“A g ,7 " .4!“ ,. l i‘; l.V.~ (“4.32: inn-At . Pll.’ll'{‘-('l£ i’P l um lil‘i’ Hit» lli'(::i!17\li :limow ‘ own. an ata‘nonphm'o that l :Wh. to. (Ll. any J‘Ui‘t' “HHW'L {tut if you Hm imu ' Vilma!) mitnll i=1 (‘l’ll'lt'h . its Infill-f l'iltl ill-l tlt'il “Y 'C‘ll all .ao} 1:1 rs Iâ€? tho d: limb. . M'iih an origin“ > a woman “two t‘uizh i; m. Mutt ' r and '\\'lio“o i'i‘le‘ lim- tmd m; (it-finite u ho laws to llirglmr o,;'l~ wr- Mriw for: “minim whoill I'm. l' n l l t g: 0w» inuwi I'm-t. pm ix“. :5. mm of an immlu‘iul ii go: some Mm of A f‘ttrmfoot . i< n woman intvllr-vtuzllly. physim ally and spiritually. immt'ummlï¬v RiK‘l‘JB the man on 'u' tom she hm. Ht‘l hit-1r tiffovlionw,†' Flu: "lllljll'll lw '†.wi-i Mildrul. Soft» 1y "lilm draws. to like: shi- n'l'llSI have found someilhinu in him. .oznr lit-ttvi‘ part. FUJM‘ :Ii'finlit) of Whit-ll you know nm‘tbimg'.†.Aitm‘ this (the tell is 5.» silome. Proâ€" smï¬iy ilxuly Briltxmy 1%th. hm‘ 03M inï¬ll 110W filled lli'l with the- ;zrmt pull- m‘id iimui lllf'lll on Mildr ,l. "You .3 1'0. thin. mgr." slip mid, :~ only, “that Angelo. (.‘ai‘anoot ix‘ a foii‘tuidullln Mimi." Mildred started. “flimv run you pretend to "and my hhougbts '2" She. lnuzghcd a littlu. "l um um adept at him :tlrt‘. llmt‘L be down hvnrtr-d. 1 should not |:l- stir» "ed il, tll‘tl r all. llio vugagomt-ni i=0â€" . tltmt you r {Mimi}: Mr. \llriglmm and Angola (Daria ‘ {out should M I Fly-1h it} pm "0! oom‘w." no to .lm 11;. UK (worm- lt'ttl t‘o‘zifir’ltillt‘o.“ " tlo (lot l i .x‘mxirnwd ll lottm‘ l "Vlv'oll. the running» ix not :lliiigeillt‘l‘ 1‘ \Vuulii km {a lit; agreeable. to “)0. father. xxho prom r anot Elu- r u mi more match. lliut. union ttnatoly, lllt‘l t‘ iS‘ m» v. iv of Llhtiking the young latly'l’w“ nation." “Indeed.†"But. .i think that, vulth tlb‘tllbihni'm a Way might be found." 'l'lwia‘ was mot. and thin limo Mildrin llook lth the Imrnldv. "Shoqu J Lo “prong Livy 'tntlj', if? I mummified that you hum, illl'l t-omr liC P‘i,.lll§‘l.7‘£i St‘ft’ly for pious: "" "1‘. “inc [it'l'b‘U-Tl ulouyh ilit'b‘ lo vou-r him) btiwiness and pleasure." "34nd liu hi! t' 1' tJu- Lrutx'int-SS ("Lil’r Minol i~ in (Illlnt'. on “ilill Mn“. llt'igh Izm's l‘..’l£XIlXJ(‘Ji'lt‘lLi "Exam l3.†him thia‘?†"(Had [not known Liml you “(Yul-ti am no account toll Mgr. Ill-ilglmui 1 ahould not. lune- toltl you." "And {how do you know that 2’†"I will :mowpr your qucstiun by un- filllmlr. Did you ovett‘ yell ‘lmww uwom an, who lou- rln the drum of a rival. U'JllCSS indrod Elli-8» war; forced to ill '1'†she uddwl. with something like u sigh. [Mildred Carr's snowy litmmn heaved (umulluousiy. and the. row-leaf but: Iau‘ed from her cheeks. "You mean [that I am in love with Arthur Hodghum. On. wh: (in: vou lllgse .‘Elhsu helliel’?“ I "Cln u. lime as broad us. the 1“}.‘i‘ti‘midfl n1 whivh you were. indium: at dinner. Public report. not. nearly so i'nisleudâ€" i "What is the maï¬a. ,irllctn s’“ l ‘ Lo. . ii a Juli-m Cm is lil‘ily of l't’l’ftttlll : ltts‘oio {ml ' \ir‘ t’i oi 3:215. mm»; Ell: 'lm‘.‘ a: jvl‘ltltlilllï¬ imlle‘» (:1 ‘n tit-i: and :p;: ry. ‘m‘. on upon Ft :i‘i‘l that «ml-n x 355 in“: was, in l.t‘(.t:~.<-. tun-(‘1'! fwnil hr: .va ‘i‘, /‘ p v . one ilit‘ll. {giant [Muir u] N‘ia‘ ititjtl Maine: to: L {(th iu'lll“. lrolo- tliitvn the til-w of her ta'ornt in Jul" ll 11ml l"-I-'ht' _ sâ€"trvmsmi tor a mi . thou'rgswvrs \‘l-l‘v In 1 r‘tt' guri‘ouudings. till r-t ’ow ti'rri oi t.th llzkllili. “ (coulr-ri 513‘ ‘- - it»;x1â€.u;:-. :50 ill“ Mutloim {\l'*:=r 1m Locusni“ . a month. At: tho; 0.103 wt r-iwnor ‘. the liitlt: lat): Mill’lrl-li wmc “g. 1-,: A; thur. .zllil toule him 2 .El; li’im‘ Lyimv ‘ liloh Silt‘ :slwuf..