Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Apr 1898, p. 1

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W lint-2w $1 per annuin, in adminch Maw-W‘Wfiar' 5-7:." N'rsvn v amam’fix 721135" HY To lhmin 1, Tim. 1'5 ?T“F 11.1. ' ...' . W M. l: Moved to 3»; \‘iiztcrlse flirt-at, ’i‘omnm. W. Drill. Rheum f: OF ‘31 illitlwi. l‘ltl'lol’l'. ll"? “fill bc in lllvl‘. :ioiul llili moi'y \Vod~ p. in. Lav. Wiicm. v ' , ’ximanQQK'rszécn was!» ‘v’li'flllll RY l1 Ll‘iTlST, till 0 ll 1.) lilIL L , , College, Vol oi'inm‘y Moniny . 1")“iluuy :iitcinlod to .ll(‘l‘ :iUll ' ltl‘. RU firmluato of tho Untario with dlplo~ ‘- Dunbzill * l‘i‘idiw , roin 1 to Discus $1.1 animal ( pi‘ovod inctho lxonl xi, will Visil Wow-5:. hlL‘tLt- .io‘l «hinged on loans. wwufln’fl-Tz 3mms:wm.mxammw 01' {LL ltio‘o wx‘rhizwc. T Foxxiiivr, llli‘llt'otm‘ St. Toronto. ‘rjr .LL. 0ND hwul. , .>ilil'oi’l.lii'o' lll‘hlt'l’ll ooiiinml'ciiil . on Auctions hotels on vcliioiizto. trai'cllo s. or di'i\i.);r p to or rolui twins. (‘lill- lili,l}{S (' 5’1‘01’ ‘ lat/YA LT . 5.955 E’i'o mimosa “in 5563' o ii] “iii 1*} .\.-i'l‘. "(HUNT 0 s .mblgrL. Mhplo vary acct).ninoilotion so ;\l(r’»i» . lloiii'd, $1, iii-riim' liiconsod Mirth-m (‘vcnm {1.1 311104 oli timber. - ' , at ‘i‘OllS/lllllh» l . “aldcv‘l‘nkfi ‘ 1‘()llfL;;r:SllliCl‘ 'o. P.(| final; fining! £331.55 l». . Funvrsmi 2.7:.- Liociwi ii LllCS cum flatul'im' U P vrlipransTar { lillSS C. Dill R. A- ‘11 it. Limelile A not Io ‘ {\g . A lo if) C 125:; O I ' Whitc 11o: A “f7. Essential-3, Uniiy; i7: NcnuEsswiiali, Lié‘ariy ; in all t‘zings, Charity.” . xiv/x ' = “$221.19 :zlrjEwZ-fl‘m . I MAtBONALD» n :i] in :.i li‘lplo on Thursday :iiioriizioii of (‘Ill'll ‘wv/‘k. /o‘ .{lAN .1" 5” 'l‘oiephonc 47 likll'i‘lmhi‘l'i'. Qolioifnrs, (KW. "'oi‘onto Rh, 'l'oi‘onto. T‘.“lll[‘fi o. Joints. j of Ontario. illlt‘U Loan and Savings ('ohipiliij,'. its: ray. ill: Bid C . DIVER IN THE Y'F‘. Hm, lei’l‘ Cit? IUI‘ETICE, &c. q. u. '8 nicenses. ‘051‘ OFFICE. i .. A. n'i'7i'11'w. l'iiblio, Uonvoyniicor, Valu- oniiliiswouoriii 13.11., {\‘Lc. 1;") foil-38.11. "EMbHWQHLL. W (,‘JililISTON L L B Toronto Street. open cvery _.__ 0__ . ill.“ lllfiil' AT llil’l’EST CURRENT RATES sol, LENNUXin MACLEOD Elam-Sisters. (Solicitors, 6m. Tl) it! ll‘i'l‘t’) AND AURORA. ifiisviii ’& 'GliiiViN, Barristers, Sulicli om, ‘.';on \‘OVEJH‘L‘Z‘S, Notaries, 61c \1 llamnl 10. \'< l‘li (llioml'crsfl Toron- to 'l‘ n‘r‘nto. Ilflll atofl‘iceJlorne lilltllltl Hill. all day \Veih ’ 1nd ’l‘ucsoiiy and Saturday / all“ moons. l nosilo ‘; ‘illlm at Richmond Hill who, and will attend trig of the Court uniform E22 iiiiniiis luriisters, Solicitors, &c., KING STllEH T \‘CEST, TORONTO. East. '1" onto (Jiliao, Mi. Grmit‘s residence, \Vl‘.()\!l)l‘ltl;’l‘. (in‘l‘Y evening. Thornliill, ouch \Vodnesduy from 10 to 12. M [l ' A loigi 'oyi'd l'i ELY l ilON‘Eil \ amount of private funds to loan on iii 1m ' Five per cent. in~ 1h: \ ti-rnrsf repayment. No coniâ€" Apply to 11.1 \i’lx‘ilNCl’l & OlililflTON, 15 Toronto St. Toronto :iiond Hill on Hutu-aims. “Pam msm Wm 77 J. P1212. TICE Ccrrville. lliiiifli'fif 1%: 1‘: culicc ‘ for the County of York. out-“t. Gcnm'til sales of ‘13).