R. TIME TABLE. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail PucEx Ex Union .. 8.40 1.20 515 l‘hornhill........ ..9.15 5_55 RICHMOND HILL 9.25 (its King ........... . . 61.5 Aurore... Newmcrket . oi.» GOING SOUTH. Ex. Atl. Ex Mail. Newmurket... 8.15 3.13 5.35 Aurora...†9 22 3.20 6.04 Klng..... 9.40 ..... 'Wl RICHMOND Him... .948 7l6 ‘I‘hornhill ............... 9.55 ...... 7-14 TORONTO Union ............... 10.30 4.20 755 PROCTORKEIGE LINE. Connects with alltmins, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. {Ll-l follows: Mail & ExpressAartll 85 South†.830 EL :11. Express North ED(I<M8,ll South. . .30 p. In. METROPOLITAN TlME TABLE Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. Cars leave 0. P.R. Crossing at 7.20 and 9.40 a.m.; 2.40 and 540 p. ni. Cars leave Richmond Hill at 8.30 and 11 8.. IL; 4 and 7 p.111, POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MOBNING'wGoing Nortli.sou(h East and West, including 'I‘hornhill, Maple,Toronto Morklmiii,&0. 8.30 Evnnmezâ€"Going south East and West (as above) 5.30 N,B.--:Re:zistered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. J. T. SAIGEON, EIAPLE. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, Viz.: Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CANADA. -â€"â€"â€" ALSOâ€"â€" G ORE , ()F GALT. A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Callildllfille coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Solicited. Gill’s EXPRESS. Gaby’s Express runs to TORONTO EV ERIKâ€"â€" 31011 day. Wednesday and Il‘i-iday. Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. ï¬lial Delivered , At reasonable rates on shortest notice Patronage Solicitcd. LEVIGABY. A Talking Machine that Talks. o'in ' hostages; PURE CREAM TARTAR BAKING POVVDICR Everybody come in and hesr the GRAMOPHOEIE. I HAVE IT TO HIRE FOR PRIV ATE, PARLOR AND PUBLIC ENTERTA INM ENTS. W. A. Sanderson, DRUGG 1ST, [Richmond Ilill l {new @dmtmmnti. TOWEENT To rent in theVillage of Richmond Hill, a. Brick House with every convenience and in good repair. Apply to C. MASON, 38-tf. Richmond Hill House in Rent A Desirable Residence on Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, ï¬rst house south of High School. I Apply to JAMES NEWTON, BB-tf Elgin Tannery T0 RENT House and Lot to rent on north end of Lucas St. Richmond Hill, two acres of land with stable Apply at Tim LIBERAL Olllcc. 38â€"1 in. _ FOR_S_ALE†Four Secon dAHand Buggies, all in ï¬rst'cluss repair; also l Gladstone, ncurly new. Apply to W. R. PROCTOR, 37â€"tf Richmond Hill Houseiq Rent Brick House on Centre Street West. Rich- ‘ moiid Bill, in ï¬rst-class repair. Rent made right to good tenant. Apply to W. Ii. PROCTOR, 37-“ Richmond Hill Servsnflliantéd Good General Servant ‘Vanted iin- incdiatcly. Apply to MRS. ‘VV. R. PROCTOR, 37â€"tf Richmond Hill ‘ v m hâ€"TT w I For Servme A Thorough Bred Berkshire Boer, bred by the late H. Quetton, St. Geoige, will be kept- for service on the premises, Lot 32, 2nd con. Vaughan. 37 x 4 W. WASHINGTON. FREE From all imperfect- ions is what all well dressed men like. This is what is guaranteed by l: 1. lists l‘ailor. Agent for PARKER‘S DYE WORKS. WWOOd wants d_ Forexchunne, n. good set of serviceable single harness for four cords of hard wood, either green or dry. Apply to WM. H ARRISON, Harness-Maker Richmond Hill, Jun'v (3th, 1698. Willie l0 trellis In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM BO WES Late of the Village of Thoruhill. in the County of York, Yeoman, deceased. + Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0, lS€I7,c. 129,tlmt all persons having any claim against the cstuteof the suid William Bowes, deceased, “we required to send by post pl‘eruid or otherwise deliver