~ :~l1o\\'e:l tow:.rl him . (rd if law “(is rm glad to ho hom zlprum. "illmlm l†he Mill. "3 haw m: lit-m9." "Uh. Arthur 3" aim mum-rod. "uhy no you try to i‘ in mt"! is no‘l. my home. yours also?" 51» anon >19 thov had landed ho simi- crl oil down to Miles†Fluid. to we if gym: {or tin} i!‘:il"â€.\ h . rum-c To" him I. Hing il' .llm‘é‘lil't‘ mid minim-.1 loolc'ng it") much in}? out. {only ml MR3 'l‘rlty. (mm again boldly “l xsl'wgg l‘.(‘[‘ for ‘Vl'hy. Hume. itélt urcxn solid mill. ai‘ Um lmtvl have unit to me by my ht that. l laud lull. (i tho it'tliz!‘ mats lttr'ltutl. 'l’f left, rot. n i0 Massâ€. lor-l ‘_\‘ A; Son.‘ with lllf' llctirmzt. And 1h" mail m-m out. llll.‘ tilts-rumor) inlo the lmrpuiu so it will pie 3 month lelcu'o i run got it had; again." . illnd Arthur kno'fln that this-2 it-tfer t‘oh‘ttiilivtl t‘iilll‘illllh‘ of ilit» x‘lt'.\\‘.~2p:l}iir imports oi 1hr litllxll'l‘bl, on George (721.1 65â€" foot. of whose death even: ht“ “as in loin? igltcuint-o, ho \i'oJld hint. haul good rem-en to 1:: pint out. "Never mind. Artuiu said Mlldm‘ olonr \‘(ll‘L‘L’ {)1 ‘u‘ ‘ elbowâ€"+110. was nurt- iv ninth {unlit-r from him .imn his ' l "lzs'.-.gvr.:1‘:‘ lillt‘lâ€˜ï¬ are mil... (:9 m vrr) .mtcrmtiug. i mzver yet hid om" illli "would not 14mm. (harm and SW )mtr putidonmisn‘: that h illrvtl hm 591‘. The. ï¬lmim "‘ fol ‘otnl -{.'I‘r:l“:u IHLL,(‘.-â€"i"‘ ltrilln"f‘ll ti yrmr ilk- , luliii li‘lvn wt in; go to dinmr. lttT Ill-{Him new, .15; (iiin'g of bungm‘~â€" 1‘0. him lo ln‘dk‘t' up for lil‘l‘ :rlndlinouve "ll .sc'i.†l a man, 'ni'llinggly hotp him: . urioush mg 21 gnile 1w purple think. your flu‘P, ' youir voile your eyes. 2;.l lwtsziy you. M'hy do you zllii‘uys try to gt-‘t near him to tom-h him {mainlmvmr um tlitit. .l have mean you do it threw llllnï¬ thiq even/inn. Onoo you httndt-d him a hoo‘k hit orer to touvi‘; hits intnll liv-mzutl. '11; hr: thlznrt‘ i:= no mood to cIlUlIlLI‘JH: \vhut. you (lL‘llEllgiQSl‘ \vr) woii mint-moor. 510 June ‘umzmn. Mix, (Ltrr, may lllltb‘ to coutiumlly tntilh u 1mm unit-xx she lmw him. loll are always listssnlng "l was :tl'wayk‘ iolti.†liro'uo in Hull . . , iindv " Eillll \.t min:v was. lgilm‘mizlg. lam " 5‘ l . . ... ‘ ._ I. . ‘ . r C ‘ l m suppomng that .l “we to t9.) '1 {(1,} Wm “Zka 5 1Vâ€. Hm,“ burn .morz- nlisl-zulblv in my . than {was on l‘ourd your livvucng Stair." "I‘lm'or mind. dear, you Ehall have M .llll‘f‘ long rm. lot-ore we Start for Luv. “0th of Slim-1n.†- And ht Arthur soon Milt-d down .in into the we icmm m" Madeira ‘ . 2 now {warmly “'13th :1 prptt‘nbe living; :i. tlw lultvl. wine‘s, during 211‘ or" Mildred hul bud 4.1 pm:- whi it stood in the garden luxâ€" .' littod up for his oucuputiou. Here he was happy enough in a dull. numh way and, as llht: days went on, asomotï¬hlinlg of the old light came back to his eyes. and his foothill mguin grew guild; and stroan \vlhrzrt iii \EHt’ti to fall in bile- omnidm‘ of the Abbey llouso O? the past hs- mater spoke. nor did Mildred ever hillldti to Angola that C(mvv-rxation at Ma". “hill; hud endod so tstrazngvfly. Slw twillflllt‘d hwwllf with :stttvnmtin-gr to supplant hur. and to a vermin patent. ï¬lm was Hurt-r: ~‘ufl. No must ( ouii have for Very long I. 'ntvd olldurntu to ï¬nal) limit- 13‘ and oursh ,[ill‘i‘l'll‘i dvvntizm. and it i“ not “immoral! thnt ht‘ urrw in a "nu-.y in love lit 1‘. for his \Ioit‘e haul stop. you lilt‘ liztmri lung for than": not“. ‘inur ext-5 follow llh l'um a: a (log does lll‘: nlu's‘irl“ when )(ou 5131'ka to hit“. your vomu lib u. (in it w. itRe-llil. “hull l go on "i think tlaut it. is; tunl’lososï¬ur). Win"â€" liut: illH‘I‘l' was mix I 'lliilx t} Ill nut Hit,» lszlli.“dutifully. tim‘t the “flat-lion ’2 ‘l. hp ion lli’!