Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Apr 1898, p. 4

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HWHMUXD Hm, Public Not," â€"Jnmas Mckm‘dt. “or Sale co. licmnuu. Vaughan Councilâ€"J. M. Lawn 01100 Clerk‘s Noticwmluo. Stephenson, Tu Rm)t~-»~Jnsinh Rumnmx. Chunge- A, H. Lozinr & (‘0 Clnmgo--~Atk1nson IQ .‘S\\1»Zc1: (Viango~C. Mast'n. Change#H. A. Nicholls. m ‘TEfiii'sem. 'J‘hs report; of the Postmaster U011- erul just. to hand gives $1,120 as the annual (:chndityu in the t. 'anspm'm- tion of mail matter from Richmond II ‘1], Thornhill and otho‘v places along ’Yongru street betwcorthis Village and Tol‘ontm The various sums paid are as follows; : Redford Park and Toronto .3410” 00 Dcul‘ Park and Yorkvillo. .. 83 30 Lang‘stafi' and 'l‘hnrnhill . . . . 100 ()0 Richmond Hill and 'ailway. 313 ()0 'l‘hornhill and railway. . . . . 275 (JO Thornhill :nnl TOl‘Ol'ltO. . . . . 249 ()0 ’l‘his 5001113 to he a large amount T“()ll(‘}’ to pay for the accommoda- tion ruccivod. In this village the ci‘izcna have to wait for their mail until 10.15 a. in, and in the evening the time is about 7.45. When it considered that the first Metropolitan our roaches here every morning at 8.15., business men naturally think it f1 hardship to have to wait for their morning: mnil :Lnothtâ€"r two hours and and a half, The gtwcrnment should endeavor to give a more satisfactory service. eiul, or Municipal elections. The propomdhallotis divided into two pirts. and on each opposite the name of each candidate. 'J‘ncreis also :1 finger pointing lo each circle where the voter is ex pected to mark his ballot. We beâ€" lievethat such a ballot would answer a good purpose, and see no reason 1 Why any person who can read should ‘ mark in the wrong place unless he it intentionally. At present Voters are instructed to make a cross at the right hand side of the canâ€" didate’s name for whom he Wishes to ~vote, but the law does not say that will (1 oes a cross any other place not coinited. 'l‘herc is too much latitude allowed for Deputy-Returning officers, returning oliicers; and judges, and there is too much stress laid upon With- .35 “ the intention of the voter. out a doubt is often to have to count the ballots. This can easily be done by those who care not part is a circle be i the intention of a voter , trouth for those who ‘ MOSHE. (7105:31qude Hunt-01', the “walliumwn evangelists, have sug- gested anew form of ballot. which (1 at; ibmnlniwn, Pruvin- might b0 1’ which candidate is elected. A voter should be compelled to make his cross in one of twoplaces, failing which he should lose his vote. Messrs D. Gunn, Brothers & 00., 'l‘oronto, have just issued their an- nual circular, drawing special atten- tion to the importance of the egg trade in this country. The circular goes to show that the foreign exporta- tion of eggs is capable of vast ex- pansion. Nearly $15,000,000 is spent annually by Britain alone in pur- chasing foreign supplies, and it is claimed that as we now have a fast steamship service and cold storage carrying * facilities, Canada should supply {tweed-part of the demand. Some years ,..ago : when *the United States Government putaa dutycn eggs of fr-centsa dozen it was feared that the Canadian trade would 'be considerablyinjured. This has not been the case; however, as the price of eggs 111*“1‘01‘0nto at the end of March wasras high as it was in New York City. 