(llll‘llLl) :rtlunilvd to {it i‘cnsnnanle \x. 1;. (building, Newton Brook, agint llll Fl’il for Lilo ll.l;|l\{‘,. D BLOUGH 4. Wichita 6‘3; Bloug‘ls. iintio, (tors for the County of York,re- \w‘ir linti'onnije and friendly led on the sLoi'test notice 1'. 0.1mm es King .1”. 'li‘. Saigon“, *iomwrfoi' the County of York lzort ‘ ioticomnl ot- renâ€" L'.1Li.:ii.igo l: liaitcd. E). woodman, i‘i’oi' the County of York. 1) («mo ts, inrni ii‘e.stnnding lil on the sliorti 5t notice and Maple. W. 1"}. finish, 1(‘f1(‘llfl‘1'f01‘tllfl Counties of York » ~’le'~'lif form stock, 610.. {itâ€" ., Stalill‘x i110, Ont. 9-2.. 'E". Béi'ookes, .2‘ for the County of York. Patronage solicited. Adâ€" .0. modoi‘iit llipoiis ’l‘n‘oiilos. m lilpzins nilll'illi’752 one gives relief. llipaiis ilipanr. Ta oiiles: pleasant laxative. r ‘lilllQS cure liver troubles. L & JONES, 1. Rosidi nee ‘ (2st notico and reasonable ‘ [Single copies, 3 cts. .m. ‘I'hornhill. fair. 'l‘. Farr has iiioyod to Egliiiton. and Mr. McKonzio of “lillo‘xvdiilo, who hml purohasid Mr. Farr’s farm, is . ii :2‘».‘1'.i3:;iii. 73in F. liai-noit has removal to Name: Monk: 1" . 1“. 1’. Muldooo is mi-‘w rl into Mr. '1 hompson’s houso: lioiidiy has inovod into Mr. ' tli’s house; Mr. '1‘. Clay is kl my; moving to Toi onto. houses hero Yoga/scarce; _\ .4 \vo arc to have a number i i f» l L import .~ of nor: lllll'fi this summer. The l’ii‘riic Library Boaid met, on 'V'Fwiiiooiloy oyoiiing, when the host. of solisl‘avtioii was inanifestcd with the [)l'mfn'USH niado thus far. The total niimbor ol' \‘Hl’illlll‘S have now reached 577. and otliois arc to be Iiddod from iimo to tiiiio as the funds onion in. 'l‘hoso. with the daily papers, the mag- :izinos and other I‘ioriodiozils are makâ€" ing it vory ploasant for the intellectual public of this vi .initay. (hi tho ovoiiiiig of Easter Monday. tho 1". ll. of U. E. ai'o to hold in} lszsti-rjit lloiiic at the residence of Mr. 1'). Jami-s. An enjoyable evening oxpooiod. Various aniuSPments as woll as u. choico programme havo boon £l]']':lll§.{<‘(l by the committee. ‘iVo .‘ll'(‘ plozisod to hour favorable i-opoi-rs of Mr. 1V. G. Richardson, who is now tom-hing school :it Edmonton, N. \‘s'. 'l‘. \'-.’o wish Will (ivory sum cons in his now hold of Mimi“ and trust ho will llétVt‘ just as good a. time as he had at tho ll'liiplos. Miss Mabol and \Vii’mifred Lane liavo l‘illilll’lll‘ll aftoi' spending a pl ‘21321‘11‘. sojourn with their many l'i'ioiids iii ’l‘oronto. ~â€"â€"â€"v~r<>-¢>â€"~ ll.“ YOU . .llll TRUE. Pnei‘gotic, and eilirivo foolish projiidico against canâ€" \':i.; sing. xvi-ho to mo. I have put hundi'i'ds of moi; in tho \ 'iiy of making monoy. mum of whom :iro now rich. T. S. 1.11‘5500'171‘, Tom». 1‘0. ._,,-.°__.._._q‘> , Concord. l‘ll‘. Pattorson has moved to Czii-i'villo. Miss lizissiiigu'vffi, of it‘ttqrson was i‘isl: v at lizi i,.njl‘i"‘.