‘ won both mow of .hw-r stronger will than ot’ his own [ml 3:4 was sin-“'11 it) Hit [not Hint. .m lu- i Matuullv with lmr in tht: «air .19 of her infhmnm. ti mi wi . .he'r }'t7\'st‘l’ ('vi‘t'l‘ l‘tilm was prmlolninunl; MUM you lit: right or not, i will giva' you the. credit. of lming‘ at. 01099. ohb‘crv» er." "To Ul’lhorvo “I†hook and on aim] mm is at onw ft mom and lllli' hullitt is one. Lhtt lvztds we to accurate only 5 by day. at ciulwilmm. :m i think you will admit, Yl‘l oomd‘usion l hél‘st,‘ (‘01110 to in vour Hus. is that you do not uiHli to Help firthilt Jul-glint; mmrxml to another woman. spoke job: mm of :t. ' ‘zimt-â€"~" "l luv-c none 11. glint. i will give none. How vould 1 look him in the. fami- f" "You 'm-(A Mimirgo’v ï¬l‘l'ullllitllls for H wwnan In your ‘pusi ion." "l haw. ul‘u i-i'ts trim! in llr-lznvo like h-Il honoruhlre wonmn. .tdy llullumv mm] l (it; not feel invlinlzd to (lb tithe}: Wilma how." '(l:‘(’I.ilh,}lH you will think diffu‘t'nllv wlhr-u ’lIt mum-.54 to film point. liut in (hr moannvhilv mnwmlwr. that lulu-1:29 ' help thmnts-t'lwti. runnot wlhc \Vili not axptxot lo ho helped.†"Once and for still. Lady .Ileilmny tinâ€" derslnnd Inc. I fight for my own hand with tho “lamentâ€. wl‘lit'h nut,th and for- hmw has {Ilium mo, ‘id 1w mvm-li i will thliu’i or full. ' "ill join. in no at? "Moms to so into l‘u-lxlml lr‘onl tli" woman. li’ cannot win him for inv- mlff lly myseiL i "will mt. any rule loiw him fairly. l \t‘ill respect what you have told me hut i will do no nmré†Lady llolianly smiled nt- :lho :1.‘n:5~\\'or- («it "i really admire Vi‘ quite quixolit' ' gentleman." O O ' 0 Next morning. “hm Arthur (town to llroultlaxt thr' lli'llliln‘xj'l‘ lad nailed. 'l‘hrr mail lmti come it; from {lit- Cupe at midnight. and left again at dawn. taking: them with it. ‘ it" OOUJUEE‘, It is Jinn.» ilf'Il‘ mum tlu 4'." lllt' ("ll/“l Piliil. X l, \‘l. Noll-ring oovurrml I(' may thv plos- ‘por‘lty of the Voyage. of the Evondoi: Star. 'l‘htat lwwntiiul liltll» “353991 do: alumni to oimpl‘ v 1hr (:o'urot (if tliiv †lory by going, to the liotltum will; ldmd mud Azthur. a.“ the irzlltgina- vo reader may haw. ixal‘lltws. Laxpul'tâ€" hut the moment that ho With out ml her lgllt his thoughts would fall back Elwin tboir original vltunnt‘io. and “It: .110 doulit nlaom [on gate of .hm‘ it‘noimlo. (-ltl nous would; lwgiu to run. 310“- gwr min-h. too. ht" null/gilt lm surm-miul in getting, the mubtory of his troulvlos ' night lhny \\‘Utl.i(l “our: li:"ll’iM‘«l\‘{’.H. and from tlii constant and Hum uting drum» which they inspir» (~31 llt‘ mutd find in. moons of «ammo. (ll'l'ftb‘ltlnflllj'. you. he would fall into a in (I llroodinlp molarlohtily that would .ll'lFl him for 9. day or two. and which ‘ I‘t'd would find it. will.» linposuiltle vital, Indeed. unluu he got in iv. ï¬lm 30o†diw‘t‘xvt‘rrrl that tlit‘ mil): thing; to do was to lostw him alone Llll‘ was Hilfivri’ng acutely. than) N: animal wuifors including lué'n it is limit it‘ll solitude. A sin; ('1 “minded lll‘ltSl always turns out of the Mid L0 I'H‘UVCI‘ or die. “'liln‘li I‘llilllf‘i‘li ."fli' hit“ in liliK Fill? oi JIIK‘H'Hti (ll-soluflon. H , would shake. hot '6 not] sigh lul‘ I told hm' that. . ’ it as llll‘ (LS mm from tho gold-- A? ilk-"k lwt‘i] llllil and whom tiny. .‘1 _, l _ j , .._ 7 L‘ . ‘ V, A , I? I . A .A- as rm 7 ‘ ‘f “I think if would he a good thing if < l did." he answered. humidity. "Are you then. so “tired of the “(villi Mun-d me? . . a No. .tmr. Lam not limo m†m Mildred imt l :2 i0?