Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Apr 1898, p. 5

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Emmwsamémmzx. thmzuxn Hum, April ‘.» MVV lb? \‘m'fi- {1‘01}: 10 X'vwlnmduys im' of Dr. F. J. {5731:1111mfi1‘. Rivhmnmi Hist} fitnfur‘ head-(Ly uf month (Fair D- 13!) 12; EM, 3111 HM Hi! from 3 h) 5. Amharier inspr Dzu y (‘cltihx (lmmfu‘. 1115;»:- gummmtml. Dr. F. J. Rivhnmmt 11‘ Fire 1?;rigw1dv mcming w; Rinndm uvcning :LL S n‘rluck, I Nownm‘rkut, Han-ma flippers, $115 M U. Ma m‘n. There is; :1 kinson (u C ’EZOth NAP; ' ship (Iowa 12th in ‘1 THE {mm will be, swat '1 from Lhiu «I; $1.00 village Raf-1,01- 01) Mon; The WM (‘m 2m] ,‘xpzm‘w m Clouded CHM-hm “Mun Cotton, G 1:13;. Idliinssxm . ’I,‘(,>-1mm<>‘vx Hing v L‘llln‘go ‘MH ma dumbi, hoiiday uypmnuuw. 11’" places of luwhws» \» i‘l ’ “flow , Easter Sunday: as: ihv been had Llw warm \\‘I u :ontimwd timmgh Hm 1' April. \x'uuk‘. ‘n n- ;m'of Mal-(“h ' part Hi" N0. 1 Cor: Wm] Pure Lard S! cm. , mlnmn, 1“ Mm 121‘)‘ Will: 10 (715. ,Aflxiuam) k‘x' “wins-1'. Q ,- ‘ .7 ‘ n ngs \wm a master wlIHd A Pair MY GUI”: liimmm‘. w“ :zcln 1 : w;sl()siߴfmni;:y (‘x‘e‘11i11;:‘.\r-1'~.x<>z\ I‘m- Masnnici , ,H‘l‘;a\‘z‘.;;vÂ¥5 iillT‘. The finder wan umm‘ :L Q'sz’ ‘va leaving; :191‘ Km Msvmml m‘i’ii- \. After 510 H313: in '1 until 1111‘â€" Hler native. chopping mil; 3w (Enm- at, ‘szrslfs Hill, Maple. mfly ml \‘x’viinms- days and fr§:iill1'a1:kys. Sm‘ mlv. on 2111â€" (1Ll’191' pugv. Gum] R‘él’irizlnH :3 «is. pun- Eh. ; Egtru Hofi'vo, glxumui \K‘hlia ynu “m9. ‘ (11s por 11). : Figs 500:. pvr H2. .2» (‘1 Swifzmn The Mvh‘opohhm . ash e't-tmmg «(wen smw‘lct-ra flu- tmâ€"nun'I-mv ((imml Friday.) Cars Wm loan»? Bivhmmzd Hill for tho (:iiy at 9.30, a}, 1.3% L 1.30 7 and 11. Th? List new will leave (,7. j). R. Crossing ['01- the north at N p. mi 'R. Show has been g<~1iiug wvm-nl new line-z; ui' beau: :md shuw: furin Easterle ’ ‘ Lmdp. Buy; my}, Girls, an all 21;: '€H('1151I‘u~i \‘z'n mm uh’vwn 21.»? we?! a“ he :ani‘mei in {uniwuzu' this slumstuw. Asumd varwty m-ly now he wvu in this :«mev win'iow which always lumiis :zitmrst iwh Atkiusmll R Swiiruw do not, “ mam-h up the hill and down 2‘ » H“ unkrss they bring ;L load (If noflmu wing Goods with Lhmn. V Mr. John Brown had :1‘ sucvossfui sale yvstwduynml was wvil piwwd with the result. .‘Jivsssrs. Hvkm'd‘ {’z-onticvwielded L110 gmwl by mum, and got, through .‘L LH-gv list quite mu‘lyinflmvvoningr. Elixplumm said well, and (:3 He brought gum} figures. One cow was carried alum: unLil the price reachvd $.31. The services in the Methodist church on Sunday will be «11' ab spm‘iul charâ€" actor. Appi'upi'iabv Easter music will he furnisde by the! chair. in the evening 'l regular song sorx'icu will be, given. Euswr services will :liSU he, held at Hvadfoi-Ci in the rimming, and at Victoria, Square in 1314‘ .‘lfi,0i‘1)()()ll and evening. Our Millinery opening was a splen- did success. Had it lzu-gm‘ number of admiring visit 01's than at, :my previous opening. Atkinson & Swilmm'. PATTERSON. At the Close of the regular preaching service last Sunday afternoon, 2L re- ception service was held, and twentyâ€" two persons were received into the church on profession of faith, all, with two or three exceptions, being adults, and many of them heads of families. The regular weekly service for prayer 21nd Bible smdy, held every Thursday evening, is conducted by Rev. A. R. Szuidei son, and is being largely at- tended. The Mdrch number of The Manitoba Good Templar, published at \Vinnipeg, contains a column article from the pen of Mrs. Elizabeth Law, mother of Mia. R. E. Law and Mrs. J. Grant of this village. In this article the writer who is staying with her daughter, Mrs. (I)1-.)Blakely, gives reminiscences of the temperance movement in the vicinity of Richmond Hill from the year 1828, dealing principally with the work of the I. O. G. T. The subject of the sketch and Mrs. Blakely also appear in the same. number in 2L group representing Fort Garry Lodge of Good Teinplars. Mrs. Blaker is Grand Semxataryof the Grand Lodge of Manitoba and North \Vest Terri- Atorics. Eggs will scuery 1m 80 E in”? 