-_ 1'7. .lziiiii‘s Ellis. ‘ " " Mrs. and Miss "oasdale were Visiting frionds in Toronto. Mr. Goorgo Clark is preparing to also his lid)“ in tho coming siiiniiim‘. Not. long; ago one of our boys sot a. lion. \Vhon ihoj.‘ wore hatchod thoi-o Woi'o. two Chicky-us. It is hopi'd that tho iioxt tiiiio Dan will have hottor luck with his thinoughbrcds. if at first you don’t succeed, try again. . n4”. ___. AGilCN'l‘ . “\Voman” is tho title of our grout. now hook. Discussos all ])ll.‘lS(‘S of tho subjoct. Contains “ Tho. Life and \Voi-k of Miss \Villnrd," thc most woiidoi-fiil woman of tho con» tiii'y. ()vor a. hundred lwiiiitifli.‘ portraits of tho greatest, womon known, with l'iiogi'aphicnl skotchos. Snap for (‘2111\’:~.SS(‘1'S. LlNE‘a‘UO’l‘Tl‘ COMPANY, TORONTO. -â€"â€"â€"<o>â€" Division Court Only two (:aSoS came before His Honour, Judge Morgan, at Division loui'l hold horo on Monday, as fol- lows :fl Morgan V. suod dofoiidant. for balance of wagos duo, amounting to $7.50. Dofciidant put in a. counter claim of $4.00 for two wvoks’ board, and $3.50 for wear of a. pair of boots and acoat. V for plaintiil’ with full costs, loss $1.00 for iiso, of boots. lioopor v. H(iopor.~vPlaintit‘l2 for \roooivod in (ash, $7350. J udgo Morgan illl()\\(‘(l $12 a month for 3 iiimilhs. suod 55%, niid $8 a month for at months, .5132. Ho than doductod $11 for (:loili- , lug, $7.50 cash and $11.50 paid into ooiirt. Judgment was given for tho. laalzinoo, $33. ’l‘hu only lawyors in :ittcndaiico. Worn Mr. A. (i. 14‘. Lawrence and Mr. F. \V. (ho-yin. ’l‘lio llOXT court will be held on lionâ€" dziy, tho li-ith of June. â€"--~iv o 0» Board of Education The Board of Education mot on Monday, April 4th. hiosors. Storey, Sanderson, ii'lc- (Tonaghy, Mowton, Naughton, lowit- zci', illcNair and Harrison. ’l‘lio. following accounts were read, and on motion were adopted :rd .los. lizill, brooms, $3.00; \V. 11(‘\\‘lt~«(ill, :alsoi’iiiiiing and painting .Jiiiiioi- Dopnrtmont of Public School worm. Moi‘odby 311*. Sandorson seconded by Mr. l‘ili-Nuir that. Mr. John l’lari‘is’ (-laiiii of ‘J for drawing plans for tho lilgl‘ll .‘ ool ho paid#Lost. .‘ilUYt‘ll by Mr. Storey, socoiided by Mr. Nowton that It committee con- sisting of iho. chairman and 1‘11", Harâ€" soii, ho :l])}l()llll(‘(l to wait on Mr. l‘ltll'l‘lri1'(‘l(lllV(‘ to disputo about. plans, without projudiccngarried. A connnittoc w: appointed to level up and sood tho High School grounds. The Board thou adjourned. StopliBosonâ€"Plaintiit ‘ Judgment} 'os, 7 months at $12, loss $7.50 roiiiovc i‘m ozlio . n-lcvrisnl‘y. OJMl’A‘NY, l. I. El). ’l'oliox'i'o. Members prosout V llC'lfilD HlLL, THURSDAY, APRIL '7, 1898. rm.» mm, mm: p u- m u "can. m zkwsvzvmfimwmi «A.- .. Wrr.€f_1-41‘/ x V" _~-n_,fl-.