“ .ily 1.. lie. .. g . tit-til iv is u m;â€" {"1lt‘l"? . and ungrnmiul of mt: ltLli ii i, tle fuel,†“xv r litllT 2" v 1'50 r t h be 55. l l l l i i i l i l t t l l l l l l i t i gnigh-ts. and was (>110 of Hit- i t l l l l l after t i l l l . l t . isn'tzl. .l‘wra \vus llt’ simu;.tml “all. and. . l l l l t lliud all 1m:- nol‘lt- u l i < i i *iwr own will gg'lrdmi. i own H Li“ had not willful it Elie wold huto nmyl‘it-ll himétriy do) ‘0 urisht'll: ltwl odd. :‘m it may bloom. Sho was too cons .n'hinus. Silo llllll tlt'l‘l'll’llhf‘d that him» would not inI’tI‘i’y him unlosss she- was sure that liv Sow-d her. and to this resoluâ€" tion as yrt. she firmly held. \‘t‘ltut *ver lit-r fault“ ntu)’ liltw lwon i'vlildt-m: wilthnws that is l lwr For lit-twill and ‘.lti:in Hi t‘fll‘f‘d. t~mn~ p11 rmivrlv spwil lug. until. rig: whilst for Arthur"; ultingruto allit‘lilllnt‘h“ Slit' was w ry Mt‘iwllotm. Um “'\'(‘Vll‘ilg‘ if. was no of Ai‘tltittr‘n lvlm‘lx’ days “hm; ho had gm. ii iii of what Mildred callod “Angela fre.\'m"â€- tlu‘r}; “tire wztllkiniz tom't‘lim‘ in tho Arthur in silmwo with his immik in his polzkgtts mid hi9 pipo in his mouth and Mildred humming; :1 lil- tlt: * By vat of amuxing hc-rselfi, (auto to 'lllf‘ wall that odged m Arthur lithi’lhd 4:; 9.1 it . V . at the depths ht-lliomn “lzun‘t. (ith you will tuiroblfs meg." HG t‘mlmloll V. ad. ï¬lm- .dlé‘l not men get 31m: .2 team. Amid Mlldmd in 5mm alarm. Ipose that she ha' don’t feel as though] "Yes. ,1 have got. a. fit of ii. I 9 not heel] tut-1. I)! in). r .31, mind ior an hmtr altogether do!“ the lztsl' forty-eight hours. "l" ‘ of l. ism hunted by a (tread pvt it is, infinitva nurse heng halont (l by a living one. ‘ "1 2:11;. very norry for you. til-av." "No you suppose. Milort that thin will go on for all my life. that I :«lmli always he at the mercy of Ilzt‘S-L‘ ‘oittnr mommies and thoughts !" “i don’t; know, Arthur. l how: not." "i wish I were deadâ€"J \tis‘l l m It: dead l" he broke out... passion; " *iv. Fix" ;l’tl‘=t’ destroyed my life; all flint was happy in me is dmd. only my body ll\7t"L-'\', inn. ( um sure I don’t. know, M“ can care for anything so m ho w yo u She kissed him. and unswszrvd: "Dearest. I had rather low- ~you as on are then any other man all ’ * '( y i 011. Arthurl ii hm; .I think st. over it. of what she has made. you.) and \x'h' you might. have been if you had m: known her, I long to tell that “(llhlln y d g .tll m); mi: t; But you must to ll mun. dear: it is Weak to give. way u; u um: passion. such as this its‘ now. in to mink of something els , work at Hump» lthiug." ".l have no heart for id. Milan-d. l t‘truld work: null: if you cannot make me forum. l my» sure I do null know what. “ill.†,M'iidrt‘d sighed, and did not :tmwrr. 'i'i'lough she spoke hopetfutly about. it. to him, she had little faith in hit; golï¬ng, over his passion for Angela now. Eithâ€" er. she must marry him as ho was. New let him go tull‘ogelher; hut, uh' The struggle hetwswn her diffs-Mum and her idea of duty wax; very FUNK. and use yet, she could Crime to no vow _ nlnsiou. Putt. if Mildred Still hesitated. Arth- r did not. He was very " nylons that hey should b9 married; l. he :1l~» mist insi "ad on it. 'i‘ht‘ pUSI’liUi} was one that ' ms far from living :tgrorulllv to him. for all aurh illulxlfl-i’lt'l“ mu: . from their very nature, necossituto ll mrtttin amount of false Swearing. 'l‘hoy are throughout mt twird liv; and, when the lie is acted. it. Iii-mil. w-naetlmes be spoken. C1 a.‘ m... f‘lHtAPTER XLV II. A.†tilt; autumn calm- (‘ south-west gale burst. on: r M'mtoi m and went. sweeping (way up the Hay .Sqmi“ of ,l’litstrtiy. It blow for 1411'?“ days and hm viz-st. on record. ‘v’i’hen it first began, the passed there were still no signs of her, nnd prophuts oi evil were not Wanting who went, to and fro blinking their heads. and sugézksting that she had proâ€" bably foundvcred in the .lsfuy. 