6‘": EASTER SERVE} 19%;. FAMILIAR FACES. ins-fiuin mLi' ln-h-i‘I-a. Al,â€" «1: “vglxizé'wwfi msz :«mwwmammim A?" 91w (IPHUH‘: rlm‘ \x'm r'v-«gwn ‘I-L’H'ié‘ .39“? (1“; r. ‘H Lama HR". 3 N “J for 3 fax w trollc‘y poles m ui‘ ; , J :vs‘wd Ln (millâ€" nmn do, with Mr. J. \‘2'. Mo} ‘3, Mem- 1‘ m“ L‘uv I‘w‘l-th'npnlinn lulilwzzy. .mmzit-uiimm h'ft. .t. TUE LIBERAL n wiil 1m forwarded m Mr. Muyvs. Thu :w 1143‘." will aim he pleased to lwm- (how, having gravel pits :zkmpj Yuma) 8(1va north of Rich- mum' Hill. ‘ In em}; arm-19 of commerce it is a \wll»!\'n<)\\‘n that, thv best is the a-hvupvst. f is with bicycles and if fmn unfinian pun‘hnsing one this «m I g, \‘9 you a. Smier “on (.110. “ 1 put money in dour! (113301, yuu w? :‘nm‘ pm'kf-L by consulting H. A. Fin-boils whu ' '11 as he; *tflfol'o handle "'i‘hr ("rm-wont ’ which have given vhmmi. mt «Man in the past, and Han “TH-known (‘lwveland for whH-h ho 11st bovn alumintod "““.‘2]t. \‘Cv (“In SF“ yml an np-to-date ' \dw (‘rvssoyxt fully guaranteed Sand for cataloguvs. (a) (EOFZI’EL'I‘EM PIC {ANUE The progmnmw at the Gospol Tom- swmnw nuwting Ir 1: Sunday was , SM mat. as: mx-vionsLVannounced. .3. Bible qumn \VPISI"Hdi!1111(‘X})12li1]('(1 by Mr. J. H. Hmulm'sm), Mr. \V. }{&Ll'- 16301) 3; n‘vhis :Mh‘nv‘s's mm The Early Rm-nfiwiions .f!}1.~ Liquur Traffic in Rivlmmnd Hill and "fungv Sh, Mrs. G. M ' 'on sung :1 5010, and MI” Switzvr, a Ai/‘V'S \V‘a‘ih'y, Mr. J. H. Snudvrsnn and \Ir. F. Ifmhlitt gnvv a quart/Otto. Thom: (imva Tvmpmmmv IIIGPfJillgS will flow 110M; Sunday when an inter- esting: px'ngrsunnlv wi'l 1m punented. The pubhc "11- inviter l' the ()IH‘lllng' (‘xori 50:; the following nrngrunnnz) will in» givonziAddress an Faith, Rm: A. R. Silllllol'soll; Alto 1-3020, Alias l1. \V‘loy; :‘ulzlrosg, Hope, Miss Anni:- Trmich: Baritone Solo,' , J. liunw; Adtlross, Love, Dr. Huirlilsnn. Mr. T. l". McMahon will mummy the chair. The League are alwayspimsmlmul Mimiurugml by a large ziiy‘wnalance of fl'l(’11(lS:Lt£l,lllllGE‘tâ€" ingus. A brief prayer survico is held i1)!lll(‘lli:ii;(‘l:\' preceding this service. “I (,E. 'i‘. U. (YO'NV L'TION. Themuniflinnnnl (:nn‘mntion 0f the \ansin‘s Christian Tmnpo 111100 l'niml will he livid in Annvtio Sh, \lvlhmlist (llllli‘ch, Turonto Junction, an ’l‘lmrsclay, the Hill of April. The first session will begin at 10.30 :1. m., ihv afternoon svssion at 1.30, and the («mixing smsion :11’ 8 (i’r‘lnok. [ntervst- ing pup-5‘12; will be rmul at, wwh of the Hussimm. Through the kindness of Mr. Mnyvs, n spraizll into, has lwun given H10 Vi". ,7. T. 17‘. and their friends. ii‘arv fur the rounil trip by Motropoli- tan-“150%. going: by 1'Ognlar fairs. A special (7:11‘ will leave the C. 1’. R. (‘rrzmsingat II p. m. for the return trip. I!) is hoped that a large number (if our \‘illELgt’l‘S will take advantage of iiiis trip. Th“ lmzlggl'm purpmvhuiding their Lvn’m'n Sou-Vice as 1151141011 Gund Fri- day owning. Thu " Three th‘éLCHS,”â€" Faith Nap-u and Luvcwwili be the \Hblit‘ctt‘rfflu‘, m‘oning. At the close \Voiigziin ask the readers of THE human to kindly rvmmnln-r the Eustmr nfi'<‘-riixg for 13h?! Hospital for Sick children. As tlw Inn-its of this Institution are so wvll known to the [moplu of Richmond Hill and vicinity it: is nut nwwssary to furnish any inâ€" i'nrniaiion regarding it‘. “’0 know that Lhuri- are many m 113 made in be- half of worthy charitivs, which meet :1 hmu-ly rrsprmsv from our people, nirmy ul~ whom have verified the say- i