‘...w.m (mums .M Ladies W111 be in Style To the. Editor 01TH)”. LIBERAL DEAR Show ‘No liud i‘ho pleasure of visi 'ng the lllillinoi-y . partiii-oiit of tho (loncroio lloiiso l t ll‘i‘idzly. it. the occasion of tho Spring opoiiings and (-‘x'Oi-V'lhliig: had boon doiictoinako it a, slil‘coss. No pains; ha. ‘0. boon s mrod by fill'. Switzor to niako this branch of his busiiioss a. worthy riyalof that in ("113‘ stoi'os. Miss GOI‘llt‘ Alton has full cl .irgo and is l‘:'C(‘l\‘ll\.f): tho. (tong; atiilations of Visitorsi'oi- iii'raiigiiig oi‘oi-yirbing as Silt" has. 'l‘bo stock is (*omiilotc. lt comprisos tho laiost stylos and slizipos in huts and toquos. 'l‘ho colors on: as riiiiii‘i‘iiiis as tlioso of ilio rainbow and t ieir brightiioss oxoi-odingly gaudy. 'l‘ho ladim iiood not l'oar, howevor, ‘v 1'15 that tho limiily has llf‘l'll sucriliood by l tho gaii of tho colors. 'i'liu wliolo is arraiigod so skilfully and artistically that trimmings how a lion and oasy but tasty and i'? oiiiaiiiig appoai‘aiico. . Tho \‘oi‘y lalosi, .liitlg); iii bond Word" “ :hophoialos'i “ which in o. is ilio droopiiigloi .\ on which tho lay of tho 1. running, is toward tho. back whill’ tho J‘oiiago falls gram fully ovoi' tho bad; hair. ll‘lll‘jll'tfi'lllllllg (-oloi-s ill‘i’ nomiiriiuni. lKll‘QIlHlSL‘, liluo, groon ll‘ (‘Vory zahado. bu: iit oraiigo, and much black. The oliiof ('loiiioiiis of tho triiiiininsrs :ll‘t‘ l'olizi‘r'o os noys ostrich . " . l 1 ' tips. vsiglo (pulls and doyo-wiiigz. I‘ow boimots will bo worn. 'l‘liol-o £110. hits and lotions for oldaiid young; and Miss Allow will son to it that l‘.\'('1"\‘ hut sold add lifty poi' cont to tho homily of t ho woamr. As wo count out of tho millinoi'y room no rolioctod that. fairy land could not. bo fulroi' or moro on» [icing to a. lover of bounty. A UifiNil‘ld’fil o): VlSITOR. “1, .,..,,._- -_._ .1. AG C “55: lfii- . i'o hor (loath Miss VVillard wrote tho introduction to our new book “ \‘i' oinan ” ; br'l‘oro. piiblica» tion we add tho touching story (if licr lifo. by Miss \Vigzgons, hoi- intimato frlcnd; a loodor of tho. iiiovomont iIi laiinda. The: only (lQLllildlEHl work, and we are exclusive publishors. Prol’aoc by Lady Aboi-dooii. Sells fast. Libm-al terms. Books on timo. paid. ’1‘: '11... (m. .flâ€"‘oofl-v Ne ‘WS 153 ones. 7 gliyt LENS JOTT COM- G-i to film Concroto for 'ho latest Stylish (ll-signs in Milliiiory. 1'1 liro at tho (loiitwil l’i-isoii last lay (“.lllst‘tl (inmago to tho. oxtiénl. ll i'r,ri';zjo foli< with 0111‘ potions. min of frioiidsliip Atkinson it Sum.â€" Mouth Ontario lliboi'als incl. at liiooklinaiid do 'lod io rtouio't the i-loilionol’ilir. t‘aldor, who ilt’l‘l'iblt‘d llh)‘. .loliii lia'yili'il. for 25 ,. por lb; lixtrzi Baking" l“()\V(l(‘l‘, 2 lbs. ct ll‘uil t‘i- :iiii (Thorio l] (‘1, ILlQlillltiOll it it.“ lilét‘l‘. hiniiagiii‘ .laiiios 'l‘ut {lo of tho \Vosloy Stool; Company was on Friday on ll- iiig‘ totallyshon by ‘06. ll. l'liiiorsoii, an actor on tho stago of the. Music ligzil :itlnnrlou. limivy {ol‘or- 'l‘oivoiiiiui. 3; ots. 1111' yd. llt"l\')‘ ii! i. (ill Hamil-lull, 5 ots. ‘l o» v. poi' yd. : 313 inch ii‘lllll‘llllgi :3 ('.'