'In fact the United States have become exporters of eggs themselves, they having sent to the British Isles last year about a million (lulCll. Gunn‘s circular gives valu~ gable hints to those in the trade, New Advertisements: MAIL SERVICE bl” A pril $100 00 83 30 100 00 313 00 275 00 249 ()0 1898 lion. Wm. Liiuiouk, POSUHHSR‘T- Genomiflms introduced :1 bill pi‘O“ posing several :mmmimmits to tiw Poat. Office Act. if if?» proposal t<> Changc iciicr pnsimge i'mm three cents per 0112100 or fraction of an ounce to two vents pm 0mm: 01‘ fracâ€" tion 011111 mince. IL is. niso proposed to impose, pcmihgc 011 iimvspapcl‘s from the office of publication at the rate of half a cuiit’1iigmuii(l,. This will appiy 0111}; Lo 1\(:\Vs}::i}fiioi‘s sent more than ten Julius from the point. of publication. Mr. Muiosk Cuntcnds that the free t1‘é]i\si‘11ir~;<i()il 0i" news- papers has box: mo :1 s::i*iuim mailer for the revenue of fhix ('TJiliiti')’. Forty five. l’ncyolisls were up in the'I‘(n‘or1toil%liue Court) this week charged with riding on sidewalks and ludilox'mmls. The, line “inflicts , but: it in (‘ach (‘IISO was $2 and corl 7 i3 proposed to make Hm line until the. px‘nctiuo is <1ismntdnnwl. When some one run (lown and badly inâ€" jured in liiolnnond lilll there will likelybom1earnest ('ll'ol‘l] made to put :1 stop to bicycling on our side- walks. ‘tholmm sl'u'mlvl hour in mind that we, have n llyâ€"law hero sim- rn ilar totlmt, in un'onlo. Must; oi' Lhu fall whmb came through the wimOr willmul, injury, and looked exceedingly well up to the latter part of March. The pres- ent. cold amp, hmch 21‘, will have, an injurious Cfi'ucf on the crop as the frost has been unusually swam durâ€" ing the past ten (lays. W are the 'giwund C(H‘Prwi with :1 mm of snow the roots Would he proi‘uchwl, but as the fields have been have fix? some time the farmers (in: naturally l' -:‘.1'l'ul Of the results. Suldnm {lo we see in this part of Ontario such a degree of Frost in the month m" April. During: the past, \mek the relations imtwccn the United States: and Spain have been \‘m'y mush sis'ainorL but the latest. dispatches an: more favorâ€" able towards a peaceful setticmont. President McKinley’s message which was to have been given to Congress yesterday has been postponed until next Monday, the, idea being :0 give Gen. Lee time to withdraw the American residents from Havana. Many changes will take place befm'e Monday, and‘it thought that war may yet; be va‘tod. The protest against the return of Mr. John Richardson, :Irihoral momâ€" hmroioct‘for East York, has fallen through owing to 11m expiration of the time during which the $1,000 forfeit has to he put up. It is one" thing to enter a petition against the return of a mmnhor, but it is quite another thing to Sh<)\V that there has hocn anything corrupt on the part of the candidate, or his agents. An exchange asks the very perti- nent questi01]â€"â€"“ What’s the matter with our boys ’7 ? and proffers an answer which is given in four words ~â€"â€"“ Lack oi" Parental Control.” The solution is not far from being correct: Public school teachers and Sabbath school teachers can do a great deal in moulding the character of chil- dren, but no outside influences can remove responsibility from the shoulders of parents. AGEN'ITS, “Glimpses of ihe Uri- seen." A lmok of facts stranger than fiction. An ilnpl'og‘mll)le proof of: Christianity. Beautiful and wonder- ful answers to 1m yer: visions of the spirit, land; inzrrvvls of the mind; the prophetic spirit; mind reading; (:liLirvnyuncog liypnnt‘ism; human prmligios; report; of: “The British Associntimivnf Physiml Rwezrrnli.” Alst) expm-ivnccs ()f clergyman on those and kindred subjects hit/lwrtd enslirondod in lllySlrl‘l‘y. Scientific; popula‘; sells {‘0 ovurybodv. \ Iapitnl‘ unnecessary. 