T‘lcliet lnspectWâ€"llow old are you, little. girl? IGrlnu~Ynu will have to ask ma. Elbe always takes chm-p30 01' my age on the railway! l ()ut Sleig'hq‘idimgr-“11y, .lvuniu, your cheeks are blue “ill! vuld. said H 'rimuld. No: l'm blushing said Jen- mc} that‘s my blue blood. 150th 91‘eased.â€"I§r0wne~â€"Allow me 10 have the pleasure of rvtuming, that five, dollars that, l torrmved themlhtfr (In , mine Neither Is Btmxâ€"Keiliherâ€"Oi hvm‘ Hmt Hogan an' his woiFe don’t git} along very well t‘glther at {111. .nt all. Flannery~Oi an HHS Lekuse they're L00 aveuly mutwhed‘ Mm rim: nial ExpiosionsflAHer all‘ a, marrieli man has the advantage of a LHHHPNhil). In what respect. pray? “Hum he, gets blown up he /knows when did it. Pride‘ said Uncle Ellen, am er ygnod t’ing in its plw-e. But er .country or err vitizen is in hnhd Im-km-hen he ain' got nufl'in‘ much‘ ’ceppin’ ’is pridemer be proud of. : I‘m AH Rightrâ€"Out of work again, PM? I thought that 01d Skinflint gave you :1 job? 110 did, sorJhuL Oi’ll 1e kih afm‘e Oi'll starve to death for the sake 0f k:1pin' nloivm 501‘s A New Versionâ€"Jake}! Isaavsâ€" Farlmt was 11/ a disgrace UH:in in} pecz~ news and nui make unyding? Mr. IsuuvH‘Nn. Shukey; it vns hatter to haw fuiledl nudt lost dan‘ neffer to have failedt at all. DHHHAM IS IN LINE And Testiï¬es to the Wonderful Efï¬cacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills- Durlnm. ()r111.,â€"~Ever_\‘one in Durham, Mm hundreds of peoplve who Visit the 'Lo'wn pcrindiually. know C. U. Bauxmm, the goniul dork at the Kn:pr H'kmsv. All “ill he surpriï¬ud to hear that he has bud a narrow (mane, from u reâ€" lentless enemy, ".l‘hrlnks (.0 ihe assistâ€" ance rendered by {L good friend, howâ€" ever. hp esmped safely. He 1e11s the. story in this thhe: “I suffered for a Bong time with 10râ€" rihly awe/re backache. caused by Kid» ney Disease. It was with the most ag-r {mixing pain, that I 0011 [‘d sit down. and thepuinl endurvd in getting up again was equally as svvwx'c. My life was heâ€" ng made miserable, for ‘these pains were presenrt during the greater por- tiom of UM: “me. unto] (‘lork Buuluau Tells of III; (‘ure The, First "one Gave Him Belle!â€" 'l‘w0 Boxes) (‘urc-d lllm Eullrdy of Ills Kidney Disease. "Other modicinex having: failed to help ma liti‘ied Budd’s kidney Pills, and got relief from the first dose. '1‘“ 0 boxes cured me C(mmlclely, and I luv en't lwen l’roulniwl sinte. ’l‘hm‘e‘s nu medicine like. Drmld’s Kidney Pill: for any and all Kidmsy lli‘seu,‘ ,5." "Good Fortune knovks once at every man’s door," says. an old saw. Good Health, knot-ks at your door every time you see the \\ ()rds “Dodd’s Kidney Pills." You nved not, 111in l>ts~ ing healthy by mxg‘lmwing to respond to the first summoms. Take advantage (“If Wm next, if ywu have npg‘ledfll the first. Dodd's Killan Pills are the one and only cure for Bright’s Disease. Diuâ€" betcs, Rheumatism, Lumlmg‘o, Heart. Failure. Blood 'lmpurities, Urinary ’l‘nmblex Diseasvs of Women, and all other Kidney Complaints. t Dudd's Kidney Piiis are sold by all druggists, at fifty Cents a box, six boxâ€" es $2,339, or will be sent, on receipt of price, by T1118 Dodds Mvdiuine C0., Limâ€" ited, Toronto. Flickâ€"Call him a musician! \\'h)’, he doesn’t know the difference beâ€" tween :1 nocturne and a» symphony. Hawkâ€"You don’t mean it! And they hurry to get away from one another. Ezmh is terribly afraid that. the other will ask, By the way, what is the dif- (creme? Enters upon the heritage of a, remedy that is sure, safe and painless, Putâ€" nam's J’uinlesw (,‘nrn Extravmr never fails. mover muses 1min mm the slightâ€" est «iisvmnf'ort. A rcrtaiu Ur. Brmxn courted windy ulnsurrcessfully {or many years. and drunk her health (nary dny. 011 being observed to omit, the (*uxtum m’genfle- man said: (‘muu humor, your old toast. Exruse me. he replied; as I m-n't make her Brown 1’]! toast her no longer. "l‘mese are the words that