returns for l‘hhruzu'y Show decreuses of $37,350,000 in illll‘lll‘is and $1.1)“,000 in exports. hm (I R EAT BRITAIN mid 10 um] i1»; LiiHu 'I‘umpkins~'l‘hul feHmv Brown H'iwl 10 duff me up with some of (his IIrwx‘eHm's’ [21108 th nthm‘ din)" 'l‘alkod inlmut his trip 10 Ilztly, and the waving fields of macaroni but he didn’t rum-h mu. you know. They don’t, wave. ’l‘nurisI But, i1 is lerl'ible 10 1hin of hanging :1 man Ulllit‘ll‘ such ('in‘umâ€" slzlncvs. No lime to repentâ€"no (-lm‘gjâ€" mun prusum~ stiernerâ€"\\'cll. we inâ€" vixed :1 minister to jlne the lynchin' puny, hut he wouldn't have nuthin' to .do \\i1h if. i i | I i i 1 1 i ‘ er? “Nell. sir, replied the trump, you will scarcely believe ill. but, the return of prosperity is very hard on us. How can this he? ’l'lley offer us work now. A ygar ago they didn't. An Aggrievulvd Classâ€"1 suppose said Mr. Frunksimvn. he handed fl dime to :1 trump. that you find people more willng u; give now l‘hrln they were a year ago, when (imfs were much hardâ€" M'hnl imensnly red hair 11ml. young mun has! exchlimud Maud I'm surpris- ed Ihut you scam. to like him :40 well]. Oh, replied Mamba I (1011’1. like, him wry well. i never inviie him 10 any- {hing hut pink tens. 3n the NurserwaitLle Huns‘ to Karl â€"â€"l.nok he. Karl; we must be very mung,th iuâ€"duy, so U1th we can prmm in'e on pupu’s birthday (uâ€"ulorl‘ow that we “111 do hemp/1x Young Mytherâ€"«He is somewhat cruss today. He is lcvlhing. Old Bzu-helorj in gran awe of the mute of humanity â€";\nd “hen do you expert him to comâ€" menaeâ€"nrâ€"cmnmence haziriug‘é Senior ‘eu‘tnerâ€"“Ve must disn'hm‘ge [hut traveller of ours. 'He told one of our (-usimners LthL 1 was a fool. Jun~ iur Dittoâ€"[’1] we, hun 21L once and in- hifll upon his keeplng \he flrm's sec- refs. timing His NBI‘V'§‘S.MX\\VII{ILI shouLed xhu stern parent“ not, marry my daughter? Why. sir, you havu 5th with your arm about her hour after hour. Yes. \hut was to keep hur from sing» Ellis idemâ€"P1qu said Sanmw Snaggs, what does a :undidute mean when he Hays ht- haLs hurnod his hrirlgvs behind him! He, 1110mm. replied Mr. Snuggg, Unit hu has begun :1 hot, munpu‘irgn, Alh'mL-Palm, do they use Snapping“ turtles for soup? Papaâ€"«NO, my son. Alfredâ€"Why do 1hey call them snapâ€" ping lurtles‘! Jfapugfitwuuse they have :L‘snup’ in 1101 Wing used for soup. J1)“ Jove. old man, yuu 3:11 your horse like. a Cunluur. 'l‘lmnks. Glad to hmu' ii. J was afraid Idldn’L ride very well. 01L you (lnlu't'. You were right up on the ummul's nevk all the Lime. Yuan slm sighed, for nmuy years I’ve suffered from dyspepsia. And don‘t you Luke anything; for It»? her friend :wkozl. You look hmllhy enough. 0h. Shl' J‘opliml, il’s my husband that has i1. Is it. true that a perfect gentleman never thinks anything he wouldn't say? Of course; Lhere are lots of per- fect gentlemen who never think at all. Palmerâ€"Hid you say you couldn't arâ€" rest the flight of Lime? Johnsonâ€"N0 one can. ’nlmer~\\"ell, this mormng, when I was coming (10“11 Iown‘ [ stupâ€" ped :x nunuie. Mrs. Quiverful~Du you know, dear, 11ml I think the, halvy sometimes cries in hm‘ sleep! Mr. Quiverful, savagely ml rlon‘\ know abouL that, but I know she ume cries in mine. mg moles a literature of its own? Yes; that is one of the horrors of war. "Willie Boyâ€"If I promise L0 learn my lesson pupzu will you give mg {L quart- er? Papaâ€"Yes, my son. \Vlllle Boyâ€" And what will you give me if 1 do learn it ? Whut :1 re the dead languages, my dear? Mr. “endowâ€"011. they are probably the ones thuL women have talked to death. M‘rs. h‘mnnm‘~\\‘11:1t measures do you. adup't Lu gist rid of boarders who are, bud pay? Mrs. Boardwfih. I just glve them :1 liitle cold shoulder. At a. meeting of the Canadian Milâ€" itary Institute at Toronto on Saturâ€" day :1 Ctr-nunin was formed to frame :1. potitinn asking the Dominion Govâ€" ernment to authorize the enrolment wif tim batteries of artillery to be callâ€" (E‘ti the Toronto Naval Artillery. IL is [H‘tlpnsfitl