'IM'U mort‘s "3's went. by. and than: were. still no signs (L’M-‘nor‘ though the telegraph‘gtofï¬lfliem fatal. she had Jef‘L Southampton Books at tho appointml tinie and date. By ihtits limo poop? in li’lflfil‘clril mold talk of noth g 91.89. About three o’cloth mm alltt-t‘ooon Arthur returned to the Quinta. liming bunched on hoard the: Human. lllt’ found Mildred sitting in he: fmorlm plawe on the museum wrundtt. Slit? Wits very pale and if he had watched her. he would have seen that she: wttH ltmmliling all ovrr. but. he did not oli- sorw her part ulm‘iy. “llouliy. Milorvd, you n'lysti-fy me. I don't understand you. What ‘un be the meaning: oi all ill-15‘!†She looked at him for a i9“ 594:â€" oun’s. and [hon .tnmve'red in :l quiet, Inattvr»olâ€"fztt’t voioc. ~“l forgot. Arthur; how are lungligh killers." And shc- (lrm‘f l'nom from her bosom and gave tlmn ‘lo him. "Perhaps; they will explain thingk o ‘1 little. Mezm~v.'i1ile.l will tell you 5011th thing. Angela. Caresioot‘s humour: is dellâ€; indeed, Bill; was never really Hill!" I‘lt’ll to him.†Slowly walked. toward the (‘Ilil‘lll’lt‘t at the musxeum. flu the lJOlUiU‘lI'. howewr. lot! are Thinking lu'r again. Jar- . iz‘tul, . 'he‘ i til found Hg.le and wit Mod 890:,“ oi “Hm Femath their 11322.59 Hi":\’v’l}<-f(:‘l '1.hnv:‘s ("l the City“; er tho Room» and ‘lh I‘ll foil: 1.3. while fol".l:t:i‘ from own lztl‘.\b~‘l in u .l'USK‘ glow. llm m Isrwlhi‘ ,.< ‘o llt‘t‘n'f‘l) Wit-i u? t: liElLli\ that no Li‘. .. . ctrtald paint. ' you animal. in .mxu, tlill tir‘ 1m}:â€" W lilizmtit. o h. ironic up «in 101‘ the. yill't‘ low 'h had not llt'll'uii'd him. ‘lhml in: it; 3 up. and ‘ Vre. Milli! :ind 'z‘tzoitmt. Htlzntl~ nit»? agaiiim‘i tin- slt. lows ltth illumile luv rhul Hull. 5t-i ll‘.|ll l1"! li't’oxlding urlzis ouirtz‘vtt'lll-(i ‘t‘ . up Mop tilts ill 1 Angeli“. U4" >AV» ilt‘I' Linn-mitt“ g pjlu'm’l‘s fall “l'tsn lilot. untl ill" rill .mmi ‘x'cltvor on (with: l‘u‘ 5:29; tho im'v-«ligzl ' guilt» lift llll‘l' tiff-S; no tlrotl llL‘ 51m no in lulu arms, murmur- 'en \vm . lluimg zln' iii-05:“ who ï¬lms hilltll find ugllt st (Luv l to llm‘. ."t ll? 0 she-1 l, 7..‘1 .‘ll’mii‘ Angola. Wilt‘l hm" it [w 11(31‘6 orwon l l l l t l l l l l l t l i l l i l l l l l l l l l ilit‘ lxl‘rthrr short: of \ondt-i' solm’lm .cerl l l And Mildred! fine luv ilwt‘e before the Mom: ‘é'i'lgllOl of hieulrulllta judgâ€" ment :tml .‘ that till lilt’ durhmss rov- (’Tt‘fl her. and lint hull-t. broke in the .lli'YlK‘t‘t. TH ['3 EN l l w~-â€"-~~~»â€"---â€"â€"â€"--m GYPSIES IN EUROPE Flip! Aw! Imu'eunlng. Mil Eliuzippm m2. lint! Tin-3' Are \ch Alwaya Wundrrcvs. it hm: 11mm yl‘lp’ulm‘l}: supposed that; the gypsit‘s of Wu rope, lilac Tho luldizlna ol North Aluei'iozt. W811i horomlnt; "Y1 lelf’lt‘l rant. and the “(nutrition- of illt'lJ‘ low-o? are not Soc'li as would seem [morally published (xiiiria‘t rqmrt of tlm Eng Trish (lr-wrnlumnt. shows that. the ownâ€"- her (ll {:ypgiw ivn lli‘ng‘lnlnd. so fa r from is. actually on Lho incrtaaso, to tire louglvvity. llttt. ’l =und the same is irtw of smut: other l‘iltl‘illlQ-Hl’l mummies; from which figurvs guru at hand. lly an .‘ttlttlu'tltit: «imputation mud:- rm’vntly illerr are 3:31:00 Great Britain. 7,000 more than at the time of the luSl previo‘ though perhaps. taut. hunt hunt. lmmi 'l‘lM-i't‘ am in tho gypsii‘s in a: t-mtuiomlion. snnowhut irnill-riwt, it'll-uh; of Europa no'lrl‘y ll'itht~<1U:l-“i»~ (‘1‘: of it million of gy}l:‘i.~s. tho figut‘va liming: Cirmal i,il‘iltlllL 3.3,Ullll; Spain. 