grace the cover of the Hartford ltuhller \Vork Company’s hiryclu tire i-ntulngue for the season of '98. and. whivh is the h‘amisnmest produwtiim of the kind that has reached our txhle in many a day. As a sumx'le cf. mm-h‘aniual skill it is Superb, us a fountain of the talk‘ it. “ill 19 found entertaining and interestng and thnms the proper sort of i'eflevtion upon the anti rprising people “ho publish it, Addrem a. post, min] to the Toronto Tire Company, Limited. fl Adelaide Street \Vest. and they will mail you, the catalogue free. No risk in using Ludella Ceylon Tea. The quality and price is unmatchable and always the same. You Run FROM. FOREST TO FACTORY rhymeâ€"Thanks: the Nezxsure is The Twentieth Century SPRKNG SMILES. er ygnod †Privy Purse Expenses,“ Mary had been forbidden to call the Princess Elizabeth by {my title, but; it is pleas- ant to note that she refers to her affecâ€" tionately as " my little sister." She sends her brother, afterward Jiilâ€" ward VL, a frock which she had vimâ€" hroidered for him, and gave her sister Elizabeth :1 (‘rzimoisle satin kirtie. Again, she sends a box with silver neeâ€" dlework itn it for her “Sister Eliza- beth," and also worked a cap {or her baby brother, and made his nurse. “ Mother Jackson," a present of ahonâ€" not and frontlets which cost twenty shillings. my toothpicker. I thought to have givâ€" (‘Ell it to the duke Whilst he was here, but it was not then at my hand I send it to him berause when be u as here I did see him wear a pin to pick his teeth withal. And 'I pray you to Show him that it has been mine these seven years.†A I, ,c NA..- . hub... Most singular amongst the gifts of the period. however, is that presented by Lady Lisle to Duke Philip of Bavâ€" aria, after the Duke had visited Lord Lisle, at Calais. W "VMy lord,†she writes to her Spouse from Caila‘iH after Lisle and Duke Philip had Sfiftrolilt‘ for England. "1 send y_ou A proprietorship in a too‘hpick of sewn yoars’ date would hardly be ,a recommendation nmxadays. It Is Foolish to Nagloot any Kind of Pileswcure Them an the aeginnlng. Pill»an are simple in the beginning and m»;in cured. They run he cured even 'm the worst stages without pain or loss of blood, quickly, surely, and comâ€" pletely. There is only (1119 remedy that “ill do itâ€"“Trusk's Magnetic Ointâ€" mr-nt." it allays the inflanmmtion immodi» ately, hesz the irritated surface, and, with vontinued treatment. reduces the swelling and puts the xrmmhmnus, in good, sound, healthy t‘ondirtion. The cum is thorough and pou'mzmunt. Mere are some voluntary and unso- licité-d testimonisz “e have, lately re- (‘vivedzm ( x [ Judge Henry 1)‘ Barron, St. (froix Fnfls, szuszâ€"“I have suffered severeâ€" ly from pï¬ios‘ zmzi founï¬ no remedy until 1 applied Trask’s Magnetic Oint- m-vnti IL relieved Inc M once, and perâ€" manently, to the prmant time.†Daniel John, 01 Liberty, suyszâ€"J‘My wife was afflicted with the piles for ten years Or more, and have tried many eminent physicians, hut receiv- ed no benefit until I was induced by your agent here, Dr, Denver. to use, "iivl‘flibiii‘s Magnetiv Uiutnwnt,"aml I can now say she is entirely cured with three bottles." C. L. Root. Blonroevilie, suysrâ€"J'I have been using your 'Trusk‘s Magnetâ€" io Ointman fur bleeding piles, and find it he-Jps me man: than anything olse l have tried." The man who had builit up the new town and was showing a prospeviive settler about 1th pints. puiullud with pride to :1 pretty little church" just c<vy1p1|eted._ ‘ ‘ AH druggists SM] Trask’s Magnetic Ointment. If. is £15 and 40 cents {um fullâ€"sized packages. and is put up only by Franeis 1“. Kuhlu, 127 Bay street, ’J'urnnto. V 158 3:011 belong 'to the churuh? asked the visitor. ‘ \ ‘ WI, should say mum replied the head man of the burg}, with an air of injuxu ed pridea the Church belongs to me. First Gamblerâ€"I've jest been readâ€" in’ the life of Green. the vonverted gambler. I fell you that man’s Ufa is an awful warning 1:0 u “‘9 don’t advertise for mere effect, but, for business. We. know that“ if you. are subject to cramps, that you should have a praian effix-ient; Temâ€" Edy on hand Nerviliueinerveâ€"pain (:m'e'y-hus :1 wondm‘flul and immediâ€" aie curative power. It relieves in one minute; it. cures in five. Pleasant tn Hie taste and the Leaf known remedy for pain. Mites-{5111‘ I élx’iï¬ifl’mr_\vhat happened him '? Firm Gamblerâ€"After he quit cards he ’nmsr starved. 