the same to Anthony B. Bowes, Esquire, at Concord, in the County of Y( rk,one oi the executors of the said leceusad, together with full particulars thereof verified by :iï¬jduvit, stii ting the nature of the security, it any, held by them on or before the 5th day of April, 1898, After which date the executors of the estate of the said deceusod will proceed to distribute the proceeds of the said estate among those en- titled thereto according to luw,recurd being had only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given to the executors. Dated the 2nd day of March, 1898. CLARKE, JLOWES A: SWABEY, 36% 108 Bay St, Toronto, Solicitors for the Executors of the said late Williuin anes, (loceusei. Fertile lll’ ti lint Six Acres of Land, House, Stable , and Burn, on Richmond Street, in the Village of llivliiiminl Hill. lkdlli'vss, MRS. ROBT. STOUKDAI. a. 25) (S ilClllllOlld Hill. , H. L. ,_ - _ For Servme. _4__ A Thorough-bred Tamworth boar (Sir Philip) Will be kept for service on the premises, lot 42, list cvn. Mm‘lililiin. Terms, 531, at time of service. A. MARSH & SON. Richmond Hill. 344i Ripans Tabules curekdysperpsia. lcipans Tabulcs cure flatulence. Ripuns Tabules: gentle cathartic. RulltlFlllllllllE llllls M1". Farlner : Now is the time to lay in your summei simply of flour. And you should be very careful to proâ€" cure the best obtainable. Unon the quality of flour you procure depends very largely your comforts during the hard spring and summer Work. Your bread is half vour living. You buy common and inferior flour because it is it few cents per barrel cheaper. But you never con» sider the better grades will produce many times the Iliil‘erence in price more bread. And just your wife. handle and ‘Vill not. Produce Good Bread. Contrast that to Aurora Belle, flukey lDlLI of bread which We can give vou flour from wheat of the 153W: crop, which is for ln'iciiter und stronger and Wlll make more healthy and nutritious bi‘csnl than the soft or sprouted stuff of 1897 crop. JOS. HALL and A. i‘l'lOODIE, Agents for {iclmiond Hill, and Messrs. NAUGHTON BROS., at Elgin Mills. SEQ. S. BALWlll, AURORA FLOURING MILLS. uojl‘os.‘ Grain Chopping every day of the week zit Boyle’s Mill, at four and ï¬ve cents a. bug. SO-Lf. W. MAGER. E PEQFECT TEA rwlivJFST TEA IN THE VJORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUF IN ITS NATWE PUIZIIL " l‘ Tonsoon " Tea is packed under the supervision Milan '1 i ' 'ymwers. and is advertised and sold by them suinricof the bust qualities of Indian and Ceylon For that. reason they see that none but the li Icsircs go into Monsoon packages. t is why “ Monsoon,‘ the perfect Tea, can be m. same 1)." c as intern r ica. :yl't up .1 5 alcl caddies oibé “7., 1 lb. and sold, in l flavours at 4oc., 50c. and (x-c. r g-ri‘rr-rlil llOC’Lf‘ep it, tell liim to Wrile ' " Ix l {J , ii and 13 Front St. ’tlilllig his THE LIBERAL and Weekly Globe to jam. ISI, ’99, 3351.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun to Jan. Ist, ’99, $1.25. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail to Jan. Ist, ’99, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe I year, $4 50. .THE LIBERAL and Daily Mail I year, $4 50. THE LIBERAL and Daily World one year, $2.75. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, I year, $2.00. THE LIBERAL and Evening Globe one year, $53.75. THE LIBERAL and Farm- mg I year, $51.75. THE LIBERAL and The Ladies’ Journal, I year,$1.5o. All other city papers at equally low rates. Send your orders to T, F. MCMAHON, “ The Liberal †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. 507EARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS = ‘ COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an invention is probably puteiitable. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken t rou h Munn & Co. receive special notice, without 0 arse. in the , Scientific Hmcrican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c ournal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $1. So (1 by all newsdeslers. MUNN & Casement New York Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St“ Washington, D. 0. consider the amount of labor you_ will save , Poor soit running flour is hard to , \Vliioh brich easily, and produces a nice light . does not dry out! l. <72!- SL‘SHOES c_.nc .L ,_ -. I We Aim to Eilesse. We are giving particular attention to our \Vintcr Grades of Felt and l\'I:Ini~ toba Rubbers and Ladies†Skating Boots. “’0 carry :1 full assortm mcnt of Men’s, Ladk and Children’s Leather Goods in llluck and Colored, made by the host iiizuiufscmrers, scll~ ing lines at closc prices. lie sure and sec goods, for we have something that Will interest you. 'L‘. Repairing N ally and Pl‘Olllptl'V Done. r m." m m . r»er - ll , w {a . “2.33%? We are again to hand with a most complete stock 01" ‘szIll, Calling and Bordering Papc in town, at prices that cannot be beaten. Designs and colors new. Large stock of Furniture, all new (lesions. A few of' the prices speak for themselves: Bed-room Suites, large sizes, $13.50 ; l-Txtonslon Tables, 8 foot long, $6.50; Bcdstcmls, 562.75 ; Sideboard, largo sim, 2 rows of drawers, with mirror liixflO, $9; other furniture as cheap in pmportion for cash only. We keep constantly on hand Mixed Paints in all colors; lizilsomine and Dry Color Brushes, all sizes; Boiled, Raw and Machine Oil, Varnislics, Japans and Turpenincs; in fact all l’ziiiitcrs’ male ‘iul. Usual Stock of Groceries always on hznul. W Rioliiriond Tliitl HARDl/VARE - STORE Sells all kinds of Herdwsre, Tinwsre. Stoves, Eleve- ti‘csghing, And ever lillln“ in the Tin Stove and l'i.ll‘(l\‘(.lf€ lines ) o a t at lowest prices. Repairing Promptly Done “(Armin-“‘9‘; WW Imusâ€"w O. MASON, - HTOHhï¬IOI I.) HILL ipIePiu sentimentillness] Still Better than Ever. mmxmmrm Wm Zt' fl l _ New slim-s, 20c. cash, ï¬llll removes Sc. (wish. Evoi'y t-lioo guaranteed to stick and wear as long,r or longer than any other IIIIIkI‘. Light stool shoes at sumo prim". (Juslmnvrs who got their sound horses shod here will get their cripplos and interfering horses shod Without extra charge. All (illiorwork Iloiiir lit equally as low prices. Rigs of all kinds repainted. _ Sullsfuctlon guarantcml with every Jo‘.) or no pay. 593. S N i) E. R . The (lolobimcd lIorsc-ShoI-r, VVood- . worker and General J(ll)l)l‘l’, Dr. Reid’s ()ltl oillco, (Ioll‘mi‘nc St., '1‘ ï¬idiï¬hï¬N E11 LL ‘S‘IWIWGNIM Mr. W. B. Gram lmving gone out of the busines in Meow, I am twain prepared to supply customers on shortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended ’7’ W w. H. JAongugmm C'HIIIJISIIII. IIIILY '" mm.-. M. S libsscribe for 13133910 Marv Elill The LIBERAL. Sntisiuctiou guaranteed. ll IJJNRY MARSH The Rcyal Templar: of Temperance Rummoomeoxwxmmxxwoc seer .. ‘3 Meet in the Temperance Hall on the 2nd and 4th 'l'ursduy of each month. Assessment system. I’iiyuly‘e montl ly. Lady or gentleman). . 2,000‘ $3,060 16 to ‘25 l A l 0015 1 50 B 2.3 to :m l 10 I «35 u so to l 20 1 so D 31‘» to :l‘.) 1 iii, 2 00 id ‘ 39ml) 1 5m 2 25 , 1" I 42 to 1 mi 2 55 4:7 In is 2 46 t: 5‘.) For Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore throat, etc. KERRV. WATSON a. 60., Paovmm‘ons. Mourns“. g‘gooooeoccaeocoomoammwcecmec ece' erect J. H. SANDIGHSUN, J. Select (‘ouncflloh SW] T]. 'ilizi' ’ ‘ r3133â€??? TY‘V I «LEEI 4.....4...‘...-__£ l l COWS-DID. 1-s- “IOICOCCCB‘QOCGC ECCCOC‘SC $00» 3262’. Riflaikkaf 03°C “I ~’. 2