a, of the Master, “ IL is more blessed Ln give than to 11 - ivv,” and we also know tliziiLhel-o is no more worthy vlmrity than this liospibztl, which ('itl‘OH so Ivndm-ly for sick children; nobof Toronto alone, but from any part of the country whore such care is ncudod. Donations (if fruit, eggs, bunks, Lgys, &c., may he left at THE LInmmL uih’cv on Guud Friday morn- ing. Those will be carefully packed and sum, to the Hospital on Saturday. Lot us all help in providing for these puorlittle suffering ones a “Happy Eustortimu” in His name, who has said, “Inasmuch as ya have done it unto one, 01" the least of Lhese ye have done it, unto 1110.” “'9 copy the following from the Htonifville Sentinel of lust week :MOn \‘vkwlnesdzty of this week :r number of relatives and friends gathered at the residence of Mr. Chas. Rndmore on ‘ i,)’Brien Ave., to Witness the marriage of Miss Ida Louisa, eldest daughter of the late W'm. J. Smith, to Mr. George Drury, of Markham Township. The ceremony x 'st performed by the Rev. J. 0. \Vilson, of the Stoufl'ville Pres- byterian Church. The bride, who was presented by her brother, Mr. W. J. Smith, was attired in a beautiful, rich brown costume. She was assisted by her sister, Miss Bella Smith, who was adorned in it splendrous green habit, while, Mr. \V. Shell, of Toronto, :10th the part of groomsnmn. After the ceremony, which took place at 5.30 o’clock, and the usqu congratulntions, all sat down to a sumptuous and deli- ‘ raton prepared wedding;-supper. The ‘prewnts were numerous, useful and costly. The newly married couple left on the eight o’clock. train for To- ronto, followed by the well wishes of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Drury will take up their abode on a farm in Vaughan Township, near Richmond- lâ€"Iill. The Sentinel unites with their many friends in wishing them lon- gevity, prosperity and happiness. WANTED : qu‘lners’ sons 01- other indusl/rious persons of fair education to Whom $60 a month would be it“ in- ducemnut. I could also engage a few ladies at their own homes. A \VHLL-K‘N U‘NN FACT. A STEP; OFFER TNG‘ U1 w. -. x n“ {\T . Lu‘ H! P ‘ V VIC \VEDDING B EL T. H. Lle‘GUTT, TORONTO. 1‘ OTIS}; )LS. Gertrude, the five year old daughter of Mia Geo. Derry, had a, narrow escape from drowning on Tuesday afternoon. 01] her way- to see her grandâ€"mother, Mrs. G. VViley, the little girl jumped on the top of EL water tank, sunk in the ground opposite Mr. Elliott’s on Richmond street, when the ‘ worn out plank gave wa '. The tank 1 was nearly full of water and Gertrude was wetubove her wuistJmt fortunateâ€" ; 1y she held on with her arms until her ; little friend, Ethel Metculf, drew her 1 from her perilous position. Naturally : the parents wore much alarmed when they learned of the dangerous acci- dent. A numlwr of the village tanks 7 are dangerous traps, and the problem is how to overcome the difficulty. It is almost impossible to keep them lock- 0d so close to the ground, and yet it is l dangerous to have the lids in such it wu y that children can open them. The C(thâ€"‘l's could be easily nailed 1 down, but in case of a fire there might | he difficulty in opening them quickly. The Council will no doubt 100k into the matter and see that the covers are not allowed to decay. DEATH or CAPT. 'MEESNNELL. The following obituary notice aip- peered in the Globe of Monday, as at special from \Voodstock :#On March the 24th Capt. McConnel passed away at his home 011 Francis street. On Tuesday, March 22nd, he was at his post as engineer at the New Barnes bicycle factory, where he has been emâ€" ployed since the works started. Durâ€" ing the afternoon he was taken sud- denly ill. He. was found almost in a. dying condition. The «sick man was removed to his home and in two days died, a victim to heart failure. The late Capt. McConnell was born in Scarboro’ Township shortly after the rebellion, and afterwards with his family removed to Markhan. \Vhile there he attended the' Cavalry school. and was connected with tne Canadian czivztlry for some twenty-five years, being captain of N0. 