4(l,~ (lilil' “USS-l t. 25,000; Germany 43,000, ttntl 'ostriu. Elyilsii'n “ho are ‘klmnvn 515 [import in ltuiy, Uitnnos in 'l‘lngiish mail was due; hm. when it‘ of Asi .t-ic ‘l. Zlgztienz‘r in t‘lm‘inruny. (,‘ziizjan- ynl: in Hungary 'l‘zigruni in ï¬ltlvio counâ€" trios 'l‘l'll unimmv. in rum-l; in ’l‘ttrlnay, and Ho‘m :lnm are (*olmiduiml to he Origin. though the. nnme ";§)‘}i51't-S" i:- gt-rnurully :tt‘lum'nlmiizorl to he :1 t'orrttptim) of tho word llgyytinutï¬ uni-(l in Erotltmd n 53' F ('uilt‘ti an ryptiiin, me roach-m of the. "Little linistor†are. aware. in thr- (‘lmtvd a: ‘Stzztrâ€"ï¬ Lhm-e are few gypsies) for i119 l l .iw not. onii large, out, also 'aguits it your . And then she turned and ‘ ' hm" strength scum-0d to full hm, and. she, sun]; on a chair. Arthur took tho letter. Written l|_\, the woman he loved, and warm from the breast of the manual he was :zlmutt to lo,qu mid stood spentthleï¬s. “‘38 heart: stopped for a moment. and lilt‘n suit tilt: blood houndng through his \'('Hl.‘5 like it flood of joy The slioi‘k was so (Irv.th that. for u , :fUl’iLl or too. like staggered and nearly fell. Pu :1 not butt and very different. thought. ov~ r‘rloolc hurl. .l’utlntg the lotto‘rs inlo hits iloxlwt; the followed Mildred into the lloutloir, She was sitting. looking very faint. “‘1‘- (m a chair. her hands hanging down lu-lplcsaly ll) hm‘ side. 7 v HIP knelt lK‘biltt‘ her and kiwvd he}, and than he 1050 and unit. Hot for many :t ycur was he lmtmtod it! flint scent: of human niisrry fiiliktiit‘tl m the wrird chamber of HM (ll-ml. . 'tg-v» trot-(mid ho forget. ‘ihc sight, of Mildrmi lying; in the sunlight, with the) mzxrlllo law of mocking calm looking down UK}â€" on nor. and the. mortal frames of thtwo who, in their day. had sniffered us aha Buttered. and ages {since had found the rest. that. she in time would reach, emitâ€" l :ill aroundâ€"fit €J|Hllli§1z1l~i oI I'll-ti . vanity of passions which surk thm.‘ strength from earth alone. Arthur read his letter. and his: llt'dl'l burned with passionate low: of the true» woman he had dared Lo doubt. 'l‘lir'n ho flung himself upon the grass, and. looked at the mean that spurklutl and . heaved before him, and tried to think; but llh‘ yet he could not. The engines of his mind “are reversed full speed. while his mind itself, with quirk shudâ€" ders and confusion, still forged ahead nylon its former course. He. rose. and cast. upon the Stunt) around. him that long look we gin; to the pitta-la where n great hag-pin ‘SH has found us. Tho mm was. sinking lam. lwhimi the ’mt.u.m:zi:ia. thinning their slimmed Bide}? iï¬l‘t’ll‘it“ 2 reusnm. pm’liups, {but they meet. with grrvelt I'lllllii‘f‘ililflh in tha- pursuits \ihivl. it l.llrtl;)(“tll rottnli‘itw lurniah Lin-m u i: ,. their l'liil‘i I'M'oiitltr.~foi‘tuno telling: diiinéition tilltl Slitlllhéltylilg. in : liUl‘(ll."t’-. though it. i> popularlg. stqmowd - Ll: !i tilt). lll’l' UHflt‘. \‘\9illti\:l0lb. tho 5; icih.c of r‘ii'ilizzltion. driven from plat? to pinto/:1 Xlts‘ popular Hxntiurnï¬ufl or l't‘M'lli- [Ii-91H may Iliv‘lutvt. the foot is that many (9 u». l loom of ‘liltt‘ix‘ own. rudintutnmg ninistrutie‘ui and. }ll't().\}lL'-I‘lhj.‘_’ to z". to. . tierulllo oxton't.. l' ' 5w†liv true in tlm lliitlltzts on or 'lH'tiI' Elli: ltmrr Dannie. and ilw. ¢:,'_{l)~'_\' popw ulutim: of 'l‘rur 'v lniuia in litmgu z‘}. lumntiul. Hungarian g},ptel., now * boon lnmun «vet whore. on. m of their :lm-prm'it.‘ion of tntisit' ' hand.†have Visited tho ll.n« ' from time to tinn- umd \iilh [usually good HIHLI‘QSS. ill»: ulyititudo of VIJEilHS in “Inquiring knowlt‘ndgo of Mills} has 1112i:th it)?“ Inm‘ltml “ml VIVID)? Liw h:fo ‘ 'nt- toatimon)‘ to till"; dual-- it). by 3:.)31 gr: "lwlillorm. To this minutv and rotor l;li“11l('(l [HlShitJiS ht whi'h odm‘ntvtl ‘nlnailx‘ind is swayed voilous to th: 1mnt~ ntw ‘ ll): l'Jo'Wevei‘. he recovered himbell’. and lug gasping: :~i'!