~‘ l'ti‘l‘ yd. Atkinson J». f-iwitxol'. hii's l’iiriioll, molhor of tho lato (‘hai-los Sic rt l’ui-iioi'h who died from bin-u:- i l‘iHlll 1m acci- do: All ii;iii‘:ii.;,‘ a lltl o' nlilog‘, was bu d on tliot "' Apr” l)<‘-:~;i<l(‘. tho. grm‘o of hor LllSkilllglllrilll‘tl sou. Tho, valuo of mom y ii»: in tho amount you l‘:l.ll buy with lmol. ()‘.'(‘1' At lb. liiiisoii [C i':i\\'li’/.(‘i“s Stock m 1 son tho gi'o :i \‘llllli‘ ihoy giro. for Lil lo money. of 'l‘tll‘llll’ 'fwoiii tho Al his1 hit iidriy‘s llll’l‘llilt,‘ tot Hy Union. :4 Ill" ‘_.\ia.\ .n- to i-‘onvi-nl llavs of - tho, iil'illlil ’l'i'imk ion-.1 i'oi‘iaiilly ilIVil. r tho (ii‘;lll(l 'l‘i-iml; to to Toronto. 7403-7 7 ~ Aiil‘lN'l‘f‘lsoll * lilondilio-{iold Molds” liko a whirlwind. lll‘llflll‘uillrl :13 oi-iits worth flilJHI. - I pa '. (,‘a'piial llllâ€" fill. ll)?»-(l/\ltll.l<lll‘8th â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~<rwor 7 VA lill"Vt lli’l‘ll LEA G l: E. hll‘. VJ. Ha‘ x isoil (I('.L'.ll})l(‘(l tho chair at tho. lewoi-iii lwaguo int-cling on FridayL-Wiiii 2:, who“ :11) iiitoi'osiiug lll‘Ugl'llllllllt‘. MAS givon. liosidos tho llSllill(‘X(‘1‘(’lSr>, in singing, and Biblo roawng, Mr. l“. ill-.loitt sang a solo, and Roy. (E. Lll<»(1ullol-h gave on adâ€" dross on “Church Polity.” 'l‘lio spoalb or roi'ori'od to tho, (iolu-i'nl (.‘oiil'orouoo which moo's (‘Vl‘l‘y four yours, and \ylloso lllll ‘Hioi's .‘lilil lo) illi‘ll'flfill equal number of (virgin lllill\\'. all tho laws govoi-ning tho, church: also to tho, (loiil'oronco of Web District which moots yearly. \li'. lli'tliillooh also giravc llll'lll’ll‘llilhll i‘ola. . 'o to tho “liltingâ€" ont sociotios in lilillllt‘l'l,li)ll with tho, church. and oxplainod tho liupoi'aimuâ€" ation Fund, tho Union (lhui'ch lioliof Fund, tho (ionoral (toiil'oi'onco Fund and tho rhistontaithiii i-‘imd: Mun ‘ Assessment system. «My . PERSOI‘i AL 5. Mrs. ’1‘. Cross 'family have 1'0» moved to Thornhill. Mrs. F. \V. Colcs with infant. daughtor is sponding,r a. few days wit h hor pni‘cnts, Mi: ‘illil.l\11'.‘s. .l. l‘lllSlUIl. Mr. A. B. Davirlmn. Public School liispci r, paid an ()lli ‘zil visit to tho schools how on Thursday and li‘rid:i_\'.. l‘ill'. John l‘ipoi', i'oi‘i'norly of this placo, is acting: as occasional motor» man on tho. Toronto Stroot Railway lino. Mr. \V. H. Pugnlo}: with tho county miginoor and soyoi'al otliors \W-nt on \Vodncsdiiy to lay out an oxtontioii of the Toronto Stroot Railway lino. as for met as Highland Crook. Mrs. Escoti. of London, who spout. :1. fowl];in with 1101‘ sistor, Mrs. (1)12) 'l’lutchisoii, i'otiii'iiod on Saturday. filiowns acciimpaniod homo, by M Violot Storoy and Miss Vi-i'iw lint .. 