to equip this corps on the lines of the British Royal Naval Volunâ€" Ltwr Artillery. Japan is about 1.0 float a new loan of a150,000,000 yenl If in gold, this “ould amount to practically $150,000,â€" 000. ‘luut if, in silver to only $375,000,000. The loan will probably be floated in London. Dr. Fldm'u Klahs, professor of pathâ€" wlogy and bacteriology in the Post~ Grzuluule Medival School, of Chicago, is alleged to have discovered the cause of yellow fever. As a result of a serâ€" ies of, experiumnts extending over two months he has isolated the amoeba, and has been able to trace its development thruugll a [lumbar of stages in variâ€" ous organs in the body. The first consignment of Canadian omunmry butter from the creameries of the Northâ€"“Vest Territories has reached Japan in splendid condition, and has been quickly snapped up by purchasers. The. Queensland separation moveâ€" menL is not; dead yet. A delegation is to be sent, to England to urge the Imâ€" perial Government to divide the north purL of the colony from the sfouth and give ouch part responsible government. ’Dho American steamer Columbia, which left, New York, bound [or the Yukon, is at Valparaiso. Chili, waitâ€" ing for funds. The captain has been unable to obtain money for repairs. and, theme. is :1 prospect; of her supplies running,r out unless her Owners come [no lime. (ane you ever noticed how war pro- Mzm's Inhumzmity.â€"L,1irs. Reader ~â€" SPRING SMILES. Prof. Henry TA. Bolloy ol' the Dakoâ€" ta State. Agricultural College, has evâ€" olved. a method for the prevention of smut in grain and especially of smut in oats. His plans have had fhl‘vc years of trial and. have been very suit»- cessful. “Farmers are especially in? terestzed in the easiest method of pro-- venting smut. in oats. That grain is so generally diseased by loose or fly- ing smut that a. very large per cent. of the crop is actually lost. While the disease seems to do no damage to stock and as, after thrashing, all grains found. in the lzins are otherwise nor- mal in appearance, it. is quite usually supposed by farmers that the smut does very little damage. N‘ow and then, however, it. becomes very mum-h more evident. 'When the seed has once he» (some badly infested by the spores of the fungus it is a. common thing to find that a very largo percentage of all the heads in the field are completely smutted and destroyed. in my cum investigation of many fields i have found that it is not uncommon that as high an; 20 and even 40 per cent. of the heads of the: grain actually deâ€" veloped turn into smut. before harvest time. The result of this is a. very much. lessened yield. Furthermore there is a very murh greater decrease of the yield, dues to the smut hidden within the straw and to be seen only by the most careful observer. I have found in the field which shows 10 to 20 per cont. of smutted heads that the actual number of plants diseased in the straw by the smut is very much greatâ€" er. [t also found. that such disâ€" eased straws, even though they event-- ually head out, and appear to ripen normal grains, are very considerath weakened in their growth and lesson- ed in the size of. the straw and the “eight of :(grains produved. Always there has harm a dit‘fivully in treating oats to provont this disease. The oat smut; gets ripe and the spores blow about in the field while the shucks‘ around the individual grains of other straws are still open in the blossom. The result is that nearly every grain; receives some smut spores sealed up in Close contact with the grain inf side of lth shut-ks, which close up at the time: the grain finishes ripening. ‘ Such spores are out of the reakh of any ‘ treatment which is very effcvtual. PM» ple who have hecn in the halal of‘ treating oats with l'oppor sulphate, in~ variallly have injured the yiezd. lieâ€" caulse in order to thoroughly soul: tho grain s) that lh‘so inclosnd slor-l es may he killed, tin- copper solution comes in contact “itll, the soft, irraan of the out and the grornunating powâ€" er of tho er in is injured, lly the [Jory on. Since I zswrluinoz the lause of this troul;le, aft-«‘1' a. gym! numlwr oll carefully conducted germination tests, l have loen altcnn‘iing‘ to find some sul‘stanre \\ 3h would kill the smut. pores and still not in detrimental to the germinating power of the oat grains. 