~»<'t:i of suvh niit-roscopla illYlll sumrt'ulrlnrml \‘i : us: vunit)‘. Jilrr lli'lion iulriy'm’ (Hill . \Icu‘i 1‘. Hit gypsy only (:ti!!lpl\'il“ll(i§ ilw Hillnlll’h’i Toâ€" q'uiron' at: of :. ,[ll'illliliVF Lutut‘o. Mo» '1“. (i‘fli'lligf, (l ' flt‘tl . :l lt’hil’tll‘l‘fi and humorous delâ€" liahl :n qwtt)‘ thivving zmd vhmltim: ronmitulio him \ihottr H‘pt‘rl'llEt' of I“ ~» atom, lw'yoosl whth limited horizon hr (look not tlEll‘r‘ to look." ’l‘lw gypsics of England nu- found ft) in tho northern vomiting. vino 'l‘OWPIIl 01'" (illH,F3ll\'./Vlll()l\’. .l i-iurmmzw 3" acquired u good dull of useful iufm‘umtiml while gnu \R'v‘l't' on 0 arm inst. Stlilnnléi'. Yew. 'i limit-rd that while lllut'lz lurier it‘ly Whitlo oggv‘ it. niwm‘ humwns that \"lli'i‘t‘ lil'llH (my Ida "k ogrgx. 'l‘l MIG! .‘t' lN‘l<‘(_)llil\’l./k’l‘l(l.\{, litm’ do you lug-1?» that llig (dry-i; witnmill iLSli'i‘Al tlm rum-l \lflllmi‘ us hi- pitsth t‘ho GUVUI’H'IIWUl Building i'iilll E: p aim». ztvqtmintmwe. The, have a: winding mturtiuy in tho .n tower. (‘Ol‘tlJ'JN'il' (iVlCliiJlOK l‘l‘. l{.tri‘ilauuâ€"v‘l‘hought. you were living \iil.h your sthvr, old man. Mzinln‘m-pro l was. but j mum home one night and {mind my trunk will on the Sliif\\..till and the lock Phlil/lk“ ed on the front door. I would no stand that, you know. so '1 left. Ji‘il [DE N (“1%. First. I}: ‘-â€"â€"-My pupal hooves: more than your ppsz door; Second B(>y-~â€"l bet he dmmn't. ma you ever we my pupal ll forehand and soaring pimnarkss '(0 giant shields rmmhea down to the hawk (fl. hi.» head. ï¬lm"ku and the Balkan l'(i\1[jâ€"; h gum; .tr‘ies 2.00.000 «ml. tho gypsum-1 lll‘h lit']“:llléltll(‘llli:\l locutoti 5 :imz :lml love divoh‘iâ€" l mwmxrr .3. W WV." .N. mmr, l l -lFPlllll Pails. ill Eltltillll. new THE RFI‘v'iAlllUllrshE CASE OF JilHiï¬ liENBEhSON. (3F DESICROIEWO .l UNSTIBN. m “moat. "t‘lpiflzn From Saintly. Rheumatism“ ll“: mum“. of Which ShuttmmJ K“! (Rina sEiul-‘iun 7 Ha Thought 00min Nut hu- (W! “’Su-n Friendly @ixi Pinon! Within In? than: the Miami)»; 09' Ezemwory. l'rmn the ,lltwu'onlo ‘i‘i'il‘tiiw. it \‘.ill hp rmmulwrerl Hull during tlm inn-3t tximut' rat’m't’nm was Never» 11.7 tinlm math: in tho “l‘wrson‘il’†ooh umn of tho 'l‘rihum‘ to ill!" llint‘tlï¬ of 'on, It. \\'~ll known and N’â€" John ill'ililt‘l‘ (wot-toll imam .‘ of ('th Cruvol Bond, ' ' hall :1. ’lvll'lelt ii of liiflw’xuwllti, (I‘ltml nli’ri from lit-wrouio .luncf. .n. it; new mid t’hzll wry little. hope, was err- tvrtuinwl l:\' his rmm‘Tl’ as he wonâ€" iiimwel to “Xuzle Sim; under the disâ€" (ti-Ho till it \\ ltlx‘ll he was :ttl‘liotod. Farmâ€" ers (’Ulllllllt in to .lmsmonio marluit, when uslmd how he. was, shook tin-ir heads and st'ltvd that the “(vial {night Soon he oxgmvlvd. 'l'l . he suould have sulJSt-ouent ly recovm‘ed v’vuc.‘ (here- fore a mu oi ‘ioyfu‘: surprmevto 'lliï¬ m:th fria-nds in Urdu illb‘lill‘ll. Helium: flizLiA his “armory wast tillaggend to‘he .u- to the u':t- of illr. Willit'ns’ i’mk‘ Pills, a reportm‘ of tho ‘l‘l‘lilunt‘. set? out to tilbl‘LHQl‘ if this rumor could he (itutlltsnti. filt’tl, liming l‘Qfli’llt‘d hisâ€. ilvntlvrson'u i-oridt-ns-o the reporter found no our all lio‘n‘mmmyt tihtrhxred lloy who informed him lhztlt. Mr. llt'pu dorson .hitd gono with 21 itiIMl [ol‘g‘raln to tho l'iout‘ mill at Nugutnoo, lhts was E‘Nllil‘l’li’v in itrwlf tillut. Mr. Henderson tmmt‘. limo prouth improtml or hid \zouid ltil in» umlvrl.u:;vn sud] out: drivv in tho ram Wt":1l.ll(‘l‘ of. burst spring. 'l‘lw lioy having Mid. that~ his mush-r would bu. buck about two o‘clock the reporter \‘.‘tti‘i.t‘,.’l for a. poroonul interview. In zl-,i:li01‘t. time the team was oilsm‘xml coming: along the ronti. Whit it draw 11;: rut, the houso, Mr. llwndor. living: told the. oltioct of tho z'lmortrr‘s IlllSSltlD statod {hill iiit‘: rumour \x'uH torrent. ills 1‘0â€" oovoi‘y “its tailloulilodly due to the tide of if. \Villizuns‘ I’ink I‘illa. He soul that. (flout. 