'l’vi'mmfl writ-ring from Rheumatâ€" ismi Salt- Rheum. Piles, 'l‘etten (‘hiiâ€" I'lnins, Eczema. Skin Diseases, aka, who send 2:. iwn vent. stump (for posh age only) with name and address we will send a ire : sample of 'l‘traSk’s May:â€" neiin'. ()intmunt with a. Rnnsmn’s (‘nnk Book free, Frnnvis U. Knhle 127 Buy St... Toronto, any powder? New (‘Ierk~«\'es'rn.\\’hut kindâ€"gun. baking. or face? Use Vapors of Quick- cure for Throat Troubles. Lady (in general stormvll‘uve you SUME'I'U [N11 FOR N0â€! 11‘ SIMPLE AT FHRST. JUST TH E A TERIHBLE WARNING Remember 0TH MR" \V AY. NG A Good Blood Puriï¬er a Necessity How Hood's sarsaparilla Unequalled for Making Rich, Red Blood The necessity for taking a good spring medicine to purify the blood and build up the system is based upâ€" on natural and unavoidable causes. In (‘Oili weather there has been less per~ Spil‘aliou and impurities have not passed out, of the systpm as they should. Food has consisted largely of, rivh, fat‘ ty substances, and there has been less opportunity for outdoor exercise. The result is, the blood is loaded with im- purities and these must be promptly expelled or health will be endangered. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla is the best spring mmlil‘ino because it, is the best blood [illf‘lflt’]? and tonic. It purifies the blood and gives vigor and vita'ity in plan-e of weakness and languor. THE TASTE OF TIME. She complied with a special request to sing popular songs of the day, with suvh seiectione as "‘Hlot Time†and one or hm others of equle‘ literary merit. Is Canada’s Greatest Medicine. Sfld b all druggis‘m. 31; six fox-$5. Get only H00 ’3. Then 1:1 sweetâ€"faced old lady in the center of the nudience stood up and blushingly asked if The lady would be kind, enough to give them some of the unpopular songs of the day. Hood’s Pills Lums COUNTY FRANK J. CHEsz makes oath that, he is the senior partner of the ï¬rm of F. J. CHENEY 6: 00,, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, nnd that, said firm willpay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH that, cannot; be cured by the use of IIALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY, STATE OF OHIO. CITY OF TOLEDO, }Bs H 5 Sarsa- s parilla Sworn to bomre me aï¬xéubgéfï¬md in my presence, this 6th day of D camber A. U. 1886. TIMI‘ILY INFORMATION. (How do you keep that big clock \mund? asked the rural visitor as he passed the government building with a Chance acquaintance. 13:15 I Notary Public Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blo wd and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. 7 F. J. CHENEY 8L 00.. Toledo, 0 They ha\7e a winding stairway in the tower Spring Medicine Sold b Drugéism, 750. Hall's amin Pills are the best. SEAL Ogilvie has been all over the Klondike. He and his father are the recognized authorities on Klondike matters. He is possessed of all the information gathered in years of explora- tory work for the Government in the Klondike. Now he gives the whole beneï¬t of his knowledge and experience to the ï¬eld Hills Exploration and Hewelopment company of Toronto, Limited. CANADlANS ARE ALL ENTITLED TO A SHARE IN THEIR HERITAGE. That company is organizing and ï¬tting out an expedition for the Klondike. W. M, Ogilvie will personal‘y conduct that party to the rich streams. He knows the country as well as you know your own town. He knows where discoveries have been