'l‘his substaino is a liquid sold 5 in the market under the name of fornr alln. Format in is a it) per unit. so, lution of formaldehyde. lly a voryiI great numln-r of germination testsa and field trio's, it is awcrtained that. this sullslance when properly applied} \\ill disinfect wheat, oats and barley, so as to prevent the appearunro oi smut and own inlrl-aso the yle‘lti of the grain, germination lzcinu‘ improv» ed rather than injured. The method of iI‘ULtlIi'l‘PIiL of grain \iilh formadnl i is as follows: Make up a solution using“ at, the rate of one. pound of formu'tn: to fifty gallons of water, pile the‘ grain upon the lam floor and spriii‘;â€"l lo the pile thoroughly with the solu--. lion, shovel the grain over thorough» ly and sprinkle again and shovel ovcr; again and sprinkle again, so that ml the process one may see that every ‘grain is thoroughly wet. it who-all S lreingr treated, it will llt‘ sufficient to‘ see that the grains are thoroughly wet l on the outstde. If oats are lzeing treat-r; ed enough. of the solution should l.('l put upon the pile to insure that ouch grain is quite thoroughly saturated; so that tho solution may get inside ofl tho shurks, It will he hotter if the; oats are. sprinkled and sllovcicd quilol I thoroughly once, and then after hit) or three hours they are given an other lri-atment. in the meantian they will have swelled some. and th‘l second appli-alion ol‘ the outer “ill: ho more oft’evtive. As to the amount; of the solution 1h: one should use to? (‘2!(‘ll l‘ushol of grain, i will have toi leave to the judg‘mont of each (mo :1. plying the treatment, inaamuch as 1112‘ sucrcss of the “ork depends very much upon the 'I]i:Uli'l"i” in Whil‘i] lln- sprinkâ€" ling and s voiing is done than up»! on the amount oi‘ solut ion put on. it is] found, lltHH‘Vf‘l', that properly treated! oats take 'qu alout [no and one-half! gallons of water to the bushel; that properly treated wheat takes up uloul. one and oneâ€"half 51a lons of water. This will give a rough estimate of how much formalin to use. The lrnatr nwnl. will lie more effor‘livr- and sziti' fartory if it is done. on.) day and the: grain allowed to remain in tire l'ilc- until the next morning: twin}: shove'ed over a. few times in the interim. (Ina need not wait. until the grain is thorâ€" oughly dry lrol'oro seeding. ln the. case of wlwa‘l if it. is still dam.) and swollen, one svl'ould set the drill to sow approximately a pork or man to the acre in order to get, the nor-esâ€" s-tl‘y numl'er of plants upon tlw ground. In the NIH) of oats after lroalment. it" it is your lltlllii to sow two and 0110â€". half bushels an acre. the drill shouldl lie set, to seed slightly more than three} and one-fourth bushels. 0f course,l l l l l i . WWW NJ‘J‘ V‘AA PRACTECAL FARMING. “SHUT” LN SMALL GRAINS. | lenl‘ if, Mr. L“Ugg‘fll‘Hâ€"JM‘J‘ZIUSE she was :1 SJ.- 1d 0110â€" I ciety belle? shouldi Mrs. MuggersmNo. Rasmusfl 5119. was 1} throeienxgugmi twenty/«four times and nvve: course, V married. Mrs, Muggvrsml mm a prominen‘. HO- L'iei_\' hem: is (lend. If HII‘I'0 .wer was :1 perfm-lly blissful nxixmm‘e on earth, 5110, mljoyexl it, while She‘ lived. the question will he lLSlikEtl, hy what; moans .lH this rusulL [1 re obtained“! it may he stettml in :‘oply thth the list lei-,tii‘situ is to he luokotl, tor int Lhu sire of the filOt'k intended to DU tilihetl. lle Hllultltl lime in his vein»; the grvnl;~ 8551, mnotth ()l' ‘plll'u blood, t'tJniputilila axith size. “Cl it. and power, ut-rortlâ€" ing to the iztiipose: the blood horse posse-Hes these to H (twg'ree entirely out of proportion Lo the size or appurâ€" ont strongtn of his fltltnt?