'VVrite quickly, 'for territory is going. BRADLEY- GARRI‘JTSON ()0 IPANY, LIMITED, ‘URONTO. To rent in cm Vil‘uwe of Richmond Hill, a Brick Hogse with everv convenience and in good repmr. . ,.,,L n nvtnn‘T Ripans Tabules cure constipatien. T53 RENT Apply to C. hgéq‘ON “I mam mammaammW ’ Richmond Hill “resent enmluyvd that, need not. prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn what we can do for you. We have the lurgvest, must (amnâ€" plpte and thoroughly upâ€"m-dnte nurseries in the Dnm‘nion..,_ There is a largely increasing {lemma} tori Homo-Grown Nursery Shock. If you cannot give full time tc our interests we "an au‘ ‘ange hberul terms \- ith ym. fur w] 1 time We grow a full line nf P‘i‘nit 'E‘J'rvs Bm'ry Rushes, F'imverlnfl Shrubs. Ornn Helm-L1 '! rws. Havifl‘hw Bulbs, Hosefi and Feed I’omt‘ws. All our st wk gumuureed mm wan-mined tn .ivu U , \Vllte and tell us yum are 0pm: for 1111 (Ifer and we will make you 2L prnpasminn you will want no accept. A Desirabie Residence on Ynnqe Street, Rich- mond Hill, first home souyh of High School. House and Lot to rent. on north 0nd of Lucas St., Richmond Hill, two acres a)- land with stable Apply at THE LlBRuAL (Juice. 384 m. MISS FREEK, DRESS-MAKER, March 24. Im A commodious Dwelling and Store. with Lawn and Garden. Terms easy fpy purchaser, and ront- low to good tenant. The dwelling and land can be rented awn-t; u'om theistoxe. L‘orterms,&c., gully 307 v A " The undersigned has for sale on lot 27. 3rd con. 'aughnn, 200 » bugs choice seed‘ potatoes, mm and em‘iy. 39-1 WM; JONES. Richmond Hill, P. 0. Em Sale m m m Four Second-Hand Buggies, all in first-class repair; also lGladstono, nearly new. Apply to W. R. PIEQQTOR,‘ Grain Chopping every day of the week at Boyle’s Mill, at four and five cents a, bag. 30â€"tf. W. MAGER. Arril lst, 4 mo A1] Supplies Sent Free : The Trial Costs You Nothing ; You th You:- Pay Every Snturday. . . . . . Have you got Consumption, Cutmrh, Asthsz or J, Cannabis S tivu, Dr. Sievesas’ East India Remedy, will on ~- It has C'fizcfi many ca‘m" CI pulmonary C011$'11nptimx, ] hopeless by physicians. Its; Virtue is attested by lcazliug nufl‘a:,,u medical profzssion; by business men of hégh standing; 1sz 11.211 owe their lives to fls marvellous power. to heal the 1m , Inll'zy tion, renew the Vital elements of the blood and create strength. IN THE VILLAGE OF 1% ichln 011d Hill, uuu, Acucvv nu. vucu Ln,.uu.m u. u.» un/v“ “UV VA~ So confidant am I of its Virtue that I will send a pavL 12 days’ treatment, absolutely without cost, duty pi'quzinl. 1,0 who will Send me an accuri‘te statement of his or her case. that one package will effi ,t a c0111p‘101e cure, but bci' I so .._ A u: < 1 gir‘gfléérdérrfiedofrom it that the tre‘atmcut will be comm plete cure is brought about. “For from the 22d of l: uary, 1873, to the gm of May, x876, I nflver was :11: in or outof bad‘once-alot: .‘.10?'never1a‘y ten minutes off my back, mm“ ncve r ofbed one-halfdayat a time, and spent upwards of $1,400 withoui much ifs: g andjvqnjy used a few Cents over $20 for your medicine till I was we”. , . kn -H. LN: .HHI 1 nY-m cu 38»tf nun.- . on” u..-“ .4 n. w .. “Itls now exactly 6 '01} months glnce l loft my bed, and 1 am an 1. healthy, and without pain or achp, or {my Rymptonm ofthe dmense. For H six months I have been able to make a good living for myaelt‘. Last fa ll] (u , and drew in gmin.” ROBERT A. HAMMJTUN. Sept, 1897.