35:11 who will roinaiii 2i fo‘fi wooks. Miss llattio lliiifoot who has boon zittoiidiiig tho (Quooii (lily lhisini'tiz (lollogo and Shot [hand liiiiyo: p ‘11 lioi' oxuniiiiuliouri. i'cooiyed lioi‘ diploma. H11” remarkably croditablo (‘()lll‘rv(', having; madchigh marks on (‘1\'(‘l“\' subjc . ln shorthand slio mudo lill' out ol‘ :1 possiblolfill, in llimkâ€"ln'opii flllil out ofROll, iii siwlliiigloout.of Evil and l". Businoss Penmanship (35 out. of 7"". ~.i‘i y has and ll", twill I llor shorthand Showod 1133 words poi- . iiiiniito. ll‘lioiihovo appoais; to ll‘ vi szifoiiistitiitiou for sliirlonts wanting; positions, 18 studonts havii'sv; boon placed in good positions during: Lb!) past six woolis a p , ._,,, bale Register. SAT-ITRl‘AY, April {177(‘i‘cilit sale 3" ‘ s‘w'ir. iiuiilmncnts. housohold furnitiu‘o, it .on ‘ -' Z3, L’ml con. 19.01; 31111; (cast of Newt in Brook, on tho mill mud), on tho firm of Hughes Sulc :tllln'clocli. llllll..ll pro , ed. Twins 7 months. Eclmrdt A} Prentice, niii-tloiiom'. . FRIDAY. April 8 rim-edit sale of veliiclos and llnplc‘lllents, at L‘Ainnroux,‘tlxo propci't} xi Charles Murphy. Stile zit 1 o'clock Terms 4 mths. 1410, ~ilt A: Prentice, mu liilleal‘S' L3 l’iu‘ties gen 1;; thcir bills printoil at this 0111 ewill receive a notice similar to the above . l l H,‘ (Whom: «. â€"~ -â€"aâ€"» 770 o v7~ -<â€"-:-- .17" 1 i i V . if. . 11%th 1) x V 1011}. I i\ no i y 7 ' . y E I r I N V171,)1 ’l Ell 1‘71 - :ind othoi's who dcs'ri) to do good and iiizilio iiiouoy, to ('ii'cillato “ 'l‘lio Roanâ€" tifiil llifo of lt‘i-micos If, ‘Jv‘ii‘uii-d,” by low private socrotn. . Mini; (20111027. with introduction by Lady Honiv-i'soi. rind chm-actor skolohos by tho loading: llll‘lltllltl womoii of tho \i'oi-ld. 'Ei'nw oiin olllciul “ liifo,” and tho “V. (l. ’1‘. if. gots tho not m‘oiits. 50W l:1!"‘,‘(‘ piliagros. 8K 14). iiichos, profusoly lllll‘v ti'atod. only” $3. Solis to ovorybodv and anybody can soil it. No (“:lpllfll iiooossary. Fi'oiglitpaill. Full bound l’rospoctus {ill routs. \Vo hayo. (Ions tl'actoil for a largo quantity, and giro big (f(>li_)llll.Sll)llH. Ui'lloi' outlit lilr, iiiodiiitoly lllltl bo first in tho fiold. 'l‘lllil illiAlllllilY-GAltlllil EON (10M- l’ANY, LIMITED TouoNTo. ()NT. TRfiDE MARKS DESIGNS - COPYRIGHTS Sac. Anyone sending ii. sketch and description mny qulclilv ascertain our opinion free whether an lllVlllliilOH is probably ptrimitahlo. (‘oiumumr‘nâ€" lions strictly confidential. 1 «lliook on l‘nLcnta 51' mt. i'rcc. Oldest (money to iriilgz patents. Patents taken tlirm 11 Moon h 410. receive xpi'cicl noticp, without. charm, in t io tonsils Eminent. A liandsonicl illustrated weekly. Ii‘nrpcstgcjr- culatioii of any 80101 inc Jtllll‘lllll. '1 criiis, . .~ a year; four months, $1. sold by all nowsdcnlers. llllllili 8: $9.3616roadwav~ll3iijgil Branch Office. (11.5 1“ {it}, \‘i'mhingtoii, . The “Royal Temp; ll: of Tzzmpemnce Meet in the Tompernnoo llall on the first “Vol?- Monday of L‘lbl‘ll month. Pityillvll} innit] 1y. 1. or gciitlcman. l Class ‘ Ago :00) l~'1,fi’;o : 1,5,! nix-3,0130 $31.11. 0 l _ 1 l a A In to 1 (W5) m 11 ‘25th l 1*! 1 {7-1 G 30 m ' . 1 ‘1“ D (Ill 1 3'“) ll 1:; 1 5n ]<‘ 'va 1 7o: G 50 2. (lo 5( H ‘1 r: R8011 Select Council or. deed Bailey A quantity oi clown send 1.. ‘ls-y for Slllf‘.‘ (1110. ll.‘.l\illl.‘-I(i, liiobniwnd l'vili_ :l..»\.1".. SX‘VI'l‘ZlJt, l“imLi:cinl hot-'3â€"

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