2: your iwlorc ho. i\.'l:l linen tulwn ill and tho (litmtt-‘v mounted is form of vt-ialtio J'lmumut u of :t Insist" puinlul :ln distrwslng ltillllilQl; lhe pliysit'inuh’ in lilil‘nl'lzlllc‘t‘ durl titer? host and “Quid for 1: Limo Sllk'lit‘etl lI‘. :tl~~ lminting tlw 1min and he would for u whorl time regain strength. But the disoztso “()lU-‘l l‘t'lxt-llétlri itsell and he “us worso if ivosnihlv than llt‘ftll‘t‘. Hit! Hiltolo .votom mwlnvd to ho jli‘l‘llltllllLâ€" tad Hitliitho (ilHL'llSl‘. whit'ii summd his: vital energy. lie Erin“ u‘coa‘ :to many remedies p1“(a>«-‘i"=lié~d by doctors or xutga pasted lay [rim ‘4. and neighbors. ‘All in vainh~~ho gut-w Wetliu-i‘ uni \vt‘mteli untl at. last. (it'fljllirfltl ml life. itself, He “as Cmnplott‘l) worn out, found it vary (lillit'uél to no on, My as the. luau}. und was. (mlv uhlo to mow about. :t little uhvn not (tonl'lnvd to his-i lied. At. thug hint-tum, Mr. llavin, the station musâ€" lm' at, 'l)osoront'o Junvtion. ‘vwho n'o douhl. rot-tilled tho. wond'rful ouro of My. Wager by the use of the {unions medicine, as reported stunt: time sung in {the Tribune. recommondtzd Mr. Hontlor'on to try DI. \Villiums’ Pink Pills ti) ' voiunteored to tr-inll for a. quantity if Mr llendorwn would per-v . mil. him. 'i‘ho sick man consumed and Mr. lizuin [not-unle lm‘ him :1 half (it n hows. 11c. tried :1. hox. but with .‘iltln dis l‘.’l’lllll9 .‘t‘fcct. lif‘..lluw~ uvmgkollt onulsing thopillb‘l, and after taking NX illixa‘“ found that. he was llllll'll ll’f‘tjrz'oté‘ti. Ht» not another Rilll‘ pi) and t‘llllilnllt‘ti toin'miom steadily. ltl‘fl- iiztiii (ithlllpt'tll’E'll. 110. I‘up‘ttmttr% isli‘l‘nglh. and, HS he oxprestlud tt.. :‘nl’u now able. to ho :ihout. mm quite lstmtmg. van Fli‘lt'llvi to till ('lepttrtn'itants ltvlm} Milk us notl as ot'm‘. :md l utr ltl‘illuto it nil in the. use. of Ur. \‘Cilâ€" gli‘ms' l'inl; H.154." To the. Tribune l‘t‘.}>t|i‘l.t‘.l‘ Mr. liomlm‘sun ttpimttrod a .blmn . mum-nus mun. whom 20 see ;\\'115 ulficia-nt proof of illt‘ story oihis ‘ .i'kul‘le rm-mvry. (t... ' ...~.â€"-._v. y...“ HOW FOOLSCAP GOT ITS NAME. ill Win I’irui Vim!“ luv (Vader of thr- Hump i'uriiaum-ui‘ "Natl r l}' t-t‘P i‘yhorly k n 0W.“ tubal; finalist-mp pap: r is; int tlwre are proâ€" llmlily fa“ pt‘tlllit' \tlllo hill)“ just how‘ I' name.†said a "in order to inâ€" (‘hut‘lm i. all Eng» ii mim- to hour that iwthoimmlt’ ,stutionor. wrtultw .hlis ruvcnuo lnnd granted vermin privilegv-s umâ€" [mg to luonopollios. and among. ioun lilier “as the. nitmttrfucturv of writing lpfljlt‘l" tho onulimivv right of which was g row Hold to vorttuin [llli'iit’-S. who wealthy and l‘uirlt‘llt‘ti the (invot‘nmonb at. tlw exports? of thou» who were ohm iiget’: to u’ suah yum-ix At that time Iuli E‘lngl' t pmwr ilflni‘. tho royul t'out lot‘ or†' water lllfll'lli» [i‘ut “limit itht- jllelJZtlnl‘lll undo? Cromwell. tome. ‘into tumor it m'ldu agiort ol this; law ‘in «wry wossihlo mannerr and among "otlmr indi» lilies to the. memory of {Elinrlw it. wuss unit-Had that; tho. royal urmS l‘B rumowd from tho paper and thitl a fool's rm) and l‘IlilS should be use-d ms a substitute. When the rump purliomeut \ma yu‘orug‘ued these worn zlliso :‘emovrd. ll‘ili. 5::11)“I‘ of tho Size of tits inl‘l-‘itimténturjr journals). \Vhiuh is Ulrfllliii)‘ sovnntt‘t-n ivy lourtven JIM‘hUS. still hours Llw nmut- of foolsvup in lingâ€" n iiztnd. i “ll! F1 ARJYMNA WAY. l Ntl'ungvr»~.llo 1.1m (\iiii‘t‘l'ï¬ of tho imv ll'wre nitond l-sl,l'lt,‘-l 1y to thvir duties! l Arizona Al»~â€"‘i‘hm}r huf lo. Stingrt‘mlad ltlu: Sheriff. for lvttin‘ ll. hogs. thief use: ‘ Citâ€"pie. > P l S‘lrttiipzm‘--~lâ€x'oil\ omen? 1 Arizona. Al.â€"7,“\‘r\-~fmm u troo. Till-liliui Y. Fimxwhllunv jll"{‘jll('- display zi want of marinara by laughing in puhlic. 1H zâ€"«And when; direnlny a min“; 01 mm t-‘Lw