â€"Mr. Hamilton's health still remains good. “My son was given up by three doctors. They said he could not live, 1 three days after commencing to take CAN. Ams SATva, we could we :1 (- for the better. It cost me hundreds: of dollars {or dor‘tm‘s lmfm‘c 'i got 111i â€"-and they did him no good. He was reduced from 150 pounds to H4 pun“. in one week after he began to take the Remedy; he gained 14 pounds. Alt five packages he is stronger than ever before. His re ' ry has been :u edged in this place as a miracle. To God and your name ve give tlm 11R < f JOHN DIBAL, JR.. \Vcslpur‘ READ "FMS. Ilicllénlonfi Hill 57â€"tf House to Rent Ripans Tabules cure bhd breath. Seed Potatoes RICHMOND ST., FOR SALE TO BERT NOTICE. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, E. l‘. Elzlckfs HE «‘6 Co. Apply to JAMES NEWTON, Elgin Tannery MR‘S.’ FALCUNBRIDGM, 725 Ontario St, Toronto Toronto. 0m. man whn desires to fill a stumlv paying positinn and earn good wugus! If you are at. What it has done for anthem. Richmond Hill ‘ mmnxmto‘x‘wu, Canada, Av. Bicycle-5; (Crescent and Cleveland), Agricultural in; )Eahzuumts, ‘_.3 Bradley’s; lfi‘ertifiizers, I’lvnnauth Eiginficr ’l‘svine. Reprosentu‘rive for Canada law‘s, i’hulmix :x 00’s., Dominion 1511331111155 and L MT One Door south of Tum Immnfi 1. Office. xtras f0 ‘ all kinds of farm implonu-nts. Repairing m-mnpfly dune - il‘LV. .‘ ... -. A . T‘. JVOI-th VVPSK; mud 5‘7;23.S€$,5£2fi184.€?}?1(3“7 .fifi ufl’ai 0 13.0! 905;. WVOOI and EKHbE)eI- linen» L? was. Horse Blankets, Ttrunks & Yulism, \Vhips :llldAOPhéW supplies always in stock. RICHMOND Poultry Netting 2 cents per yard up. 4 Timed Manure Forks, 40 cents. IO lbs. 3 inch Wire Nails, 25 cents. Newmarket Horse Clippers, $IL65 per pair. Creamers, 60 cents each. Royal Canadian Wringers, $33.00. Grandeapids Carpet Sweepers, $2 75. All kinds of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Eavetroughing at lowest prices. HARDWARE - STORE “THE LIBERfXL” 'OF’FLC'BE. Turns out nothing‘ nut Firstâ€"(lluss Harness. . MASON, - RICHMZOND HILL HILL aepairing iii-Promptly Dong JOB PRINTING L’(‘f$ lone ' , nor ,1er fl Best 1140:“ her 1? race In the market. (1:111 and see them. Repalrivg promptly attended to. 93g (1} IE (). DE (*E')( )N A LI) NEAT AN D ATTRACTIVE R iclun 0nd I’lill Also Immufzu‘turer of the DONE AT uwnix and. 3111, 01‘ annual? mm'tuw LL. .1 demand For Em mm xsv WM Mendy, ynyfilw 1mm. V‘qii‘ guwrh W «x I‘m-n 1 1'! 0m Um“: our N Didn't WTUJ‘, n profitabn 0:: ‘11? 31'.) ‘sm‘iw « my, amok m in Lin) close: ' H 11. w111 ('0 'i, you 1x: (11 THE FINEET T? V THE VJC 'Tt“.i313«ckml\mdnrtifi augervifion .3r3,:x.n11s:uh crtlsg-d and sold hy them x mm -, or € w 1-,» ~‘t q";1‘m“c:~: 01 Indwu and Ceylon 'i'vas. I" r Hm! x , m Hm, ,g-v‘ that none but the 2m ry {4:14; 1'32?» {:0 auto Monsoon packages. That is; x “ I‘vi'mxsonq.’ V713 rcficct Tea, can be u' ns min: {CI}. {11 an!le cm‘mies 0*: 36 11x, 1"». and A Hum: uzxvanrs :L! 4004 50c. and 600. (VHHCT It is put a 11)’; .am} bola H yo . N ‘ 6- CE) not ‘7‘:qu £1. 19H him to write m STEPS“ [WAY-L 15K 3: CO, Ix and 13 Frank St, Ms‘TiCIa?“ . st. T In on Sum-xi with (Mn Avril L t Honk Ripans ' 'ahflcn cum nausea. HLpJnS 'l‘uhuhzs cvre headache. 7m: VJORLD ‘3 “‘3‘” ‘” FROM; T'r'E “r "B. PLANTI'QJTHE TEA CUP ,AUEUI UN furnish: huw- Hu uninimx. I”; ATEVLZ F‘UHITY 3:90 53: ‘é‘r’rifiaxmafi fir"; #‘é "a! 1'.» V \‘xiim, IQ , .. up 1!-,, (‘ll SSEKHIEJFEH(EVVRII “IX )mv xlur‘zi nmn Nur i-x My. {fun-’sn‘ss :1 Rpm 'u {m !.;;I\‘(":r ,stziting {mm hum Just ~ 1‘ 0 news. und grown Chaim-.3 us 1:0 5011‘th with :-<-1-1i{icz‘.t,( ry (w m) miss-1m]. m- 1mm; Linn" UR have fu‘xh‘d flat, “0 s on I'm: * 0 1 “uli‘vl Mn: 111311 and want Binders i": tht' H90

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