The Ontario License Law if 011-} forced is very strict with respect toi bars being entered on Sundayl Some time ago a, hotel keepe~ in“ Bowniunville 'ns ï¬ned: $320 and costs for allowing an employe in the bar- ‘ room on a Sunday. There was no evidence of any drinking, the' employe having merely gone into the ‘ room with the proprietor for the; purpose of doing some correspondU enee. The magistrate found the hotelâ€"keeper guilty of allowing the employeto be present in the ban room, saying that his presence there could not be excused. The employe was also, ï¬ned $2 and costs. In the Civil Assize Court on Fri- day one of Stoufl’ville’s unmarried men was ordered by ajury to pay to the husband of a young married woman in the same village, $1000 for alienating the affections of the' wife from her husband. During the course 01' his address Chief Justiee Meredith, in referring to the actions of the woman in question, remarked signiï¬cantly: “It would perhaps be :as well that married women should mulerstand that it is at least not prudent for them to go out driving with young and unmarried men.†Chief Justice Meredith is right. If married and unmarried people of both sexes would study to avoid acts of indiseretion, “just for amusement,†they might often save their friends from the annoyance of having to listen to what is probably only idle talk. A great many people are given to gossip. For this reason a person should be all the more particular in so conducting himself thatno contempt may he brought Upon himself or no reproach upon his relatives and friends. readiness for the review of each quarter‘s lessons at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce at a very small expense. in any Sabbath School that studies the International Lessons. By an early application of the ofï¬cers of any Sabbath School around ms an extra number of copies, the name of the locality changed, can be struck off in Elsewhere in THE LIBERAL will be found a local on the review of the present quarter’s international Les- sons. We think written exams. on Sabbath School lessons an excellent change from the Usual methods of conducting reviews in our Sabbath Schools. We do not see why written examsncannot be'carried out just as readily and as successfully as in our High and Public schools. The tend« ency of written aexsmis. is toward greater interest in't‘he current quar- ter’s lessons, more attention to study, and consequently greater efï¬ciency. As there are no prizes offered, the only motive is the testing of their own mental powers, and their pro- gress in scriptural knowledge, a privilege in itself a reward. The papers prepared for one can be used RICHMOND HILL, Max-eh 31. 1898 @112 “fliheral. making I .' if on- spect to Sunday. Lope ~ in llld costs the ha 1‘- wn S 110 ‘cnst nothing when at go more slowly, but the nmtors that will propoltlm Autocars never tire. llursns (7:111 work to ' :L few hours only while nm‘tors hoop 0n incessantly. 1101x505 shy and take. friglltvmotors cannot. llmsus fall down and run lzunvin’mwn-s never slip anywhere. llursvsmt as much while 1-05 as when waikingAâ€"nmtors require and / rest. Horses sicken :md div, with (mtim 1055‘ motors can lw :(mowvd in any part. ’J‘lwsvm-u but a few points showing the advuntzxgvs of motors ()vnr horses. You seem to have overlomwd the fact that my Aubocar need not run in mud or snow unless we wish. them to for the tracks of the Metropolitan Railway will he at, the service of the Autocnr, as thvy are now at; the, dis- posal of the ï¬ll-1110.1 vehicles. As you truly say at, the claw of your article, “ this is :11] ago of invvnlion," and I can assure you let tln‘ inven- tion whic‘: \ "ll be used in propelling my Aulumn is one that will “ get there " (‘Yl‘l'y time. A. H. ST. (x'EHMAIN. Bcdford Park, March 28th, 1598'. My Autumn's will hv illilt‘ lotrzwm'se ilw highways: 11101'0 Haulin tlmn ordi- nary vehicles, for Hwy will be (equipâ€" pvd with power Ugunl to any and all emvrgvncivs. Snow 011 L110 ground that; \vunld provth farm volaiclvs from {mu-llng will be no obstacle to the Autocalr. \K'hy shnuid ii “0 i'u i’uiluxu? The lrl‘UVllx‘f,’ [I'PQHUHHV “anzkvd out,†by mmwox: Hm Hawks, m- iu- (m Hu- t)\‘('1'â€"hw1d \‘\'i1‘(‘>‘, m- wpvcitu lwuvy deluundrzonL110 pmvm- Imus“ in (:uu- smiuwm-«x of {how obstructions. “19 Animal); 0111110, other lmml, has no trucks to 1m blmakvzi, no overhead wires