2 troop, Oak Ridges cavalry. In the year 1877 he retired to Richmond Hill. In the meantime he. received the appointâ€" ment of License Inspector for West York at the time the Scott Act was in force, which position he held for seven years. Then he became an employe of the Patterson Bros, remaining with them until they gave up business. Capt. McConnell’s’geniul disposition won him a. host of friends. A wife and three childrenaFi-ed, Myrtle and Oliveâ€"mourn the loss of an affection- ate husband and father. On March 26th, at the captain’s late home, :1. large number gathered to follow his remains to their last resting place. An impressive funeral service was conducted by Rev. Dr. McKay, when he eulogized in warm terms the captain’s worth as a. church member and elder of Chulmer’s Church. The floral offerings were beautiful, in cluding a star from his brother elders and a wreath from the New Barnes Bicycle Company and several others from friends. The pan-bearers were six of his’brotherâ€"elder’s. Among the friends from a distance were Messrs. Alex. Turnbull,, Major Williamson, Hobt. Harper, John Turnbull and Mr. . and Mrs. Jos. Howell. ' RANEOMâ€"ln Rinhmnnd Hill, on MnnJuy. the 4th of April‘ the Wle at M. Ransom of a Sun. REA E‘FélAfi E5 SMITHâ€"*GEEâ€"In Smrbom, on Tuesday. the 5th of Maren, by Rev. J Vickory, Mr. C. E. Smith of Gormley to Miss Annie Gee 01 Victoria Square. SNOWDON~At Aurora, on Wednesday morning April 0th. Mrs. Wm. Snowduu. Deceased, WhL was u. sister of Mrs. John Palmer, Will be int-erred in the Aurora cemeterv on Friday, April 8611. Funeral lrum her lute residence at. 2 p. m. XVANTED. A féw good men for 9313sz slag" QR ‘yefiulrly sakmries. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, TORONTO. A House with two acres of land and stable to rent. Apply to .1051 3H REAMAN. 41- Carrville, P. 0. AT RICHMOND EHILL “STATION Choice Yellow Corn at 42 cents per bush ; also Seed Pens (Prince AlbertM$ EOcentsqwer hush. 30-tf J. R. UAMPBE LL M09¢¢0¢®¢6~¢9®¢$$¢v©¢ 2 *4 000“6W00 UIVU the The only foodg that will build: up a weak ConS- g a titution gradu- X Chance ally but surely is g 31 aple Saws? Blill fiâ€"bf 79w aar$6§69®¢§6¢69666 Rims Tabules: gentle cathartic. a. simple, scientific and highly 3 nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. g Martin’s Cardinal F996;. @9906“ KERRY WATSON Q CO.. Pkonmtrons. Mou‘rnru. 6h After the mm of April and until further notice, on Warinesduys and Saturdays At low prxces. Satisfaetion guaranteed. FELL INTO A TANK. CHOPPI‘NG G we FOR SALE T9 RENT HI Et'H’ESS‘a. DE \TllS HE NRY MARSH 1898 THE NEE PROOF New Dress Goods New Prints New Flannelettes New Shirtings New Cottonades New Tweeds and Suitings 860., (300.. 800. , w N .nvmefi-MW' “ fimw Swing Goods DEMONSTRATE THE POWER OF PRICES. IN DRESS GOODS, And Linings, Ribbons, Muslims, Embroider- ies, 810., for example, come and see the fine display of things you really need. We expect )our trade and are prepared to merit it. We aregivingparticular attention to our Winter Grades of Felt and Maniw toba Rubbers and Ladies’ Skating Boots. "We also .;ca1:ry «IfulE .assort;~ .ment of Men’s,"Ladies’ and. Childrcnfs Leather Goods in Black “and Colored, made by the best manufacturers, sell- ing lines at close prices. Be sure and see goods, for we have something that will interest you. Rapairing Neatly and Promptly/ Dona. ISAAC CROSBY. We Aim to Please. ROBT. 3'1V‘E'RS. ___A'1‘_._ 71898

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