made, and Where new locaâ€" tions should be sought for. He knows the best routes, the most likely creeks, and with his well- equlpped party should win the millions. A few more shares will be oï¬ered to the Canal" J‘olic at 20 Cents. Presidentâ€"Hon. J. 0. Edgar, 9.0., M.P., Speaker of the House of commons of Canada. Flrst Vloo-Prosldont-â€"-Dr. Oroflhyatokha, Supreme Chief Ranger Independent Order of Foresters. Second Vloo Presidentâ€"w. J. Douglas, Esq, nlreotor 'rhe Toronto Paper M’f’g. co'y. secretary-«l. M. Laws, Esq. Stock not sold in blocks less than 100 Sharks, The Gold HHS Expioraï¬Ã©mï¬ and Develapment company, Limte. A. W. GLEASON, are the favorite cathar- tic. All druggists 25c. The General Trusts company Bulldlng, Torcnta. Old Grumpsâ€"lf you want to marry my daughtem. young man, you must firS't get. your life insured in her fav- ’Cnnmored Youthâ€"Certainly, certain 13'. Sil‘. “Which company would you re com mend 5? ()ld Grumpsâ€"\V01L. I think it better be the Pay Al] Claims Company. They allow suicide. LAKESIDE LEVI‘TY. Offi-er. shouted am excited man to & Chin:ng })01i:»eman.. those fellows in that saloon just stood me on my, head and took away every cent 1 had! Whim boys at Patsy'g was the offic- er’s vomment. as ‘he moved on, was a1~ ways great at jokes. The most fascinating puzzle of the day ‘ HO“"'1‘0 REACH. ‘ Sold everywhere. Agents wanted. Send 200. f for sample. T_ 33m“, l93 Commissioners 5t., - Montreal, Que. Vaporize Quickeure for Cald in the Head. Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer Porl'and to Liverpool in winter. Large anr fastmvin screw ammnahlps 'Lnbrador,‘ ‘Van lcouver.’ 'Dominion‘ ‘Scotsnmnf “Yorkshire ‘ Sn erior uccommoéation for Firm Cabin, Ser 3 on Cnbin and SLeerugo passengers. Ra [es 0! } Rasmgeâ€"First Cabin. $50; Second Cabin, $34 1 Ttoemge $22.50 nod upwde according to iateamer and berth. For all information apply ‘ to Local Agents, or DAVID TORRANCE 8E 00., I Gen‘l Agents. 17 3t. Sacrament St" Montreal. W eak Kidneys $§§N€¥§m GELERY KINE Thousands ‘estify to Its curative powers. Sold by all druggists. Large package, 25 cts.‘ woonwun MEDICINE 00., TORONTO, CANADA. “ MILLB~Stee‘, Ca‘vaniaed, Ballet am! 13..“ Beu-lngu. Iron Pumps. Myers. and rain Grinders. Gould. Agents wanted to introduce our Catalogue and terms. We will ‘ mail pfepaia “Hot Time in Old Town " thh music, or 5 cents, aï¬amps. POPULAR MUSIC DEPOT‘ 10 Alexis 8!. Montreal. .WWWW. ga. u. ANDIRION. M.n., No. 5 college-at. C TORONTO. __ 9. THROAT g Have You seen It I II Can You Do It I I I I Tho New 0. K. Puzzle I IIII ï¬EYll, in“! """" SPECIALIST. OMMWWWO pomiman Line Steamships Italian and Hybridsâ€"best ueens Wax All BaeSupplws~best qua ity wanted f Weed Patent Process 0 1 Foundation. “$13†000111 [1 ie Muir (to “mug, Eng: 0rd, enm' I. EYE. Eflï¬bsE 8‘ A (“HEERFU‘L PROSI’E 4T. 911 Follow the. directions on {the i’nsida of each packet of ASK YOUR DEALER FOR BURNING OIL. 9N8 ' N lNDO-CEYL TORONTO. ONT. The Best CANADIAN OIL. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY A short Lima ago several farmers on the Line of a big railroad rebelled against barbed wire, and demanded board fences. They compromised on the PAGE, filrst the, company had used. Our man afterxxards called on the road- master, who wanted him to see those farmers, who Would bug and kiss yoty and l have got to have 25 miles on mm divhsinn.†Farm styles at from 45 to 65 cents per rod. For illustrated ud- ve-rtising matter apply to our local dealers or to us dirert. IHE PM W FENGE GUMPHNY, Catches Roadmastcrs. P. S.-See our “ad†in next issue. and you will have good tea. Royal Safety Limited. WALKERVILLE, ONT. U I I IIIII lNDO-CEYLON TEA, Wholesale Furrler 494 St. Paul St. Consignments wanted. Ex- ress paid. Klondike Moose Ioccaiina, Fur Costa. Robe- nnd Snow Shoot a specialty. RAW FURS and SKINS. nghest Market Valuo PAID FOR Baoa’ Wax. Glnz mg, etc. H. JOHNSON, Momreal. Quo-