to bo ()lmtl'm-u‘d with for), snow, 01‘ min. and no power 1101150 to got, out of order. A short time ago at the ’1‘. Palm Co’s farm at Islington L10 hogs were killed and burned owing: to the bl'eaking‘out of hog cholera ammg the herd. A dozen such accuz's'onccs as the above would scm‘coly he the cause of any cmnmcm. by the Opposition press, but should half :1 dozen hogs fall sick in the Number piggcry the cry would he 'uiscd in some quarters that the Hardy Governâ€" ment slmuld resign. In yuuroditminl 11010 011 the 17th inst. spa-11;ng 01" my prnpusvd Anioml' 121w, yuu my, " An ;'\u\lnc:n' would be H (-nnvvuivmw 1’m‘ ph‘asnw luu‘tiw; i1] Ihvsumuwr smmm. hm as £L W1an- 4. iinviLwuuhisuwiy1w n a iluw?†So fur there have been about a score petitions entered against the return of members to the Ontario Legislature. No doubt many of those petitions have been entered not because there is evidence of corruption but in the hope that some wrong doing may come to light before the trial is called. No man should be allowed to hold his seat if there is a suspicion of corruption, but it is a pity that members should he put to the trouble, expense and annoyance in order that a. saw-off may be effected with some opponent. To LLO Editur «:f’l‘m-z 1 H In ynur editorial By a resolution moved in the United States House of Representa~ tives, and the way it was received, it may be judged that the nation are in favor of 'ar with Spain. The reso- lution suggests an immediate declara- tion of Var. Should this resolution carry, it would be forwarded to the Senate, where the feelng appears to be just as strong in favor of taking up arms. So far President McKinley has advised moderation, but should the resolution pass both Houses he would no doubt bow to the expressed wish of the representatives. Wu: 5!. (Sm-maxim Armag- I‘lEII Ila “ inter. The Dominion Senate last night threw out the bill relating to the Yukon Railway, passed by the House of Commons. This will probably be the greatest blow ever inflicted On the trade of this country. It; may entail a loss of millions of dollars to the traders and manufacturer who have stocked their warehouses and facto- ries in anticipacion of a year of won- derful prosperity. In fact no person can foresee What the consequences may be. If the Conservatives were in pOWeI' in the House of Commons it is safe to say that the bargain with Mackenzie & Mann to build the rail- Way from ’l‘eslin Lake would never have been challenged. Horses gC‘tPil‘CfL and stumble, and Doubts AHSW’BFECL cAL {I l] Mar 11 '24. lm MISS FREEK, FRI} 88- MAKER, Four Second~ï¬and Buggies‘ all in ï¬rst-class repair; also iGludsboue, nearly new. Apply to W. R. I’lgOQTOR,_ A Thorough Bred Berkshire Bony, bred [W the 1er H. Quotton, Sn. Grunge. will be kept for service on the premises, Lot; $2, 21111 con. Vaughan. 37 x 4 W. WASHINGTON. \VANTED : Furnmrs’ suns 01' other il'ldustrious persons 01' fair m'iumnion to wlmm $0011 month would 1w an in- ducmm-nb. 1 cuuld also vngngu 2). few ladies at, their own hunu-s. ’1‘. H. LINSUOTT, TOROXTU. A (-v 71110110125 Dwehiug and Store with Imwn a1: ' Garden. ’I‘ers (any for pmwlmsb r. mm rm" uw to good tenant. The dueng mm laud CJH lw re-ntul 2mmt 1mm the sun‘s). For helm: &c . u; ply t') House and Lot to rem on north and of Lucas S! .. Richmond Hi1Ltwo mares uf mm with stable Apply at; THE LIB"RAL 0 (me. 88-1 m. MONDAY, April 4â€"Credit sule of farm stuck, im~ pleurcms, &c., on Inns 18 mm 19, 3111 con. ‘ East York (near Flynntuwn), bl»: ln'mverby of Henry Johnston. Sulnnt I u'cIm-k. l'erms 7 mrnms. Eclm rtlt & 1" entire nuuts. WEDNESDAY, April 6 -â€"C)‘ellitv salv at farm Stuck, implemgube, A212, M. Michmmul Hill, the property 01 John Brown. 5111:: at l u’clock. Terms 7 months. Ecknrdb & Prentiwe, uuctiuneers. SATURDAY.AprilQâ€"Cl’ellif sale of farm sfock. implements. ljnncclmlrl furniture. 