‘ in the Lex- t.uro. form and synnnotry of the ltt)ll(‘.f‘ll the (ilellltitlLS ol‘ rupnt'ity for resistant-e ztntl untlurzint-a are. mnvninerl in the blood horse many l'oltl grezlLer than thosv of at similar t-thucter found in the, t‘tllllnloll, coldâ€"blooded rurL horse. lhe imprtwsion [)I‘exails \\ith n r'ltiss ot' ln'otstle that, the llltll‘tllltglllu't’d prinvipttt um: is upon the turf; that he its :1. I‘LLitB home and \iithcuL value, for £111) other purpose, out; 21, t'nh'ttztl stud) of Hm or' in of the (lifl'etcnt llH’t‘AlS ol' mu ‘Ul itotit tlrnft, roiirh, mum and said-lie not: tut the t‘UtlIllJ‘y. \till dist-lost: that this stronng [au- tor oi ext'r’llenue illlil thltLt’. is trunniâ€" able to the [lI'Upt’il'thJll oi thoroughbred llltttJll tisutl in Janina tho foundation of their ancestry. and thu more. ol~ iL that has Icon intrmtnttxt in the twgiir ning and resurtwl to in ltllt‘t gen-finitâ€" ions, the hotter linxtx been t‘SEu‘UlLS, lhc horse for the 111rinorâ€"lu't'wtei‘s' purpose should hr of medium lmighL, tidy 15') 173 lmntls, short, hurl; \\L‘ll rib- lxetl up, short in tho suvltllo plut-o, long wiow. He should have high withersL llI‘UIltl loins, lli'Oll’l rho-ti, at rump. it high illuist'lllttl‘, lltll not, lroet'y threw: a loan, bony, wall set lt.‘2ul, t'lvnr. might “all placed eyes, mall 21;):tt'l. liromi nostrils and Slllfilll calm. HlH {ore logs long: “oil nitisvlctl til.()ve the know ala‘x, hix hincl‘ logs :ilove lht- hrx'hs, lean, short nml 'trony below these .itiinls. ’l'lw hone»; twinnoL we‘ll he two flat or too Inigo, {Ultl the lililkH‘JS ought to l» straight tirin and hard to tllté tout-h There is now, and likely will , {on another half century, perhaps longer, as strong and '\\i4iespl‘eud :1 demand for horses that are adapted to Hie various ('{ljfliilii‘x‘ for which Hwy am used. in dry and country, :is there over ;( BEE E D GOOD HORSES. There probably never was {1‘ time in the history of horse breeding when the importance, yea, the absolute nec- essity, existed of (aurefiufl selection and mating of brood stock. as now. Times have greatly changed, touching this business within the last few years. ldlectrir‘ily, steam power and othep modern inventions have heon applied (.0 many of the uses formerly monop- olized exvlusively by horses, and the, demand for a certain ohms of them animals no longer prevails, says the Indiana former. The time was, when, under fair conditions, it. would pay to raise a bolt from] any sort of a mare slinled to 3. cheap stallion withohrt regard to his breeding or slrwaux‘e. if grain is allowed to lie too long after wetting it may legin to heal, find be injured, so the. after shoveling is a never, 3', if it is 11011 shaded (Ll, once. Forni'i‘in is a C(nnyarnlively new sul» shining .in Hm drug market and few lole drug; “is make ltuve it on sale in quantity, so thin it may be neces- sary for {lune who \\‘i'ih to use it to notify their rirug‘g‘isls 8. sufficient length of liznu' in admin-.0 to allow them l0 send to \\ huluzisale huuses‘ for the. da- sirwl quantify. it may he obtained from wholesale (li‘uggiats for nlzuut 60 cents a 110mm, in liveâ€"pound luls 'l'hx'rre are 3. number of different formalde- hyde solu'llons sold undm‘ slightly dif- ferent names, Hit this drug may be obtained, however, from about any wholesale drug house in (he rountry under the name 'formalin,’ and there will be little doubt of its quality. Farmers who have been using the (701‘- rosivv, sublimbe treatment, as recom- memled by me for the treatment of wheat, need not, change the meLhod. Formallin is not, bellmr for wheat than is the corrosive sublimate solu- tion revommenrled Ln bulletin No. 27; The norrosive sululimn‘te, howeveranust not; he used for the treatment of oats, as it is damaging to the germinal-Lion of that grain.” ('ks, lean, short and irony below jams. The homes muan wall flat or [no I:ugv,:1nd Um Emma‘s to L9 struig‘hl (inn 2: m1 hard to TR L7 E 11 APP! N E

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