61m, on lot 23, 2 1 con. East ank (east or Newt/m Bronx, 314-5336 mill mud), un chu farm 01' S. Hughes 'Snlo .Lt ll) ()‘clm'k. Lnnt‘h provid» elll 'l‘m'us? months, 1‘;Ckfll'llt& Prentice, auctioneers. "‘"" ' ' - FRIDAY,Aprilsrhum'mllt sale of vs-hlcles unll implements, m‘L'wmm‘oux, the ynvperty of CburlesMurphy. Sale {It 1 u’clmk Terms <1 mths. Eekardt- & l’remiue, uucliunvarS' Li-i‘l’arbies getting their bills print-ell ut, leis Olllce will receive 11 nutlce simiiu-r no the ubuvo FREE or CKARGE M’s. BRADLEY-GA RRETSUN COM- PANY, LIMITED, TOTUNTO. To reuth the “lime «:f Richmond Hill, _u Buck House “1th merv cuuvumcnce And 111 good repmr. eundersigned has for sale on lot 27, 31110011. : ulmeZUO bags choice seed potatoes, lute early. AGENTS: “Glimpses of 1.110, Un- Sm'n,†fascinating bunk. Swuxps the entire, ï¬eld of lmrdm-luud suijcis, Fw-rybody ordm-s. Marvelous Elms- tmtions. I’l-uspacmshvv Lu mm‘ 1% irï¬ni‘iond 1 Kill, 37-tf “Eli (:hnlon d H ill ick House on Centre Street West, Rich- .Li Bill, in ï¬rsvcmss repair. Rent made a to good tempt. ‘1 man to exist (an hardly say I lived) until i go all of 1m, when a lady (Mrs. Alex. Kidd. or Wur- flw. Ont.) who had been cured of hemorrhage of the lungs by your Consumption cure. Cannabis Sstiva, urged me to try it. Accordingly I got a package Ind took it. but something had for a long time been work- Jo in my system which prevented this package from †‘ing‘hold us it should havedone. This “ something " davelopediambiervous Neuralgiu, end for seven weeks held me in torment. I immediately got two more , line! of the Remedy and began taking it, upon which there ensued sregulnr battle between the Can- ntbis Bativn and the Nervous Neuralgin, and I verily believe that were it not for the Remedy. I would hove inevitnbl succumbed to that disease. The results are incalcula le. It is over a year since I have taken nny of the medicine: but since then I have not had the Illghtost touch of Asthma, Catarrh, Inflamma- tion. Bronchitis or Congestion. Ihnve had an and"; of neuralgia, but it was comp-nativer light: my spirits have revived. my body has become robust (I now weigh about 140 lbs.) my system is stronger. my color brighter and fresher, dyspepsia has little or no power over me. I am happy. working hard every day. All of these blessed results I nttribute. under God. to the efï¬cacy of the Cunnnhis Sstivs. or East India Conâ€" sumption Cure. I know of other cures that it has wrought, but consider none so marvellous as mine." ism yours verygmteiully, wage “is Rent House to Rent 85â€"11! Seefl Potatoes tf "I cannot tell you what - chnnge one pncknge of Cannabis Saliva wrought in me. I had a terrible cough, was low spirited, and had no strength; my skin was dry and covered with dark brown spots. My friends had no hope that I would gel. better. They snldlct was no use sending (or ilie Remedy ; but I had been cured of Catarrh by it, and recommended it to others who had been beneï¬ted by it. I commenced improving as soon as I began taking the Remedy and when it was gone my cough was near]? gone. and in n few weeks I was able to work as wel as ever. The spoty‘ei't my skin and have not returnEd. -. I do not feel any pain in my lungs as I used to for years. and never since my childhood have I been through a winter without Rbeumniism until now: I have not had a much of it this winter. I wish you every success, and ask God ‘20 bless you in Ihe good warxryou are doing." Mrs. JOHN ELLIOTT, Richard’s Landing P.0.. Ont. RICHMOND S‘I'., TO RENT FOR SALE For Service T0 RENT 1x Tm: VILLAGL Q? Sale Register. Apply to VV.’R. PROCTOR, Richmond Hill WM. JONESJlichnumd Hill, P4 0. I am outs vet gratefully. Rev. WM. . STE ENS, Paisley, Ont. MRS.‘ FALCUN‘HHDGM '72:“) Ontmiu St ,’l‘01'ont,0 AppVy tn C. N‘Iï¬QON Richmoml Hill ltinhumud Hill “ THE LIBERf’cL †OFFIGE. Increase your crops .30 per 0(qu by using Albert‘s 'i‘humzxs-: Book and full information (~21 vypliatntmt IE6 King St. En. Home Blankets, 'l‘tx-mms & \7; AIM Wire Nails, from $1.851) per keg. MixegLPamts, from gal. Poultry Netting. from 293: yd. Pruning Saws, double 500. ea. Manuve Forks, 4 prongs, 45o. Canada Life, , Phoenix. Fire, TENS. RICHMOND North \Va-smsl, and Ms E Ezafl'alu 130%.: ‘W’ool and EEEEEDEM-r Also representative for the Dominion Indiana and Mum. : The Trusts and Guarantee (hnnpuvny of 'l‘mwmln. :.11(1 The ()(wxn Acmdent and Guaman Curpmution of London, Englandi Turns out nothing but, Firstâ€"(Hnsq Hume THOS. MEREDWH & 60., HILL JOB PRINTING Blue Stone for Spraying. Spray Pumps. RGHMQNQ HELL, jig. ‘wi Got our pump catalogue and b‘lfl‘il‘y' calundvr Ht )1) an .i‘ g I N E AT A N D A'l"i‘1~3.r-EC'LW 1i In the m monto, Agent; for WW DONE AT British Eamerica. Fire. ‘.“' liPH ("mi H 111’ «"1111'u!‘(‘.1'« Wmï¬-‘x ammuma’mmme “Tim mxmzxzm Nthi (3m 1‘ Clyde Hotei. mv Harm A H E‘Eiagw. ; matchexvan s“: to “a 3 JE ) ‘ in Stork “£48, hat/0 Powder. mm. and specialty.